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Cape of Storms: The First Life of Adamastor, A Story
Cape of Storms: The First Life of Adamastor, A Story
Cape of Storms: The First Life of Adamastor, A Story
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Cape of Storms: The First Life of Adamastor, A Story

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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He is the chieftain leader of the Khoikhoi, a nomadic people derogatorily called "Hottentot"' by European colonists. She is a white woman left behind by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama's crew when they rounded Africa's southern tip in 1498. Their romance is the core of this powerful novella.

According to Portuguese myth, Zeus turned Adamastor into the rocky cape of the South African peninsula. André Brink's parable suggests that white Europeans have punished native Africans in the same way. With this novel, Brink takes us to the heart of the relationships that define South Africa's

modern history.

"Peter Carey, Garcia Marquez, Solzhenitsyn: André Brink must be considered with that class of writer." —Guardian

Release dateSep 1, 2007
Cape of Storms: The First Life of Adamastor, A Story

Andre Brink

André Brink is one of South Africa's most distinguished writers. His books include An Instant in the Wind and Rumours of Rain, both of which were short-listed for the Man Booker Prize.

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Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    About an African tribal leader in the late 1400's who falls in love with a stranded white woman he finds on the beach. It has the sounds of an interesting and possibly powerful love story. However, don't even expect half that much out of this ridiculous story.The plot never moves on from what I just described. Half the book is the main character trying to get the woman, Khois, to sleep with him. There is no plot development at all.Much of the book is just random nonsense, which the author seems to think is terribly clever, but in reality is just confusingly laughable.A badly written book.

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Cape of Storms - Andre Brink

Copyright © 2003, 2007 by André Brink

Cover and internal design © 2007 by Sourcebooks, Inc.

Cover Image © Getty Images

Illustrations by Julie Metz

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc.

Quotations in Chapter 1 from Canto V of the Lusiads are from the translation by J. J. Aubertin Kegan Paul, London, 1884.

Excerpt from Little Gidding in Four Quartets, © 1943 by T. S. Eliot and renewed in 1971 by Esme Valerie Eliot, reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

Published by Sourcebooks Landmark, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc.

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Originally published in 1993 by Simon & Schuster

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Brink, André Philippus, 1935-

Cape of storms : the first life of Adamastor : a story / André Brink.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-4022-0864-5 (trade pbk.)

1. Adamastor (Legendary character)—Fiction. 2. South Africa—Fiction. I. Title.

PR9369.3.B7C36 2007




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This is the use of memory:

For liberation—not less of love but expanding

Of love beyond desire, and so liberation

From the future as well as the past.

—T. S. Eliot


In which, after some critical remarks about early French and Portuguese interpretations of Adamastor, the narrator proposes the terms of his contract with the reader

Once upon a time there was and there wasn’t. A formula I found in a book I can no longer trace, on the history of narrative forms. An old Spanish tradition, I believe, and particularly useful in the present context, where distinctions between was and wasn’t are rather blurred. Rabelais, to my knowledge the first to introduce Adamastor¹ in a story, does not shed much light on the subject. His character rates a mere mention (Pantagruel, Chapter 1) in the long genealogy of giants who begat one another, among them the hundred-handed Briareus, culminating of course in Gargantua and Pantagruel (…Briare, qui avoit cent mains, Qui engendra Prophyric, Qui engendra Adamastor, Qui engendra Antee…).

Camões, who may well have been familiar with Rabelais before embarking on his own Lusiads (1572), places the giant among the Titans who rebelled against Zeus (Qual Egeo e o Centimano—the latter once again a creature with a hundred hands). Admittedly, in his version, in the justly famous Canto V, Adamastor is not a giant to be treated without respect. When Vasco da Gama and his crew on their precarious voyage around Africa to the spicy and miraculous East are confronted by this horrid monster, he addresses them in lofty rhetoric:

"I am that mighty Cape occult and grand

Who by you all ‘The Stormy’ named has been"—

which resounds even more splendidly in the original:

"Eu sou aquelle occulto e grande Cabo,

A quem chamais vós outros Tormentorio."

But in the final analysis the Adamastor conceived by Camões is more revolting than impressive, Of stature all deformed and vast and tall,/The visage frowning, and with squalid beard;/The eyes were hollow, and the gesture all/Threatening and bad; the colour pale and seared;/And full of earth and grizzly was the hair;/The mouth was black, the teeth all yellow were.

His tragedy, as explained by Camões, lies in his consuming love for Thetis,² Nymph and Princess of the Wave, whom he has seen but once, fleetingly and fatally, as she was bathing naked with her Nereids on the shore:

"…no power my sense could save,

I felt by love o’ercome in such a way

That nought I know I’d long for more to-day."

It is inconceivable that his love can ever be requited. What love of nymph could e’er suffice/To cope with that of giant of this size? asks our pretentious poet. But here I must protest. My own suspicion, the product no doubt of a more cynical and secular age, is that if the lack of response to the poor creature’s amorous advances had indeed been partly caused by a discrepancy in size, this may well have involved only one part of his anatomy. On this, perhaps with the best of intentions, Camões seizes, taking pars pro toto, blowing up, in a manner of speaking, out of all proportion a stumbling block that might well have been overcome with some patience and considerable pleasure. As if that were not enough, he drags the nymph’s mother Doris into a particularly dirty plot to trick the giant.

In exchange for a promise that Adamastor will cease his war against the armies of the Sea, she undertakes to arrange a nocturnal tryst with her oh-so-innocent daughter:

"Already fooled, already war denied,

At last one night, by Doris promised, shone,

When from afar the beauteous form I spied

of Thetis white, unrobed, and all alone."

But when, mad-like, he approaches to take the fair maid in his arms and proceeds to attempt what hopefully seems natural to both,

"I found within my arms a rugged mount,

With harshest wood and thorny thickets faced;

Standing before a rock, e’en front to front,

Clasped for her own angelic form in haste,

I was not a man, but deaf and dumb by shock,

And fixed against one rock another rock!"

This disillusionment coincides, with Zeus’s decision finally to punish the rebellious Titans. Some of them, as we know from Greek mythology, are buried under huge mountains; Adamastor is turned into the jagged outcrop of the Cape Peninsula:

"Into hard earth my flesh converted lies,

My bones are turned to rocks all rough and strange,

These members and this form ye see, likewise,

Extended through these spreading waters range;

In fine, my stature of enormous size

Into this Cape remote the Gods did change;

While for redoubled anguish of my woes,

Thetis around me in these waters flows."

Rather exaggerated; but that is what happens to the truth when writers get their hands on it. And all of this is offered as a mere background to the somber prophecy Camões makes Adamastor utter (bearing in mind that what had been prophecy for da Gama and his crew had already become history for the contemporaries of Camões): shipwrecks, and all manner of catastrophes awaiting the explorers of the Cape of Storms, a litany of destruction, despair and death:

"And here I hope to take, if not misled,

’Gainst him deep vengeance who discovered me."

His apocalyptic prophecies culminate in a vision worthy of that age of overstatement:

"Another too shall come of honored fame,

Liberal and generous and with heart enchained,

And with him he shall bring a lovely dame,

Whom through Love’s favoring grace he shall

have gained;

Sad fate, dark fortune nought can e’er reclaim,

Call them to this my realm, where rage unreined

Shall leave them after cruel wreck alive,

With labors insupportable to strive.

"Their children shall die starving in their sight,

Who were in such affection bred and born;

They shall behold by Caffres’ grasping might

Her clothing from the lovely lady torn;

Shall see her form, so beautiful and white,

To heat, cold, wind, expos’d, and all forlorn,

When she has trod o’er leagues and leagues of land

With tender feet upon the burning sand.

"And more those eyes shall witness, which survive,

Of so much evil and so much mischance:

Shall see the two sad lovers, just alive,

Into the dense unpitying woods advance;

There, where the hearts of very stones they rive

With tears of grief and anguished sufferance,

In fond embrace their souls they shall set free

From the fair prison of such misery."

In many ways this is an unsatisfactory translation; yet something of the great original melodrama shines through it, as baroque and exaggerated as the arches and architraves, the sheer excess, the inspired bad taste of the Manueline churches and cloisters in Lisbon or Oporto.

Bearing all of this in mind—and reacting to the suggestion of eurocentric revulsion implicit in that image of the mighty cape, occult and grand, with its deformed stature, frowning visage, squalid beard, black mouth and yellow teeth—I have been nagged for a long time now by a particular question: from what raw material

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