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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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They were young, popular, the perfect couple -- an all-American boy and a beautiful cheerleader. But the youthful passion that led them to Lookout Point that terrible evening would prove fatal. For Richie Walters the end came swiftly, as death descended upon him in a savage orgy of horrific violence. Elaine Murray would live long enough to learn just how lucky her boyfriend had been ...

Two brutal slayings have rocked a stunned city. But the murders are merely the nightmare's beginning, flinging open a terrifying Pandora's box of sordid secrets and dark revelations more deadly than the bloodlust that lives in the rock-hard heart of a killer.

Release dateOct 13, 2009

Phillip Margolin

Phillip Margolin has written eighteen novels, many of them New York Times bestsellers, including the recent Worthy Brown's Daughter, Sleight of Hand, and the Washington Trilogy. Each displays a unique, compelling insider's view of criminal behavior, which comes from his long background as a criminal defense attorney who has handled thirty murder cases. Winner of the Distinguished Northwest Writer Award, he lives in Portland, Oregon.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Richie Walters, All-american Boy. Elaine Murray, cheerleader. They made the perfect couple. And that evening out at lookou point - Richie fumbling at the buttons of her blouse, Elaine Thrilled and terrified - They were about to take the final step. But the step would never be tatken. Richi Walters would die that night - die in a hot and savage ecstasy of violence. Elaine Murray too would die. But not that night, or the next. She would live long enough to know just how lucky Richie had been...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Heartstone is a fast-paced murder thriller that reads like a true crime story—In Cold Blood by Truman Capote comes to mind. It starts with the brutal slaying of a high school boy, Richie Walters, whose body is found in Lookout Point, a popular makeout spot in the town of Portsmouth. His girlfriend, Elaine Murray, is missing, but not for long. After Elaine's raped and tortured body turns up two months later, the story follows Detective Roy Shindler's obsession with finding the murderers. The book explores the lines detectives, witnesses, and even prosecutors will cross when involved in a sensationalized murder case where their futures hang in the outcome. A mesmerizing read to the shocking end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This has the the sort of worldbuilding I’d be unsurprised to find in a fairytale retelling - but instead of retelling a fairytale, it sets Pride and Prejudice in a world with dragons, gryphons and hobgoblins.When Lord Merybourne hires a group of Riders to deal with the gryphons who are threatening Hart’s Run, Aliza’s mother sees an opportunity for her daughters to marry someone who would take them to live somewhere safer.“Surely you see what an opportunity this is!” Mama said. “Yes, I do.” Papa’s voice was stern. “It’s a chance to get rid of these accursed gryphons once and for all. Of all people, I’d think you’d appreciate that most.” “Of course, of course, but I’m talking about our daughters.” “Oh? Were they planning to slay some of the beasts themselves?” “Robart!” “If these Riders are apprenticing, I’ll give my hearty consent to whichever girl wishes to take up the blade. You and I will both sleep easier if they know how to defend themselves. [...] I was joking, my dear.” “Well, I’m not! And anyway, a husband lasts longer than an apprenticeship.”I enjoyed Aliza’s lively first person narration and the way Heartstone translates Pride and Prejudice to a different context. It would be easy for a fantasy P&P to keep the context of the main developments much the same as P&P, but Heartstone roots these developments in its fantasy world. So certain events - such as the arrival of new people in the community - occur, but for different reasons. This all meant that, in spite of knowing P&P so well, I had so many questions I wanted answered: What was the history between Daired and Wydrick? What was going to happen to Leyda?There are also a few ways, both big and small, in which Heartstone diverges from P&P. It surprised me more than once. I was initially wary when I heard of this book’s existence, but it is fun! Pride and Prejudice is still superior, of course, but Heartstone has dragons - dragons! - and does a good job of being its own story. 
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's a [Pride and Prejudice] retelling with dragons! Now before that single sentence makes you say, "Umm, no thanks, I don't do dragon books," let me just point out that normally neither do I but this one charmed me enough to put a Staff Picks sticker on it before I returned it to the library where I work. In this version, Aliza Bentaine lives in a small community being threatened by gryphons. When the lord of the manor calls in a group of Riders to rid the neighbourhood of the plight, amongst them is Alastair Daired and his dragon Akarra. Translating the classic plot of P&P to a fantasy setting is a unique approach and it's as much fun to see how White renames characters, reinterprets them mildly in some cases to better fit the setting, and adds in a ripping climax to the novel without moving so far from the source material to bother this die hard Janeite. Recommended if you enjoy a P&P retelling, regardless of your general fondness for dragon books.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was book was described to me as “Pride and Prejudice, where Darcy is a Dragon rider” and I was like, uh, say no more. I’m in. I’ve read my share of P&P adaptions, some good (Bride and Prejudice) and some hideous (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies) – but this, this one is my favorite. “Elizabeth” called Aliza in this, lives in a world were monsters are real. Her father works for the Lord Merybourne, who, when faced with Gryphon attacks, hires Riders to free his land. Darcy, one of the great dragon lords, arrives, and as expected, is appalled at the backwater hillbilly-invested land he’s been hired to protect. The story faithfully follows the P&P narrative, with enough fresh twists (and dragons) to make it a stay-up-late-too-see-what-happens sort of read. Yes, we know Aliza and Darcy get together in the end – but how? That’s what matters – that and, does she ever get to rid the Dragon?If you enjoy fantasy worlds and/or P&P, this is the book for you!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was an excellent fantasy with lots of romance. When Merybourne manor is invaded by gryphons, the local lord gathers together enough money to hire a group of Riders to clear them out. While Aliza Bentaine is grateful to the riders, one of them, Alistair Daired, just rubs her the wrong way. She first meets him when he kicks her hobgoblin friend Tobble and calls him vermin. Daired is rude, arrogant and haughty. A romance does bloom between one of the other Riders and Aliza's sister Anjey though which delights Aliza and Anjey's social climbing mother who wants nothing more than to marry her daughters off to Riders.After the gryphons have been defeated, most of the Riders leave and when the king calls, the rest leave too. Anjey and her Rider promise to write to each other every day but no letters arrive. Aliza is angry and sad for her sister. Time passes and Aliza travels to visit her best friend who has married and is living near a Daired family home. There she meets Alistair again whom she blames for sabotaging her sister's relationship by intercepting the letters. He denies it and confesses his love for her in a somewhat tactless manner. She rebuffs him but can't seem to get him out of her thoughts.When a terrible lindworm surfaces endangering Aliza's home and all the Riders, she learns what her true feelings are for Alistair Daired. I loved the slow building romance. I loved all the various creatures especially Tobble and Alistair's dragon partner Akarra. I liked the world building. I liked Aliza's adventure to save her love.I haven't read PRIDE AND PREJUDICE and can't compare this story to the original. However, I do recommend this one to anyone who likes fantasy and romance.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What more can one person ask for? There’s dragons, adventure, and sword play.This a beautiful blending of world building, things that might make a slight bump in the night and smidgen (might be a bit more) of pride and prejudice. The written word in this story flows from one to the the next. Just remember anyone can improve themselves if they want to.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Aliza Bentaine lives at Merybourne Manor with her parents and sisters Anjey, Mari, and Leyda. Her other sister Rina was killed in a gryphon attack, so now the Riders and their warrior beasts have come to clean out the gryphon nest. Aliza's first encounter with a Rider is with their leader, Lord Alastair Daired in the middle of a hobgoblin fight where he's getting pelted with mud by Tobble who lives in the garden with his relatives and friends. Daired stepped on Tobble's toes, and they return fire with mud and Gnomic curses. As a result, Aliza and Daired take an instant dislike to each other though Anjey and another rider, Brysney, hit it off right away. Still, Aliza keeps running into Daired and his dragon Akarra; he still riles her though she's pretty friendly with Akarra. All differences are set aside when the Greater Lindworm awakens from its centuries-long sleep and begins to ravage the countryside. As a fantasy, this book is very good. The worldbuilding is wonderful with all sorts of beasts including dragons, centaurs, wyverns, lamias, direwolves, and banshees, different classes (Aliza is a lowly nakla while Daired is a lord), different languages, and some religion. The battle scenes are crisply drawn, the herblore fits in well, and the characters fit their roles well. There's whimsy; one passage: "The roads to Dragonsmoor were hard and rocky, and four days bouncing around a cramped carriage had given us all an unlooked-for empathy with churned butter."However, this is more than a fantasy novel; it is also Jane Austen fan fiction. I love Austen and I've read quite a bit of Austen fan-fiction as well as the original novels. Some are successful, but most falls flat (I'm looking at that vampire book especially). I really worried that this one would be a mess, but I loved it. If you haven't read Pride and Prejudice, you'll enjoy this anyway, but knowing the story is based on that book just enhances this book. The author was very smart to stick to some basic outlines and characters. Daired (Darcy) is still arrogant, snobbish, handsome, and with a heart of gold. Aliza (Lizzie) is a bit more undefined; the book is told in her first person POV and reflects her confusion over her feelings for Daired, first her dislike, then her realization that she was wrong and her burgeoning admiration for him that grows to love. What the author did that I really like was to change some of the characters to reflect the genre. While Austen used caricature for Mrs. Bennett, Mr. Collins, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and others to display some of the social strictures of her time, Ms. White has softened most of them and made them much more likable which is what you want in a fantasy. They may still have faults - Wydrick (Wickham) is particularly unlikeable but in a way that fits the fantasy aspect. I really liked Lady Catriona who was very pleasant and let her dragon take on the characteristics of the original Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Charis (Caroline Bingley) also receives much better treatment in this version.There's some romance (it is based on Pride and Prejudice after all) though only about as much as one would expect in a fantasy book. But it's not too mushy for fantasy readers, but enough for the Janeites: "He leaned close, his forehead almost touching mine. "I wrote it once, and I mean it still. Whatever happens in the next few days, I want you to know that I wish you every happiness the gods can bestow. If I don't-""No." I brushed four fingers against his temple. "May Odei give you strength, Janna give you courage, Mikla keep you safe, and Threll take your enemies. You're coming back."The author has a sequel coming at the end of the year, and I can't wait. Meanwhile, Heartstone is a book that's going on my reread list. It's that good.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was disappointed by the ending, but only because the middle was so good.

    There are a lot of clever modern updates used--for example, the Bennet mother isn't just a hysterical matchmaker. She's determined to marry her daughters off because it's the fastest and most effective way to get them to move somewhere safer. I also really liked Lydia's modern update, which was along the same vein.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pros: fun characters, great romanceCons: minor issuesAliza Bentaine’s life at Merybourne Manor changes when gryphons invade the nearby wood and kill her youngest sister. It changes again when the Riders they hired to hunt the gryphons show up and include the handsome but arrogant Alastair Daired. But more than gryphons stalk the land, and other mysteries darken Aliza’s world.This is a close retelling of Pride and Prejudice, set in a world where monsters roam and dragons fly. There’s no recycled dialogue and the motivations for why characters act as they do have been adjusted to fit the realities of this world. I found that Aliza’s reasons for disliking Daired were more substantial here, making their eventual reconciliation a bit harder to accept. The ending has several major deviations from the source material, which I enjoyed. I especially liked that Gwyn (Charlotte in the original)’s marriage is for different, more mysterious reasons and that their marriage seems better matched. I did wish the mystery regarding her father had received more of a resolution though.The addition of a wide variety of monsters was fabulous. I didn’t always know what creatures were, but it was fun seeing new and lesser used beings intermixed with the more familiar gnomes, wyverns, and dragons. The use of monster heartstones as engagement/wedding tokens was interesting. I also liked that different creatures spoke different languages, and not all humans understood all languages. If you like Jane Austen and fantasy, it’s a fun retelling.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I feel very conflicted about this book.

    If you want to read Pride and Prejudice in a high fantasy setting, that is absolutely what this book is. It is also a very well done fantasy world, with interesting elements -- so well done, in fact, that I quickly became frustrated with the Pride and Prejudice gimmick. While there are some slight changes, the plot is pretty much exactly the same (or at least a good halfway into the book it is), and there doesn't seem to be any reason for that to be the case.

    Why tell this story in this setting? If you want Pride and Prejudice that badly (and sometimes I do), go read the original. And I hope Ms. White gets over this phase and starts to write her own plotlines to go along with the rest of her original and interesting world building. In the meantime, it is exactly as billed, even if I can't figure out why anyone would bother.

    It puzzles me that this is such a turn-off for me. I read a lot of fairy tale retellings, and I like the echoes of the original in those, but not here. I think the difference is that I read fairy tale retellings to see what the author will bring to the tale -- what clever twist that wasn't what I was expecting, what reinterpretation or new plot lines develop with slightly familiar characters. Even Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which is the original text slight alteration to include zombies, I found greatly entertaining as a literary conceit, and even as a class commentary. Heartstone's slavish devotion to plot without the setting or language just doesn't add anything in my opinion.

    I truly hope this doesn't discourage the author, because my biggest frustration was not getting to read a new story in this setting, given how much I enjoyed the writing.

    Advanced reader's copy provided by Edelweiss.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pride and Prejudice and Dragons!AU. Sometimes clever, sometimes wanted it to break a bit more from the source material. Includes humans, dragons, and dragonriders.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A truly lovely and innovative adaptation that brings Austen to life in a totally different world. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Take Jane Austen's classic tale and translate it to a fantasy setting and you get this dragon filled adventure. Aliza and Alastair follow the traditional Austen formula, but there are dragons and magical creatures and a war to be won. The Austen inspired characters are just enough different that the story holds surprises and Aliza and Alastair aren't just Elizabeth and Darcy plopped down in a fantasy setting.

Book preview

Heartstone - Phillip Margolin




It was two days before Christmas and Louis Weaver’s only friend was dying in a dollar-a-night room at the Hotel Cordova. Louis stepped into a doorway to rest. It was hard to breathe the icy air and the whirling snow had made him half blind. He wiped his nose and took a drink of cheap whiskey from the flask that he had jammed into his raincoat pocket before leaving the hotel.

Willie told Louis that he was going to die when they were in Salt Lake City. He made Louis promise that he would take him home to Portsmouth. There was something Willie had to do in Portsmouth so that his immortal soul would be saved. They had stolen aboard a freight train and Louis had spent the hours on a hay pallet in the corner of a boxcar watching his friend decline.

Willie had been talking about heaven and hell a lot lately and Louis could tell that there was something terrible on his mind. Louis could not help but think that Willie’s tribulation was all the fault of the preacher in Fort Worth who had given Willie religion, because he never used to be so troubled. Louis wished he could help his friend, but Willie only talked about the thing that was bothering him when he was real drunk or delirious and then it would come out in mumbles and groans and Louis could never get the drift. All he knew was that it had something to do with a girl and had happened long ago.

Louis sighed and returned the bottle to his pocket. He was so tired and cold, but he was almost there. The courthouse was only two blocks away. It would be warm there. Louis wished he was back at the hotel. He had spent his last few bucks on their room, but he sure wasn’t getting any use out of it.

A blast of cold wind whipped a sheet of snow across Louis’s face and he was immediately sorry for having thought about the room and being gypped out of his money. Soon Willie would be cold like this for eternity and Willie was his only friend.

The radio alarm switched on and Albert Caproni tried to deny its existence with his whole being. Logic demanded that he stay under the nice warm covers, nestled next to his nice warm wife.

Honey, a voice purred. He felt soft lips kissing his ear lobe. He half wished that they would go away.

Honey, you have to get up now, the voice said.

Go away, he mumbled, burrowing deeper under the covers.

You have to get up, the voice repeated in its sexiest tone and he felt a warm hand snaking through the fly of his flannel pajama bottoms and soft fingers curling around his penis.

Please, Mary, he begged. I want to sleep.

Even though he had not opened his eyes, had not seen the snow or felt the wind, he knew that it was going to be a miserable day. One much better spent in a cozy bed.

He felt Mary move her large, curvy body so that her entire weight rested on him. Then he heard her running her dampened tongue across her lips to make them as wet as possible. Finally, he felt her lips as they covered his face with damp, slobbery kisses. Enough was enough. He conceded defeat and opened his eyes.

I hate you, he groaned, shifting so that he could hold his wife.

I love you, she said. She moved her weight off him and they cuddled together. He kissed her gently and began to stroke her backside and leg.

None of that, she said. And you are going to be late if you don’t get dressed right now.

Not even a fast one? Albert asked playfully. He felt sexy, the way he always did when he held Mary close. After all these years of marriage, she still aroused him.


I knew I shouldn’t have married a frigid girl.

Tough, Mary said, giving him a peck on the cheek and rolling out of bed. You knew what you were getting when you married me. Now scoot or you’ll be late and Commissioner Hadley won’t give you the salary for those extra attorneys you want.

Hadley. Shit. To think I’m giving up this warm bed and the best piece of tail this side of the Rockies for that old fart. Next time I run for office you make sure that the public knows about the sacrifices I make.

They know already.

Listen, make it two eggs this morning. I’ll need the extra energy.

What about your diet? she asked as she left the room.

For one day I can skip my diet.

Caproni stretched and walked sleepy-eyed to the window. The snowstorm outside obliterated any trace of the beautiful landscape that he usually saw upon rising. He yawned and scratched. Despite the ugliness of the day, he was happy. In fact, he could not remember a day in the past few years when he had not been basically happy. True, there had been minor disappointments, but he had a wife he was crazy about, two beautiful kids and, at thirty-five, he was the youngest person ever elected to the office of Portsmouth district attorney, a job he loved almost as much as he loved Mary.

Al was a career district attorney in an office that was traditionally staffed by bright new law school graduates who stayed the two years it took to gain trial experience and make contacts and then moved on to practice corporate law.

Al had enlisted in the army after college. After the army he had entered night law school and had worked days as a Portsmouth policeman. His last year in law school he had been assigned to work as an investigator with the district attorney’s office. His contact with the criminal side of legal practice quickly dispelled any thoughts he might have had of practicing corporate law. And if he had ever pictured himself as a criminal defense attorney, one year with the D.A. had changed that.

Shortly before graduation Al had asked Herb Holman, then the district attorney, for a job. The deputy district attorneys he had worked with had given him glowing reports. Albert Caproni was sworn in as a deputy district attorney on the same day that he received a letter from the State Supreme Court informing him that he had passed the bar examination.

That was many years ago. In between there had been a rapid rise through the office, which had resulted in his appointment as Chief Criminal Deputy when Harvey Babcock, one of Al’s closest friends, was elected D.A. It had been a time for celebration. Then, as soon as the excitement of a new administration had begun, it had ended. A car driven by a drunk driver had hurtled the lane divider on the Interstate and had killed Harvey Babcock.

Albert Caproni had been the unanimous choice to fill the vacant post. In November of this year Albert C. Caproni had run against State Representative Sylvia Marshall and had won election by a landslide.

Albert glanced at the clock as he took off his pajamas. It was a little after 5:30. Al always worked long hours. Even as a kid he had held down a part-time job after school to help out the family. He did not mind the hours. He had been working like this so long that it had become routine. When he was a trial attorney, it was those extra hours of added preparation that had made up for his lack of brilliance. He always took extra satisfaction in whipping one of the boys from the prestige firms or law schools on an obscure point of law that he had dug up after hours of diligent research.

Albert dropped his pajamas on the bed and started for the bathroom. He stopped in front of the mirror and looked at his body. He was neither pleased nor displeased by what he saw. True, his short body was not as compact as it had been when he first joined the office and his hair was thinning out. On the other hand, he was still hard underneath the extra fat.

Let’s just say that I am keeping my perimeters in check, he thought.

Still, he regretted getting out of shape. When he was younger, he always seemed to have energy for handball or basketball. He’d even done a little boxing in the service. It was harder now. He did pushups and situps when he had the time. And there was an occasional game of golf. Oh, well. He had made his choice. He knew the demands of the job and he accepted them willingly. He would die someday, anyway. Getting into heaven was not going to depend on the size of his waistline.

Give me an extra slice of bacon, will you, hon, He yelled before turning on the shower.

Fanny Maser had been the receptionist at the Portsmouth district attorney’s office since 1958. She had come in with the Republicans, stayed through the Democrats and remained at her post when the office became nonpartisan in 1970.

Fanny’s husband had been a policeman for sixteen years when he was killed trying to stop a service station holdup. The two months it had taken to pull her world back together had been the only lengthy period that she had ever taken away from her job.

Fanny was the ideal receptionist. She looked, even in her younger days, like everybody’s idea of what a mother should look like. She was a small, gray-haired woman with a perpetual smile. Her voice was soft and soothing and she had an ability to put people at ease. This trait was essential in an office whose customers were irate citizens, tired, off-duty policemen who were waiting for court after spending a night shift in a high-crime area, nervous witnesses and, occasionally, rapists, robbers and murderers.

The criminal element was one of the most exciting facets of Fanny’s job. She would often tell her bridge group about the headliners she had greeted. There had been the slow morning she had spent passing the time with Carl Billingsgate, the hammer killer, while he waited to be interviewed by the Chief Criminal Deputy. Carl had confessed that very morning.

And what about Marie Louise Renoud? What a nice lady she had appeared to be. Who would have guessed that she and her lesbian lover had shot her husband and left him for dead on Switchback Mountain, only to have him crawl back, as Fanny would tell it, from the Portals of Hell to testify at Marie Louise’s trial. Marie and Fanny had had the nicest chat.

With all the exciting things she had seen, and all of the interesting people she had met, it was no wonder that Louis Weaver made no particular impression on Fanny Maser when he pushed through the glass doors that opened into the reception area.

It was ten-thirty and the reception area was empty. An hour earlier it had been filled with young district attorneys and their witnesses, but court had started and they had all left. Louis spent the first few seconds sopping up the warmth from the courthouse heating system. He stood in the doorway shivering and casting nervous glances at his new surroundings. He was a mouse of a man. His worn raincoat, tattered suit coat and stained white shirt were all that he had between him and the sharp, winter wind. His baggy pants were tied to his waist by a knotted rope and they appeared to float around hips too narrow to hold them up.

Fanny knew that greeting Louis Weaver would be distasteful. She disapproved of drink and Mr. Weaver was obviously intoxicated. He also smelled. Nonetheless, she smiled and inquired, in her most pleasant tone,

May I help you?

Louis took off the cheap gray fedora he had been wearing. His fingers worried the frayed hatbrim as he shuffled unsteadily toward the bar that separated Fanny from the three rows of permanently installed plastic chairs that filled the reception room.

Is this the district attorney’s office? Louis managed. Fanny could see that the poor man was upset and frightened and her initial dislike was replaced by a feeling of concern.

Yes, it is.

I got to see the D.A.

There are fifty district attorneys in our office. Is there someone in particular that you would like to talk to?

Ain’t…isn’t Mr. Caproni the D.A.? Willie said to say Mr. Caproni.

Mr. Caproni is the elected district attorney for Portsmouth County, but he doesn’t handle cases himself. Perhaps I can direct you to someone if you will tell me what your problem is.

Louis ran the back of his hand across his grayish stubble. This was getting more complicated than he had expected. Bureaucracies, even those populated by Fanny Masers, frightened him. He wished that he could take a drink, but that was out of the question.

It’s my friend Willie. He’s dying, so I promised him I’d do him this favor. He said to see Mr. Caproni and no one else. He said it was important and that Mr. Caproni would want to see him.

There was something about Louis Weaver: the tone of his voice and his obvious desire to be somewhere else. Fanny made a decision.

I can’t guarantee that Mr. Caproni will see you. He is a busy man. But, if you will tell me the subject matter of your visit, I will see if he has time to talk with you.

Louis’s mouth was dry and his heart was pumping. Willie had said only Mr. Caproni, but, if he didn’t tell now, she would make him go.

I’m to say Willie Heartstone is dying and he wants to tell who killed Elaine Murray.

Despite the awful weather, the day was turning out beautifully. He had concluded his meeting with Hadley in a half hour and had extracted a promise that the Commissioner would actively push for two more staff attorneys. This was a necessity. There had been a large jump in recent years in the number of criminal cases that were going to trial. The deputies he had now were overworked. In District Court, where misdemeanors, like drunk driving and shoplifting, were tried, his deputies were going into court with almost no preparation. True, these cases were often simple and required little more than asking the only witness what happened, but Caproni did not want a criminal beating a case because a deputy did not have time to prepare.

After his meeting with Hadley, he had returned to his office for a conference with a young man that he had recently transferred to Circuit Court, where the more serious crimes, like murder and armed robbery, were tried. The deputy had been assigned his first major case. After months of work, Portsmouth police and Federal narcotics agents had finally caught one of the state’s biggest heroin dealers before he could get rid of a large shipment of heroin. Now it looked as if the entire case might be lost because of what the defendant was claiming to be an illegal search. He and the young man had spent a half hour trying to figure out a way to salvage the case.

Caproni liked the young man. He reminded Caproni of himself at that age. Both came from similar backgrounds and Caproni appreciated the grit of a boy from a poor family who had worked his way up the hard way. The case was a tough one, but the kid had sunk his teeth into the only positive approach and it looked as if he had dragged forth the germ of an idea. Caproni could see how badly the kid wanted this bastard and he approved of the effort he was putting out to get him.

Having cleared his desk of the morning mail, Albert now turned toward a stack of recent Supreme Court cases he had been meaning to read. He leaned back in his chair, a comfortable, oversized, leather-upholstered lounger, which was one of the few luxuries he had permitted himself.

Mr. Caproni?

Albert smiled at Mrs. Maser. She was one of the few people who outranked him in seniority. He still felt funny when she called him Mr. Caproni instead of Albert. The change had taken place when he was appointed district attorney. It was one of the negative aspects of growing up and assuming a position of authority. It caused subtle changes in your relationships with the people around you.

What can I do for you, Fanny?

I hate to disturb you, but this could be important.

Albert noticed that Mrs. Maser was tense. Now that was unusual.

There is a man at the front desk. He has been drinking and he looks like a derelict, but…well, he said he had a message for you. I don’t think he is a crank. He looks sincere.

What was the message?

He said that he had been sent to tell you that Willie Heartstone was dying and that Mr. Heartstone wants to tell you who killed Elaine Murray.

The room shifted and Caproni felt faint. One minute there had been solid ground beneath him and then it was gone and he was floating, light as air.

Mr. Caproni, are you all right?

William Heartstone. He fought for control. A deep breath. The dizziness passed, leaving him disoriented and unsure of himself.

Get Pat Kelly. I want that man back here. Tell Pat no rough stuff, but don’t let him leave. And bring me a tape recorder. A portable.

His voice was quivering. Quite unlike him. It seemed to come from far away. From the past. He could hear it echoing in the solitude of a dingy hotel room on the one and only day that he had ever seen William Heartstone.

Caproni filled a glass with cold water from the tap in his private bathroom and wished it was Scotch. He straightened his tie, tucked in his shirt and put on his jacket. The Murray-Walters case. After all these years.

The morning paper was resting on the corner of his desk. There was a picture of Philip Heider standing arm in arm with the President. There was talk that he was being considered for Attorney General. What effect would the reappearance of William Heartstone have on his career? None, probably, Caproni mused bitterly. Heider was one of those indestructible people who gain strength from the things that corrupt and sicken most people. His tracks were too well covered anyway. Thanks to him and Shindler there was no evidence. Only shadows and whispers.

Heider had never been the person responsible for what had happened in the Murray-Walters case anyway. From the beginning it had been Roy Shindler. In the years that had followed the dramatic ending of the trial of Bobby Coolidge, Caproni had tried to find out if there was any truth to the ugly rumors that he had heard about Shindler’s part in the case. He had always come up against a wall of silence. Shindler was too well respected in the department to be crucified for one lapse of faith.

Maybe Caproni, with his influence, could have discovered the truth if he had really tried, but his reflection in the mirror stared out accusingly, reminding him that he, as much as anyone else, was responsible for what had happened. There was a point in time when he could have made a decision that would have made a difference, but he had lacked the courage. Maybe he had never really wanted to find out the truth. All the guilt and uncertainty that he had stored in the attic of his mind pressed once more against his shoulders. The weight made him tired and he slumped in his chair.

Pat Kelly, Caproni’s chief investigator, entered the office. The thin, frightened man beside him was obviously down on his luck. He looked like a child next to Kelly. Caproni decided that Weaver did not appear to be too steady on his feet and he signaled him into a chair as soon as the introductions had been made.

Mr. Weaver, I understand that you are a friend of William Heartstone?

You mean Willie? Yes, sir. We go way back. I met him at the V.A. after he lost his leg.

He lost a leg? I didn’t know that.

He was in an awful accident. It done somethin’ to him up here, Weaver said, pointing to his head. But he ain’t mean and he never hurt no one, honest.

Why did you feel you had to tell me that he wouldn’t hurt anyone, Mr. Weaver?

Louis bowed his head and stared into his lap.

"It’s about why I come. Willie got religion in Fort Worth and ever since he’s been talkin’ about his soul and the bad thing he done. Only I ain’t never seen him act like he says he did.

Then he got sick and he wouldn’t talk about anything else except coming back to Portsmouth and seeing you.

Where is Willie now?

He’s at the Cordova on Tenth Street.

Caproni knew the Hotel Cordova from his police days. It had changed management a dozen times since then, but it had not changed. It was still one of the many dollar-a-night flophouses in the lower Water Street district that catered to alcoholics, drifters and pensioners.

How sick is Willie?

Louis’s fingers kneaded the brim of his hat, twisting and curving it. Caproni’s question made him think of Willie, alone on the hotel bed. Poor Willie, coughing and sweating and moaning in his own personal hell.

I think he’s going to die.

Has he seen a doctor?

Louis shook his head.

We didn’t have the money. I spent my last dollars on the room. And when I talked about the V.A. or the County Hospital he would get all excited. The only thing he talks about is seeing you and making his peace.

Caproni gave his secretary instructions to have a doctor sent to the Cordova. Then he, Kelly and Weaver took the elevator to the lobby. Kelly ran into the cold to get the car and Weaver and Caproni stood in the lobby.

Willie’s not in any trouble, is he, Mr. Caproni? We’ve been good friends for a while now and I know he done some small things. I mean we both pinched some wine now and then. But I ain’t never seen him do something real bad.

Caproni stuffed his hands into his overcoat pockets and stared out at the snow-covered trees in the park across the street. The park took up the whole block across from the courthouse. It was small and, during the summer, it was overcrowded and dirty. The winter had emptied and purified it, transforming its tired and beggarly trees and grass into royalty by draping them with cloaks of smooth white snow. It was nice to think about nature’s ability to change the sordid and unclean into something regal, but Caproni knew that the dirt still existed beneath the snow.

The Murray-Walters case was like that. The years had smoothed over the questions and the doubts, but Caproni knew about the dirt. He had never forgotten what Shindler and Heider had done and he had never forgiven himself for his lack of courage when he had been faced with a choice between his own career and another man’s life.

Willie’s not in any trouble, is he? Louis repeated. Pat Kelly drove the car in front of the entrance.

I don’t know, Mr. Weaver, Albert Caproni said as they moved into the storm.




Elaine Murray was so excited that her hand shook and she smeared her lipstick. She rubbed her lips together to even the Tahitian Passion. She saw the spot the smear had made on the skin beneath her lower lip and used a tissue to wipe it away. She said, Oh, damn, when the spot resisted. Then she giggled. She liked to swear in the privacy of her room or when she was with close friends, but using swear words always caused a nervous giggle, because she knew her folks would never approve. They were both very square.

Her hair looked fine. It was natural auburn brown. Sometimes, when the sun was just right, Richie said it looked like it was on fire. She patted the edges with approval.

Elaine stood up and walked over to a full-length mirror that hung on her closet door. She struck a pose and smiled. Her body was trim and athletic. Her stomach was very flat from exercise and her hips were wide and curvy. When she looked at her breasts, she frowned a little. They were beautifully shaped, but small. She knew that men liked large breasts and she hoped that Richie would not be disappointed. She had thought about wearing falsies, but rejected the idea. She was sure that tonight would be the night and she did not want to be a phony. She wanted Richie to know exactly what he was going to get. Besides, Richie was a gentleman and he would never tell that she was smaller than she usually appeared. That would be their secret. One of the things that they would share—maybe forever.

Forever! Elaine closed her eyes and lay back on the bed. She tried to imagine Richie and her married. Of course, that wouldn’t happen for some time. After all, they weren’t even going steady…yet. But after tonight…

Elaine didn’t want to think about it. Maybe she was guessing wrong and he would not ask her. After all, they had only been dating seriously for a month. A month. It seemed like forever. She could not remember when she had been so happy. Richie Walters. It seemed like a dream come true.

Elaine had had a crush on Richie Walters since her sophomore year, but he had not even noticed her until this summer when they had both worked at the Empire Department Store. At first he had just talked with her at breaks or when he passed through her department. Her father, Dr. Harold Murray, knew the Empire’s store manager and he had gotten her the job for the summer. Richie had gotten his job the same way. They had joked about being rich and having pull. Elaine was sure, though, that Richie could have gotten any job he wanted on his own. He was so handsome. She loved his curly blond hair and blue eyes. His nose was so perfect. And he was so smart, so deep. Richie knew all about things. He had worked on President Kennedy’s campaign this fall and had actually met the President when he had campaigned in Portsmouth. She knew Richie had applied to a lot of colleges and was so smart that he could probably go where he wanted, but she hoped that he would choose State, where she was hoping to go. It would be hard to go steady and be separated. She knew that she would remain faithful, but…There she went again. He hasn’t even asked you, dope, she thought. Then, again, she was sure, positive, he would. Wendy Blair was going with Frank Coppella and Frank played football with Richie and was his best friend and he had told Wendy that Richie had been thinking about it and Richie had been acting funny this week.

Elaine pulled herself up and sat down again in front of her dressing table. She applied eyeliner and mascara and turned her head back and forth. She thought that she was pretty. Not beautiful like Alice Fay, the queen of last year’s prom, but pretty. And there were plenty of boys who thought so, too. She was a cheerleader and had been a princess in Alice’s court, so she was no wallflower.

Elaine slipped on a pair of white panties and hooked up her bra. Then she put on tan toreador slacks and a white blouse. She pulled a red and black ski sweater over the blouse. It had been a funny winter, she mused. Here it was, just after Thanksgiving, and it was not all that cold. That was fine with Elaine. She never did like the cold weather.

Elaine doublechecked her blouse and noticed that one of the buttons was undone. As she rebuttoned it she felt a thrill of excitement. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine Richie’s strong fingers unbuttoning the blouse, one button at a time. Very slowly and deliberately. Her mouth was suddenly dry and her stomach tight. Her nipples were growing taut beneath her bra and the friction between them and the cloth was not unpleasant.

Richie was a gentleman in every way, but he had the urges that all men had. Elaine had talked to her mother about sex and men. Her mother had told her to hold on to her virginity, because she would lose a man’s respect if she was too free. She had followed her mother’s advice even though it had been hard at times. Like when she was in Richie’s arms and he was caressing her breasts through her blouse. When he did that she just wanted to let him do it like he asked. But she was glad she had not given in yet. A woman’s body was a gift for the man she married. Her present to him. It would be so much better if they were married. And what her mother had said about respect was true. Look at the way the boys talked about Eleanor Strom behind her back and everyone knew how far you could get with her. But, tonight, she had made up her mind. Tonight, if he asked her to go steady, she would let him touch her breasts. It would only be fair and she would want him to have a reason to stay with her.

She looked at the clock. Holy cow, it was after eight and he would be here any minute. She slipped on a pair of tennis sneakers and looked at herself once more. Downstairs the doorbell was ringing.

Bobby Coolidge was standing in front of the mirror in the men’s room of Bob’s Hamburger Heaven, admiring himself. With great precision he raised the black plastic comb and drew it through his thick, greasy jet black hair. First, he swept the hair on the sides straight back. The hair on both sides of his head resembled wings and there was a little tail where the hair on each side joined behind his head. Bobby surveyed his work. A perfect duck’s ass if he had to say so himself. He twirled the curl that he had placed in the center of his forehead one more time. Presley never did it better, he thought.

Lend me the comb when you’re through, greaseball, his brother Billy said as he zipped the fly on his tight-fitting jeans.

Just one second, man, Bobby said. There had been a hair out of place on the left side of his head. He stepped back from the mirror and ran the comb through again. When he was satisfied, he rinsed off the comb and handed it to Billy.

Billy stepped in front of the mirror and Bobby leaned against the bathroom wall, taking a cigarette out of the pack he kept in one of the zippered pockets of his black leather jacket.

What do you want to do? he asked.

I don’t know. What do you want to do?

What I don’t want to do is stick around this joint anymore tonight. That pussy Delores is giving me a pain.

The waitress with the pimples?

Bobby nodded and Billy saw him in the mirror.

The word’s out on her, Bobby. Harry Capri says she toots on the root.

Well, I got more class than Harry Capri. Do you ever see the pigs he goes out with?

Listen, Capri says she gives a hum job to the tune of Yankee Doodle and makes you come on the last note.

You’re full of shit.

Billy shrugged.

Would I lie to my own brother?

If she’s so hot, how come you ain’t made a play for her?

Too ugly. I save the ugly ones for you.

Bobby laughed. He was lucky to have a brother who was also a good friend. The Coolidge brothers stuck together. They fought together. They screwed together. He smiled, took a drag on his cigarette and tried to picture Delores giving him a blow job. Nah, he couldn’t do it. Shit, he’d never be that horny.

Billy straightened up and handed Bobby his comb.

"You still

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