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Unraveled: The Hope of Coming Undone
Unraveled: The Hope of Coming Undone
Unraveled: The Hope of Coming Undone
Audiobook5 hours

Unraveled: The Hope of Coming Undone

Written by Tiffany Bethmann

Narrated by Tiffany Bethmann

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About this audiobook

Why is this happening to me? Why has God abandoned me? Is He a good God?
These seemingly unanswered questions can cause doubt.
In looking at the lives and circumstances of some of the characters of the Bible, we learn how to walk through the inevitable moments that unravel us all. I share my own personal unraveling experiences offering my transparency as an invitation to run to God. I'm honest about the times when I wrestled with God in the midst of grief, broken dreams, and pain. I admit that there is still unraveling taking place in my own heart. It's hard to trust during those times in which you desperately want to know what's going on, what's going to happen, and if everything will be alright, and yet God doesn't provide detailed blueprints. Instead, He calls us to trust more deeply, to believe more fully. Quite frankly, it's easier to yell up to heaven, "You've got to be kidding me, God! Why this? Why me? I'm a good person!"
If you can relate. I invite you to listen to Unraveled.
Release dateNov 12, 2019

Tiffany Bethmann

Tiffany Bethmann spent many years in corporate America in the marketing and sales industry. One day, she woke up and decided to make her HGTV-coach dreams a reality by earning her real estate license and starting her own business. Now, Tiffany shares her stories of unraveling with Christ through writing and speaking. Tiffany, her husband, and their three daughters live in Tennessee.

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