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Castle in the Air
Castle in the Air
Castle in the Air
Ebook338 pages5 hours

Castle in the Air

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In this stunning sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, Diana Wynne Jones has again created a large-scale, fast-paced fantasy in which people and things are never quite what they seem.

There are good and bad djinns, a genie in a bottle, wizards, witches, cats and dogs (but are they cats and dogs?), and a mysterious floating castle filled with kidnapped princesses, as well as two puzzling prophecies. The story speeds along with tantalizing twists and turns until the prophecies are fulfilled, true identities are revealed, and all is resolved in a totally satisfying, breathtaking, surprise-filled ending.

Abdullah was a young and not very prosperous carpet dealer. His father, who had been disappointed in him, had left him only enough money to open a modest booth in the Bazaar. When he was not selling carpets, Abdullah spent his time daydreaming. In his dreams he was not the son of his father, but the long-lost son of a prince. There was also a princess who had been betrothed to him at birth. He was content with his life and his daydreams until, one day, a stranger sold him a magic carpet.

All fans of classic fantasy books deserve the pleasure of reading those by Diana Wynne Jones, whose acclaim included the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement. As Neil Gaiman stated, she was "quite simply the best writer for children of her generation."

The three books in the World of Howl are:

  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Castle in the Air
  • House of Many Ways

Other beloved series from Dianna Wynne Jones include the Chronicles of Chrestomanci and the Dalemark Quartet.

Release dateSep 25, 2012

Diana Wynne Jones

DIANA WYNNE JONES was born in August 1934 in London, where she had a chaotic and unsettled childhood against the background of World War II. The family moved around a lot, finally settling in rural Essex. As children, Diana and her two sisters were deprived of a good, steady supply of books by a father, ‘who could beat Scrooge in a meanness contest’. So, armed with a vivid imagination and an insatiable quest for good books to read, she decided that she would have to write them herself.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Castle in the Air is a sequel to companion to book set in the same world as book written by Diana Wynne Jones where Howl also appears. I loved Howl's Moving Castle, so I really was expecting more of the same in this book. And I really shouldn't have because this book is not about Howl, and he is not even important to the story.This book is about Abdullah, a carpet merchant on the distant land of Zanzib. A disappointment to his father, and with a prophecy made at his birth that he knows nothing about, Abdullah is quite happy living in his booth at the edge of the Bazaar and spending his days daydreaming (and occasionally selling carpets). Everything is fine until a merchant sells him a magic carpet. Soon all his daydreams start to come true.While reading this book, I spent most of the time trying to figure out how it related to Howl's Moving Castle. Every new character that appeared had me thinking “Is this Howl in disguise?”, “Where's Sophie?” and so on. Which, as expected, takes some of the fun out of reading. Castle in the Air is quite a good story, and stands very well in its own. Yes, Howl and Co. do appear (eventually), but this book is about Abdullah. He is quite a wonderful character, that I can't help but relate to (it must be all those daydreams). And all the other characters that appear throughout the novel are so funny, each very different (and that means something when there about 30 princesses in there).If I started this book with expectations of a story with the characters from the first book, by the time one of them finally appeared I only wanted to know about these new amazing characters.Like its predecessor, this book has its fill of funny (and silly) moments, without ever sacrificing the story to humour. But, unlike Howl's Moving Castle, the inspiration for Castle in the Air comes from Arabian folklore and myths, giving it a Arabian Nights (or Aladdin) feel to it.This is a good book, one that I feel that everyone should read – young and adult readers alike. Also at Spoilers and Nuts
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Castle in the Air is the underrated companion novel to Diana Wynne Jones’ beloved Howl’s Moving Castle. While the setting and characters are mostly different, Jones’ clever, albeit short, addition of the characters from the first novel, provide value to an already strong standalone plot. The novel follows Abdullah, a young carpet merchant in the neighboring country of Zanzib. When he comes into the possession of a flying carpet, his once mundane life turns upside down as his lofty dreams rapidly start coming true.

    The novel is a fun, wide-sweeping romp through Zanzib, a land ripe with genies, pirates, and djinns, and the already established country of Ingary. The main character, Abdullah, while a daydreamer, works very hard and has an active imagination which never fails to entertain. The companions he meets during his journey are just as interesting. A belligerent genie who twists others’ wishes to his pleasing, a cat-loving soldier from the nearby country, Strangia, and a mother cat and her kitten are just a few of the many travelers Abdullah befriends along the way.

    Similar to Howl’s Moving Castle, magic also plays a significant role in the novel, although there is a larger emphasis on the exotic, particularly prophecy. Both Abdullah and his love interest, Flower-in-the-Night, live under the constant pressure of prophecies made at their births, which add an element of mystery to the plot. Will their prophecies come true, and if they do, will they play out in predicted ways?

    Surprising twists and turns are a common element in Jones’ work, so expect a few throughout this novel too. The plot and timeline are very straight-forward, but don’t let their simplicity fool you.

    If you love Howl, Sophie, and Calcifer from the first novel, there will be moments where you will wish they appear more often. Don’t get frustrated when they don’t appear right away. Most importantly, don’t put the book down for this reason! I promise their eventual appearance will be worth it.

    Diana Wynne Jones’ Castle in the Air is a rollicking adventure filled with new faces and familiar friends. As Abdullah sets out on his quest of discovery, keep your mind open to the peculiar. You may learn a thing or two.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A quick and charming book that kept me guessing. Unfortunately, I did not relate to Abdullah as much as I did Sophie in Moving Castle.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's great, but as a sequel to Howl's Moving Castle I would have liked to see more of Sophie and Howl than we did.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Most reviewers seem to love this book, and the entire series for that matter, but it didn't do much for me. The story didn't really engage me much and I wasn't drawn to any of the characters. I'll read the final book in the series only so I can say I've read a trilogy this year.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The stunning continuation of Howls Moving Castle, the book now tells us the story of Abdullah and Flower-in-the-Night and their misadventures as they struggle to be with eachother. This is a somewhat more upbeat tale, with many funny situations all throughout the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    a really good read
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A ton of fun, with some questionable resolutions.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    a really good read
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this book! I wouldn't recommend it if you're hoping to read more about Howl and Sophie: even though it's listed as a sequel to Howl's moving castle, it features an entirely different story line and new characters, with Howl and Sophie making guest appearances at the end. The story itself, however, is fantastic! I loved reading about Abdullah's world, filled with magic djinns, flying carpets, and princesses. Overall, it's a very captivating read, especially if you're interested in Arabian mythology and stories like Aladdin.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I still really like this series. This one was never made into a movie, but don't let that turn way. I love how Jones writes this world. I feel like this book was helping building the world of her series more while introducing newer characters. I actually like Abdullah's character. Not going to read the last book now, but curious how this ends.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The continuation of "Howl" and his life with Sophie. Intricate, fabulous world-building. Great characterisations.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I spent the first half of this generally annoyed but it did improve though the connections to the Howl's cast was annoying in a different way. A generally silly adventure lacking in basic story integrity.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh to live in Ingary! I had to read this more slowly to savor it
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A clever and thoroughly enjoyable sequel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is marketed as 'a sequel to 'Howl's Moving Castle', but the familiar characters from that book don't make an appearance (well, that we know of) till the very end of the book - so readers who are not familiar with that book will equally enjoy this. It's just sort of that for fans of 'Howl's Moving Castle', there's a bonus at the end!
    It's an Arabian-Nights-flavored story of a young Middle Eastern carpet dealer who, against his better judgement, is convinced to buy an allegedly magic carpet. But when he falls asleep on the rug, he wakes to find himself transported to a garden inhabited by a beautiful young woman. At first, he believes it's only a dream - but the carpet's powers of flight are real, and soon he finds himself with an enraged Sultan to deal with, not to mention assorted bandits, a temperamental genie, and more... Familiar elements, but Wynne Jones' wit and style make the story fresh and entertaining.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Something I'm learning about Diana Wynne Jones novels: she doesn't always know how to end them, or at least, that's how it feels. When I read Howl's Moving Castle several years ago, I thought Jones devised a brilliant scenario, fun characters and a vivid world. It was engaging and funny and easy to read. However, the longer the book went on, the more it seemed to rush toward its ending. Something about the pacing felt off - as if Jones wasn't quite sure when or how to end it. Now I feel the same way about the "companion novel" to Howl, Castle in the Air.The setup is great. I love the idea of a magic carpet that reacts to commands you don't know you're giving, taking the protagonist to meet the girl of his dreams without his knowing why. I really enjoyed the flavor of Abdullah's life, family situation and work environment. I even liked the parts of his quest. As the book traipsed toward its conclusion, though, it felt like it was wrapping up a little too easily, and the introduction of characters from Howl's Moving Castle felt incidental and almost unnecessary.That's not to say that Castle in the Air wasn't a fun book - it was, tremendously. It just felt, ultimately, a little unsatisfying. I'm interested to read the final book set in this world (I hesitate to refer to it as a "series"), and I'm curious if it will continue the pattern established by the previous two. With luck, that one will have a conclusion that feels just a bit more natural.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Castle in the Air (Ziemlich viele Prinzessinnen) ist die indirekte Fortsetzung zu Howl’s Moving Castle (Sophie im Schloss des Zauberers). Hierin wird es allerdings märchenhaft wie in einer Geschichte aus Tausendundeinernacht und der geneigte Leser muss sich recht lange gedulden, ehe die bekannten Protagonisten aus dem ersten Buch dieser locker verknüpften Reihe wieder in Erscheinung treten. Castle in the Air sollte man daher auch als einen eigenständigen Roman betrachten – in dem nur zufällig ein paar bekannte Charaktere wieder auftauchen – und keine richtige Fortsetzung zu Howl’s Moving Castle erwarten.Ganz so brillant wie sein Vorgänger ist Castle in the Air nicht, dennoch ist es wieder eine sehr phantasievolle und lebendige Geschichte, die Diana Wynne Jones hier erschafft und mit gewohntem Humor garniert. Letzterer kommt diesmal besonders bei Namensgebung und Wortwahl zum Tragen, denn die Autorin spielt wieder gerne mit Klischees und bedient sich hier bei den Vorstellungen vom Orient, wo Namen nicht nur Namen sind, sondern Bedeutungen haben. Dabei darf natürlich auch nicht die blumige Ausdrucksweise fehlen, die die Autorin jedoch in unseren Sprachgebrauch überträgt, was für viel Schmunzeln sorgt. So kommt es, dass eine Prinzessin den Namen Blume-in-der-Nacht/Flower-in-the-Night trägt oder Teppichhändler geradezu lyrische Verkaufsgespräche führen.Darauf lässt die Autorin es freilich nicht beruhen und schickt zusätzlich wieder herrlich überzogene, schrullige, spießige oder hochnäsige Charaktere ins Rennen, die alle ein bisschen mehr sind, als man glaubt über sie zu wissen. So überzeugend sympathisch und lebendig wie Howl und Sophie in Howl’s Moving Castle werden Abdullah und Flower-in-the-Night aber leider nicht, und auch die beiden erstgenannten kommen in Castle in the Air nicht so richtig zu ihrem alten Glanz.Kleinere Abzüge muss man ebenfalls bei der erzählerischen Dynamik machen, die sich mit Einschüben, die nicht zwingend nötig gewesen wären, leider immer mal wieder als etwas langatmig erweist. Es ist daher dringend ratsam, eine längere Pause zwischen Howl’s Moving Castle und Castle in the Air verstreichen zu lassen und die beiden Bücher nicht gleich nacheinander zu lesen. Auch sollte man davon absehen, die Bücher als normale Buchreihe zu betrachten, denn im direkten Vergleich haben sie wenig miteinander zu tun und gerade Castle in the Air wirkt dabei doch ein wenig enttäuschend. Für sich betrachtet und davon ausgehend, dass die wiederkehrenden Charaktere ein zusätzlicher Bonus, aber kein tragendes Element dieses Romans sind, ist Castle in the Air durchaus unterhaltsam und amüsant. Man muss sich lediglich klar machen, dass dies die Geschichte von Abdullah und Flower-in-the-Night ist und nicht die von Sophie und Howl.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not my favorite, but I did really enjoy it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This, the sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, begins in an Arabian Nights fashion, which seems light years away from the European land of Ingary. Genies in bottles and flying carpets have nothing to do with a Welsh wizard and a fire demon powering the moving castle, surely? And many of the other distinctive characters in that famous first installment must be unrelated to the eastern city of Zanzib in the Sultanates of Rashpuht, mustn't they?But appearances are deceiving in this parallel world where magic can and does happen. The impecunious young carpet-seller Abdullah, so much given to flowery flattery that it becomes irritating, sets his heart on the almost unobtainable Flower-in-the-Night, thereby seemingly setting in motion a series of events that changes his life forever. Unbeknown to him (and to us, as readers) those events have already been kickstarted before the story opens, meaning that the commonplaces of Eastern romances are interwoven with Jones' verbal comedy and confused identities to create a fabric whose intricate overall pattern is only revealed at the end when we can stand back and admire the whole.Not as famous and well-loved as the first of the series, I was won over by the clever plotting which expertly tied up all the loose ends in the final pages. Unlike some of Jones' more 'difficult' novels where the storyline is obscure and the ending seems fudged, Castle in the Air draws you along like a needle pulling thread to its final satisfying conclusion. This must have been as much fun to write as it is to read, while Tim Stevens' accomplished line drawings heading each chapter clarified and complemented the author's text perfectly.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Howl is one sly bastard. Yup, I love the guy. Jones' magical world starts to expand and en...shape..en in this book, part of the moving castle trilogy. We follow Abdullah in his quest to save a princess. The ending made the book. Just get to the end, and then we'll all sit around grinning like fools.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    First and foremost, something to note is that this is not a direct sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, but instead a separate story that overlaps in some parts. I know some people went into this book without knowing that and was utterly disappointed. I did not go in with such expectations and therefore enjoyed it more than I might have, having been told beforehand.I was surprised in the beginning...seemed to be another take on Aladdin at first - genie, magic carpet, princess, guy pretending to be a prince, the works! Then it slowly morphed into a unique story and then BAM in the last few chapters, Howl's Moving Castle makes a comeback and you would feel completely decieved. At least, when it comes to the big magic reveal, I never saw it coming. Not saying what it was, but it felt like a 180 and then I couldn't take my attention away from Howl, Sophie, Calcifer, and another little addition to the castle. The change in atmosphere seemed very abrupt, but I enjoyed it completely. Felt like it ending too soon, though it was summed up nicely. About to move into the not-quite-sequel after this one: House of Many Ways. Recommended not quite to fans of Howl and Sophie, but fans of the world they lived in. Though, as a fan of them myself, I enjoyed it too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This isn't exactly a sequel to Howl's Moving Castle - it's set in the same universe, and there is some character overlap, but it's more tangential than following. Abdullah is a poor carpet seller who dreams that he is flying on a magic carpet, and meets a beautiful princess who falls in love with him. It's only when an evil djinn shows up to kidnap the princess that he realizes that he's not dreaming, but he is in a whole lot of trouble. This is entertaining, funny and light-hearted - a good bedtime read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very enjoyable sequel. Howl is a secondary character here. No one is who they seem and all have something to learn about themselves.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not as good as Howl's Moving Castle, sadly. :(
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Fun, quick, easy to read.

    Separating this one entirely from Howl's Moving Castle would have been a better idea than making it a second book in a series, I think. Trying to tie it back in to the other book with a sudden information dump near the end and an incomplete back story was troublesome, particularly as the main character was from an Arabian-inspired culture--how does that fit with magical realism set in Wales of the first book?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At first glance, this doesn’t seem like much of a sequel to Howl’s Moving Castle. And in some ways it isn’t. It follows Abdullah’s story almost exclusively. Howl and company make an appearance, though not in a way you would expect.

    I really liked Castle in the Air. Diana Wynne Jones continues to weave exceptional story and landscape, and I was completely drawn in.

    Abdullah is a likeable protagonist, though I was so aggravated at times that everything seemed to be working against him. I mean, there are obstacles and then there are the stories where absolutely nothing seems to go right. This was the latter. There is only so much of that a reader can take. I also found Abdullah’s way of speaking to be very obnoxious at times. The flowery speech was great at first… but then it really got old fast.

    The other thing that took away from the enjoyment for me was that in true YA style, after only one meeting, Abdullah is proclaiming his true and undying love for Flower-in-the-Night. Can we please break this mold already? Romance is great. But it takes time to grow and become real. By proclaiming love after one day, it cheapens real love and gives young women unreal expectations.

    Flower-in-the-Night had some moments where I really loved the way Diana Wynne Jones wrote her. She calls Abdullah on the double standard that men can have multiple wives, but women can’t have multiple husbands. I wanted to stand up and cheer.

    Castle in the Air has the same narrative style that Howl’s Moving Castle did, though by now I was used to it. As with the first book in the series, it is a small book, but not a small story. The big climactic moment lacked something for me, though it was still nice to see how everything tied up. And everything did tie up nicely, making me very intrigued to see where the third volume in the series takes us.

    Bottom Line: I liked that this wasn’t a direct sequel, but that it takes time to check in with Howl and company. Some flaws, but flawless books are hard to find. I will most definitely finish off the series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An excellent book worthy of being a sequel to Howl's Moving Castle. A dreamlike adventure filled with wonderful characters and spectacular plot twists. Though now I mostly just want to reread Howl's Moving Castle.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Several days to the south of the fairy-tale land of Ingary, as the carpet flies, lies the fabled land of Zanzib, where Abdullah the carpet seller ekes out a living at the edge of the bazaar, and dreams of being a long-lost prince. One day, he buys a rather thread-bare magic carpet, and then his daydreams start coming true! Between the quirky carpet, an unreliable genie in a bottle, a djinn, who might or might not be wicked, not to mention a magical cloud castle in the air, Abdullah has to rescue his beautiful princess and save the world.I was initially surprised to find that this sequel to Howl's Moving Castle didn't start where that book ended - but don't worry; all the beloved characters do feature in this book. As with the first book, the twists at the end caught me by surprise, and turned a good ending into an even happier ending. As ever, the story is well written, engaging and amusing, and clips along at a good pace. I'm glad I succumbed to all the LT recommendations!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When I first read this, I was disappointed; it's a sequel to 'Howl's Moving Castle', but Howl and Sophie are (apparently) barely in it. On a couple of rereads, it turns out to have its own unique and quirky charm, chief among which is that absolutely nobody is who or what they seem. I suspect it owes a certain debt to Noel Langley's 'The Land of Green Ginger', but that may just be my imagination and/or the presence of a flying carpet in both.

Book preview

Castle in the Air - Diana Wynne Jones

Chapter One


Far to the south of the land of Ingary, in the Sultanates of Rashpuht, a young carpet merchant called Abdullah lived in the city of Zanzib. As merchants go, he was not rich. His father had been disappointed in him, and when he died, he had only left Abdullah just enough money to buy and stock a modest booth in the northwest corner of the Bazaar. The rest of his father’s money, and the large carpet emporium in the center of the Bazaar, had all gone to the relatives of his father’s first wife.

Abdullah had never been told why his father was disappointed in him. A prophecy made at Abdullah’s birth had something to do with it. But Abdullah had never bothered to find out more. Instead, from a very early age, he had simply made up daydreams about it. In his daydreams, he was really the long-lost son of a great prince, which meant, of course, that his father was not really his father. It was a complete castle in the air, and Abdullah knew it was. Everyone told him he inherited his father’s looks. When he looked in a mirror, he saw a decidedly handsome young man, in a thin, hawk-faced way, and knew he looked very like the portrait of his father as a young man, always allowing for the fact that his father wore a flourishing mustache, whereas Abdullah was still scraping together the six hairs on his upper lip and hoping they would multiply soon.

Unfortunately, as everyone also agreed, Abdullah had inherited his character from his mother—his father’s second wife—who had been a dreamy and timorous woman and a great disappointment to everyone. This did not bother Abdullah particularly. The life of a carpet merchant holds few opportunities for bravery, and he was, on the whole, content with it. The booth he had bought, though small, turned out to be rather well placed. It was not far from the West Quarter, where the rich people lived in their big houses surrounded by beautiful gardens. Better still, it was the first part of the Bazaar the carpet makers came to when they came into Zanzib from the desert to the north. Both the rich people and the carpet makers were usually seeking the bigger shops in the center of the Bazaar, but a surprisingly large number of them were ready to pause at the booth of a young carpet merchant when that young merchant rushed out into their paths and offered them bargains and discounts with most profuse politeness.

In this way, Abdullah was quite often able to buy best-quality carpets before anyone else saw them, and sell them at a profit, too. In between buying and selling he could sit in his booth and continue with his daydream, which suited him very well. In fact, almost the only trouble in his life came from his father’s first wife’s relations, who would keep visiting him once a month in order to point out his failings.

But you’re not saving any of your profits! cried Abdullah’s father’s first wife’s brother’s son, Hakim (whom Abdullah detested), one fateful day.

Abdullah explained that when he made a profit, his custom was to use that money to buy a better carpet. Thus, although all his money was bound up in his stock, it was getting to be better and better stock. He had enough to live on. And as he told his father’s relatives, he had no need of more since he was not married.

Well, you should be married! cried Abdullah’s father’s first wife’s sister, Fatima (whom Abdullah detested even more than Hakim). I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again—a young man like you should have at least two wives by now! And not content with simply saying so, Fatima declared that this time she was going to look out for some wives for him—an offer which made Abdullah shake in his shoes.

And the more valuable your stock gets, the more likely you are to be robbed, or the more you’ll lose if your booth catches fire. Have you thought of that? nagged Abdullah’s father’s first wife’s uncle’s son, Assif (a man whom Abdullah hated more than the first two put together).

He assured Assif that he always slept in the booth and was very careful of the lamps. At that all three of his father’s first wife’s relatives shook their heads, tut-tutted, and went away. This usually meant they would leave him in peace for another month. Abdullah sighed with relief and plunged straight back into his daydream.

The daydream was enormously detailed by now. In it, Abdullah was the son of a mighty prince who lived so far to the east that his country was unknown in Zanzib. But Abdullah had been kidnapped at the age of two by a villainous bandit called Kabul Aqba. Kabul Aqba had a hooked nose like the beak of a vulture and wore a gold ring clipped into one of his nostrils. He carried a pistol with a silver-mounted stock with which he menaced Abdullah, and there was a bloodstone in his turban which seemed to give him more than human power. Abdullah was so frightened that he ran away into the desert, where he was found by the man he called his father now. The daydream took no account of the fact that Abdullah’s father had never ventured into the desert in his life; indeed, he had often said that anyone who ventured beyond Zanzib must be mad. Nevertheless, Abdullah could picture every nightmare inch of the dry, thirsty, footsore journey he had made before the good carpet merchant found him. Likewise, he could picture in great detail the palace he had been kidnapped from, with its pillared throne room floored in green porphyry, its women’s quarters, and its kitchens, all of the utmost richness. There were seven domes on its roof, each one covered with beaten gold.

Lately, however, the daydream had been concentrating on the princess to whom Abdullah had been betrothed at his birth. She was as highborn as Abdullah and had grown up in his absence into a great beauty with perfect features and huge misty dark eyes. She lived in a palace as rich as Abdullah’s own. You approached it along an avenue lined with angelic statues and entered by way of seven marble courts, each with a fountain in the middle more precious than the last, starting with one made of chrysolite and ending with one of platinum studded with emeralds.

But that day Abdullah found he was not quite satisfied with this arrangement. It was a feeling he often had after a visit from his father’s first wife’s relations. It occurred to him that a good palace ought to have magnificent gardens. Abdullah loved gardens, though he knew very little about them. Most of his experience had come from the public parks of Zanzib—where the turf was somewhat trampled and the flowers few—in which he sometimes spent his lunch hour when he could afford to pay one-eyed Jamal to watch his booth. Jamal kept the fried food stall next door and would, for a coin or so, tie his dog to the front of Abdullah’s booth. Abdullah was well aware that this did not really qualify him to invent a proper garden, but since anything was better than thinking of two wives chosen for him by Fatima, he lost himself in waving fronds and scented walkways in the gardens of his princess.

Or nearly. Before Abdullah was fairly started, he was interrupted by a tall, dirty man with a dingy-looking carpet in his arms.

You buy carpets for selling, son of a great house? this stranger asked, bowing briefly.

For someone trying to sell a carpet in Zanzib, where buyers and sellers always spoke to one another in the most formal and flowery way, this man’s manner was shockingly abrupt. Abdullah was annoyed anyway because his dream garden was falling to pieces at this interruption from real life. He answered curtly. That is so, O king of the desert. You wish to trade with this miserable merchant?

Not trade—sell, O master of a stack of mats, the stranger corrected him.

Mats! thought Abdullah. This was an insult. One of the carpets on display in front of Abdullah’s booth was a rare floral tufted one from Ingary—or Ochinstan, as that land was called in Zanzib—and there were at least two inside, from Inhico and Farqtan, which the Sultan himself would not have disdained for one of the smaller rooms of his palace. But of course, Abdullah could not say this. The manners of Zanzib did not let you praise yourself. Instead, he bowed a coldly shallow bow. It is possible that my low and squalid establishment might provide that which you seek, O pearl of wanderers, he said, and cast his eye critically over the stranger’s dirty desert robe, the corroded stud in the side of the man’s nose, and his tattered headcloth as he said it.

It is worse than squalid, mighty seller of floor coverings, the stranger agreed. He flapped one end of his dingy carpet toward Jamal, who was frying squid just then in clouds of blue, fishy smoke. Does not the honorable activity of your neighbor penetrate your wares, he asked, even to a lasting aroma of octopus?

Abdullah seethed with such rage inside that he was forced to rub his hands together slavishly to hide it. People were not supposed to mention this sort of thing. And a slight smell of squid might even improve that thing the stranger wanted to sell, he thought, eyeing the drab and threadbare rug in the man’s arms. Your humble servant takes care to fumigate the interior of his booth with lavish perfumes, O prince of wisdom, he said. Perhaps the heroic sensitivity of the prince’s nose will nevertheless allow him to show this beggarly trader his merchandise?

Of course, it does, O lily among mackerel, the stranger retorted. Why else should I stand here?

Abdullah reluctantly parted the curtains and ushered the man inside his booth. There he turned up the lamp which hung from the center pole but, upon sniffing, decided that he was not going to waste incense on this person. The interior smelled quite strongly enough of yesterday’s scents. What magnificence have you to unroll before my unworthy eyes? he asked dubiously.

This, buyer of bargains! the man said, and with a deft thrust of one arm, he caused the carpet to unroll across the floor.

Abdullah could do this, too. A carpet merchant learned these things. He was not impressed. He stuck his hands in his sleeves in a primly servile attitude and surveyed the merchandise. The carpet was not large. Unrolled, it was even dingier than he had thought—although the pattern was unusual, or it would have been if most of it had not been worn away. What was left was dirty, and its edges were frayed.

Alas, this poor salesman can only stretch to three copper coins for this most ornamental of rugs, he observed. It is the limit of my slender purse. Times are hard, O captain of many camels. Is the price acceptable in any way?

I’ll take FIVE HUNDRED, said the stranger.

"What?" said Abdullah.

GOLD coins, added the stranger.

The king of all desert bandits is surely pleased to jest? said Abdullah. Or maybe, having found my small booth lacking in anything but the smell of frying squid, he wishes to leave and try a richer merchant?

Not particularly, said the stranger. Although I will leave if you are not interested, O neighbor of kippers. It is, of course, a magic carpet.

Abdullah had heard that one before. He bowed over his tucked-up hands. Many and various are the virtues said to reside in carpets, he agreed. Which one does the poet of the sands claim for this? Does it welcome a man home to his tent? Does it bring peace to the hearth? Or maybe, he said, poking the frayed edge suggestively with one toe, it is said never to wear out?

It flies, said the stranger. It flies wherever the owner commands, O smallest of small minds.

Abdullah looked up into the man’s somber face, where the desert had entrenched deep lines down each cheek. A sneer made those lines deeper still. Abdullah found he disliked this person almost as much as he disliked his father’s first wife’s uncle’s son. You must convince this unbeliever, he said. If the carpet can be put through its paces, O monarch of mendacity, then some bargain might be struck.

Willingly, said the tall man, and stepped upon the carpet.

At this moment one of the regular upsets happened at the fried food stall next door. Probably some street boys had tried to steal some squid. At any rate, Jamal’s dog burst out barking; various people, Jamal included, began yelling, and both sounds were nearly drowned by the clash of saucepans and the hissing of hot fat.

Cheating was a way of life in Zanzib. Abdullah did not allow his attention to be distracted for one instant from the stranger and his carpet. It was quite possible the man had bribed Jamal to cause a distraction. He had mentioned Jamal rather often, as if Jamal were on his mind. Abdullah kept his eyes sternly on the tall figure of the man and particularly on the dirty feet planted on the carpet. But he spared a corner of one eye for the man’s face, and he saw the man’s lips move. His alert ears even caught the words two feet upward despite the din from next door. And he looked even more carefully when the carpet rose smoothly from the floor and hovered about level with Abdullah’s knees, so that the stranger’s tattered headgear was not quite brushing the roof of the booth. Abdullah looked for rods underneath. He searched for wires that might have been deftly hooked to the roof. He took hold of the lamp and tipped it about, so that its light played both over and under the carpet.

The stranger stood with his arms folded and the sneer entrenched on his face while Abdullah performed these tests. See? he said. Is the most desperate of doubters now convinced? Am I standing in the air, or am I not? He had to shout. The noise was still deafening from next door.

Abdullah was forced to admit that the carpet did appear to be up in the air without any means of support that he could find. Very nearly, he shouted back. The next part of the demonstration is for you to dismount and for me to ride that carpet.

The man frowned. Why so? What have your other senses to add to the evidence of your eyes, O dragon of dubiety?

It could be a one-man carpet, Abdullah bawled, as some dogs are. Jamal’s dog was still bellowing away outside, so it was natural to think of this. Jamal’s dog bit anyone who touched it except Jamal.

The stranger sighed. Down, he said, and the carpet sank gently to the floor. The stranger stepped off and bowed Abdullah toward it. It is yours to test, O sheikh of shrewdness.

With considerable excitement, Abdullah stepped onto the carpet. Go up two feet, he said to it—or, rather, yelled. It sounded as if the constables of the City Watch had arrived at Jamal’s stall now. They were clashing weapons and bawling to be told what had happened.

And the carpet obeyed Abdullah. It rose two feet in a smooth surge which left Abdullah’s stomach behind it. He sat down rather hastily. The carpet was perfectly comfortable to sit on. It felt like a very tight hammock. This woefully sluggish intellect is becoming convinced, he confessed to the stranger. What was your price again, O paragon of generosity? Two hundred silver?

Five hundred GOLD, said the stranger. Tell the carpet to descend, and we will discuss the matter.

Abdullah told the carpet, Down, and land on the floor, and it did so, thus removing a slight nagging doubt in Abdullah’s mind that the stranger had said something extra when Abdullah first stepped on it which had been drowned in the din from next door. He bounced to his feet, and the bargaining commenced. The utmost of my purse is one hundred and fifty gold, he explained, and that is when I shake it out and feel all around the seams.

Then you must fetch out your other purse or even feel under your mattress, the stranger rejoined. For the limit of my generosity is four hundred and ninety-five gold, and I would not sell at all but for the most pressing need.

I might squeeze another forty-five gold from the sole of my left shoe, Abdullah replied. That I keep for emergencies, and it is my pitiful all.

Examine your right shoe, the stranger answered. Four-fifty.

And so it went on. An hour later the stranger departed from the booth with 210 gold pieces, leaving Abdullah the delighted owner of what seemed to be a genuine—if threadbare—magic carpet. He was still mistrustful. He did not believe that anyone, even a desert wanderer with few needs, would part with a real flying carpet—albeit nearly worn out—for less than 400 gold pieces. It was too useful—better than a camel, because it did not need to eat—and a good camel cost at least 450 in gold.

There had to be a catch. And there was one trick Abdullah had heard of. It was usually worked with horses or dogs. A man would come and sell a trusting farmer or hunter a truly superb animal for a surprisingly small price, saying that it was all that stood between himself and starvation. The delighted farmer (or hunter) would put the horse in a stall (or the dog in a kennel) for the night. In the morning it would be gone, being trained to slip its halter (or collar) and return to its owner in the night. It seemed to Abdullah that a suitably obedient carpet could be trained to do the same. So, before he left his booth, he very carefully wrapped the magic carpet around one of the poles that supported the roof and bound it there, around and around, with a whole reel of twine, which he then tied to one of the iron stakes at the base of the wall.

I think you’ll find it hard to escape from that, he told it, and went out to discover what had been going on at the food stall.

The stall was quiet now, and tidy. Jamal was sitting on its counter, mournfully hugging his dog.

What happened? asked Abdullah.

Some thieving boys spilled all my squid, Jamal said. My whole day’s stock down in the dirt, lost, gone!

Abdullah was so pleased with his bargain that he gave Jamal two silver pieces to buy more squid. Jamal wept with gratitude and embraced Abdullah. His dog not only failed to bite Abdullah; it licked his hand. Abdullah smiled. Life was good. He went off whistling to find a good supper while the dog guarded his booth.

When the evening was staining the sky red behind the domes and minarets of Zanzib, Abdullah came back, still whistling, full of plans to sell the carpet to the Sultan himself for a very large price indeed. He found the carpet exactly where he had left it. Or would it be better to approach the Grand Vizier, he wondered while he was washing, and suggest that the Vizier might wish to make the Sultan a present of it? That way he could ask for even more money. At the thought of how valuable that made the carpet, the story of the horse trained to slip its halter began to nag at him again. As he got into his nightshirt, Abdullah began to visualize the carpet wriggling free. It was old and pliable. It was probably very well trained. It could certainly slither out from behind the twine. Even if it did not, he knew the idea would keep him awake all night.

In the end, he carefully cut the twine away and spread the carpet on top of the pile of his most valuable rugs, which he always used as a bed. Then he put on his nightcap—which was necessary, because the cold winds blew off the desert and filled the booth with drafts—spread his blanket over him, blew out his lamp, and slept.

Chapter Two


He woke to find himself lying on a bank, with the carpet still underneath him, in a garden more beautiful than any he had imagined.

Abdullah was convinced that this was a dream. Here was the garden he had been trying to imagine when the stranger so rudely interrupted him. Here the moon was nearly full and riding high above, casting light as white as paint on a hundred small fragrant flowers in the grass around him. Round yellow lamps hung in the trees, dispelling the dense black shadows from the moon. Abdullah thought this was a very pleasing idea. By the two lights, white and yellow, he could see an arcade of creepers supported on elegant pillars, beyond the lawn where he lay, and from somewhere behind that, hidden water was quietly trickling.

It was so cool and so heavenlike that Abdullah got up and went in search of the hidden water, wandering down the arcade, where starry blooms brushed his face, all white and hushed in the moonlight, and bell-like flowers breathed out the headiest and gentlest of scents. As one does in dreams, Abdullah fingered a great waxy lily here and detoured deliciously there into a dell of pale roses. He had never before had a dream that was anything like so beautiful.

The water, when he found it beyond some big fernlike bushes dripping dew, was a simple marble fountain in another lawn, lit by strings of lamps in the bushes, which made the rippling water into a marvel of gold and silver crescents. Abdullah wandered toward it raptly.

There was only one thing needed to complete his rapture, and as in all the best dreams, it was there. An extremely lovely girl came across the lawn to meet him, treading softly on the damp grass with bare feet. The gauzy garments floating around her showed her to be slender, but not thin, just like the princess from Abdullah’s daydream. When she was near Abdullah, he saw that her face was not quite a perfect oval as the face of his dream princess should have been, nor were her huge dark eyes at all misty. In fact, they examined his face keenly, with evident interest. Abdullah hastily adjusted his dream, for she was certainly very beautiful. And when she spoke, her voice was all he could have desired, being light and merry as the water in the fountain and the voice of a very definite person, too.

Are you a new kind of servant? she said.

People always did ask strange things in dreams, Abdullah thought. No, masterpiece of my imagination, he said. Know that I am really the long-lost son of a distant prince.

Oh, she said. Then that may make a difference. Does that mean you’re a different kind of woman from me?

Abdullah stared at the girl of his dreams in some perplexity. "I’m not a woman!" he said.

Are you sure? she asked. "You are wearing a dress."

Abdullah looked down and discovered that, in the way of dreams, he was wearing his nightshirt. This is just my strange foreign garb, he said hastily. My true country is far from here. I assure you that I am a man.

Oh, no, she said decidedly. You can’t be a man. You’re quite the wrong shape. Men are twice as thick as you all over, and their stomachs come out in a fat bit that’s called a belly. And they have gray hair all over their faces and nothing but shiny skin on their heads. You’ve got hair on your head like me and almost none on your face. Then, as Abdullah put his hand rather indignantly to the six hairs on his upper lip, she asked, Or have you got bare skin under your hat?

Certainly not, said Abdullah, who was proud of his thick, wavy hair. He put his hand to his head and removed what turned out to be his nightcap. Look, he said.

Ah, she said. Her lovely face was puzzled. You have hair that’s almost as nice as mine. I don’t understand.

I’m not sure I do, either, said Abdullah. Could it be that you have not seen very many men?

Of course not, she said. "Don’t be silly. I’ve only seen my father! But I’ve seen quite a lot of him, so I do know."

But don’t you ever go out at all? Abdullah asked helplessly.

She laughed. Yes, I’m out now. This is my night garden. My father had it made so that I wouldn’t ruin my looks going out in the sun.

I mean, out into the town, to see all the people, Abdullah explained.

Well, no, not yet, she admitted. As if that bothered her a little, she twirled away from him and went to sit on the edge of the fountain. Turning to look up at him, she said, "My

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