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The Devil Colony: A Sigma Force Novel
The Devil Colony: A Sigma Force Novel
The Devil Colony: A Sigma Force Novel
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The Devil Colony: A Sigma Force Novel

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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From James Rollins, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sigma Force series, comes another electrifying combination of suspense, history, science, action, and ingenious speculation.

Deep in the Rocky Mountains, a gruesome discovery—hundreds of mummified bodies—stir international attention and fervent controversy. Despite doubts about the bodies’ origins, the local Native American Heritage Commission lays claim to the prehistoric remains, along with the strange artifacts found in the same cavern: gold plates inscribed with an unfathomable script.

During a riot at the dig site, an anthropologist dies horribly: burned to ash in a fiery explosion in plain view of television cameras. All evidence points to a radical group of Native Americans, including one agitator, a teenage firebrand who escapes with a vital clue to the murder and calls on the one person who might help: her uncle, Painter Crowe, director of Sigma Force.

To protect his niece and uncover the truth, Painter will ignite a war across the nation’s most powerful intelligence agencies. Yet, an even greater threat looms as events in the Rocky Mountains have set in motion a frightening chain reaction, a geological meltdown that threatens the entire western half of the U.S.

From the volcanic peaks of Iceland to the blistering deserts of the American Southwest, from the gold vaults of Fort Knox to the bubbling geysers of Yellowstone, Painter Crowe joins forces with Commander Gray Pierce to penetrate the shadowy heart of a dark cabal, one that has been manipulating American history since the founding of the thirteen colonies.

But can he discover the truth—one that could topple governments—before it destroys all he holds dear?

Release dateJun 21, 2011

James Rollins

James Rollins is the author of international thrillers that have been translated into more than forty languages. His Sigma series has been lauded as one of the “top crowd pleasers” (New York Times) and one of the “hottest summer reads” (People magazine). In each novel, acclaimed for its originality, Rollins unveils unseen worlds, scientific breakthroughs, and historical secrets—and he does it all at breakneck speed and with stunning insight. He lives in the Sierra Nevada.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a Reading Good Books review.* In compliance with FTC guidelines, it should be noted that I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads.I tried to beat the release date of this book but I could not finish on time. But hey, better late than never, right?I am familiar with James Rollins’ work by way of the novelization of the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Later on, I came across his Sigma Force series. When I received this book, I must say that I was concerned that I would not be able to grasp it very well because being the seventh in a series, it would be hard for me to catch up on character development; that the author would not put that much time in explaining who these characters are for the new reader. Luckily, that was not much of an issue after all.The Devil Colony brings Director Painter Crowe and his team at Sigma Force to a race against time. A series of nanobot caches threaten to explode and blow up the planet. It takes them across the United States and even an adventure to Iceland. It all begins with a discovery of a Native American gravesite containing gold plates with ancient script engraved on them. Things become heated between the Native American groups and the National Guard and amidst that riot, the lead anthropologist of the dig dies suddenly, her body consumed by an unexplainable explosion.Not long after Sigma Force was called in to help, it becomes personal to Director Crowe. His niece, Kai, is caught in the middle of it all, even being accused of masterminding the explosion. Together with the rest of his team, Crowe will do anything to not only save his niece but prevent these explosions from destroying the world.This incorporated Native American history with the history of the Mormon faith (is it just me or did I read “JOHN Smith” somewhere in the book as supposed to “JOSEPH Smith”?) as well as nanotechnology. All of it was pretty new to me so it was a lot to take in. I appreciate all the explanations and the illustrations provided. They were very clear and it really did help push the story forward. Information-heavy as this book was, it was not boring at all. I found myself getting more and more interested in the topics being talked about. It was easy to understand.I also love all the action and adventure the characters went through. I do not know how this compares to the other Sigma Force novels but this one was great. A bit of Indiana Jones-like thing going on with Painter Crowe and his part of the story while Commander Grayson Pierce was on his own vigilante mission.As someone who is not familiar with these characters, I found them all engaging. They worked well with each other, which was what I would expect with six books of development behind them. At first, I was afraid that the author would just go into these characters without much introduction but Rollins gave hints of their backstories here and there. Not a lot, but enough to for a new reader to get her feet wet. My favorite was Kowalski. I am sure he is a tough guy through and through but his lines are just hilarious. Definitely the comic relief of the whole book! His penchant for C4 explosives reminds me of one of my favorite Mythbusters quotes from Jamie Hyneman: “When in doubt, C4.” I sympathized with Gray and the many problems he is facing on top of his already numerous responsibilities. I am very curious about Seichan. I was the most curious about her story and at the same time, confused by it. Kat and Monk, they are so sweet. Those two parts, I wished I read the other books so I would have a better grasp of their characters/relationships.I do enjoy these kinds of books, in general, even if I am not familiar with the history they are basing their story from. Apart from not knowing the characters very well, I thought this was a solid and well thought out story. This definitely made want to get the rest of the series and start from the top. James Rollins, consider me a fan.Rating: 4/5.Recommendation: Fans of Steve Berry and Dan Brown would find something that they would like in this book. If you are interested in technology and fictionalized history, especially Native American history, give this a try. Although I might not recommend this being your first book to read out of the series. As much information that the author gave about the characters, I was still pretty much in the dark.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you grew up loving the likes of Tom Swift and Jonny Quest, you can continue to get your fix as an adult by reading the Sigma Force novels of James Rollins. And this, the seventh outing for Painter Crowe and his group, shows us that Rollins is just getting better with age. This time around, Mormonism, Native Americans, America's founding fathers, nanotechnology, neutrinos, volcanism, and more combine to make a terrific thriller that also offers ample opportunities to be pleasantly distracted by side trips to check further into the many people and issues that comprise the tale. In short, it's a perfect explanation for why I find Rollins to be the best thriller writer working today.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fast paced a fun read with many interwoven threads. Most of the way through the book many concepts seem unlikely fabrications - but - Rollins uses just enough scientific and historical fact to cause the reader to at least "scratch their head".
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one that I liked a lot more than some of the others in this series. I can't really explain why except perhaps the inclusion of the Native Americans, their heritage, and some very interesting theories/facts linking ancient peoples with the LDS faith.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was far less impressed with this book when I am with most of James Rollins other book. This could've been a fantastic story but I really felt like the plot fell short.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    What mess of a book, not sure who thought this was a good story. Jumps all around, little to no character development, a book that you pray will end soon. I know that I've read a couple of other James Rollins books that were good. Not this one!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Devil's Colony begins in Kentucky in 1797 at an early archaeological site where the diggers are attacked by an unknown force. From there the novel jumps to the present and takes the reader on a wild ride all over the North American continent as Sigma forces races to stop an ancient technology that is so powerful it could destroy all life on Earth.

    The Director of Sigma Force, Painter Crowe, is drawn into the investigation on a personal basis when his niece, Kai, turns out to have been involved with the explosion. The returning Force team members find themselves pitted against their ever present enemy, The Guild, as both groups rush to determine what extraordinary force lurked behind the explosion.

    All the elements of the story, from the beliefs of the Mormons, to the Thomas Jefferson affairs and the scientific elaboration on nanotechnology had some basis in truth. This definitely added to the excitement of the book. Rollins also includes a section of notes to the reader to separate truth from fiction.

    Rollins combines violence, suspense, superstition, history, and science in a very good action thriller filled plenty of weapons and explosions. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good suspense thriller.

    TBR 563
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The mysteries and excitement here... like the founding of America, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, the Native American peoples, the Book of Mormon, and nanotechnology are all plots that fit well into the Sigma story that fans of this series have come to expect and look forward to. There is a large number of side characters here that also takes some time to place them in their places and importance in the story. Overall I have to call it a very enjoyable read though it was a bit too long. On a side note I read that it took Rollins 2 years to write this a well earned 4.5 star rating.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Rollins books get better and better and this by far was Rollins best. Great story, great characters (Rollins Sigma characters are fully developed and very interesting now), and the plot just flowed naturally through the pages. To me, Rollins is this generation's Michael Crichton, and I hope his good works continue.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It seemed easier to get into this book than some of the previous ones in the series (Perhaps because this time I skipped all the 'Historical' or 'Science' notes and maps at the beginning?) On the other hand once I got into it, the novel turned out to be extremely long and at times it seemed to drag on and on, less thriller and more of a plodder. Then it was if a switch were flipped, and it was one of the most thrilling thrillers I've ever read.This time Rollins' themes/topics are nano-technology and how it has permeated our culture as well as the super secret top of the food chain of The Guild. Plus, they're trying to literally prevent the end of the world in this book.As usual the new to this book characters (who'll probably disappear from the next one) are pretty good, and the main characters actually change and grow from book to book. That's something that doesn't always happen in genre fiction, especially in some of the male oriented thrillers. But here it's done pretty well, and only every once in a while does a cliffhanger at the end of a book seem forced.A solid, if long, book, three stars for sure.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Entertaining read. The book reads like it is meant to be made into an action movie. On a side note, as a BYU Physics grad, it was fun having the Science Center featured in the story and having the quad in front of it get a hole blown in it...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I always enjoy James Rollins books as the always seem to include some historical references and figures even though some of it may be contived. This story includes Native Americans, Founding Fathers and Lost Tribes of Isreal. A very good read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was one of the better Sigma Force books in a while. Lots of different things going on, some involving bad guys, some invovling ... other stuff. History played a part leading to the sort of puzzles that make the Sigma Force books fun. Plus, I really liked some of the additional characters that found their way into this story. Just good fun. 
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An ancient threat is revealed resulting in a race against time to save the world. Although my introductory statement might seem a little cliché, there is nothing cliché about The Devil Colony.Nanotechnology today is found in almost everything we see, everything we purchase, but what if nano nests were not of this century, but something discovered long ago? And what if these nests were buried to protect people against the destruction that these nests could cause? And what if an event triggered activity among these nano nests?Such is the premise for this story by James Rollins. With this adversary that could destroy the world, and a second human adversary who will stop at nothing to solidify his place in the True Blood Line, the Sigma Force has its work cut out for it.Throw into the mix some Native American history and a little romance and you have the makings of a great story.Quick read and engaging till the end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I always gush about the Sigma Force novels. This one is no exception, I loved it. The book takes the team out to Utah, and into the Mormon faith. Living in Idaho, with many Mormon friends, this particular story covered territory I was quite familiar with, which made it extra fun. I highly recommend the book (and series) to anyone who enjoys a fast paced thriller with fascinating facts from history and science woven into the plot. So glad Rollins keeps them coming!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fast paced a fun read with many interwoven threads. Most of the way through the book many concepts seem unlikely fabrications - but - Rollins uses just enough scientific and historical fact to cause the reader to at least "scratch their head".
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Race to stop the end of the world thriller. Ending was a bit rushed and weak, otherwise I would have gone with four stars.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Rollins does it again. Always thrilling and always interesting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not a masterpiece, characters are kind of wooden - which is typical for this author, as well as for many others writing in this genre. However, it provides some interesting facts and hypotheses (related to Mormons, Native Indians and founding fathers) and fast pace (sometimes too fast - I kept forgetting where I was as the action switches all the time between different characters).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Devil Colony is the 7th book in James Rollins Sigma Force series. This time an ancient secret sought after for centuries, has resurfaced once again. It caused a strange explosion then everything seemed to disintegrate into sand, including the bedrock. Sigma’s arch-nemesis ‘the Guild’ have an excellent idea what it is, so have a large head-start. Painter Crow becomes personally involved when he discovers his niece was present and is being blamed for the catastrophe. The trail goes back in history all the way to Thomas Jefferson and Lewis & Clark, who were attempting to find the treasure before the ‘enemy’. It has tracks all over the US, Utah, Kentucky, DC as well as Europe. It appears to be a nanotech that is weapons grade and could kill the entire planet.Honestly, I enjoyed the last book much more. I think most of my problem with this one was the whole back story on the nanotech, how dangerous it was, and how it got to be in the places it showed up in. Half the story was making up excuses to explain away a bunch of very important things that I needed for me to accept it, and I couldn’t swallow it. I know a bit about history, about cultures, and about physics which interfered with plausibility. The rest of the story was excellent, the weaving of histories and the suspense, even the conspiracies. I just couldn’t believe in the threat itself, in how it ‘worked’ or in how long it’s existed undetected.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Shenanigans among the founding fathers? Well, of course!Shenanigans and Politics, those words are practically interchangeable. Rollins gives us a story that involves the Native Americans, Mormons and the founding fathers. Much of this story is based in fact, which makes it all the more fascinating. The author takes the facts, and the Sigma forcewe have come to know and love, and gives us yet another great story. Nano technology, is something we have all heard about...somewhere. Not many of us really have much of a grasp of what it is or what it does. Believe me, you will know more about it after youread this book. There are good guys and bad guys and which group will end up being the winners is anybody's guess until nearly the final page. There is a leak in the highest echelons of the American government. No one has time to even find it, much less stop it. A matterof rather grave importance keeps everyone busy for the entirety of this book. If the information they seek is not found, and very soon, it will be the end of perhaps lifeon this planet as we know it. Maybe even all life, period. To say that the planet itself is in danger is not stretching the truth. Read this book. Sooner rather than later, I promise you won't be sorry. Well, you will be sorry, but that will be when you close the covers becauseyou have read the book and this story has come to an end. For now, at least, because I am pretty sure that Rollins has something in the wings, and we just have to wait to see what it is.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I feel like I've been waiting forever for the next Sigma series book and this one was well worth waiting for. The team is back on home ground in the United States and it tackles topics that have always fascinated me-the Anazasi and the mystery that surrounded them as well as some new nuggets that I never really thought about-the origins of the US seal and the ideas contained in the constitution. The team is separated for most of the story and we rotate following each group. I love that Seichan is a regular in the Sigma books now and I am really rooting for her and Gray to get together. I think they would be so great together and the chemistry between the two of them is hot! Speaking of Seichan, we get to see a little more about her background and it's fascinating as we slowly peel away the layers of what made her into what she is now.The action is thrilling as usual but there is also a little bit of heartache thrown in here and there. And for those Kowalski fans, he is definitely there and in top form. I think he definitely got some of the best lines in the book. I'm glad that he is playing a larger part on the team and we are starting to get glimpses of the hidden intellect he really has and that he's not just pure muscle power for the team. There are a lot of new twists and turns revealed regarding the Guild and it keeps me constantly unbalanced and antsy to find out where did they really originate from and who are the top echelon of the organization. We find out that their roots go back farther than we first thought and there are some surprising members.If you are a fan of Rollins other Sigma books I think you will definitely enjoy this one. I cannot wait for the next one to come out! If you haven't read Rollins before I definitely suggest picking up the Sigma series books.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Best. Novel. Yet.Over the years, I’ve written a lot of enthusiastic things about the novels of James Rollins. But until now, I’ve never written this: THE DEVIL COLONY IS THE BEST NOVEL THAT JAMES ROLLINS HAS EVER WRITTEN! (Yes, in all caps even!) Like many readers, I was disappointed in the two-year wait for this latest installment in the Sigma Force series. Now, I’m thinking perhaps he should take two years on all the novels—I don’t know if it was the extra time, but something has paid off huge dividends.As always, summarizing the story is the hardest part. First, because I’d hate to spoil any surprises. And secondly, because it’s just really hard to summarize one of Rollins’s everything-but-the-kitchen-sink plots. The main action of this book opens in present day Utah. From two boys who can’t resist the lure of the forbidden, a great and terrible discovery is made at a sacred Native American site. There are bodies. There is an artifact. And, astonishingly, something that goes to the very core of Mormon theology!Just as the scientists on site are beginning to grasp what they’ve discovered, there is a huge explosion. The explosion is blamed on a Native American activist, but it’s clear that this wasn’t your standard bomb. It’s something far more dangerous, with implications that spread further and further afield, and which drag Sigma operatives into the story on differing assignments and for different reasons. All the usual suspects are back, including the enigmatic Seichan, who is again paired in an uneasy alliance with Gray Pierce. Painter Crowe is also back in the field this time around. Operatives from the Guild are up to their usual tricks, and even as readers learn more about the shadowy organization in this novel, new questions are raised for the next book. (It’s infuriating how he does that.)In provocative messages leading up to the publication of The Devil Colony, James Rollins repeated asked, “Was America founded on a lie?” The plot of this novel does get right to the heart of the formation of this country. What were Lewis and Clark really up to? What was Thomas Jefferson communicating in secret ciphers? It also explains the fate of some of the most mysteriously lost cultures through history. It delves into the not only the most cutting-edge technology, but also some amazingly advanced ancient technology. And, yes, it also explores the foundation of the Mormon Church. Oh, and there’s a super-volcano! And killer whales! And the heist of all heists!Seriously, I could go on like this all day. The scope of this novel is breath-taking. What’s amazing is that Rollins pulls all of these diverse threads together so plausibly that you’ll find yourself wondering if he has indeed solved half the puzzles of the ages in one fell swoop. As always, there’s a staggering amount of fact laced throughout his fantastic plot. It’s enough to make you go, “Hmmm.” The pace starts to race early on, and it just never slows down. The stakes in the book simply get bigger and bigger. Technically, it’s a well-structured page-turner. But in the end, it’s the story that got me and held me. Every part of it was just so inventive, exciting, and so darn interesting! I entitled this review “Best. Novel. Yet.” I don’t anticipate Mr. Rollins topping The Devil Colony any time soon, but I hold out hope. He wrote this one. What wonderful tales can we look forward to in the future?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have enjoyed Rollin's previous works however I was not sure if this book would be as enjoyable. I was concerned about the topic being too far fetched and the characters all seem to be moving apart as a unit. This book was a good read. Rollins has added more depth to his characters and has written a great thriller with many twists and turns. I would recommend this book to fans of thriller novels or for those looking for a good summer read. Enjoy!

Book preview

The Devil Colony - James Rollins

Part I


Chapter 1

Present Day

May 18, 1:32 P.M.

Rocky Mountains, Utah

It looked like the entrance to hell.

The two young men stood on a ridge overlooking a deep, shadowy chasm. It had taken them eight hours to climb from the tiny burg of Roosevelt to this remote spot high in the Rocky Mountains.

Are you sure this is the right place? Trent Wilder asked.

Charlie Reed took out his cell phone, checked the GPS, then examined the Indian map drawn on a piece of deer hide and sealed in a clear plastic Ziploc bag. I think so. According to the map, there should be a small stream at the bottom of this ravine. The cave entrance should be where the creek bends around to the north.

Trent shivered and brushed snow from his hair. Though a tapestry of wildflowers heralded the arrival of spring in the lowlands, up here winter still held a firm grip. The air remained frigid, and snow frosted the surrounding mountaintops. To make matters worse, the sky had been lowering all day, and a light flurry had begun to blow.

Trent studied the narrow valley. It seemed to have no bottom. Down below, a black pine forest rose out of a sea of fog. Sheer cliffs surrounded all sides. While he had packed ropes and rappelling harnesses, he hoped he wouldn’t need them.

But that wasn’t what was truly bothering him.

Maybe we shouldn’t be going down there, he said.

Charlie cocked an eyebrow at him. After climbing all day?

What about that curse? What your grandfather—

A hand waved dismissively. The old man’s got one foot in the grave and a head full of peyote. Charlie slapped him in the shoulder. So don’t go crapping your pants. The cave probably has a few arrowheads, some broken pots. Maybe even a few bones, if we’re lucky. C’mon.

Trent had no choice but to follow Charlie down a thin deer trail they’d discovered earlier. As they picked their way along, he frowned at the back of Charlie’s crimson jacket, emblazoned with the two feathers representing the University of Utah. Trent still wore his high school letterman jacket, bearing the Roosevelt Union cougar. The two of them had been best friends since elementary school, but lately they’d been growing apart. Charlie had just finished his first year at college, while Trent had gone into full-time employment at his dad’s auto-body shop. Even this summer, Charlie would be participating in an internship with the Uintah Reservation’s law group.

His friend was a rising star, one that Trent would soon need a telescope to watch from the tiny burg of Roosevelt. But what else was new? Charlie had always outshone Trent. Of course, it didn’t help matters that his friend was half Ute, with his people’s perpetual tan and long black hair. Trent’s red crew cut and the war of freckles across his nose and cheeks had forever relegated him to the role of Charlie’s wingman at school parties.

Though the thought went unvoiced, it was as if they both knew their friendship was about to end as adulthood fell upon their shoulders. So as a rite of passage, the two had agreed to this last adventure, to search for a cave sacred to the Ute tribes.

According to Charlie, only a handful of his tribal elders even knew about this burial site in the High Uintas Wilderness. Those who did were forbidden to speak of it. The only reason Charlie knew about it was that his grandfather liked his bourbon too much. Charlie doubted his grandfather even remembered showing him that old deer-hide map hidden in a hollowed-out buffalo horn.

Trent had first heard the tale when he was in junior high, huddled in a pup tent with Charlie. With a flashlight held to his chin for effect, his friend had shared the story. My grandfather says the Great Spirit still haunts this cave. Guarding a huge treasure of our people.

What sort of treasure? Trent had asked doubtfully. At the time he had been more interested in the Playboy he’d sneaked out of his father’s closet. That was treasure enough for him.

Charlie had shrugged. Don’t know. But it must be cursed.

What do you mean?

His friend had shifted the flashlight closer to his chin, devilishly arching an eyebrow. Grandfather says whoever trespasses into the Great Spirit’s cave is never allowed to leave.

Why’s that?

Because if they do, the world will end.

Right then, Trent’s old hound dog had let out an earsplitting wail, making them both jump. Afterward, they had laughed and talked deep into the night. Charlie ended up dismissing his grandfather’s story as superstitious nonsense. As a modern Indian, Charlie went out of his way to reject such foolishness.

Even so, Charlie had sworn Trent to secrecy and refused to take him to the place marked on the map—until now.

It’s getting warmer down here, Charlie said.

Trent held out a palm. His friend was right. The snowfall had been growing heavier, the flakes thickening, but as they descended, the air had grown warmer, smelling vaguely of spoiled eggs. At some point, the snowfall had turned to a drizzling rain. He wiped his hand on his pants and realized that the fog he’d spotted earlier along the bottom of the ravine was actually steam.

The source appeared through the trees below: a small creek bubbling along a rocky channel at the bottom of the ravine.

Smell that sulfur, Charlie said with a sniff. Reaching the creek, he tested the water with a finger. Hot. Must be fed by a geothermal spring somewhere around here.

Trent was unimpressed. The mountains around here were riddled with such baths.

Charlie stood up. This must be the right place.

Why’s that?

Hot spots like this are sacred to my people. So it only makes sense that they would pick this place for an important burial site. Charlie headed out, hopping from rock to rock. C’mon. We’re close.

Together, they followed the creek upstream. With each step, the air grew hotter. The sulfurous smell burned Trent’s eyes and nostrils. No wonder no one had ever found this place.

With his eyes watering, Trent wanted to turn back, but Charlie suddenly stopped at a sharp bend in the creek. His friend swung in a full circle, holding out his cell phone like a divining rod, then checked the map he’d stolen from his grandfather’s bedroom this morning.

We’re here.

Trent searched around. He didn’t see any cave. Just trees and more trees. Overhead, snow had begun to frost on the higher elevations, but it continued to fall as a sickly rain down here.

The entrance has got to be somewhere nearby, Charlie mumbled.

Or it could just be an old story.

Charlie hopped to the other side of the creek and began kicking at some leafy ferns on that side. We should at least look around.

Trent made a half-assed attempt on his side, heading away from the water. I don’t see anything! he called back as he reached a wall of granite. Why don’t we just—

Then he saw it out of the corner of his eye as he turned. It looked like another shadow on the cliff face, except a breeze was combing through the valley, setting branches to moving, shadows to shifting.

Only this shadow didn’t move.

He stepped closer. The cave entrance was low and wide, like a mouth frozen in a perpetual scowl. It opened four feet up the cliff face, sheltered under a protruding lip of stone.

A splash and a curse announced the arrival of his friend.

Trent pointed.

It’s really here, Charlie said, sounding hesitant for the first time.

They stood for a long moment, staring at the cave entrance, remembering the stories about it. They were both too nervous to move forward, but too full of manly pride to back away.

We doing this? Trent finally asked.

His words broke the stalemate.

Charlie’s back stiffened. Hell yeah, we’re doing this.

Before either of them could lose their nerve, they crossed to the cliff and climbed up into the lip of the cave. Charlie freed his flashlight and pointed it down a tunnel. A steep passageway extended deep into the mountainside.

Charlie ducked his head inside. Let’s go find that treasure!

Bolstered by the bravado in his friend’s voice, Trent followed.

The passageway narrowed quickly, requiring them to shuffle along single file. The air was even hotter inside, but at least it was dry and didn’t stink as much.

Squeezing through a particularly tight chute, Trent felt the heat of the granite through his jacket.

Man, he said as he popped free, it’s like a goddamn sauna down here.

Charlie’s face shone brightly. Or a sweat lodge. Maybe the cave was even used by my people as one. I bet the source of the hot spring is right under our feet.

Trent didn’t like the sound of that, but there was no turning back now.

A few more steep steps and the tunnel dumped into a low-roofed chamber about the size of a basketball court. Directly ahead, a crude pit had been excavated out of the rock, the granite still blackened by ancient flames.

Charlie reached blindly to grab for Trent’s arm. His friend’s grip was iron, yet it still trembled. And Trent knew why.

The cavern wasn’t empty.

Positioned along the walls and spread across the floor was a field of bodies, men and women, some upright and cross-legged, others slumped on their sides. Leathery skin had dried to bone, eyes shriveled to sockets, lips peeled back to bare yellowed teeth. Each was naked to the waist, even the women, their breasts desiccated and lying flat on their chests. A few bodies had been decorated with headdresses of feathers or necklaces of stone and sinew.

My people, Charlie said, his voice croaking with respect as he edged closer to one of the mummies.

Trent followed. Are you sure about that?

In the bright beam of the flashlight, their skin looked too pale, their hair too light. But Trent was no expert. Maybe the mineral-rich heat that had baked the bodies had also somehow bleached them.

Charlie examined a man wearing a ringlet of black feathers around his neck. He stretched his flashlight closer. This one looks red.

Charlie wasn’t talking about the man’s skin. In the direct glare of the beam, the tangle of hair around the dried skull was a ruddy auburn.

Trent noted something else. Look at his neck.

The man’s head had fallen back against the granite wall. The skin under his jaw gaped open, showing bone and dried tissue. The slice was too straight, the cause plain. The man’s shriveled fingers held a shiny metal blade. It still looked polished, reflecting the light.

Charlie swung his flashlight in a slow circle around the room. Matching blades lay on the stone floor or in other bony grips.

Looks like they killed themselves, Trent said, stunned.

But why?

Trent pointed to the only other feature in the room. Across the chamber, a dark tunnel continued deeper into the mountain. Maybe they were hiding something down there, something they didn’t want anyone to know about?

They both stared. A shiver traveled up from Trent’s toes and raised goose bumps along his arms. Neither of them moved. Neither of them wanted to cross this room of death. Even the promise of treasure no longer held any appeal.

Charlie spoke first. Let’s get out of here.

Trent didn’t argue. He’d seen enough horror for one day.

Charlie swung around and headed toward the exit, taking the only source of light.

Trent followed him into the tunnel, but he kept glancing back, fearing that the Great Spirit would possess one of the dead bodies and send it shuffling after them, dagger in hand. Focused as he was behind him, his boot slipped on some loose shale. He fell hard on his belly and slid a few feet down the steep slope back toward the cavern.

Charlie didn’t wait. In fact, he seemed anxious to escape. By the time Trent was back on his feet and dusting off his knees, Charlie had reached the tunnel’s end and hopped out.

Trent started to yell a protest at being abandoned—but another shout, harsh and angry, erupted from outside. Someone else was out there. Trent froze in place. More heated words were exchanged, but Trent couldn’t make them out.

Then a pistol shot cracked.

Trent jumped and stumbled two steps back into the darkness.

As the blast echoed away, a heavy silence was left in its wake.

Charlie . . . ?

Shaking with fear, Trent retreated down the tunnel, away from the entrance. His eyes had adjusted enough to allow him to reach the chamber of mummies without making a sound. He stopped at the edge of the cavern, trapped between the darkness at his back and whoever was out there.

Silence stretched and time slowed.

Then a scraping and huffing echoed down to him.

Oh no.

Trent clutched his throat. Someone was climbing into the cave. With his heart hammering, he had no choice but to retreat deeper into the darkness—but he needed a weapon. He stopped long enough to pry the knife from a dead man’s grip, snapping fingers like dried twigs.

Once armed, he slipped the blade into his belt and picked his way across the field of bodies. He held his arms ahead of him, blindly brushing across brittle feathers, leathery skin, and coarse hair. He pictured bony hands reaching for him, but he refused to stop moving.

He needed a place to hide.

There was only one refuge.

The far tunnel . . .

But that frightened him.

At one point, his foot stepped into open air. He came close to screaming—then realized it was only the old fire pit dug into the floor. A quick hop and he was over it. He tried to use the pit’s location to orient himself in the darkness, but it proved unnecessary.

Light grew brighter behind him, bathing the chamber.

Now able to see, he rushed headlong across the cavern. As he reached the mouth of the tunnel, a thudding, tumbling sounded behind him. He glanced over his shoulder.

A body came rolling out of the passageway and sprawled facedown on the floor. The growing light revealed the embroidered feathers on the back of the body’s crimson jacket.


With a fist clamped to his lips, Trent fled into the sheltering darkness of the tunnel. Fear grew sharper with every step.

Do they know I’m down here, too?

The tunnel ran flat and smooth, but it was far too short. After only five scared steps, it widened into another chamber.

Trent ducked to the side and flattened against the wall. He fought to control his ragged breathing, sure it would be heard all the way outside. He risked a peek back.

Someone had entered the mummy chamber with a flashlight. In the jumbling light, the shape bent down and dragged his friend’s body to the edge of the fire pit. It was only one person. The murderer dropped to his knees, set down his flashlight, and pulled Charlie’s body to his chest. The man raised his face to the roof and rocked, chanting something in the Ute language.

Trent bit off a gasp, recognizing that lined and leathery face.

As he watched, Charlie’s grandfather raised a polished steel pistol to his own head. Trent turned away but was too slow. The blast deafened in the confined space. Half of the old man’s skull exploded in a spray of blood, bone, and gore.

The pistol clattered to the stone. The old man fell heavily over his grandson’s body, as if protecting him in death. A slack arm struck the abandoned flashlight, nudging it enough to shine directly at Trent’s hiding place.

He slumped to his knees in horror, remembering the superstitious warning from Charlie’s grandfather: Whoever trespasses into the Great Spirit’s cave is never allowed to leave.

The tribal elder had certainly made that come true for Charlie. He must have somehow learned about the theft of the map and tracked them here.

Trent covered his face with his palms, breathing hard between his fingers, refusing to believe what he had witnessed. He listened for anyone else out there. But only silence answered him. He waited a full ten minutes.

Finally satisfied that he was alone, he pushed back to his feet. He looked over his shoulder. The flashlight’s beam pierced to the back of the small cave, revealing what had been hidden here long ago.

Stone crates, each the size of a lunch box, were stacked at the back of the chamber. They appeared to be oiled and wrapped in bark. But what drew Trent’s full attention rose in the center of the room.

A massive skull rested atop a granite plinth.

A totem, he thought.

Trent stared into those empty sockets, noting the high domed cranium and the unnaturally long fangs. Each had to be a foot long. He had learned enough from his old earth sciences classes to recognize the skull of a saber-toothed tiger.

Still, he couldn’t help but be stunned by the strange state of the skull. He had to tell someone about the murder, the suicide—but also about this treasure.

A treasure that made no sense.

He hurried headlong down the tunnel, passed through the mummy chamber, and ran toward daylight. At the entrance to the cave, he paused, remembering the final warning from Charlie’s grandfather, about what would happen if someone trespassed here and left.

The world will come to an end.

Teary-eyed, Trent shook his head. Superstitions had killed his best friend. He wasn’t about to let the same happen to him.

With a leap, he fled back into the world.

Chapter 2

May 30, 10:38 A.M.

High Uintas Wilderness


Nothing like murder to draw a circus.

Margaret Grantham crossed the makeshift camp set up in a high meadow overlooking the ravine. She huffed a bit in the thin air, and the arthritis in her knuckles still throbbed from the cold. A gust of wind threatened to rip the hat from her head, but she held it in place, tucking away a few strands of gray hair.

All around, tents sprawled across several acres, broken up into various factions, from law enforcement to local media. A National Guard unit stood by to keep the peace, but even its presence only added to the tension.

Native American groups from across the country had been gathering steadily over the past two weeks, drawn to the remote location by the controversy, hiking or riding in on horseback. They came under the auspices of several different acronyms: NABO, AUNU, NAG, NCAI. But ultimately all the letters served one purpose: to protect Native American rights and to preserve tribal heritage. Several of the tents were tepees, constructed by the more traditional groups.

She scowled as a local news helicopter descended toward an open field on the outskirts of the camp, and shook her head. Such attention only made things worse.

As an anthropology professor at Brigham Young University, she had been summoned by the Utah Division of Indian Affairs to help mediate the legal dispute about the discovery in this area. Since she’d spent thirty years overseeing the university’s Native American outreach program, local tribes knew her to be respectful of their causes. Plus, she often worked alongside the popular Shoshone historian and naturalist Professor Henry Kanosh.

Today was no exception.

Hank waited for her at the trailhead that led down toward the cavern system. Like her, he wore boots, jeans, and a khaki work shirt. His salt-and-pepper hair had been tied back in a ponytail. She was one of the few who knew his Indian name, Kaiv’u wuhnuh, meaning Mountain Standing. At the moment, standing at the trailhead, he looked the part. Closing in on sixty, his six-foot-four frame remained solid with muscle. His complexion was granite, only softened by the dancing flecks of gold in his caramel eyes.

His dog—a stocky, trail-hardened Australian cattle dog with one blue eye and one brown—sat at his side. The dog’s name, Kawtch, came from the Ute Indian word for no. Maggie smiled as she remembered Hank’s explanation: Since I was yelling it at him so much as a pup, the name sort of stuck.

So what’s the pulse like out there? Hank asked as she joined him with a quick hug of hello.

Not so good, she answered. And likely to get worse.


I was speaking to the county sheriff earlier. Tox report came back on the grandfather.

Hank bit harder on the cigar clamped between his teeth. He never lit his stogies, just liked chewing on them. It was against Mormon practices to use tobacco, but sometimes concessions had to be made. Though full-blooded Native American, he had been raised Mormon, one of the northwestern band of Shoshone who had been baptized back in the 1800s after the Bear River Massacre.

And what was in the tox report? he asked around his cigar.

The old man tested positive for peyote.

Hank shook his head. Great. That’ll play right for the cameras. Crazed Injun hopped on drugs kills his grandson and himself during a religious frenzy.

For now, they’re keeping that detail under wraps, but it’ll eventually come out. She sighed in resignation. The reaction to the initial report was bad enough.

County law enforcement had been the first on the scene to investigate the murder-suicide of the young Ute and his grandfather. With an eyewitness—a friend of the murdered boy—the case had been quickly closed, the bodies shipped by helicopter to the state morgue in Salt Lake City. The initial coroner’s report blamed the tragedy on dementia secondary to chronic alcohol poisoning. Afterward, op-ed pieces appeared in both local and national papers, weighing in on the abuse of alcohol among Native Americans, often reinforcing the caricature of the drunken Indian.

It wasn’t helping matters here. Margaret knew the delicacy with which such issues had to be broached, especially here in Utah, where the history of Indians and white men was bloody and strained.

But that was only the edge of the political quagmire. There was still the matter of the other bodies found down in the cave, hundreds of mummified remains.

Hank waved toward the path down to the cave. His dog took the lead, trotting with his bushy tail high. Hank followed. The surveyors compiled their report this morning. Did you see it?

She shook her head as she joined him on the trail.

According to the surveyors, the cave entrance is on federal land, but the cavern system extends under reservation territory.

Effectively blurring the jurisdiction line.

He nodded. Not that it’ll make much difference in the long run. I read the brief filed by Indian Affairs. All this land, going back to 1861, was once part of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation. But over the past century and a half, the borders of this reservation have waxed and waned.

Which means Indian Affairs can still make a strong case that the contents of the cavern belong to them.

That still depends on the other variables: the age of the bodies, when they were interred, and of course, if the remains are even Native American.

Maggie nodded. It was the main reason she had been summoned here: to evaluate the racial origins of those bodies. She had already conducted a cursory physical examination yesterday. Based on skin tone and hair color and facial bone structure, the remains appeared to be Caucasian, but the artifacts and clothing were distinctly Indian. Any further testing—DNA analyses, chemical tests—were locked up in a legal battle. Even moving the bodies was forbidden due to an injunction imposed by NAGPRA, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.

It’s like Kennewick Man all over again, Maggie said.

Hank raised a questioning brow toward her.

Back in 1996, an old skeleton was discovered along a riverbank in Kennewick, Washington. The forensic anthropologist who first examined the remains declared them to be Caucasoid.

Hank glanced to her and shrugged. So?

The body was carbon-dated at over nine thousand years old. One of the oldest bodies discovered in the Americas. The Caucasian features triggered a storm of interest. The current model of North America puts early man migrating to the region across a land bridge from Russia to Alaska. The discovery of an ancient skeleton bearing Caucasoid traits contradicts that assessment. It could rewrite the history of early America.

So what happened?

Five local Indian tribes claimed the body. They sued to have the bones reinterred without examination. That legal battle is still going on a decade later. And there’ve been other cases, other Caucasoid remains found in North America, and fought over just as fiercely. She ticked them off on her fingers. The Spirit Cave Mummy of Nevada, Oregon’s Prospect Man, Arlington Springs Woman. Most of these bodies have never been properly tested. Others were lost forever in anonymous Indian graves.

Let’s hope we don’t end up with such a mess here, Hank said.

By now, they’d reached the bottom of the chasm. Kawtch waited for them, panting, tongue lolling, tail still high.

Maggie grimaced at the rotten-egg smell rising from the sulfurous spring that heated the valley. Her face had already beaded up with sweat. She fanned herself with one hand.

Hank noted her discomfort and hurried them toward the cave entrance. Two National Guard soldiers stood at their posts, armed with rifles and holstered sidearms. With all the publicity, grave robbing remained a major concern, especially with the reported treasure hidden in the cave.

One of the guards stepped forward—a fresh-faced young man with rusty-blond stubble. Private Stinson had been posted here all week and recognized the two approaching scientists.

Major Ryan is already inside, he said. He’s waiting for the two of you before moving the artifact.

Good, Hank said. There’s already enough tension up there.

And cameras, Maggie added. It won’t look good to have someone in a U.S. military uniform seen absconding with a sacred Native American artifact. This has to be handled with some diplomacy.

That’s what Major Ryan figured. The private stepped aside—then added under his breath, But he’s getting impatient. Didn’t exactly have kind words for what’s going on here.

So what else is new?

Major Ryan had proven to be a thorn in her side.

Hank helped lift Maggie up to the raised entrance to the burial cave. His large hands clamped hard to her hips, triggering a flush of heat through her body, along with a surge of bittersweet memory. Those same hands had once run over her naked body, a short tryst, born of long nights together and a deep friendship. But in the end, such a relationship hadn’t suited them. They were better friends than lovers.

Still, her cheeks heated to a fierce glow by the time he joined her, hopping easily up into the mouth of the cave. He seemed oblivious to her reaction, which made her both grateful and slightly hurt.

He ordered Kawtch to stay outside. The dog hung his head with disappointment.

They set off into the tunnel as a muffled shout echoed up to them. Maggie and Hank shared a glance. Hank rolled his eyes. As usual, Major Ryan was not happy. The head of the unit had no interest in the anthropological importance of this discovery and plainly resented this assignment. Plus, she suspected there was an undercurrent of racial tension. She’d overheard a remark from him about the Native Americans gathered at the camp: Should’ve driven ’em all into the Pacific when we had the chance.

Still, she had to work with the man—at least until the treasure was secured. It was one of the reasons she and Hank had been given permission to move the totem artifact and ship it to the museum at BYU. It was too valuable to leave unguarded. Once it was gone, the amount of security could be scaled back, and hopefully some of the simmering resentment up above would calm down.

Maggie reached the main chamber, pausing at the threshold, again taken aback by the macabre spectacle of the mummified remains. Bright battery-powered lamps lit the space. Surveying strings and yellow crime-scene tape divided the chamber into sections. A cordoned-off path crossed the floor and led to the far tunnel.

She headed toward it, but her attention was again drawn to the bodies around her. Their state of preservation was amazing. The sustained geothermal heat had baked the fluid out of the remains, drying the tissues and concentrating the salts in the bodies, which acted as a natural brining agent.

For the thousandth time, she wondered why they had all killed themselves. It reminded her of the story of the siege of Masada, where Jewish rebels had committed suicide rather than succumb to the Roman legion at their gates.

Had something like that happened here?

She had no answer. It was one mystery among so many others.

A shift of shadows caught the corner of her eye. She tripped to a stop and stared toward a tangle of bodies in the far corner. A hand touched her shoulder, making her jump.

Fingers tightened reassuringly. What is it? Hank asked.

I thought I saw—

From the tunnel, a shout cut her off. ’Bout time you got here!

A juggling light exited the far tunnel. Major Ryan appeared with a flashlight. He was in full uniform, including his helmet, which kept his eyes in shadow. His lips, though, were tight with irritation.

He beckoned with his flashlight and swung around, leading the way back into the tunnel. Let’s get a move on. I have the transport crate prepared as you ordered. Two of my men will assist you.

Hank mumbled under his breath as he followed. Hello to you, too, Major.

Maggie paused at the mouth of the tunnel and glanced back over her shoulder. Nothing moved out there now. She shook her head.

Just a trick of light. Has me jumping at shadows.

We’ve had a problem, Ryan said, drawing her attention. A mishap.

What sort of mishap? Hank asked.

See for yourself.

Concerned, Maggie hurried after them.

What is wrong now?

11:40 A.M.

Hidden in shadows, the saboteur watched the three vanish into the tunnel. She let out a slow breath of relief, fighting back a tremble of fear. She’d almost been spotted when she drew her pack farther behind a pair of bodies.

Doubts plagued her in the dark.

What am I doing here?

She waited in the shadows, crouched as she had been since early morning. Her chosen name was Kai, which meant willow tree in Navajo. As her heart pounded, she sought to draw strength from her namesake, to tap into the patience of the tree, along with its legendary flexibility. She slowly stretched a kink out of her left leg. But her back continued to ache.

It wouldn’t be much longer, she promised herself.

She’d been hiding here since the crack of dawn. Two of her friends, pretending to be drunk and disorderly, had lured the guards a few yards away from the cave entrance. Using the distraction, she had ducked out of her hiding place and slipped into the tunnel behind them.

It had been a challenge to creep silently into position. But at only eighteen years of age, she was lithe, thin, and knew how to dance through shadows, a skill learned from tracking with her father since she was knee-high to him. He had taught her the old ways—before being shot while driving a cab in Boston.

The memory spiked a flare of bone-deep anger.

A year after his death, she had been recruited by WAHYA, a militant Native American rights group, who took their name from the Cherokee word for wolf. They were fierce and cunning, and like her, they were all young, none over thirty, all proudly intolerant of the groveling of the more established organizations.

Hidden in the dark, she let that anger stoke through her and warm away her fears. She remembered the fiery words of John Hawkes, founder and leader of WAHYA: Why should we have to wait to be handed back our rights by the U.S. government? Why bend a knee and accept bread crumbs?

WAHYA had already made headlines with a few small events. They’d burned an American flag on the steps of a Montana courthouse after the conviction of a Crow Indian for using hallucinogenic mushrooms during a religious ceremony. Only last month, they’d spray-painted the offices of a Colorado congressman who sought restrictions on the state’s Indian casinos.

But events here, according to John Hawkes, offered an even greater opportunity for exposure on the national stage. Drawn by the controversy, WAHYA would come out of the shadows and take matters into its own hands, mount a firm stand against government intrusion into tribal affairs.

A shout drew her eyes toward the deeper tunnel.

She tensed. Earlier—before the two new arrivals got here—a crash had echoed out of the back cavern, followed by a furious bout of cursing. Something had clearly gone wrong. She prayed that it didn’t pose a problem for her mission.

Especially after waiting here so long.

Kai shifted her weight to her other leg, seeking patience, waiting for the signal. She reached out and rested one hand on the backpack full of C4 explosive, already embedded with wireless detonators.

It shouldn’t be much longer.

11:46 A.M.

What did you do? Hank asked, his voice booming across the small cavern, full of outrage.

Maggie placed a calming hand on his shoulder. She recognized the problem immediately as she stepped into the back cavern.

Along the far wall had been stacked a pile of stone boxes, all identical, each a cubic foot in size. She had examined one yesterday. It had reminded her of a small ossuary, a stone box used to hold the bones of the dead. But until she got permission from the Native American delegation of NAGPRA, none of the boxes could be opened. Each was coated in oil and wrapped in dried juniper bark.

But circumstances had changed.

She stared down at the half-dozen boxes scattered on the floor of the cave. The one closest had broken in half, still roughly held together by its bark wrapping.

Hank took a deep breath and scowled at Major Ryan. There’s a strict injunction against touching any of this. Do you know how much trouble this will generate? Do you know the powder keg building up there?

I know, Ryan snapped back at him. One of these numbnuts hit the stack with the corner of the transport crate when they were swinging it around. The pile came crashing down.

Maggie glanced to the two National Guardsmen in the room. Both soldiers stared at their toes, accepting the rebuke. Between them rested a plastic green trunk, hinged open, revealing a foam-lined interior, ready to secure and transport the room’s singular treasure.

So what do we do now? Ryan asked sourly.

Maggie didn’t answer. Her legs drew her to the broken stone box on the floor. She couldn’t help herself. She knelt beside it.

Hank joined her. We’d best leave it alone. We can record and document the damage, then—

Or we just take a peek inside. She reached to a fractured chunk of stone, bark still stuck on it. What’s done is done.

A warning rumble entered Hank’s voice. Maggie.

She picked loose the bit of stone and carefully laid it aside. For the first time in ages, light shone into the box’s interior.

Holding her breath, she removed another piece of stone and revealed more of what was hidden inside. The boxes appeared to contain plates of metal, blackened with age. She leaned closer and cocked her head from side to side.

Strange . . .

Is that some kind of writing on it? Hank asked, curiosity drawing him down beside her.

Could just be streaks of corrosion.

Maggie reached and carefully rubbed a thumb over a corner of the surface. The black oil smeared away, revealing a familiar yellowish hue beneath. She sat back.

Gold, Hank whispered in hushed awe.

She looked to him, then to the wall of stone boxes. She pictured similar plates packed away in the containers. Her heart pounded faster in her throat. How much gold is here?

Maggie stood up, trying to fathom the extent of the treasure.

Major Ryan, she warned, I think you and your men will be spending a lot more time down here.

A groan escaped him. So there’s even more gold.

Maggie turned to the granite pillar in the center of the room. Atop it rested the massive skull of a saber-toothed tiger. All by itself, the prehistoric artifact was a valuable discovery, a spiritual totem of the slaughtered tribe—so important that the tribesmen had melted gold and coated the entire surface of the giant cat’s skull.

She stepped in a slow circle around the precious idol. A trickle of fear seeped into her. Something was wrong about all of this. She couldn’t put her finger on it but knew it to be true.

Unfortunately, she had no time to contemplate the mystery.

Then at least get this skull out of here, Ryan ordered. We can deal with the boxes later. Do you want my men to help you?

Hank stood up rather sharply. We’ll do it.

Maggie nodded, and the two positioned themselves on either side of the gold totem. She held out her hands, her fingers hovering over the long golden fangs.

I’ll grab it from the front, she said. You cup the back of the skull. On my count. We’ll lift it and place it into the crate.


They both reached for the artifact. Maggie gripped the base of the fangs where they joined the skull. She could barely get her fingers all the way around the teeth.

"One, two . . . three."

Together they lifted the skull. Even covered in gold, it was far heavier than she had imagined. She felt something shift inside, sliding like loose sand. Curiosity sparked through her, but any further examination would have to wait. They sidestepped in a typical workmen’s waltz over to the foam-lined open trunk and lowered the skull into the carrier. It sank heavily into the padding.

They both straightened, staring at each other. Hank rubbed his hands on his jeans and caught her eye. So he had felt it, too. Not just the shifting sands, but something even odder. As hot as it was in here, she had expected the skull to be warm. But despite the geothermal heat of the cavern, the surface had been cold.

Damned cold . . .

She read the unease in Hank’s eyes. It matched her own.

Before either could speak, Ryan slammed the lid over the treasure and pointed toward the exit. My men will carry the skull out of the cave. From there, it’s your problem.

12:12 P.M.

Crouched low, Kai watched the parade cross the field of mummies. It was led by an older woman, her hair tucked under a wide-brimmed hat. A trio of National Guard soldiers followed. Two of them hauled a green plastic trunk between them.

The gold skull, she thought.

They were taking it out, just as she’d been instructed they would. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. With the skull gone, she’d have the cavern to herself. She’d plant the charges, wait for nightfall, then sneak off. Once the place was empty, they’d blow the cavern and rebury their ancestors. WAHYA would make its point. Native Americans were done asking for permission from the U.S. government, especially for such basic rights as burying their dead.

She stared at the tall figure who trailed behind the others. Irritation flashed through her. She knew him, most Native Americans did. Professor Henry Kanosh was a controversial figure among the tribes, sparking strong reactions. No one questioned that he was a staunch supporter of Indian sovereignty, and by some estimates, his labors alone had expanded reservation territory across the Western states by a full 10 percent. But like much of his ancestral band, he had taken up the Mormon faith, shedding the old ways to join a religious group that had once persecuted and slaughtered Indians in Utah. That alone made him an outcast among the more traditional members of the local Indian tribes. She had heard John Hawkes once refer to him as an Indian Uncle Tom.

As the group reached the exit tunnel, Professor Kanosh pointed back. Until we can get a handle on this, no one mention the gold we found in those boxes. Keep silent. We don’t want to trigger a gold rush down here.

Kai’s ears pricked at his words. Gold?

According to what she’d been told, the only gold down here was coating that prehistoric skull. WAHYA had been willing to let the totem be removed from here. The artifact was scheduled to be displayed at a Native American museum, so that was okay. Plus, if the explosion buried the golden skull with the mummified bodies, someone might be tempted to do a little digging to find it, disturbing once again the resting place of their ancestors.

But if there’s more gold down here . . . ?

She waited until the others had climbed up into the tunnel, then stood and shouldered her pack. She stepped gingerly through the field of bodies toward the back chamber. She had to see for herself. If there was a stockpile of gold hidden here, that changed everything. Like with the skull, such a mother lode could lure a slew of treasure hunters to come digging.

She had to know the truth.

Rushing to the far tunnel, she dashed down its dark throat as another worry struck her. With a new stash of gold down here, the guards would certainly return to protect it, complicating her plans to escape. She could be trapped down here. If she were caught, how could she explain being found with a backpack full of plastic explosive? She’d spend years, if not decades, in jail.

Fear burned brighter, hurrying her steps.

Reaching the cave, she flicked on a penlight and swept the beam around the small dark chamber. At first, she saw nothing, just old stone boxes and an empty pillar of granite. But a spark of reflected light drew her eyes down to her toes. A box had shattered on the floor.

She lowered to one knee and shoved her penlight closer. The box held what looked to be a stack of half-inch-thick metal plates. A corner had been rubbed off the top one, revealing gold beneath a layer of tarnish. She sat back, stunned. She swept her penlight over the wall of boxes.

What am I going to do now?

Buried underground, she had no way to radio for help. She felt overwhelmed and trapped. This decision was hers alone. Sensing the press of time and fearing the return of the guards, she couldn’t think straight. Her breathing grew

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