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The Die Broke Financial Problem Solver: Six Steps to Overcoming All Your Money Problems
The Die Broke Financial Problem Solver: Six Steps to Overcoming All Your Money Problems
The Die Broke Financial Problem Solver: Six Steps to Overcoming All Your Money Problems
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The Die Broke Financial Problem Solver: Six Steps to Overcoming All Your Money Problems

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If you're loosing sleep over your financial worries, help is here at last.Whether you're fretting over a mortgage that's been denied; a loan that's delayed; a marriage settlement that seems unfair; or a business that's struggling, this extraordinary book will not only help you rest easy, it will show you how to turn adversity into success.

Here you'll learn the Pollan method for turning no into yes: how to determine your problem; how to make sure you're dealing with only one problem at a time; and how to create an environment of trust. With literally hundreds of scenarios to illustrate it's success, this unique and practical method will make you feel like you've got a coach, strategist, and motivator at your beck and call -- and will help you sleep well, knowing you're on the way to getting what you want.

Release dateApr 10, 2012
The Die Broke Financial Problem Solver: Six Steps to Overcoming All Your Money Problems

Stephen M. Pollan

Stephen M Pollan is a New York City-based attorney, financial advisor, and life coach.

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    Book preview

    The Die Broke Financial Problem Solver - Stephen M. Pollan

    Part 1

    The Discipline of

    Problem Solving

    There’s Always a No   1

    Tell him to live by yes and no—

    yes to everything good, no to everything bad.

    William James

    Turn no into yes. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? I bet it reminds you of a pitch made by a former game show host during one of those Saturday morning infomercials. But believe me, this is no empty promise; it’s real. You can turn a loan rejection into an acceptance, and a raise rebuff into an income increase. You can conquer your fear of starting your own business or shifting careers. You can solve every single one of your business or financial problems—and almost all your nonmoney problems too—using a simple checklist. And you can trust me. I’m not a former game show host; I’m a financial and legal consultant who spends his time helping people like you solve all their money problems and turn the nos in their lives into yes.

    I believe a problem is anything that keeps you from being successful or that could keep you from being successful. I’m not looking to evaluate your problems or psyche any more than I judge my clients’ problems or psyches. It doesn’t matter to me whether they are real or imagined, or whether they are caused by you or someone else; they are still problems. I simply look at them as extant or expectant problems, equally worthy of treatment.

    The checklist I’ll be outlining in this book really does work with all business and financial problems. (It also works with most, though not all, personal problems.) That’s because all those problems are fundamentally the same. Don’t get me wrong: every single problem that every individual person has is, in some ways, unique. After all, every person and situation is unique; your career or business is different from everyone else’s; your perceptions are different from everyone else’s. But underlying the unique specifics of your business or financial problem is a sameness: there’s always a no.

    I believe every business and financial problem has, at its core, some form of no. It could be an outright rejection: We won’t loan you the money. It could be a stall: I’d love to give you the raise but the company just doesn’t have the money. It could be a rationalization: You’re more valuable to the company where you are right now. It could be a set of outrageous conditions tacked on to a maybe: I’d be happy to loan you the start-up funds if you give me thirty percent interest and pay it back in two months. It could even be a self—generated roadblock: I’m afraid to give up my job and start my own business. In effect, no is any roadblock or obstacle blocking you from getting what you want. Turning no into yes is the process of overcoming or hurdling life’s roadblocks and obstacles.

    Whatever kind of no you’re facing, the very fact that it’s there also means there’s a possible yes: You’ve qualified for the loan; We’re giving you a ten percent raise; We’re promoting you to district manager; I’ll loan you the seed capital for three years at two points above prime; or "I can succeed in business on my own!" In other words, I believe there’s a solution (a yes) to every business or financial problem (the no). There’s a way to overcome every one of life’s hurdles.


    Sometimes, the no inside a problem is conspicuous, as in the case of Mitchell and Beth Lewis.* They saw me as their last hope. Mitchell, thirty-two, had spent ten years managing a liquor store owned by his family. After the store had been sold, he stayed on at the suburban New York store, managing it for the new owners. Beth was a stay—at—home mom, who took care of their two children, Marcia, age six, and Nick, age three. Mitchell and Beth had been looking to buy a home for more than six months. They had finally found the house of their dreams, a Cape Cod that was close to Mitchell’s store as well as being in one of the area’s finer school districts. They and the sellers had agreed on a price and had signed a contract. But their hopes were dashed when they were rejected for a mortgage … twice. In desperation they came to me because they’d heard I could help people turn a no into a yes. Within two weeks we were able to do just that. We uncovered that Mitchell and Beth were rejected because they didn’t show sufficient income on their tax returns for the size mortgage they were seeking. We, however, knew they could afford it. Mitchell and Beth turned a no—mortgage rejection—into a yes—mortgage acceptance—by explaining to the banker that they received a regular annual gift from Mitchell’s mother of $10,000. Including that as income in their application allowed them to fit the bank’s lending ratios.

    The no was painfully obvious for Kenny Donovan, since it came directly from the mouth of his boss. Kenny, a forty-two-year-old managing editor of a well-known entertainment magazine, hadn’t gotten a raise in three years. Like clockwork, every April he would go in to ask his boss, the magazine’s publisher, for an increase. And also like clockwork, he’d come out of the office with a rejection. He came to see me on the advice of his brother-in-law, a client of mine who worked as an editor for a different magazine in the same company; him I’d helped land a raise. After doing some digging we discovered Kenny’s publisher simply didn’t value the kind of administrative work Kenny was doing, since he didn’t see it as contributing to the bottom line. We developed a memo outlining how Kenny’s efforts had, in fact, saved tens of thousands of dollars in the past two years. The memo also proposed new administrative efforts that could cut a significant amount of time from the production process, giving the magazine the chance to sell more ads and make even more money. By reframing his raise request in a manner his boss could readily understand, and refocusing it so it pushed his boss’s hot button, Kenny was able to turn a no—raise refusal—into a yes—ten percent salary increase.

    Sometimes, however, the no isn’t as apparent as it was with the Lewis family’s mortgage rejection or with Kenny Donovan’s failed raise request. Perhaps the no is hidden because it comes from inside another party. That’s what happened when Grant Turcotte approached his uncle for a business loan.

    Grant, twenty-eight, started an Internet consulting firm right after graduating from Cornell University’s School of Engineering. Actually, he started it while still a student, by convincing his academic advisor to count his initial business efforts as an independent study project. Impressed with Grant’s ideas, skill, and immediate success, two entrepreneurial engineering professors provided him with some start-up capital. That enabled Grant to seamlessly move his business from his college dorm room to an office off campus. But after two years in upstate New York, Grant realized he needed to move his operations down to New York City’s Silicon Alley. To do that, he’d need more money. The first person he turned to was his late father’s brother Max, a retired IBMer who had always encouraged Grant’s technology and business interests. Max Turcotte had more than enough money and knowledge to make the loan: since retirement he’d made a bundle on Internet stocks. Grant knew his business plan was sound, since it had already garnered him funds from other savvy individuals. Yet his normally empathetic Uncle Max turned to stone when approached for the money. That’s when Grant came to me.

    Rather than immediately trying to find other investors, Grant and I first worked on turning Uncle Max’s no into a yes. Grant started asking other relatives about the situation. He learned that back in the early 1970s, Max had loaned money to bail another nephew, Cousin Edward, out of some personal trouble. Edward never paid back the loan and subsequently fell deeper into trouble. Since then, Max had sworn off lending money to relatives. Once we learned where Max’s no really came from, we could work on turning it around. Grant and I developed a script for him to use with Max, to ask for a reconsideration based on new facts, and for permission to speak with his accountant. When an objective person, whose judgment wasn’t clouded by family history, and who was also trusted by Max, supported the idea, Grant was able to turn the hidden no into a very clear yes.

    Even harder to see right away are the nos hidden within ourselves. Jeanine Taylor came to me, saying her business was a failure, and looking for help in starting a new one. She described her wedding planning business to me. Jeanine was working three days a week, yet was making $75,000 a year … in profit. Her client base had expanded every year for the past five, and she projected further expansion for the next five. Her overhead was minuscule. She was up-to-date in collecting her receivables. Why, I asked, did she think the business was a failure? It wasn’t exciting, Jeanine explained. After a few minutes of discussion it became clear that the no in this problem was inside Jeanine, not in her business. She simply wasn’t getting the emotional gratification she wanted from her business. Jeanine loved the handful of media appearances she had made in conjunction with her wedding planning … in fact, she loved them more than the wedding planning. Together, Jeanine and I were able to turn her internal no into a yes by adding new services to her existing business. Today she’s offering counseling on personal appearance and fitness for brides and their mothers. She’s also now appearing regularly on a local news magazine, doing on-air makeovers for audience members.


    All this talk of yes and no is more than semantics. When you view all business and financial problems, whether they’re obvious rejections or not, as nos, you set the stage for your being able to solve them.

    Rather than focusing on all business obstacles this way, most people reflexively focus on their own situation’s uniqueness and complexity. While I’m not a psychotherapist, I think that’s probably so we can proclaim our specialness, our individuality. Sure, we think, other people have been turned down for a raise. But my situation is different. No one else’s rejection was ever so unjust or complicated as mine. Focusing on each of our business and financial problems as a singular, unique, discrete event may, in the short term, help assuage our egos. But, in the long term, it hurts us.

    If you view problems as being unique, discrete, complex events, then solutions must be unique as well. That means we need to learn a whole new set of skills and acquire an entirely new fount of information to solve each and every problem. In effect, we need to start from square one with every single obstacle we face.

    On the other hand, if you view obstacles as all being the same, as all being based around a no, you can apply the same approach to each and every one of them. If there is a sameness to problems, then there also has to be sameness to solutions. Remember, if there’s a no, visible or lurking, behind every problem, there also must be a yes, apparent or yet to be discerned. Rather than starting from square one with each problem, we can learn from our past experiences, we can build on our victories. In this way, problem solving itself becomes a separate skill, or a discipline: the ability to turn no into yes.

    In fact, I think problem solving, or turning no into yes, is the single most important discipline for any businessperson to master. Forget about becoming a financial expert, a marketing virtuoso, or a management guru. Become an expert problem solver instead and you’ll instantly be master of all the other disciplines. You will be able to overcome all your business and financial obstacles. That will smooth your path to success. And nothing will do more to boost your confidence than repeated successes.

    How can I be so sure of all this? Because it’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the past twenty years.


    Years ago, when I launched my personal consulting business, I had a hard time explaining exactly what it is I do. My kids used to come to me and ask what I did for a living. I resorted to my standard response to questions I didn’t feel comfortable answering: Ask your mother. Today, after more than two decades in private practice, I have a better answer. Now, when my grandchildren ask me what I do, I tell them, I help people solve their problems.

    Prior to launching my private practice twenty years ago, self-definitions came easy. When I was in my twenties and thirties I was a lawyer, practicing out of an office in Hicksville, a suburb of New York City. Next I became a venture capitalist, presiding over an American Stock Exchange—listed investment company called Royal Business Funds. After that I became a banker, working as the senior real estate consultant for National Westminster Bank. Then, I became a cancer patient.

    Actually it turned out I didn’t really have cancer, thank God. After receiving what I thought was a death sentence of advanced lung cancer, doctors eventually discovered I had tuberculosis instead. However, the miracle of my resurrection did not have a financial component. Luckily I had (and have) an incredible wife, four wonderful children, and a handful of good friends. My wife went back into the workforce to help supplement the disability insurance payments I was receiving. As my benefits and savings began to run out and our bills started to pile up, I started trying to figure out what I could do to make some money.

    One of my closest friends, Gregor Roy, a college lecturer and struggling actor, was always stopping by to visit, trying to help boost my spirits. His good humor, thick Scottish burr, and joie de vivre always brought me out of the doldrums. But then one day, it was Gregor whose spirits were sagging. The telephone company had sent him a form letter threatening to cut off his service unless he paid an outstanding balance of $268. Gregor lived hand to mouth. Thanks to New York’s rent control laws, he was able to get by on the small stipend he received for teaching a few classes and the occasional check he got for a part in a television commercial or an off-Broadway play. He simply didn’t have the money to pay off the bill … and at that point, neither did I. But instead of us both wallowing in misery, a providential role reversal took place. It was my turn to raise Gregor’s spirits.

    I snatched the dunning letter from Gregor’s hand, picked up the telephone, and called the collections department. Pretending to be Gregor,* I explained why the bill was so high and in arrears. (Gregor had been forced to make numerous international calls and then unexpectedly fly home to Glasgow for a family emergency.) I pointed out that it was a unique situation and that it was the first time the bill hadn’t been paid on time. I stressed that I (Gregor) was determined to pay the obligation, but could only pay fifty dollars a month. I said that I (Gregor) desperately needed telephone service for business purposes. Finally, I asked the collections agent for her help. She agreed to the fifty-dollars-a-month payment plan.

    When I hung up the telephone and told Gregor, he was amazed. He couldn’t believe I was able to solve his problem so easily. I told him creditors want to be paid back; they don’t want to write off the whole debt. I said people in debt actually have lots more leverage than they realize, and that often it was sufficient to demonstrate the willingness and ability to pay something, even if it wasn’t the full amount. Gregor’s normal enthusiasm returned. Most people don’t know about this, he blurted out. I realized right then that there was a market for my problem-solving advice.

    With Gregor’s help I developed an adult ed course (for an organization called The Learning Annex) on curing credit problems as a way to test the market. My wife had just begun working at New York magazine, and I suggested to her that I could write a short article that could help promote the course and my own services. A wonderful editor there, Debbie Harkins, helped me polish my article on getting a loan from a balky banker. My self-promoting efforts worked. Some of the people who took my course asked afterward if I could help them with their personal credit problems. A handful of readers of the magazine article contacted me at home and asked for help in preparing their own loan proposals. I was in the problem-solving business.


    At first, my practice focused on credit problems, since that was what I was teaching and writing about. However, I knew that I couldn’t be a credit specialist and still pay my own mortgage. Credit was not only too small a market, but it also had inherent problems. With all due respect and compassion, let’s face it: people with credit problems are not ideal clients or customers.

    Much of my business when I was a young lawyer on Long Island, and then again when I was with National Westminster Bank, dealt with real estate transactions and investing. It seemed natural then that I add real estate problems to my practice. It was a serendipitous decision. It was the early 1980s and the real estate market in the metropolitan New York area was starting to boom, literally. Baby boomers, those seventy-six million kids for whom America built suburbs, swimming pools, and state universities, were coming of age.

    I started soliciting real estate business at the same moment the leading edge of baby boomers were shopping for their first homes. Prices began soaring, since demand was far outstripping supply. Boomers who had been raised to expect that they would do as well as, or better than, their parents, were having a hard time affording the homes of their dreams. Knowing the lending business from the inside, and holding some unconventional views on home affordability and financing,* my approach meshed well with the needs of these young people. And as the father of four baby boomers I also had a rapport with them and a respect for them that many other financial and legal advisors lacked. I was able to help my new clients solve their real estate and credit problems, and in the process, empower them.

    In retrospect, it was this sense of empowerment I was giving them—the knowledge that they could turn no into yes—not the specific real estate advice, that was most valuable. That is what kept bringing these baby boomers back to my office for help with other matters. Some wanted advice on starting a business. Others asked for guidance on establishing a financial plan. A few wanted tips on asking for raises or hiring contractors to renovate their new homes. Today my practice involves all these matters and a few more. In the past few years I’ve been helping negotiate employment contracts and severance packages, setting up personal estates, mediating divorces, restructuring businesses, and reviewing business plans.

    Sure, the clients who come to my office are unique in all the ways that New Yorkers are different from other Americans. They may spend more time selecting coffee beans than cars, more time dining out than grocery shopping, and more time at the gym than at home. However, in all the important ways they’re just like all other successful baby boomers, like you. They own more and better stuff than their parents did at their age, even though they’re earning less in real terms. They work in decision-making, policy-setting positions in large companies, or are running their own small companies. They read the Wall Street Journal and watch CNN. They have accountants and baby-sitters, mortgages and 401(k)s. They carry cell phones, laptops, and Teletubbies.

    Rather than being based on one type of problem faced by all sorts of people, my practice has been based on all sorts of problems faced by one type of person: the middle-to upper-middle-class baby boomer. The matters I deal with, the problems I help solve, are all those that are impacting the lives of this particular demographic group.

    Looking at my practice objectively, I think I’ve been able to successfully address so many different problems for a couple of reasons.

    First, I had a very eclectic career prior to going into private practice. My background as an attorney, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and banker probably exposed me to many more different businesses and situations than most people face in their work lives. Having such a diverse background made it easy for me to see the similarities among different industries and businesses.

    And second, my cancer scare enabled me to put problems in a different perspective. When you’re given a death sentence, other problems don’t look so bad. Death is a real problem; everything else is just an obstacle. I thank God every day that my death sentence was commuted. Most people who survive a death scare develop a new perspective on what really matters. Some retain it. Others lose it as the brush with mortality recedes into the background and they go on with their lives. I’ve been able to maintain my perspective on problems, not because I’m such a deep thinker, but because I spend all my working hours dealing with them.

    I’ve been able to help my clients with all their varied difficulties because, thanks to my background and experiences, I’ve learned to focus on the sameness rather than on the uniqueness of their problems. I’ve learned to find the no in every situation, and use it to guide me to the yes. That knowledge has helped me come up with an approach that can solve all your business and financial problems.

    *The names and some details of the stories of my clients have been changed in order to protect their privacy.

    *Since Gregor passed away a few years ago, Ma Bell has been broken up into Baby Bells, and the statute of limitations has run out, I’ve decided to finally confess our subterfuge.

    *At the time, I advocated basing affordability on how much you could spend monthly, and borrowing the needed down payment funds from parents and grandparents.

    A Problem-Solving Approach   2

    When you don’t have any money, the problem is food. When you have money, it’s sex. When you have both it’s health, you worry about getting a rupture or something. If everything is simply jake then you’re frightened of death.

    J. P. Donleavy, The Ginger Man

    Over the past twenty years, in the laboratory of my practice, I’ve distilled my approach to problem solving into a checklist of six items:

    Determine what is really your problem;

    Make sure you’re dealing with one problem at a time;

    Focus on facts, not feelings;

    Become an expert;

    Create an environment of trust; and, if you need to,

    Turn no into yes.

    Not every problem you face will require acting on every element in the checklist. Some, however, will. For instance, you may only need to use some of the first five items for expected problems, or perhaps just the sixth item for an extant problem. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to determine which actions are necessary until you’re actively involved in the process. That’s why I suggest you literally view the items as a checklist, rather than as gospel. If you find one of the items unnecessary, simply check it off and move on to the next. I’ll offer firsthand examples of using this checklist technique in the subsequent parts of the book.

    1. What’s your problem?

    The first action on the checklist is to determine your real problem; in effect, to find the no. At first it may seem obvious. But often, the most easily perceived problem is either a symptom or a result of a different problem. Being unable to find a house you can afford might actually mean you’re not earning enough money or that you’re not ready for home ownership. Being turned down for a raise might indicate you’re on the wrong career path.

    Rabbi Jake Schorr came to my office at the urging of my youngest daughter, who had been a high school friend of his. Even though Jake’s family wasn’t

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