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The Divine Spark: An Allegory of Awakening
The Divine Spark: An Allegory of Awakening
The Divine Spark: An Allegory of Awakening
Audiobook1 hour

The Divine Spark: An Allegory of Awakening

Written by Paula D'Arcy

Narrated by Paula D'Arcy

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this audiobook

In this deceptively simple allegorical tale, author and sought-after retreat speaker Paula D'Arcy recounts her own spiritual journey in a way that will echo in your heart long after you finish the book.

In the town of Status, across the river from Quo, nothing ever changes. Children are taught to memorize facts, but not to think for themselves. Adults live by the motto, “Work, produce, stay the same.” And as long as everyone follows the rules, there is harmony in the two communities. The shops hum and all ceremonies for the worship of God are appropriately formal and well-organized. The past is revered and the future seems to be secure.

Then the Stranger comes to town.

Bringing tales of love and of the Great Being, the Stranger captivates the local children with his joy and delight in life. They dance, fly kites, and disrupt the established rhythm. But Status and Quo’s town elders disapprove, and soon force the Stranger to move on.

And so the townspeople return to their comfortable, predictable lives—all except for Anastasia, a young girl who can’t forget the lessons the Stranger taught. When she reaches her seventeenth year, she begins to feel restless and recognizes within herself a deep longing. A tragedy sets the wheels turning for Anastasia’s quest to find the Stranger whose words once captured her heart.

The Divine Spark is a work of visionary fiction for anyone who has ever felt called to leave a place of comforting familiarity in search of the unknown.
Release dateFeb 17, 2016
The Divine Spark: An Allegory of Awakening

Paula D'Arcy

Paula D’Arcy is an author, retreat leader, speaker, playwright, and former psychotherapist. In 2001 she established Red Bird Foundation, which supports the growth and spiritual development of those in need throughout the world. The foundation has twice sponsored WOMENSPEAK, an international conference that honors the woman's voice as a force of peace and healing for the world. D'Arcy survived the loss of her husband and young daughter in an accident in 1975. She was three months pregnant at the time. Among her bestselling books are Gift of the Red Bird, Waking Up to This Day, and the award-winning Stars at Night. D’Arcy serves as an adjunct faculty member of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. She has one daughter and lives in Texas.

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