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You Don't Have to Eat the Eyeballs: A Story of Travel, People-Pleasing, & True Self-Love
You Don't Have to Eat the Eyeballs: A Story of Travel, People-Pleasing, & True Self-Love
You Don't Have to Eat the Eyeballs: A Story of Travel, People-Pleasing, & True Self-Love
Audiobook2 hours

You Don't Have to Eat the Eyeballs: A Story of Travel, People-Pleasing, & True Self-Love

Written by Katrina Bos

Narrated by Katrina Bos

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

One day, on a remote island, Katrina Bos found herself faced with having to literally eat eyeballs… When she told her friends later about it, they asked her why she did it -- why didn’t she just say “no”?
Well, because she had never considered that she could. She was a long-time people-pleaser who almost never considered her own desires, preferences or comfort if it meant possibly disappointing someone else.
She had been metaphorically “eating the eyeballs” for her whole life.
Does this sound like you? Are you the kind of person who tends to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of others? Are you too polite? Is it hard to be honest if it means disappointing someone?
In “You Don’t Have to Eat the Eyeballs”, Katrina Bos shares her journey from eternal people-pleaser to finding true self-love and connection, leaving her days of eating eyeballs (real and in everyday life) behind her.
Release dateDec 17, 2019

Katrina Bos

Katrina Bos is a Canadian speaker, author, and teacher of tantra, meditation, and spiritual studies. She is the founder of Fusion Tantra, an online school where she teaches how to integrate the ancient wisdom of tantra into every aspect of our lives. In 2018, she gave away everything she owned and headed out into the world on a "Journey of the Mystic" - listening within for each step, deepening her connection, and discovering people, places and experiences that she never could have imagined. Her first book, "What If You Could Skip the Cancer", is the story of when she met her first teacher, Jim, who helped her begin her true spiritual journey. Her second book, "Tantric Intimacy", shares stories and teachings to help us integrate the wisdom of tantra into every aspect of our lives. She is based out of Toronto, Canada and is currently travelling, exploring, writing, and teaching around the world. For more information, please see her websites: and

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