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Far North
Far North
Far North
Ebook225 pages4 hours

Far North

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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From the window of the small floatplane, fifteen-year-old Gabe Rogers is getting his first look at Canada's magnificent Northwest Territories with Raymond Providence, his roommate from boarding school. Below is the spectacular Nahanni River -- wall-to-wall whitewater racing between sheer cliffs and plunging over Virginia Falls. The pilot sets the plane down on the lake-like surface of the upper river for a closer look at the thundering falls. Suddenly the engine quits. The only sound is a dull roar downstream, as the Cessna drifts helplessly toward the falls . . .

With the brutal subarctic winter fast approaching, Gabe and Raymond soon find themselves stranded in Deadmen Valley. Trapped in a frozen world of moose, wolves, and bears, two boys from vastly different cultures come to depend on each other for their very survival.

Release dateOct 13, 2009

Will Hobbs

Will Hobbs is the award-winning author of nineteen novels, including Far North, Crossing the Wire, and Take Me to the River. Never Say Die began with the author's eleven-day raft trip in 2003 down the Firth River on the north slope of Canada's Yukon Territory. Ever since, Will has been closely following what scientists and Native hunters are reporting about climate change in the Arctic. When the first grolar bear turned up in the Canadian Arctic, he began to imagine one in a story set on the Firth River. A graduate of Stanford University, Will lives with his wife, Jean, in Durango, Colorado.

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Rating: 4.333333333333333 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a great survival novel. I enjoyed the interplay of the characters, especially the Uncle. His efforts at communicating with the kids, who didn't speak his language were really good. The mix of adventure and character development was quite good.

    I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys survival novels or novels about the north.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a great adventure/survival story that fans of Hatchet should enjoy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Reason for Reading: Several reasons: I read this aloud to my son. He really enjoyed our previous two Will Hobb's read alouds Jason's Gold and it's sequel Down the Yukon. He asked that I read him more by the author. I searched out titles and specifically choose this one for two reasons: 1) ds is very fond of both survival stories and any story that takes place at sea/on water (in this case an arctic river); 2) I have a geographical reading project going and as far as Canada goes I only have two provinces left and this would count as my North West Territories book.We sat down to read this book expecting an exciting book and Will Hobbs once again delivers. We were both thoroughly glued to our seats during the reading of this book. Hobbs always takes time to introduce his characters and set his story properly before diving into the adventure so don't expect to hit the ground running. This is not how Hobbs writes. He is a wonderful writer, with a skilled pen at description of scenery and really giving one a sense of being exactly where he has planted his characters, in this case a very northern part of Canada in the North West Territories, close to the Yukon border, along the Nahanni River boarded by cliffs on both sides. Once the adventure starts, though, the excitement is non-stop and peril is around every corner. Hobbs deals with man vs nature in a realistic manner and man doesn't always win, he gets hurt and sometimes he dies. Chapters end in either cliffhangers or desperate measures making one sorry to leave off until next time. As I said we both really enjoyed this, I'd say I liked this best of the three we've read so far.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The first thing you should know about the Northwest Territories is that it's big. It stretches from the Yukon practically to within spitting distance of Greenland. The N.W.T. Is twice as big as Alaska. … See if you can picture this: only sixty thousand people live in the entire N.W.T., and almost a third of them live in the city of Yellowknife.And so. When the pilot engaged to return two natives back to their home, decides to take a sightseeing detour to show Texas teenager, Gabe, some of the territory he'd been describing, Gabe sees first-hand how remote and severely beautiful it is. Having chosen to go to school in Yellowknife in order to be nearer his father, who is working on the pipeline, Gabe wants to experience all he can. But he gets more experience than he bargained for, when everything goes horribly wrong and the plane's engine dies. The other two passengers, Raymond, a classmate of Gabe's who's abandoned school, and Johnny Raven, an elderly Dene indian are hard put to help each other survive. Johnny Raven must rely on the strength of their youth, and they, in turn, must rely on his years of wilderness wisdom. This was a heart-pounding read; the author did a great job of laying out the story, making you wonder how and what the three would choose at each juncture of decision. The setting was wonderfully evocative, the characters very believable, the writing very well done.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    10th grader Gabe Rogers heads to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories to be nearer his father who is drilling for diamonds in a remote region. After his mother's death nine years earlier, he's lived primarily with his grandparents in Texas. He wants to see the north about which his dad talks. At his boarding school, his roommate is a boy from one of the Dene villages. Gabe's father arranges for Gabe to fly with a bush pilot one weekend. The flight just happens to be when his roommate Raymond decides to return to his village along with Johnny Raven, an older man from the village who had been in the hospital in Yellowknife. The pilot makes some unwise decisions and suddenly only Gabe, Raymond, and Johnny are left to survive in the extreme cold. It's a great story of survival for middle age readers, especially boys. The story kept me captivated. I stayed up later than I had intended just to finish the story in one sitting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is great stuff. Wonderful for boys and anyone interested in survival skills.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thoroughly enjoyable adventure with the challenge to survive and the struggle of the Indian to adapt to White Man's ways.

Book preview

Far North - Will Hobbs


THE FIRST I EVER heard of the Nahanni River and Deadmen Valley was from the bush pilot who met my flight at Fort Nelson, way up at the top of British Columbia. Clint worked for an air charter service that was trading out a favor for my father by flying me on to Yellowknife, the capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories.

Gabe Rogers? he asked doubtfully as I stepped off the plane.

Clint? I asked just as doubtfully. You’re the bush pilot?

This guy was about twenty-two, that’s the oldest I’d give him. Big grin, friendly as a puppy dog, big head of curly blond hair, and a square jaw with a dimple in it. He said, You talk just like your dad—Texas accent and all. I was expecting you to be tall like your dad, too, eh?

Nobody’s as tall as my dad, I said. That’s why they call him Tree.

A mischievous grin spread across the young bush pilot’s face. Anybody ever call you Stump?

I had to laugh. Not until now, but there’s a first time for everything.

I’ve seen some big guys on those drilling rigs, but nothing like your dad, eh? Your shoulders sure remind me of his—wide as an ax handle. You wrestle?

Wrestle and play football. I was a running back.

Hockey’s my game—you ought to try it. Hey, guess what. Another pilot took off with my airplane—there’s a forest fire going on north of here, up in the Yukon.

So how do we get to Yellowknife?

Well, the company’s got a van stuck here at Fort Nelson, and now they figure I’m just the guy to drive it back to Yellowknife.

How far’s that?

Oh, only about six hundred miles.

We piled my gear into the van, an old Suburban armored with red dirt and a windshield that looked like it had been through a war. On a wide gravel road that stretched endlessly ahead through a forest of shaggy spruce trees, Clint buried the gas pedal, leaving behind a contrail of dust. It looked as if he intended to drive to Yellowknife in the same time it would have taken to fly there. I glanced nervously at the speedometer. He was already doing 115 kilometers per hour, whatever that was. It sure felt fast on the gravel, and I started to wonder if this guy was going to kill me, but I didn’t say anything. I tried to relax, figuring that was just the way people drove in Canada.

This road didn’t even exist ten years ago, Clint said with pride. "The first thing you should know about the Northwest Territories is that it’s big. It stretches from the Yukon practically to within spitting distance of Greenland. The N.W.T. is twice as big as Alaska."

In that case, I thought, Texans have absolutely no bragging rights in the North. That’s big, I agreed, as my eye went back to the speedometer. He was up to 125 kilometers per hour.

See if you can picture this: only sixty thousand people live in the entire N.W.T., and almost a third of them live in the city of Yellowknife.

I was taking in the scale of one tiny corner of it in the green blur rushing by the passenger window, the big emptiness and the strangeness. For a kid from the Texas hill country, this world of the northern forest seemed like something you’d read about in a book and wonder if it could possibly be real. I felt good about my decision to come try it. It might be rugged up here, but I could already tell it wasn’t going to be boring.

Clint was steering left-handed down a long straightaway with only a couple of fingers on the wheel, while his right hand was fiddling with a yellow fishing jig in a tackle box between us. A hundred and forty kilometers per hour, that’s what the speedometer was reading now. The van didn’t feel very attached to the gravel. It felt more like we were floating. Back in Texas, my grandparents drove so slow it made me crazy. That wasn’t a problem with Clint. So how does kilometers per hour compare to miles per hour? I asked him as casually as possible.

Ten kilometers is right around six miles.

I did the math in my head. The answer scared me, so I did it over. I was right the first time: eighty-four miles an hour. To get my mind off Clint’s driving, I asked, What’s the deal with the trees turning gold and red already? It’s still August.

Those are aspens and paper birch. Another eight or nine weeks, and the hammer comes down.

The hammer?

Winter! Welcome to the Northwest Territories!

What’s that mean, ‘hammer’?

Sledgehammer! He laughed. The cold and the darkness, that’s the hammer, and the land, that’s the anvil. There’s practically three hours less daylight now than there was a month ago.

Too bad I missed summer.

So you’re starting school in Yellowknife?

Tenth grade.

From what I hear, those residential schools are no picnic.

I’ll make out all right. I wanted to be closer to my father.

While he’s working the diamond boom and making the big bucks, eh? Your mother’s back in Texas?

I’ve been living with my grandparents in San Antonio while my dad’s been up here. My mother’s dead.

I didn’t know. I’m sorry.

I was only seven. Car wreck—drunk driver.

For a couple of minutes Clint didn’t speak. Maybe he slowed down a little. Then he pointed off to our left. That’s the southern edge of the Mackenzie Mountains. Ever hear of ’em?

All I know about Canada I learned in the old Bullwinkle cartoons.

That’s the way of it, eh? We Canucks know you, but you Americans, all you think of when you think of Canada is moose, right?

I guess so, I agreed.

Well then, Clint said thoughtfully, just for the sake of argument, let’s say all of Canada is one big old moose. Then, what you Americans really know about us, that would compare to about the size of…a moose dropping.

Interesting way to put it, I said. I was trying to visualize a moose dropping, having never seen one before.

Anyway, I was going to tell you about the Mackenzie Mountains. In July I flew a couple of canoe parties back in there. They were going to paddle out of the mountains on the South Nahanni River.

Did they make it? I joked.

Hey, no guarantees…. It’s sometimes called the River of Mystery for all the strange things that have happened back there. And everything’s huge. The Nahanni’s got a waterfall on it twice as high as Niagara—

You’re pulling my leg.

Dead serious. They call it Virginia Falls. The whole river takes a three-hundred-eighty-five-foot drop. It’s quite a sight. Below the falls the river’s running in a deep canyon, like your Grand Canyon.

That sure would be something to see.

There’s a lot of history back in there—history and legends. The Nahanni country took a lot of lives when some of the Klondikers tried it as a shortcut to the goldfields over in the Yukon back in 1898. In 1908 a pair of brothers turned up dead up the Nahanni—minus their heads. According to the legend, the native people who lived back in there—the head-hunting Nahanies—had a white European queen. Their stronghold was a tropical valley complete with palm trees that grew right out of the permafrost.

Sounds like great material for a movie.

According to the story, there were even dinosaurs back in there that lived around some steaming hot pools.

That’s even better. I laughed. Sounds like Texans have nothing on Canadians when it comes to tall tales.

The place where the headless prospectors were found came to be known as the Valley of Vanishing Men and then Headless Valley and finally Deadmen Valley. That was just the beginning of it. There’ve been lots of strange deaths and disappearances since then.

So what’s your theory about those guys’ heads?

Clint put his finger to his dimple, then stroked his chin thoughtfully. I figure they starved to death back in there, in late winter or spring. Bears have an uncanny sense of smell, and they come out of hibernation looking for winterkill. It’s easy enough to picture bears knocking the heads loose from those skeletons, trying to get at the brains inside. After that, the skulls washed into the river or wolves carried ’em off.

You paint a pretty picture, Clint.

Listen to some of these names: the Sombre Mountains, the Funeral Range, the Headless Range, Crash Lake, Hellroaring Creek, Sunblood Mountain…

Sounds like maybe you should stay out of there.

A grin played at his lips. Bush pilots have a saying: ‘I wish I knew where I was going to die, for I would never go near the place.’

Two months later, Clint would be dead—on the Nahanni. And I would watch it happen.


THE WIND BLEW COLD off the Great Slave Lake, even at the end of August, and the first leaves were starting to fall from the birches outside my dorm room. It was still a week before school started, and the dorm was empty. I felt like I’d landed at the end of the earth, which was pretty much the case. My father was up somewhere between Yellowknife and the Arctic Ocean on a remote drill site, working seven days a week. Before long they’d be working by artificial light.

Every fourth week my father would have his time off, and that’s when I’d see him. He was used to that life, from the rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea, and he had the stamina to keep up with it. So what was I doing here? I was asking myself. How much chance was there that I was going to get to see the real North my father had been writing me about, and telling me about on his visits back to Texas? I was going to be stuck in this boarding school in the only city in the whole Northwest Territories.

I’ve done this to myself, I thought. Now I’m just going to be alone in a place where I don’t know anybody.

I decided to get out and walk, at least see Yellowknife. I spent a couple of days taking a good look at this boomtown that was the capital of the Northwest Territories. Yellowknife was sure-enough bustling. It looked modern—lots of steel, concrete, and glass, lots of government buildings, lots of bars.

I spotted my first moose droppings in downtown Yellowknife. They were encased in the clear plastic of a tabletop at the Mooseburger Café. They were about like a deer’s, only a whole lot bigger. I thought of Clint.

I hoped I’d get some chances to see the real Northwest Territories while I was up here. That’s what I came for, I was telling myself. Walking around and looking at buildings had never been very high on my list. I could just imagine flying over all that wild country, like those bush pilots get to do. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a bush plane at my disposal. I settled instead for holing up in my room with a Zane Grey novel about the Navajos. I go through a book every three or four days—westerns, mysteries, science fiction. I brought quite a few with me.

Most of the students had checked in, but I was still waiting for my roommate to arrive. This much I knew about him: he was born on the twenty-first of December, same as me. They gave out the room assignments by pairing new kids with birthdays closest together, and you can’t get much closer than being born on the same day, same year. The lady at the housing office told me that my roommate was a Dih-nay, that it was his first year at the school, too, that his name was Raymond Providence, and that he was from a remote village.

What’s a ‘Dih-nay’? I asked her.

It’s spelled D-e-n-e, she said. They’re native people. You’re probably used to calling them Indians back where you come from. They speak an Athabaskan dialect called Slavey.

I wondered if my roommate would speak much English. This was going to be interesting.

I was starting my third paperback when Raymond finally showed up, the evening before classes started. He came through the door lugging a huge duffel bag, a hockey stick, and a bright red electric guitar. He was wearing jeans and a plaid Pendleton shirt. A little taller than me, he was a handsome kid with light brown skin and thick black hair down on his collar. He took a quick look at me, but his face was completely without expression, his dark brown eyes guarded and remote.

Now what? I thought. As he set his guitar down on his bed, I said, Are you a rock star by any chance?

It was a dumb thing to say; I guess I was uncomfortable. I was wondering what he was thinking about having a roommate with blue eyes and dirty blond hair. I hoped he could see I was just trying to be friendly.

Not hardly, he said quietly, standing the hockey stick in the corner by the sink, then sitting on his bed and looking around at the confines of our room. Well, at least he speaks English, I thought. I might as well try again. Glancing at his hockey stick, I said, I don’t know much about hockey—football’s the big thing where I come from. I have heard of Wayne Gretzky, though, how they call him the Great One. Are you a pretty good hockey player?

Pretty good, yeah.

That got a smile out of him. But even while he was smiling, his eyes stayed remote and cautious. Maybe he was a kid who’d never been away from home before. I gave him some space and went back to the book I was reading. He started unpacking.

After a while he was back sitting on the edge of his bed, looking around. I could see his eyes go to the picture over on my desk, the one of my dad and me standing beside a raft down in the canyons of the Rio Grande in west Texas. That’s my dad, I said. He’s up here working.

Oh, Raymond said. Is he on the drilling rigs?

All the time. He’s hoping to save up enough money so we can get some land back in Texas—we want to build a house. So how ’bout you? That’s a nice-looking guitar you got there. Are you in a rock band back home?

Yeah, sort of.

Maybe you can get a band together here.

They already told me I can’t play my guitar.

You mean not in the dorm?

Not anywhere at this school, I guess.

Could you switch to acoustic?

From the look on his face, it was like I’d asked him to take up the harpsichord. I said, They got a lot of rules and regulations here, that’s for sure. I’ve never been in a school like this. I guess it’s kind of like being in the army. So where are you from?

Nahanni Butte.

Nahanni…, I repeated. Hey, I heard that name before…. Is it anywhere close to the Nahanni River?

It’s right where the Nahanni River meets the Liard River.

I got it now, I said. Famous for headless men? And dinosaurs?

He laughed. Those headless guys must be world-famous.

I was pleased to see him relax a little.

I never heard the part about the dinosaurs before, Raymond added with a smile. Are you from Texas?

How’d you know that?

He shrugged. The way you talk.

I guess I must talk funny. Sounds normal to me. I grew up in the hill country near the Guadalupe River.

I’ve heard that name before, Guadalupe River. Isn’t it a little river that people float down on inner tubes?

How’d you ever hear that? I asked in amazement.

I saw it on MTV—it was a show about spring break in different places. It looked like fun—hundreds of people splashing around and all that. The water must be pretty warm.

We used to do that all the time. It’s real near where I lived. You get MTV way up here?

On satellite. We get thirty-nine channels.

That’s a lot more than I got back home in Texas. My grandparents don’t even get cable.

You live with your grandparents?

I’ve mostly lived with them since my mother died—almost nine years now. They’re nice and all that, but it’s pretty slow.

That got a laugh out of Raymond. Man, you should try Nahanni Butte sometime if you want to talk about slow. It only has a winter road to it.

What’s that mean, ‘winter road’?

We’re about twenty kilometers away from the year-round road that they built between Fort Nelson and Fort Simpson, plus we’re on the other side of the Liard River from that road. In the winter you can drive our road into Nahanni Butte because everything’s frozen solid underneath, but in the summer, with all the bogs and everything, you’d just sink into the muck. It takes lots of money to put enough rock and gravel down to make a road base.

But they must have spent a lot of money to make a bridge across the river.

There’s no bridge, Raymond said with a smile. The Liard River always freezes real thick just up from Nahanni Butte, so it’s a safe crossing there. You can drive right across the ice. They plow the snow off after every storm.

What about before they built your winter road?

When my dad was a kid, there were no roads anywhere. They had dog teams to get around in the winter. In the summer they used their boats to get in and out, on the Liard River.

Do you have brothers and sisters?

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