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City of a Thousand Dolls
City of a Thousand Dolls
City of a Thousand Dolls
Ebook339 pages4 hours

City of a Thousand Dolls

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The girl with no past, and no future, may be the only one who can save their lives.

Nisha was abandoned at the gates of the City of a Thousand Dolls when she was just a little girl. Now sixteen, she lives on the grounds of the isolated estate, where orphan girls apprentice as musicians, healers, courtesans, and, if the rumors are true, assassins. She makes her way as Matron's errand girl, her closest companions the mysterious cats that trail her shadow. Only when she begins a forbidden flirtation with the city's handsome young courier does she let herself imagine a life outside the walls. Until one by one, girls around her start to die.

Before she becomes the next victim, Nisha decides to uncover the secrets that surround the girls' deaths. But by getting involved, Nisha jeopardizes not only her own future in the City of a Thousand Dolls—but also her life.

Release dateFeb 5, 2013

Miriam Forster

Miriam Forster is a recovering barista and former bookseller who is obsessed with anthropology, British television, and stories of all kinds. She lives in Oregon with her husband and her cat. City of a Thousand Dolls was her debut novel.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed "City of a Thousand Dolls". It had an unusual premise with aspects of Japanese, Indian and Chinese cultures combined with elements of both fantasy and mystery. With murdered girls, forbidden love, 'talking' cats and constant intrigue I found this quite a page-turner. I was a bit concerned about the cats when I first started, but ended up enjoying them, especially Jeritt who was adorable. A worthwhile read from a debut author.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Though it's still early in the year, I feel that I can confidently say Miriam Forster's City of a Thousand Dolls will end up on my Best of 2013 List in December. The world, the characters, the mystery, and the romance within this novel's pages mark it as a stellar debut and a memorable fantasy novel.One of the first things that drew me to Forster's debut was the similarities to Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series for adults. Carey's books are definitely for an older audience (as they feature lots of adult content), but Forster's world has some similarities: an isolated estate where girls are apprenticed, taught, and eventually sold based on their skills, looks, etc. and a handsome and tempting boy from outside the walls. I've loved Carey's books for years (having read the first book, Kushiel's Dart, in seventh grade, when I was, in retrospect, probably much too young!) and have always wished there was something similar that was more appropriate for slightly younger readers and/or readers that would rather skip the sex as power but keep the romance. City of a Thousand Dolls is that book I often wished for... and it has far exceeded what I had hoped for. Since this is a YA title, not adult, the sex and sexual power that motivates Carey's novel is absent and the girls are apprenticed as more than courtesans; girls are also taught to be musicians, healers, and assassins. I really enjoyed the diversity of the houses and having Nisha as a main character, a character free of the limitations of belonging to one specific house, which added an interesting dimension to the novel.Though the romantic plot line is often a secondary concern next to the mystery elements of City of a Thousand Dolls, it ended up being one of my favorite aspects of the novel. Though I wasn't entirely sure how every detail would fall into place, I had my suspicions regarding Nisha's love life and would have been miffed to find my guesses were wrong, but, thankfully, Forster was headed the direction I'd hoped. And, she managed to successfully resolve questions in a rather small number of pages (as these questions are answered near the very end of the book) - no small feat! I'm rather anxious to get my hands on book two and see more of Nisha and her boy!City of a Thousand Dolls is a must read for fantasy fans. The world building is wonderful and doesn't bog down the story's pace, the main character is fantastic, the mystery compelling, and the romance is absolutely lovely. I highly recommend Forster's debut!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Abandoned by her parents, Nisha was taken in by the City of a Thousand Dolls as were hundreds of other unwanted girl children. In the City, the girls are taught a trade, or to be perfect wives. At the age of 16, they are eligible to be spoken for, or purchased, by men or tradespeople. Nisha is 16, and is looking forward to attending the redeeming, when three girls are murdered. Nisha offers to help find out what is happening.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In short: City of a Thousand Dolls by Miriam Forster is an entertaining and addicting read with lush and fascinating world building.At six-years-old, Nisha was abandoned by her parents at the City of a Thousand Dolls - a community that takes in unwanted girls, trains them in a specialized area like fighting, beauty, healing, or pleasure, and then sells them off to the highest bidder at sixteen-years-old. When one of the girls is found dead in the City, Nisha decides she is going to track down the killer in order to protect the girls, as well as herself. Along the way, she also uncovers secrets about her past.The world building is where City of a Thousand Dolls truly shines. Debut author Miriam Forster integrates South Asian culture into a lush and fascinating world to pleasing effect. I loved spending time in the City of a Thousand Dolls, learning about the different houses and castes, and the training and schooling for the girls. And, OH YEAH, Nisha can speak telepathically to the cats that roam the city and these cats are basically her makeshift family. I thought that was cute! There are so many ways that the concept of telepathic cats could have gone awry, but for some reason, I found it worked and was never super silly or cliched.I feel a bit conflicted about the plot and characters in City of a Thousand Dolls. On the one hand, the mystery was a good one and the reveal was shocking. But the execution of the mystery was a little clumsy at times and the plot twists were predictable. And the ending was tied up WAY too neatly and quickly for my tastes. Similarly, I did like Nisha most of the time - she was ultimately brave and good - but she often made questionable choices and could be a little slow on the uptake. The romance was very limited and nothing particularly special - but sweet just the same.Okay, okay - so that may sound like a lot of faults that I've just listed, but the fact of the matter is that I enjoyed myself while reading City of a Thousand Dolls. It was addicting and easy to read. And I must reiterate that the world building was super interesting! There may not have been as much depth as I was hoping for, but I had FUN reading it and isn't that the most important thing?City of a Thousand Dolls works well as a standalone, but there is room for a sequel. Recommended for readers who like fun and easy books and cat people.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is Forster’s debut novel and it was an excellent one. The blurb on the back compares this book to Graceling and The Girl of Fire and Thorns; that is a pretty apt comparison. I got a copy of this book through Amazon Vine to review; so thanks to Vine and HarperTeen for making this book available. I really enjoyed the characters and interesting world in this novel.Nisha was left the City of a Thousand Dolls at the age of six. An age considered too old to start training in the City of a Thousand Dolls. Nisha lives in a world where parents are only allowed to have two children, as a result many parents abandon their female daughters. The City of a Thousand Dolls was created to take in these abandoned girls and teach them a skill that will make them Redeemable and allow for their placement into new lives.Nisha was considered too old to train and has been a messenger for the Matron since she arrived, but now girls are dying and if Nisha cannot figure out why her own freedom will be at stake.This was very much a fantasy mystery. Don’t come into this book expecting to read something that is action packed. This is a deliberately paced mystery as much as anything. There is some romance thrown in here as well, although it is definitely not what drives the story.Nisha is an interesting character. She is definitely in a tight spot, she doesn’t have any family around or anyone who loves her. She does however have some important friends, the foremost of which are the talking cats that inhabit the City of a Thousand Dolls. Nisha isn’t an incredibly rebellious or outgoing heroine. She spends most of her time trying not to be noticed and makes a number of mistakes throughout the story. She does however stand up for what she thinks is right when the time comes.I enjoyed the cats, which spoke to Nisha telepathically. Initially they are just very fun to have in the story, as things continue they end up being part of something much bigger. There isn’t a lot of magic in this book, it is mostly present in the various people and races throughout.The world is very well built. There is definitely an Asian influence to this world. The limit on the number of children per family echoes that. A somewhat apocalyptic event in the past is hinted at but never fully explained.The plot is well done. Nisha ends up the sole investigator of a series of murders, her freedom ends up being the price if she can’t solve these mysterious murders. There are a number of twists and turns to the story that I found surprising, yet they never came off as contrived.The book takes a look at a number of interesting themes including what happens when you impose a child limit on families and women’s rights.The book was very well written and engaging. I found it hard to put down and it was very easy to read.Overall an excellent young adult fantasy mystery novel. Nisha makes a believable heroine who is easy to engage with; she isn’t all that assertive but she is strong in her own way. The mystery and world-building were both well done, and I also enjoyed the telepathically speaking cats. I would recommend to those who enjoy fantasy mysteries.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sixteen year old Nisha was abandoned at the gates of the City as a toddler. She has only the vaguest memories of life before she came there. Unlike the other girls in the City, who are assigned to one of the seven houses that specialize in certain types of education (medicine, music, beauty, combat, discipline etc), she has been trained in several. As the assistant to the head of the City, she is used to gather information on all the goings on in the City. When one of the girls dies, Nisha’s job is to find out more about it. When a second girl dies, Nisha is sure it was connected and it was murder- but can she find out who is behind it? And will the young man she has met- a member of the ruling family- speak for her when the yearly festival comes around, the festival where the sixteen year old girls are married or sold off? It’s an enjoyable novel with a lot of intrigue. It has an Asian feel to it; in some ways, it seems Japanese with the martial arts and girls being trained in one house as geisha like companions; at times it seemed Indian. There are people who are clearly Romany. But the girls hair, skin and eyes span the range of human coloration. Then there are the cats who communicate telepathically with Nisha…. In some ways, the novel reminded me of Andre Norton, but a beginner Andre Norton. The characters are somewhat flat, and the main suspect for the deaths is Sashi, a blind novice in the house of medicine; some of the things the killer does could not have been done by an unsighted person unaided. It’s obviously a first novel, but the author shows a lot of promise.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.Quick & Dirty: A girl who’s an outcast discovers her heritage while also trying to solve a murder mystery inside the City of a Thousand Dolls.Opening Sentence: “Don’t move, Nisha.”The Review: I think the synopsis is a bit misleading. I started this book thinking it was going to be about a school that trained assassins or something to that degree, but instead, the book focused on a orphaned girl with a lot of secrets. The assassins are just a small tidbit of a much more complex plot.Nisha is an outcast. Her parents left her at the gates of the City of a Thousand Dolls when she was a toddler, and now she’s a jack-of-all-trades without a true place to fit in. There is one positive though: for some reason the Matron of the city appointed Nisha as her assistant right from the start. With at least one leader on her side (and her band of trusty cats), Nisha feels somewhat protected from the greedy council who want to sell her as a slave. But then…girls start dying. Accidentally. Or coincidentally? With a new purpose and determination to clear her friend’s name, Nisha is on the hunt of the killer, despite the risk to her own life.My feelings for this book are similar to when I read The Girl of Fire and Thorns. Interesting at first. Slow in the middle. Exciting and heart-pounding at the end (with great potential for the next book). The overarching plot didn’t actually bloom until the middle of the book, but there were minor arcs that kept me reading. Throughout the middle there would be sections of nothing happening then a big event/secret reveal, then another few chapters of nothing, then another event. You get the idea. Those big events drove the story throughout the middle of the book – not the characters. It was mainly Nisha on quests to uncover a clue about the murders. Every now and then we’d get something about her heritage, but those were vague and few and far between (not that vague is bad. Just boring.)As the story grew on me, the main character, Nisha, also grew on me. In the beginning I wasn’t too fond of her. She lacked independence and took rash actions. But throughout the entire book you can see her motives change and develop. She discovers her identity, makes new friends and breaks others. The only thing I didn’t like: her boyfriend.Devon and Nisha had already met and started dating three weeks before the book started. He is part of the royal family and could have a higher job than courtier, but any other job would take him away from Nisha (Sweet right? Did I mention they’ve only known each other for three weeks?) Already, Nisha has been thinking about Devon speaking for her at the Redeeming – basically an auction to sell the girls either as wives, apprentices or just company. Since Nisha is castless, for a royal to speak for her would be preposterous, and if someone found out about their secret romance before the Redeeming, it could cost Nisha her life. I didn’t like Devon from the very start. He was oblivious to the risk Nisha was taking just to meet with him and ignorant of the unspoken rules of the royals. Nisha practically idolized him while he treated her as a cute pet with benefits. But there is hope! There’s potential for another suitor in Nisha’s future…Overall, this wasn’t a bad book. It wasn’t a book I fell head over heels for either. Although the cliffhanger isn’t at all awful, I still cannot wait for the next installment. There is so much potential in the next book, plus I just want more of Jerrit.Notable Scene: It happened so fast that Nisha barely saw it. One moment she was holding Tac’s hand; the next, Tac had sprung up and backed Devan against a tree. The gleaming point of a dagger rested on the courtier’s throat.The young nobleman’s eyes were wide with fear. “Call him off, Nisha,” he said, his voice cracking. “Please, I’m begging you.”Nisha wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. But she had no more tears, and it wasn’t that funny. “Let him go, Tac,” she said through dry lips.Tac lowered the dagger. The look he gave Nisha was one of mixed frustration and grief, as if he had taken her heartbreak and made it his own. Then he spun and punched Devan full in the face.FTC Advisory: HarperTeen provided me with a copy of City of a Thousand Dolls. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Nisha is an outsider in the City of a Thousand Dolls, which houses abandoned female orphans to become educated in a discipline and sold to various buyers as apprentices, wives, or courtesans. She belongs to no house, but is free to roam the city, being educated here and there while doing errands and gathering information for Matron, the matriarch and protector of the city. A few friends make her life bearable as well as her cat companions, who can communicate telepathically with her and each other. Then girls start to die under mysterious circumstances, putting the usually peaceful city into turmoil. After the trend continues, officials are looking for someone to blame and Nisha's future in the city becomes tenuous. She volunteers to find the killer both to save herself and future victims, but she has no idea the danger she will find herself in or how much it will change her life and the City of a Thousand Dolls.The City of a Thousand Dolls acts as a solution for the Bhinian Empire's two child limit. Unwanted girls can be taken there to be trained in the arts of music, healing, pleasure, combat, or (if certain rumors are true) assassination. Even though the opportunities available to these girls are many and it's infinitely better than being left to die, these girls are still being basically sold into slavery. They have no control over who buys them and there is no telling if their buyer will be decent or abusive. The entire concept makes me uncomfortable and it's meant to. It's easy to forget that the city is a gilded cage because of the quality of education and amount of work that each girl undergoes. This tradition has been going on for a long time and, because it is so much better than the alternative, the Bhinian people are reluctant to change it. Part of that is also because the city is separated from the rest of the Bhinian Empire and it's easy to dismiss something you never really directly interact with. I loved how the Bhinian Empire is a lush and vibrant amalgamation of Chinese and Indian culture and aesthetics. The background of the empire was touched upon, but left more to be uncovered for the next installment. I think this novel would be a cinematographer's dream to film in either a movie or television show.The characters really make this book shine. Nisha is amazing yet realistic. She is an outsider in the city due to being abandoned there when she was 6 and had no ties to any caste. At first, she seems more free than the other girls in the caste system because she won't be sold, trains in more than one house, and gets extra privileges due to being Matron's eyes and ears. Then, everything comes tumbling down. Nisha is suddenly in danger of being sold as a slave with no one able to do anything to save her. Instead of folding in on herself and taking her fate, she tries to solve the murder to earn her freedom. Nisha is a very strong girl, but not without vulnerability. She has her moments of doubt and despair, but never gives up in the end. Her relationship with the cats in the city is one of my favorite parts. She can communicate with them telepathically and they are a family to her. Some thought this aspect was too childish, but I found it awesome (probably because I'm a crazy cat lady), especially when their true nature was revealed in the end. Nisha's friends are equally fleshed out. Tanaya is a seemingly perfect stock character who will eventually become princess of the Empire, but her character gains dimensions as the book goes along.City of a Thousand Dolls is a formidable YA debut that guarantees that I will read anything Miriam Forster writes. It's not a perfect book, but the writing and characters that sucked me in the story made me forgive the few flaws. I can't wait to read the next Bhinian Empire book, which will sadly not be a sequel but will take place in the same world.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I am the epitome of mixed feelings about this book.
    edit: I'm still thinking about this book and how weirded out I was by the whole ending and how badly it crashed and burned in the end.
    I appreciated the asian theme high fantasy set up to the world building. I was confused by how child law was in place when later it was revealed that there were only THREE CITIES in the Empire and the population was TINY (so I guess it was about control? It was NEVER EXPLAINED why the 2 child rule was actually in place). There's an entire city of girls but the book crashed and burned at attempting any kind of female friendship.
    I wasn't fond of the tribe of talking cats (simply because talking animals aren't really my thing) but I was willing to overlook it until it got SUPER WEIRD AT THE END.
    The romantic subplot was predictable to a fault in that we got zero information about the boy she was in a relationship in at the start of the book so it was obvious where that was going, and when the second love interest was introduced he just didn't talk (which meant, of course, he was perfectly capable of talking) but then the PLOT TWIST AT THE END HAPPENED and, you know, I'm weirded out by the talking cat at the beginning of the book turning out to be a shapeshifter and the obvious future love interest i'm just
    not here
    for that
    at all.
    good things: disabled woc protagonist!
    bad things: uhm. talking cats and the writing was clunky.
    I'm so baffled.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I would give this a 1.5 stars but I'm rounding up. Alright, could have used an editor and some of it seemed as if it was written for the 10 - 12 yrs of age range. Interesting concept not executed as well as it should have been.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Plot: 3 stars
    Characters: 4 stars
    Style: 4 stars
    Pace: 3 1/2stars

    Rounding up because I enjoyed it despite the flaws. It rather reminded me of Tamora Pierce's Circle series, crossed with the current YA market and with friendships stripped down to the bare minimums. The biggest flaw this book has is the predictability. But, frankly? That's par for the course these days with YA, so I can't hold it too much against it. And it's not enough to keep me from picking up the sequel when it comes out sometime next year (maybe?)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I picked it up on a whim, while unnewing books in the YA area. Premise sounded interesting and it turned out to be. It reminded me, a little bit, of Cashore's Graceling series, but not quite as good. I did like it and I'd recommend it to people looking for a book with a strong female main character and those looking for a decent mystery. My favorite character was Jerrit (a talking cat, no really, he was fantastic) and I liked the story well enough. There were a few parts that were far too convenient (though not the solution to the crime, oddly enough), but aside from that, it was a pretty enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    On the whole, I really enjoyed this book -- interesting fantasy world of girls training to be courtesans and mindspeaking cats, interesting girl with a mystery around her family and a murder mystery it's up to her to solve.

    The two things that bugged me:

    1: the plot is not entirely convincing in parts, and is relatively predictable.

    2: The audio book is well read, but I think it might take listening to the book to notice how often the sentences begin with the main character's name. I swear "Nisha" is repeated so often I wanted to make a drinking game out of it.

    Anyway, this one is going to be a series, and I can honestly say I have no idea where it's going from here, so I eagerly look forward to the next installment. Nisha! Nisha! Nisha!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    City of a Thousand Dolls was an engaging read, though the ending felt rushed. Whereas at first Forester hoarded clues and secrets like a squirrel with acorns, the last quarter was revelation after revelation, giving me very little time to adjust. Some of the secrets were subtly woven in, often buried beneath each new murder so that in the end I was able to look back and recognized the signs. And some became painfully obvious far too quickly.

    At first I didn't understand the big deal about Nisha. She alternated between being unbelievably naive and independent. I blame Devan for this mainly. The entire family of his were a thorny manipulative bunch of of jackals, though to his credit I think Devan did genuinely care for Nisha...he was however a spineless coward as well. Nisha rose above her early unlikeableness though. Her interactions with the cats, her investigation and insistence for the truth drove this story.

    In some ways I think this reminded me of Avatar: the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. At least what I enjoy most about those shows. This story was about balance in the end. The Empire finding a balance between what was working and what wasn't, the girls of the Houses finding a balance between their wants/expectations and reality, the balance of past mistakes and potential failures in the future and lastly Nisha finding a way to come to terms about where she belongs.

    I can't help but think that there will be more books about Nisha and this world, and for that I'm hopeful. While Forester does a good job wrapping up Nisha's story in this novel, there are by far more mysteries and secrets to uncover before I think her story is fully told.

Book preview

City of a Thousand Dolls - Miriam Forster


DON’T MOVE, NISHA. The words were playful, but the sharp slash of light along the blade of the throwing dagger was not.

Nisha Arvi forced herself to go still. Splinters dug into her shoulder from the wooden target wall behind her, but she didn’t twitch.

A few paces away, her friend Tanaya twirled her dagger with careless grace. A smug and confident smile curled the edges of her mouth. Don’t look so frightened, Nisha. Trust me.

You always say that, Nisha muttered, trying not to move the muscles of her face. Sweat from staff practice dampened her legs, and her loose cotton trousers clung to her skin like cold hands.

And I’m always right. Like Nisha, Tanaya practiced her fighting skills in the rust-brown tunic and trousers of the House of Combat. But Tanaya’s tunic was of a finer weave than Nisha’s, gold embroidery circling the neckline and sleeves. She polished her dagger on the edge of her tunic, and Nisha closed her eyes.


Nisha cracked her left eye open. The dagger hilt quivered a finger’s length from her cheek. Beyond the wooden handle, she could make out the copper-trimmed brick of the House of Combat and the smooth roof of gray sky.

Nisha sagged against the target wall. You’re getting better, she said weakly.

Tanaya gave a mocking imitation of an Imperial Court bow. Why, thank you. You should see me performing the Dance of Fans and Daggers.

Nisha heard the shouts of instructors and the clangs of curved swords from inside a nearby building. Novices—and the outsiders the House Mistress brought into the City to help train them—practiced archery in the broad field behind them, the snap of their strings echoing across the flat ground. The sounds were straightforward, simple, comforting.

Nisha stepped away from the wall and pulled the dagger out of the wood. It was unexpectedly heavy, and she offered it hilt-first to Tanaya.

I thought you were going to faint for a moment, Tanaya said. She sheathed the dagger in the hidden belt under her tunic. Tanaya was two years older than Nisha and wore every inch of her eighteen years with authority. Her light hair shone like polished beech wood, and her smooth hands danced like butterflies. Nisha had the charcoal hair and amber skin so common in the Bhinian Empire, and her hands were rough and callused.

You wouldn’t laugh if you ever dared to spar with me, Nisha said, picking up her practice staff and lunging at Tanaya.

The older girl jumped back. Careful! You know I’m not allowed to do anything that could cause bruising. Tanaya’s voice was playful, but the smile slid from her eyes.

She dusted off her hands and started walking down the gray stone path that led to the House of Flowers, Nisha behind her.

Besides, think how it would look. The future wife of the High Prince attacked by an assistant. The good humor returned to Tanaya’s face, and she giggled. Do you remember the first time you came to my House to deliver a message? You were so shy, all big, scared eyes and dark, dark hair hiding your face.

Nisha grimaced. She’d been so nervous, but also proud to deliver messages to the grand House of Flowers. Her satisfaction had lasted only as long as it took for a group of Flower girls to decide she was an easy target in her plain gray asar and untidy braid. It was her first experience of the dangers that lurked in the corners of the City of a Thousand Dolls. But it hadn’t been her last.

The back of her neck prickled. Nisha’s steps slowed as the prickle spread from her neck to her shoulders. It was the feeling that had become all too familiar in the past few days, the feeling that someone was watching her. She stopped.

What is it? Tanaya asked.

Hold on, Nisha said, holding up a hand. She turned slowly, scanning the buildings around her. Then she saw the figure standing in the shadows of the armory.

It was Josei, the Mistress of the House of Combat, her hard stare fixed on Nisha.

Nisha whirled around and started walking.

Tanaya quickened her pace to keep up. Nisha, what’s wrong? she hissed.

Look over by the armory, Nisha said. The House Mistress is watching me again.

Tanaya looked around, and her eyes widened. So she is. I wonder why she seems to be spying on you? Is she trying to get you into trouble?

I don’t know why she’d want to, Nisha said. Without looking around, she could imagine the House Mistress perfectly, her rust-brown asar wrapped so it came only to her knees, the short sword at her side. Josei was lithe and muscular and moved like a wolf. Just being in her presence made Nisha feel clumsy and anxious.

Tanaya laughed. She frightens you.

If you had any sense, she’d scare you, too. But there was a very good reason why Tanaya wasn’t scared of Josei, or anyone. Tanaya was important.

Nisha’s fingers crept to the base of her neck. There was a mark that looked like a stylized tiger just under her collarbone, and she rubbed it absently.

I know what will make you feel better. Tanaya took her arm, and Nisha caught the delicate scent of the night-queen flower, Tanaya’s favorite scent. I’ll let you borrow you one of my asars for tonight.

Nisha felt her cheeks flush. But your House wears Imperial Court asars. If Matron finds out, she’ll be furious.

"So don’t tell her. Come on. You can wear the overrobe to hide it until you’re outside the walls. Don’t you want to wear something pretty for Devan for a change?"

Nisha looked down at her dirt-streaked tunic and felt herself waver.

I suppose—

You can come and change into it now, Tanaya said. I have some time before my next lesson, and I can show you how to wrap it just right. Then you just have to stay out of sight until it’s time to meet Devan. Tanaya’s voice was rich with confidence, the same confidence that she had shown on the day Nisha first met her.

The Flower girls had surrounded Nisha like a pack of wolves, teasing her for the plainness of her clothes and the untidiness of her hair. She remembered biting the inside of her cheek, trying desperately not to cry. And then … Tanaya, swooping down like a guardian spirit. Like the other girls in the House of Flowers, Tanaya was training to join the nobility. She wore a vivid yellow Court asar patterned with butterflies, and her mere presence seemed to bring light and heat to the courtyard as if there were a flame burning inside her.

Even then—before she’d ever been spoken for—Tanaya could command a crowd.

Don’t you girls have something better to do than stand here chattering like common starlings? she’d asked, cold disdain in her deep-brown eyes. Tanaya had taken Nisha’s hand and pulled the astonished little girl away.

I’m Tanaya, she’d said with a smile that flew straight into Nisha’s lonely, uncertain heart. But you can call me Tani.

Nisha had adored her from that moment on. Even now, ten years later, she found it hard to refuse her friend anything. Tanaya made people want to please her. She would charm and tease until she got what she wanted, and she never, ever gave up.

All right, Nisha said. But not a fine one. I’m going outside the walls, and I don’t want the dirt to ruin it.

Tanaya waved a hand. As if I would care about that, she said. And don’t worry, I have the perfect one. Her smile widened. Trust me.

The asar Tanaya lent Nisha was beautiful, a deep lotus pink with white jasmine flowers, skimming her hips and falling in a graceful curtain around her feet. But it was also hard to walk in. Nisha tripped over her hem for the third time, stumbled, and almost dropped her bag of scrolls. She cursed under her breath, then looked around to make sure no one had seen her.

Despite its grand name, there wasn’t much that was citylike about the City of a Thousand Dolls. In fact, it wasn’t really a city at all, but a large private estate ringed by a high stone wall. The six Houses—Flowers, Beauty, Pleasure, Combat, Jade, and Music—each had their own grounds arranged loosely around a central point. A variety of gardens filled the grounds between them. In the city’s center there was a large round hedge maze with six different points of entry and a hidden fountain at its heart.

A wide main road ran from the double gates that allowed entrance to the estate up to the maze, with the House of Flowers on one side and the Council House—the administrative center of the City—on the other. The remaining Houses were connected by paths of smooth, flat stones lined with benches and shaded by huge banyan trees.

And always, the City was filled with girls. While each girl was formally trained at one House, she often went to others for lessons. Between lessons, they gossiped in the gardens, played chase games in the hedge maze, and drank tea out on the wide stretches of lawn. There were tall girls, thin and graceful as herons, curvy ones whose hips swished like a dance when they walked, playful ten- and eleven-year-olds, wide-eyed children just out of toddling. The girls had skin of copper, amber, and gold, their eyes every rich shade of brown, and their laughter filled the City.

But the City was at its quietest at mealtimes. The river of voices was muted, hidden behind House walls. And there was no one to see Nisha as she slipped down the road that led out to the main gate.

Almost no one.

What in the name of the Long-Tailed Cat are you wearing? A spotted wildcat came padding up, his golden eyes visible through the thick grass that edged the side of the road. His voice was like tanned leather in Nisha’s mind, strong and soft at the same time.

Nisha smiled at him. Tanaya let me borrow it, she said, opening her overrobe and twirling in place. What do you think, Jerrit?

I think it could get you in serious trouble. Jerrit was thin and sleek, with longer legs than the cats Nisha knew were domesticated in the capital city. His golden-brown fur was streaked and spotted with black.

If you get caught in that—

I’m not going to get caught, Nisha said silently. She liked talking out loud to the cats as if they were people, but some conversations were better kept private. Everyone is getting ready for lunch. And I’m not sneaking out, either. Devan’s a courier. He delivers letters for Matron and picks up her outgoing mail. I’m supposed to bring it to him.

That’s not the only thing he picks up.

Don’t be such a sourpuss. Nisha started walking again. If I want to ask him to speak for me, I should look as sophisticated as I can.

Jerrit kept pace with her at a lope. I don’t understand what you see in Devan. I don’t trust him.

Nisha rolled her eyes. It was an old argument between them. Devan’s not like most of the nobles we know.

All nobles are the same.

How would you know? Nisha asked. You’ve never been out of the City, not since you were a kitten. And I’ve been here just as long. Besides, we’ve only met the nobles on the Council. I’m sure all nobles aren’t that…

Arrogant? Scary?

I was going to say unfriendly.

Sure you were. Jerrit growled and trotted along in silence for a moment. Do you love him?

Nisha let out her breath. I don’t know, she admitted. Sometimes I think so. But then I wonder … how would I know if I did? Maybe I just like the way he kisses.

Well, you’d better make your mind up. The Redeeming is in nine days. And if you’re discovered before then—

I know.

Devan tar’Vey was a nobleman’s son and a member of the high-ranking Flower caste. Nisha was … well, Nisha wasn’t sure what she was, besides an errand girl. She was certainly no noble. And the story-songs were full of cautionary tales about what happened when someone from a higher caste and someone from a lower caste fell in love. If they were lucky, separation was the only punishment. But if the disgrace was severe enough for a family to become very angry, the lover from the higher caste could be banished to a remote part of the Bhinian Empire. The lower-caste lover in the story was usually killed.

The only exception to the rule was the City of a Thousand Dolls. If Devan spoke for her at the Redeeming, their relationship could be recognized as legitimate. But if they were caught before then, it was Nisha who would bear the brunt of the punishment.

Those are just stories, Nisha told herself. But she couldn’t quite listen. In the Empire, power was everything—and if you had enough of it, you could get away with anything. Even murder.

Nisha, someone’s coming, Jerrit sent. He sniffed the cooling air, fur raised. Better hide.

Jerking herself from her daydream, Nisha wrapped the folds of her overrobe around her and slipped into the abandoned guardhouse next to the gate. Guards had been stationed here a long time ago, to protect the walls and the girls inside, but the old Council Head had decided they were expensive and unnecessary. No girls had tried to run away for over a decade. And with the Emperor’s soldiers keeping order on the roads, it seemed foolish for the City to have an armed force of its own.

Nisha had heard rumors that the new Council Head was reconsidering that decision. She hoped it wasn’t true. Guards would make it almost impossible for her and Devan to see each other.

Peering over the windowsill, Nisha saw a servant in pale brown, an empty platter in her hands, hurrying toward the House of Flowers. She was probably borrowing it from the Council House. Even with all the Council Members to feed right now, the Council House kitchens could spare it.

As if alerted by Nisha’s eyes on her, the girl glanced toward the guardhouse. Nisha ducked down, her heart pounding.

That brown tunic meant that the servant was with the House of Flowers. And like their mistresses, the staff at the House of Flowers loved to gossip. If word got around that Nisha was acting suspicious near the gates, Matron would start asking questions.

Nisha didn’t breathe again until Jerrit told her the servant was gone.

That was too close, the cat sent. Go. I’ll keep watch here.

Nisha impulsively bent down and kissed the top of her friend’s slender head. Thank you.

You’re welcome, Jerrit sent, the hint of a purr under his grumpy tone. Just go, all right? And don’t get caught.

Nisha darted for the gates.

Devan was already waiting, his brown-and-gold courier’s tunic glowing against the darkness of the woods. Nisha felt her own smile widen as she ran into his arms. His eager mouth found hers in a kiss. Here was one of the few places where she felt like she belonged, one of the few places she could forget about her work, the City, and the entire world.

And she did, until she heard the first scream.


THE SCREAM WAS so faint, it might almost have been mistaken for the cry of a bird.

Nisha slid her face away from Devan’s and turned her head, scraping her ear against the stone of the city wall.

What was that?

What was what? Devan’s hands slipped her overrobe off her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground.

Nisha listened, but she didn’t hear anything else. Nothing. It’s probably nothing.

Mmm-hmm. Devan’s fingers moved to Nisha’s jaw and brought her mouth back within reach. The tension ran out of her in a long sigh. She melted against the wall, giving herself up to Devan’s kiss—

Another scream. Louder.

Nisha pushed hard against Devan’s chest, giving herself just enough room to slide away from him. She scanned the silent teak forest, the high mossy wall that surrounded the estate, the flat gray sky. Did you hear that?

Devan smoothed his tunic, then his black hair. I heard something, he said, after a moment. But it might have come from the forest. I’ve heard a band of Kildi has moved into the area. I’m sure they make quite a lot of noise.

It came from inside the walls, Nisha said, frowning at Devan’s mention of the nomadic people who traveled the Empire. The City was so far from any other settlement. Why would the Kildi camp here? At least I thought it did....

Devan lightly stroked Nisha’s arm. His sleeve slipped back, exposing the tattoo that marked the smooth skin of his inner wrist. A kanak blossom, the mark of Flower caste. All noble children except for those from the Imperial family were marked with the sign of the golden flower at birth. The Imperial family’s sign was a white lotus.

Tell me about the Redeeming, he said unexpectedly. I know it’s a big annual party, and girls are bought as wives and things, but how does it work?

Not bought, Nisha corrected, pushing down the flutter in her stomach. You can express your intention to claim a girl by Speaking for her. There’s a redeeming fee to pay, but it doesn’t mean you actually own the girl afterward.

So can you reserve a girl? If you want a specific one?

Nisha had to swallow before she could answer. She tried to sound casual. Matron likes to say there are as many ways to be Redeemed as there are girls in the City. You can pay in advance and have a girl trained to meet your specifications. Or you can come to the Redeeming and pick from the girls available. Why do you ask?

Devan shrugged and gave her a smile that seemed full of possibilities. I’m just wondering. What happens to a girl if no one speaks for her?

Most of the girls go to their first Redeeming at sixteen, Nisha explained, trying to ignore the way Devan was playing with the hair at the back of her neck. If a girl doesn’t find someone to speak for her by the time she’s eighteen, the City gives her a small amount of money and a Wind caste mark and sets her free to earn her own living.

I see, Devan said, pausing to brush his thumb along her jaw. You know, that asar you’re wearing suits you. I don’t think you’ve ever looked so lovely. Or so elegant.

Nisha ran her hands over her borrowed asar. The silk felt like ripples of water under her fingers and made her feel reckless and exotic. Smiling, she stepped into Devan’s arms.

Nisha! Jerrit came streaking along the wall. You need to come in now.

This isn’t a good time, Jerrit. Nisha very carefully did not look at the cat. Go away. She lifted her face to Devan’s kiss.

I wish I could, Jerrit sent in a disgusted tone. But it’s an emergency, He wove himself between Devan’s and Nisha’s legs, meowing loudly.

Nisha sighed and stepped away from Devan, who scowled. I don’t understand why this place has so many cats, he said. Or why you spend so much time with them. They’re just animals.

You only say that because you’re allergic, Nisha said, picking up the long-bodied cat. She knew from long experience that no one else heard the cat’s voices, and she didn’t expect him to understand. You know the stories say that spotted cats are good luck. It’s good fortune to have a tribe here in the City.

Devan’s eyes began to water. If you say so, he said, sniffling.

Nisha, I’m serious. The cat struggled in her arms. Something’s happened, something terrible. Matron might send someone to look for you. If you’re caught out here, with—

All right, Jerrit. Nisha set the cat down and straightened the folds of her embroidered silk.

Do you think there’ll be any letters tomorrow?

Probably, Devan said. He picked up the bag of scrolls Nisha had given him and rattled it. I know the Emperor is waiting for these letters from Matron. I don’t think there has ever been so much correspondence between the City of a Thousand Dolls and the Imperial Court before. Normally the Emperor is the calmest person in the court, but now …

Devan shook his head. With the appointment of a new Council Head, and Prince Sudev marrying a girl from the City, there’s a lot of political jostling. Even the Emperor’s getting snappish, and that’s not like him. I might have to invent an errand just to get away. And to see you.

Devan’s smile creased the corners of his mouth and lit up his liquid, dark eyes. The warmth in those eyes flowed over Nisha like heated honey and melted her stomach into her sandals.

See you tomorrow then, same time?

Nisha! Jerrit ran a few steps toward the gates and looked back expectantly, the tip of his tail twitching. Come on!

With a last smile at Devan, Nisha turned and ran after the cat. The thick stone walls reached out and embraced her as she raced through the tunnel of the main gate. As she ran farther back into the City, Nisha heard another scream—then another, clanging and jangling like a box of high-pitched bells.

What’s happened? she asked, her thin rope sandals slapping the dirt path to the hedge labyrinth at the City’s center.

Jerrit ran beside her, the hair on his back raised. I don’t know. Whatever it is … it smells of death.

Nisha’s heart began to pound with more than exertion. Once, when she was young, she had tried to run away from the City, only to stumble over the body of a dead outlaw. The sight—the smell—still haunted her nightmares and had left her with a fear of the forest that she’d never been able to shake. The thought of seeing another dead body made her hands cold. But she kept running. Matron might need her help, and it couldn’t be worse than the pictures her imagination was painting for her.

The hedge maze was a tangle of dim, narrow alleys. Nisha tripped, barely keeping her footing. Court asars were not designed for running.

Turn right, Jerrit sent. They broke out of the maze at a south corner and kept going. Flowering bushes grew in neat rows along this path. In one of the side gardens they passed, a fig tree dropped leaves into a shallow pool. Nisha followed the running cat past the figs and onto the private grounds of the House of Pleasure.

A flat-roofed building of weathered red brick, several stories high with copper-framed doors and windows, rose in front of her. Girls in black robes with their hoods pulled over their heads milled about like a flock of crows.

Nisha and Jerrit pushed through the small crowd. Nisha cursed herself for forgetting her overrobe as she tried to ignore the stares at her back. Without the black-hooded overcloak that novices were instructed to wear between Houses, Nisha’s pink asar stood out like a candle flame at Darkfall.

Nisha wove her way to the clear area near the base of the building. She ignored the stricken faces around her, the whispers with undertones of fear. If she thought too hard about what might be in front of her, she would turn around. And Nisha wanted to see for herself.

A very still girl in red silk lay sprawled on her back next to the wall. Her asar was finer than Nisha had seen on anyone aside from Tanaya—a thin, fluttering fabric woven with gold that wrapped several times around the girl’s broken body. Her eyes had the glassy stare of a painted figurine, and her head was tilted at an extreme angle, her limbs flung around her. If it hadn’t been for the dark blood matting her light hair, she could have looked like a doll thrown by an angry child.

Nisha swallowed the bile that suddenly burned in her throat. Jerrit’s mind voice sounded shaky. Who is she? he sent.

I didn’t know her, Nisha whispered.

The girl next to Nisha pushed back her hood, revealing an attentive face and thick glass lenses held by twisted wire. I think her name was Atiy.

Jina, Nisha said, surprised. What are you doing here?

The girl didn’t take her eyes off the body. I’ve been researching love poetry in the Empire, something I can present at the Redeeming to show my skills as a scholar. I just conducted an interview with the House Mistress and some of her girls.

With Atiy?

No. Jina scratched her forehead. "I wasn’t

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