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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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I am a beast.

A beast. Not quite wolf or bear, gorilla or dog but a horrible new creature who walks upright—a creature with fangs and claws and hair springing from every pore. I am a monster.

You think I'm talking fairy tales? No way. The place is New York City. The time is now. It's no deformity, no disease. And I'll stay this way forever—ruined—unless I can break the spell.

Yes, the spell, the one the witch in my English class cast on me. Why did she turn me into a beast who hides by day and prowls by night? I'll tell you. I'll tell you how I used to be Kyle Kingsbury, the guy you wished you were, with money, perfect looks, and the perfect life. And then, I'll tell you how I became perfectly … beastly.

Release dateOct 6, 2009

Alex Flinn

Alex Flinn loves fairy tales and is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Beastly, a spin on Beauty and the Beast that was named a VOYA Editor’s Choice and an ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. Beastly is now a major motion picture starring Vanessa Hudgens. Alex also wrote A Kiss in Time, a modern retelling of Sleeping Beauty; Cloaked, a humorous fairy-tale mash-up; Bewitching, a reimagining of fairy-tale favorites, including Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, The Princess and the Pea, and The Little Mermaid, all told by Kendra, the witch from Beastly; Towering, a darkly romantic take on Rapunzel; and Mirrored, a fresh spin on Snow White. Her other books for teens include Breathing Underwater, Breaking Point, Nothing to Lose, Fade to Black, and Diva. She lives in Miami with her family. Visit her online at

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Reviews for Beastly

Rating: 3.748459924709103 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a very good read with well-developed characters and plot. It is an easy and enjoyable book, recommended for young girls who adore romance and mystery. The author's personal connection to the book adds to its appeal. While some reviewers criticize the stereotypical elements and predictability, others find it amazing and life-changing. Overall, this book is highly recommended and surpasses the movie adaptation.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really loved some of the other retellings of Beauty and the Beast so when I saw a preview for this movie and then found out it was a book first I went out and found it. It was a little slow in the beginning but it stuck so well to the Beauty and the Beast story. It handled modernizing the story really well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoy the retelling of fairytales and "Beauty and the Beast" has always been a favourite of mine. "Beastly" was an easy, entertaining read, and while I thought the two main characters sounded older than sixteen, I enjoyed how the story was told in Kyle's (Beast's) point of view.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book got my attention at the first page. I love how it truly was a modern version of the Beauty and the Beast story I grew up with. It was also fun to read the chat room conversations that had maybe 3 other characters from other fairytales interact with one another. All in all it was a great book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Me and my 12 year old nephew loved it. I can't believe I let a year go by without listening to this great audiobook. Everyone young and old should read or hear this beautiful story...
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A good take on the fairy tale. I liked how everything worked out in the end.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a modern re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. It's not the best re-telling I've read, but it kept my attention. The characters were a little dull, except for Kendra, who, apparently, appears in later books. If you like a fast, fairy-tale-like read, this one's for you.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was very intriguing and good to read. I could barely put it down.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was my second Nook serial read. And, again, not a book that I would have picked out for myself. Definitely a YA book but I enjoyed reading a chapter each morning with my first cup of tea. It's the classic story of Beauty and the Beast set in present day time in NYC. Very rich, handsome young man who's ugly on the inside messes with the wrong person and before he knows what happened, the ugliness is now on the outside forever unless he figures out how to break the spell.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This story is a modern take on the Disney story: Beauty and The Beast. The main character of this book, Kyle, is portrayed to be an extremely self-centered, rude, and arrogant high school boy who seems to be the hub of his school's social life. He takes almost everything for granted, and only acknowledges/cares about good-looking people. It is unclear what the reasons behind his behavior are, but he eventually transforms into an ugly "creature" as a result of his ugly thoughts and actions taking a toll on his physical appearance. He has only 2 years to get someone to fall in love with him, or he will remain ugly on the outside. Kyle's transformation into a more kind, gentle, and thoughtful young man delighted me, and restored my faith in seemingly impossible drastic change being in fact possible. Reading about someone develop in a positive way always brings a smile to my face. The moral of this book is to look at the interior of someone, rather than at their exterior, and I think it can be seen as an important reminder for everyone.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is the first retelling of Beauty and the Beast that I've seen written from Beast's perspective, so I give points for that. But I could never recommend it to my nieces or nephews because it treats teen sex like it's ok; or worse, expected.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A retelling of Beauty and the Beast, Beastly is set in modern day New York, where a popular, handsome, and callous high schooler has a spell cast on him turning his outside appearance into what his soul looks like. And of course, only true love can break the curse. Beastly follows the general plot and story line of other the fairly tale in a cute, adolescent way.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Beastly is a modern retake on the fairytale, Beauty and the Beast. It follows Kyle Kingsbury, a rich goodlooking 'every girl wants him' kind of guy. He takes everything for granted, he only likes goodlooking people, he hates everyone who's ugly etc etc. You get where I'm going with this! So this witch/person turns him into a monster, and he has to find his true love before the time runs out or he has to stay like that forever.I thought this would be such a good book, I did enjoy it and I did finish it in record time, but it wasn't dark and mysterious enough for my liking! Kyle was so unlikeable, he was such a douche! He's the type of guy I'd avoid at all costs! He enjoys making people feel bad about themselves, it was really upsetting to see what he did :( But after a while you see another side of him, and it kind of justifies his behaviour (idk it shouldn't but it did for me!) Overall, it was a really good, quick ,light read! If you like fairytale remakes you may just enjoy this!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read Beastly because the movie was about to come out and I absolutely loved it! I really enjoyed getting to know all of the characters(which were all very well rounded). I was actually pretty disappointed when I watched the movie because they left out a whole lot of things from the book. Beastly was one of the books that really got me into reading fantasy-type books. :) Alex Flinn is an amazing author and I look forward to reading more from her.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, puts snobby, wealthy privileged teenager, Alex, in his place. A witch disgusted by his treatment of a fellow student turns him into a hairy beast. Of course, we know how the story ends, he finds that there is more to life than wealth and good looks.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't usually read YA but I enjoyed this reworking of Beauty and the Beast. The chat room pieces made me curious about the other characters. I was completely engrossed and read it in one sitting
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    i enjoyed every single page. every sing word made me feel so excited to knpow what came next. i definitely recommend this book to every young girl who adores romance and mystery
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Great Book, I like that the author wrote ✍️ the book because his daughter was old enough to read his books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked the different take on Beauty and the Beast. Very different, but entertaining. Had be hooked. I'd read more books by this author.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    it's very nice plot and an easy read. would recommend
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love Alex Flinn everytime
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    a very good read. well developed characters and plot.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Kyle is the king of his high school: rich, popular, gorgeous, and dating the prettiest girl in school. He’s also a complete ass; he looks down on anyone who doesn’t share his qualities, makes fun of them relentlessly, and plays horrid pranks on them. His world upends, however, on the night of the school dance, when the ‘ugly’ girl he prank-invited to go with him turns out to be a witch. She curses him to look just as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside, which turns him into a beast. The spell, of course, is only reversable if he can find someone to love and who loves him in return. I should have trusted my instinct to abandon this one early on, but I had hoped that it would improve. It didn’t. Lackluster writing, an overly-simplistic retelling of the original tale that belies a not-complete understanding of the point, and characters that are either wholly unlikeable, even once ‘redeemed,’ or so cardboard-like that there’s no depth to them at all. The Belle character is essentially a stand-in for the Necessary Female Character Here, in that she does the bare minimum of being trapped, feeling scared, then sus, then in love, with no nuance to her personality or feelings or actions.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    it was absolutely amazing and changes mt point of view forever.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a very well written modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast from the perspective of a 16 year old boy turned into a beast living in New York. This story has several twists within it and the author does a great job keeping the reader interested. I loved this book and did not want to put it done until I was done!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Its not based on "beauty and the beast",i think. I have "beastly" the movie.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I read this one next because of two reasons--I wanted to figure out if I would like Alex Flinn's writing style enough to buy 'A Kiss in Time' and because hey Neil Patrick Harris is in the movie! I will overlook the fact that Vanessa Hudgens is in it, because Neil Patrick Harris is in it! Playing my favorite character too--go figure! And for the record I find it incredibly funny that Vanessa is older then the guy playing Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) by about two years.

    Fairy tales redone tend to make me happy. I can think of very few remakes that I haven't liked and those very few are movies (such as the 'horror' movie of Snow White) so don't really count anyhow. The book opens up with our MC, Kyle, entering a chat room for those who have undergone magical transformations (or are seeking to). You can guess what each user is from (Little Mermaid, Frog Prince, Snow White and Rose Red), but I found it interesting to see from their take on what happened to them. Its kind of like a therapy session for them in a chatroom--Kyle hits on the Little Mermaid, but she rebuffs him easily.

    What then follows is Kyle's recounting of his being cursed and how unfair the whole deal was. Each new 'session' then charts his progress as he adapts and learns from his mistakes. And he takes a little while to learn. If what the witch, Kendra, says he did was true to some his classmates over the years...he deserved far worse.

    Will (the character NPH is playing in the movie due out next summer) was my favorite character with probably Kendra coming in second. I liked Lindy, but I think her common sense was totally misplaced.

    The book is pretty faithful to the Beauty and Beast fairy tale, with obvious changes to account for modernizing it. The end left me a little dissatisfied, and I wasn't completely cool with who Kendra turned out to be, but all in all it was a quick, fun read. Its full of witty banter, fairy tale allusions and a fair amount of 'Beauty is within us' and 'Don't be fooled by outer appearances' sort of moralizing that is at least delivered with humor.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Unbelievable good. Love it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a good story. It modernizes the Beauty and the Beast story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very sweet, modern Beauty and the Beast story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Quick, fun, a nice reminder that the lessons of fairy-tales are relevant today. Be aware that the physical changes of the boy to beast are more dramatic in the book than in the movie. And that the book really isn't for middle schoolers or innocent teens, imo.

Book preview

Beastly - Alex Flinn


A Prince and a Witch


I could feel everyone looking at me, but I was used to it. One thing my dad taught me early and often was to act like nothing moved me. When you’re special, like we were, people were bound to notice.

It was the last month before the end of ninth grade. The substitute teacher was giving out ballots for spring dance court, something I’d normally have thought was lame.

Hey, Kyle, your name’s on this. My friend Trey Parker flicked my arm.

No duh. When I turned Trey’s way, the girl next to him—Anna, or maybe Hannah—looked down. Huh. She’d been staring at me.

I examined the ballot. Not only was my name, Kyle Kingsbury, there for ninth-grade prince, but I was the sure winner. No one could compete with my looks and my dad’s cash.

The sub was a new one who might still have been under the mistaken impression that because Tuttle was the type of school that had a salad bar in the cafeteria and offered courses in Mandarin Chinese—i.e., a school where the serious money people in New York sent their kids—we weren’t going to bust on him like public school dregs. Big mistake. It wasn’t like anything the sub said was going to be on an exam, so we were trying to figure out how to make reading the ballot and scratching in our choices take the entire fifty-minute period. At least most of us were. The rest were texting each other. I watched the ones who were filling out their ballots glancing over at me. I smiled. Someone else might have looked down, trying to act all shy and modest, like they were ashamed of having their name there—but it doesn’t make sense to deny the obvious.

My name’s there too. Trey flicked my arm again.

Hey, watch it! I rubbed my arm.

Watch it yourself. You’ve got this stupid grin on your face like you already won, and now you’re giving the paparazzi a chance to snap your picture.

And that’s wrong? I grinned wider, to bug him, and gave a little wave like people in parades. Someone’s camera phone snapped at just that moment, like an exclamation point.

You shouldn’t be allowed to live, Trey said.

Why, thank you. I thought about voting for Trey, just to be nice. Trey was good for comic relief, but not too gifted in the looks department. His family was nobody special either—his dad was a doctor or something. They might post the vote totals in the school newspaper, and it’d be pretty embarrassing for Trey if he came in last or even didn’t get any votes at all.

On the other hand, it would be cool if I got two or three times the votes of the next-closest person. And besides, Trey worshipped me. A real friend would want me to win big. That’s another thing my dad always said: Don’t be a sucker, Kyle, and do things out of friendship or love. Because what you always end up finding out is the only one who really loves you is you.

I was seven or eight when he first said that, and I asked, What about you, Dad?


You love… Me. Us. Your family.

He gave me a long look before saying, That’s different, Kyle.

I never asked him again if he loved me. I knew he’d told the truth the first time.

I folded my ballot over, to keep Trey from seeing I’d voted for myself. Of course, I knew he voted for himself too, but that was different.

That’s when a voice came from the back of the room.

This is disgusting!

We all turned.

Maybe someone left a booger under her desk, Trey whispered.

Was it you? I said.

I don’t do that anymore.

Disgusting, the voice repeated. I stopped talking to Trey and looked at where the voice was coming from, this Goth freak sitting in back. She was a fat chick, dressed in the kind of flowing black clothes you usually only see on witches or terrorists (we don’t have uniforms at Tuttle; it would piss off the parents not to be able to buy Dolce & Gabbana), and her hair was green. Obviously a cry for help. Weird thing was, I’d never noticed her before. Most people here I’d known my whole life.

The sub was too stupid to ignore her. What’s disgusting, Miss…Miss…

Hilferty, she said. Kendra Hilferty.

Kendra, is there something wrong with your desk?

There is something wrong with this world. She stood like she was making a speech. Something very wrong when it’s the twenty-first century and this type of elitist travesty is still being perpetuated. She held up her ballot. People giggled.

It’s a ninth-grade dance ballot, Trey volunteered. To choose the royalty.

Exactly, the girl said. Who are these people? Why should they be treated as royalty? Based upon…what? The people on this ballot were chosen on one basis and one basis only—physical beauty.

Sounds like a good basis to me, I said to Trey, not too softly. I stood. That’s BS. Everyone voted, and this is who they chose. It’s a democratic process.

Around me there were some thumbs-ups, some Yeah, mans, particularly from Anna or Hannah. But I noticed that a lot of people, mostly the ugly people, were silent.

The girl took a few steps toward me. They’re sheep, following the herd. They vote for the so-called popular people because it’s simple. Surface beauty: blond hair, blue eyes—she was looking at me—is always easy to recognize. But if someone is braver, stronger, smarter, that’s harder to see.

She pissed me off, so I jumped on her. "If someone’s so smart, they’d figure out how to get better-looking. You could lose weight, get plastic surgery, even get your face scraped and your teeth bleached." I emphasized the you in the sentence, so she’d know I meant her and not just some general sort of you. My dad’s a network news guy. He says people shouldn’t have to look at ugly people.

Is that what you think? She raised a dark eyebrow. That we should all transform ourselves to be as you want us to be, Kyle Kingsbury?

I started at my name. I was sure I’d never seen her before. But of course she knew me. Everyone did. Probably had some pathetic crush on me.

Yeah, I said. "Yeah. That’s what I think. That’s what I know."

She walked toward me. Her eyes were light green and her nose was long and hooked down. Then you’d better hope you never get ugly, Kyle. You are ugly now, on the inside, where it matters most, and if you ever lost your good looks, I bet you wouldn’t be smart or strong enough to get them back. Kyle Kingsbury, you are beastly.

Beastly. The word was from another time and place. It made me think of fairy tales, and I felt this weird tingling, like the hairs on my arms had caught fire from her eyes. I brushed it off.



That Goth chick in English was weird, I said to Trey when we were dressing out for PE.

Yeah, she really freaked you out, he agreed.

After ten years looking at your ugly face, nothing freaks me out.

"Oh, okay, so that’s not why you’ve been beastin about it ever since we left English?"

Have not. But it was true. When the girl said that thing about how I’d better not ever get ugly, when she looked at me that last time, it was like she knew stuff about me, things like how I used to cry when my mom ditched ’cause I didn’t think I’d ever see her again (which wasn’t far from what happened). But that was stupid. She knew nothing.

Whatever you say, Trey said.

It was scary, all right, I agreed. Scary that people like that even exist.

And go to this supposedly exclusive school and ruin it for the rest of us.

Yeah. Someone ought to do something about her.

I really did believe that. I’d been trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal, being elected prince and all, but it kind of was. It should have been a good day for me, but that witch had to ruin it.

That was how I was thinking of her: a witch. Ordinarily, I’d have used a different word, a word that rhymed with witch. But something about the girl, the way she’d looked at me with those freaky eyes, a color green I’d never seen before, made me think witch. Witch totally described her.

Later, in the gym, I saw the witch again. We were running the indoor track, but she wasn’t. She hadn’t dressed out but was still wearing the black flowing clothes from before. She sat on a bench below the skylight. Above her, the sky was dark. It was going to rain.

Someone ought to teach her a lesson. I thought of her words: You are ugly now, on the inside, where it matters most…you are beastly. What utter crap. She’s no different than anyone else. If she could hang with our crowd, she would. Anyone would.

And in a second, I knew what I was going to do.

I sped up my pace. We had to do five laps around the track, and usually I did it at a leisurely pace, because once you finished, Coach made you start something else. It was BS that I even had to take PE when I was on two school teams. But I knew Coach thought so too, so I could usually get out of it. If you gave Coach the right respectful look—the type of look that made him remember the kind of checks your dad wrote for athletic association fundraisers to make up for not showing up—you got away with stuff.

Even going slow, I finished half a lap ahead of the next-closest person and started across the track to the bench where the witch was sitting, looking at something in her lap.

Kingsbury! Coach yelled. If you’re through, you can get out the basketballs.

I said, All right, Coach. I started to walk away, like I was going to do it, then winced. Oh, I’ve got a cramp I need to work out. Can I go stretch? Wouldn’t want to get an injury.

Insert respectful look here.

Aw, go ahead. Coach laughed. You’re miles ahead of the others anyway.

Worked. You rock, Coach!

He laughed.

I limped until his back was turned, then strolled over to the bench where the witch girl was sitting. I started to stretch.

You’re really good at playing the adults, aren’t you? she said.

I’m excellent at it. I smiled at her. Hey. I saw the object in her lap. It was a mirror, one of those old-fashioned ones with a handle, like in Snow White. When she saw me looking at it, she quick slipped it into her backpack.

What’s the mirror for? I asked, thinking it was weird for an ugly chick to be carrying around a big mirror. Weird for anyone, really.

She ignored the question. How’s your leg?

What? I stopped in mid-stretch. Oh, it’s fine, actually. Fine. I really just came over to talk to you.

She raised an eyebrow. To what do I owe this honor?

I wouldn’t say it was an honor. I was just…thinking.

That must have been quite an experience for you.

I was thinking about what you said in class. And I decided you’re right.

Really? She blinked a few times, like a rat coming out of its dark hole.

Yeah, really. We do judge people by looks around here. Someone like me…face it, I’m a lot better than average-looking, and I have an easier time than…


I shrug. I wasn’t going to get that specific. My dad, he’s on the news, so I know how it is. In his business, you lose your looks, you lose your job.

Does that seem right to you?

I never had to think about that, you know? I mean, you can’t help what you’re born with.

Interesting, she said.

I smiled at her, the way I did at girls I liked, and moved closer, even though I almost hurled doing it. You’re pretty interesting yourself.

"By interesting, you mean weird?"

You can be weird in a good way, can’t you?

Fair enough. She looked at her watch, like there was somewhere she had to be, like we weren’t all trapped like rats in PE. So was that what you came over to tell me?


No, actually. I was thinking about what you said, and I thought maybe I ought to…expand my horizons a little. That was a Dad phrase. He was always saying I should expand my horizons, which usually meant doing more work. You know, meet other kinds of people.

Ugly people?

Interesting people. People I haven’t met before.

Like me?

Exactly. So I was wondering if, um, if you’d go with me to the dance next week. I think we’d have a good time.

She stared at me, and the green parts of her eyes seemed to flash and looked like they might boil over the sides of her skinny nose. Impossible. Then she smiled. It was a weird kind of smile, a secretive one.

Yes. Yes, I want to go with you.

Of course she did.


I wasn’t home two minutes when Sloane Hagen, a typical toned, BlackBerry-wired, Evian-swigging, fake blonde, belly-pierced daughter of a CEO and my real date for the dance, called my cell. I hit Ignore. She rang again. And again. Finally, I caved.

Some Goth chick is telling everyone she’s your date for the dance! she shrieked.

Play it cool. You expected this.

Does it sound likely that I’d ask some misfit to the dance?

Then why’s she telling everyone you did?

I can’t control what every unbalanced freak says about me.

So you didn’t ask her?

Are you trippin’? Why would I ask some skank when I’m already going with the hottest girl in school? I put on my special just for Sloane voice. We’re the perfect couple, babe.

She giggled. That’s what I thought. I’ll just tell everyone she’s messed up.

No, don’t.

Why not? She was suspicious again.

"Well, it’s kind of funny, isn’t it? Some loser telling everyone she’s going to the biggest dance of the year with your date?"

I guess so.

So picture it. She tells everyone I’m her date. Maybe she even believes it and gets a fancy dress. Then I show up at the dance with you. It’s classic.

I love you, Kyle. Sloane giggled. You’re so evil.

Evil genius, you mean. I laughed a wild laugh like a villain in a cartoon. So what do you think?

When you’re right, you’re right. It’s classic.

Exactly. So you just have to do one thing to make it happen—keep your mouth shut.

Sure. But Kyle?


You’d better not try anything like that on me. I wouldn’t be dumb enough to fall for it.

I wasn’t so sure about that, but said, Never, Sloane, obedient as a Labrador.

And Kyle?

Yeah, what?

My dress is black and it has very little material.

Hmm. Sounds nice.

It is. So I’d like an orchid to go with it. A purple one.

Sure, I said, thinking that was the great thing about Sloane. With most people I knew, actually. If they could get what they wanted from you, they’d give you what you wanted back.

After I got off the phone, I looked in the school directory for that Kendra girl. I didn’t really trust Sloane when she said she wouldn’t tell Kendra anything, so I figured I should call Kendra for some damage control.

But when I looked in the directory under H, there was no Kendra Hilferty. So I went through every single name in the book, A to Z, and then back again, and still didn’t find any Kendra. I tried to remember if she’d been there at the beginning of the year but gave up. A girl like her wouldn’t be on my radar.

Around nine, I was watching the Yankees kick butt when I heard Dad’s key in the lock. That was weird. Most nights, Dad was out until I went to bed. I could have watched in my room, but the plasma screen was in the living room. Plus I sort of wanted to tell Dad about the dance court thing. Not that it was a big deal, but it was the kind of thing he might at least notice.

Hey, guess what? I said.

What? I’m sorry, Aaron. I didn’t hear you. Someone was trying to talk to me. He waved his hand to me to keep quiet and gave me a Shut up! look. He was using the Bluetooth. I always thought people looked totally stupid doing that, like they were talking to themselves. He went into the kitchen and kept talking. I thought about turning up the sound, but I knew he’d freak. He said it sounded low class, having the TV on when he was on a call. Problem was, he was always on a call.

Finally, he got off. I heard him rifling through the Sub-Zero (which was what he always called the refrigerator), looking for the dinner stuff the maid left. Then I heard the microwave open and shut. I knew he’d come out then, because he now had exactly three minutes to kill by talking to me.

Sure enough. How was school today?

It was fun. Trey and I ran all the wires we’ll need to detonate the bombs tomorrow. We just have to figure out how to get hold of some submachine guns without you finding out. Shouldn’t be hard considering you’re never around. I stole your credit card yesterday. Didn’t think you’d mind. Or notice.

Great. They put up the finalists for spring dance court, and I’m one of them. People say I’ll probably win.

That’s great, Kyle. He looked down at his cell phone.

I wondered, if I’d said the other thing, would he still have said, That’s great, Kyle.

I tried the one thing that usually got a response from him. Heard from Mom lately? Mom left

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