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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Revisit the remarkable debut novel that launched the career of New York Times bestselling author James Rollins.

The Earth’s last mystery is about to be revealed…The world beneath the world is waiting.

Beneath the ice at the bottom of the Earth is a magnificent subterranean labyrinth, a place of breathtaking wonders—and terrors beyond imagining. A team of specialists led by archaeologist Ashley Carter has been hand-picked to explore this secret place and to uncover the riches it holds. But they are not the first to venture here—and those they follow did not return. There are mysteries here older than time and revelations that could change the world. But there are also things that should not be disturbed—and a devastating truth that could doom Ashley and the expedition: they are not alone.

Release dateMar 17, 2009

James Rollins

James Rollins is the author of international thrillers that have been translated into more than forty languages. His Sigma series has been lauded as one of the “top crowd pleasers” (New York Times) and one of the “hottest summer reads” (People magazine). In each novel, acclaimed for its originality, Rollins unveils unseen worlds, scientific breakthroughs, and historical secrets—and he does it all at breakneck speed and with stunning insight. He lives in the Sierra Nevada.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    You don’t read James Rollins, expecting a completely realistic story, it’s going to inevitably be far-fetched. Unbelievable, not only describes the tale, it also relates to how well his stories are written. I see the name James Rollins on a book cover, and know I will absolutely enjoy the read.Intelligent civilizations living under Antarctica? This tale might just make you wonder! As with all James Rollins tomes, the characters are interesting and well developed. “Subterranean “ is a nice escape from reality, and a mesmerizing experience.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    4.5 Stars. I enjoyed this book, especially the second half where I didn't want to put it down. A very good effort seeing as it was the first book he had published.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A page turner.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Started off exciting, but took a turn for the worse. Struggled to finish the book. Had all the makings for a blockbuster action-packed thriller, but turned out to be hokey. The erect alligators, telepathic communication, naked half breed cave dwelling marsupials with Indonesian names, stereotypical characters, and contrived plot simply ruined the story. Rollins could have done so much better than this. But, as with all Rollins books it is always hit or miss. And, this one was definitely a miss.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First off - I absolutely love adventure novels. And as such I am willing to set aside practical physics and reality much of the time in order to sit back and enjoy the ride.Great writing. Probably not. But Rollins writes fast paced and full of action novels. There is always something happening or someone running from someone chasing them.I read him, and a handful of others, for the pure entertainment
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First off I want to say how sorry I am for not including James Rollins in my books that I have read up until now. Wow....never knew what I was missing!!!!Subterranean was an extremely fast paced, high action, thriller. It had elements of exploring, treasure hunting, and little Jurassic Park flare all mixed into one exciting read. Rollins even through in a little comic relief subtly.One thing that stood out to me, and made this one of my favourites reads of all time, is Rollins sticks to the story, and doesn't bog it down with unnecessary information. Sure there are some cliches in terms of character traits, but overall, nothing to really make your eyes roll.A good summary of this would classify it as a mix of Indiana Jones meets Jurassic Park with an almost Ancient Aliens twist?I certainly will go out of my way to add more Rollins books to my bookshelf.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Fantastical thriller about a team of scientists exploring caves found under a volcano on Antarctica. Found in the caves are previously undiscovered species of animals, plants, rocks and humans and all of these are pitted against the scientists. It's a fun book that I really enjoyed reading, but one has to suspend any sort of hold on reality and just roll with the story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    My first foray into James Rollins' writing, and I found it entertaining enough to give him another go in the future. If you are looking for a thrilling adventure, this is not quite it, but it's not badly written or laughable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fun story set in the caves in Antarctica, which draws on the Author's on hobbies - it was fun but not this best work (in my opinion of course :-)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really love James Rollin's books. I love how he takes a historical tidbit of information and connects it to a slice of science, mixes it all together with a lot of adventure and a dash of romance and voilà!; I'm ready for an enjoyable read~I also love how he points out the facts and the fiction at the end of his stories; more than once I have gotten lost on the internet satisfying my curiosity regarding the history/science he calls to attention there.I think he does a great job with his protagonists, I find most to be really interesting and fleshed out. Sigma Force is a recurring theme in many of his stories and it adds another layer of interest for me, taking the adventure to the next level.Rollin's novels are every bit as enjoyable to me as a big screen summer blockbuster; think I'll go get some popcorn~
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The first Rollins book I ever read, which hooked me onto everything else he would write later on.... Was sad that I couldn't use it with students, but early on in the first chapter, there was a reference to how dark something was, and it was just too inappropriate for students for me to use the book in a middle school library. Too bad cause the rest of the book was great!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    James Rollins debut novel is a fast-paced, imaginative, action/adventure in which a group of experts is sent to a remote caving system in Antarctica to discover what happened to the team who went before them. What they find is a Journey to the Center of the Earth type hidden world with dinosaurs, never before seen creatures, and an underground city. When the team loses their way they must preserve their lights while trying to find a way out and trying to survive this strange and dangerous new world. Okay, so this book is a little fantastical but it is a wonderful reimagining of an old classic and I loved a every page of it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    **Spoiler** Subterranean was the last of James Rollins books that I had not read and I suppose it was a so-so experience. I do love the fast-paced action/adventure that Rollins delivers but I think there was just too much going on in this story. A research team is sent to discover a new environment found underneath the bottom of the world, there they discover the unimaginable…but what they have not been told is that another research team walked through the same passages before them…and disappeared. I do love the blend of scientific details Rollins includes but Subterranean was a little too fantastical to me. It is interesting that the research teams discovered another type of environment underneath Antarctica but another “humanoid” species living devoid of light for eons…too much for me. Also the book ended without the members returning to their own world…which I thought unrealistic and hard to believe. So although this story delivered all the action I wanted the plot just did not do it for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book in the last 50 or so pages just gets too silly to further hold my suspension of disbelief. Journey to the Center of the Earth is the better book for this kind of story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love underground exploration/adventure/thriller novels, and this is one of the best. Constantly exciting and mysterious, Subterranean is an easy, but very fun, read. Rollins very accurately captures the thrill and excitement of exploring a huge cave. Albeit his cave has some extraordinary features that come to bear on the explorers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Boring for the first 100ish pages then BAM, underground aborriginals, explosions, political introgue, gun fights, and dinos. Definitely fulfilled my desire for action! Not the best book I've read, but it was interesting (if you can get past the relatively boring back stories of the characters and situation).
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is almost my last Rollins read, and it goes to show that a writer grows through his work. If this had been my first, I doubt I would have picked up a second. Still, this was fun to read despite the amateur writing and weak plot.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Subterraneanby James RollinsI like books that have some exploration that discovers something amazing but hazardous too. The danger could be real or fantasy, a person or otherworldly, and the discovery itself could change history. This book has these things.I have read a couple of this author's books but it's been ages. I liked them a lot so I saw this at the library and grabbed it.I liked the suspense, creatures, very unique indigenous people, and I especially liked Ben's blood related talent. (You will understand when you read it or if you're part Australian aboriginal people in origin.)I liked the characters, the world building, and plot. Great ending too! Don't recommend if you're claustrophobic.

Book preview

Subterranean - James Rollins


Mount Erebus, Antarctica

Blue ice encased the continent from horizon to horizon, scoured to a gritty shine by gale-force winds ripping shards across the frozen landscape. Nothing lived on the surface, except for grimy patches of yellow lichen, far older than any of the men stationed at McMurdo Base.

Two miles below Mount Erebus, through glacier, permafrost, and granite, Private Peter Wombley wiped sweat from his eyes. He dreamed of the fridge in his bunkroom stocked with a case of Coors. This place is insane. Damned blizzard up top and hotter than a hooker’s snatch down here.

If you quit thinkin’ about it, it wouldn’t be so bad, Lieutenant Brian Flattery replied. He loosened his hand lantern from the transport motorcycle. Let’s go. We’ve got three more relays to calibrate before the end of this shift.

Peter grabbed his lantern and clicked it on, spearing the cavern with a blade of light, and followed.

Hey, watch your step there, Brian said, pointing his light at a crevice in the cavern floor.

Slipping past the black slit, Peter eyed it suspiciously. Since he’d arrived three months ago, he had learned a healthy respect for these honeycombed caverns. He leaned over the edge and pointed his light down the crevice. It seemed to go straight to the bottom of the world. He shivered, wondering if hell had a doorway. Wait up!

I’m going to proceed to the relay, Brian said, pulling a transport sled into position at the lip of the tunnel. You’ve got a five-minute break until I return.

Peter secretly sighed in relief. He hated those wormholes, as the troop had nicknamed the smooth undulating passages, with diameters so small that a man could barely crawl through them. Only the motorized sleds made transport from cavern to cavern possible through the wormholes.

Like a boy on a toboggan, Brian sprawled belly down on the sled, head pointing toward the mouth of the tunnel. He engaged the throttle, the engine’s roar echoing off the walls, doubling and tripling decibel levels. With a final thumbs-up, Brian shoved the throttle forward. The sled shot into the narrow tunnel.

Peter crouched down to watch Brian’s departure. The lights faded as the sled roared around a distant curve. After a few moments more, even the sound of the sled whined down to nothing. Peter was alone in the cavern.

Using his lantern, he checked the time. Brian should be back in five minutes. He smiled. Maybe even twenty minutes if he needed to disassemble the communications relay and replace some parts. That gave him more than enough time. He slipped a joint from his vest pocket.

Peter set down his lantern and rotated it for wide dispersal to illuminate the area. Then he leaned back against the cavern wall, fished a match from his pocket, and struck a flame. He inhaled sharply on the narrow joint. Ahhh! Leaning his head back, he savored the smoke deep in his chest.

Suddenly, the sound of scraping rock echoed across the cavern.

Shit! Peter choked on the smoke and grabbed his light. He searched the open space, sweeping his lantern back and forth. No one. Just an empty cavern. He listened, straining, but heard nothing more. The shadows kept jumping in the lantern light.

All at once, it seemed a lot colder and a lot darker.

He glanced at his watch. Four minutes had passed. Brian should be heading back by now. He stamped the joint out. It was going to be a long wait.

Brian Flattery closed the panel on the side of the communications station. The unit checked out fine. Only two more relays to check. His support staff could have handled these routine tests, but this was his baby. The minor static was a personal affront to his expertise. Just a little fine tuning and everything would be perfect.

He crossed over to the idling sled and slipped into position. He twisted the throttle into gear and ducked his head a bit as he rode into the tube. Like being swallowed by a serpent, he thought. The smooth walls flew past his head, the headlamp guiding him forward. After a minute, the sled slipped from the tunnel into the cavern where he had left Peter.

Brian cut the engine. He glanced around. The cavern was empty, but a familiar scent lingered. Marijuana. Goddamn it! he exclaimed. Yanking himself from the sled, he raised his voice. Private Wombley! Get your ass back here on the double!

His words echoed off the walls. There was no answer from Peter. Searching the cavern with his lantern, Brian turned up nothing. The two motorcycles they had used to travel here were still in place across the cave. Where was that bastard?

He marched toward the cycles. His left boot slipped in a wet patch; he flailed for a handhold on the wall—and missed. With a squawk, he slammed hard on his backside. His lantern skittered across the cavern floor, finally coming to rest with the light pointed back toward him. Warm moisture seeped through the seat of his khakis. He ground his teeth together and swore.

Back on his feet, Brian wiped the seat of his pants, grimacing. A certain private was going to find a foot planted three feet up his butt. He went to tuck in his shirt when he noticed his dripping palms. He gasped and jumped back as if he could escape from his own hands.

Warm blood coated the palms.

Book One



Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

Damned rattlers.

Ashley Carter knocked trail dirt from her boots before climbing into her rusted Chevy pickup. She threw her dusty cowboy hat on the seat next to her and swiped a handkerchief across her brow. Leaning over the gearshift, she popped the glove compartment and removed the snakebite kit.

With a knuckle, she tapped the radio. Static rasped from the handheld receiver. Humming, she peeled back the wrapper from the syringe and drew the usual amount of venom antiserum. By now she could gauge it by sight. She shook the bottle. Almost empty. It was time to run into Albuquerque for more.

After cleaning her skin with an alcohol swab, she jabbed the needle into her arm and winced as she administered the amber fluid. Loosening her tourniquet a notch, she wiped iodine over the two punctures in her forearm, then applied a bandage.

Cinching her tourniquet a bit tighter, she glanced at the dashboard clock. Ten minutes, and she’d loosen the tourniquet again.

She picked up the radio handpiece and pressed the button on its side. Randy, come in. Over. Static as she released the button.

Randy, please pick up. Over. Her neighbor, Randy, was still on disability from a back injury at the mine. For the past ten weeks, he had earned a few extra bucks under the table by supplying day care for her son Jason.

She started the engine and pulled back onto the parallel ruts that constituted a road. The radio belched a garbled blast of noise, then she heard, . . . up. Ashley, what’s going on? We expected you back an hour ago.

She raised the handpiece. Sorry, Randy. Found a new room in the Anasazi dig. Hidden by a rockfall. Had to check it out before the light went bad. But a diamondback had other ideas. I’ve got to check in with Doc Marshall now. Be back in about an hour. Could you pop the lasagna in the oven? Over. She hooked the receiver back on the radio.

A squelch of static. A bite! Again! This is the fourth time since Christmas. You’re pressing your luck, Ash. This solo venturing is going to get you killed someday. But listen, after you get checked up by Doc Marshall, hurry home. There’s some Marine types here waiting for you.

She furrowed her brow. Now what did she do? She groaned and grabbed the handpiece again. What’s up? Over.

D’know. They’re playing dumb, he said, then added in a lower voice, and they’re damned good at it. Real G.I. Joes. You’d hate ’em.

Just what I need. How’s Jason handling it? Over.

He’s fine. Eating it up. Talking the ear off of some corporal. I think he almost got the jarhead to give him his gun.

She smacked the steering wheel with the flat of her hand. What are those bastards doing bringing guns into my home? Damn, I’ll be there straightaway. Hold the fort! I’m out.

She never carried a gun. Not even into the badlands of New Mexico. Damned if she was going to allow some overgrown boys to bring weapons into her home. She slammed the truck in gear, her wheels clawing at loose rock.

Ashley jumped from the truck, arm tucked in a blue sling, and crossed through her cacti garden, hurrying toward a group of uniformed men huddled under the small green awning over her porch, which offered the only shade for a hundred yards.

As she stomped up the wooden steps, the men in front backed up. Except for one man, who sported bronze clusters on each shoulder and stood his ground.

She strode right up to him. Who the hell do you think you are, barging in here with enough arsenal to blow away a small Vietnamese village? I have a boy in there.

The officer’s mouth flattened to a thin line. He leaned back to remove his sunglasses, revealing a cold blue stare, void of any emotion. Major Michaelson, ma’am. We are escorting Dr. Blakely.

She glared at him. I don’t know any Dr. Blakely.

He knows of you, ma’am. He says you’re one of the best paleoanthropologists in the country. Or so I’ve heard him tell the President.

The president of what?

He stared at her blankly. The President of the United States.

A sandy-haired juggernaut plowing through the uniformed men covered her surprise. Mom! You’re home! You gotta come see. Her son eyed her sling, then grabbed the sleeve of her other arm. C’mon. Even though he stood only a little higher than their belt buckles, he ushered the military men aside.

Glaring, she allowed herself to be dragged through the door. As the screen door clapped shut behind her, she headed toward the family room and noticed a leather briefcase parked on the table. It wasn’t hers.

The scent of garlic from a baking lasagna wafted toward her from the kitchen. Her stomach responded with a growl. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Randy, armed with stained oven mittens, was attempting to extract the bubbling lasagna without spilling it. The sight of such a bear of a man, dressed in an apron, struggling with a pan of lasagna, brought a smile to her lips. He rolled his eyes at her.

As she opened her mouth to say hello, there was a sudden urgent tugging at her arm. C’mon, Mom, see what Dr. Blakely has. It’s bitchin’.

Watch your tongue, mister, she warned. You know we don’t allow that sort of language here. Now show me what this is all about. She waved at Randy as she was tugged toward the family room.

Her son pointed to the briefcase and whispered, It’s in there.

The sound of rushing water from the hall bathroom drew her attention. The door opened and a tall black man, thin as a pole and dressed in a three-piece suit, entered the hallway. He was older, his close-cropped hair graying slightly. He pushed a pair of wire-rim spectacles farther up the bridge of his nose. Spotting Ashley, he broke out in a sudden smile of recognition. He stepped toward her quickly, hand proffered. "Professor Ashley Carter. Your picture in last year’s Archaeology magazine failed to do you justice."

She knew a snow job when she heard one. Caked with trail dirt, arm in a sling, clad in mud-stained jeans, she was no beauty queen. Can the crap, Doc. What are you doing here?

He dropped his hand. His eyes widened a moment, and then he smiled even broader. He had more teeth than a shark. I like your no-nonsense attitude, he said. It’s refreshing. I have a proposal to—

Not interested. She pointed to the door. You and your entourage can hit the trail now. Thanks anyway.

If you’ll only lis—

Don’t make me toss your butt outta here. She snapped her arm toward the screen door.

It pays a hundred grand for two months’ work.

Just get your— Her arm dropped to her side. Clearing her throat, she stared at Dr. Blakely, then raised an eyebrow. "Now I’m listening."

Since her divorce, she had been struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. An assistant professor’s salary barely covered their living expenses, let alone her research projects.

Wait, she started. Wait a minute. Is it legal? It can’t be legal.

I assure you, Dr. Carter, this offer is legit. And that’s only the beginning, Dr. Blakely continued. Exclusive authorship of research garnered. Guaranteed tenure at the university of your choice.

She had dreams like this after too much sausage-and-onion pizza. How can that be possible? There are university statutes . . . rules . . . seniority . . . How?

This is a project advocated by the highest people. I have been given free rein to hire whomever I want at whatever salary I desire. He sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs, arms spread the length of the sofa. And I want you.

Why? Ashley questioned tentatively, still suspicious.

Leaning forward, he held up a hand, begging patience. He reached for his briefcase and clicked it open. Using both hands, he carefully lifted a crystal statuette from its interior. He turned it upright toward her.

It was a human figure—judging from the pendulous breasts and gravid belly, a female figure. The fading light caught the crystalline structure and reflected radiant bursts.

He nodded for her to take it. What do you think?

She hesitated, afraid to touch its fragile beauty. Definitely primitive . . . Appears to be a type of fertility icon.

Dr. Blakely nodded his head vigorously. Right, right . . . Here, look closer. He raised the heavy statue, arms shaking with the strain. Please examine it.

She reached to take the statuette.

It’s sculpted out of a single diamond, he said. Flawless.

Now she understood the armed escort. She withdrew her hands from such a priceless object as she pondered the implications. Bitchin’, she whispered.

Across the kitchen table, Ashley Carter watched as Dr. Blakely flipped the cellular phone closed and returned it to his breast pocket. Now, Professor Carter, where were we?

Is anything the matter? Ashley asked, sopping up tomato sauce from her plate with a piece of garlic toast. The two of them sat at her green metal kitchen table.

The doctor shook his head. Not at all. Just confirming the addition of one of your potential teammates. An Australian caving expert. He smiled reassuringly. Now, where were we?

She eyed him warily. Who else will be joining the expedition?

I’m afraid those names are confidential. But I can tell you we’re talking to a leading biologist in Canada and a geologist from Egypt. And a few . . . others.

Ashley could tell this line of questioning was futile. Fine. Back to the diamond statue, then. You never told me where the artifact was discovered.

He pursed his lips. That information is also confidential. Only for those involved with the research. He folded the gingham napkin on his lap.

Doctor, I thought this was going to be a discussion. You’re rather lean on your answers.

Perhaps. But you still haven’t given me a concrete answer yet either. Are you willing to join my research team?

I need more details. And more time to reorganize my work schedule.

We’d take care of such minor concerns.

She thought of Jason, who was eating dinner from a rickety tray in front of the television. "I have my son. I can’t just up and leave. And he’s no minor concern."

You have an ex-husband. A Scott Vandercleve, I believe.

Jason’s not staying with him. Forget it.

Blakely sighed loudly. Then we do have a problem.

This point was going to be a stickler. Jason had been having trouble at school, and this summer Ashley had vowed to spend some time with him. This is not up for debate, she said with as much conviction as she could muster. Jason accompanies me, or I have no choice but to decline.

Blakely studied her silently.

She continued, He’s been on other digs with me. I know he can handle this.

I don’t think that would be prudent. He smiled wanly.

He’s a tough and resourceful kid.

Blakely grimaced. If I agree to this point, then you’ll join the team? He paused, removing his glasses and rubbing at the indentations on the bridge of his nose. He seemed to be thinking aloud. I suppose he could stay in Alpha Base. It’s secure. Replacing his glasses, he reached across the table and held out an open palm. Agreed.

Relieved, she let out her breath and shook his dry hand. So why so much effort to get me on your team?

Your specialty. The anthropology of cliff-dwelling primitives. Your work on the Gila dwellings was brilliant.

Still, why me? There are other paleoanthropologists with similar interests.

Several reasons. One—he began ticking off the points on his fingers—you’ve demonstrated you can manage teams on other digs. Two, your nose for detail is superb. Three, your perseverance in solving mysteries is bone-hard obstinate. Four, you’re in excellent physical shape. Five, you’ve earned my respect. Any other questions?

Satisfied for now, she shook her head, slightly embarrassed. She fought back a blush. Rarely did one hear praise in her field. Uncomfortable, she changed the tack of the conversation.

Now that we’re partners, maybe you can tell me where you discovered this unique artifact. She rose to clear the dishes. Somewhere in Africa, I’d guess.

He smiled. No, in Antarctica, actually.

She glanced over her shoulder, trying to judge if he was testing her. There are no primitive cultures on that continent. It’s a barren glacier.

Blakely shrugged. "Who said on it?"

She rattled a dish in the sink. So where, then? She turned to him, leaned back against the sink, and dried her hands with a damp dish towel.

He just pointed a single finger toward the floor.



Black Rock, Australia

Benjamin Brust watched a brown cockroach skitter across the white lavatory sink. He crossed over to the bars, running a hand across the stubble that had grown over his cheeks since his incarceration. The stink of old urine in the cell was less intense by the door. A khaki-uniformed military guard glanced up from the GQ magazine on his lap. He nodded to the guard, who, without acknowledgment, returned to his reading.

At least Ben’s client, Hans Biederman, was recuperating well. Thank god for that. He sure as hell didn’t need an involuntary manslaughter charge on top of everything else. Mr. Biederman was due to fly back to Germany today, having received no more than a slap on the wrist for their little escapade—while Ben, as the planner of the expedition, had a long stint in a military prison ahead of him.

For the past five years, Ben had specialized in escorting those with the proper ticket price to exotic locales to see rare sights. Trips that required bending, even breaking a few rules to accomplish. He specialized in underground adventures: abandoned diamond mines in South Africa, monastic ruins buried under the Himalayas, undersea tunnels off the Caribbean coast—and now, here in Australia, a set of stunning caverns restricted by the military from human sight.

The caverns were on a remote section of the Black Rock military installation. These exquisite caves had been discovered and mapped by Ben himself four years ago when he had once been stationed here.

It had all been going perfectly until Herr Biederman, his pudgy German client, slipped and broke his leg. Ben should have just left him to rot for ignoring his warning, but instead Ben had tried to haul the bastard’s sorry butt out of the caverns. Herr Biederman’s bellows of pain drew the military police, and Ben got caught for his efforts.

He turned from the bars and dropped onto the moth-eaten cot, then leaned back, studying the stains on the ceiling. He heard hard-heeled boots tapping down the hall and something mumbled to the guard.

The heavy magazine slapped on the floor. In there, sir. Fourth one down. He heard the fear in the guard’s answer.

The tapping heels approached, then stopped. He pushed up onto his elbows to see who stood in front of the cell. He recognized the face of his old commander. Bald head, beak of a nose, gray eyes that drilled. Colonel Matson?

Somehow I knew you would end up here. Always a troublemaker. But the smile playing at the corner of his lips softened the gruffness. How have they been treating you?

Like it’s the Hilton, sir. Room service is a bit slow, though.

Isn’t it always. The colonel gestured to the guard to open the cell. Follow me, Sergeant Brust.

It’s Mr. Brust now, sir.

Whatever, he said with a frown, turning away. We’ve got to talk.

The guard interrupted. Should I handcuff him, sir?

Ben gave Colonel Matson his most innocent look.

Yeah, Matson said. You’d better. There’s no trusting civilians.

All right, Ben said, standing at mock attention. "You win. Sergeant Brust, reporting for duty."

Nodding, Colonel Matson waved the guard away. C’mon, then, Sergeant. We’re going to my office.

Ben followed him out of the prison, and after a short drive, they arrived at the Administration Building. The colonel’s office had not changed. Same walnut desk with stained coffee mug circles; walls festooned with banners from the Old Guard; trophies lining the side wall. During the ride over, Ben could tell from the hesitancy in an otherwise ebullient man that something of importance was being withheld.

The colonel ushered Ben to sit, then Matson leaned on the edge of his desk and studied him. The colonel’s face was stone. Ben tried not to squirm under his gaze. Finally his old commander spoke, his voice tired, What the hell happened to you? The best of the best, and you just disappear.

I had a better offer.

What? Guiding yuppies with midlife crises on little thrill tours?

I prefer to call them ‘Adventure Vacations.’ Besides, I earn enough to help keep my dad’s sheep station afloat.

And earned yourself a bit of a reputation. Quite the cave hound. I read about that cavern rescue in the States. Big hero, huh?

Ben shrugged.

But that’s not why you left here. It was Jack, wasn’t it?

Ben’s face went cold at the mention of his friend’s name. I believed in the Guard. And honor. I believed in you.

Colonel Matson grimaced. Sometimes political pressure bends rules. Distorts honor.

Bullshit! Ben shook his head. The prime minister’s son deserved every inch of the pummeling he got from Jack after the shit he tried with his girl.

A prime minister has powerful friends. It couldn’t go unpunished.

Bloody hell! Ben slammed his fist on the arm of his chair. I’da done the same. His court-martial was a travesty. Ben stopped, swallowed hard, then continued in a quieter voice. Jack was stripped of everything that made him a man. And you wonder why I left?

Matson sighed, seemingly satisfied. Then the balance of fate has shifted your way this time. Now the political pressures are aligned to help you.

Ben’s brow furrowed. What do you mean?

I should pretend I never received this letter. As much trouble as you caused, you sure as hell deserve a couple years behind bars.

What letter?

A command from the Home Office. You’re to be set free.

What joke was this? They were just going to let him walk? Ben watched a worried look pass over Matson’s face. What’s up, Colonel?

There’s a catch.

Of course, Ben thought. There always was.

You must join an international expedition. A professor somewhere in the Americas has requested your expertise in cave exploration. Some hush-hush operation. No other details. They’ll waive all charges and pay you for your services. He slid a sheet of paper toward Ben. Here.

Ben quickly read the letter, and his eyes caught on the figure at the bottom of the page. He stared at all those zeros, daring them to change. This couldn’t be right. After this, he could own his sheep station free and clear. No more shady tour operations.

Almost too good to be true? Matson leaned forward, his hands on Ben’s shoulders. But impossible to pass up.

He nodded, dazed.

Something tells me you had better watch your ass, Ben. Matson strode to the chair behind his desk and sat. The big boys are playing with you, and they have a tendency to roll over the little people. Remember your friend Jack.

Ben stared at the number at the bottom of the page, drawing a breath. Too good to be true.

Back in his cell, with an arm draped over his eyes, Ben drifted to sleep and was soon lost in a nightmare he hadn’t had since childhood. He found himself, a boy again, threading his way through meter-wide columns of damp stone inside a huge cave. He knew this place. His grandfather had once brought him here to show him Aboriginal petroglyphs.

It was the same cave, but now the rock columns sprouted fruit-laden branches. Curious, he reached for a red pulpy gourd, but it was just beyond his reach. As he was pulling back his arm, he felt eyes drilling into the nape of his neck. He whipped around, but no one was there. Yet now those eyes were all around him. Just at the edge of his vision, he spotted motion from behind a large rock cylinder.

Who’s there? he called, racing to peer behind the column. Just more empty space. What do you want?

The word ghosts came unbidden to his mind.

He started to run . . .

He felt something following him, calling him back. He ignored it and ran, searching for an exit. The pillars closed around him, slowing his progress. Then he sensed a soft touch at the back of his neck and heard garbled words whispered in his ear.

You are one of us.

He screamed, bolting out of the dream.

He woke on his cot, his heart still racing, and rubbed at his temples. Bloody hell. What brought back that old nightmare? He closed his eyes, recalling that the nightmares had first started after an argument with his grandfather in an Aboriginal cave outside of Darwin.

No, it’s not true, the thirteen-year-old Ben had yelled, tears welling at the revelation.

Yes, it is, young man. And I don’t take to being called a liar. His grandfather’s wrinkled leather face frowned at him. This was once the ancestral home of my grandmother, he repeated, then poked him in the chest. A direct relative of yours.

The implications that he could have Aboriginal blood running through his veins had horrified him. He and his friends had always made fun of the dark-skinned Aboriginal kids at school. And now, in a single heartbeat, he had been lumped in with them. He shook his head. I am not a damned darkie!

A stinging slap to his cheek. You’ll respect your ancestors.

Even now, he cringed at the memory. As a youngster, this heritage had shamed him. Aborigines, at the time, were considered second-class citizens, only slightly above animals. Luckily, diluted by generations of European blood, his blighted heritage was an easily kept secret. Except from himself. It was then the nightmares had started.

For countless nights, he’d awaken with his sheets clinging to his sweating body, tears coursing down his cheeks. Clenching handfuls of sheets, he would pray no one would learn his secret.

Over time, he had matured, even come to respect and appreciate his unique heritage, and the dreams had eventually faded away, like old toys put in cardboard boxes. Forgotten and no longer needed.

He shook his head. So why now? Why dredge up this old childhood terror?

Must be this bloody cell, he concluded, and burrowed deeper under his ratty blanket. Well, thanks to that timely letter, he would soon be rid of this damn place.

Thirty days later, his mysterious benefactor telegraphed Black Rock, and in twenty hours Ben found himself upgraded from his cramped cell in Australia to a suite of rooms at the Sheraton Buenos Aires in Argentina.

Ben tested the bathwater with his foot. He cringed at the heat, then smiled. Ahhh, perfect. After a month in the Black Rock prison, a month of tepid showers that barely penetrated the layer of grime caked into his pores, a full hot bath was just possibly orgasmic. He stepped into the tub and settled himself into the steaming water. He tapped the button for the jets. Tickling sprays massaged him from all sides, creating a gentle whirlpool. Definitely orgasmic.

He sighed, leaning back into the tub and allowing his body to relax and float in the jets.

There was a knock on the door.

Ignoring it, Ben slipped farther into the jets.

The knock came again, more persistently.

Using his elbows, he raised himself higher in the tub. Who is it?

A muffled voice replied, Excuse me, sir, but Dr. Blakely requests your presence in the Pampas room on the main floor. The other guests are arriving now as well.

Ben rubbed his red eyes. Gimme five minutes. He pushed out of the hot tub, the chill air raising gooseflesh on his bare legs. After dressing in an old brown tweed suit, Ben proceeded to the conference suite.

To his relief, the antechamber to the auditorium was set up with a mobile bar. A bartender hustling hooch paraded behind a shelf of bottles. Already a good number of men and women stood gathered in small groups.

He glanced around. No one looked his way. So much for the warm greeting. After searching the room one final time, he decided a whiskey would help his outlook on this party. He stalked over to the bar.

Your pleasure, sir?

Whiskey and a beer back. He leaned his elbow on the black Naugahyde padding that edged the bar and watched the room. It was not his kind of crowd. No loud laughs, no spilled drinks, no angry drunks. Boring. After dumping the whiskey straight into his stomach, he slapped down his shot glass, squeezing the burn, then settled in with his beer.

From behind him, he heard a woman’s voice. Whiskey. Neat, please.

He turned to see who had a similar taste in beverages. Whiskey-drinking women were as scarce as hen’s teeth. He wasn’t disappointed.

She toyed with the drink set before her, long fingers, short nails, polished. No rings. No wedding band—good. She stood as tall as him, surprising for a woman. Her skin was bronzed, a coppery rich hue that spoke of days under the sun. But what most caught the breath in his throat was her black hair, trailing in lazy curls to her waist.

Can I buy you another? he asked, stressing his Aussie accent. That always won a lady’s attention.

She lifted her left eyebrow. They’re free, she said. It’s a hosted bar.

His roguish smile swelled. In that case, how about two?

She just stared at him with green eyes.

He thrust out a hand. Ben Brust. From Sydney.

I could’ve guessed from your accent, she said with a ghost of a smile. But the drawl sounds more like western Australia than the New South Wales territory.

Well, he said, lowering his arm and stumbling for cover, "I actually was raised on my daddy’s sheep station outside Perth. Western Australia. But most people don’t know Sydney from—"

I thought so. Collecting her drink, she began to turn away. The meeting should be starting soon.

Before she left, he begged for at least one bone. And you are?

Ashley Carter. She slipped past him.

Ben watched her walk away. No professor’s stroll, that. He swallowed the dregs of his beer while appreciating her exit.


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ashley crossed to the young Spanish gentleman, who checked her identification. Nodding, he opened the door. The room was lined with some fifty seats, only a quarter occupied. An usher guided her to a reserved seat in the front row, then vanished. Shivering in the light skirt and jacket she wore, she wished they’d turn up the thermostat.

Now that she was seated, her mind began sifting over the events of the past weeks; her old anxieties wormed to the surface. One, especially.


She hated leaving her son alone in the hotel room upstairs. He had seemed so quiet this evening, not his usual boisterous self. Her fingers tightened on her purse.

And this mission. A letter with airplane tickets had arrived in the mail with instructions to be prompt. Everything else has been taken care of, the letter had stated. No other details.

A man sat down in the seat next to her. Well, hi, there.

She glanced over. It was the Australian fellow again. Goddamn it. Couldn’t she get a moment of peace? The empty canyons of her New Mexico home had never seemed so appealing.

Let me try this again . . . He held out a hand. Benjamin Brust.

Not wanting to insult him, she gave his hand one shake. Now go away, she thought.

He smiled at her, white teeth against a ruddy background, his cheekbones hard, sun wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. Full lips. So what do you know about all this? he asked.

Ashley shrugged, trying to discourage conversation, and turned away.

So many secrets, Ben mumbled.

She nodded. Perhaps shortly we’ll have a few answers.

He remained quiet. Still, she sensed his presence at her shoulder. His cologne was musky and rich; his breathing, deep and even.

She shifted. The auditorium was almost full. Now it was getting warm in here. She wished they would fix the thermostat.

Do you trust him? he asked in a whisper.

No, she answered, looking straight ahead. She knew who he was talking about. Not at all.

From a doorway, Blakely watched the auditorium fill. His team was gathered in the five front seats. He signaled his assistant, Roland, across the room.

Roland nodded and raised a microphone to his lips. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. We’re ready to begin.

After a few more moments of bustling and last-minute arrivals, the doors to the auditorium were closed and the lights dimmed slightly. Blakely climbed the dais and stood behind the lighted podium. He dabbed his forehead with a handkerchief. He knew his speech by heart, words carefully crafted.

Blakely tapped the microphone, testing it. His tapping also signaled the murmuring crowd to hush. First, thank you all for joining us. He paused. I know it has been a hardship to leave your regular lives behind so abruptly. But in a few moments, I’m sure you will be convinced that the disruption was well worth it.

He picked up a remote control for the slide projector and pressed a button. A photograph of a snow-capped mountain with a plume of dirty smoke appeared on the screen. Mount Erebus on Ross Island just off the coast of Antarctica. One of three volcanic cones on this continent. At the base of this volcano is the U.S. research station, McMurdo. My home for the past five years.

He clicked the button to zero in on a group of low metal buildings clinging to the surface of a gray glacier. A satellite array sprouted like a bizarre spider from the rooftops. I have been conducting geothermal studies for the past ten years on some hot rifts still active deep under the cone and under the neighboring Ross Sea. NASA assisted with this research. Their third shuttle, six years ago, made radio scans of the earth’s crust, looking for oil fields and other such pockets. I commissioned a scan of Mount Erebus and found some amazing things.

He tapped the button, and a cross-sectional diagram of the crust under the volcanic cone appeared on screen. A murmur arose from the crowd. As you can see, an intricate cavern system was discovered below Erebus, spreading hundreds of miles.

He clicked to the next slide. Closer investigation with sonar and radar revealed a huge cavern separated from the deepest rift by a mere six hundred meters of stone. He guided a pointer to show the network of rifts that led to the massive pocket. We named this cave Alpha Cavern. Almost five miles in diameter, the cavern floor was plumbed at two miles below the surface of the continent. Almost three times deeper than man has ever stepped foot.

The next picture showed a group of smiling men, faces encrusted in dirt and dust, posing in front of a large raw-edged hole. After three years of work, we blasted and mined our way into this chamber. It took another year to wire and set up a camp on this chamber’s floor. A spotlighted set of Quonset huts and tents appeared next

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