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Monster Planet: A Zombie Novel
Monster Planet: A Zombie Novel
Monster Planet: A Zombie Novel
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Monster Planet: A Zombie Novel

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Surviving the end of the world was the easy part? It's twelve years since the dead came back. Ravening, mindless zombies have devoured almost every living thing on the planet. The few, scattered survivors are surviving on canned goods and a refusal to give in and die. They are lead by Ayaan, a former child soldier turned brilliant strategist. She's twenty-eight years old, in a world where the average life expectancy is twenty-five. Together with her adopted ward Sarah, who has the psychic ability to see the life-force of the undead, she's gathered a few hundred survivors in Africa and given them safety, something to eat, and the possibility of a future. It would be a lot easier if the zombies weren't so well organized. Out of the east a dead prince has risen. The Tsarevich, the most powerful lich the world has yet seen, is able to command his fellow zombies and has crafted them into an unstoppable army. He has swept across Russia and eastern Europe, hunting down every survivor he can find. He's about to come down on Ayaan and her desert oasis like a tidal wave of death and horror. Yet quickly enough Ayaan realizes he's not just out for her destruction. He has something else in mind, a goal that will take him--and her--across oceans, all the way back to Colorado where the first zombies rose from the grave. He's going back to the Source and when he reaches it, no one will ever be safe again. The fate of all life on the planet is up for grabs, and if Ayaan and Sarah can't stop him there will be no more second chances? 
Release dateApr 1, 2014
Monster Planet: A Zombie Novel

David Wellington

David Wellington is the author of the Monster Trilogy (zombies) and other novels, such as Plague Zone (more zombies) and Frostbite (werewolves), which were also originally serialized online to great success. His novels also include a vampire series published by Random House: Thirteen Bullets, 99 Coffins, and Vampire Zero. Wellington received his MFA in creative writing from Penn State and currently lives in New York. For more information straight from Wellington, visit

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Quite a few years have passed since Willard Ruskin and his companions merged with the dying star Betelgeuse and helped open the gates to the galaxy for humanity and its neighbors. As humans and others use the starstream to reach new worlds to colonize, it's a boon but also a danger: In the starstream are the Throgs, seemingly incomprehensible beings who have destroyed ships and even whole worlds, when they are able to follow a fleeing ship out of the starstream.

    Most ships get through safely, though, and Charity is carrying colonists bound for a new colony world. Among those on board Charity are Claudi Melnick, age eight, Sheky Hando, age six, and Jeaves, AI age two hundred or so--the same Jeaves who was a very mixed blessing for Willard Ruskin. Jeaves still has his own agenda, and it involves the Throgs.

    It also, as he observes Claudi and Sheky, comes to involve the children, who are seeing and experiencing things that most of the adults, and most of their fellow children, are not. Things like the still-distant Throgs.

    Things like the multiple-consciousness being that was once Ruskin, Alimaxim, the assassin Gantz, and Bright (Betelgeuse's own name for herself.)

    Claudi and Sheky are bright, sensible, but real children, with real personalities and limitations. Their youth may be part of why they are open to what's happening around them; they also struggle to make sensible and responsible decisions beyond their experience--especially as they come to realize they may be the only ones who can avert disaster on this voyage down the starstream.

    Carver has done a great job in portraying real kids, real adults, real relationships among them, as well as a fast-paced and enjoyable adventure.


    I borrowed this book from a friend.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Gay. Not even about zombies. Lots of homosexual scenes with graphic descriptions of wieners.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I thought this was a great end to the series. I really enjoyed reading these books. Probably wouldn't read them again...but was entertained.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The third of the trilogy, Monster Planet is a little slower than the previous two. I felt confused by one character's sudden turn to embrace a zombie friend -- just think it needed some internal dialogue to segue into the obviously illogical embrace. Good read -- not great. It will stay in my library.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A mediocre finish to Wellington's nouveau zombie trilogy, with the focus again placed on the so-called "liches;" undead people who have retained their human thinking facilities. True to the title, the plot jumps from continent to continent, from Egypt to Manhattan, but all this hopping around and the assembly-line antics of new villain the Tsarevich give the story a thin, contrived feel. It has its moments, of course, but if anything it makes one nostalgic for the slick, supergory simplicity of the first book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A wonderful conclusion to Wellington's Monster trilogy. I'm actually a little sad that the series is over, but I know that the author will continue to put out awesome horror novels.

Book preview

Monster Planet - David Wellington

Part 1


Ayaan shoved the helicopter’s cargo loading door open with one booted foot and dry desert air rushed into the body of the helicopter. The aircraft wobbled and soldiers grabbed for stanchions and nylon loops to steady themselves, but Ayaan just shifted her footing. The warrior stuck her head out into the blue sky, the graying ringlets of her hair bouncing in the wind. Her face wrinkled as she squinted at the burning sands. There were people down there—alive or dead, she couldn’t tell—and they were advancing in the direction of her encampment. For once this was no false alarm. Get me a close approach, she shouted.

From his position at the controls Osman didn’t turn to answer but the crew all heard him over their radio headsets. Of course, girl. How close would you like? Do you want to smell them?

Ayaan ignored him, instead turning to Sarah. She gave the younger woman a warm smile and beckoned her to come over. Don’t worry, she said, I won’t let you fall out.

Sarah moved to the open door of the Mi-8 and leaned out over the fuel pods. She needed to get a better look at the army below them, without the interference of the copter’s fuselage between her and the mob. Fifty feet below grey arms strained toward the helicopter as if they could grab it and pull it down from the sky. The dead had lousy depth perception.

I need an estimate of their strength, Ayaan demanded. Are they fresh?

Sarah studied the crowd as Osman slewed the copter around in a wide turn over them. This army had come out of nowhere. The dead rarely announced their movements but a group this size required some kind of coordination. Mindless ghouls didn’t work together unless some strong will was directing them. What they had come for was a mystery. What Sarah did know was that Ayaan wouldn’t allow it. This little stretch of the coastline of Egypt was her nation, maybe the last nation of the living left on Earth. She wasn’t about to let the dead take it for themselves. Ayaan had always prophesied that something like this would happen. For years they had drilled for exactly this kind of attack and finally, inevitably, it had come. They had scrambled the copter the moment the first reports of movement on the perimeter had come in.

Now Ayaan wanted Sarah’s opinion about how to proceed. Sarah was younger, just out of her teens, so she had better eyes. She also had other senses that Ayaan lacked.

Trying to ignore the howling of the wind outside of the helicopter, the glare of the sun on the sand, Sarah pulled the hood of her sweatshirt up to cover her hair. She focused her attention on the parts of her that could sense death, just as she’d been taught. The hair on the back of her neck and on her forearms. The sensitive skin behind her ears.

She closed her eyes, but she kept looking.

What she saw startled her. The ground below teemed with purplish energy, dark splotches where the dead smoldered cold and hungry. But between those shadows burned beacons of golden light, stronger, more vital—alive. Impossible. The dead and the living couldn’t work in close proximity. The dead existed only to devour life. Still. She saw what she saw. Even as she attempted to process what that meant she saw one of the golden shapes moving, lifting something to its eye. Something held with both hands. She opened her eyes and saw a living man with pale white skin aiming a rifle right at her.

Look out! she shouted into her microphone, loud enough to make herself wince. Before anyone could respond a bullet tore upward through the fuselage of the Mi-8, barely missing the foot of one of Ayaan’s soldiers. The woman shrieked and jumped backwards as automatic rounds tore through the thin skin of the copter’s belly. Light shot upwards into the cabin wherever a bullet came through, streaking the dark cool space inside. Noise drummed along the deck plates, pattered on the helicopter’s roof. Ayaan started shouting orders but Osman was ahead of her. The helicopter banked around so hard Sarah could hear the airframe wanting to come apart. The pilot yanked back on his control yoke and they popped up into the air like a cork out of a bottle, gaining altitude fast enough to make Sarah’s stomach curl up on itself like an injured animal. She swallowed back the vomit that rushed up her throat and lifted one hand to try to brush the sweat from her forehand. She stopped in mid-gesture, though, when she saw her hand was sticky with blood.

Terrified of looking, too scared not to, she turned slowly around. The interior of the helicopter had been painted bright red. Blood had pooled between the crew seats and was draining slowly through maybe a hundred narrow bullet holes. What remained of a dead woman lay sprawled across the deck, one shattered, thumbless hand so close to Sarah she could have reached down and held it. She felt a perverse desire to do just that.

It was Mariam. The expert sniper of the platoon. It had been Mariam. It wouldn’t be for long.

The hand twitched. Closed into a loose fist. The dead soldier convulsed upward, her shoulders rolling as she sat up to look at Sarah with blank eyes. Her mouth opened wide, blood spilling out from between her teeth. Most of her rib cage on the left side had been blown away. She definitely wasn’t breathing.

It could happen that quickly. Sarah had witnessed the rise of the dead before. Ayaan had taught her what to do about it. She took her pistol out of her pocket and lined up a shot with the dead woman’s forehead. Even as the new ghoul lunged at her she fired. A little splutter of blood burst from the woman’s right temple. It wasn’t a solid kill. She could feel the ghoul looming over her, getting closer. They were slow but deadly—a single scratch or bite would be enough. Her fingers shook as she lifted her weapon and tried to aim.

Ayaan rushed Mariam and grabbed her by one shoulder and her remaining hip. Cover, she shouted at Sarah. Sarah protected her face and head from clawing fingernails as Ayaan rushed Mariam out of the open cargo door. Her undead body pinwheeled down to smack the sand in the midst of the army below.

Ayaan and Mariam had been together since they were schoolgirls, since before they had gotten their first periods. Since before they learned how to shoot. Nobody said a word in protest or outrage. The thing Ayaan had dumped into the sky hadn’t been Mariam anymore and they all knew it. It was just that kind of a world, and it had been for twelve hard years.

Osman kept climbing until they were well out of range of the guns below. The dead kept reaching for the helicopter but the living stopped firing and they were safe again. Firearms, Ayaan said, wagging her jaw around to pop her ears. The dead don’t shoot.

Sarah steeled herself. She needed to be part of this conversation. There were living people down there, too. Maybe a third as many as the dead. They were all carrying rifles. I don’t claim to know how that works.

Ayaan nodded. We knew there had to be one of them providing close support. One of them. A khasiis. The Somali word meant monster. English speakers used the word lich. The not-so-mindless dead. When a ghoul managed one way or another to preserve its intellect post mortem they also tended to develop certain new faculties. They learned to see the energy of death, just like Sarah did. Some of them learned to control other undead, to communicate with them telepathically and bend them to their monstrous wills. Ayaan had some experience with liches. She had shot one in the head years prior, one named Gary. Gary had not only survived that shot—he’d gone on to enslave an entire city. It took a raging inferno to finally bring Gary down and Ayaan had lost plenty of friends in the process. One of those friends had been Sarah’s father. There must be a top-level asset nearby, Ayaan said.

Top-level is right, if he can override their natural instinct to devour the living. Fathia, Ayaan’s second in command, leaned her chin on the stock of her assault rifle and looked scared. "Gary could do that, for a little while. But even he had limits. If this army has been moving together for a long time, marching together—it would take a stronger khasiis than Gary. And there’s only one of those that we know about."

The Russian, Ayaan said. Her eyes narrowed to thin, angry slits. The Tsarevich.

Sarah knew it had to be true. But what would the world’s most pre-eminent monster be doing in Egypt? Everyone knew the boy lich’s story. He’d been injured in a car accident, a hit and run, back when there had still been cars. He had languished in a semi-comatose state for years in a hospital bed, half dead even before the Epidemic began. When the dead rose the boy had been abandoned where he lay, only to die and rise again with his intellect intact—and with new senses and abilities, new supernatural powers no one had ever seen before.

They said he had an army of the dead, and a cult of the living, and that in some parts of Siberia he was considered to be the second coming of Jesus Christ. The stories about him always revolved around his cruelty and his power. They made him sound like a devil. For himself he claimed only to be a Tsarevich, a Prince of the Dead. Everyone knew the stories, but no one had thought he would ever come so far.

He came here himself, Ayaan said. He’s here, now. Her cold eyes lit up, but grew no warmer. He has made a mistake.


Ayaan had a responsibility to the survivors—the living—she had left outside of Port Said. She could have ordered Osman at any time to circle back and provide air support for the camp. She didn’t. The other women in the helicopter started to trade sidelong glances, the occasional half question. We’ve never fought an enemy with guns before. Shouldn’t we regroup, get some reinforcements? Leyla asked.

Ayaan glared back at them. Some of Mariam’s blood still flecked her cheek. The camp is hardened against attack, if that’s even what he’s after. If we give him a chance to get away now we’ll never see him again. We’re going to find the Russian, today, and we’re going to remove him from play.

It was enough for most of the soldiers. Ayaan had lead them into stranger encounters and she had proven her tactical brilliance a hundred times over. If she said she knew what she was doing they believed her. Sarah wasn’t so sure but she kept it to herself. The women remembered her father with respect, but that had never rubbed off on her. As the youngest member of Ayaan’s unit and the only non-Somali her opinion counted for little. Still she couldn’t help having a bad feeling.

Ayaan had always been more than cautious. She’d bordered on paranoia in the past—and it had kept her people alive. Now she was throwing herself into the lion’s maw. It made no sense.

I’ve got visual confirmation of a second group, Osman called over the headset band. Smaller... maybe fifty individuals.

Close with them but keep an eye on the floor. Ayaan had a pair of field glasses in her hand. They had been designed to provide night vision but the batteries had died years before. They still worked as binoculars in broad daylight. Her voice turned to ice cubes slithering out of a pitcher. There.

Sarah moved forward hand over hand, grabbing at the nylon loops sewed into the headrests of the crew seats. In the cockpit of the Mi-8 she could look down through the chin bubble and see what Ayaan was talking about. About fifty people—almost all of them dead—were laboring up the side of a sand dune below her. Most of them were tugging on thick lines, dragging behind them a flatbed rail car kitted out with enormous balloon tires. On its back crouched a kind of tent, maybe a yurt. .50 caliber machine guns in universal mounts stuck out from the sides of the flatbed, while in the middle ghouls stood at enormous cranks, adjusting the flatbed’s suspension as it pitched over the dune.

The flap of the yurt fell back and someone emerged from the shadowy interior. Then something happened to the light in the helicopter, to Sarah’s eyes, and to her more subtle senses. She looked again at the figure in the yurt’s entrance. Though she was still five hundred meters away Sarah could make out his features perfectly. She felt as if she were looking through binoculars, though she wasn’t. He was a boy—shorter even than herself, maybe ten or twelve years old. He was astonishingly beautiful.

His skin was so white it stood out bluish in the desert sun. His complexion was perfectly clear, his hair a pale gold lighter than his skin. His large, soulful eyes smoldered with blue flame. He wore the armor of a medieval warrior, scaled down to fit his frame and enameled in glossy black then worked with a motif of bones and creeping vines. He carried a scepter in his right hand topped with a bleached human skull. Sapphires winked from its dark eye sockets.

He looked right at Sarah. Not just in her direction but right at her, making perfect eye contact. Which was when she realized something was wrong.

Grab something, ladies, Osman called just as he swung the Mi-8 around. The machine guns mounted on the flatbed blasted tracer fire through the air, yellow sparks that arced up and tried to touch the aircraft. Fathia leapt up out of her seat even as the bullets tore past so close Sarah was dazzled by their flickering light. The soldier started yanking assault rifles down from the rack at the front of the cargo bay and tossing them to her squadmates. Ayaan unstrapped herself and picked up the oilcloth bundle of her own weapon. The same AK-47 she’d carried since she had left school.

Osman had never impressed Sarah before by displaying courage but he didn’t shrink from Ayaan’s orders—perhaps the two of them shared some secret reason for acting so irrationally. The pilot opened up the copter’s throttle and pushed forward on the yoke, throwing the Mi-8 right at the flatbed with all the power the dual powerplants could muster. Soldiers leaned out of the crew door and the rear loading ramp, secured from a deadly fall to the sands below only by their safety lines. The air in the helicopter vibrated with the noise of their weapons discharging again and again and again. As quickly as that they were in the midst of battle.

One of the ghouls working the flatbed’s cranks slumped against its wheel, its head a dark smear. The flatbed slewed to one side. The Russian’s troops retaliated by spraying bullets across the fuselage of the helicopter and shattering one of the porthole-like windows on the starboard flank. Again, and closer this time, Ayaan shrieked as she slapped a full magazine into her rifle and tested its iron sights.

I’ll take you right up his nose if you like, and leave you there, Osman replied but he wheeled around for another pass. He brought the aircraft in low and fast, almost losing his landing gear as they brushed the top of the yurt. Ayaan’s rifle snapped and spat with tight, perfectly-controlled bursts of three bullets each. The ghouls dragging the flatbed scattered away from her fire but not fast enough. Heads burst, bodies spun and fell. One of the machine gunners slipped and fell onto the sand, his blood jetting from his ruptured chest.

Sarah stared at the boy standing on the flatbed. He looked like the soul of calm. The fusillade of bullets hadn’t even ruffled his thin white hair. There was something not quite right about his energy. It was dark, of course, the boy was undead, a lich among liches and his energy swallowed light like a black hole, but... what was it? Sarah couldn’t quite decide. But something was wrong.

Bullet holes appeared in the floor of the helicopter and Leyla hurried to throw an armored blanket of rubberized Kevlar across the deck plates to give the soldiers a little protection. As the helicopter swung out and away from the flatbed and beyond the range of the remaining machine gun Sarah clipped her safety line to a tie-down on the floor and tried to grab Ayaan’s arm. Whoa, whoa, she said, trying to roll with the helicopter as it banked, hard, there’s something— she shouted, but her poorly-fitted helmet had gone askew on her head and she couldn’t hear her own voice over the engine roar. Ayaan! she shrieked.

Ayaan wasted no more time. On the third pass she switched her weapon to full automatic and emptied a clip into the Russian boy, her arms tracking him with the precision of a machine. The wooden flatbed around him splintered and spat dust but he didn’t even glance at Ayaan. No, his eyes were still fastened on Sarah’s. He was still looking at her. Into her.

In the cockpit lights blared on Osman’s control boards and a bell clanged urgently. The machine gunner on the flatbed had scored a real hit, blasting open one of the Mi-8’s fuel pods. Automatic fire control systems and self-sealing bladders in the fuel system shunted into action and kept the helicopter from exploding but blue flames lit up the fuselage and burning spatters of kerosene leapt into the open crew cabin.

Ayaan, he’s not—he isn’t— Sarah had trouble concentrating on the words. The boy’s gaze compelled her, made her look at him again. She saw so much intelligence in his cheekbones, so much sorrow in his bluish lips. He was hypnotizing her, she knew it, and she knew how to fight it but it made it difficult to talk.

She looked up and saw that Ayaan had picked up an RPG-7V from the weapons rack. She slammed a bulbous rocket-propelled grenade into the launcher and lifted the optical sight to her eye.

Sarah glanced behind her and realized that the port-side crew door was still closed. If Ayaan discharged the RPG inside the helicopter the exhaust blast would blow back against the door and fry them all with super-heated gas. Focused so completely on her target Ayaan had transcended such concerns.

Unclipping her safety line Sarah pitched across the width of the cabin and pulled hard on the door release just as Ayaan acquired her target and squeezed her trigger. Exhaust bloomed out of the conical jet at the back of the launcher and blew away on the wind. Sarah looked down through the open door and watched the grenade jet toward its target. Finally the boy looked away from her, instead turning to face the projectile. He raised his wand as if he could ward off the explosive. It didn’t work.

A brown cloud boiled up off the surface of the flatbed, a welter of splinters and debris. One of the machine gun mounts went flying, spinning end over end away from the flatbed. The dead men still tirelessly turning their cranks spasmed in place as debris peppered their bodies and threw them against their wheels.

When the smoke cleared a meter-wide hole could be seen in the top of the flatbed, a gaping crater where there had been solid wood. Standing in the middle of the hole was the Russian boy. His cheeks weren’t even smudged with soot.

No, Sarah realized, he wasn’t standing in the crater. He was floating above it. He hadn’t moved, literally—he was floating in mid-air even though the flatbed had been blown out from under him. Sarah studied him with her occult senses and breathed an oath. She struggled to get her helmet back on straight. That’s not him—it’s a projection, Ayaan, a mental projection! Just an illusion.

Seelka meicheke, Ayaan swore. She threw the launcher down to the deck of the helicopter with a clang. Osman backed off, out of firearms range, though the remaining machine gun on the flatbed was spinning free and unattended. Every eye in the helicopter looked to Ayaan.

Alright, Ayaan said, after a moment. Osman, set down on top of that dune. She pointed at a rising swell of the desert maybe a kilometer away.

The women in the cargo bay looked at each other and some of them gasped. Fear gripped Sarah too tightly to let her utter a word. If she could she would have asked Ayaan if she had suddenly lost her mind. The helicopter provided the only real advantage the living possessed against the dead—the ability to fly away. If they put down now, with an army of the dead within striking range they would have no real protection at all.

Osman knew a direct order when he heard it, though, and did what he was told.


Ayaan knelt and touched the sand, then her heart, then her forehead. It was a very old gesture, one that predated the Epidemic: she was thanking the Earth, her mother, and her God for the right to make war. The other women hurried to copy her, but Sarah refused to go along. Okay, so this is stupid, she muttered. She knew she sounded whiny and selfish but she couldn’t help it. Someone tell me why we’re doing this again? The ultimate lich of all time is over that hill and we’re going to stand here and fight him on foot. Even though we have a helicopter and we could just leave.

You have never understood what orders mean, Fathia said, rising to her feet, her rifle swinging in her arms. The barrel wasn’t pointed at Sarah—it never would be, not unless Fathia truly intended to kill the younger woman—but the implied threat was meant to be taken seriously. You were a foundling that she took like her own child, and you cry like you are still a baby.

Sarah started to respond but Ayaan raised her hands for silence, and she got it. Do you know why we came to Egypt? she asked, her voice low, soft as the sand under their feet.

There was nothing to eat in Somalia, Sarah replied. It was true. When the dead rose, when the Epidemic came famine had already ransacked the Horn of Africa. With few living people left to raise crops the food shortages had turned into outright starvation. Egypt, with its modernized cities full of markets and groceries, had promised at least some preserved foods. Cans and jars full of tinned meat and pickled vegetables. Ayaan had brought her unit out of Somalia in the hopes of a better life and she had delivered on her promise.

To survive, Fathia answered. To rebuild.

Ayaan nodded. We’ve come so far. I won’t be driven out now.

A protest bubbled out of Sarah’s heart. We’re in danger. When we find ourselves in danger we fall back to a defensible position. You taught me that.

A smile touched Ayaan’s tight face. I’m glad to see you listened. Perhaps you will take another lesson. There are times, however rare, when running away is a mistake. This Russian, this Tsarevich, the Prince of Death, he grows stronger every day. If I do not stop his evil now, when I have a chance, I may not be able to face him the next time. Today I will kill him. If he has the ability to project images of himself then I am forced to go after him on foot, so that I can feel his skull breaking and know I have finished the job.

So let’s call in some backup. Get the others in here, get some free fire zones established, maybe build a redoubt to funnel his advance—

Sarah, Ayaan interrupted.

No, seriously, we can get the other helicopter down here in twenty, maybe thirty minutes, we can establish a killzone, then draw him into—

Sarah. Ayaan closed her eyes and shook her head. Please go wait with Osman.

Stunned, Sarah finally shut up. She couldn’t believe it. Ayaan had uttered the ultimate insult—she had announced that Sarah was useless. That she didn’t want Sarah around during the fight. It was the kind of thing Ayaan would say to a child, a baby.

There was also no appeal to be made. Once Ayaan had given an order she never took them back. Feeling the stares of Fathia and Leyla and the others on her back she retreated to the helicopter. It occurred to her when she was halfway there that she should have just been quiet, should have accepted Ayaan’s command without question the way the others did. It also occurred to her that if she was in the helicopter she was less likely to get killed.

She was thinking such thoughts, her head lowered in dejection, when something fast and horrible smacked into her like a moving car. She fell down hard on the sand as something colorless and violent and extremely fast reared up over her, its stubby arms lifted high, its shining head sparkling in the sunlight and she knew, was absolutely certain, that in the next few microseconds she was going to die a quick but extremely painful death. She closed her eyes but she could still see the aura of the dead thing that was about to kill her. Its energy was like nothing she’d ever seen before. It was dark, of course, cold and hungry like any ghoul’s. But instead of smoking and hissing and sizzling away like ice melting in the sun, this energy fizzed and snapped like something on fire. Its shape was wrong, too, something was missing—

She heard gunfire and it fell away from her, out of her vision. One of Ayaan’s squad had saved her. She opened her eyes and saw a still-moving body sliding down the slipface of a dune. Its arms pumped wildly at the air, moving so fast they blurred. Impossible—the dead lacked the energy to move like that. They were slow, lumbering, uncoordinated wrecks.

This one could have caught a hummingbird in mid-flight and swallowed it whole in the space between two wing strokes.

Getting a good look at it wasn’t easy but Sarah could make out some details. The dead thing had been knee-capped by automatic rifle fire and would never walk again. It was naked, its skin grey and shrunken on its bones. Its lips had either rotten away or been cut back, revealing a pale stretch of jawbone. The better to bite with, Sarah supposed. It wore a miner’s helmet, complete with a broken lamp, to protect its vulnerable cranium. Its hands—oh God—its hands had been cut off, leaving bloodless, ragged stumps. The bones of its forearms had been sharpened into vicious spikes.

Nausea washed up from her stomach into her throat but Sarah held herself together. The dead felt little pain, she knew, but they also lacked the manual dexterity for that kind of surgery. It had to have been a living person who had cut those hands off.

Two o’clock, Leyla called. Sarah managed to turn away from the horror below her to see a new one in front of her. The body of an undead man stood atop a dune a hundred meters from her position. His skin had collapsed on his skeleton so that all she could see of his face was bone. At least he had hands, though they were equally skeletonized. He wore a flapping and fluttering green robe, a little like a burnoose, more like a medieval monk’s habit. He leaned on a heavy walking staff that was made of three human femurs, fused end-to-end.

A lich. Not one of the mindless puppets Sarah had seen reaching for the helicopter but a lich, a real lich, a dead man with an intact brain, as smart as any human and more than likely possessing powers indistinguishable from magic. It was the greatest of the Tsarevich’s crimes that he not only destroyed the living but he changed them, making them over to suit his designs. He had made the handless ghoul, just as he had made liches to be his lieutenants.

Sarah had survived dozens of raids against the undead and hundreds of attacks by hungry corpses. She didn’t spook easily. She’d never seen a lich before though and the apparition chilled her right to her guts.

I gave you an order, Ayaan said. She wasn’t looking at Sarah. She had her AK-47 up to her eye and she was lining up a headshot. The green phantom was at long range though and Sarah knew Ayaan’s chances of a clean kill were slim.

The robed monster raised its free hand to point at the women before it. One bony finger stabbed out at them across the sand. Sarah could feel dark energy streaming from it like light through broken clouds. Rolling up over the dunes, bouncing, bounding for them on all fours a dark shape zipped across the sand. Another came up behind its green master, launched itself at the women.

Fall back, Ayaan said. The women started, slowly, to come out of their battle postures. Everyone fall back.

Sarah tried to move but was compelled to watch a third speeding shape jump over the dunes. A fourth, a fifth, and a sixth came along in close order. One of them wore a motorcycle helmet with the visor closed—she got half a look at it before it accelerated right for her.

A warm and yielding arm—with a hand on the end of it—scythed across her stomach and knocked her off her feet. It was Fathia, Ayaan’s second in command. She picked up Sarah like a rucksack and bodily flung her into the helicopter’s cargo space. Lying on her stomach Sarah looked out across the sand. She saw the female soldiers running towards her, running towards the aircraft. The accelerated ghouls, moving like time lapse movies of what they should be, were running faster.

Get us out of here, Fathia screamed at Osman. The pilot was already flipping switches on his control panel. One of the speeding ghouls skidded to a stop not fifty meters away and looked right at the helicopter. It saw them—Sarah could feel its attention, its desire.

One soldier, then another jumped into the helicopter. Sarah watched three of the sped-up ghouls collide on top of Leyla, their sharpened talons stabbing into her again and again like mechanical pistons. Her blood spilled out on the sand and the smell of death brushed up against Sarah’s nose. There were others losing their individual battles with the blurred monsters. Where was Ayaan? Sarah could hear her screaming but she couldn’t see her.

Go now, go now, go now, Fathia chanted, leaning out of the loading door, scanning the dune for the women who hadn’t made it to the helicopter. Sarah found herself chanting the words too. The fast ghoul was heading for them, galloping across the sand. If he got inside the helicopter it would take him only moments to kill them all.

But where was Ayaan? Sarah couldn’t see her. She pushed her attention outward, as she’d been taught, searching for any sign of the commander. There—she heard something. Cantuug tan! Ayaan’s voice. She sounded distant, her words torn at by the desert wind. Had she surged forward to try to take down the green phantom? Any further instructions she might have were lost in the noise of the rotors spinning up. Before the fast ghoul could reach the Mi-8 Osman had it airborne and banking away.

Only half the crew seats were filled. No one protested or asked the pilot to go back

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