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Pessimism for Beginners
Pessimism for Beginners
Pessimism for Beginners
Ebook72 pages33 minutes

Pessimism for Beginners

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Full of enchanting humor and intimacy, this inventive collection of poems is designed to engage and delight. Rhymed metrical forms are masterfully handled to produce highly amusing effects and traditional prose is manipulated in order to handle contemporary subjects. Moving yet lighthearted, these poems are a complicated brew that poetry lovers of every stripe will enjoy.
Release dateDec 1, 2007
Pessimism for Beginners

Sophie Hannah

SOPHIE HANNAH is the New York Times bestselling author of numerous psychological thrillers, which have been published in 51 countries and adapted for television, as well as The Monogram Murders, the first Hercule Poirot novel authorized by the estate of Agatha Christie, and its sequels Closed Casket, The Mystery of Three Quarters, and The Killings at Kingfisher Hill. Sophie is also the author of a self-help book, How to Hold a Grudge, and hosts the podcast of the same name. She lives in Cambridge, UK.

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    Book preview

    Pessimism for Beginners - Sophie Hannah


    On Her Tiredness

    after ‘On His Blindness’ by John Milton

    When I consider how my night is spent,

    Either awake or waiting to be woken

    From my leased sleep, and never an unbroken

    Ten solid hours, I wonder: was I meant

    For gigs like this? Somebody should invent

    Sleep substitutes, maybe a sleep gift token.

    Suddenly it’s as if a voice has spoken,

    As if this next advice were heaven-sent:

    ‘It’s not essential to be sleep-deprived.

    Everyone has her limit; you’ve reached yours.

    To struggle on would not be right or fair.

    The Lord is quite impressed that you’ve survived

    This long. Invest some cash in a good cause:

    They also serve who hire a Swiss au pair.’

    Mary Questions the Health Visitor

    He never seems to close his eyes.

    All night he wants to feed.

    If I give in each time he cries,

    Will that encourage greed?

    How much, exactly, bottles-wise

    Does a Messiah need?

    I’ve read Your Child’s Sleep Problems Solved

    And wonder what I’ve done

    To make things worse. Now I’ve resolved

    To cut night feeds to one,

    But are more calories involved

    In being God’s only son?

    They say a mother’s milk is best.

    I’m sure it must be true,

    But this one wouldn’t take the breast,

    Screamed till his face was blue.

    Gabriel says it’s not a test

    And Cow & Gate will do

    And I should simply smile and nod

    At all the smug and trite

    Advice I get. My child’s not odd;

    He’s full of love and light,

    But how soon will the son of God

    Start sleeping through the night?

    No doubt you’ll think I’ve got a cheek

    For nagging but, dear Lord,

    I bore your child – I didn’t freak –

    Sleep is a fair reward.

    And if this lasts another week

    I’m phoning Gina Ford.

    ‘No Ball Games etc’

    sign outside a London block of flats

    Honestly, do we have to spell it out?

    No tents, space-hoppers, orgies, Brussels sprout

    enthusiasts, no sponsored squirrel fights,

    no Ayurvedic quacks, no woolly tights,

    no weeping for the joy you think you’re owed,

    no winking at the house across the road,

    dividing rainbows into seven strands

    of single colour, no quick show of hands,

    no pastry-cutting, origami, chess,

    no taking pleasure in your own success,

    no sand, no shark impressions, no culottes

    no Christmas pantomimes, no liver spots,

    no lurking in the shadows by the shed,

    no improvised salutes, no olive bread,

    no weightless floating with an auctioneer

    in the small pond. No ponds. Hope that’s now

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