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Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form
Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form
Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form
Ebook496 pages8 hours

Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form

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Examining nearly every conspiracy theory in the public’s consciousness today, this investigation seeks to link seemingly unrelated theories through a cultural studies perspective. While looking at conspiracy theories that range from the moon landing and JFK’s assassination to the Oklahoma City bombing and Freemasonry, this reconstruction reveals newly discovered connections between wide swaths of events. Linking Dracula to George W. Bush, UFOs to strawberry ice cream, and Jesus Christ to robots from outer space, this is truly an all-original discussion of popular conspiracy theories.
PublisherTrine Day
Release dateJun 1, 2012
Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form

Robert Guffey

Robert Guffey is a lecturer in the Department of English at California State University – Long Beach. His most recent books are Widow of the Amputation and Other Weird Crimes (Eraserhead Press, 2021) and Bela Lugosi’s Dead (Crossroad Press, 2021). Guffey’s previous books include the darkly satirical, apocalyptic novel Until the Last Dog Dies (Night Shade/Skyhorse, 2017), the journalistic memoir Chameleo: A Strange but True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security (OR Books, 2015), which Flavorwire called, “By many miles, the weirdest and funniest book of [the year],” the novella collection Spies & Saucers (PS Publishing, 2014), and Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form (2012). A graduate of the famed Clarion Writers Workshop in Seattle, he has written for numerous publications, among them The Believer, Black Cat Mystery Magazine, The Evergreen Review, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Mailer Review, Phantom Drift, Postscripts, Rosebud, Salon, The Third Alternative, and

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    Cryptoscatology - Robert Guffey




    Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory As Art Form

    Copyright © 2012. Robert Guffey All Rights Reserved.

    Presentation Copyright © 2012 TrineDay

    Published by:

    Trine Day LLC

    PO Box 577

    Walterville, OR 97489


    [email protected]

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011942527

    Guffey, Robert.

    Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory As Art Form—1st ed.

    p. cm.

    Includes bibliography.

    Epub (ISBN-13) 978-1-936296-41-5 (ISBN-10) 1-936296-41-1

    Kindle (ISBN-13) 978-1-936296-42-2 (ISBN-10) 1-936296-42-X

    Print (ISBN-13) 978-1-936296-40-8 (ISBN-10) 1-936296-40-3

    1. Conspiracy theories – Social aspects. 2. Conspiracies – Case studies. 3. Popular culture – United States. I. Title

    First Edition

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Printed in the USA

    Distribution to the Trade by:

    Independent Publishers Group (IPG)

    814 North Franklin Street

    Chicago, Illinois 60610


    Publisher’s Foreword

    Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.

    — Thomas Jefferson

    What can anyone say? Things haven’t changed much, and the 21st century isn’t all that it was cracked up to be – or wait a minute – did Orwell’s 1984, a world of official deception, secret surveillance, and manipulation of the past in service to manipulative political agenda, become reality?

    From my standpoint, it sure seems so. TrineDay has been publishing books with inconvenient truths in them for over ten years. We can get the word out through the Internet, and some talk radio, but newspapers and the rest of mainstream media simply ignore our books. According to Jefferson, maybe the newspaper’s silence is a good thing, but alas no. When our institutions fail their civic duty, we all pay the price.

    Is there something we can do? I find solace, hope and even epiphany in trying to understand our world in which we live, and working to end the corruptions, exploitations and criminalities that hold it in sway. To my thinking this is not a battle-dynamic against Evil, but a long hard slog of exposing evil schemes of men – hidden within the framework of everyday life – that appear good or bad, depending on your world view. These world views are then played against one another in the most sinister of games, psychological warfare: a cacophony of voices alienating us from our civic duties and natural environments.

    I first became aware of the term conspiracy theory when I told friends in the 1970s about things my repentant CIA/OSS/G2 father had revealed to me. They called me a conspiracy theorist, and I decided to take up conspiracy theory as a field of study. What a wild ride! I would go into any and every bookstore I could find, and say, Take me to your conspiracy section. Each had at least one volume about conspiracies. Conspiracies that blamed sundry groups for all the troubles in the world. There were books that blamed it all on the Catholics, the Hippies, the Mormons, the Freemasons, the Secular-Humanists, the Right, the Left, Feminism, Communism, the Rockefellers and of course the Jews. As a matter of fact some of the books appeared formulaic: designed to pit people against each other.

    As the 1970s and ’80s receded, the interest in conspiracy theory grew, and with the advent of the Internet the subject exploded, even spawning a movie – Conspiracy Theory in 1997.

    Robert Guffey’s Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form examines the genre in the emerging light of today’s sophistications, taking the reader on a journey into the conspiracy world. Guffey takes to task, with humor, many of the vexing conundrums one finds in conspiracy literature, and explores the question of religion and its role in people’s world view.

    Guffey does a masterful job of bringing an odd world into focus through the lens of conspiracy theory. He will introduce you to people you know, people you’ve only heard about, and some who you never knew existed. So enjoy yourself and take time to delve into the art form of Conspiracy Theory.

    …that truth is great and will prevail if left to herself; that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons, free argument and debate; errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them.

    — Thomas Jefferson

    Onward to the Utmost of Futures!


    Kris Millegan



    March 19, 2012

    To Melissa

    for encouraging me to put all the pieces of the puzzle together


    I’d like to briefly thank a few individuals who have been instrumental in helping me complete this book:

    First, the various editors who originally published these pieces: Joan d’Arc and Al Hidell (The Conspiracy Reader, The New Conspiracy Reader, and Paranoia), Val Stevenson and David Sutton (Fortean Times), Chad Tsuyuki and Joanne Kozovich (Like Water Burning), and David Jones (New Dawn Magazine).

    Second, Catherine Bottolfson McCallum for reading everything first.

    Third, Randy Koppang for his research assistance (particularly with regard to the chapter titled Concentration Campus).

    Fourth, Eric Blair for his invaluable editorial assistance.

    Table of Contents


    Title page

    Copyright page

    Publisher’s Foreword




    Image – Alice through the looking-glass

    Conspiracy Theory as Art Form

    Alis, Alas, She Broke the Glass!

    Tightening Up the Goo

    Part One - Overview

    Photo - Mae Brussell's Conspiracy Newsletter

    ©onspiracy Inc: Anatomy of a Discipline

    Stephen King Shot John Lennon

    Real Aliens Prefer Strawberry Ice Cream

    NASA Mooned America!

    The Elders of Zion and Sha Na Na

    Giant Owls, Monkey Viruses, Magic Bullets, and Other Unconventional Flying Objects

    Conclusion: From the Sublime to the Absurd

    Part Two – Pop Culture as Mind Control, Mind Control as Pop Culture

    Photo - CIA Headquarters, Langley, VA

    Honey, Did You Leave Your Brain Back at Langley Again?

    A Brief History Of Modern Mind Control Technology

    Photo collage - Heaven's Gate, Columbine, The Unabomber

    Heaven’s Gate, Columbine, The Unabomber, and Other Atrocities

    Heaven’s Gate



    The Unabomber

    You Name The Dwarfs: Surrealism, Advertising, and Mass Mind Control

    Photo - FBI document on Bishop James Pike

    Science Fiction as Manipulation: SF’s Intersection with the Intelligence Community

    H.G. Wells

    Cordwainer Smith

    L. Ron Hubbard

    John W. Campbell

    Robert A. Heinlein

    Michael Aquino

    Philip K. Dick

    Bishop James A. Pike

    P.K.D. and the Pink Beam

    The SF Movie Industry

    Concentration Campus: Thought Control in American Education

    Part Three – Secret Societies (Their Kith and Kin)

    The History of Unknown Men: The Influence of Secret Societies on Exoteric Warfare

    The Invisible College

    The American Revolution

    The French Revolution

    The Greek War of Independence

    The Civil War

    World War II

    Photo - Albert Pike

    The Mystery of Albert Pike

    Was Shakespeare a Freemason?: Masonic Symbolism in Macbeth

    Photo – Pierre Plantard

    The Illusion of Control: The Priory of Sion and the Illuminati

    The Priory of Sion

    The Illuminati

    Illustration - Masonic Frontispiece

    Tracing the Hermetic Roots of Freemasonry

    Photo - William Morgan

    The Solomon Keyhole: The Mason/Mormon Connection From Morgan to Mormon

    Joseph Smith and the Gadianton Bands

    Consequences of the Morgan Affair and the Murder of Joseph Smith

    William S. Burroughs: 20th Century Gnostic Visionary

    Part Four – Conspiracies and the Three Dominant Religions of the West: Christianity, Judaism and Islam

    Illustrations – The Four Horsemen

    Programming Armageddon in the Middle East

    1001 Nights with Ali (Or) My Prescription for Peace in the Middle East (A Fable)

    Is Islam a Peaceful Religion?: An Afternoon of Fire & Brimstone With Abdel Malik Ali

    Let’s Start With the Positive, Shall We?

    Now Let’s Move Onto the Negative, Shall We?

    My Lunch With the Elders of Zion

    Go Ask Ali

    How To Bring Peace To the Middle East

    Part Five - Puppets in High Places

    Photo - Bush & Cheney

    Fahrenheit 24/7: The Further Adventures of Bush & Cheney (Or) War All Day Every Day (Or) Have Fun and Have Fun Quick, Kids, ‘Cause Recess Is Almost Over!


    George W. Bush Is Not a Christian

    Photo - Jesus is a Robot …

    Jesus Is a Robot From Outer Space (A Strange & Portentous Case Study in Creeping Christo-Fascism)

    The Mass Psychology of Fascism in the United States: Wilhem Reich, Adolf Hitler, and the Parallels of Propaganda Between Nazi Germany and Recent U.S. History

    The End of History and the Clash of Civilizations

    Tony Alamo, the Prophet of Hollywood Blvd.

    Francis Fukuyama, the Oracle of History’s End

    Zbigniew Brzezinski, Shaman of the Global Village

    Samuel P. Huntington, the Wizard of War


    Part Six – Conspiracies and the Paranormal

    Cryptoscatology: André Breton & Fortean Phenomena

    Collaborating with the Dead

    Stop for Tea in the Labyrinth, Please: A Word (or Two) About Archetypes, Metaphors, and Myths

    "The police state has now become a work of art."

    –Marshall McLuhan, Take Today: The Executive as Dropout, 1972

    "While you here do snoring lie

    Open-eyed conspiracy

    His time doth take.

    If of life you keep a care,

    Shake off slumber and beware.

    Awake, awake!"

    —William Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1610


    Conspiracy Theory

    as Art Form

    Alis, Alas, She Broke the Glass!

    On July 20, 1999, I delivered a lecture about conspiracies in the back of a late, lamented bookstore called The Midnight Special that used to be located on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica, California. One of the few independent bookstores left in Southern California, it specialized in hard-to-find, alternative sources of information. In the back of the store political researchers as scholarly as Mike Davis, author of the bestseller Ecology of Fear, or as infamous as Christopher Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, would hold court. One memorable evening the latter individual nearly got into a fist fight with a Lyndon LaRouche supporter in the first row and the cops had to be called out to break up the scene. It was a lively crowd that attended these lectures, by no means a tepid coffee klatch book club for blue-haired octogenarians eager to dissect the latest Oprah selection.

    The lecture I delivered was based on an article you’ll find in this very book: Science Fiction as Manipulation: SF’s Intersection with the Intelligence Community. The lecture went on well over two hours and received a positive response from the audience. One gentleman, an elderly political activist who had once worked for Jet Propulsion Laboratories and had been partly responsible for restoring Simon Rodia’s Watts Towers to their prior glory, shot up out of his seat and insisted I was lying when I said that the letters JPL actually stood for Jack Parsons Laboratories. (If you want to know why that offended him, just skip ahead and read Chapter Five.) Instead of arguing with him, as Mr. Hitchens had done with his heckler, I tried to calm him down with humor. And unlike with Mr. Hitchens’ performance, the cops didn’t have to be called out to break up a fistfight.

    Apparently one particular member of the audience was impressed with this approach. The next day I received a phone call from a stranger who told me he’d seen my lecture the previous night. I thought the voice sounded familiar and was trying to place it when the man said, "I’m Paul Krassner. I don’t know if you’ve heard of me or not, but I publish this newsletter called The Realist."

    Krassner could have no way of knowing that I was very familiar with him and his work. The Realist had been for decades one of the greatest satirical magazines published in post-war America. I was a fan of his writing and considered his autobiography, Confessions of a Raving Unconfined Nut, to be one of the funniest books written in the past fifty years. He had been a stand-up comedian since the early ‘60s and had been close friends with the greatest stand-up comedian of all time, Lenny Bruce, a relationship he writes about extensively in his autobiography.

    This is what Krassner told me: He was surprised to hear a lecture delivered by a conspiracy theorist who also had a sense of humor and could make an audience laugh in between the inevitable scattershot recitation of historical factoids. Every other conspiracy theorist he’d ever met had been as humorless as… well, as humorless as a guy who’s into conspiracy theories. This isn’t a surprise. If you need a good laugh, a political junkie is the last person to rely upon. Just switch on CNN and see what I mean. You’ll see a bunch of heart attacks with neckties waiting to implode.

    I was proud of the way I had woven humor into what I felt was a well-researched presentation, so I was pleased that someone as wise and funny as Krassner had thought so much of it that he’d actually go to the trouble of digging up my phone number and asking me to write an article for his newsletter. Unfortunately, The Realist finally died in the Spring of 2001 and the article I wrote for Krassner later appeared in a different magazine. It appears in this book as Chapter One, as I felt it would set the proper tone for the rest of the volume.

    During that phone conversation with Krassner, he said something that has always stuck with me. He said (and I’m paraphrasing here): For some reason a lot of the greatest stand-up comedians have also been obsessed with conspiracies. He threw out a lot of names, only some of which I can recall right now: Richard Belzer, Mort Sahl, Freddie Prinze (Senior, not Junior), Dick Gregory, Krassner himself. Even Lenny Bruce. Hell, Bruce was the victim of a vast political conspiracy. How could he help not being obsessed with conspiracies near the end of his life? Conspiracies were breathing down his neck, hounding him into an early grave.

    The conversation was brief, and yet the question has always lingered in my mind: Why would so many comedians be obsessed with conspiracy theories? What’s the connection? If any trait is consistent from conspiracy theorist to conspiracy theorist, it’s the indestructible drive to make connections between disparate subjects, sometimes where there are none. In this case, however, I think a reasonable connection can be made.

    Both comedians and conspiracy theorists must see the world through an alternate set of eyes, a warped Alice-like looking glass, in order to get their jobs done. The best comedians are modern day shamans, those who hold up a mirror to the mundane world, peer deeply into it, see the things the rest of us are not capable of seeing or are too afraid to see, and come back from their journeys with visions to share. Usually what they tell us is more than obvious. That’s why we laugh. We should’ve seen it ourselves. It was right there in front of us all the time, wasn’t it? That’s why we nod while laughing, suddenly realizing that we’d thought the same thing a million times before but were too embarrassed (or repressed) to actually mention this transgressive thought out loud. Comedians break taboos in a socially acceptable forum. The most dangerous comedians could never get away with performing their routines in a room full of strangers who had not paid to hear them. In fact, without the presence of a microphone and a stage, the very same lines that rake in millions for some comedians would—in the right (or wrong) circumstances—win them several blows to the face and the groin.

    Similarly, when we listen to a conspiracy theorist unweave a tale well-told we are nodding in recognition as well, but this time not because our funny bone has been tickled but because our darkest fears are now being confirmed. Conspiracy theories emerge from the twisted, upside down, nightmare version of the world our greatest comedians inhabit, a world in which our recognition turns to fear and not laughter. In our worst paranoid moments we suspected that this awful possibility, whatever it is, might be true… but now we’ve had all these fears confirmed by the inevitable scattershot recitation of historical factoids that back them up with unassailable authority and simply make them so.

    Both are alternative visions of the world. Both are told to us by shamans returning from the places the rest of us dare not go. And both know how to tell a good story.

    There are a lot of stories in this volume. I consider myself to be primarily a storyteller. That doesn’t mean these articles are fictional. Nor are they jokes disguised as truth. Oliver Stone once described his film JFK as an alternative myth. Historians might consider that to be waffling; I, on the other hand, find it to be the most accurate description possible, particularly in a world full of specialists who insist they alone know for certain where truth ends and fiction begins. The late literary scholar Joseph Campbell considered myths to be more accurate than truth. In a world where the Blue Meanies in charge can be relied upon to lie to your face every single day without even blinking, people better start praying for a lot more myths and a lot fewer lies.

    Fear and laughter, by themselves, never motivated anybody to take positive action in the world, but both can be motivating factors toward a sudden behavioral change in almost anyone. Every paradigm shift comes with a little fear and a fair amount of nervous laughter. H.P. Lovecraft, the famous horror writer, once wrote, The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown (12). Robert Anton Wilson, a writer who was no stranger to conspiracy theories, once wrote these words about an ephemeral realm known in occult initiations as Chapel Perilous:

    In traditional occult metaphor… Chapel Perilous [is] a weird place to be. Like the mysterious entity called I, Chapel Perilous cannot be located in space-time; it is weightless, odorless, tasteless and undetectable by ordinary instruments. Even more like the Ego, it is possible to deny that Chapel Perilous is really there. And yet, once you are inside it, there doesn’t seem to be any way to ever get out again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside thought. Everything you fear is waiting for you in Chapel Perilous, but if you are armed with the wand of intuition, the cup of sympathy, the sword of reason and pentacle of valor, you will come through it all safely.

    That’s what the legends say, and the language of myth is poetically precise. For instance, if you go into that realm without the sword of reason, you will lose your mind, but if you take only the sword of reason without the cup of sympathy you will lose your heart. Even more remarkably, if you approach without the wand of intuition, you can stand at the door for decades never realizing you have arrived. You might even think you are just waiting for a bus, or wandering from room to room looking for something lost, or watching a TV show in which you are not involved. Chapel Perilous is tricky that way. (10-11)

    Fear and laughter are tricky as well. They’re two sides of the same coin, of course, but it turns out the coin I’m referring to has more than two sides, perhaps an infinite amount. You can see them if you squint your eyes, tilt your head to one side, and look just so. To pass through Chapel Perilous safely the initiate has to see beyond the two surfaces of the coin to another world where both fear and laughter dissolve and meld together and transform into illumination and, ultimately,—if he’s kept his head—active participation in our everyday world.

    The shaman comes back from this other world with a pocketful of myths. The specialist, the historian, the pundit, the journalist, the expert: They appear in your home everyday inside a little box spewing harmful, sugar-coated lies.

    I give you a pocketful of myths. They’re researched and footnoted and delivered with a tone of authority on the part of the narrator. The author researched this book for fourteen years. Trust me, lies don’t take that long to construct. Lies are easy. These myths tell the truth, or the truth as I see it. When Alice fell through the mirror, she left the world of experts and knowable facts behind and plunged into a topsy-turvy world fraught with bizarre paradoxes. I offer you the chance to do the same.

    Though Wonderlawn’s lost us for ever. Alis, alas, she broke the glass!

    –James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, 1939

    Tightening Up the Goo

    On April 8, 2010, Reuters released the results of a poll in which 23,000 adults in twenty-two different countries were asked about their belief in extraterrestrials. Most of those polled were under the age of thirty-five, and ranged across all income classes. The results were as follows: 20% of those polled said that they believe extraterrestrials are currently walking among us disguised as human beings. It’s interesting to note that most of those who believed in this extraterrestrial infiltration theory lived in major urban centers; those who lived in small towns, where everyone tends to know each other, were far less likely to believe the theory.

    What can we conclude from these findings? Does this poll say something profound about the alienation of the typical urban dweller in the twenty-first century? Has decades of cowering in fear behind locked doors while suckling the glass teat of television led to these rampant, paranoid delusions? Yes, of course, it could mean that.

    It could also mean that there are aliens walking among us.

    Paranoia is the great undiscovered art form of the twenty-first century. Plenty of scholars have written dissertations about the growing theme of paranoia in literature, art, film, etc. Some of the most important writers of the past century claimed paranoia as their special métier. In fact, paranoia runs rampant through the literary touchstones of my own personal pantheon: the multiple anarchist conspirators uncovered by Gabriel Syme, secret agent and poet, the protagonist of G.K. Chesterton’s surreal detective novel The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare (1908); the Gnostic mythologies hidden within even more esoteric mythologies in James Branch Cabell’s beautifully complicated and highly controversial satires, The Cream of the Jest (1917) and Jurgen (1919); Charles Fort’s groundbreaking non-fiction reportage of overlooked paranormal data in The Book of the Damned (1919); the endlessly labyrinthine novel-length narratives of Franz Kafka in the 1920s; the racialist, degenerate nightmares of H.P. Lovecraft in the 1930s; the jocular metaphysics of Flann O’Brien in his posthumously published 1940s divine comedy The Third Policeman; the hardboiled cries from hell that emerged from Jim Thompson’s typewriter in the early 1950s; the experimental routines of early William S. Burroughs from the late 1950s; the 1960s science fiction psychedelia of Philip K. Dick; the absurd paeans to insanity in the form of Thomas Pynchon’s 1970s epyllion The Crying of Lot 49 and his Great American Novel Gravity’s Rainbow; the revisionist histories found in Steve Erickson’s Tours of the Black Clock and Arc d’X published in the late 1980s and early 1990s; the alternate universes woven into our own world within the unjustly obscure pages of Jack Womack’s New York novels such as Random Acts of Senseless Violence (1995) and Going, Going, Gone (2000). I could go on and on, of course, but there’s no need. I trust you can come up with even better examples of your own.

    However, I’m not referring to the mere theme of paranoia found within fictional narratives. I’m saying that the state of paranoia itself is a new art form, and people—either consciously or unconsciously—are well aware of this and use paranoia as a plaything, a palliative to help guide them through the intricacies of this post-post-modern world. The dilemma that human beings must face in the twenty-first century is not that they’re alienated or ignorant, but that they’re not alienated or ignorant enough. Technology has granted us ersatz telepathy. We’re all involved in everyone’s personal business twenty-four hours a day. A girlfriend breaks up with her boyfriend in high school and the whole world knows about it fifteen seconds later via Facebook. In cyberspace we can shed our identities and become other beings. We’re shape shifters, a godlike power previously attributed only to deities in ancient mythologies and extraterrestrials in 1950s science fiction movies. Therefore, the results of the aforementioned poll were indeed correct. More and more, aliens are walking among us. We see them every day in our bathroom mirrors and our reflective iPod screens. Technology has made aliens of us all.

    Of course, there’s nothing new in this observation. After all, Marshall McLuhan was saying the same thing several decades ago. Nor is there anything new in observing the simple fact that paranoia is simply a state of heightened awareness. As Charles Manson once said (one of his many groovy aphorisms from the 1970s), Paranoia is just a kind of awareness, and awareness is just a form of love. Indeed, we’re more aware of what’s going on in the world now than ever before. News stories that used to take weeks to travel from one country to another now take seconds. If that’s not a heightened form of awareness, what is?

    What is new about these observations, I’m quietly proud to say, is the context. Like the shape of celluloid aliens, the context is always shifting. And when the context shifts, the meaning of what lies within shifts as well. New mysteries arise to replace the ones that have long since been solved.

    Mysteries. Primitive cultures used myths to explain the mysteries of their own society. Nowadays most of us no longer believe that a bearded gentleman on top of Mt. Olympus is responsible for fashioning lightning bolts with gargantuan blacksmith tools. But some of us do hold beliefs that are equally strange. For example, were you aware that the only way an African-American could become President of the United States is if he were placed in that position by a centuries-old Masonic cult? After all, African-Americans don’t just become President. There must be something wrong with this bizarre new reality, mustn’t there? Perhaps Obama’s really a Muslim terrorist in disguise. Perhaps he’s a mind-controlled Manchurian Candidate of a secret pagan order. Perhaps there’s something erroneous about his birth certificate. Perhaps….

    Just the other day about thirty of these Obama birthers (as some in the media have chosen to call them), most of them seemingly enjoying an upper middle-class existence, appeared in the drug-infested park across the street from my apartment building in Long Beach, California to hold a rally against the Obama administration. Oddly enough, I’d never seen any of these people in this park before. I could only conclude that they would never bother to visit this part of town except to hold protests against Obama and the people who voted for him. They all held up signs decorated with slogans like, BARAK OBAMA IS LEADING US INTO SOCIALISM!!! and NEXT TIME ELECT AN ADULT AS PRES! and BEWARE THE CONSENTRATION CAMPS!!!! (Only about three counter-protesters were present at the rally; they held up signs of their own that read, NEXT TIME SPELL CHECK YOUR SIGNS!) I had the urge to cross the street, step up onto the stage, and point out that their heated protest against creeping socialism was being held in a park paid for by tax dollars. But somehow I resisted the urge.

    These protestors—most of them no doubt sincere and well-meaning in their outrage against authoritarianism—spent eight years completely unconcerned about the creation of Homeland Security and the rollback of the Freedom of Information Act in the wake of 9/11 and the wholesale torture of innocent people in American-sponsored rendition camps in foreign countries, but interpret a new health care bill as the advent of the Seventh Reich. Why worry about the consentration camps that haven’t been built yet when there are already real concentration camps being operated at the expense of U.S. tax dollars in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay? Have these Obama birthers bothered to see Alex Gibney’s disturbing 2007 documentary Taxi to the Dark Side in which their worst paranoid fantasies have already been documented on celluloid? Probably not.

    Myths are malleable, you see. Sometimes they tell us only what we want to know. The Norse gods never died. They shaved their heads, picked up a couple of misspelled signs, and are now demonstrating in downtown Los Angeles against the Obama administration’s alleged support of illegal immigrants.

    The earliest myths were proto-Rorschach-blots. Those listening to the myths being told around the campfire projected their own concerns and fears into the subtext, and the same is true of conspiracy theories today. I notice this a great deal with regard to the subject of Freemasonry. You can tell a lot about the political leanings of a conspiracy theorist by who he or she thinks the Masons are. A liberal conspiracy theorist will interpret the Freemasons as a cabal of rightwing fascists with Nazi affiliations. A conservative conspiracy theorist will interpret the Freemasons as a cabal of left-leaning socialists—also with Nazi affiliations, oddly enough. LaRouche followers think the Freemasons are an exclusive cabal of British empiricists. Many Southern Baptists think they’re Satan worshippers (or Baal worshippers, as if those two mythological beings are interchangeable). Some conspiracy theorists with a severe anti-Semitic bent insist that the Freemasons are a cabal of baby-eating Jews. (I’m not exaggerating about the baby-eating Jew part, by the way. I refer you to the work of Eustace Mullins, particularly Chapter 6 of his 1968 book Mullins’ New History of the Jews, for more information on that special form of sociopathy.)

    I myself am a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason, and I assure you I’ve never eaten a baby—Gentile or otherwise. The story of how I became a Freemason is so strange and absurd that it would take well over two hundred pages to do the tale justice. Suffice it to say that I can blame it all on Walter Bowart, author of the ground-breaking book, Operation Mind Control. In 2002 Walter and I were collaborating on a screenplay about the earliest attempts on the part of the U.S. government to criminalize LSD. At that time Walter was initiated into the first degree of Freemasonry (about five years before his death from cancer in December of 2007). Since he was aware that I already knew a great deal about the traditions of Freemasonry, he suggested I join his Lodge in Culver City, CA. I’ve never been much of a joiner (even the mere notion of joining the Boy Scouts disturbed me as a child), so I demurred; however, about a year after his suggestion, due to a series of incidents more akin to a comedy of errors than the phantasmagoria of such conspiracy films as Eyes Wide Shut or The Skulls, I decided to join the local Blue Lodge located only a few blocks from my apartment in Torrance, CA. I let the Master of the Lodge know that my interest in Freemasonry was, for the most part, scholarly in nature. I couldn’t help but notice

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