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The Sphinx's Riddle
The Sphinx's Riddle
The Sphinx's Riddle
Audiobook11 minutes

The Sphinx's Riddle

Written by Kelly Johnson

Narrated by Kelly Johnson

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

In a land of towering pyramids and shimmering sands, young Amir's curiosity and wit set him apart in his village. One scorching afternoon, he discovers a hidden entrance near a majestic pyramid, leading him into a labyrinth of ancient mysteries. Guided by torchlight and surrounded by hieroglyphics telling tales of gods and pharaohs, Amir's journey deepens his understanding of an ancient civilization's grandeur and myth.

In a vast chamber illuminated by an ethereal light, Amir encounters the imposing Sphinx. Challenged by its riddle, he delves into hours of contemplation before deciphering its meaning, earning the Sphinx's approval. Emerging from the pyramid, Amir carries with him newfound wisdom and a deeper connection to history, reaffirming that the pursuit of knowledge requires courage, patience, and a keen insight into both the past and oneself.

PublisherKelly Johnson
Release dateJun 21, 2024
The Sphinx's Riddle

Kelly Johnson

Kelly Johnson, author of Being Brave, is a counselor, coach, writer, speaker, retreat leader, and human rights advocate. A blogger since 2005, Kelly maintains a following of readers on her monthly contributions to The Glorious Table and her church blog, Today I Saw God. She is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, The Mighty, and Today Parenting. Follow her online at

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