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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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It's all good . . . and lucky Phoebe Avery plans to celebrate by throwing an end-of-the-year bash with her four closest friends. Everything will be perfect—from the guest list to the fashion photographer to the engraved invitations. The only thing left to do is find the perfect dress . . . until Phoebe goes from having it all to hiding all she's lost.

Phoebe's older sisters warn her to keep the family's crisis totally secret. Unfortunately, her alpha-girl best friend looks increasingly suspicious, and Phoebe's crush starts sending seriously mixed signals. Phoebe tries hard to keep smiling, but when her mother is humiliated in Neiman Marcus while buying Phoebe that perfect dress and her father decides to cancel her party, she panics. How far will she go to keep up her image as a lucky girl?

With lucky, Rachel Vail begins a powerful sisterhood trilogy, comprised of one book for each of the three fascinating Avery sisters, with all their secrets laid bare during the year that completely changes their lives. Phoebe is the youngest; her story combines first love and flip-flops, friendship and sisterhood, humor and tears. Breezy, witty, and poignant, lucky is Rachel Vail at her breathtaking best.

Release dateApr 28, 2009

Rachel Vail

Rachel Vail is the award-winning author of the critically acclaimed novels If We Kiss and Lucky, Gorgeous, and Brilliant (the Avery sisters trilogy) and more than a dozen other novels for young teens, including the Friendship Ring series. She has also written many beloved picture books, including Piggy Bunny and Sometimes I'm Bombaloo, and two hit novels for elementary school kids, Justin Case: School, Drool, and Other Daily Disasters and Justin Case: Shells, Smells, and the Horrible Flip-Flops of Doom. The author lives in New York City with her husband and their two sons.

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Rating: 3.4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I just feel that some things got cleaned up to quickly, without enough explanation, and that some things were forgotten and not resolved. I enjoyed it, but I really don't think Krysten's character has integrity. I do think she was being insecure or just mean in criticizing everything and everybody's taste. She was ready to leave Ann out - and Ann was spelled with an "e" on the end at least once toward the end of the book, but without an "e" the rest of the time. She seemed very catty and not looking out for her friends' best interests, until the end when she says she was. Oh.... okay. No, I just don't buy it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    i did not like the writing style and found this book rather monotonous, Fortunately i was able to skim read and felt i didn't miss out on any decent storyline (because there really wasn't any). however a good book to help the reader understand how shallow wealthy clique groups can be.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Phoebe is so lucky. She has a great group of friends who are throwing the best ever 8th-grade graduation party. She lives in a nice house with a pool. And she gets pretty much whatever she wants. But when her mom loses her job, Phoebe feels like she's losing everything good about her life. She's too embarrassed to tell her friends that she can't afford to help pay for the party and she's starting to think they don't like her very much anyway. What's a girl to do? While the portrayal of middle-school friendships was spot-on, I had a few problems with secondary characters and sometimes the writing was confusing. The only lower class girl that Phoebe knows is shown to live in a disgusting hovel with rusty vehicles in the front yard. And we only get glimpses of Phoebe's family members. Her sisters seem to be empathetic and warm one moment and brushing Phoebe off the next. This may have a place with middle-school fans of the Clique series and its ilk.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I can see how this book will appeal to the average teenage girl but I regarded this book skeptically. It's not easy sympathizing with the troubles of a girl from an upper-class family (although some of her troubles are universal, such as boys, misunderstandings with her girlfriends, etc.). Kirstyn also came off throughout the book as something of a "mean girl" so I didn't buy Phoebe's realization of what a supportive friend Kirstyn had been. Pushing my skepticism over the top was the Disney-style happy ending.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I had a little difficult remembering that Pheobe is only graduating from middle school, I don't remember being so style-aware at that age. But the picture of her group of friends, and the shifting dynamic as her family's fortunes change was well drawn, and I enjoyed her relationship with her older sisters. Throw in a sweet little romance, and this made a very enjoyable read. I look forward to reading the stories of her other sisters.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Teenage traumas when the "perfect" family has a meltdown after the mother is fired from her job. Really well done with some swearing but ....
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Phoebe and her group of wealthy friends are planning the ultimate 8th grade graduation party. Then, her mother loses her job and Phoebe's lifestyle has to change. Will that affect her relationship with her friends and her status as one of the most popular girls in school?The issues of popularity and friendship...big ones for middle school students are well-developed in this very readable novel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    To tell you the truth the book Lucky didn't grabbed my attention during the beginning of the book. But I must say I enjoyed the book more than I thought I would.It's a typical story about a girl who has the reputation as A Lucky Girl; who at the same time is pretty, rich, and popular.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Not really sure what I can say about this book. Fourteen-year-old Phoebe was a bratty, spoilt and shallow protagonist and she annoyed me from the start. Unfortunately, she showed no emotional growth throughout the book, and at the end she was still a brat. I hated how she whined and whinged when her mother lost her job and suddenly they didn't have the endless money supply she was used to having. There was more than one occasion when I wanted to slap some sense into Phoebe as she still had more money than most middle-class families have. Obnoxious brat!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    young-adult[edit]Lucky is the first book in a trilogy about the Avery sisters. Phoebe Avery is the youngest one of the sisters and all her life, she has been considered “lucky”. Pretty, popular, and rich, Phoebe and her best friend Kirstyn and her three other close friends are the social center of their grade. Then, Phoebe`s family has a financial catastrophe and Phoebe realizes she needs to figure out who she is.One thing I have to commend Rachel Vail on is that she knows how to write teenage characters. All of them were so dynamic and real. The relationships did not have a ring of falsity, and everything that Phoebe said, I could imagine a teenager saying. Another thing I liked were the hints of problems with Phoebe’s other sisters that are to be explored in the other two books in the trilogy.I found Phoebe’s coming of age story to be quite sincere. I personally enjoyed reading about her discovery into what it means to be a good friend, a good daughter, and a good person. I also thought the book really reminded us to be more trusting of the people that we should trust. I’m definitely looking forward to reading the next two books.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good

Book preview

Lucky - Rachel Vail



When I got down to the kitchen this morning, just my sisters were there. I said good morning to them. Allison grunted. Quinn said, Morning. Waffles? She was putting three frozen waffles into the toaster, one for each of us.

Yum, I said, but I couldn’t wait, so I grabbed a Smoothie out of the fridge. "Where’s my Teen Vogue?"

Should be in the trash. How can you read that crap? Allison said, grabbing the Smoothie out of my hand to read the label. You like these?

I shrugged. I wake up hungry.

I’d give anything for your metabolism, Allison grumbled, handing the Smoothie back to me.

Trade you for your white sweater, I said between gulps.

I wish. She kicked off her sneakers.

You’re both skinnier than I am, so shut up, Quinn commented without looking up from whatever she was doing on her laptop.

I’m not skinny, Allison said, yanking off her socks. "I’m interesting looking."

Get over it, Quinn said. Grandma didn’t mean anything—

"She meant ugly, Allison interrupted, stomping barefoot toward the back hall. Whatever. Phoebe, did you take my new flip-flops?"

No! I yelled, trying to remember if I had.

The toaster lever popped up. Phoebe! Allison yelled at me from inside the back hall closet. You’re standing right there! Could you get the waffles? Come on. Quinn and I have to go or we’ll miss our bus!

Oh, like the middle-school bus is so much later? Please! I hate when Allison acts like she and Quinn are a team I’m too young to try out for. I am fourteen, not four, and she is closer to my age than Quinn’s by three months.

I tossed my empty Smoothie bottle in the sink, and then, slowly enough to totally torture my sisters, opened the toaster door to check. All three waffles were soggy on the edges and hard in the middles, with little ice crystals still clinging to the tops.

Still frozen. I closed the glass door of the stainless steel toaster oven and pressed the lever again.

Quinn’s head jerked up. Seriously? Retoasting?

No way, Allison yelled, coming back into the kitchen with my new flip-flops dangling from her fingers. You know the toaster gets insulted.

No, only you do, I told her. Those are my flip-flops.

They’re mine! You just stole them yesterday. Yours have the stripey thing, remember?

Oh, yeah, I said.

I found the Teen Vogue in my bag and brought it over to where Allison was standing at the sink, wet-paper-toweling invisible dirt specks off the edges of her/my flip-flops.

Want to see the dress I found for my graduation party? I asked her, flipping pages. It’s green. Do you think that’s—

Allison cursed and pointed at the toaster. Smoke was curling out of it. I cursed, too, and dashed across the kitchen. When I yanked the toaster door open, a huge ball of dark smoke exploded out.

The smoke alarm started blaring.

It’s not a fire, Allison yelled at the smoke alarm on the ceiling. Just more exploding waffles. Dropping the flip-flops, she ran to open the sliding glass door to the deck and yelled back at me, I told you, Phoebe!

Quinn and I waved our arms in front of the smoke, guiding it toward the fresh air, until the alarm finally quit.

Our appliances have scary amounts of personality, Quinn said.

Like the thing, I said, laughing. Remember? With Mom?

My sisters both looked at me blankly.

The electric tea kettle! Remember? I unplugged the toaster from the wall and, holding out the cord like a sword, announced to my sisters, Never be intimidated!

They smiled then, too, at the memory of our mother’s epic battle against our old electric tea kettle the last time she was on one of her occasional quitting-coffee kicks.

Want to see a failure, girls? Mom had asked that morning last fall, spinning around to face us.

All three of us nodded. Sure. We wanted to see anything she wanted to show us. When my mother is in the room it’s almost impossible to look away from her.

She grabbed the electric tea kettle and thrust it out like a weapon, as water dripped guiltily from the spout. A tea kettle’s spout should stick out, she explained, her quiet voice controlled, intense. But this one is snub-nosed. It’s indented. You know why?

We all asked why, trying not to smile too much as our cereal, forgotten, soggified in front of us.

Why? she repeated. So that boiling water will spill all over the masochist who is making tea instead of going to Starbucks like a normal person!

My father laughed.

It’s a design failure, Jed. Admit it—it drools! She spun around toward him. Look, it left a spot on my new silk shirt.

The spot was microscopic, if it existed at all. In her sapphire-blue silk shirt under her black Armani suit, my mother looked, as always, flawless.

You just have to pour it slowly, Claire, Daddy told her in his kindergarten-teacher voice. Easy does it.

That’s so…tea-drinker, Mom answered, a small smile tipping up the corners of her mouth. I’m not Zen enough for this malformed tea kettle? Fine, then, I’m not. Out it goes! Mom slammed the full glass tea kettle into the garbage can. That’s it, she said, and turned to yank the plug out of the wall outlet so she could dump the base into the trash after the kettle. Garbage.

Daddy smiled his crooked smile and murmured, Oh, Claire.

Let this be a lesson, girls, Mom told us, her chameleon eyes flashing deep sapphire. We are the Avery women. Nobody—nothing—can intimidate us. We will never back down; we will never surrender. Especially not to moody inanimate objects!

Daddy laughed again.

She pretended not to smile and continued. We are warrior women! We are Valkyries! We will not—ever—allow ourselves to be bullied or mistreated! Right?

Right! we answered her.

You could have emptied the boiling water into the sink first, Brünnhilde, Dad said softly, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

She leaned back against his chest and, grinning up at him, said, Nah.

Then she turned to us, her smile broad and triumphant. Go conquer the world, girls.

We scrambled out to catch our buses, grabbing bags and backpacks from our nanny, Gosia, on our way. We were halfway down the driveway before Allison asked, What the heck’s a Valkyrie?

No idea, Quinn said. And why did Daddy call her Broom Handle?

We all laughed the whole way to the bus stop. I was still standing there grinning after my sisters were long gone, when my best friend, Kirstyn Hightower, reached the corner and asked what I was grinning about.

I shrugged. My mom was in rare form this morning. It was awesome.

"Mine was her usual lovely self—do you really need that much cereal? Hundreds of calories! Kirstyn imitated. I rolled my eyes in solidarity. Kirstyn chewed on her pouty bottom lip. You’re so lucky, Phoebe."

She was right, I knew. I am lucky. Every time all that day when I thought of my mother throwing out the kettle, I had to smile and think of the word Valkyries, knowing what it really meant was me and my sisters and especially Mom.

So this morning, standing in front of the smoke-belching toaster, I announced to my sisters, We’re Valkyries!

Sure, Allison said, getting two Smoothies out of the fridge. She handed the one she wasn’t shaking to Quinn and said, We’re such Valkyries.

Quinn had looked it up, brainiac that she is. Apparently Valkyries are tough, beautiful girls who ride winged horses into battle in, like, Norse mythology. Or maybe it was in operas. Whatever. I didn’t care; I was on a roll.

Yes! We’re Valkyries! I said, doing my best Mom imitation. I picked the toaster up off the counter and held it high. It was heavier than I expected. A few crumbs fell onto my face and the floor in front of me.

Take that, you moody inanimate object! I yelled, and dumped the toaster right into the garbage can. Ha! Conquered.

My mother strode into the room, the heels of her pumps clicking on the tile floor, and slammed her BlackBerry down on the counter.

We are the Avery women! I said, trying for, but I think not quite achieving, her level of complete confidence.

My mother pointed her long skinny finger at the toaster, which was bulging out of the top of the garbage can.

What is this?

The toaster, I said. It’s…

She yanked it out of the garbage. Coffee grounds, three Smoothie caps, and an orange peel rained off it onto the floor. What the hell is wrong with you? she asked me.

It burned the waffles, I answered quietly. An orange seed fell onto her black pump.

"You burned the waffles, she said. You don’t throw away a toaster oven just because you set the heating level too high."

None of us answered. Nobody said, "No, it was on light," even though it was. Mom slammed the toaster onto the counter and wheeled around to face me.

Do you know how much a new toaster oven costs? Her eyes were the same steel gray as the suit she was wearing.

I didn’t know what to say. How much? It had never come up before. My family never talks about money, never mentions how much things cost.

I shrugged, wishing Mom would crack a smile. I willed myself not to look at the small stain a bit of coffee ground had left on her bright white T-shirt.

Guess, she demanded.

How much a toaster oven costs? Seriously? No idea. Thirty dollars? Three hundred? I don’t know, I said, eyes riveted to her bare knees. She never spills on herself.

She yanked open the glass door of the toaster oven and grabbed one of the charred waffles out. This isn’t even burnt. Grandma would just scrape off the black part…. Mom grabbed a butter knife out of the drawer and scraped black into the sink, to uncover more black. The waffle had become coal. There. It’s fine. Eat it. She thrust it at me.

No, thanks, I said, stepping back despite willing myself to stand still.

Fine, I’ll eat it. She bit into it and ash flew onto her white T-shirt, raining down in a flurry all around the coffee ground stain. She looked at her T-shirt, we all did, and the room was silent.

Cursing, she tossed the rest of the waffle into the garbage. Spoiled brats, she said. Throwing away a toaster oven like it’s week-old roses. She grabbed her BlackBerry off the counter and stalked out, toward the stairs, muttering, Who do they think they are, a bunch of princesses?

No, I whispered. The room was still reverberating. Valkyries.

A look passed between Quinn and Allison, a look like they knew something I didn’t. Neither of them grinned or laughed. After a few seconds, Quinn looked at me with terrible seriousness and said, Guess not.


WALKING TO THE BUS STOP, past the new house still wrapped in Tyvek, I told myself to forget it. Sometimes people have their little psychotic moments and if you just move on, everything’s fine again. Usually it’s Allison who has the moments rather than my mother, but whatever.

I tipped my face up to the sun, grateful for the bright heat after weeks of cold drizzle, and decided to think about my party instead.

Why are you smiling like that? Kirstyn asked, coming up behind me.

Just thinking—only five weeks till graduation.

Did you write your speech?

I thought maybe you’d write it for me, I suggested.


I’ll come up with something.

You always do, she answered, tipping her head up, too. I’m so over middle school it’s not even funny.

Tell me about it, I agreed, although, in truth, I was having a great year. We all were.

High school will be so much better, Kirstyn said.

Absolutely, I agreed again. Whatever.

Meanwhile, she said, you can leave your graduation speech for the last minute, but there’s so much we have to do like today on the party.

I know it! Oh, good, I thought. My favorite subject. I’m so glad the five of us are doing it together.

Oh, please, if I had to plan it with just my mother I would definitely shoot myself, Kirstyn said. She’s a wreck we haven’t sent out the invitations yet. And this morning she said she won’t take me dress shopping until I lose another five pounds.

I shook my head. No way, I told her. You’re gorgeous! Don’t lose any!

Well, you’re lucky your mother is thin. It’s my mother’s own fault I have a big butt. She turned so I could have a full view.

You so don’t, I assured her. No. Your butt is small and cute. Your mom is crazy—seriously, it’s her own issue. It has nothing to do with you.

You sure?

Positive, I said. "You’re perfect. Hey, did you get the new Teen Vogue?"

Yeah, I cut out some more pictures.

Did you see the green Vera Wang with the wide-spaced straps?

Totally. Her eyes brightened. As soon as I saw it, I thought, this dress belongs to Phoebe.

Really? I couldn’t help smiling.

Oh, you totally have to get it.

Thanks. Are you thinking of the peach one, with the thing?

The sash? Ew. I would totally look like a pumpkin!

I laughed as Kirstyn pooched out her cheeks. She does have a sort of round face, but there’s no way anybody’d mistake her for a pumpkin. The bus came squealing and groaning down the street and we climbed on, cracking ourselves up imagining how we would look at our graduation party wearing the most hideous dresses and looking like a human Thanksgiving centerpiece.

All through the morning Kirstyn and I drew pictures of ourselves in eggplant dresses and corncob dresses, and passed them back and forth. The only academic challenge we faced was not laughing out loud, especially once Gabrielle, Zhara, and Ann got in on it. Ann’s drawing of herself trapped in a cauliflower outfit had us almost peeing in our pants. When the bell rang for lunch, we all hurried down to the cafeteria, slid into our usual lunch table, and opened our notebooks and our purple Sharpies. Party planning time. Yea!

So, we really have to make our final invitation list, Kirstyn said.

Who makes it…and dun dun dun duh…who doesn’t, Ann said.

We laughed little, sort of polite giggles, at which point Ann started doodling all over her margins again. I tried to think of a way to help her out, but sometimes it’s best to just let a lame comment die a quick death.

We all chewed for a few seconds, considering who should be included. I took a sip of my Sprite and said, Maybe we should just invite everybody.

Yeah, right. Kirstyn snorted.

Seriously, I said. The middle school is so small, only about sixty kids per grade, sixth through eighth, that everybody gets to know everybody very well and there isn’t really a popular group or anything. Everybody is friendly to everybody else, though of course you have the people you sit with most or have on speed dial. The five

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