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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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New York Times bestseller Lirael is perfect for fans of epic fantasy like Game of Thrones. In this sequel to the critically acclaimed Sabriel, Garth Nix draws readers deeper into the magical landscape of the Old Kingdom.

Lirael has never felt like a true daughter of the Clayr. Abandoned by her mother, ignorant of her father's identity, Lirael resembles no one else in her large extended family living in the Clayr's glacier. She doesn't even have the Sight—the ability to see into possible futures—that is the very birthright of the Clayr. Nevertheless she must undertake a desperate mission under the growing shadow of an ancient evil—one that opposes the Royal Family, blocks the Sight of the Clayr, and threatens to break the very boundary between Life and Death itself. With only her faithful companion, the Disreputable Dog, to help her, Lirael must find the courage to seek her own hidden destiny.

Release dateOct 6, 2009

Garth Nix

Garth Nix is a New York Times bestselling novelist and has been a full-time writer since 2001 but has also worked as a literary agent, marketing consultant, book editor, book publicist, book sales representative, bookseller, and part-time soldier in the Australian Army Reserve. Garth’s many books include the Old Kingdom fantasy series, beginning with Sabriel and continuing to Goldenhand; the sci-fi novels Shade’s Children and A Confusion of Princes; the Regency romance with magic Newt’s Emerald; and novels for children including The Ragwitch, the Seventh Tower series, the Keys to the Kingdom series, and Frogkisser!, which is now in development as a feature film with Fox Animation/Blue Sky Studios. Garth has written numerous short stories, some of which are collected in Across the Wall and To Hold the Bridge. He has also cowritten several children’s book series with Sean Williams, including TroubleTwisters and Have Sword, Will Travel. More than six million copies of his books have been sold around the world and his work has been translated into forty-two languages.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Little BookwormIt's been 20 years since the events of Sabriel and the Old Kingdom has been prosperous under the rule of King Touchstone and his Queen, the Abhorsen Sabriel. Their youngest child, Sameth, is at school in Ancelstierre when he and his cricket team are attacked by the dead. Sam is suppose to be the Abhorsen-in-waiting but the attack and his subsequent fight with the necromancer Hedge has left him unwillingly to venture into death anymore. But now his good friend has enter the Old Kingdom and Sam decides to find him and lead him through the kingdom, but dark forces are now at work.Meanwhile, Lirael has grown up with the Clayr, the Charter mages who live in the glacier and have the gift of Sight, to see into the future. Lirael is different among the Clayr and doesn't have the Sight no matter how hard she wishes. Aided by the Disreputable Dog, Lirael begins a journey that leads to her ultimate destiny.Told in alternating voices, I really enjoyed Lirael even more than I did Sabriel. I did find it frustrating when the point of view would switch and you'd be left hanging, but that's an old trick so I forgive it. The ending has no real resolution so I have to read Abhorsen to find out what happens and get my questions answered. I want to know about the Disreputable Dog and Mogget. What are they and what is buried under the Lightning Trap? I found that the beginning before either Sam or Lirael really got going on their journey a little boring and I wanted it to move a little quicker but the set-up turned out to be necessary for later. Also there is a lot of land descriptions which I glazed over a little. But all in all an awesome book and I immediately started on the next one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    For all that Lirael in the library is some of my favorite stuff in the series, overall I feel like this is the weakest book of the trilogy, in large part because it is intended as a transition between the more straight-forward adventure story that was Sabriel and the more epic battle of Abhorsen. It does, however, do a good job of setting up the characters and giving hints at what is yet to come.

    The Disreputable Dog and Mogget are probably my favorite characters in the series. They manage to be clearly magical creatures that fit into this world and can talk, and yet also very clearly act like a dog and a cat, respectively. Since I am re-reading it, I love all the hints about their pasts that I didn't understand the first time through.

    It was not uncommon for librarians to lay down their lives for the benefit of the Clayr as a whole, either in dangerous research, simple overwork, or action against previously unknown dangers discovered in the Library's collection.

    Lirael and the library of the Clayr is one of the most fun ideas I've ever seen. The idea of 'librarian' being one of the more dangerous jobs in a community--and quite rightly!--tickles my fancy to no small degree. I resent her leaving the library at least as much as she does. I also feel for her throughout quite a bit; having the Clayr blindfold her to lead her to and from the Observatory was heartbreaking.

    I found Sam's story to be a bit more questionable. His hopeless naivete throughout is a little harder to deal with on a re-read than it was the first time through (or perhaps it is the fact that I am no longer an angsty teen myself), and he doesn't have as clear an ending arc as Lirael does. Much of my sympathy for him is due to the fact that were I forced into a position where I was supposed to spend my life waltzing through Death, I would also probably act like a huge, whiny, terrified baby.

    The arc of this particular book is very much a personal one for Sam and Lirael, which is part of why it feels out of place. There is no epic evil fought and defeated, no war won, no happy ending: it is about the two of them finding out who they are, both personally and in the grand scheme of things.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    still slightly annoyed by the "it's in your BLOOD" stuff but otherwise this is great and i love it. I'm surprised i still like it as much as when i first read it, or even more. there are some parts that bored me, Sam's story before he meets Lirael but that's forgiveable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    the second book of the Abhorsen trilogy, Lirael, is roughly the same as the first with a different protagonist who is in school (but also a third assistant librarian, which is kinda neat, though the library itself is pretty dull stacked against, for instance, The Edge version of Stewart/Riddell). in the course of the book Lirael goes through a whole thing of self-actualization. again. except she's got a dog. i spent this whole book thinking to myself, but didn't i already read this book? i did think about that thing where they say the second book never gels, but in a trilogy that can't be a good thing, can it?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sam's chapters are a waste of type, but Lirael was an interesting character with a great story. Sadly though, I think I'm totally over Tim Curry. He only has two voices for narration: his normal voice and disdain. It got very droning after a while.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I will admit, this book was harder for me to get into than the first book, mostly since Sameth spends SO much of it wallowing in self-pity (a good reminder to avoid this in real life...) but Lirael's entire arc was beautiful and to watch her come into her own, finding and forging her own path within the Clayr was so empowering! The Disreputable Dog was a great addition, and I love how she is alike and yet so different from Mogget, I love them both dearly. Cannot wait to wrap up with "Abhorsen" now that the team's all together and off to fight the final battles!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    When listening to an audiobook it can be difficult to keep track of how far along you are. I guessed I was about 45% though the book, based on the feel of the story. Turns out I was right and wrong. I was more like 95% though Lirael - which ends with "To Be Continued". ARG!!!!!!! Want more audiobook right now!! Unfortunately, I won't be able to download Abhorsen until I get home from work.

    Like the first in this trilogy, this book is outstanding, beautifully narrated, and I totally forgive it for the "To Be Continued" ending. Go, read it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This series is just so good! I am really enjoying it :) 4/5 stars - mostly because Sameth is kind of really annoying and weak... but Lirael was freaking awesome, such a great character and I quite enjoyed this book! Can't wait to move on to Abhorsen!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Lirael is a Daughter of the Clayr, a group of women who have the gift of Sight, the ability to see into possible futures. Abandoned by her mother at a young age, her father unknown, with dark hair and pale skin, Lirael doesn't look like the rest of the Clayr. Nor has the Sight awoken in her. To take her mind of her troubles Lirael has decided to become a librarian. The Great Library of the Clayr is not without it's dangers. The books themselves can be trouble and there are monsters hidden in the Library's depths. Joined by a magical dog Lirael begins to explore the Library, even the lower levels where no one has gone for years, discovering many secrets. Prince Sameth, son of King Touchstone and Queen-Abhorsen Sabriel, is the new Abhorsen-in-waiting and is completely terrified by what this means. In order to avoid his duties for as long as possible, Sameth sets out on a journey to locate his friend from school who has decided to visit the Old Kingdom for the first time. Little does Sameth know there are Necromancers stirring up trouble, making travel dangerous, and the dead are no longer staying dead. An evil scheme is afoot. What is Sameth heading into? Lirael by Garth Nix is the second book in The Abhorson trilogy. The story picks up 14 years after the events in Sabriel. We are introduced immediately to Lirael and life on the Clayr's glacier. The world building in this section is fantastic! I love the idea of a whole society living inside a glacier that's part of a mountain and really wish I could make a trip to their Library. Then the story jumps ahead a few years to introduce Sameth. He has been going to school in Ancelestierre and is on his way home to the Old Kingdom. We are treated to a view of royal life and some of the responsibilities expected of the royal family.Lirael is another highly capable and likable heroine. Just like any teen aged girl she suffers the angst of wanting to fit in. While she may have doubts about herself being a true Clayr because she does not yet have the Sight, she has no doubts about her skills as a Charter mage. This is quite useful during her explorations of the Library. This first section was so much fun to read that switching characters felt rather abrupt. Sameth is almost the exact opposite of Lirael. He's a young, sniveling boy that just wants to make toys all day. He doesn't want to have anything to do with any of his family's responsibilities and literally runs away from his problems at the first opportunity. Nix doesn't pull any punches with his characters though so you can imagine just how well his lack of good sense goes for Sameth. The story has good pacing. There is plenty of action, excitement and humor throughout to balance the darker, scary parts. The interactions between the Disreputable Dog and Mogget are some of my favorite scenes. Such great banter between the two creatures. Unlike the first book, which could be read as a stand alone, this one definitely is the first half of a larger story. There are some reveals at the end, one of which I had already guessed, that are a big hook for what is still to come.Again I listened to the audio book narrated by Tim Curry. His performance is just as great as the first book. I enjoyed this book so much I downloaded book three before finishing!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was an absolutely phenomenal book. Definitely a worthy continuation to Sabriel, though it picks up many years after the ending of the first book. Usually, I have trouble enjoying books that depart so many years from the previous book and are what amounts to next generation works, but this one was absolutely wonderful and engrossing.The world-building is perfect and I loved getting to see things through Lirael's eyes and how much of the book took place at the Clayr's Glacier and how they did things there. Learning right along Lirael and feeling her emotions, her longing and otherness compared to the people whom she'd lived her whole life with. Lirael's origin story is definitely a very interesting one, indeed, with twists I hadn't seen coming.Sameth is also a rather interesting character and I'm so glad that we get the chance to know him and travel along with him for a while and see what kind of a person he is, especially considering his parentage.It was also wonderful to get to see Mogget again, but I think my favorite character for this book somehow turned out to be the Disreputable Dog. She's feisty and entertaining, not to mention that she's absolutely fascinating as the type of magical creature that she is.There were so many interesting twists and turns in this book, and the plot so engrossing, that despite actually being a bit long it feels like it's rather short. A wonderful read and I'm glad I picked it up. I can't wait until I get my hands on book 3!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think I have a new-found appreciation and fondness for this series by rereading it. I never actually finished the third book, I stopped only a few chapters in because I read the 3 in a binge but this time I'm spurred on my curiosity. So many questions, What are Mogget and the Disreputable Dog truly? What really happened with the 9 in the Beginning? Gah, I hope Nix answers all of them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There are parts of this book that deserved a 5 star rating. However, I'm still rating this book as a 4.5 star, although I Iiked it as much as Garth Nix's first book, Sabriel. I wasn't crazy about the character Prince Sameth, who was as annoying as Lirael was amazing! Lirael was seriously such a fantastic protagonist but I can see what's coming with Lirael, as she drags Sameth, kicking and screaming into his destiny as the Prince of the realm. Although Sameth's largely an annoying, spoiled and an obnoxious brat. I loved Lirael and the Disreputable Dog, and I thought they were AMAZING, and loved her as he grows up with the Clayr. I don't want to give too much away, but the story ends in a cliffhanger and I am really looking forward to the next book, Abhorsen! As with Sabriel and Lireal, I am listening to the Audio book as I drive in to work with my daughter each morning. Jack Murphy
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    What I loved about Sabriel was her lack of angst, atypical for a teenage protagonists. This novel's protagonists unfortunately have far too much of that quality. Also, the Disreputable Dog is a poor imitation of Mogget.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Possibly better than Sabriel. The heroine was not as immediately engaging, but she grows on you as she progresses on her journey. Nix creates weird world that envelops the reader, and the sense of menace that pervades the trilogy creates a tense ambiance that will keep the reader turning pages up to the end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Really enjoyed this, but did not expect the cliffhanger at the end. Will have to read the next one now.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A little uneven in transitions between the stories, but an excellent sense of pacing. Can't wait for part 3.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Review komt nog.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    {2nd of 4 (+2 prequels) in Old Kingdom series; fantasy, necromancy, young adult, children's}(2001/ 2014)The story is narrated (in the third person) from Lirael's point of view and then, from part two (chapter 14) onwards also from Sameth's point of view. It opens with Lirael on her fourteenth birthday in the Clayr's Glacier, desperately hoping she develops the Sight for which the Clayr are renowned and which they all usually acquire as young girls. Her mother died just before her tenth birthday and, also unusually for the Clayr, Lirael doesn't know who her father was. She does get to work in the Clayr libraryAs could be expected of a Second Assistant Librarian, she reached for the book firstThis quote appealed to me - for some reason ;0)In exploring the library she manages to discover a lot about magic, both Charter and Free. I do love the Disreputable Dog who is one of Lirael's magical creations - but who very much has a mind of her own.Part two opens four years later as Sameth - prince of the Old Kingdom, Abhorsen-in-waiting and about to turn seventeen - is playing the last stroke of his last school cricket match. Though he is across the Wall in Ancelstierre, where they don't believe that superstitious nonsense like magic exists, the cricket team is ambushed by an army of the dead. To save them, Sam goes into Death unarmed and unprepared where he meets a necromancer from whom he only just escapes but is injured in mind and body. On his return home, he finds that his parents are working hard to contain various incursions which have been springing up all around the kingdom and his one-year-older sister, Ellimere, has been appointed co-regent in their absence - and, of course, she starts practising on her younger brother. One of his duties is to study the Book of the Dead and master the mahogany-handled bells of a necromancer so he can help the Abhorsen maintain order in the country; but now he is scared of Death.Meanwhile, Lirael has continued to expand her magical portfolio and finally she leaves the Clayr's Glacier, along with her faithful Dog, on a mission to save the world.I should warn you that, though I wouldn't say that the book ends on a cliff-hanger, the mission and thus the story is by no means ended. This is Lirael's story, though Sameth also has a part, so a large chunk of the book takes place in the Clayr's Glacier where Lirael feels out of place unlike Sabriel's story where she came from Ancelstierre to the Old Kingdom and travelled all over the country on her adventure.Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?It occured to me that in Sabriel, the first book, we never learned the (old) Abhorsen's real name (we discover it in Lirael), nor Touchstone's either. I enjoyed the parts of the story set south of the Wall. Ancelstierre seems very much like the English countryside of PG Wodehouse's school stories (which I love) - despite Nix being Australian. But cricket is played in all three countries.This is an intriguing series. I'm looking forward to reading the next book.(April 2024) - but I'm reviewing it now, based on my notes and flicking through the book again4 stars
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After how much everyone loved Sabriel for bedtime story, it was a good thing that I already had this book on the shelves and ready to go. The whole family really liked this one as well.Structured a bit similarly to Sabriel in that there is a lot of world-building and setup and then just when it almost feels a bit draggy it explodes into action, and then everything after that takes place in a startlingly small stretch of time. The Clayr and the library are so fascinating, the Disreputable Dog so enjoyable, Lirael herself so relatable. She's such a great character who feels so overlooked and unimportant, and then, of course, grows to be immensely powerful.So glad my friend introduced this series to me!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Reread. My favorite of the ones I've read (just the first three books). I adore the Dog and I'm jealous of the library.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this one a bit more than the 1st, although I could have done with less teenaged angst although the reasons were made clear near the end of the book. I never understand, however, why seemingly every single writer or storyteller makes evil so much more competent, organized and stronger than the 'forces of good'. I think I'd enjoy it better if they were better matched.

    Once again, I seem to be focused on the negative, but I shouldn't give it so much weight. I actually pulled over to the side of the road on the way to work to order the next book in the series as I finished this audiobook. So, yeah...I liked it.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This has been my favorite book since I was 12, and I'm now 23. It was the first real "magic" novel I read that didn't have an awful and unappealing romance subplot like most YA fics had and still have. It takes you to the Old Kingdom and Ancelstierre across the wall, and is best read after Sabriel. It is appropriate for younger readers around 12, but is an enticing enough read that an adult will find enjoyment in it as well.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Im very happy to find this somewhat older series full of twists and turns and every enjoyable. Also I love the dog.

    Edit: wanted to add a warning for a suicide attempt near start of book, and then talk of it later on.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    super cool=)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Lirael is a Daughter of the Clayr but she feels she doesn't belong: despite being fourteen years of age, she still doesn't have the Sight that enables the Clayr to prophesy the future, and the fact that she also looks different from everyone else only makes the matter worse. But wallowing in self-pity just won't do, and so she decides to make things happen, rather than simply waiting for things to happen to her. Eventually the Clayr realise that Lirael plays an important role in the future of the Old Kingdom and she sets out on her journey south with her canine companion, the Disreputable Dog, not knowing the path she will eventually take. Meanwhile, Prince Sameth, the son of King Touchstone and Sabriel, finds it difficult to accept the responsibilities that come with being the Abhorsen-in-Waiting after a near-fatal encounter with a powerful necromancer.Having just finished Sabriel a couple of days ago, I sort of expected more of the same, but Lirael has a very different feel from the previous book in the sequence, both in terms of the female central character and in the pacing. The story is still being propelled forward but it is a lot more character driven; instead of breakneck speed with barely a breather in between the reader gets to follow both Lirael and Sameth in their feelings of insecurity, doubt and despair, as they both struggle with what they perceive as their predestined paths, albeit for different reasons. While it is correct to say that Lirael’s character comes out of the conflict better than Sameth, Sameth has come in for some in my opinion very harsh and mostly undeserved criticism by some of the reviewers – the opening scenes clearly show him to be a young man of tremendous courage, responsibility and leadership, but the encounter with the necromancer in Death hasn’t just left physical scars but also mental ones, which of course take a lot longer to heal, and has left him shaken and afraid, quite a natural reaction, even with such illustrious parents.With such a character-driven plot where the two main characters’ feelings are closely examined, it is inevitable that the action takes a bit of a back step, and I did feel that the pace could have been increased here and there without losing any of the characterisation, hence the slightly lower rating. Top marks though for giving the world the Disreputable Dog, though!In contrast to Sabriel, which ended with a definite literary full stop, the ending in Lirael is a type of cliffhanger and sets up the next book in the sequence, Abhorsen, and if the teaser is anything to go by, the pace doesn't show any sign of abating and will provide plenty of danger and excitement for our two heroes. Luckily, it’s already lined up.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The second novel in the series introduces us to new characters living in the Clayr’s Glacier, a remote area of the Old Kingdom populated by women who can see glimpses of the future. The plot is slower and focuses more on character and relationships. The main protagonist, Lirael, is far more submissive and bookish than Sabriel, but also ends up being much more relatable.

    Lirael picks up roughly twenty years after Sabriel, and concentrates on two characters: Lirael, a Librarian, and Sameth, the prince. The novel is split up into four separate sections, half of which follow Lirael, and half which follow Sameth. The addition of another traveling companion, who is much more loyal and trustworthy, adds heart to a much darker novel.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    While Sabriel feels like a standalone book, I consider Lirael and Abhorsen as two parts of the same book, as such I'm writing this review about both of them.

    Many of my annoyances from Sabriel carry over into these books. The magic is still kind of hand-wavy and Nix still introduces new rules of the world in that "Oh by the way" manner. Free magic does not like water, oh, but by the way, this is only true for beings that are under the control of free magic, not free magic beings themselves. But the same things I liked about Sabriel are present here as well. The fact that Nix does not chain himself to the lore that he supposedly creates beforehand, gives the books a carefree vibe that is quite refreshing.

    The main difference between Sabriel and Lirael/Abhorsen was that Sabriel didn't feel very exciting, while Lirael/Abhorsen very much did. Abhorsen in particular I read in little over a single day because I was absolutely hooked on the story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The second in Garth Nix's saga of magic and necromancy. Lireal is a young woman from a race of Seers who does not have the sight. She finds work in the Great Library, a fantastic and sometimes frightening place that holds books, weapons, magic, and some rather nasty monsters. With her friend the Disreputable Dog, Lireal embarks on an adventure to save a non-magical foreigner caught in the clutches of an evil necromancer.

    This young adult novel is quite suitable for adult readers who like fantasy without a lot of romance or bodice-ripping.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A strong follow-up to "Sabriel" that is sure to please anyone who liked that book. However, don't read this unless you're ready to grab "Abhorsen" and read that too. The story of this book leads directly into that one, and as may as well stop halfway through this one as read it without the other.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    These were fun books.
    Sabriel is pretty much a stand-alone book, but the second two are really one novel - Lirael ends right smack in the middle on a cliffhanger, and Abhorsen starts right where it left off...
    The trilogy gives us a dual world - one which very strongly resembles Britain in the early twentieth century - and then, across the Wall, the Old Kingdom, a magical land which is currently in a dire state of anarchy and seriously plagued by the Dead - which rise as zombies and make themselves the sort of nuisance that zombies generally do.
    Sabriel has been raised at a girls' school in Ancelstierre (Britain), but has always been aware that her father is the Abhorsen, a powerful individual with magical influence over the Dead. But when her father disappears, and Sabriel sets out to find him, she realizes that she has never been aware of even half of her father's abilities and duties... duties which are now on her shoulders, as she realizes that more is at stake than merely her father's life...
    The second story (Lirael/Abhorsen) takes place around 20 years later, and deals mostly with the next generation... of course, things are even worse, plots are afoot to bring about the end of the world, necromancers are causing problems, and our young protagonists, Lirael and Sam, must both discover who they truly are, find their path/calling in life, and, oh, save the world. With the help of the snarky magical cat (?), Mogget, and the Disreputable Dog.

Book preview

Lirael - Garth Nix


It was a hot, steamy summer, and the mosquitoes swarmed everywhere, from their breeding grounds in the rotten, reedy shores of the Red Lake up to the foothills of Mount Abed. Small, bright-eyed birds swooped among the clouds of insects, eating their fill. Above them, birds of prey circled, to devour the smaller birds in turn.

But there was one place near the Red Lake where no mosquito or bird flew, and no grass or living thing would grow. A low hill, little more than two miles from the eastern shore. A mound of close-packed dirt and stones, stark and strange amidst the wild grassland that surrounded it, and the green forest that climbed the nearby hills.

The mound had no name. If one had ever appeared on a map of the Old Kingdom, the map was long lost. There had once been farms nearby, but never closer than a league. Even when people had lived there, they would neither look at the strange hill nor speak of it. The nearest town now was Edge, a precarious settlement that had never seen better days but had not yet given up hope of them. The townsfolk of Edge knew it was wise to avoid the eastern shore of the Red Lake. Even the animals of the forest and the meadow shunned the area around the mound, as they instinctively stayed away from anyone who seemed to be going there.

Such as the man who stood on the fringe of the forest, where the hills melted into the lakeshore plain. A thin, balding man who wore a suit of leather armor that covered him from ankle to wrist, reinforced with plates of red-enameled metal at his neck and every joint. He carried a naked sword in his left hand, the blade balanced across his shoulder. His right hand rested against a leather bandolier worn diagonally across his chest. Seven pouches hung from the bandolier, the smallest no larger than a pillbox, the largest as big as his clenched fist. Wooden handles hung downwards out of the pouches. Black ebony handles, which his fingers crawled across like a spider along a wall.

Anyone who had been there to see would have known that the ebony handles belonged to bells, and that in turn would identify the man by kind, if not by name. A necromancer, he carried the seven bells of his dark art.

The man looked down at the mound for some time, noting that he was not the first to come there that day. At least two people stood on the bare hill, and there was a shimmer of heat in the air that suggested that other, less visible beings stood there, too.

The man considered waiting till dusk, but he knew he didn’t have that choice. This was not his first visit to the mound. Power lay far beneath it, imprisoned deep within the earth. It had called him across the Kingdom, summoning him to its presence on this Midsummer’s Day. It called him now, and he could not deny it.

Still, he retained enough pride and will to resist running the last half mile to the mound. It took all his strength, but when his boots touched the bare earth at the lip of the hill, it was with deliberation and no sign of haste.

One of the people there he knew, and expected. The old man, the last of the line that had served the thing that lay under the mound, acting as a channel for the power that kept it hidden from the gaze of the witches who saw everything in their cave of ice. The fact that the old man was the last, without some sniveling apprentice at his side, was reassuring. The time was coming when it need no longer hide beneath the earth.

The other person was unknown. A woman, or something that had once been a woman. She wore a mask of dull bronze, and the heavy furs of the Northern barbarians. Unnecessary, and uncomfortable, in this weather . . . unless her skin felt something other than the sun. She wore several rings of bone upon her silk-gloved fingers.

You are Hedge, the stranger declared.

The man was surprised by the crackle of power in her speech. She was a Free Magic sorcerer, as he’d suspected, but a more powerful one than he could have guessed. She knew his name, or one of them—the least of his names, the one he had used most often in recent times. He, too, was a Free Magic sorcerer, as all necromancers had to be.

A Servant of Kerrigor, continued the woman. I see his brand upon your forehead, though your disguise is not without some skill.

Hedge shrugged, and touched what appeared to be a Charter mark on his forehead. It cracked in two and fell off like a broken scab, revealing an ugly scar that crawled and wriggled on his skin. I carry the brand of Kerrigor, he replied evenly. But Kerrigor is gone, bound by the Abhorsen and imprisoned these last fourteen years.

You will serve me now, said the woman, in tones that brooked no argument. Tell me how I may commune with the power that lies under this mound. It, too, will bend itself to my will.

Hedge bowed, hiding his grin. Was this not reminiscent of how he had come to the mound himself, in the days after Kerrigor’s fall?

There is a stone on the western side, he said, pointing with his sword. Swing it aside, and you will see a narrow tunnel, striking sharply down. Follow the tunnel till the way is blocked by a slab of stone. At the foot of the stone, you will see water seeping through. Taste of the water, and you will perceive the power of which you speak.

He did not mention that the tunnel was his, the product of five years’ toil, nor that the seeping water was the first visible sign of a struggle for freedom that had gone on for more than two thousand years.

The woman nodded, the thin line of pallid skin around the mask giving no hint of expression, as if the face behind it were as frozen as the metal. Then she turned aside and spoke a spell, white smoke gushing from the mouthpiece of the mask with every word. When she finished, two creatures rose up from where they’d lain at her feet, nearly invisible against the earth. Two impossibly thin, vaguely human things, with flesh of swiftly moving mist and bones of blue-white fire. Free Magic elementals, of the kind that humans called Hish.

Hedge watched them carefully and licked his lips. He could deal with one, but two might force him to reveal strengths best left veiled for the moment. The old man would be no help. Even now he just sat there, mumbling, a living conduit for some part of the power under the hill.

If I do not return by nightfall, the woman said, my servants will rend you asunder, flesh and spirit too, should you seek refuge in Death.

I will wait here, Hedge replied, settling himself down on the raw earth. Now that he knew the Hish’s instructions, they represented no threat. He laid down his sword and turned one ear to the mound, pressing it against the soil. He could hear the constant whisper of the power below, through all the layers of earth and stone, though his own thoughts and words could not penetrate the prison. Later, if it was necessary, he would go into the tunnel, drink of the water, and lay his mind open, sending his thoughts back along the finger-wide trickle that had broken through all seven thrice-spelled wards. Through silver, gold, and lead; rowan, ash, and oak; and the seventh ward of bone.

Hedge didn’t bother to watch the woman go, or stir when he heard the sound of the great stone being rolled away, even though it was a feat beyond the strength of any normal man, or any number of normal men.

When the woman returned, Hedge was standing at the very center of the mound, looking south. The Hish stood near him, but made no move as their mistress climbed back up. The old man sat where he always had, still gibbering, though whether he spoke spells or nonsense, Hedge couldn’t say. It was no magic he knew, though he felt the power of the hill in the old man’s voice.

I will serve, the woman said.

The arrogance, though not the power, was gone from her voice. Hedge saw the muscles in her neck spasm as she spoke the words. He smiled and raised his hand. There are Charter Stones that have been raised too close to the hill. You will destroy them.

I will, agreed the woman, lowering her head.

You were a necromancer, continued Hedge. In years past, Kerrigor had drawn all the necromancers of the Kingdom to him, to serve as petty underlords. Most had perished, either in Kerrigor’s fall or, in the years after, at the hands of the Abhorsen. Some survived still, but this woman had never been a Servant of Kerrigor.

Long ago, said the woman.

Hedge felt the faint flicker of Life inside her, buried deep under the spell-coated furs and the bronze mask. She was old, this sorcerer, very, very old—not an advantage for a necromancer who must walk in Death. That cold river had a particular taste for those who had evaded its clutches beyond their given span of years.

You will take up the bells again, for you will need many Dead for the work that lies ahead. Hedge unbuckled his own bandolier and handed it over cautiously, careful not to jar the bells into sound. For himself he had another set of the seven, taken from a lesser necromancer in the chaos following Kerrigor’s defeat. There would be some risk retrieving them, for they lay in that main part of the Kingdom long since reclaimed by the King and his Abhorsen Queen. But he had no need of the bells for his immediate plans, and could not take them where he intended to go.

The woman took the bells but did not put on the bandolier. Instead, she stretched out her right hand, palm upwards. A tiny spark glinted there, a splinter of metal that shone with its own bright, white fire. Hedge held out his own hand, and the splinter leapt across, burying itself just under the skin, without drawing blood. Hedge held it up to his face, feeling the power in the metal. Then he slowly closed his fingers, and smiled.

It was not for him, this sliver of arcane metal. It was a seed, a seed that could be planted in many soils. Hedge had a particular purpose for it, a most fertile bed where it could grow to its full fruit. But it would likely be many years before he could plant it where it would do most harm.

And you? asked the woman. What do you do?

I go south, Chlorr of the Mask, said Hedge, revealing that he knew her name—and much else besides. South to Ancelstierre, across the Wall. The country of my birth, though in spirit I am no child of its powerless soil. I have much to do there, and even farther afield. But you will hear from me when I have need. Or if I hear news that is not to my liking.

He turned then, and walked off without further word. For a master need make no farewells to any of his servants.

Part One

The Old Kingdom

Fourteenth Year of the Restoration of King Touchstone I

Chapter One

An Ill-Favored Birthday

Deep within a dream, Lirael felt someone stroking her forehead. A gentle, soft touch, a cool hand upon her own fevered skin. She felt herself smile, enjoying the touch. Then the dream shifted, and her forehead wrinkled. The touch was no longer soft and loving, but rough and rasping. No longer cool, but hot, burning her—

She woke up. It took her a second to realize that she’d clawed the sheet away and had been lying facedown on the coarsely woven mattress cover. It was wool and very scratchy. Her pillow lay on the floor. The pillowcase had been torn off in the course of some nightmare and now hung from her chair.

Lirael looked around the small chamber, but there were no signs of any other nocturnal damage. Her simple wardrobe of dressed pine was upright, the dull steel latch still closed. The desk and chair still occupied the other corner. Her practice sword hung in its scabbard on the back of the door.

It must have been a relatively good night. Sometimes, in her nightmare-laced sleep, Lirael walked, talked, and wreaked havoc. But always only in her room. Her precious room. She couldn’t bear to think what life would be like if she were forced to go back to family chambers.

She closed her eyes again and listened. All was silent, which meant that it must be long before the Waking Bell. The bell sounded at the same time every day, calling the Clayr out of their beds to join the new morning.

Lirael scrunched her eyes together more tightly and tried to go back to sleep. She wanted to regain the feel of that hand on her brow. That touch was the only thing she remembered of her mother. Not her face or her voice—just the touch of her cool hand.

She needed that touch desperately today. But Lirael’s mother was long gone, taking the secret of Lirael’s paternity with her. She had left when Lirael was five, without a word, without an explanation. There never was any explanation. Just the news of her death, a garbled message from the distant North that had arrived three days before Lirael’s tenth birthday.

Once she had thought of that, there was no hope for sleep. As on every other morning, Lirael gave up trying to keep her eyes shut. She let them spring open and stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes. But the stone had not changed overnight. It was still grey and cold, with tiny flecks of pink.

A Charter mark for light glowed there too, warm and golden in the stone. It had shone brighter when Lirael had first awoken and grew brighter still as she swung her feet out and felt around with her toes for her half-shoes. The Clayr’s halls were heated by the steam of hot springs and by magic, but the stone floor was always cold.

Fourteen today, whispered Lirael. She had her half-shoes on, but made no move to rise. Ever since the message of her mother’s death had come so close to her tenth birthday, all her birthdays had been harbingers of doom.

Fourteen! Lirael said again, the word laced with anguish. She was fourteen, and by the measure of the world outside the Clayr’s Glacier, a woman. But here she must still wear the blue tunic of a child, for the Clayr marked the passage to adulthood not by age, but by the gift of the Sight.

Once again, Lirael closed her eyes, screwing them tight as she willed herself to See the future. Everyone else her age had the Sight. Many younger children already wore the white robe and the circlet of moonstones. It was unheard of not to have the Sight by fourteen.

Lirael opened her eyes, but she saw no vision. Just her simple room, slightly blurred by tears. She rubbed them away and got up.

No mother, no father, no Sight, she said as she opened her wardrobe and took out a towel. It was a familiar litany. She said it often, though it always made her feel a terrible stab of sorrow in her stomach. It was like worrying a toothache with her tongue. It hurt, but she couldn’t leave it alone. The wound was part of her now.

But perhaps one day soon, she would be summoned by the Voice of the Nine Day Watch. Then she would wake and say, No mother, no father, but I have the Sight.

I will have the Sight, Lirael muttered to herself as she eased open the door and tiptoed down the corridor to the baths. Charter marks brightened as she passed under them, bringing day from twilight. But all the other doors in the Hall of Youth remained shut. Once, Lirael would have knocked on them, laughing and calling the other orphans who lived there to an early bath.

But that was years ago. Before they had all gained the Sight.

That was also when Merell was Guardian of the Young, one who had governed her charges with a light hand. Lirael’s own aunt Kirrith was Guardian now. If there was any noise, she would emerge from her room in her maroon-and-white-striped bathrobe, to order silence and respect for sleeping elders. She would make no special allowance for Lirael, either. Quite the reverse. Kirrith was the exact opposite of Lirael’s mother, Arielle. She was all for rules and regulations, tradition and conformity.

Kirrith would never leave the Glacier to travel who knew where, only to return seven months gone with child. Lirael scowled at Kirrith’s door. Not that Kirrith had ever told her that. Kirrith wouldn’t talk about her younger sister. The little Lirael knew about her mother came from eavesdropping on her closer cousins’ conversations. The ones during which they discussed what to do about a girl who so obviously didn’t belong.

Lirael scowled again at that thought. The scowl didn’t go away, even when she was scraping her face with pumice stone in the hot bath. Only the shock of the cold plunge in the long pool finally smoothed the lines away.

The lines came back, though, as Lirael combed her hair in the communal mirror in the changing room next to the cold pool. The mirror was a rectangle of silver steel, eight feet high and twelve feet wide, rather tarnished around the edges. Later in the morning it would be shared by up to eight of the fourteen orphans currently in the Hall of Youth.

Lirael hated sharing the mirror, because it made yet another difference more obvious. Most of the Clayr had brown skin that quickly tanned to a deep chestnut out on the glacier slopes, as well as bright blond hair and light eyes. In contrast Lirael stood out like a pallid weed among healthy flowers. Her white skin burnt instead of tanning, and she had dark eyes and even darker hair.

She knew she probably took after her father, whoever that had been. Arielle had never identified him, yet another shame for her suffering daughter to carry. The Clayr often bore children fathered by visiting men, but they didn’t usually leave the Glacier to find them, and they made no secret of the fathers. And for some reason, they almost always had girls. Fair-haired, nut-brown girls with pale blue or green eyes.

Except for Lirael.

Alone in front of the mirror, Lirael could forget all that. She concentrated on combing her hair, forty-nine strokes to each side. She was feeling more hopeful. Perhaps this would be the day. A fourteenth birthday marked by the best possible present. The gift of the Sight.

Even so, Lirael had no desire to eat breakfast in the Middle Refectory. Most of the Clayr ate there, and she would have to sit at a table with girls three or even four years younger, sticking out like a thistle in a bed of well-tended flowers. A blue-clad thistle. Everyone else her age would be dressed in white, sitting at the tables of the crowned and acknowledged Clayr.

Instead, Lirael crossed two silent corridors and descended two stairways that spiraled in opposite directions, down to the Lower Refectory. This was where the traders ate, and the supplicants who came to ask the Clayr to look into their futures. The only Clayr here would be those on the kitchen or serving rosters.

Or almost the only Clayr. There was one other who Lirael hoped would come. The Voice of the Nine Day Watch. As she walked down the last steps, Lirael imagined the scene. The Voice striding down the main stairs, striking the gong, then stopping to make her announcement that the Nine Day Watch had Seen her—Seen Lirael—being crowned with the circlet of moonstones, had Seen her gaining the Sight at last.

The Lower Refectory wasn’t very busy that morning. Only three of the sixty tables were occupied. Lirael went to a fourth, as far away from the others as possible, and drew out the bench. She preferred to sit alone, even when she was not among the Clayr.

Two of the tables were occupied by merchants, probably from Belisaere, talking loudly of the peppercorns, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon they had imported from the far North and hoped to sell to the Clayr. Their conversation about the quality and strength of their spices was all too evidently meant to be heard by the Clayr working in the kitchens.

Lirael sniffed the air. Their claims might even be true. The scent of cloves and nutmeg from the merchants’ bags was very strong, but pleasant. Lirael took it as another good omen.

The third table was taken up by the merchants’ guards. Even here, inside the Clayr’s Glacier, they wore armored coats of interlocking scales and kept their scabbarded swords close by, under the benches. Obviously, they thought bandits or worse could easily follow the narrow path along the river gorge and force the gate that led to the Clayr’s vast complex.

Of course, they would not have been able to see most of the defenses. The river path crawled with Charter marks of hiding and blinding, and under the flat paving stones there were sendings of beasts and warriors that would rise up at the slightest threat. The path also crossed the river no less than seven times, on slender bridges of ancient construction, apparently spun from stone. Easily defended bridges—with the river Ratterlin running below, deep enough and fast enough to keep any Dead from crossing.

Even here in the Lower Refectory there was Charter Magic lying dormant in the walls, and sendings that slept in the rough-hewn stone of floor and ceiling. Lirael could see the Charter marks, faint as they were, and puzzle out the spells they made up. The sendings were harder, because only the marks to trigger them were clear. Of course, there were clearly visible marks as well, the ones that shed light here and everywhere else within the Clayr’s underground domain, bored into the rock of the mountain, next to the icy mass of the Glacier.

Lirael scanned the visitors’ faces. Without helmets, their close-cropped hair made it easy to see that none had the Charter mark upon their foreheads. So they almost certainly couldn’t see the magic that surrounded them. Instinctively, Lirael parted her own rather too-long hair and felt her mark. It pulsed lightly under her touch, and she felt the sense of connection, the feeling of belonging to the great Charter that described the world. At least she was something of a Charter Mage, even if she didn’t have the Sight.

The merchants’ guards should trust more in the Clayr’s defenses, Lirael thought, looking at the armored men and women again. One of them saw her glance, and met her eyes for an instant, till she looked away. In that fleeting moment, she saw a young man, his head even more closely shaven than the others, so his scalp shone when it caught the light from the Charter marks in the ceiling.

Though she tried to ignore him, Lirael saw the guard get up and walk across, his scale coat too big for someone who would not see his real growth for several years. Lirael scowled as he approached, and turned her head away even more. Just because the Clayr did occasionally take lovers from amongst the visitors, some people thought that any of the Clayr visiting the Lower Refectory would be hunting for a man. This notion seemed particularly strong among young men of sixteen or thereabouts.

Excuse me, said the guard. May I sit here?

Lirael nodded reluctantly, and he sat, a cascade of scales rattling down his chest in a slow waterfall of metal.

I’m Barra, he said cheerfully. Is this your first time here?

What? asked Lirael, puzzled and shy. In the Refectory?

No, said Barra, laughing and stretching his arms out to indicate a much larger vista. Here. In the Clayr’s Glacier. This is my second visit, so if you need someone to show you around . . . though I guess your parents might trade here often?

Lirael looked away again, feeling bright spots burn into her cheekbones. She tried to think of something to say, some snappy rejoinder, but all she could think was that even outsiders knew she wasn’t really a Clayr. Even a stupid, undergrown, rattling clod like this one.

What’s your name? asked Barra, oblivious to the blush and the terrible emptiness that had grown inside her.

Lirael swallowed and wet her lips, but no answer came. She felt as if she didn’t have a name to give, or an identity at all. She couldn’t even look at Barra because her eyes were full of tears, so she stared at the half-eaten pear on her plate instead.

I just wanted to say hello, said Barra uneasily, as the silence stretched out between them.

Lirael nodded, and two tears fell on the pear. She didn’t look up or try to wipe her eyes. Her arms felt as limp and useless as her voice.

I’m sorry, Barra added as he clanked to his feet. Lirael watched him go back to his table, her eyes partly covered by a protective fall of hair. When he was a few feet away, one of the men said something, not loud enough to hear. Barra shrugged, and the men—and some of the women—burst into laughter.

It’s my birthday, Lirael whispered to her plate, her voice more full of tears than her eyes. I must not cry on my birthday. She stood up and clumsily stepped over the bench, taking her plate and fork to the scullery hatch, being careful not to catch the eye of whichever first, second, or third cousin worked there.

She was still holding the plate when one of the Clayr came down the main stairs and struck with her metal-tipped wand the first of the seven gongs that stood on the bottom seven steps. Lirael froze, and everyone in the Refectory stopped talking as the Clayr descended, striking each gong in turn, the different notes of the gongs merging into one before they echoed away into silence.

At the bottom step, the Clayr stopped and held up her wand. Lirael’s heart leapt inside her, while her stomach knotted in anxiety. It was exactly as she had imagined. So like it that she felt sure that it hadn’t been imagination, but the onset of the Sight.

Sohrae, as her wand declared, was currently the Voice of the Nine Day Watch, the Voice who made the announcements when the Watch Saw something of public importance to the Clayr or the Kingdom. Most important, the Voice also announced when the Watch had Seen the girl who would be next to gain the Sight.

Know one, know many, proclaimed Sohrae, her clear voice carrying to every corner of the Refectory and the kitchens and the scullery beyond. The Nine Day Watch with great gladness announce that the Gift of Sight has Awoken in our sister . . .

Sohrae took a breath to go on, and Lirael shut her eyes, knowing that Sohrae was about to say her name. It must, it must, it must be me, she thought. Two years later than everyone, and today my birthday. It has to—

Annisele, intoned Sohrae. Then she turned and went up the stairs again, lightly striking the gongs, their sound a soft undercurrent to the talk that had resumed among the visitors.

Lirael opened her eyes. The world had not changed. She did not have the Sight. Everything would go on as it always had. Miserably.

Can I have your plate, please? asked the unseen cousin behind the scullery hatch. Oh, Lirael! I thought you were a visitor. You’d better hurry back upstairs, dear. Annisele’s Awakening will start inside the hour. This is the Voice’s last stop, you know. Whyever did you eat down here?

Lirael didn’t answer. She let the plate go and crossed the Refectory like a sleepwalker, her fingers listlessly brushing the table corners as she passed. All she could think of was Sohrae’s voice, running over and over in her head.

The gift of Sight has Awoken in our sister Annisele.

Annisele. Annisele would be the one to wear the white robe, to be crowned with the silver and moonstones, while Lirael once again would have to put on her best blue tunic, the uniform of a child. The tunic that no longer had a hem because it had been let out so many times. The tunic that was still too short.

Annisele had just turned eleven ten days ago. But her birthday would be nothing compared to this day, the day of her Awakening.

Birthdays were nothing, Lirael thought, as she mechanically put one foot in front of the other, up the six hundred steps from the Lower Refectory to the Westway, along that path for two hundred paces, and then up the hundred and two steps to the backdoor of the Hall of Youth. She counted every step, and looked no one in the eye. All she saw was the sweep of white robes and the flash of black-slippered feet, as all the Clayr rushed to the Great Hall to honor the latest girl to join the ranks of those who Saw the future.

By the time she reached her room, Lirael found that any small joy to be had from her birthday was gone. Extinguished, snuffed out like a candle. It was Annisele’s day now, Lirael thought. She had to try to be happy for Annisele. She had to ignore the terrible sorrow that was welling up in her own heart.

Chapter Two

A Future Lost

Lirael threw herself on her bed and tried to overcome her despair. She really should get dressed for Annisele’s Awakening. But every time she started to get up, she felt unable to continue, and sat back down. For the moment, getting up was impossible. All she could do was relive the awful moment in the Lower Refectory when she had not heard her name. But she managed to wrestle her mind away from that, to think about the immediate future, not the past. Lirael made a decision. She wouldn’t go to Annisele’s Awakening.

It was unlikely anyone would really miss her, but there was a chance somebody might come to get her. This thought gave her enough strength to finally get off the bed and investigate hiding places. Under the bed was traditional, but the underside of Lirael’s simple trestle bed was both cramped and very dusty, since she hadn’t followed the standard cleaning routine properly for weeks.

She considered the wardrobe for a little while. But its spare, box-like shape and pine-plank construction made her think of it as an upended coffin. This was not a new thought for Lirael. She had always had what her cousins considered a morbid imagination. As a small child she had liked to playact dramatic death scenes from famous stories. She had stopped playacting years ago, but had never stopped thinking about death. Her own, in particular.

Death, Lirael whispered, shivering to hear the word aloud. She said it again, a little louder. A simple word, a simple way to avoid all the things that plagued her. She could avoid Annisele’s Awakening, but she probably couldn’t avoid all the ones that would come after that.

If she killed herself, Lirael reasoned, she wouldn’t have to watch girls increasingly younger than herself gaining the Sight. She wouldn’t have to stand with a bunch of children in blue tunics. Children who all peeked at her under their lashes during the Awakening ceremony. Lirael knew that look and recognized the fear in it. They were afraid that they might be like her, doomed to lack the only thing that really mattered.

And she wouldn’t have to put up with the Clayr who looked at her with pity. The ones who always stopped and asked how she was. As if mere words could describe how she felt. Or as if even if she had the words, Lirael could tell them what it was like to be fourteen and without the Sight.

Death, Lirael whispered again, tasting the word on her tongue. What else was there for her? There had always been the hope that one day she would gain the Sight. But now she was fourteen. Who had ever heard of a Clayr Sightless at fourteen? Things had never seemed quite so desperate as they were today.

It’s the best thing to do, Lirael pronounced, as if she were informing a friend of a vital decision. Her voice sounded confident, but inside she wasn’t so sure. Suicide wasn’t something the Clayr did. Killing herself would be the final, terrible confirmation that she just didn’t belong. It probably was the best thing. How would she actually do it? Lirael’s eyes strayed to where her practice sword hung in its scabbard on the back of the door. It was blunt, soft steel. She could probably fall on its point, but that would lead to a very slow and painful death. Besides, someone would almost certainly hear her screaming and get help.

There was probably a spell that would still her breath, dry up her lungs, and close her throat. But she wouldn’t find that in the school texts, her workbook of Charter Magic, or the Index of Charter Marks, both of which lay on the desk a few paces away. She’d have to search the Great Library for such a spell, and that sort of magic would be locked away by charm and key.

That left two reasonably accessible means of ending it all: cold and height. The glacier, whispered Lirael. That would be it, she decided. She would climb the Starmount Stair while everyone else was at Annisele’s Awakening, and then throw herself onto the ice. Eventually, if anyone bothered to look, they would find her frozen, broken body—and then they would all realize how hard it was to be a Clayr without the Sight.

Tears filled her eyes as she imagined a great crowd silently watching as her body was carried through the Great Hall, the blue of her child’s tunic transformed to white by the ice and snow encrusted upon it.

A knock at the door cut short her morbid daydream, and Lirael jumped up, relieved. The Nine Day Watch must have finally Seen her, for the first time ever. They’d Seen her climb out onto the glacier and go plunging down, so they’d sent someone to prevent that future, to tell her that she would gain the Sight one day, that everything would be fine.

Then the door opened, before Lirael could say Come in. That was enough to tell her that it wasn’t a Nine Day Watcher concerned for her safety. It was Aunt Kirrith, Guardian of the Young. Or more the other way round, since she never treated Lirael any differently from the others, and particularly didn’t show her the affection you might expect from an aunt.

There you are! boomed Kirrith unnecessarily in her annoying, falsely jolly voice. I looked for you at breakfast, but there was such a crush I just couldn’t find you. Happy birthday, Lirael!

Lirael stared at Kirrith and at the present she was holding out. A large, square package, wrapped in red and blue paper dusted with gold. Very pretty paper, too. Aunt Kirrith had never given her a present before. She explained this by saying that she never accepted presents either, but Lirael thought that this missed the point. It was all about giving, not receiving.

Go on, open it, exclaimed Kirrith. We haven’t got much time till the Awakening. Fancy it being little Annisele!

Lirael took the package. It was soft, but quite heavy. For a moment, all her thoughts of killing herself were gone, driven away by curiosity. What could the present be?

Then, as she felt the package again, a terrible presentiment struck her. Quickly, she tore a hole in the corner of the paper, and saw the telltale blue. It’s a tunic, said Lirael, the words seeming to come from someone else, and a long way away. A child’s tunic.

Yes, said Kirrith, resplendent in her own white robe, the circlet of silver and moonstones secure on her white-blond head. I noticed your old one was too short, not really seemly, with the way you’ve grown. . . .

She kept on talking, but Lirael didn’t hear a word. Nothing seemed real anymore. Not the new tunic in her hands. Not Aunt Kirrith talking away. Nothing.

Come on then, get dressed! Kirrith encouraged her, straightening the folds of her own robe. She was a large and tall woman, one of the tallest of the Clayr. Lirael felt very small in front of her, and somehow dirty compared to the great expanse of white that was Kirrith’s robe. She stared at that whiteness and began to think again of ice and snow.

She was lost in her thoughts when Kirrith tapped her on the shoulder.

What? Lirael asked, realizing that she’d missed most of Kirrith’s words.

Get dressed! repeated Aunt Kirrith. A slight frown folded the skin on her forehead, making her circlet move down and shadow her eyes. It would be terribly rude to be late.

Mechanically, Lirael pulled off her old tunic and slipped on the new one. It was heavy linen, stiff with newness, so she struggled a little with it, till Aunt Kirrith pulled it down smartly. When her arms were through and the tunic settled on her shoulders, it reached just above her ankles.

Plenty of room for growth, remarked Aunt Kirrith with satisfaction. Now we really must get on.

Lirael looked down at the sea of blue cloth that swathed her entire body, and thought that there was more room than she could ever possibly fill. Aunt Kirrith must expect her never to wear the white of the Awakening, for this tunic would fit even if she kept on growing till she was thirty-five.

You go on—I’ll catch up in a minute, she lied, thinking of the Starmount Stair, the cliffs beyond, and the waiting ice. I have to go to the toilet.

Very well, said Kirrith as she hurried back out into the corridor. But be quick, Lirael! Think of what your mother would say!

Lirael followed her, turning left towards the nearest water closet. Kirrith turned right, clapping her hands to hasten on a trio of eight-year-olds who were dressing as they walked, their tunics half over their heads, smothering giggles.

Lirael had no idea what her mother would have said about anything. She had been teased about Arielle often enough when she was younger, before she became too much of an outsider to be teased. It was quite normal for the Clayr to seek casual lovers from visitors to the Glacier, and not even that uncommon to find one outside. But it was unheard of not to record the parentage of children.

Her mother had compounded her strangeness by leaving the Glacier—and a five-year-old Lirael—called by some vision she had not shared with the other Clayr. Years later, Aunt Kirrith had told Lirael that Arielle was dead, though no details ever came. Lirael had heard various theories, including Arielle being poisoned by jealous rivals in the court of some barbarian lordling in the frozen wastes of the North or killed by beasts. Apparently she’d been serving as a seer, something that no Clayr would think was a suitable occupation for people of their Blood.

The pain of losing her mother was locked away in Lirael’s heart, but not so deep it could not be uncovered. Aunt Kirrith was an expert at bringing it back.

Once Kirrith and the three suddenly chastened girls were gone, Lirael doubled back to her room and got her outdoor gear: a coat of heavy wool, greasy with lanolin; a cap of double felt with earflaps; oilskin overshoes; fur-lined gloves; and leather goggles with lenses of smoked green glass. Part of her said it was stupid to get these things, since she was going to her death anyway, but another small voice inside her said that she might as well be properly dressed.

Because all the inhabited parts of the Clayr’s domain were heated by steam piped up from the deep springs, Lirael carried her outdoor gear, the smaller items wrapped in the coat. It was going to be hot enough climbing the Starmount Stair without wearing all that wool. As a last-minute gesture of defiance, she pulled off the new tunic and threw it on the floor. Instead, she chose to put on the neutral garments worn when the Clayr were on kitchen or scullery duty in the Lower Refectory, a long grey cotton shirt that came down to the knees, over thin blue woollen leggings. There was a canvas apron that went with this ensemble, but Lirael left that behind.

It was strange slinking down the Northway with no one in sight. Normally, there would be dozens of the Clayr going about their business on this busy thoroughfare, either heading to or from the Nine Day Watch or engaged in the myriad more mundane tasks of the community. The Clayr’s Glacier was really a small town, albeit a very strange one, since its primary business was to look into the future. Or, as the Clayr had to constantly explain to visitors, the numerous possible futures.

At the point where the Northway met the Zigzag, Lirael made sure she was unobserved. Then she went a few steps along the first zig of the Zigzag, looking for a small, dark hole at waist height. When she found it, she took out the key she wore on a chain around her neck. All the Clayr had such keys, and they opened most of the common doors. The Starmount Door was not often used, but Lirael didn’t think it needed a special key.

There was no sign of a door around the keyhole until Lirael put in the key and turned it twice. Then a faint silvery line spread from the floor and slowly traced a doorway in the yellowish stone.

Lirael pushed the door open. Cold air rushed in, so she went through quickly. If there were any other people about, they would notice a cold breeze more quickly than anything else. The Clayr might live in a mountain that was half smothered by a glacier, but they didn’t revel in the cold.

The door swung shut behind Lirael, and the silver lines that marked its outline slowly faded. Ahead of her, the steps rose up in a straight line, the Charter marks above them providing light that was dimmer than that in the main halls. The risers were higher than usual, something Lirael hadn’t remembered from a class excursion many years before, when all steps had seemed high. She grimaced as she started to climb, knowing that her calf muscles would soon protest the extra six-inch rise.

There was a bronze handrail for the first hundred or so steps, where the Stair went up in a dead straight line. Lirael gripped it as she climbed, the cool of

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