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The Fifth Mountain: A Novel
The Fifth Mountain: A Novel
The Fifth Mountain: A Novel
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The Fifth Mountain: A Novel

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“More ambitious than The Alchemist. A thought-provoking tale.” – TIME magazine

In The Fifth Mountain, Paulo Coelho takes us back to the ninth century, to the turbulent Middle East, where the prophet Elijah is struggling to keep his faith alive in a world of constant upheaval, tyrannical royalty, and pagan gods.

Elijah’s story is a lesson in persistence, an exercise in hope, and a journey you will never forget. Inspired by a circumstance that forever altered Coelho’s own life, The Fifth Mountain is a testament to the truth that tragedy in life should not be considered a punishment, but a challenge of the spirit. Gripping in its narrative and graceful in its prose, The Fifth Mountain teaches and inspires like no other novel. This is a timeless story for the ages, a tale of the past that resonates powerfully today.

Release dateOct 13, 2009

Paulo Coelho

One of the most influential writers of our time, Paulo Coelho is the author of thirty international bestsellers, including The Alchemist, Warrior of the Light, Brida, Veronika Decides to Die, and Eleven Minutes. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and a United Nations Messenger of Peace. Paulo is the recipient of 115 international prizes and awards, among them, the Chevalier de l'Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur (Legion of Honor). Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947, he soon discovered his vocation for writing. He worked as a director, theater actor, songwriter, and journalist. In 1986, a special meeting led him to make the pilgrimage to Saint James Compostela (in Spain). The Road to Santiago was not only a common pilgrimage but a turning point in his existence. A year later, he wrote The Pilgrimage, an autobiographical novel that is considered the beginning of his literary career. He lives in Geneva, Switzerland.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    “The unavoidable is temporary …the lessons of it are forever”
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    “Although I have the colours, only the Lord can mix them with such harmony.”All of Coelho's books seem to have religion at their centre but this is the first that I've read that actually features a named person from the Bible, the prophet Elijah whose story Coelho has then elaborated upon to form this book.Elijah's is a reluctant prophet, taught by his parents to ignore his calling and become a carpenter. Prophets tend to fall out of popularity with the secular leaders and are often then killed.However, when King Ahab, allows his wife,a Phoenician princess Jezebel, to compel the people of Israel to pray to one of her pagan gods or face death Elijah has a visitation from an angel and given a prophecy. When Elijah tells this prophecy to King Ahab he becomes a hunted man. He escapes and is taken in by a widow in Akbar, despite the fact that she is very poor with barely enough food to feed herself and her son. Whilst living with the woman and the boy Elijah learns to love and struggles against fanatical forces who fear the written word. So fanatical that they are willing to see Akbar destroyed rather than see the spread of the use of the 'alphabet'. Elijah feels that his steps are haunted by death but in the end realises that by forgetting his path he can bring forward new life, some tragedies are just unavoidable.In many respects it is interesting to see Elijah rebel against the will of God rather than merely submit often questioning God's commands as he struggles between faith and reality. I got the impression that the author believes that God wants his disciples to question His deeds rather than merely blindly follow along and that is why Man was given an inquiring mind but then again I may be reading far too much into it.This is not one of my favourite books by the author but all the same it was an enjoyable read and despite racing through id did make me stop and think.“There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them.But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A bit more interesting than "Veronika Decides to Die" but still typical mystical New-Age writing from Paulo Coelho. Not as bad as VDtD, and definitely not as preachy - this is a modern retelling of Elijah and his lifetime, with Paulo's 'New Age' take on things. Makes me wish to read actual REAL writing of that time period (aka non-Bible/non-Paulo, more secular writings of the actual time period and real historical events rather than the mythical and Biblical take on it). As with all of Paulo's books, it's fast, easy to read, New Age style spiritualism, and a bit preachy; but definitely not as preachy as VDtD. A small nod to The Alchemist in the novel as well, for those who read The Alchemist before.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good book. Engaging story. Insightful in the way that fables and parables can be.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Okay, I'll be honest with you. I don't really know the biblical story of Elijah. Like, at all. But, I had read and appreciatedThe Alchemist, biblical fiction is right up my alley, even if I don't know the basis, and I had picked this book up twice now (once on the $2 clearance shelf, and once at Book Bums - a coffee shop/lending library in Olde West Chester), so I figured it was time to read it.And, wow.Maybe once a year, I find a book that hits all the right chords of prose. Once every couple of years, I finish a book, close it, and hold it to my chest, hoping a bit more of the seamless goodness will make its way to my heart through osmosis.No, this is not a book for all audiences, but it is one that I would have trouble NOT recommending to someone. Even if you are not a believer in one higher power (be it a trinity or a solo figure), this is a book that helps to define what it is that makes a human being a great one: the ability to challenge himself and the powers acting in his life; the ability to learn to love and to lose; the ability to set your own goals, even when no success has come your way in quite sometime.So many have deemed The Alchemist a life-changing novel. This is Coelho's masterpiece for me... at least of the ones I've read so far, and I will certainly be looking to complete my collection.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Coelo has become my new favorite author!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Elijah learns about faith, god and his soul in preparation for his return to Israel.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm not a religious person, but this book was more inspirational than religious or spiritual to me--even though it is based fully on and revolves around religion. It managed to do that without being preachy.

Book preview

The Fifth Mountain - Paulo Coelho


At the beginning of the year 870 B.C., a nation known as Phoenicia, which the Israelites called Lebanon, had marked almost three centuries of peace. Its inhabitants could take pride in their accomplishments; because they were not politically powerful, they had developed an enviable skill at negotiation as the only means of assuring survival in a world beset by constant war. An alliance made around the year 1000 B.C. with King Solomon of Israel had allowed the modernization of its merchant fleet and the expansion of trade. Since that time, Phoenicia had never stopped growing.

Its navigators had traveled to places as distant as Spain and the Atlantic Ocean, and there are theories—as yet unconfirmed—of their having left inscriptions in northeastern and southern Brazil. They carried glass, cedar, weapons, iron, and ivory. The inhabitants of the large cities such as Sidon, Tyre, and Byblos were familiar with numbers, astronomical calculations, the manufacture of wine, and for almost two hundred years had been using a set of characters for writing, which the Greeks knew as alphabet.

At the beginning of the year 870 B.C., a council of war was meeting in a distant place called Nineveh. A group of Assyrian generals had decided to send troops to conquer the nations located along the Mediterranean coast. Phoenicia had been selected as the first country to be invaded.

At the beginning of the year 870 B.C., two men hiding in a stable in Gilead, in Israel, expected to die in the next few hours.

Part I

I HAVE SERVED A LORD WHO NOW ABANDONS ME INTO the hands of my enemies, said Elijah.

God is God, the Levite replied. "He did not tell Moses whether He was good or evil; He simply said: I am. He is everything that exists under the sun—the lightning bolt that destroys a house, and the hand of man that rebuilds it."

Talking was the only way to ward off fear; at any moment, soldiers would open the door to the stable where they were hiding, discover them both, and offer the only choice possible: worship Baal, the Phoenician god, or be executed. They were searching house by house, converting the prophets or executing them.

Perhaps the Levite would convert and escape death. But for Elijah there was no choice: everything was happening through his own fault, and Jezebel wanted his head under all circumstances.

It was an angel of the Lord who obliged me to speak to King Ahab and warn him that it would not rain so long as Baal was worshiped in Israel, he said, almost in a plea for absolution for having heeded what the angel had told him. But God acts slowly; when the drought begins to take hold, Princess Jezebel will already have destroyed all who remain loyal to the Lord.

The Levite said nothing. He was reflecting on whether he should convert to Baal or die in the name of the Lord.

Who is God? Elijah continued. Is it He who holds the sword of the soldier, the sword that executes those who will not betray the faith of our patriarchs? Was it He who placed a foreign princess on our country’s throne, so that all this misfortune could befall our generation? Does God kill the faithful, the innocent, those who follow the law of Moses?

The Levite made his decision: he preferred to die. Then he began to laugh, for the idea of death frightened him no longer. He turned to the young prophet beside him and attempted to calm him. Ask God, since you doubt His decisions, he said. I have accepted my fate.

The Lord cannot wish us to be massacred without mercy, insisted Elijah.

God is all-powerful. If He limited Himself to doing only that which we call good, we could not call Him the Almighty; he would command only one part of the universe, and there would exist someone more powerful than He, watching and judging His acts. In that case, I would worship that more powerful someone.

If He is all-powerful, why doesn’t He spare the suffering of those who love Him? Why doesn’t He save them, instead of giving might and glory to His enemies?

I don’t know, said the Levite. But a reason exists, and I hope to learn it soon.

You have no answer to this question.


The two men fell silent. Elijah felt a cold sweat.

You are terrified, but I have already accepted my fate, the Levite said. I am going out, to bring an end to this agony. Each time I hear a scream out there, I suffer, imagining how it will be when my time comes. Since we’ve been locked in here, I have died a hundredfold, while I could have died just once. If I am to be beheaded, let it be as quickly as possible.

He was right. Elijah had heard the same screams, and he had suffered beyond his ability to withstand.

I’m going with you. I weary of fighting for a few more hours of life.

He rose and opened the stable door, allowing the sun to enter and expose the two men hiding there.

* * *

THE LEVITE took him by the arm, and they began to walk. If not for one then another scream, it would have seemed a normal day in a city like any other—a sun that barely tingled the skin, the breeze coming from a distant ocean to moderate the temperature, the dusty streets, the houses built of a mixture of clay and straw.

Our souls are prisoners of the terror of death, and the day is beautiful, said the Levite. Many times before, when I felt at peace with God and the world, the temperature was horrible, the desert wind filled my eyes with sand and did not permit me to see a hand’s span before me. Not always does His plan agree with what we are or what we feel, but be assured that He has a reason for all of this.

I admire your faith.

The Levite looked at the sky, as if reflecting briefly. Then he turned to Elijah. Do not admire, and do not believe so much; it was a wager I made with myself. I wagered that God exists.

You’re a prophet, answered Elijah. You too hear voices and know that there is a world beyond this world.

It could be my imagination.

You have seen God’s signs, Elijah insisted, beginning to feel anxiety at his companion’s words.

It could be my imagination, was again the answer. In actuality, the only concrete thing I have is my wager: I have told myself that everything comes from the Most High.

* * *

THE STREET was deserted. Inside their houses, the people waited for Ahab’s soldiers to complete the task that the foreign princess had demanded: executing the prophets of Israel. Elijah walked beside the Levite, feeling that behind each door and window was someone watching him—and blaming him for what had happened.

I did not ask to be a prophet. Perhaps everything is merely the fruit of my own imagination, thought Elijah.

But, after what had occurred in the carpenter’s shop, he knew it was not.

* * *

SINCE CHILDHOOD, he had heard voices and spoken with angels. This was when he had been impelled by his father and mother to seek out a priest of Israel who, after asking many questions, identified Elijah as a nabi, a prophet, a man of the spirit, one who exalts himself with the word of God.

After speaking with him for many hours, the priest told his father and mother that whatever the boy might utter should be regarded as earnest.

When they left that place, his father and mother demanded that Elijah never tell anyone what he saw and heard; to be a prophet meant having ties to the government, and that was always dangerous.

In any case, Elijah had never heard anything that might interest priests or kings. He spoke only with his guardian angel and heard only advice about his own life; from time to time he had visions he could not understand—distant seas, mountains populated with strange beings, wheels with wings and eyes. As soon as the visions disappeared, he—obedient to his father and mother—made every effort to forget them as rapidly as possible.

For this reason, the voices and visions became more and more infrequent. His father and mother were pleased, and they did not raise the matter again. When he came of an age to sustain himself, they lent him money to open a small carpentry shop.

* * *

NOW AND AGAIN, he would gaze respectfully upon the other prophets, who walked the streets of Gilead wearing their customary cloaks of skins and sashes of leather and saying that the Lord had singled them out to guide the Chosen People. Truly, such was not his destiny; never would he be capable of evoking a trance through dancing or self-flagellation, a common practice among those exalted by the voice of God, because he was afraid of pain. Nor would he ever walk the streets of Gilead, proudly displaying the scars from injuries achieved during a state of ecstasy, for he was too shy.

Elijah considered himself a common man, one who dressed like the rest and who tortured only his soul, with the same fears and temptations of simple mortals. As his work in the carpentry shop went on, the voices ceased completely, for adults and workers have no time for such things. His father and mother were happy with their son, and life proceeded in harmony and peace.

The conversation with the priest, when he was still a child, came to be merely a remote memory. Elijah could not believe that Almighty God must talk with men to have His orders obeyed; what had happened in his childhood was only the fantasy of a boy with nothing to do. In Gilead, his native city, there were those thought by the inhabitants to be mad. They were unable to speak coherently and incapable of distinguishing the voice of the Lord from the delirium of insanity. They spent their lives in the streets, preaching the end of the world and living on the charity of others. Even so, none of the priests considered them exalted by the voice of God.

Elijah concluded in the end that the priests would never be sure of what they were saying. The exalted of God were a consequence of a country uncertain of its way, where brother fought brother, where new governments appeared with regularity. Prophets and madmen were one and the same.

When he learned of his king’s marriage to Jezebel, princess of Tyre, he had thought it of little significance. Other kings of Israel had done the same, and the result had been a lasting peace in the region and an ever more important trade with Lebanon. Elijah scarcely cared if the people of the neighboring country believed in gods that did not exist or dedicated themselves to strange religious practices such as worshiping animals and mountains; they were honest in their negotiations, and that was what mattered most.

Elijah went on buying the cedar they brought in and selling the products of his carpentry shop. Though they were somewhat haughty and liked to call themselves Phoenicians because of the different color of their skin, none of the merchants from Lebanon had ever tried to take advantage of the confusion that reigned in Israel. They paid a fair price for the merchandise and made no comment about the constant internal wars or the political problems facing the Israelites.

* * *

AFTER ASCENDING to the throne, Jezebel had asked Ahab to replace the worship of the Lord with that of the gods of Lebanon.

That too had happened before. Elijah, though outraged at Ahab’s compliance, continued to worship the God of Israel and to observe the laws of Moses. It will pass, he thought. Jezebel seduced Ahab, but she will not succeed in convincing the people.

But Jezebel was a woman unlike others; she believed that Baal had brought her into the world to convert peoples and nations. Astutely and patiently, she began rewarding those who deserted the Lord and accepted the new deities. Ahab ordered a temple built for Baal in Samaria and in it raised an altar. Pilgrimages began, and the worship of the gods of Lebanon spread to all parts.

It will pass. It may take a generation, but it will pass, Elijah went on thinking.

* * *

THEN SOMETHING he was not expecting took place. One afternoon, as he was finishing a table in his shop, everything around him grew dark and thousands of tiny lights began twinkling about him. His head began to ache as never before; he tried to sit but could not move a muscle.

It was not his imagination.

I’m dying, he thought at that instant. And now I’ll discover where God sends us after death: to the heart of the firmament.

One of the lights shone more brightly, and suddenly, as if coming from everywhere at once:

And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying: Tell Ahab, that as surely as the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom thou standest, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to My word.

The next moment, all returned to normal: the carpentry shop, the afternoon light, the voices of children playing in the street.

* * *

ELIJAH DID NOT SLEEP that night. For the first time in many years, the sensations of his childhood came back to him; and it was not his guardian angel speaking but something larger and more powerful than he. He feared that if he failed to carry out the order he might be cursed in his trade.

By morning, he had decided to do as he had been asked. After all, he was only the messenger of something that did not concern him; once the task was done, the voices would not return to trouble him.

It was not difficult to arrange a meeting with King Ahab. Many generations before, with the ascension of King Samuel to the throne, the prophets had gained importance in commerce and in government. They could marry, have children, but they must always be at the Lord’s disposal so that the rulers would never stray from the correct path. Tradition held that thanks to these exalted of God many battles had been won, and that Israel survived because its rulers, when they did stray from the path of righteousness, always had a prophet to lead them back to the way of the Lord.

Arriving at the palace, he told the king that a drought would assail the region until worship of the Phoenician gods was forsaken.

The sovereign gave little importance to his words, but Jezebel—who was at Ahab’s side and listened attentively to what Elijah was saying—began to ask a series of questions about the message. Elijah told her of the vision, of the pain in his head, of the sensation that time had stopped as he listened to the angel. As he described what had happened, he was able to observe closely the princess of whom all were talking; she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, with long, dark hair falling to the waist of a perfectly contoured body. Her green eyes, which shone in her dark face, remained fixed on Elijah’s; he was unable to decipher what they meant, nor could he know the impact his words were causing.

He left convinced that he had carried out his mission and could go back to his work in the carpentry shop. On his way, he desired Jezebel, with all the ardor of his twenty-three years. And he asked God whether in the future he could find a woman from Lebanon, for they were beautiful with their dark skin and green eyes full of mystery.

* * *

HE WORKED for the rest of the day and slept peacefully. The next morning he was awakened before dawn by the Levite; Jezebel had convinced the king that the prophets were a menace to the growth and expansion of Israel. Ahab’s soldiers had orders to execute all who refused to abandon the sacred task

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