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Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry
Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry
Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry
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Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry

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About this ebook

The emerging field of green analytical chemistry is concerned with the development of analytical procedures that minimize consumption of hazardous reagents and solvents, and maximize safety for operators and the environment.  In recent years there have been significant developments in methodological and technological tools to prevent and reduce the deleterious effects of analytical activities; key strategies include recycling, replacement, reduction and detoxification of reagents and solvents.

The Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry provides a comprehensive overview of the present state and recent developments in green chemical analysis. A series of detailed chapters, written by international specialists in the field, discuss the fundamental principles of green analytical chemistry and present a catalogue of tools for developing environmentally friendly analytical techniques.

Topics covered include:

  • Concepts: Fundamental principles, education, laboratory experiments and publication in green analytical chemistry.
  • The Analytical Process: Green sampling techniques and sample preparation, direct analysis of samples, green methods for capillary electrophoresis, chromatography, atomic spectroscopy, solid phase molecular spectroscopy, derivative molecular spectroscopy and electroanalytical methods.
  • Strategies: Energy saving, automation, miniaturization and photocatalytic treatment of laboratory wastes.
  • Fields of Application: Green bioanalytical chemistry, biodiagnostics, environmental analysis and industrial analysis.

This advanced handbook is a practical resource for experienced analytical chemists who are interested in implementing green approaches in their work.

Release dateFeb 23, 2012
Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry

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    Handbook of Green Analytical Chemistry - Miguel de la Guardia

    Section I



    The Concept of Green Analytical Chemistry

    Miguel de la Guardia and Salvador Garrigues

    Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

    1.1 Green Analytical Chemistry in the frame of Green Chemistry

    Three years ago, when we published our review paper on Green Analytical Chemistry [1] it was clear that, at this time, Green Chemistry was a well established paradigm well supported by more than 50 published books, an increasing number of research teams who influenced the scientific literature and involved the editions of special journals like Green Chemistry or Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews. However, there was a big contrast between the situation of green catalyst development and the scarce use of the term Green Analytical Chemistry in the literature. In spite of the fact that many studies from 1995 [2–5] were focused on the objective of reducing the analytical wastes and making the methods environmentally friendly and sustainable there was little conscience in the analytical community about the use of green or sustainable terms to define their work.

    Fortunately, the efforts of research teams like those of Jacek Namieśnick in Poland [6–9] and Mihkel Koel and Mihkel Kaljurand in Estonia [10–11] have contributed to establish the main principles and strategies which support the green practices in analytical chemistry and, because of that, the publication of the books of Koel and Kaljuran [12] in 2010, de la Guardia and Armenta [13] in 2011, and that of de la Guardia and Garrigues [14] in 2011 evidenced that nowadays Green Analytical Chemistry is becoming a movement which can modify our perspective and practices in the analytical field in future years.

    A simple idea could be to consider Green Analytical Chemistry as a part of the whole green chemistry idea, in the same way that someone could consider that analytical chemistry is the part of chemistry devoted to development and analysis. However, it is evident that analytical chemistry itself is not a part, but all chemistry, observed from an analytical viewpoint which consists of searching for the differences between atoms, molecules and chemical structures. Ahead of considering the links between the elements of the periodic table or evaluating the molecules from the presence of a functional groups, analytical chemistry focuses on the differences between atoms and molecules which are apparently similar and thus there are many specificities of Green Analytical Chemistry which must be evaluated in order to be able to provide a clear orientation for greening the analytical tasks.

    As Paul Anastas has established in his abundant literature on Green Chemistry [15–21], the idea to replace hazardous substances with less polluting ones or, if possible, innocuous products, and the prevention of waste products in origin together with the restricted use of the prime matters and energy can be summarized in 12 principles (see Figure 1.1). These principles focus on prevention more than on remediation of pollution effects of chemicals and provide guidelines for improving the synthesis methods through the use of renewable raw materials, the maximization of the final product in terms of total mass, the reduction of energy consumption and the search for the reduction of chemical toxicity of involved compounds, also improving the use of catalytic reagents instead of stoichiometric ones. In the aforementioned principles there is a direct reference to the analytical methodologies and the need that they must be improved to allow real time and in-process monitoring and control prior to the formation of hazardous substances.

    Figure 1.1 The Green Analytical Chemistry strategies in the frame of the Green Chemistry principles.

    However, the analytical work also involves the use of reagents and solvents, employs energy as well as data and results, and it generates waste. So, some of the Anasta’s principles can be easily translated to the analytical field as those concerning the replacement of toxic reagents, energy saving, the reduction of reagents consumed and waste generation. However, there are several specific strategies of the analytical work which are of tremendous importance for greening our practices. As has been indicated in the scheme of Figure 1.1, remote sensing and direct measurements of untreated samples are the greenest methodologies which we can imagine and, because of that, the development of portable instruments and an instrumentation able to provide remote sample measurements without the use of reagents and solvents, will be a primary task in the future. Additionally, as is shown in Figure 1.2, all the developments in chemometrics will improve the multiparametric capabilities of the aforementioned instruments in order to provide as much information as possible with a reduced consumption of reagents and based on few measurements.

    Figure 1.2 The main tools for greening the analytical method.

    Miniaturization of processes and instruments will be also a key factor for the dramatic reduction of consumables and energy and many efforts have also been made in the literature to downsize the pretreatment and measurement steps, based on the development of microextraction technologies and micrototal analysis in order to move from gram and millilitre scales to micro- and nanoscales. So, it is clear that the strong reduction of reagents and solvents involved in miniaturization processes is welcome from the environmental point of view, but attention must be paid to the lack of representativity which can affect analytical results based on reduced amounts of bulk samples and thus, extra efforts must be made in order to avoid the potential drawbacks of using small amounts of samples.

    Automation was a revolution in analytical chemistry in the mid1970s and the development of flow injection (FIA) [22], sequential injection analysis (SIA) [23] and multicommutation [24] provided essential tools for improving, at the same time, the main analytical figures of merit of the methods and their green parameters, based on scaling down the amount of reagents and sample employed and the use of pure solutions which are only mixed when necessary. That reduces drastically the reagents consumed and waste generated. An additional advantage offered by the automation in the analytical work is to avoid the cleaning of the glassware employed in former times in batch analysis, which also contributes to remove or minimize the use of solvents and detergents.

    However, the fast, self-cleaning and reagent saving mechanized and automatized methods of analysis also produce waste, which in many cases are toxic residues containing small amounts of pollutant substances present in standards, employed reagents or injected samples. Because of that, the on-line treatment of analytical wastes has been emerged as an important contribution of Green Analytical Chemistry in order to move from the old practices, which do not take into account the deleterious environmental side effects of the analytical practices, to a new sustainable paradigm [5]. It is, from our point of view, a highly interesting contribution from the practical and also from the theoretical perspective, because it clearly shows that for deleting the pollution effects of chemicals an additional chemical effort is desirable. So it offers a clear example that chemistry is not only one of the reasons of the environmental pollution problems but also an important part of their solution.

    Figure 1.3 Milestones in the development of Green Analytical Chemistry methods and strategies.

    The on-line reuse or recycling of solvents used in chromatography, flow or sequential analysis, the on-line decontamination of pollutant compounds through chemical oxidation, thermo or photodegradation, together with the use of biodegration systems and, in the case of pollutant mineral elements, their passivation and on-line removal, can be integrated in the whole analytical protocol. So, this strategy could provide clean methodologies which can improve the green parameters of a method without sacrificing any of its figures of merit.

    In short, as is clearly shown in the scheme of Figure 1.2, the main tools available today for greening the analytical methods concern chemometrics, automation and miniaturization. From those, a drastic reduction of reagent consumption and waste generation can be made improving also the main analytical parameters.

    On looking through the analytical work in the last 40 years (see Figure 1.3) it can be seen that the efforts made for greening the methods came from the objective to reduce the cost of analysis, to improve their speed and also to downsize the scale of work. We could mention, in addition to the development of FIA [22], SIA [23] and multicommutation [24], the use of microwave energy for sample digestion [25] and analyte extraction [26], developments in extraction techniques using solid phase and especially including a reduction of working scale in the case of solid phase microextraction (SPME) [27], the use of stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) [28], and measurements on solid phase spectrometry (SPS) [29]. Molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction (MISPE) [30] has contributed to enhancing the selectivity of extraction techniques while reducing the amount of reagents employed.

    From the initial contribution of cloud point techniques [31] liquid phase extraction also has been enhanced by reducing the volume of solvent required through the development of liquid phase microextraction (LPME) and single drop microextraction (SDME) [32,33], also including liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction (LLLME) [34,35]. The use of supercritical fluid extraction for both analytical and chromatographic separations was an important step in the development of new analytical applications [36], as well as the possibility of working at the nanoscale in liquid chromatography [37,38]. Finally, the proposal of miniaturized total chemical-analysis systems based sensors [39] or the development of lab-on-valve as a universal microflow analyser [40] are other examples of contributions to the development of today’s analytical chemistry.

    1.2 Green Analytical Chemistry versus Analytical Chemistry

    We can understand that the environmental pollution is the matter of concern for all those who live and work on this planet but what value does Green Analytical Chemistry add to the essential importance of analytical chemistry? To answer this question we must think about the main aspects of the analytical methods and the challenges for the future.

    On considering the essential aspects of the analytical work (see Figure 1.4), the analytical parameters emerge as the key factors to be considered. Accuracy, traceability, sensitivity, selectivity and precision are the essential and basic figures of merit which must be assured in order to provide to the industries, consumers and policy makers the appropriate tools to do their determinations. However, all the aforementioned parameters do not take into consideration the safety of operators or the environmental effects of the use of the analytical methods. Additional practical parameters, which must be also considered concern speed, cost and safety of the determinations which are called practical parameters but can affect also basic parameters such as precision, by increasing the number of replicate analyses based on their relative low cost and speed. So, at the end, an increase of practical parameters can reduce the standard deviation of determinations by increasing the number of analyses in the same sample and enhancing the analytical methodology in terms of precision.

    Figure 1.4 Objectives of Green Analytical Chemistry in the frame of the analytical figures of merit.

    Taking into consideration the objectives of Green Analytical Chemistry it could be enough to add to the aforementioned figures of merit the so called green parameters which involve the evaluation and quantification of: (1) the toxicity or dangerous nature of reagents and solvents employed, (2) the volume of reagents and solvents employed, (3) the energy consumed, and (4) the amount of waste generated.

    In short, when we consider the Green Analytical Chemistry in the frame of Analytical Chemistry we must think that the basic idea is to preserve the main objectives and to try to improve the analytical figures of merit but at the same time, to add an extra effort to take into account the replacement of toxic reagents, to avoid or at least, to reduce the amount of reagents and solvents employed to do the analytical determinations, to evaluate and reduce the energy consumed and to avoid or minimize the volume of waste.

    So, the Green Analytical Chemistry does not try to renounce to any one of the progress in method development but adds a compromise with the preservation of the environment, and, as it can be seen in the scheme of Figure 1.4, the main strategies involved in greening the analytical methods can also improve the traditional figures of merit. Because of that, there is no conflict between the work made in the past and that suggested for the future. Green Analytical Chemistry just adds an extra ethical value in front of environmental protection and thus, we can see the evolution of the analytical methodologies from the classical analytical chemistry to the green as a change of mentality and practices more drastic than modification of principles. In fact, Green Analytical Chemistry will continue to be an effort projected on the whole chemistry field to search for the best way to improve our knowledge on the composition and properties of all type of samples in order to provide a correct answer to any kind of problems in chemical terms.

    When we look at the different steps of the so called analytical procedure and we consider sampling to sample preservation, sample transport and sample preparation to analyte preconcentration and analyte separation and determination, the translation from classical analytical chemistry to the green involves an effort to avoid as many as possible steps, especially those concerning the movement of samples from their original environment to the laboratory, together with an evolution of our mentality from the hard methods of sample digestion or analyte extraction to the soft ones, involving a strong reduction of energy and reagents consumed. In many cases the aforementioned changes offer a simplification of matrix problems and opens exciting possibilities for the characterization of the specific chemical forms existing originally in the samples thus, also improving the main analytical parameters. As Figure 1.5 shows, additional efforts in greening the methods involve a transition from high reagent volume strategies like liquid-liquid extraction to microextraction ones and to solid phase extraction; and a general evolution from complex and multistep strategies to simplified alternatives and to non-invasive and remote sensing measurements. In short, the basic idea is to move from single determinations to methodologies providing total information from a reduced number of analytical measurements. Additionally, a new aspect to be included in our consideration of the analytical process is the waste generation and its treatment and, in this aspect, the change in mentality must move from disposal to on-line detoxification of residues generated though analytical measurements.

    Figure 1.5 The evaluation of methodologies from classical Analytical Chemistry to Green Analytical Chemistry.

    1.3 The ethical compromise of sustainability

    Sustainability is a new concept emerged from the consideration of sustainable development [41] to describe an economy in equilibrium with basic ecological support systems [42]. So, this idea to recover the equilibrium between the man and the biosphere after many years of disordered technical development has not taken into consideration the environmental impact of human activities or all the risks involved of such activities in the long term, can explain new values established from the conscience about the limits of the development [43] and the need of the restoration of environmental equilibrium in order to assure the continuity of our life for the future generations [44]. Sustainability pushes the international community to pay attention to general problems such as ozone layer depletion and the generation of greenhouse gases which have dramatically affected the climatic.

    In the aforementioned frame, the growth of the ecological mentality through the different countries and international forums has been tremendous, being influenced many practices which moved from private concern about water consumption or waste disposal [45] to industrial practices covering environmental aspects, in addition to quality improvement of their products [46] and the national laws regarding pollution control also affecting supranational norms like the Regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of CHemicals (REACH) [47] norm of the European Union which try to establish a safety frame for the control of chemical substances.

    Important documents such as the Pimentel inform [48] and the Silent Spring by Rachel Carson [49] are in the foundation of decisions such as the foundation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) created by president Nixon in 1970, which controls the execution of environmental regulation in the US and the 1985 meeting of the Environmental Ministers of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which focused on three ideas: (2) the economic development and environment, (2) pollution prevention and control, and (3) environmental information and national reviews. These national and international actions provided a change in the environmental mentality from remediation to pollution prevention [50] thus improving good environmental practices in all sectors. So, the proposal of Green Analytical Chemistry can be of great importance inside the ecological paradigm of chemistry [51].

    In short, pollution prevention is the key factor to be considered in the search for the sustainability of chemical activity and it is an important task because the tremendous development of the chemical industries and their impact on the environment have created the impression in the public eye and mass media that chemistry is the origin of environmental problems. Because of that, the chemistry itself is perceived as an intrinsically bad practice. So, it is our own responsibility to transmit to society the message that another chemistry is possible and that on considering chemistry problems from an environmental point of view, our practices could be very important for the pollution prevention and remediation.

    On looking through the practices involved in the analytical methods Figure 1.6 shows that the environmental safety considerations, the worry about emissions and wastes, prime matters and energy consumption, can be compatible with the optimization of the information/cost relationship required for the selection of an analytical method. So, in the frame of Green Analytical Chemistry we can move our laboratories to avoid old practices like the use of toxic reagents and hazardous materials, the use of long and tedious multistep analytical procedures, to replace the excessive consumption of energy and reagents and to add to our methods a previous evaluation of the real needs, avoiding accumulation of waste. So, in this latter aspect we must move from the direct disposal of waste without an external treatment to the on-line process of residues. In front of the aforementioned practices, which remain part of the analytical work in many laboratories, greening the methods implies taking care of the potential hazards of reagents and solvents and considering their toxicity for the selection of a methodology. The tendency to use remote sensing and direct determinations if possible, in order to avoid sampling and sample transport, the use of reagents and the generation of waste must be also evaluated when considering also the energy and reagents consumed, and the possibility of incorporating on-line treatment of analytical wastes after analyte detection in order to save money and time derived from the waste accumulation and management.

    Figure 1.6 The challenges of sustainability from the Green Analytical Chemistry viewpoint.

    The benefits of success on the aforementioned challenges is mainly from an ethical point of view and can transform the perception of our students and general society about the importance of chemistry and the beneficial effect of analytical practices, but also can provide economical opportunities.

    1.4 The business opportunities of clean methods

    Method development is a matter of science, but we cannot forget that method application is a matter of business and, because of that, any environmentally friendly proposal must be also quantified in economical terms of cost and benefits and not only based on ethical and scientific considerations. So, we stress in this section the business opportunities offered by greening the analytical methods.

    Starting from the point that reduction of consumption of reagents, solvents and energy, is intrinsically a reduction of method costs, one can image that it could be of a great interest to move from the macro to microanalysis scale and that the use of remote sensing and direct analysis methodologies could be interesting alternatives to classical wet methods from the economical point of view. However, automation, another of the basic strategies for greening the analytical procedures, also offers good opportunities to save laboratory costs by reducing the needs of human intervention in method application. It is true that the aforementioned financial benefits are accompanied by increased costs in the acquisition of automation components, replacing macroanalysis systems with microanalysis ones and the cost of remote sensing and direct analysis instrumentation but, regarding the last aspect, there is no reason why the alternative set-ups must be more expensive than old macroanalysis tools. On the contrary, in some cases portable instruments and disposal systems are available in the market at a reasonable cost and the increase in the demand of such a system will lead to the reduction of their costs.

    On the other hand, time is in many cases a matter of business and the need of a fast-as-possible analytical system for process monitoring and quality control is totally compatible with the reduction of analytical steps, the search for non-invasive direct and remote methods and thus, once again, it is clear that the objectives of greening the analytical work are compatible with economical opportunities. Because of that, the acquisition of new fast instruments must be considered as an investment in terms the benefits of a fast analytical response.

    On concerning the search for multiparametric techniques the advantage of moving from an analytical instrumentation and a specific methodology focused to measure each required analyte, to the simultaneous determination of all parameters of interest from a single analytical response which can be processed mathematically in order to predict the values of the target analytes concentration and sample properties, becomes clear. In this sense, we are completely convinced that the chemometric treatment of non-invasive signals, like those obtained by infrared spectroscopy [52] offers the greenest technology and could replace many activities which are in current use in industrial and control laboratories. So, in some cases, fast multiparametric methods applied to untreated samples could replace the official methods and, in other occasions, the aforementioned methods could be of a great interest as screening tools.

    On the other hand, remote or non-invasive methodologies have the additional advantage of their intrinsic flexibility to integrate additional parameters to those measured at present. So once again, there is a convergence between green and business objectives and we are absolutely convinced that the balance between cost and benefits of greening efforts in analytical chemistry is clearly favourable as indicated in Figure 1.7.

    Figure 1.7 The balance between cost and economical opportunities offered by Green Analytical Chemistry.

    On the other hand, the avoiding of waste generation or, at least, the minimization of analytical waste and the on-line treatment of those generated in the framework of the method, provide a drastic reduction of both risks and costs of the analytical determinations and offer new opportunities for on-line recycling of reagents. So, it is practically a no-expense effort which can reduce the costs of operation, especially when big series of samples of the same type must be treated every day using automatized procedures.

    The economical consideration of the greening efforts in method development is, in our own opinion, the most attractive aspect of Green Analytical Chemistry and will be the reason for extended practice in the near future. However, to do it is our own responsibility and it will be possible if we can transmit the ethical, safety and economic benefits of the green alternatives proposed to the traditional practices in a clear way.

    1.5 The attitudes of the scientific community

    Tradition is a heavy heritage in all human practices and, in spite of the opportunities offered by a fast changing world, it is difficult to move from classical practices to new ones. In fact, in the past there was a big opposition to the instrumental methods of analysis from those who practiced the classical titrimetric and gravimetric analyses at the beginning of the twentieth century, based on well documented reactions and following stoichiometric proportions between analytes and reagents. However, nowadays nobody discusses that physicochemical methods of analysis are analytical methods, the most attractive and well adapted to the analytical needs. The same happened with the introduction of flow analysis methods, multivariate chemometric data processing, microwave-assisted sample treatments and kinetic analysis. However, the advantages offered by the emerging ideas and tools obliged the acceptance of these as valuable alternatives to previous ones and their incorporation to the regular practices. So, we think that the same will be do with the Green Analytical Chemistry if we are able to explain well the basic ideas that support it and to evaluate the benefits that operators and laboratories could obtain by greening their practices.

    Table 1.1 Special issues of analytical journals devoted to Green Analytical principles and practices.

    As we have summarized in Figure 1.8 the attitudes of the scientific community and the analytical method users regarding Green Analytical Chemistry can be identified in a big spectrum which covers everything from ignorance to distrust, suspiciousness or stubbornness and can move to the agreement. However, to do it we must be able to transmit the ideas and practices which support Green Analytical Chemistry in a clear way.

    Figure 1.8 Attitudes of the scientific community towards Green Analytical Chemistry.

    It is far from our objective to do any disqualification of the different attitudes that we can identify in the scientific community. On the contrary, we are absolutely convinced of the reasons for such attitudes and, as an example, the lack of homogeneity between the different approaches, efforts in avoiding the environmental side effects of the analytical procedures and the distrust in the capability of Green Analytical Chemistry, come from verbose excesses which forget to evaluate in a deep way the applications of the main strategies for greening the methods. Stubbornness is due to the lack of generalized evaluation of the common principles and general purposes of Green Analytical Chemistry and their relationship with the modern paradigm of analytical chemistry in order to clearly identify the rules and consequences of it.

    In short, if we want to obtain the agreement of the scientific community and influence the practices of industrial and official laboratories, we must make a theoretical and practical effort to make both visible; principles and applications of Green Analytical Chemistry and to take advantages from the fact that nowadays Green Chemistry is considered a major topic in chemistry. To do it, the extended number of published books, papers and congress meetings which include reference to green ideas, and the increasing number of special issues of journals devoted to Green Analytical Methods in different fields (see Table 1.1) will influence the mentality and practices of the analytical chemistry and will reinforce the incorporation of the green parameters to the evaluation of alternative methodologies. The success of it is our own responsibility and starts from university teaching and analytical publication.


    The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana Project GV PROMETEO 2010-055 to write this book and to do the research in this field.


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    45. Garrigues, S.; Armenta, S. and de la Guardia, M. (2010) Green strategies for decontamination of analytical wastes, TrAC-Trends Anal. Chem., 29, 592–601.

    46. Clements, R.B. (1996) Complete Guide to ISO 14000, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.

    47. European Parliament, Council. Regulation (EC) (2006) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC. Official Journal of the European Union, 396, 1–849.

    48. Pimentel, G. (1995) Opportunities in Chemistry, National Academic Press, Washington DC.

    49. Carson, R. (1962) Silent Spring, Houghton Mifflin Co., New York.

    50. Stephan, D.G. and Atcheson, J. (1989) The EPAS Approach to Pollution Prevention, Chem. Eng. Prog., 85, 53–58.

    51. Malissa, H. (1988) Changes of paradigms in Analytical Chemistry, in Reviews on Analytical Chemistry, Euroanalysis VI (ed. E. Roth), Les Editions de Physique, Paris.

    52. Moros, J.; Garrigues, S. and de la Guardia, M. (2010) Vibrational spectroscopy provides a green tool for multi-component analysis, TrAC-Trends Anal. Chem., 29, 579–591.


    Education in Green Analytical Chemistry

    Miguel de la Guardia and Salvador Garrigues

    Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

    In Chapter 1, we justified the reasons not to consider analytical chemistry as a part of chemistry in the same sense so that we can focus on organic or inorganic compounds and in fact, there is an increasing difficulty in identifing the differences between biomolecules and organic ones; and to justify the totally different nature of organic and inorganic compounds with respect to organometallics. So, as evidenced in the scheme of Figure 2.1, in our opinion both physical chemistry and analytical chemistry can be considered as points of view on the chemical nature of the matter; in the specific case of analytical chemistry it can be considered as a look at the presence of atoms, molecules and their organization in all types of samples, which can justify their properties and behaviour and because of this, it is evident that the matter is the frame of analytical chemistry. Teaching analytical chemistry must be focussed on the analytical parameters and practices more than on sample composition. Because of this, in this chapter we will consider the main aspects of the Green Analytical Chemistry as a new paradigm and the integration of it with education at university level.

    Figure 2.1 Analytical Chemistry as a viewpoint on the nature of the matter.

    2.1 The structure of the Analytical Chemistry paradigm

    As indicated in Figure 2.2 a paradigm is composed of a hard nucleus surrounded by theories and tools which create the core of the regular way to search and interpret the results obtained in a scientific discipline. Really, the term paradigm established by T.S. Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is a mixture of social perceptions and the effects of the researchers, scientific societies and journals which at the end, are the main actors in the scientific task [1]. In short, a paradigm can be interpreted in terms of the preconcepts that scientists applied to their search during periods of normal science between scientific revolutions. However, it is clear that the value of a scientific paradigm strongly depends on its possibilities to solve problems and to predict new factors which also could be correctly interpreted using the established paradigm and that a crisis of a well-established paradigm can create a new paradigm, thus opening the door for a scientific revolution.

    Figure 2.2 A paradigm structure.

    The science, in the aforementioned frame, progresses with a restricted number of fundamentals and during the periods of so called normal science everyone works comfortably, established in the tradition of their scientific discipline. A revolution takes place when the accepted paradigm is not appropriate enough to provide a correct answer to the new problems created by the advances in a discipline.

    It is our opinion that nowadays the established paradigm in analytical chemistry has the same nucleus as the whole chemistry one. It would be based on the atomic and molecular theory which explains, together with the theory of the crystalline state, the relationship between sample composition and sample properties and thus, based on this core it would be astonishing for researchers to find that a property of a material could be based on a fraction of a molecule or that an atom could be totally destroyed during a reaction or can be exchanged in arbitrary proportions. In the case of analytical chemistry (see Figure 2.3) the analytical properties of methods, based on thermodynamic equilibrium and kinetic principles as well as the interaction between the matter and the electromagnetic radiation, and between matter and the electric field, can explain the basis of all the analytical procedures and form the basis of interpretation of all the problems that we can solve today through the use of analytical chemistry; thus involving just surface changes of the paradigm which Lakatos terms a research program [2].

    Figure 2.3 The milestones of the today’s research program in Analytical Chemistry.

    If we interpret the change of paradigm in terms of a revolution which creates doubts about the core theory of a discipline, it is clear that nowadays we continue to be in a normal period of the development of the analytical sciences. However, the introduction of green analytical tools and remediation tools come from a social demand about the present state-of-the-art analytical practices and because of that, we could agree with Malissa that the chemistry has been moved from a chemiological paradigm, based on the scientific principles established by Lavoisier, to a chemurgical paradigm and nowadays we must provide a social response in the frame of an ecological paradigm. In this last approach, the chemical practices must be considered to be in a close relationship with environmental equilibrium and the new social demands about health and safety [3]. So, the Green Analytical Chemistry paradigm is in fact an added value and an environmental responsibility imposed on the old practices without a drastic modification of the basic ideas exposed by Malissa on the primary paradigm of analytical chemistry which he defined from the equilibrium between rationalism and empiricism, explanation of a result through deductive analysis and extension of the aforementioned explanation through induction in a close interaction between axioms and facts, hypothesis and experiments in a way to search for the truth from a theory (see Figure 2.4). In the case of Green Analytical Chemistry, we will also consider environmental preservation.

    Figure 2.4 The primary paradigm of Analytical Chemistry as an alteration between induction and deduction from the ideas of Malissa.

    So, we can conclude that the basic structure of the today’s analytical chemistry is the same that at the end of the twentieth century, that the scientific method is the basis of the methodology employed to establish the correlation between the properties of the matter and its composition, that the interpretation of the analytical facts continues to be well supported by the atomic and molecular theory and by the crystalline state theory which both support the thermodynamic and kinetic principles of chemical reactions and the interaction between matter, electromagnetic radiation and electric fields [4]. So the simple aspect which has been drastically modified in the analytical chemistry paradigm has been the incorporation of the so called green parameters to the basic analytical properties. Accuracy, representativeness, traceability, sensitivity and selectivity in the renewed paradigm of Green Analytical Chemistry have been complemented and not changed by additional considerations on the safety of operators and the environment, the strong reduction of reagents, energy and solvents consumed, the search for as much as possible information about the samples from simple and direct measurements and the responsibility of the laboratories about the elimination, or at least the reduction and decontamination of analytical wastes.

    2.2 The social perception of Analytical Chemistry

    One of the problems which we have today as chemists is the mass media and bad image held by society about chemistry, the negative evaluation which everybody has about the benefits and drawbacks of the chemical activities. So, nowadays the images associated to the social perception of chemistry are those of polluted rivers, the black smoke of a chimney, the smog in the city and acid rain. Only those aspects which concern bio- or eco-chemistry escape from the aforementioned discredit of activities related to the synthesis and registration of chemicals, the chemical industries and all that is related to human efforts to create new molecules and to incorporate these new structures in our life. In such a frame analytical activities are considered just as an additional pollution focus. However, it is true also that there is a social perception of the need for analytical chemistry to evaluate the environmental side effects of basic chemical activities and we analytical chemists can take advantage of this fact.

    At the middle of the 1980s George Pimentel, who was the president of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in 1986, presented a report to the National Academy of Sciences of the USA concerning Opportunities in Chemistry [5] which was a deep evaluation of the advantages offered by the chemical knowledge and the problems related to bad practices in this field. The aforementioned information can be considered as a starting point on the ecological mentality of the chemical community and, in this sense, the Pimentel’s proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), created in 1970 by the initiative of President Nixon [6] included a series of aspects that directly concerned analytical chemistry such as; the increase in the percentage of research and development funding devoted to exploratory research, the improvement of fundamental research on reaction pathways for substances of environmental interest, the detection of potentially undesirable environmental constituents at levels below their expected toxicity and the EPA support of analytical chemistry in a prominent way; thus clearly indicating that the analytical tools could be a key factor for pollution monitoring and to evaluate the deleterious side effect of the synthesis and fate of chemical compounds.

    The Pimentel report also created the need for an increasing conscience of the chemical society about the side effects of all their activities. Based on this, many efforts can be identified in the literature which look for the reduction of prime matters and regents consumed, the deep control of chemical substances in all steps from the extraction of natural products to the different reactions involved in the synthesis of new products. It was also necessary to pay attention to the generation of by-products and the behaviour of chemical substances in the environment, taking into account the potential risks of hydrolysis and metabolite products. Also the risks involved by the analytical activities, as we have indicated before [7,8], were considered in order to avoid waste generation and to reduce the risks for operators through the search for miniaturization [9] and automatized methods of analysis [10] also looking for low energy sample treatment systems like the use of microwave-assisted methodologies [11]. All the aforementioned applied efforts were incorporated in the preliminary theoretical consideration about the so called environmentally friendly analytical methods [12] or sustainable analytical chemistry [13]. However, during the 1990s it was not so easy to find literature concerning the dispersed efforts for greening the analytical practices and it was recognized in a literature survey on green spectroscopy made in the frame of a special issue devoted to this topic by the journal Spectroscopy Letters [14]. Really, it was necessary to wait for the tremendous development of Green Chemistry made by the USA EPA and lead by Paul Anastas, who published a series of fundamental books from 1994 [15–18] trying to create a general conscience on the need for a Green Chemistry. In spite of that, until 2010 there has not been any specific published book on Green Analytical Chemistry [19].

    The tremendous efforts made on greening both chemistry and analytical chemistry can be evaluated through the consideration of books and journals devoted to these aspects as it can be seen in Table 2.1. We think that theoretical and practical efforts are absolutely necessary to convince the members of the chemical societies about the need of such a revolution in our mentality and practices. On the other hand, it is also mandatory to be able to transmit a new message to society in terms that clearly show chemistry is a fundamental part of the solution of pollution problems and not just a part of the problem. The prize will be a new generation of chemists with a strong ethical compromise within society and the environment.

    Table 2.1 Books and journals devoted to Green Chemistry and Green Analytical Chemistry.

    2.3 Teaching Analytical Chemistry

    Analytical chemistry studies in the frame of chemistry degrees around the world have evolved in different ways as a function of the studies programs and national regulations. In Spain there is a great tradition in studying the existence of analytical chemistry departments as a specific area of knowledge in the frame of studies in chemistry, pharmacy, biology and other new studies like bromatology and toxicology, environmental sciences and chemical engineering.

    Analytical chemistry teaching in the past in our country was closely related to inorganic analysis as it has been also the case in France and Italy. Because of that in former times, inorganic ion systematic identification approaches based on drop reactions, titrimetric and gravimetric methods of chemical analysis were the basis of analytical chemistry studies.

    Theis discipline approach was removed in the last 30 years and replaced by the deep consideration of chemical equilibria. So, inorganic qualitative analysis and chemical methods of analysis based on stoichiometric reactions were extensively studied in the laboratory courses and the basic courses of analytical chemistry were focussed on the acid-base, complex formation, redox and precipitation equilibria developing many graphical and mathematical treatments in order to provide a complete picture on the ion reactions in aqueous media. So a change was produced from a descriptive approach to an essentially mathematical one that improved the level and complexity of the analytical studies.

    However, the main part of present challenges in analysis remained absent from the content of the introductory courses, thus providing a false idea to the student on the objectives and the identity of analytical chemistry, which remained closely related to the inorganic analysis.

    At present the main part of methods developed and applied focussed on organic molecules. So condensation and substitution reactions, which are of a main concern of organic analysis, were far from the simple scheme of the ion reactions considered in the analytical chemistry introductory courses. Fortunately efforts to create a specific personality of analytical chemistry in the frame of chemistry lead to the publication of totally new textbooks, like that of Professor Miguel Valcárcel, which focussed the basic studies of analytical chemistry in the analytical properties of the methods and related topics, like traceability, screening and process monitoring, which are really the aspects which differentiate the analytical practice as a metrological discipline devoted to problem solving [20].

    In our opinion, Valcárcel’s book of together with his activity in the Federation of European Chemical Societies (FECS) Working Party on Analytical Chemistry (WPAC) played an important role in the strong modification of analytical chemistry studies in Spain [21] and also regarding the European consideration of our discipline [22,23].

    Between the recent revolution of the content of analytical chemistry at university level, the change can be identified in the basic principles from the thermodynamic ones to the close integration between thermodynamic and kinetic aspects, considering both physical and physicochemical kinetics. On considering the type of analytes, it is clear that our activity have moved from the inorganic field to the organic one also considering biochemical analysis. The same extension, not replacement, has been done for a number of considered analytes; which has moved from one to several (as many as possible elements and/or compounds per sample) and also for concentration levels of target analytes; which has moved from major and minor components to trace and ultratrace analysis with an increasing demand on analyses at micro and submicro sample scales. On the other hand new challenges in analytical chemistry correspond to the need to move from total concentration determinations to speciation analysis, from average concentration determinations to layer by layer complete characterization of samples and from simple to bidimensional and multidimensional analyses.

    In such a changing context (see Figure 2.5), nowadays we must include the change of analyst conscience from a simple interest in data analysis to interest in models and the strong consideration of the environmental side effects of our practice (as a consequence of the high demand of analytical information).

    Figure 2.5 Evolution of Analytical Chemistry from classical analysis to the current real work.

    2.4 Teaching Green Analytical Chemistry

    Teaching analytical chemistry today is in our opinion, maintaining the advances of the past in order to improve the main analytical figures of merit of the available approaches and also to improve them. At the same time it is necessary to answer adequately the problems related to our social compromise with the safety of operators and the environment. Especially in Europe, the present situation created by the REACH norm concerning the Register Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, imposes new responsibilities on us in order to educate well our future chemists in basic principles and methodologies of chemical and instrumental analysis as well as in trace analysis, chemometrics, automation and sensors. In this framework it will become especially important to consider the deleterious effects of chemicals and chemical reactions in order to ensure that our university students could have ethical behaviour and evaluate the immediate changes to make in the classical approaches in order to take advantage of the new economic opportunities offered.

    So, teaching analytical chemistry will include thinking about the analytical problems and their solutions in terms of sustainability, considering both the classical figures of merit reported in the past, but also evaluating the persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic characteristics (PBC) of some reagents, the use of hazardous or corrosive reagents or solvents and the generation of analytical wastes. These latter aspects are important in order to make the appropriate reagent replacement, to move from hard to soft analytical practices and to evaluate energy consumption additionally than to minimize waste generation and to incorporate their on-line treatment in the body of the whole analytical process. So, the challenge today is to fix new objectives without sacrificing the former ones and it must transform all our teaching practices from the content of the theoretical lessons to the laboratory practices.

    In fact teaching Green Analytical Chemistry cannot mean to add lessons on the side effects of our methods. On the contrary, all the contents must be modified by introducing the environmental ethical compromise, from beginning to end of the analytical process. It could be a nonsense to speak about safety and pollution risks of the old practices without providing alternatives. So, from our point of view, greening our teaching practices must involve a strong theoretical effort together with a change in our practices, starting from the seminars and practical work suggested to students and incorporating decontamination steps in our laboratory experiments [24].

    In recent years many efforts have been made in order to incorporate Green Chemistry principles to education contained in the short text from 2002 by the American Chemical Society Introduction to Green Chemistry: Instructional Activities for Introductory Chemistry [25]. Unfortunately Green Chemistry in many cases has remained the matter of study in specific master’s programs remaining and optional matters, in spite of efforts made in prestigious journals like the Journal of Chemical Education devoted to education in chemistry [26,27]. Because of that, we continue to be far from the desire expressed by Daryle Busch, when he was president of the American Chemical Society, that Green Chemistry could represent one of the milestones which could contribute to a sustainable future by 2000 and because of that it was absolutely necessary to teach the value of the Green Chemistry to the chemists of tomorrow [28]. Unfortunately, to our knowledge there is no prospect of a textbook in analytical chemistry written from the perspective of Green Chemistry and we are far from the integration of the research efforts for greening the analytical procedures in our everyday teaching activity. For this reason (see Figure 2.6) we are convinced that a pedagogical effort must be made in all different aspects from the integration of theoretical principles of Green Analytical Chemistry in the university text books to the generalized use of material safety data sheets (MSDS) on both the laboratory notebook documents and as complementary data from analytical method protocols. Additionally, the incorporation of green pictograms and green parameters in the seminars devoted to evaluate different alternative methods to solve real problems could be really helpful in creating a new mentality in our young students.

    Figure 2.6 Aspects to be considered for greening Analytical Chemistry teaching practices.

    2.5 From the bench to the real world

    Nowadays there is a big effort in scientific literature to search for new tools in analytical chemistry which can provide a reduction of reagents and energy consumed and could avoid or minimize toxic wastes [29,30] additional to efforts to look for the replacement of toxic reagents by innocuous ones [31]. However, it is time to cross the line between the academic and the real world and to look for practical applications of the green developed methods. To do it, the new green tools must be tested in depth to evidence their advantages in terms of both environmental safety and economy and in this sense it is a priority task to correctly evaluate the green alternatives in these two ways. Parameters, like the amount of reagents consumed for each determination and the volume of waste generated by 100 determinations must be included between the figures of merit of the green approaches and compared with those of previously available methodologies. It seems not enough to include general sentences indicating that the use of ethanol in liquid chromatography is greener than the use of acetonitrile or to generalize that flow analysis methods offer a reduction of reagent consumption in front of in-batch methods. If we could move from our desks and university laboratories to the implementation of green methods in the industrial world, we must quantify the green alternatives in order to provide solid arguments for a change of mentality and practices.

    On the other hand, it could be of a great interest to make a deep evaluation of the green alternative methods, looking on the present advantages and drawbacks but also thinking about the future and to do it, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) methodology offers a clear picture for the comparison between two alternative procedures [32].

    The SWOT methodology consists of a deep evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of a proposal, a new procedure or a change of conditions in our case. So, the reader can evaluate from this situation the opportunities offered by the evaluated proposal and its threats. The aforementioned methodology thus provides a clear comparison between the alternative suggested and the previous situation, and also a look into the future.

    Someone could think that SWOT methodology is an economic or social tool more than a scientific one but do not hesitate; if we would convince the industry and laboratory managers to move their old practices, we must use the same arguments employed in the economic field and Figure 2.7 shows, as an example, the evaluation of incorporating a photoassisted waste decontamination step on-line in the determination of resorcinol with p-aminophenol (PAP). As can be seen in the figure, the proposed procedure [33] maintains all the benefits of the fast and complete reaction of PAP with the target analyte when it is due in-batch, but incorporating this well known reaction to the advantages of the in-line generation of the active form of PAP created by its reaction with IO4-. The use of the classical flow injection approach also improves selectivity of this reaction by adding the physical and physicochemical kinetic reasons to avoid interferences of other phenolic compounds. However, the main advantage comes from the fact that the system is filled with pure solutions, which are merged only when required, thus avoiding the generation of waste coming from unemployed mixtures of reagents, and that the FIA methodology avoids the use of glassware and simplifies the cleaning of the system also reducing waste.

    Figure 2.7 Analysis of the advantages of incorporating the on-line photo-assisted waste decontamination step in the determination of resorcinol with p-aminophenol (PAP). Inset: the schematic diagram of the FIA set-up including the waste treatment step following the method proposed by de la Guardia et al. [33].

    On considering the addition of the in-line decontamination of the FIA waste, this step does not modify at all the analytical figures of merit of the method, because it is incorporated at the end of the analytical process after detection. So, this added chemistry to the remaining PAP and the dye formed between PAP and resorcinol permits their complete mineralization based on the combined action of UV light and TiO2. The process is fast and the catalyst can be recovered on-line from the clean waste just by a simple filtration or flocculation. Regarding the photo-assisted unit, it is well adapted to the FIA system because the Teflon tubes, commonly used to transport the solutions, are transparent to UV radiation and, because of that, the photodegradation reactor is just a Teflon tube rolled on the surface of an UV lamp. Concerning the weaknesses of the process, it is clear that we need to incorporate the UV lamp and a new FIA line to the process, in addition to the use of

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