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Under the Never Sky
Under the Never Sky
Under the Never Sky
Ebook353 pages5 hours

Under the Never Sky

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Fighting to survive in a ravaged world, a Dweller and a Savage form an unlikely alliance in New York Times bestselling author Veronica Rossi's "unforgettable dystopian masterpiece" (

Exiled from her home, the enclosed city of Reverie, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland—known as The Death Shop—are slim. Then Aria meets an Outsider named Perry. He's wild—a savage—and her only hope of staying alive. A hunter for his tribe in a merciless landscape, Perry views Aria as sheltered and fragile—everything he would expect from a Dweller. But he needs Aria's help too; she alone holds the key to his redemption.

In alternating chapters told in Aria's and Perry's voices, Under the Never Sky subtly and powerfully captures the evolving relationship between these characters and sweeps readers away to a harsh but often beautiful world. Continuing with Through the Ever Night and concluding with Into the Still Blue, the Under the Never Sky trilogy has already been embraced by readers in twenty-six countries and been optioned for film by Warner Bros.

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Release dateJan 3, 2012

Veronica Rossi

Veronica Rossi graduated from UCLA. The first book in her New York Times bestselling Under the Never Sky trilogy was named an ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection and an Indie Next List Pick. The second book, Through the Ever Night, was a New York Times and USA Today bestseller. The series has been optioned for film. Veronica lives in northern California with her husband and two sons.

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Reviews for Under the Never Sky

Rating: 4.2269736842105265 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a mix of love and annoyance. Some readers felt that the romance in the book was too quick, but they still enjoyed the character of Perry. Others were initially uninterested but found themselves engrossed in the story and eager to continue reading. Overall, readers have a positive opinion of this book.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Originally reviewed on A Reader of Fictions.

    When Under the Never Sky first came out, I was really excited, hoping to love it. I nearly ordered a copy for myself a couple of times, but, ultimately, decided against it. I feared this would be another disappointment, with a trap of a cover. For whatever reason, I was pretty sure this was going to be another instalove dystopia, but I'm glad to say that it's definitely not that.

    Under the Never Sky is told in third person from the perspectives of Aria and Peregrine (aka Perry). Aria lives in Reverie, a Pod, safe from the aether outside. Most of her life is spent in the Realms, complex simulations that are thought to be even better than the real world. She has no issues with her life, except for her worries about being separated from her mother, a doctor working on a project in another Pod.

    Having lost contact with her mother due to network issues for longer than usual, Aria decides to investigate. To do so, she befriends Soren, the son of a powerful man in Reverie, hoping to lure the information from him. Little does she know what a creep Steldor and his dad are. This first section made it difficult for me to relate to Aria, not so much because she found herself in a bad and stupid situation, but that she should have seen it coming. She has observed some weird behavior from him before, but did not think better of going somewhere with him. Not wise.

    Peregrine, desperate and searching for a way to save his nephew's life, breaks into Reverie just in time to save Aria. Ultimately, though, this condemns both of them to expulsion from their respective homes, him from his tribe, The Tides, and her from the Pod. Even worse, a bit of tech he took from her brings Reverie's soldiers after him, during which attack they kidnap his nephew.

    Gifted with night-vision and a crazy good sense of smell, Perry finds her, doomed for death in the desert and rescues her despite his loathing for her. Note: there's no instalove. The both hate one another for a good portion of the book. Real trust and affection are slow in coming. In fact, she thinks he's a monster, a savage, and he thinks she's useless, a mole. Circumstances require them to put their feelings aside and work together.

    For the most part, I didn't particularly connect with Perry and Aria. With aria especially, I just didn't really have a sense of her personality. Perhaps this stems from the fact that she wasn't a real person until she emerged from the pod and really got to experience life, but I found her very bland for roughly the first 3/4 of the book. Thankfully, a lot of the side characters grabbed my interest, particularly Roar.

    What really caught my interest in Under the Never Sky were the powers possessed by folks on the Outside. These powers are essentially enhanced senses. Did they evolve? It's curious. I'm also really interested to know what's up with the aether. Is that from people having destroyed the environment? That's what I would guess, but I could be wrong.

    While I was not blown away, I am definitely eager to read the next book, because I would like to learn more about this world and how it came to be this way. I also hope to see Aria really grow into a powerful heroine.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Isn't that cover gorgeous? I'm very grateful that Hachette gave me this copy, and the matching edition of the sequel, Through the Ever Night. I hope the Australian edition of Into the Still Blue matches these :DOnto what's inside the cover! Under the Never Sky is a fascinating mix of post-apocalyptic, science fiction and fantasy. Post-apocalyptic: Some mysterious event has driven a people inside habitats called Pods. Those inside the Pods live sheltered 'perfect' lives inside pseudo reality environments called Realms. They hang out, eat, sleep, and even have relationships inside the Realms, where you get any experience you want, without pesky negatives like fear and pain. Science Fiction: Access to the Realms is given through Smart-Eyes, cool bio-technology based coverings that go over one eye and allow users to access the Realms and be in the real world at the same time. Fantasy: The Outsiders have evolved and gained super-senses - some can hear really well, while others can see or scent better than every one else. These powers seem to have something to do with the mysterious Aether exists in the sky, and the destructive Aether storms that plague everyone.Although the world building is awesome, I would have preferred to find out a little more about how it all came to be. It's unclear what kind of event made people retreat into the Pods, why some people got access to them and others didn't, why the Outsiders don't just break into the Pods and take the resources. The last is especially perplexing because it's well established that the Pods are neither as safe nor secure as those living inside them would like to think. I would also like to know what those Aether storms are.Rossi has crafted intelligent, believable characters in Perry and Aria. I really liked both of them and wouldn't dare to pick a favourite. I love how nice Perry is - I love a YA hero who isn't a jerk to everyone he meets because he has a 'tough exterior'. He has issues with Aria, and understandably dislikes her in the beginning, but he's always helping and taking of her because he's basically an awesome guy! Aria is spunky and determined, and I really like how she grew into herself over the novel. She didn't complain (too much) about how different life is on the Outside, and I understood all of her fears and misgivings.My favourite part is that the pair didn't instantly fall in love and spend the whole book playing cat and mouse. Their feelings grow slowly, naturally, and when they both finally admitted them, they didn't dance around the physical aspect either. Refreshing! I think their relationship is strong, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops in future books.I really enjoyed Under the Never Sky, I think it's a clever book that will be enjoyed by readers who appreciate intelligent, witty characters and a captivating plot line. It's even more impressive considering this is Veronica Rossi's début novel, and I am excited to start the sequel soon.A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for review.You can read more of my reviews at Speculating on SpecFic.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Originally posted at The Wandering Fangirl.As soon as I turned the final page on Under the Never Sky, I had the immediate thought that I've read this before. And, for once, it wasn't a bad thing. When you read enough of a certain genre (in this case, YA dystopian with a romance angle) you start to see the patterns and tropes that emerge. Most books take the tropes and work within them to produce something good.Then there's something like Under the Never Sky. It doesn't quite break new ground, but it does so well with all the dystopian romance tropes I've seen in the past that I didn't mind them one bit. The books that work the same themes to their advantage are just as great and important as the books that break new ground in their genres.And on top of all that, I really freaking enjoyed it.The world building. Oh my god, the world building. In this post-apocalyptic future, humans have been driven into giant pod shelters by something called the aether, which has replaced the blue sky with an ever-changing, ever dangerous, constant electrical storm that could touch down and destroy what it touches at any moment. To keep humans from going insane in the confined spaces, they're able to live and play in virtual realities called Realms. Our heroine Aria is one of these sheltered humans, and it isn't until she's tossed out of the shelter and into the real world that her story truly begins.Aria is the sort of heroine that can make or break this book for a reader. There were times I could see how easy it would be to tire of her, how hard it could be to like her. Eventually I fell hopelessly in like with her, and was glad to follow the enormous emotional journey and maturity she goes through.Then there's Perry, who splits the POV of the novel with Aria, and I absolutely adored him. Peregrine (his full name) is a Savage in Aria's eyes, descended from the humans who ended up living outside the shelters. He's a hunter, a brother, an uncle, and a man determined to do whatever he can to fix what he's wronged. I found his and Aria's growing alliance a slow, lovely read, and I didn't mind one bit when the friendship that grew between them finally blossomed into romance. The slow build up is exactly the sort of thing I love, not the insta-love so many YA novels fall back on these days.In the end, Under the Never Sky was a really enjoyable read. It's like Blood Red Road and Divergent had a not as bad-ass but still kind of awesome kid.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Find this review and more at On The Shelf! The start of this novel was a bit confusing with the new lingo I had to get used to, but eventually I did after the first couple of chapters. The concept of the Realms was very interesting and I found myself wishing I could try them out myself. The world of this novel was not as exciting or as big as I would have hoped, and I would have liked to learn more about what led to people moving into the pods and why some did not. The amount of people also seemed to be a bit small. There is no way the amount of people nowadays could be scattered about the way they were in the book. This is the first of a multi-part story, so hopefully more about it will be uncovered. As for the characters, I really liked Perry and he was my favorite character. He seemed to be a complex individual and I liked his abilities. There were very interesting descriptions used when it came to his abilities and I enjoyed his explanations from his point of view. Aria was very not an overly complex character and was a rather closed minded individual at first. Once she opened up, I liked her eagerness and her loyalty. There were parts of the novel that were predictable, but a couple other parts that I didn’t expect with a twist or two. I look forward to learning more about the world of this novel and see how some of the surprises pan out in the upcoming installments. There were some spots I would have expected to have a bit more of an emotional pull, but it lacked some for me in that aspect. I liked the cover and the colors they used, though I think the aether trails should have been a bit wavier instead of straight since it makes them look like big spotlights towards the sky. Aria is standing in a patch of wild looking vines, which seems appropriate since she gets tossed into a wild world she doesn’t know much about. All in all, I enjoyed it, but I think it could have been a little more, though I will definitely be reading the next book because I have to know what happens. This novel also has a switching perspective between Aria and Perry, but it stays in third person and doesn’t become confusing.Lacks emotion, interesting concepts, good descriptions, wanting more explanation.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was very surprised, didn't expect to end the book loving it. I thought I was really going to dislike this book, the story dragged on for almost halfway through before it just took off and became a very sweet love story. I kept reading because there were a couple of things that kept me going and hoping the story would get more exciting and it did. One of the things that I believed kept me reading was Aria's inquisitiveness and her incessant babbling, Aria was getting on Perry's nerves, it was the most adorable interaction between them in the first half of the book and I could see hope.

    I'm assuming the author didn't want it to be love at first site or have them secretly falling in love with each other immediately, she wanted their love to develop slowly. Guess that slowed the story down a bit, but in the end it really helped to make the love story more real.

    Never Sky was written in third-person narrative style between Aria and Peregrine, which possible slowed the pace of the story and it was narrated in the present of each characters current situation it never goes backwards.

    Scent is one of the things authors tend to use to create imagery of the intense love between characters, stuff like heshe smells like summer, roses, cotton candy etc., so I was stupefied that Perry didn't like Aria's scent when they first met, he actually thought she smelled like decay (I mean really? Decay?)and I wonder how can a relationship even happen between. It turns out living in pods without fresh air causes a decaying smell that only outsiders can smell (yeah).

    I can't begin to explain how good this book is or got. So patience is the virtue you will need when reading this book. At the beginning the secondary characters seemed immature or psychopathic but it turns out there was a reason, which was eventually revealed. There were many surprising secrets and events that made it a fun read.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I don't know why I waited so long to read this... (I know Rivie, give it to me) I really liked Aria's spirit. There was just something about her that I appreciated and connected with. I knew that bad things were going to happen to her, but I knew that I would root for her. Aria is such a courageous character, and I appreciate how loyal she is. Perry is awesome. I was a little thrown at first by the abilities and all the talk about scents, but I quickly settled in and understood more about it. I loved his relationship with Talon as well. It shows so much to me about characters in how they act towards children, and he won my heart there quickly. I loved the slow build and intensity of Aria and Perry's relationship. It made me sigh and my heart beat faster. Their banter and thoughts about each other at first really made me chuckle. But the bond that they formed by working together and learning from each other was awesome. how I think that this illustrates that not all YA love interests are actually drop dead gorgeous, but when you are attracted to someone, you find all of the perfect things about them and they are hot to you. And since I was in Aria's head, that is how I pictured Perry. This is in 3rd person but it didn't take away anything from the story. I still connected with the characters, could feel the power of their emotions (which were beautifully written), and understood their motives. The dual narration took me a bit because at first I wanted to stay in Aria's head, but I really began to appreciate and savor the moments that I got Perry's perspective as well. Roar and Cinder were amazing secondary characters. Roar made me smile and a lot of his lines I laughed out loud and shared with my husband. His teasing nature and openness really shone for me. I also liked what he brought out in Perry--this whole other side of his character. The way they made a team and had each other's backs was superb. The world building was great. I got the information as I needed, and Veronica Rossi has sculpted a dangerous but beautiful world. The set up with the pods, and the aether just blew my mind. I didn't understand the Realms at first, but to really think about the genius she is to come up with the sci-fi elements and how she distinguished living through what equates to virtual reality for the future, and what is on the outside is amazing. The twists really kept me on my toes, and I didn't see most of it coming. And how some of the themes wove together, and circled back really amazed me as well. I read most of this in the car on the way to New Jersey and I begged Allan to find a store to stop at to buy the next one because although the ending wrapped up things pretty well, I just NEEDED more of Aria and Perry. Bottom Line: Action packed story with a breath taking romance.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a pretty great story. I really liked the idea of the realms and the eyepieces. Very cool sci-fi stuff there. I also liked that the outsiders' senses could over-develop and that they were marked because of it. There were also some pretty surprising twists (to me anyway) which is always nice. However, there were some parts where I just found the writing cheesy and inconsistent. I also don't think that the rendering aspect was explained well-enough. The adventure was awesome though, and I can't wait to read a sequel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Under the Never Sky has quickly become one of my favorite books ever. Veronica Rossi has completely awed me with her futuristic dystopian novel; which is filled with non-stop adventure, love, self-discovery and a plot rich with characters that are impossible not to fall in love with! It's intense, funny, sometimes hostile, and also beautiful. This is a book that continued to stick with me long after I finished it.The world that Veronica Rossi has created is so extraordinary and original. It's a world where there are dangerous Aether storms that have destroyed populations, which have ultimately forced people to separate into two categories: Outsiders and Dwellers. Outsiders are those who live unsheltered from the Aether and they are very strong and primal individuals. Survival is their main focus. Whereas the Dwellers thrive in different indoor communities/pods where they have advanced technology and live a pretty comfortable but naive life.The characters all have their own distinct signatures, and I can honestly say that I've never come across characters like Aria and Perry. The story is told through their perspectives and this really enabled me to form a stronger connection to them. Aria and Perry come from completely different environments; Aria is a dweller who was born and raised in a closed off/safe environment; while Perry is an Outsider, A.K.A. Savage, who has lived with his tribe all of his life where they are exposed to the Aether and the many other dangers lurking about.Aria and Perry are surprised to find themselves thrust together by a series of devastating events. These two are both struggling with very different situations but they end up working together and needing eachother more than they thought. The progression of their relationship was so well done, and I absolutely loved how it went through various stages; they go from simply tolerating eachother to forming such a beautiful and unexpected bond/romance. They really seem to make eachother stronger.The secondary characters are definitely worth mentioning as well, and I especially got such a kick out of Perry's childhood friend, Roar. He's just plain funny and awesome, and I definitely wouldn't mind a healthy dose of him in the next book! I also took quite a liking to Cinder, the boy that we come across during Aria and Perry's journey. He is a giant mystery if I ever saw one! Plus there's Marron, who is a pretty helpful and generous guy. There's just something about him that is so likable.There's also paranormal aspects to this novel that I wasn't quite expecting, but I totally dig them all and they fit into the story so well. I'm sure the next book (Through the Ever Night) will expand on them and I can't wait for more to be revealed. Getting wrapped up in the world of Aria and Perry again will be such a treat!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Aria lives in the Pods, where the "real" is gray and everyone's hooked up to Smarteyes that allow them to visit the Realms, a sort of immersive Second Life. Peregrine is an Outsider, one of those whom Aria's people believe to be savage and wild, living in a world that they cannot survive in. When Aria loses contact with her mother, she ventures outside the Pods with friends and finds out that everything she knows about the Outside is wrong.Shifting back and forth between Aria's and Perry's points of view, the reader gets to see each character's preconceptions change as they travel together and learn about each other. Because most of the action takes place on the Outside, we don't really see much of Aria's world except through her memories and the quick glimpses of technology for the portions that take place in the Pods.Young adult dystopias are a dime a dozen right now, and nothing that happened in the story was all that unpredictable for someone who has read many. This is a fast-paced story with two characters I couldn't help but root for, the kind of book I would hand to a teen that's impatient for the next book in the Divergent series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Under the Never Skyby Veronica Rossipublished by HarperCollins I am always on the lookout for unique and interesting books. This book was both. An incredible story about a 'Dweller" named Aria. She was born and raised in a 'pod' safe from the outside elements. A place where life is not quite real. The inhabitants of these pods live life through virtual reality 'realms'. They don't experience real fear, or love or pain. Most of the things that actually make us who we are are absent from the inhabitants of these pods.Aria is blamed for a terrible accident that killed several people and she is banished from the pod. Sent to the outside world. A world where she believes everything is desolate and everything dies. She is aided by an 'outsider' A man named Peregrine who was born and raised in a tribe. Even among his people he is special, different. He has two super senses, sight at night and the ability to 'feel' or 'read' peoples emotions. The two initially cannot stand the sight of each other. Perry actually makes reference to the fact that Aria's dweller stench is making him sick.Well, circumstances have placed these two together. Over time, a lot of time, they learn to get along. This is an amazing book. The characters are unique and dynamic. Perry and Aria are a perfect couple. They bicker, fight and slowly learn to get along. Other characters are equally incredible. Roar, a friend of Perry's, is a lot of fun. A buddy who is quick to point out all his friends flaws. Cinder is an interesting character. A young boy who possesses the strength of the Aether, or storms of the outside. The book is well written and great fun to read. I couldn't put it down and can't wait for the next installment. Enough was left open, or unfinished that another book could be coming. We need to find out what happened to Cinder and Roar. What happened to Perry's sister Liv. Also, do Aria and Perry get together? A wonderful 5 star book. I recommend this book to lovers of dystopian, fantasy, YA or just good fiction.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did. Another one from a list of what to read while waiting for the HG movie to release, I had reserved it at the library. Veering more into sci-fi, we are dropped immediately into a world of pods, the only life Aria has known. Raised to believe she will die out on the outside (the Aether, perhaps sun flare/weather type of activity will kill), she also believes the people who live on the outside are savages. Instead, they have evolved to survive, some having strengthened senses. After a 'kids will be kids' break in at one of the labs in Reverie, Aria is only one of two teens remaining to be questioned about the events of that night. She winds up banished to the outside and quickly grows into a very resourceful heroine. Aided by one of the 'savages', Aria wants to cross the country to the pod where her mother, a scientist, works. Peregrine (Perry) has plans of his own, hoping that contact with another pod population will help in his search for his nephew. Maybe because of their hard life, but outsiders Perry and Roar certainly seemed older than their stated 18. Aria, on the other hand, continued to grow stronger throughout the book and was a great lead. Per usual, this seems to be part of a multi-book series, but one that I'm definitely willing to wait for!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi is a young adult dystopian novel that has been hugely hyped and one I have been waiting for months to sit down and read. After finishing the novel, I understand the hype, but I'm not convinced I'll be joining the party just yet.Under the Never Sky is mainly about Aria, a girl who lives in the Realms (sort of a virtual reality world), who goes looking for her missing mother. She ends up revealing a sinister back story, and is ditched outside of the Realms, where she meets an intriguing Savage named Perry. They work together to figure out what is going on.Things I loved about this novel. Aria is a promising character. I love that she is named for her beautiful voice, and there are some really great passages about her and her mother's relationship. I was fascinated by Aether (no more on that, as I will let the reader discover this phenomenon for herself). I was very intrigued by the character, Cinder. I enjoyed a lot of the twists in the book.I found myself frustrated, however. This book had a lot of potential, and it's obvious that Rossi is very creative with a vast imagination. The beginning is much less strong than the last half, and I was tempted to put it down. Certain areas, the prose is very choppy. I know that some of it is deliberate (Rossi has created somewhat of a Slang language for the Savages), but other parts, it just detracted from the reading experience. I had a hard time liking Perry, the primary love interest. There are certain aspects of the worlds that I am still hugely confused by (if they are living in their minds, don't their bodies degenerate over time?). Overall, I thought this was highly imaginative and had some really compelling characters, but I'm not entirely convinced by it. I have read more compelling novels in this genre in the recent past, and it just doesn't quite make it to that level.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is actually a pretty tough review to write. Under The Never Sky was without a doubt one of my most anticipated books of 2012. I actually decided to read it this week because I was in a reading slump, and figured I would definitely love this so it would help me out. That was not the case! It was a bit of a let down! I loved the first 20 pages and remember thinking it might actually end up being a five star book. However, nothing much happened for the next 100 pages or so which definitely lost this one some stars. Honestly, the snails were passing this plot out. I was really far into the book before Aria and Perry met- something which we're told right there in the description!

    I think that one of the most jarring things about this one was that I didn't expect it to have such a fantasy feel to it. I had assumed it was a dystopian along the lines of Divergent and company, but it had a paranormal aspect that I didn't realize would be there and that I didn't much like. It felt like it was too much of a mix of everything and I didn't personally think all the elements blended in that well with each other. Everything felt really out of place.

    What I did like: The way the chapters alternated between Aria and Perry. It actually worked ridiculously well in this book and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed getting to know them and seeing how differently they both saw the same world as they had really different upbringings. I loved reading about Perry's relationship with his family members and all the drama that went along with it. I liked how he looked out for his nephew, Talon.

    I also LOVED Roar! He was pretty awesome and had me laughing out loud every time he opened his mouth! I probably would have adored this book had he been in it from the very beginning to make things funny and lighthearted with his snarky and cocky attitude. He was without a doubt my favourite character in the novel an I wouldn't have minded a whole novel centered around him.

    I did enjoy Rossi's writing and while the plot moved slowly, it wasn't actually difficult to read because Rossi certainly has a way with words. Some things would be phrased so nicely or differently that I'd just have to go back and re-read it again just to appreciate how it was said. It definitely made sure that I will read other books by this author- perhaps not in this series but I would totally check out other stuff she writes!

    Despite there being quite few good points, I was still left with an overwhelming ''meh'' feeling. I do not think much happened. Small events here and there but nothing too exciting or terrifying. I spent the whole book waiting for it to get good, waiting for it to live up to my expectations and all the rave reviews. No luck though and I won't be reading the sequel unless it pops up in my library or something. I'd probably still recommend it but I myself was left sorely disappointed and bored!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    LOVED this book!Couldn't put it down!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Such a good book! Imaginative and full of adventure with a big dash of violence and some romance.

    In this book some people called Dwellers live in enclosed pods and have a lot of technology, including Smarteyes. The Smarteye interfaces with a person's brain and sight allowing someone to experience virtual realms as if it were reality. Aria is a teenage girl Dweller who gets into big trouble when she shuts of her Smarteye and sneaks into a destroyed Pod with a group of other teens.

    Outside the Pods there are groups of people struggling to live and survive on limited food and resources under a sky full of blue Aether. The Aether is dangerous, it is like liquid electricity, and it is becoming stronger and produces increasingly destructive storms.

    Peregrine is one of the Outsiders who sneaks into a Pod. He is trying to find food and medicine for his tribe. His rescue of Aria from a raging fire and theft of her Smarteye sets off a story that I didn't want to put down.

    It left me wishing I had all 3 books right now.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was very surprised, didn't expect to end the book loving it. I thought I was really going to dislike this book, the story dragged on for almost halfway through before it just took off and became a very sweet love story. I kept reading because there were a couple of things that kept me going and hoping the story would get more exciting and it did. One of the things that I believed kept me reading was Aria's inquisitiveness and her incessant babbling, Aria was getting on Perry's nerves, it was the most adorable interaction between them in the first half of the book and I could see hope.

    I'm assuming the author didn't want it to be love at first site or have them secretly falling in love with each other immediately, she wanted their love to develop slowly. Guess that slowed the story down a bit, but in the end it really helped to make the love story more real.

    Never Sky was written in third-person narrative style between Aria and Peregrine, which possible slowed the pace of the story and it was narrated in the present of each characters current situation it never goes backwards.

    Scent is one of the things authors tend to use to create imagery of the intense love between characters, stuff like heshe smells like summer, roses, cotton candy etc., so I was stupefied that Perry didn't like Aria's scent when they first met, he actually thought she smelled like decay (I mean really? Decay?)and I wonder how can a relationship even happen between. It turns out living in pods without fresh air causes a decaying smell that only outsiders can smell (yeah).

    I can't begin to explain how good this book is or got. So patience is the virtue you will need when reading this book. At the beginning the secondary characters seemed immature or psychopathic but it turns out there was a reason, which was eventually revealed. There were many surprising secrets and events that made it a fun read.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Due to copy and paste, formatting has been lost.The beginning of this one didn't really grab me-- at first I was a bit confused about what was going on, and what exactly it all meant. But as it started to come together, I realized that this is some kind of a mix between futuristic and dystopian, and that it's awesome.I liked Aria. She can be a bit condescending at times, but she has her heart in the right place. She's also fearless and wicked and one of those characters that I just want to be. I didn't find myself arguing with her decisions or her actions, and I liked getting in her head.Then we have Perry, who's equally awesome; but he's more steady...and I don't know, he just kind of seems like a rock type of guy? He's loyal and I loved how he explained the customs of his tribe. He's a bit rough around the edges, and he can't *GASP* read, but I loved him anyway.Since we're talking about Perry and Aria, let's talk about them as an entity-- they make an awesome couple. Their chemistry together is intense. I loved their love story-- they didn't fall into any kind of insta-love, or even insta-lust. Everything happened in it's own sweet time, and that makes me so proud! My only issue with them is the kind of love/hate thing they have going on. In the beginning it was cute, but now I'm hoping that they'll get over it. Ah, well, I can't have everything, now can I?Speaking of everything, this really did have it all-- there was plot! I'm talking true blue, awesome crew type plot. There was never a dull point in the book, nor did I ever feel like there was an empty lull. It all just came together perfectly, and I couldn't have been happier at the ending-- or more anxious for the next book!All in all, I really recommend Under the Never Sky, even if it's not your usual genre.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Aria lives a comfortable life, safe in her pod. She's a "Dweller", someone who lives inside, protected from the dangerous elements of the outside world. When she loses contact with her mother who has gone to another pod on a top-secret mission, she'll do anything to get information on her. She makes the decision to venture off with some of her friends into a restricted area of the pod, hoping to gather information on her mother from the son of the security chief. This one decision is all it takes to turn her world upside down. Aria is banished from her pod, left alone in the Death Shop - the dangerous world outside the pod where a violent energy storm could take your life in an instant - if the cannibals don't get you first.Perry is part of the Tide tribe. A band of people living above ground, braving the elements. They are warriors, hunters, and know how to fight. When Perry loses someone special to him to the Dwellers, he vows to fight to get them back. When he meets Aria, alone and afraid, he knows she is his only hope of getting the information he needs to rescue his beloved family member, even though he'd rather see her dead. Together they must put aside their differences in order to face the dangerous elements standing in their way if either of them hope to survive.This is what I like to call a forget-about-it book. Once you pick it up you can forget about the laundry, forget about the dishes waiting in the sink, and forget about answering the phone. You won't be able to put it down until you've finished. I was absolutely glued to his book. I haven't been this into something since reading Divergent. There's tons of action, plenty of surprises and a love story that actually feels real. The book is told in the third-person POV, alternating focus between Aria and Perry. Though I didn't find a real distinction in voice when the focus shifted from Aria to Perry, I was okay with it. The story flowed well, and is very fast-paced. This is the perfect read to kick of 2012, and I HIGHLY recommend it.(Review based on an advanced reader's copy courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Guys, this book is awesome. I don't think I can gush enough over it. A strong heroine, a post-apocalyptic setting, the question of whether technology really is good for us, and awesome superpowers? I'm in love with "Under the Never Sky". Rossi has created one of the most original worlds I've read this year, and this is definitely on my best of 2012 list. I literally could not put this one down.First: the plot. Yeah, I know everyone's tired of dystopia and post-apocalypse worlds (present party included), but Rossi definitely made this one her own. What would it be like to live in a hole in the ground, but be forever connected to the past and your friends via the souped-up internets? But also, how would that affect your body and the body of humans at large? I love how Rossi made a very real science question that's recently come to the forefront about technology and our current use of it as part of her futuristic world. The sub-plot and arc with Aria trying to find her mother and what her mother knew totally worked, and not just that, but worked smoothly. It all fell together with no jerky areas that snapped me out of this world, nothing that shocked me back to reality because there was a bad transition between or questionable construction of said arcs. Second: the characters. Yeah, boy saves girl. We're getting tired of that one too, though we never seem to as a culture. However, again, Rossi twists it up with the unknown, a savage, the outsider - a very Jungian take on our future selves if we don't hide in our holes in the ground. I loved Perry because he was so reluctant, and the relationship that so achingly bloomed slowly between them. It wasn't an insta-romance, or lust at first sight, or any case of Twilight Syndrome that seems rampant within YA right now. Perry feels very much like a real boy - his character feels so full that I could practically smell him. Rossi did that with all of her characters, and not only is that hard to do, but it's hard to do well. And she did it.Third: This is a world where more can happen. It looks like this might be a series (not sure if it will be), but if it is, I'm cool with that. There's so much potential in the Death Shop, and within Reverie to be explored, and that kind of world-building gets me ridiculously excited. Yet Rossi wrote the ending where if it was left as a standalone, I'd also be totally fine with that. There's enough room to imagine what comes next yet with a story so full and finished that I'm not panting creepily for more. That seems rare in anything right now, and Rossi hit the nail right on the head.Fourth: The science. What will happen if we relegate ourselves to the online world only, even (and especially) in the event of a natural disaster so bad that we literally have to go underground to keep living? And how will that affect our bodies after so many years of doing that underground? Rossi puts some very interesting science into the mix and it all seems very plausible as current scientists in real life are asking the same question - what will happen to our brains if just left to virtual and not real sensory input? I love how Rossi answers this question because it seems like such a real answer.Basically, this is a must-read for 2012, and already on my best of 2012 so far list. Even if you're sick of dystopia/apocalptic settings, this is definitely something you should dip into. It has something for everyone. "Under the Never Sky" hits shelves on January 3, 2012 in North America (other places, check your local bookstore). Please do yourself (and Rossi) a solid by checking it out. It's really that good.(posted to librarything, goodreads, shelfari, and
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Read Wendy Darling's or Kat's review, the sum up everything I liked and disliked about this novel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I finished this one in the early morning around 2 am and I awoke hours later feeling very depressed that it was over. I felt like I'd lost a friend. I wasn't prepared for it to end--although it has a much more satisfying ending then some other series I've read recently. That being said, I will admit that it took me a while to get into the story. I found myself stopping and starting a few times, unsure of whether I liked it or not, but once it got going, I was completely enthralled. Under the Never Sky has so much going for it. The dystopian world Veronica Rossi has created is all kinds of spectacular. You have a government within Reverie trying to cover up the loss of one of its pods and an attack on Aria, so they send her from her cozy little world into the real. Into the Death Shop.Outside, you have a world scorched and dying from what they call Aether storms. You have tribes who use knives and arrows, and fight for land and barter for food. Not to mention cannibals and people with mutant-like powers they call Senses. This, as the name implies, is the heightened ability of one of the human senses. SO. COOL.On top of that, you have a quietly strong heroine who is more amazed than anyone by how well she fares in the real world. And Perry. Oh Perry. How I love you. It was weird at first because his full name is Peregrine and I kept thinking about Pippin from Lord of the Rings (which I don't think is a bad thing because I have an uber crush on Billy Boyd who played him in the movie). You can't read or write. But you can hunt and you can kill and you're loyal, and brave, and noble, and oh so many wonderful things. For me, Perry is the best type of hero. Strong and kind, even if a little damaged.This is not insta-love people. This is the real deal. Starting from a mutual disgust and hatred and building over time into something intense and beautiful. By far one of the best post-apocalyptic/dystopian reads for me. This one is full of action and romance. I absolutely adore this story and the love between Perry and Aria. I can hardly wait for the next installment. Recommended to everyone.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've got to get straight onto the next with that ending.

    I really liked this book; it's my first full length foray into dystopian/sci-fi and I really got into the story. Luckily I have the second and will be starting it shortly :)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Summary: Fighting to survive in a ravaged world, a Dweller and a Savage form an unlikely alliance.Personal Reaction: Action packed and well developed characters. I liked that it was told from two points of view.Classroom Extension: A fun series to recommend to YA readers. It has a strong male and female character so it will appeal to both boys and girls. You can also use the book to discuss difference between groups of people. In this book, dwellers and savages don't trust each other, judge, and focus on their differences until they start working together and get to know one another and realize they each have strengths.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really liked the book. Fun fantasy/dystopia read. The author only lets bits and pieces of knowledge peek through so you can not guess what is next. Looking forward to the sequel
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book takes place in a dystopian futuristic world, where the people live in pods to protect from the mysterious Aether. To stay occupied in the pods, engineers created realms, which is a better then real world where you can touch, feel, and even smell. Aria, a seventeen year old, normal teen gets into trouble and is suddenly faced with the consequences, she must figure a way to clear her name, and stay alive.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read this book almost in one sitting and thought it was an amazing read. I will admit it started off a little rocky and I was wondering why people were raving about it but the fact that several friends whose taste I trust and the fact that I just love Veronica Rossi kept me going. It was definitely worth wading through the rough parts! Initially Aria just irritated me with her attitude towards Perry and how she treated him as a "savage" despite how he is constantly saving her life. But when I sat down and really thought about it I could not really blame her. She was raised with these images and stories about those who live outside the pods and has never had to face real life. In the realms she has never had to face real fear, pain, hunger, etc. If something got too uncomfortable she could just move on to another realm. Once I came to this realization I can understand why Perry would scare the heck out of her despite being her savior. I enjoyed seeing how she learns to adapt to Perry's world and eventually see how though Perry's world may seem more primitive it had so much to offer.I loved Perry's character. Despite not being able to read and in some senses the savage that Aria viewed him as you can't help but like him for his straight forward way of thinking and survival. I wonder how being able to smell what a person is feeling would affect how you view people in general. I would imagine it could skew things a lot because I know sometimes I have instinctive reactions that I suppress because I know they are wrong or impulsive but I wonder how someone like Perry would view those reactions? The fact that he is able to forgive Aria's horrible treatment of him and move past it was amazing and just made me love him all the more. The supporting characters were just as intriguing and I cannot wait to see more of them. Talon just tugs at your heartstrings, Roar was impossible not to like and I would love to learn more about Marron's background and how he built his community. The end was pretty predictable and I saw it coming from almost the beginning but I still loved the ride. The world Rossi builds reminded me Clan of the Cave Bear meets The Matrix and works much better than you would expect. This is one debut author you will not want to miss.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Easy to like - it hits all the right notes and left me wanting to know more about the characters. World building was very good and the characters had good layers. No real surprises for me in the end though. It seemed to wrap up a bit too quickly for my liking.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi is the first book of her three book (so far) Under the Never Sky series. It's dystopian setting is two worlds, one in secluded domes where everyone lives through virtual realms and they can do just about anything that can be imagined, the second world is outside exposed to the elements including violent storms.The story is told alternately through Aria and Perry. They come from different worlds, but slowly build a trusting relationship. They realize they each have the same goal of finding loved ones and need each other to make that happen. I appreciated the fact that it wasn't love at first sight, they had to work together and learn about each other for the caring to develop. If you're a sci-fi geek, don't expect the technology and realms of Reverie to be explained in depth. It's not, but really isn't needed to fill out the storyline.Rossi has built a great dystopian world in Under the Never Sky. The characters are believable and the plot is intriguing and paced well. I'm looking forward to reading the whole series!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I couldn't finish this book. It just didn't grab me at all. I felt like the author was trying too hard with all of the weird names. I hate to leave a negative review, but I just couldn't finish this.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Under The Never Sky is the BEST opener to the coming New Year!! It renders you speechless in how great it is! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Right from the very first pages you will know that you would have to cancel your daily chores and activities and cuddle up to this book. Because it will grab your attention from start to finish! Expect sleepless nights!Aria is a character that you can easily find yourself wanting to be friends with. At first you'd think she's nothing more than a sheltered brat wanting her mother, but as she goes through her journey to seek the truth and in finding her mom she tremendously matures right before your eyes. I enjoyed that in the beginning Perry was repulsed by Aria; not only in her actions but by her smell. That was hilarious when I first read it. It's great when the leading male doesn't fall for the leading gal right away. I also loved how blunt Perry was with his words even though he doesn't say much. He never held back in fear of hurting her feelings, and Aria would just take it without sulking.The story is told in the point of views of Aria and Perry. They go hand in hand in telling their part in their journey. Never missing a step from each other and not having you skip a beat on what's going on. Veronica Rossi has done a fine job in getting you in the mindset of 'Under The Never Sky'. I cried when it came to it, and I screamed at characters I wanted beaten. The descriptions of the 'PODS', Aether, surroundings, and just everything wasn't lacking or overly done. There was balance, and I guess that's what made me enjoy the story a lot. The ending is such a TEASE!! When I got to the last page my heart sunk. I can't believe it is just coming into release! I don't know how I can hold over till Book #2 =)Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi is a MUST READ DEBUT!! A definite 2012 favorite!!

Book preview

Under the Never Sky - Veronica Rossi

Chapter 1


They called the world beyond the walls of the Pod the Death Shop. A million ways to die out there. Aria never thought she’d get so close.

She bit her lip as she stared at the heavy steel door in front of her. A display screen read AGRICULTURE 6—NO ENTRY in flashing red letters.

Ag 6 was just a service dome, Aria told herself. Dozens of domes supplied Reverie with food, water, oxygen—all the things an enclosed city needed. Ag 6 had been damaged in a recent storm, but supposedly the damage was minor. Supposedly.

Maybe we should turn back, Paisley said. She stood beside Aria in the airlock chamber, nervously twisting a strand of her long red hair.

The three boys crouched at the control board by the door, jamming the signal so they could exit without triggering an alarm. Aria tried to ignore their steady bickering.

Come on, Paisley. What’s the worst that could happen?

Aria meant it as a joke, but her voice sounded too high so she tacked on a laugh. That came out sounding mildly hysterical.

What could happen in a damaged dome? Paisley counted on her slender fingers. Our skin could rot off. We could get locked out. An Aether storm could turn us into human bacon. Then the cannibals could eat us for breakfast.

It’s just another part of Reverie, Aria said.

An off-limits part.

Pais, you don’t have to go.

Neither do you, Paisley said, but she was wrong.

For the past five days, Aria had worried constantly about her mother. Why hadn’t she been in touch? Lumina had never missed one of their daily visits, no matter how engrossed she was in her medical research. If Aria wanted answers, she needed to get into that dome.

For the hundredth—wait, thousandth—time, Ag 6 is safe, Soren said without turning from the control board. You think I want to die tonight?

He had a point. Soren loved himself too much to risk his own life. Aria’s gaze rested on his muscled back. Soren was the son of Reverie’s Director of Security. He had the kind of flesh that only came with privilege. He even had a tan, a ridiculous upgrade considering none of them had ever seen the sun. He was also a genius at cracking codes.

Bane and Echo watched at his side. The brothers followed Soren everywhere. He usually had hundreds of followers, but that was in the Realms. Tonight just five of them shared the cramped airlock chamber. Just five of them breaking the law.

Soren straightened, flashing a cocky smile. I’m going to have to talk to my father about his security protocols.

You did it? Aria asked.

Soren shrugged. Was there ever a doubt? Now for the best part. Time to turn off.

Wait, Paisley said. I thought you were just going to jam our Smarteyes.

I’ve been jamming them but that won’t give us enough time. We need to turn off.

Aria brushed a finger over her Smarteye. She had always worn the clear device over her left eye and it was always on. The Eye took them to the Realms, the virtual spaces where they spent most of their time.

Caleb will kill us if we’re not back soon, said Paisley.

Aria rolled her eyes. Your brother and his theme nights. She usually cruised the Realms with Paisley and her older brother, Caleb, from their favorite spot in the 2nd Gen Lounge. For the past month, Caleb had planned their nights around themes. Tonight’s theme, Feeding Friend-zies, began in a Roman Realm where they’d feasted on roasted boar and lobster ragout. Then they’d cruised to a Minotaur feeding in a Mythology Realm. I’m just glad we left before the piranhas.

Thanks to her Smarteye, Aria had kept daily visits with her mother, who had followed her research to Bliss, another Pod hundreds of miles away. The distance had never mattered until five days ago, when the link with Bliss broke.

How long are we planning to stay out there? Aria asked. She only needed a few minutes alone with Soren. Just long enough to ask him about Bliss.

A grin broke over Bane’s face. Long enough to party in the real!

Echo pushed his hair out of his eyes. Long enough to party in the flesh!

Echo’s actual name was Theo but few people remembered it. His nickname suited him too well.

We can shut off for one hour. Soren winked at her. But don’t worry, I’ll turn you on later.

Aria made herself laugh, smoky and flirtatious. You better.

Paisley shot her a suspicious look. She didn’t know Aria’s plan. Something had happened to Bliss, and Aria knew Soren could get the information from his father.

Soren shifted his thick shoulders like a boxer stepping into a ring. Here we go, Glitches. Hold on to your pants. We’re shutting off in three, two—

Aria startled at a shrill ringing that came from deep within her ears. A red wall crashed over her field of vision. Hot needles of pain stabbed into her left eye and then spread over her scalp. They gathered at the base of her skull and then shot down her spine, exploding through her limbs. She heard one of the boys swear stiffly with relief. The red wall vanished as quickly as it had come.

She blinked a few times, disoriented. The icons for her favorite Realms had disappeared. The messages in the queue and the news crawl in the lower part of her Smartscreen were gone as well, leaving only the airlock door, which appeared dull, filtered through a soft film. She looked down at her gray boots. Middle Gray. A shade that covered nearly every surface in Reverie. How could gray seem less vibrant?

A sense of loneliness crept over her despite being in the crowded little chamber. She couldn’t believe people lived this way once, with nothing but the real. Savages on the outside still lived this way.

It worked, Soren said. We’re off! We’re strictly meat!

Bane hopped up and down. We’re like the Savages!

We’re Savages! Echo yelled. We’re Outsiders!

Paisley kept blinking over and over. Aria wanted to reassure her, but she couldn’t concentrate with Bane and Echo blasting around in the small space.

Soren spun a manual release bar on the door. The chamber depressurized with a quick hiss and a rush of cool air. Aria looked down, stunned to see Paisley’s hand clasped to hers. She had only a second to absorb the fact that she hadn’t touched anyone in months, since her mother left, before Soren slid the door open.

Freedom at last, he said, and then stepped into the darkness.

In the shaft of light that spilled out of the airlock chamber, she saw the same smooth floors that ran everywhere in Reverie, but these were coated with a layer of dust. Soren’s footprints stamped a trail into the gloom.

What if the dome wasn’t secure? What if Ag 6 crawled with outside dangers? A million deaths in the Death Shop. A million diseases might be swimming in the air rushing past her cheeks. Inhaling suddenly felt like suicide.

Aria heard beeps from a keypad coming from Soren’s direction. Tracks of lights flickered on with a series of loud clicks. A cavernous space appeared. Farming rows stretched back as even as stripes. High above, pipes and beams crisscrossed the ceiling. She saw no gaping hole or other signs of wreckage. With its dirty floors and solemn quiet, the dome simply looked neglected.

Soren jumped in front of the doorway, bracing the frame.

Blame me if this turns out to be the greatest night of your life.

The food grew from waist-high plastic mounds. Row after row of decaying fruits and vegetables spread out around her in endless lines. Like everything in the Pod, they were genetically designed for efficiency. They had no leaves, and needed no soil and little water to grow.

Aria plucked a withered peach, cringing at how easily she’d bruised the soft flesh. In the Realms food still grew, or pretended to grow virtually, on farms with red barns and fields under sunny skies. She remembered the latest Smarteye slogan, Better than Real. It was true in this case. The real food in Ag 6 looked like old people before aging-reversal treatments.

The boys spent the first ten minutes chasing each other down the aisles and leaping over the farming rows. That turned into a game Soren dubbed Rotball, which consisted of pegging one another with produce. Aria played for a while, but Soren kept aiming for her and he threw too hard.

She took cover with Paisley, ducking behind a row as Soren changed the game again. He lined Bane and Echo against the wall execution-style and then fired grapefruits at the brothers, who just stood there laughing.

No more citrus! Bane yelled. We’ll talk!

Echo put his hands up like Bane. We give, Fruit Reaper! We’ll talk!

People always did what Soren wanted. He had priority in all the best Realms. He even had a Realm named after him, SOREN 18. Soren’s father created it for his eighteenth birthday a month ago. Tilted Green Bottles played a special concert. During the last song, the stadium flooded with seawater. Everyone had transformed into mermaids and mermen. Even in the Realms, where anything was possible, that party had been spectacular. It had set off the underwater concert craze. Soren had made caudal fins sexy.

Aria rarely meshed with him after school hours. Soren ruled the sports and combat Realms. Places where people could compete and be ranked. She normally kept to art and music Realms with Paisley and Caleb.

"Look at this messy thing, Paisley said, rubbing at an orange smear on her pants. It won’t go away."

It’s called a stain, Aria said.

What’s the point of stains?

There isn’t any. That’s why we don’t have them in the Realms. Aria studied her best friend. Paisley wore a pinched expression, her brow overlapping the edge of her Smarteye. Are you all right?

Paisley waved her fingers in front of her Eye. "I hate this. Everything’s missing, you know? Where is everyone? And why do I sound so pseudo?"

We all do. Like we swallowed megaphones.

Paisley lifted an eyebrow. A what?

A cone people used to make their voices louder. Before microphones.

Sounds mega-regress, Paisley said. She scooted around, squaring her shoulders to Aria. "Are you going to tell me what’s going on? Why are we with Soren?"

Now that they were shut off, Aria realized she could tell Paisley her reason for flirting with him. "I need to find out about Lumina. I know Soren can get information from his father. He might already know something."

Paisley’s expression softened. The link is probably just down. You’ll hear from her soon.

The link has only dropped for a few hours before. Never for this long.

Paisley sighed, leaning back against the plastic mound. I couldn’t believe it when you sang to him the other night. And you should’ve seen Caleb. He thought you’d broken into your mother’s medicines.

Aria smiled. She usually kept her voice private, something strictly between herself and her mother. But a few nights ago, she made herself sing a sultry ballad to Soren in a Cabaret Realm. In minutes that Realm had reached full capacity, with hundreds of people waiting to hear her sing again. Aria had left. And just as she’d hoped, Soren had been chasing her since. When he’d proposed the idea for tonight, she’d jumped at the opportunity.

I had to get him interested. She flicked a seed off her knee. I’ll talk to him as soon as he calls off the fruit war. Then we’ll get out of here.

Let’s get him to stop now. We’ll tell him we’re bored . . . which we are.

No, Pais, Aria said. Soren wasn’t one to push into anything. I’ll handle it.

Soren leaped on top of the farming row in front of them, making them both jump. He held an avocado, his arm cocked back. His grays were covered in blotches of juice and pulp. What’s wrong? Why are you both just sitting here?

We’re bored with Rotball, Paisley said.

Aria winced, waiting for Soren’s reaction. He crossed his arms, his jaw working side to side as he stared down at them.

"Maybe you should leave then. Wait. I almost forgot. You can’t leave. Guess you’ll have to stay bored, Paisley."

Aria glanced at the airlock door. When had he closed it? She realized he had all the codes for the door and for resetting their Smarteyes. You can’t trap us in here, Soren.

Actions precede reactions.

What’s he talking about? Paisley asked.

Soren! Get over here, Bane called. You need to see this!

Ladies. I’m needed elsewhere.

He tossed the avocado into the air before he jogged away. Aria caught it without thinking. It popped open in her hand, becoming a slick green mess.

He means we’re too late, Pais. He already locked us out.

Aria checked the airlock door anyway. The panel didn’t respond. She stared at the red emergency switch. It was wired directly to the mainframe. If she hit it, Reverie Guardians would come to help them. But then they’d also be punished for breaking out and probably have their privileges in the Realms docked. And she’d lose any chance to speak with Soren about her mother.

We’ll stay a little longer. They’ll have to go back soon.

Paisley pulled her hair over one shoulder. All right. But can I hold your hand again? It feels more like being in the Realms.

Aria stared at her best friend’s extended hand. Paisley’s fingers were twitching slightly. She took her hand, but fought the urge to pull away as they walked to the far end of the dome together. There, the three boys stepped through a door Aria hadn’t noticed before. Another set of lights clicked on. For a moment, she wondered if her Smarteye had reactivated and she was actually seeing a Realm. A forest loomed in front of them, beautiful and green. Then she looked up, seeing the familiar white ceiling above the treetops, run through by a maze of lights and pipes. It was a huge terrarium, she realized.

I found it, Bane said. How champ am I?

Echo jerked his head to the side, his shaggy hair shifting out of his eyes. Champ, man. It’s unreal. I mean, it’s real. Zap, you know what I mean.

They both looked at Soren. Perfect, he said, his gaze intent. He pulled off his shirt, tossed it aside, and ran into the woods. In the next moment, Bane and Echo followed.

We’re not going in, are we? Paisley asked.

Not like that.

Aria, be serious.

Pais, look at this place. She stepped forward. Rotten fruit was one thing. A forest was a true temptation. We’ve got to see it.

It was cooler and darker under the trees. Aria ran her free hand over the trunks, feeling the rough textures. Pseudo-bark didn’t grip like it might bite into her skin. She crushed a dry leaf in her palm, creating sharp crumbs. She stared at the patterns of leaves and branches above, imagining that if the boys quieted down, she might be able to hear the trees breathe.

Aria kept track of Soren as they headed deeper into the woods, looking for an opportunity to speak to him, while trying to ignore the moist warmth of Paisley’s hand. She and Paisley had held hands before in the Realms, where touching happened. But it felt softer there, unlike the constricting grip she felt now.

The boys were chasing one another through the woods. They’d found sticks, which they carried as spears, and they’d rubbed dirt on their faces and chests. They were pretending to be Savages, like the ones that lived on the outside.

Soren! Aria called as he darted past. He paused, spear in hand, and hissed at her. She jerked back. Soren laughed at her and ran off.

Paisley pulled her to a stop. They’re scaring me.

I know. They’re always massive scary.

Not the boys. The trees. It feels like they’re going to fall on us.

Aria looked up. As different as these woods felt, she hadn’t thought of that. All right. We’ll go wait by the airlock, she said, and began to backtrack. A few minutes later, she realized they’d come to a clearing they had already passed. They were lost in the woods. She almost laughed at how unbelievable it was. She let go of Paisley’s hand and rubbed her palm against her pants.

We’re going in circles. Let’s wait here until the boys come by. Don’t worry, Pais. It’s still Reverie. See? She pointed up through the leaves at the ceiling and then wished she hadn’t. The lights above dimmed, flickered for a moment, and then came back.

Tell me that didn’t just happen, Paisley said.

We’re leaving. This was a stupid idea. Was this the part of Ag 6 that had taken the damage?

Bane! Get over here! Soren yelled. Aria spun, catching a glimpse of his tanned torso jogging through the trees. This was her chance. She could talk to him now if she hurried. If she left Paisley there alone.

Paisley gave her a shaky smile. Aria, go. Talk to him. But hurry back.

I promise.

Soren was hoisting a stack of branches into his arms when she found him.

We’re going to make fire, he said.

Aria froze. You’re kidding. You’re not really . . . right?

We’re Outsiders. Outsiders have fires.

"But we’re still inside. You can’t, Soren. This isn’t a Realm."

Exactly. This is our chance to see the real thing.

Soren, it’s forbidden. Fire in the Realms was a rippling orange and yellow light that gave off a gentle warmth. But she knew from years of Pod safety drills that real fire must be different. You could contaminate our air. You could burn down Reverie—

She broke off as Soren stepped closer. Water beaded on his forehead. It cut clear trails through the mud on his face and chest. He was sweating. She’d never seen sweat before.

He leaned in. "I can do anything I want in here. Anything."

I know you can. We all can. Right?

Soren paused. Right.

This was it. Her opportunity. She chose her words carefully. You know things, don’t you? Like the codes that got us here. . . . Things we’re not supposed to know?

Of course I do.

Aria smiled and slipped around the branches in his arms. She rolled up onto her toes, inviting him to whisper. Well, tell me a secret. Tell me something we’re not supposed to know.

Like what?

The lights flickered again. Aria’s heart gave a lurch. Tell me what’s going on with Bliss, she said, making her best attempt at sounding casual.

Soren stepped back. He shook his head slowly, his eyes narrowing. "You want to know about your mother, don’t you? Is that why you came here? You’ve been playing me?"

Aria couldn’t lie anymore. Just tell me why the link is still down. I need to know if she’s all right.

Soren’s gaze dropped to her mouth. I might let you persuade me later, he said. Then he pushed his shoulders back, shifting the branches higher. Right now I’m discovering fire.

Aria hurried back to the clearing for Paisley. She found Bane and Echo there as well. The brothers were building up a pile of branches and leaves at the center. Paisley rushed over as soon as she saw Aria.

They’ve been doing this since you left. They’re trying to make fire.

I know. Let’s go. Six thousand people lived in Reverie. She couldn’t let Soren risk everything.

Aria heard the clatter of sticks falling just before something struck her shoulder. She cried out as Soren spun her to face him.

No one’s leaving. I thought I made that clear.

She stared at the hand on her shoulder, her legs softening beneath her. Let go of me, Soren. We’re not getting involved.

Too late. His fingers dug into her. She gasped at the shock wave of pain that ran down her arm. Bane dropped the large branch he’d been dragging and looked over. Echo stopped midstride, his eyes wide, wild. The lights shone off their skin. They were sweating too.

If you leave, Soren said, I’ll tell my father this was your idea. With our Smarteyes shut off, it’s your word against mine. Who do you think he’ll believe?

You’re insane.

Soren let her go. Shut up and sit down. He grinned. And enjoy the show.

Aria sat with Paisley at the edge of the tree line and fought the urge to rub her throbbing shoulder. In the Realms, falling off a horse hurt. Twisting an ankle did too. But pain was just an effect, sprinkled in to boost the thrill. They couldn’t actually get hurt in the Realms. This felt different. Like there was no limit to the pain. Like it could go on forever.

Bane and Echo made one trip after another into the woods, bringing back armfuls of branches and leaves. Soren directed them to place more here, more there, as sweat dripped off his nose. Aria eyed the lights. At least they were holding steady.

She couldn’t believe she’d let herself—and Paisley—get into this situation. She’d known going into Ag 6 meant risk, but she hadn’t expected this. She had never wanted to be part of Soren’s clique, though he’d always interested her. Aria liked looking for the fissures in his image. The way he watched people when they laughed, like he didn’t understand laughter. The way he curled his upper lip after he said something he thought particularly clever. The way he glanced at her occasionally, like he knew she wasn’t convinced.

Now she realized what had intrigued her. Through those fissures, she’d seen glimpses of someone else. And out here, without Reverie Guardians watching, he was free to be himself.

I’m going to get us out of here, she whispered.

Tears pooled in Paisley’s bare eye. Shhh. He’ll hear you.

Aria noticed the brittle crackle of the leaves beneath her and wondered when the trees had last been watered. She watched the pile grow one foot high, then two. Finally, with the pile at nearly three feet, Soren declared it ready.

He reached into his boot and brought out a battery pack and some wire, handing them to Bane.

Aria couldn’t believe what she was seeing. "You planned this? You came here to make fire?"

Soren smiled at her, his lip curling. I’ve got other things in mind too.

Aria sucked in a breath. He had to be kidding. He was just trying to scare her because she’d led him on, but she’d had no choice.

The boys huddled together as Soren muttered, Try it like this, and Other end, stupid, and Just let me do it, until they jumped back, away from the flame that flickered up from the leaves.

Oh, zap! they yelled in perfect unison. Fire!

Chapter 2



That was the word that came to Aria’s mind. An old word, from a time when illusions still mystified people. Before the Realms made magic common.

She moved closer, drawn by the gold and amber tones in the flame. By the way it changed shape constantly. The smoke was richer than anything she had ever smelled. It tightened the skin along her arms. Then she saw how the burning leaves curled and blackened and disappeared.

This was wrong.

Aria looked up. Soren had frozen in place, his eyes wide. He looked bewitched, just as Paisley and the brothers did. Like they were seeing the fire without really seeing it.

That’s enough, she said. We should turn it off . . . or get water or something. No one moved. Soren, it’s starting to spread.

Let’s give it more.

"More? Trees are made of wood. It’ll spread to the trees!"

Echo and Bane ran off before she’d finished speaking.

Paisley grabbed her sleeve, pulling her away from the burning stack. Aria, stop or he’ll hurt you again.

This whole place is going to burn if we don’t do something.

She glanced back. Soren stood too close to the fire. The flames had nearly reached his height. The fire made sounds now, pops and crackles over a dull roar. Get sticks! he yelled at the brothers. The sticks make it stronger.

Aria didn’t know what to do. When she thought of stopping them the ache in her shoulder flared, warning her of what might happen again. Echo and Bane ran up with armfuls of branches. They threw them onto the fire, sending sparks into the trees. A surge of hot air blew past her cheeks.

We’re going to run, Paisley, she whispered. "Ready . . . go."

For the third time that night, Aria grasped Paisley’s hand. She couldn’t let Paisley fall behind. She wove through the trees, her legs churning, as she tried to keep them on a straight course. She didn’t know when the boys started chasing them, but she heard Soren behind her.

Find them! he yelled. Spread out!

Then Aria heard a loud wailing sound that brought her to a halt. Soren was howling like a wolf. Paisley’s hand clamped over her mouth, stifling a sob. Bane and Echo joined in, filling the woods with wild, keening cries. What was happening to them? Aria broke into a run again, tugging Paisley so hard that she stumbled.

Come on, Paisley! We’re close! They had to be near the door leading back to the farming dome. When they reached it, she’d trip the emergency alarm. Then they’d hide until Guardians came.

The lights overhead flickered again. This time they didn’t come back. Darkness slammed into Aria like something solid. She went rigid. Paisley rammed into her back and cried out. They tumbled blindly to the ground, their limbs crashing together. Aria scrambled upright, blinking hard as she tried to orient herself. Eyes opened or closed, what she saw didn’t change.

Paisley’s fingers fluttered over her face. Aria! Is it you?

Yes, it’s me, she whispered. Quiet or they’ll hear us!

Bring the fire! Soren yelled. Get some fire so we can see!

"What are they going to do

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