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The History of England Volume 1: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to King John
The History of England Volume 1: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to King John
The History of England Volume 1: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to King John
Audiobook20 hours

The History of England Volume 1: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to King John

Written by David Hume

Narrated by Mark Elstob

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

Though David Hume (1711-1776) is now best known for his role as a prominent philosopher of the Enlightenment rather than an historian, it was his momentous six-volume The History of England that really brought him national attention during his lifetime. It came out in instalments between 1754 and 1762 and proved an instant success. As it covers the ground from Julius Caesar to James II and the Glorious Revolution, it may not be so surprising that it is now overshadowed by A Treatise on Human Nature and An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Surely its limited purview – taking English history only to 1688, virtually a century before Hume – would seem of limited interest to 21st century readers? This is not the case.
Hume undertook widespread and careful research in his preparation for his History, as is evidenced by the voluminous references underpinning his information. Furthermore, he was relatively close to many key events in English history – not least the periods of the Stuarts, Cromwell and the Interregnum.
This underpins the sense of authority which pervades his history – for Hume's purpose is not just to present the facts, but to dress them colourfully with character and opinion. For example, the account of each monarch closes with a vivid assessment of the reign and personality. In conjunction with Hume's lively, even challenging literary style, The History of England is entertaining and thoughtful as well as informative.
This is shown from the opening book. Not surprisingly, this volume covers the greatest number of years; the increasing availability of historical record allows for far greater detail. But Hume is still fascinating as he discusses the passage of time from Julius Caesar, through the advent of William the Conqueror and the Normans, to the death of King John in 1216. Starting the story here sets up the listener for what is unquestionably a varied and exciting journey.
Release dateMay 9, 2024
The History of England Volume 1: From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to King John

David Hume

David Hume was an eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher, historian, and essayist, and the author of A Treatise of Human Nature, considered by many to be one of the most important philosophical works ever published. Hume attended the University of Edinburgh at an early age and considered a career in law before deciding that the pursuit of knowledge was his true calling. Hume’s writings on rationalism and empiricism, free will, determinism, and the existence of God would be enormously influential on contemporaries such as Adam Smith, as well as the philosophers like Schopenhauer, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Popper, who succeeded him. Hume died in 1776.

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