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The Tripp-Lewinsky Tapes
The Tripp-Lewinsky Tapes
The Tripp-Lewinsky Tapes
Audiobook1 hour

The Tripp-Lewinsky Tapes

Written by Geoffrey Giuliano

Narrated by Geoffrey Giuliano

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

The recordings that Linda Tripp surreptitiously made of her conversations with Monica Lewinsky about Lewinsky's affair with President Clinton have mesmerized the nation and are bound to become as much a part of our national consciousness as the Watergate tapes.
We've read about the scandal and the people involved - we've heard the pundits' opinions and the politicians' spins - but now we are finally able to hear two of the key participants - in their own words - and to get a glimpse of the people behind the headlines.
Release dateMay 19, 2019
The Tripp-Lewinsky Tapes

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