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Executive Privilege
Executive Privilege
Executive Privilege
Ebook469 pages7 hours

Executive Privilege

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

When private detective Dana Cutler is hired to follow college student Charlotte Walsh, she never imagines the trail will lead to the White House. But the morning after Walsh's clandestine meeting with Christopher Farrington, President of the United States, the pretty young coed is dead—the latest victim, apparently, of a fiend dubbed "the D.C. Ripper."

A junior associate in an Oregon law firm, Brad Miller is stunned by the death row revelations of convicted serial killer Clarence Little. Though Little accepts responsibility for a string of gruesome murders, he swears he was framed for one of them: the death of a teenaged babysitter who worked for then-governor Farrington.

Suddenly nowhere in America is safe for a small-time private eye and a fledgling lawyer who possess terrifying evidence that suggests the unthinkable: that someone at the very highest level of government, perhaps the president himself, is a cold and brutal killer.

Release dateMar 17, 2009
Executive Privilege

Phillip Margolin

Phillip Margolin has written eighteen novels, many of them New York Times bestsellers, including the recent Worthy Brown's Daughter, Sleight of Hand, and the Washington Trilogy. Each displays a unique, compelling insider's view of criminal behavior, which comes from his long background as a criminal defense attorney who has handled thirty murder cases. Winner of the Distinguished Northwest Writer Award, he lives in Portland, Oregon.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a Free Friday offering from Barnes and Noble. I haven't been reading much fiction lately. I enjoyed the escape. I found it interesting how the author chased the story from both coasts. Not a very plausible story, but entertaining nonetheless.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Unlikely story but made believable. The characters appeared real and well done. Lots of murders, serial and otherwise. The real killer not revealed until end of story, and was a surprise. In retrospect should have seen it, but didn't.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    it's an overdone theme and this was an ok version of it- good beach read
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dana Cutler, an ex-cop and now a PI is hired to trail Charoltte Walsh. She takes pictures of an angry exchange between the teen and the President. An Oregon attorney is asked to look into the murder of another woman by a man on death row. The cases are linked, but how? A fast paced story.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Phillip Margolin’s “Executive Privilege” had potential, but overall was unoriginal and not exciting. Although there’s supposed to be a big twist at the end, it’s really not surprising.PI Dana Cutler photographs a pretty young thing getting into a spat with President Christopher Farrington at a CIA safe house late one night. A few hours later, the young girl has been brutally murdered and thugs are after Cutler and her pictures. The murder is attributed to a serial killer groaningly nicknamed the DC Ripper.Meanwhile, in Oregon, Brad Miller, a young lawyer, is asked to help a death row serial killer appeal his sentence for a crime he says he didn’t commit years earlier. The girl who got killed? She just so happened to be the governor’s nanny. The governor? Christopher Farrington.In the meantime, the FBI agent who’s in charge of the DC Ripper case is contacted by Cutler. Chasing ensues, more people die, etc., etc.Margolin weakens his story by deciding his readers need to hear conversations between the president and an old confidant who is told to “take care of these problems.” So we pretty much know who’s behind it all. We’re just waiting for everyone else to catch up. Until the big reveal at the end. And again, not so much.I often got the feeling like Margolin doesn’t think much of his readers as he specifies things most people would know. For example, it’s clearly stated by a character that the Secret Service protects the president.Since I listened to the book, I wanted to add that the narrator doesn't do a good job of distinguishing voices, especially male voices. This is quite a problem when two males are in a conversation. Also, there are long "dead air" spots I’ve not noticed in other audio books.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Let's put it this way: I wouldn't spend any money on a Margolin book, but this one was a freebie and I did read it through.Lots of action, lots of characters, plenty of good guys, and though the clue was there, I didn't catch on until the end. So it seems like this would have been a fun book.Perhaps it was just more seamy than I like....young women (still in their teens, in some cases) being murdered....perhaps it was too Bill Clintonish, or that it was just a cheap shot dredging up that sordid piece of history....but I think mostly it was the narrative. It is a cheap way out when the author writes from inside multiple characters' heads. I guess I prefer to stay inside my own I like my books to read that way, too!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Well written, good characters and thrilling story line.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was an okay book. Not the greatest, but okay. It's one of those books that I would say the author has this great idea, but they have difficulty conveying what they see in their head onto paper. There is very little depth to the characters, and they are all two dimensional. I don't read too many mystery novels, but this one was told from both sides--the suspect and the attorneys and FBI agents who are investigating the crimes.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good read -- fast paced, lots of chases and plot twists. Interesting characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    What begins as a mundane assignment to tail a young woman, turns into a flight for her life for PI Dana Cutler after she witnesses a rendezvous with the President, Chris Farrington. The young woman is found dead the next day, supposedly the latest victim of the DC Ripper. Meanwhile, an associate of a law firm in Portland, OR, becomes involved in the case of a serial killer who was convicted, but claims he was framed, of killing Farrington's babysitter while he was Governor of OR. A coincidence or is the President of the U.S. a serial killer?I personally prefer a thriller to have a little faster pace than this. It was not a book that kept me entralled, and in fact the ending was predictable if you pay attention to what is going on. This book was entertaining and I enjoyed it enough, but it was the type of book to read by the pool in between naps.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good political thriller. While not necessarily believable (who cares) it was an enjoyable read. I truly enjoy Mr. Margolin's books (have read most if not all) and this did not disappoint.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    great as an audio read--kept my attention while multi=tasking. It's the standard hard working lawyer in Oregon gets lucky, is handed a career building (or busting) case he doesn't want; on the other coast, a female PI (police drop out due to horrible experiences while undercover) discovers evidence that can be matched up with Oregon boy that may in fact lead to the President of US as a serial killer????? that point I had to suspend belief, but the story was well plotted enough to keep my interest til the somewhat surprising end. Good airport/beach/doctor's waiting room read.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Margolin sent me an autographed copy for talking over some details for the in-progress sequel, so it’s probably churlish to say that I’m not a big fan of airport thrillers. But I press on nonetheless! An Oregon associate pursuing a death row inmate’s habeas case and a DC PI independently discover information suggesting that someone close to the President—perhaps the President himself—is a serial killer. It moves fast, anyway. The characters reminded me of Duplo toys: largely human-shaped, and moving around in an environment recognizable as an abstraction of our own; mostly not stereotypes, but not exactly identifiable people either.But what I really noticed is how spoiled I’ve been by fanfic. And not just in the standard “fanfic is focused on stuff I like” way, though that too. But fanfic is the apotheosis of “give me just the good parts” not only at the level of plot/trope, but also certain aspects of writing. Margolin introduced his guy protagonist by having him look in the mirror. It’s cheesy and artificial and we have to let him get away with it because there are only so many ways a limited POV (standard in modern fiction) can describe the narrator. We don’t have to put up with it in fanfic, though, because regardless of source text fanfic gets to operate using audiovisual conventions: no description of main characters necessary. Skip the preliminaries, tell me something new.Margolin is relatively competent with infodumps, and usually manages to have them well-motivated by the text: two people are out on a first date and telling each other their histories, or one lawyer summarizes an area of the law for another who is unfamiliar with that area. This is a problem for lots of plot-based stories, and it helps to have characters who canonically deal in infodumps, which I suspect is another reason I find it easy to like cop-types. It was simplest for Mulder and Scully: for them, infodumps were foreplay. Lex lectures Clark or, if Clark is unavailable, himself, because he’s always performing for someone, if only the imagined audience (which in his case is us). Sam and Dean tend to summarize, driving information out of dialogue and into narration, where I think it often fits best. Character backstory often has to be chunked too; one of the reasons Margolin seemed clunky was that he started out with what felt like too much description of backstory, though to be fair he left a good deal to be worked out later. See also: spoiled by fanfic, where we don’t need much backstory and so seeing what history characters reveal, if anything, tells you more word-for-word about the characters and the author’s take on them than it does in standalone fiction.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A good thriller that jumped right into the action and never took a break until the end. This is an easy read that you can pick up and for 20 minutes at a time or read in an afternoon. The story is engaging. The characters are a bit stereotypical, but still belivable.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Pretty decent (if far-fetched) plot, but the characters didn't seem very well fleshed out and a couple of them ran together for me. OK, but nothing to write home about.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Thankfully I was on vacation so what a delight to read a book by this author in a day! I am a definite Phillip Margolin fan and this title is dedicated to his wife, Doreen Margolin who passed away in 2007 prior to completion of this book. I was deeply sorry to read of his loss. All of the other titles of this author that I have read were published prior to 2007. This book is good but there's something missing that I can't quite identify.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Altogether ridiculously far-fetched. Don't bother; though, if you're stranded and it's the only book available, and you get started, you will want to find out what the hell happens to these wholly implausible people in a wholly implausible situation.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book because it was exciting and kept your interest. I did figure out who did it, but only right before the author revealed the killer. Lies and deceitand cover ups in the White House? Quite plausible!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Thankfully I was on vacation so what a delight to read a book by this author in a day! I am a definite Phillip Margolin fan and this title is dedicated to his wife, Doreen Margolin who passed away in 2007 prior to completion of this book. I was deeply sorry to read of his loss. All of the other titles of this author that I have read were published prior to 2007. This book is good but there's something missing that I can't quite identify.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It didn't grab my attention. First hundred pages were rather slow.
    I'm not really into books in which you jump from one character to another.
    However, the ending was good, except this strange Dana and Jake thing which was completely out of place.

Book preview

Executive Privilege - Phillip Margolin


Brad Miller woke up at 6 A.M. even though his meeting with Roy Kineer, the retired Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was scheduled for nine. He was too nervous to get back to sleep, so he went into the bathroom to get ready for the most important meeting of his life. Under normal circumstances Brad would have been anxious about being in the presence of an intellectual giant. Not so long ago, he had been reading Kineer’s landmark opinions in law school. But it wasn’t Kineer’s stature that made Brad’s hand shake as he shaved. What frightened him was the possibility that he was wrong, that he’d misinterpreted the evidence. And what if he was right?

Brad stared in the mirror at his half-shaved face. Nothing about his average looks or personal history was outstanding. He was twenty-six, with curly black hair, a straight nose, and clear blue eyes—not ugly but certainly not male model material. He was a fair athlete who was good enough to be the second best player on his college tennis team, but his athletic skills had never been championship caliber. Brad had done well enough in law school to make the Law Review, but he hadn’t won any other academic prizes, and he was employed as a junior associate in Oregon’s largest law firm, which meant that he occupied the lowest rung on a very high ladder. Until today, he had been a fairly insignificant member of the human race. If he was right, he was about to become a key figure in the biggest political scandal in American history.

The sound of running water woke Dana Cutler, who never slept easily. It took her a moment to remember that she was in the FBI safe house and another moment to decide that there was no threat. Brad Miller was in the room next to hers, and he was probably taking a shower. While her breathing eased, Dana lost herself in the shadows that were shifting across the pale white ceiling. When she was calm she got out of bed.

Dana had been sleeping in a T-shirt and panties and she looked sexy until she took off the T-shirt, revealing the scars on her breasts and stomach. Plastic surgery and time had turned most of them into pale, oddly shaped souvenirs of something really bad. While she washed and dressed, Dana turned her thoughts to the meeting she would attend later this morning. She prayed that it would usher in a return to normalcy. She was tired of the violence, tired of being hunted; she longed for calm and quiet days.

Brad finished in the bathroom and dressed in his best suit. Before going downstairs, he pulled the shade aside and looked out the window of the safe house, which was separated from the woods by a wide field. The leaves were changing from green to vivid reds and yellows. The sky was clear, and the colors looked even more intense in the strong sunlight. Below his window, an agent was patrolling the grounds. The guard exhaled and his breath turned white in the chill fall air.

Brad turned away from the window and headed down to the kitchen. He had no appetite, but he knew he had to eat. He would need all of his energy when he met with Justice Kineer, who had come out of retirement to head up the investigation that was occupying the front page of every newspaper in the country. United States presidents had been suspected of sexual infidelities, financial schemes, and criminal activity, but no president had ever been the subject of a murder investigation while serving in office.

Brad didn’t recognize the agent who was making coffee on the kitchen counter. He must have come on duty after Brad went to sleep.

Want some? the agent asked, pointing at the pot.

Yeah, thanks. What is there to eat?

There’s a full larder. Take your pick—eggs, bacon, cold cereal.

Normally Brad was a pancake and omelet man, but he didn’t have much of an appetite this morning so he settled for a bowl of cold cereal and then carried a mug of coffee into the living room. He would have liked to get a breath of fresh air, but Keith Evans, the agent-in-charge, had instructed him and Dana Cutler to stay inside and away from the windows. Brad suddenly felt sick when it dawned on him that he’d made himself a perfect target for a sniper when he’d pulled aside the shade to look outside earlier.

How’s the coffee?

Brad turned and saw Dana descending the stairs. She was wearing a business suit, and it threw him. He had never seen her dressed up before.

It’s good, strong, he said. I didn’t sleep so well last night and it’s just what I need.

I didn’t get much sleep either.

You should have something to eat before we go.

Dana nodded and walked into the kitchen. Brad watched her. Even though they were on the same side, Dana made him nervous. He had grown up in a nice, middle-class family. Until the Clarence Little case entered his life, he had followed one of the approved middle-class routes through life—college, law school, employment in a good firm with plans for a family of his own and a house in the suburbs. There was no place in this design for acts of extreme violence, the exhumation of corpses, hanging out with serial killers, or trying to bring down the chief executive of the United States of America, things he’d been doing way too much of lately.

Brad heard the guard in the kitchen say good morning to Dana before walking toward the back of the house. Plates rattled on the kitchen table, Dana making something for breakfast. Brad knew for a fact that he wouldn’t be sitting in this house surrounded by armed guards if it weren’t for her. He would probably be in his broom closet–size office working on a memo for one of the partners concerning some minuscule aspect of a multimillion-dollar real estate closing. Of course, some would say that being bored to death was better than being dead for real.

Part One

A Simple Assignment

Washington, D.C.

Two and a Half Months Earlier

Chapter One

Dana Cutler’s cell phone rang moments after Jake Teeny’s pickup disappeared around the corner and seconds after she closed the door of Jake’s house, where she was house-sitting while he was away on an assignment.

Cutler? a raspy voice asked as soon as Dana flipped open the phone.

What’s up, Andy? she asked.

Andy Zipay was an ex-cop who’d left the D.C. police force under a cloud a year before Dana had resigned for far different reasons. Dana had been one of the few cops who hadn’t shunned Zipay, and she’d sent business his way when he’d set up shop as a private investigator. Six months after her release from the hospital, Dana had told him that she wouldn’t mind working private if he had some overflow and the jobs were quiet. Zipay gave her assignments when he could, and she appreciated the fact that he had never asked her what had happened at the farm.

You up for another job for Dale Perry?

Perry’s a pig.

True, but he liked the last job you did for him and he pays well.

What’s the deal?

A tail. It sounds like easy money. He needs someone right away and I have a full plate. You in or out?

Dana’s bank account needed an infusion of cash. She sighed.

Does he want me to come to his office?

No. Zipay told her where to go.

You’re kidding?

It was two in the morning when Dana eased Jake Teeny’s Harley into a parking space in front of a twenty-four-hour pancake joint in suburban Maryland. She was wearing a black leather jacket, a black T-shirt, and tight jeans, an outfit that made her look tough. Even without the Harley and the outfit as props, people would back off instinctively in Dana’s presence. She was a hard twenty-nine, five ten, lean and muscular, and she always seemed on edge. The intensity in her emerald green eyes was intimidating.

Before entering the Pancake House, Dana removed her helmet and shook out her shoulder-length auburn hair. As soon as she stepped through the door, she spotted Dale Perry in the rear of the restaurant. She ignored the hostess and headed to his booth. The lawyer was in his late forties, short, overweight, balding, and working on his third divorce. His fat face reminded Dana of a bulldog, but she was certain that Perry didn’t see what others saw when he looked in the mirror, because he came on to every halfway attractive woman he met. Perry had made a pass at her the last time she’d done a job for him. She’d deflected it deftly and had even dropped hints that she was a lesbian to dissuade him, but that only seemed to create a challenge for the lascivious lawyer.

Dana rarely smiled, but her lips momentarily curled upward in amusement when she considered the spot that Dale Perry had selected for their meeting and the way he was dressed. Perry, a senior partner in a big D.C. firm, was a close friend of the president and very influential behind the scenes in national politics. He was the type who dressed in three-thousand-dollar power suits and conducted business in the bar at the Hay-Adams hotel, where Washington’s power brokers decided the fate of the world while sipping twenty-five-year-old, single malt scotch. Tonight, the lawyer was cradling a chipped mug filled with bad Pancake House coffee and wearing jeans, a Washington Redskins jacket, dark glasses, and a Washington Nationals baseball cap with the brim pulled low.

"Qué pasa?" Dana asked as she slipped into the booth across from Perry and deposited her motorcycle helmet on the cracked vinyl.

It’s about time, Perry growled. Dana didn’t react. She was used to Perry pulling rank. He was a macho pig who loved dumping on underlings. Dana didn’t consider herself an underling, but there was no profit in letting Perry know how she felt. She never let her ego get in the way of making a buck.

So, Mr. Perry, what’s the problem? Dana asked as she took off her jacket.

A waitress appeared and Dana ordered coffee. When the waitress was out of earshot, the lawyer resumed their conversation. Even though there were no other customers in their vicinity, he lowered his voice and leaned forward.

Remember that job you did for me last year?

Tailing the guy who worked for the senator?

Perry nodded.

How’d that work out? Dana asked.

Perry smiled. Very nicely. I played him the tape. He threatened to sue, have me arrested, blah, blah, blah. But, in the end, he caved.

Glad to hear it worked out.

You do good work.

Now it was Dana’s turn to nod. She did do excellent work. Private investigation suited her. She could stay in the shadows a good part of the time when she was working at jobs that Perry’s firm would never assign to their in-house investigators, and the pay for assignments that weren’t completely kosher was higher than most hourly wages. They were also tax free because she was always paid off the books and in cash.

The waitress returned with Dana’s coffee. When she left, Perry dug into a manila envelope that was lying on the seat next to him. He pushed a color photograph of a young woman across the table.

Her name is Charlotte Walsh. She’s nineteen, a student at American University. I’ll give you her address and some other information before you leave.

Dana studied the photograph. The girl was pretty. No, more than pretty. She had a sweet, fresh-faced look, like the good girl in movies about teens in high school, blue eyes, soft blond hair. Dana bet she’d been a cheerleader.

My client wants her followed everywhere she goes. Perry handed Dana a cell phone. The client also wants a running account of everything Walsh does. Perry slid a piece of notepaper with a phone number across the table. Leave voice mail messages anytime she makes a move with details about what she’s doing. Pictures, too. You’ll give me everything you’ve got. Don’t keep any copies.

Dana frowned. This kid’s just a student?

Sophomore studying poli-sci.

Dana’s brow furrowed. Who’s the client, her parents, worried about their little girl?

You don’t need to know that. Just do your job.

Sure, Mr. Perry.

The lawyer took a thick envelope stuffed with bills off the seat and handed it to Dana.

Will that do?

Dana lowered the envelope beneath the tabletop and counted the cash. When she was done, she nodded. Perry handed her the manila envelope from which he’d taken Walsh’s photograph.

There’s more information about the subject in here. Get rid of everything after you’ve read it.

Do you want any reports? she asked.

No, just the photographs. I don’t want anything on paper. Keep me out of it unless there’s a problem.

Sure thing. Dana stood up, leaving three-quarters of the coffee in her mug. She put on her jacket, stuffed the money in a pocket, and zipped the pocket shut. Perry didn’t say good-bye.

Dana reviewed the meeting on the ride back to Jake Teeny’s house. The job seemed easy enough, but she knew there was more to this assignment than figuring out how a cute coed spent her days. The money Perry had given her was more than a simple tail merited, and there was no way Perry would want to meet at two in the morning in a bad pancake restaurant in the suburbs if this was an ordinary assignment. If she needed more proof that something was up, Perry hadn’t hit on her. Still, the money was good, and tailing a college kid should be easy. Dana forgot about the job, goosed the Harley, and gave herself over to the ride.

Chapter Two

Charlotte Walsh looked up from the economic report she had been pretending to read and glanced around the campaign headquarters of the Senator Gaylord for President Committee. It was five-thirty and most of the volunteers and employees were either at dinner or headed home, leaving only a skeleton staff. When she was certain that no one was near the office of Reggie Styles, Senator Maureen Gaylord’s campaign coordinator, Walsh took a deep breath and crossed the room. Styles was out of the office at a meeting and the desks near his office were deserted for the moment, but that could change in a heartbeat. The suite was usually filled with noisy volunteers.

The only reason Walsh had the economic report was because it was a thick stack of loose pages. She carried the report into Styles’s office. If she was caught, she would say she was leaving it for him. She felt light-headed and a little nauseated. She also felt guilty. She had never meant to be a spy when she volunteered for President Farrington’s reelection campaign, but Chuck Hawkins, the president’s top aide, had asked her to infiltrate Gaylord’s headquarters as a personal favor to the president. There had been a promise of a job at the White House as a reward. And then there had been the private meeting with President Farrington in Chicago.

Walsh swallowed hard as she remembered that midnight meeting in the president’s hotel suite. Then she forced herself to concentrate. She had seen Styles put the spreadsheets for the secret slush fund into the lower right drawer of his desk. Walsh looked over her shoulder. When she was certain no one was looking, she used the key she’d copied and took the five sheets out of the desk. When she’d slipped them randomly between the pages of the economic report she hurried to the copying machine and started feeding the sheaf of papers into it. When the copy was finished she would take it with her after returning the originals of the purloined material to Styles’s desk.

Working late?

Charlotte jumped. She’d been so focused she had not heard Tim Moultrie slip up behind her. Moultrie was a junior at Georgetown who was an avid supporter of Senator Gaylord. He also had the hots for Charlotte and had hit on her as soon as she started working as a volunteer. Moultrie wasn’t bad-looking, and he was awfully smart, but he was just a college boy, and boys her age didn’t interest Charlotte anymore.

Hi, Tim, she answered, unable to keep a tremor out of her voice.

I didn’t mean to startle you, he said, laughing. I guess I just have that effect on women.

Charlotte managed a weak smile. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the pages collating in the plastic tray attached to the copier.

What are you up to? Tim asked.

Just copying a report on the Asian trade deficit. Senator Gaylord wants to hammer Farrington on his trade policy.

That should be easy. Farrington’s trade policies have been a disaster. If he gets elected we’ll be a Chinese territory before his term is through.

I agree completely, Charlotte said, egging Tim on in the hopes that he’d be so busy expounding his theories that he wouldn’t pay any attention to the papers she was copying.

The ploy worked, and the last page shot out of the machine halfway through Tim’s tirade against the evils of the subsidy Japan was giving to one of its industries.

I’m glad you’re around to explain this economic stuff to me, said Charlotte, who’d aced her course in international economic theory.

Not a problem, Tim answered as Charlotte stacked the original and the copy in two neat piles.

Say, it’s almost dinnertime. Want to grab a bite? he asked.

Charlotte glanced at the wall clock. It was only a little after six and she had a few hours to kill before her meeting.

Gee, I’d love to. Where do you want to go?

Tim named a Thai restaurant a few blocks from campaign headquarters.

Thai sounds great. Give me a few minutes to straighten my desk and do a few odds and ends. Can I meet you in the lobby?

Sure thing. Tim beamed.

Charlotte stalled for time in the copy room by leafing through one of the paper piles. As soon as Tim was out of sight, she extracted the five stolen pages from the stack of originals and returned to Reggie Styles’s office. She had just finished putting them back in the lower drawer when Tim walked up.

What are you doing? he asked, sounding suspicious this time.

God, Tim! You’ve got to stop sneaking up on me. You’ll give me a heart attack. Instead of having dinner with you, I’ll be in the hospital.

Tim’s face cleared and he smiled. Wouldn’t want that to happen, he said.

Charlotte placed the economic report in a stack of papers in Styles’s in-box and carried the copy with the list of slush fund contributors to her desk.

I’ll see you in a minute, she said as she slipped the documents into her backpack and began straightening papers in a way that made her look as if she were actually doing something.

See you in the lobby.

The door closed behind Tim. Charlotte sagged with relief. She’d done it. Of course, she’d have to fake enjoying dinner with Tim. She couldn’t think of a way to get out of it without raising his suspicions, but that was a small sacrifice. Her adventure in political espionage had made her ravenously hungry anyway, and she was sure Tim would insist on paying for the meal. A narrow escape and a free meal; not a bad evening so far, she reckoned, and it would only get better in a few hours.

Chapter Three

Early in his presidency, Christopher Farrington had felt like a fraud, and he’d wondered how many other presidents had felt this way. Farrington was certain that every person who went into politics harbored a secret dream of one day being the president of the United States, but once the chosen few achieved their dream, he wondered if holding the office felt as surreal to them as his ascension to the presidency felt to him.

In his case the dreamlike quality of his presidency had been heightened by the fact that there had been no election, only an early morning visit from a Secret Service agent telling him that President Nolan had suffered a fatal heart attack and he was now the commander in chief. One minute he was serving in the relative anonymity of the vice presidency and the next minute he was the Leader of the Free World.

No one watching Christopher Farrington walk down the hall to his son’s room would have guessed that he harbored doubts about his ability to lead the nation. Farrington looked presidential. He was tall and broad shouldered, his full head of glossy black hair had enough gray to give a simultaneous impression of vigor and maturity, and his welcoming smile told you that he might have risen to the heights, but he was still a guy with whom you could share a cup of coffee at your kitchen table. Tonight, as he stood in the doorway watching his wife tuck in the covers around Patrick, their six-year-old son, he also looked like any proud parent. His chest swelled with pride when Claire leaned over and kissed Patrick’s forehead.

President Farrington’s son would have none of the childhood memories the president had. Chris had grown up poor in rural Oregon with only a dim recollection of the father who’d deserted him, his mother, and his brothers and sisters. Most evenings, his mother had been too tired from working two jobs to tuck in Chris or his siblings. On the occasions when she’d bothered, her breath had been a mixture of mint and cheap liquor.

Sports had saved Farrington’s life. He was six five and had a good enough jump shot to corral a scholarship at Oregon State, where he’d guided OSU to two appearances in the NCAA tournament. He was no slouch in the classroom either and his grades and financial need had earned him a full ride to law school in Oregon. There was a good chance that he could have gotten into one of the nation’s elite law schools, but political office had been Christopher Farrington’s goal since being elected class president in high school. A degree from Harvard or Yale didn’t appeal to him as much as the possibility of making influential contacts during his three years in law school, and at this he succeeded. Powerful backers and his notoriety as a sports hero helped him win a spot in the state senate on his first try. He’d risen to the position of majority leader when he decided to take on an incumbent governor, who was brought low by a financial scandal uncovered by an intrepid reporter two months before the election. Farrington’s closest friend and top aide, Charles Hawkins, had learned about the governor’s peccadilloes before advising his boss to make the run and had fed the information about them to the reporter when the time was right.

Claire lowered the shade in Patrick’s room, and the spotlighted Washington Monument disappeared from view. She turned toward the doorway and smiled.

How long have you been standing there? she asked when they were in the hall.

A few seconds, Farrington answered as he closed the door quietly behind them.

The hall outside the family bedrooms reminded the Farringtons of a floor in a colonial inn. A plush blue carpet went well with the old-fashioned, off-white wallpaper that President Nolan’s wife had selected. A few oil paintings from the 1800s depicting rural America in all its glory were interspersed with portraits of some of the lesser-known presidents. Freestanding lamps and a few small chandeliers lit their way. The Farringtons didn’t care much about interior decorating so there had been no change in the décor since Christopher had ascended to the presidency.

The president was dressed in a dark blue, pinstripe business suit. The first lady was dressed in a powder blue pants suit and a cream-colored silk blouse. As they strolled down the hall Farrington wrapped his arm around Claire’s shoulder. It was easy to do, since Claire was only a few inches shorter than her husband.

The first lady was a powerfully built woman who had gone to Oregon State on a volleyball scholarship and ended up as a third team all-American in her senior year. Her shoulder-length brown hair was curly, her nose was a little too large, and her blue eyes were a tad small for her face. She had a high forehead and flat cheekbones. Though not plain, she was certainly not girlishly pretty, but she was charismatic, and her size and intellect dominated any gathering. She had been the captain of her high school and college volleyball teams, captain of her high school basketball team, valedictorian of her high school, and an honors student in college and medical school.

Chris and Claire had married while Claire was in medical school in Portland and Christopher was on the verge of his first run for office. Claire had cut back on her practice when Patrick was born and had given it up when the family moved to Washington, D.C., after Christopher was elected vice president.

You could have come in and kissed Patrick good night, Claire said.

You two seemed so at peace that I didn’t want to spoil the moment.

The president kissed his wife on the forehead. Have I ever told you what a great mother you are?

From time to time, Claire responded with a sly smile, and you’re going to get many more chances.

Farrington looked confused, and Claire laughed. I’m pregnant.

Farrington stopped short. He looked stunned.

You’re serious?

Claire stopped smiling. You’re not sorry, are you?

No, no, it’s just…I thought you were on the pill.

I decided to stop taking it two months ago. She put her hands on Chris’s shoulders and looked him in the eye. Are you mad?

A mix of emotions swept across the president’s face but the words he spoke were the right ones.

We always wanted more kids. I just thought another pregnancy would be tough with everything you have to do as first lady.

Don’t worry about me. Being pregnant didn’t slow me down during the gubernatorial campaign.

True. It was actually a plus, if I recall.

And it will be a plus this time. The women will applaud your family values and the men will be in awe of your virility.

Farrington laughed. Then he hugged Claire.

You’re a treasure. He stepped back until they were at arm’s length. Are you going to be okay tonight?

I’ll be fine. My speech is short and it will be nice going out in public before I start looking like a whale.

You don’t feel sick?

I’ve had a little morning sickness, but I’m okay now. Chuck called ahead to the hotel and booked a suite in case I need to rest.

I love you, Farrington said, hugging her again. You know I wouldn’t have dumped this on you at the last minute if this meeting wasn’t important, but Gaylord’s pulling out all the stops. Chuck says she’s raising a lot of money.

Farrington sounded worried. Claire laid her palm against his cheek. It was warm, and the touch calmed him.

Maureen is going to shit bullets when we announce I’m pregnant. Let’s see her claim the family values high ground now.

I’m going to send Chuck with you.

Won’t he be needed at the meeting?

I want him by your side, Claire. I want to know you’re protected.

Claire kissed her husband’s cheek. Don’t worry about me, and definitely don’t worry about Maureen Gaylord.

Chapter Four

Dana Cutler was bored out of her skull. After three days of following Charlotte Walsh to class, the supermarket, restaurants, and her apartment, she was ready to shoot herself. This girl’s life was so dull that Dana couldn’t imagine why anyone was interested in it. She would have quit if the job didn’t pay so well.

A little after 6 P.M., Dana had left a phone message for her mystery client at the number Dale Perry had given her, explaining that Walsh had walked out of Senator Gaylord’s campaign headquarters in the company of a white male, approximately six feet tall with wavy blond hair and a neatly trimmed mustache. The subject and her escort had proceeded to the House of Thai where they were currently sharing what appeared to be pad thai, spring rolls, and some type of curry. Cutler was able to give this detailed report because she was seated in her car in a disabled parking spot viewing the couple through the lens of the Leica M8 digital camera that belonged to Jake Teeny. The disabled parking permit on her dashboard was courtesy of an acquaintance at the Department of Motor Vehicles who sold fake driver’s licenses, disabled permits, and other DMV goodies to supplement her income. If anyone ever asked, Dana would claim she was recovering from hip-replacement surgery and she had a letter from a quack who was on her acquaintance’s payroll to back her up.

Dana had taken a chance and peed in another restaurant two doors down from the Thai place as soon as Walsh and her buddy ordered. Now, an hour later, she was free of the call of nature, but her stomach was rumbling. Dana grabbed a doughnut from the box on her passenger seat and was taking a bite when Walsh stood up. She stopped in midbite. Walsh had grabbed her backpack and headed for the door. Dana dropped the camera next to the box of doughnuts and started the engine of her inconspicuous, brown Toyota. The car looked like a piece of crap but Dana had installed an engine that would have made a NASCAR driver envious. Her father had owned a garage and raced cars when he was younger. Dana loved speed and learned how a car worked almost as soon as she learned her ABC's. Her dad had died of a stroke before she’d finished working on the engine and she’d always been sad that she hadn’t been able to take him for a spin in her jalopy.

Thinking about her dad brought back memories of her childhood. She was certain that her memories were far different from those of Charlotte Walsh. Dana’s mother had walked out on the family in Dana’s sophomore year in high school. They talked occasionally, but Dana had never forgiven her for deserting the family. Walsh probably had great Thanksgivings and Christmases with loving parents and bright, overachieving siblings.

Dana’s folks hadn’t been poor, but there was never any money for frills. Dana had to work during high school if she wanted spending money. Long nights as a waitress had paid her tuition to a community college, and Dana had been an underachiever until she joined the police force. Being a cop was something she was good at, but her days on the force were behind her now and she’d never get them back.

Walsh headed back toward Gaylord campaign headquarters on K Street. A lot of the people who worked on K Street were lawyers, lobbyists, and employees of think tanks, and many of them had returned to the suburbs for dinner. The cafés where Washington’s elite met for power lunches were closed and a lot of the windows in the high-rise office buildings were dark. Few pedestrians walked the streets, and the street vendors who hawked flowers and knockoffs of Rolex watches and Prada purses had closed up shop. Dana guessed that her quarry was going to the garage where she’d parked a few hours ago. Sure enough, Walsh disappeared into the garage and drove out a few minutes later.

There weren’t many cars on the road so Dana hung back, speeding up anytime she felt in danger of losing sight of Walsh’s taillights. She hoped Walsh was going home to bed so she could get some sleep, too. The Toyota hit a pothole and the camera bounced on the passenger seat. When she thought about the camera, she automatically thought about Jake Teeny. He was a photojournalist Dana had met when he’d been assigned to take the photos for an article on policewomen. When she left the force, he’d helped her through her hardest days.

It wasn’t unusual for Jake to be away for weeks at a time in some exotic locale or war zone. When he was in D.C. and they both felt like it, Dana stayed at Jake’s house, which was roomier than the small apartment she called home. They’d been friends and off-and-on lovers for years, but neither of them wanted anything permanent and the relationship was convenient for both of them. Jake was the only person to whom she’d opened up about what had happened at the farm, though she hadn’t come close to telling him the whole story. She couldn’t risk losing him, something that could very well happen if he learned everything she’d done.

When Walsh turned onto the E Street expressway Dana knew that her quarry wasn’t headed back to her apartment. Her dream of an early night disappeared and she turned on the radio. A newscast was just ending with a story about the

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