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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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There are the small betrayals: the unkind word, the petty lies. And there are the betrayals that break hearts, destroy worlds, and turn the strong sweet light of day into bitter dust.

When Evie Johnson started at Wyldcliffe Abbey School for Young Ladies, her life changed in ways she couldn't possibly have envisioned: the discovery of her link with Lady Agnes, her special bond with Helen and Sarah, and their sisterhood in the astonishing secrets of the Mystic Way. Above all, Evie's love for Sebastian has turned her world upside down.

Now Evie returns to Wyldcliffe for another term and more danger. Surrounded by enemies, she lives every day in fear that Sebastian will fall into the darkness of servitude to the Unconquered Lords. The Wyldcliffe coven is plotting to destroy Evie and use Sebastian to secure their own immortality. Evie and her sisters must master the power of the Talisman before it is too late. But could it be Sebastian himself who will ultimately betray Evie?

In this companion to Gillian Shields's dazzling Immortal, magic and sweeping romance cross the bounds of time to deliver heart-stopping emotion and suspense.

Release dateAug 3, 2010

Gillian Shields

Gillian Shields is the author of Immortal, Betrayal, and Eternal, the first books about the sisterhood of the Mystic Way, as well as many other books for young readers. She spent her childhood roaming over the Yorkshire moors and dreaming of the Brontë sisters. After studying in Cambridge, London, and Paris, she became a teacher. She has taught in a girls' boarding school and also in a drama school where it was rumored that the ghost of a young girl could be heard crying in the night. Gillian was inspired to write this series in celebration of the power of first love, the strength of female friendship, and the haunting mystery of the past.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An interesting story about the life and consequences of living in the society of "Saints". The time chronicles that of working alongside Brigham Young, but the moral and emotional questions brought up are relevant even today. While this was the second book in the series, I didn't feel like there were things I missed by not having read the first. She is a good writer, I couldn't put it down.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Betrayal by Diane Noble is the second in a series. The story is about Bronwyn, a widow with two children. Bronwyn is best friends with Mary Rose, wife of Gabriel. Both families are Saints (Mormons) and the newly developed faith states that men should take more than wife and in time Bronwyn and Mary Rose become Sister-Wives - but with Bronwyn's promise that she would not sleep with Gabriel even though she is attracted to him. Soon though Bronwyn breaks her promise and shortly after that Gabriel takes on another wife. Where this story shines is when the author talks about the relationship between the women. Love radiates through this story - especially the love that Bronwyn's family shares with each other. I would have liked to have read more about the relationship between Bronwyn, Mary Rose, and Enid and the women in their community. We hear about them almost as separate from their lives but we know that community was an integral part of the lives of the Saints and there would have been interaction on a weekly, if not daily basis. I would like to read the first book in the series - The Sister Wife.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I liked the second book even more that the first. I was really involved with the characters since I already knew them from book 1. This is one thing I like about series' (and I love reading series'!), is that you get to know the characters more.This series is fabulous! Great character development. I absolutely love Bronwyn and Mary Rose. They are both really strong women who stand up for themselves against a whole community to save themselves and their family from a faith they no longer believe is right. I love reading about strong women and this book is a great example of that.This series is also very interesting! If you ever wondered about the early days of Mormonism (1840's) there is so much history and information in these books. I don't think there was a boring page. I found myself fascinated and wanting to learn more.Thanks to Librarything early reviewers for giving me this book to review!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I found The Betrayal rather interesting. At first, I thought perhaps it wouldn't be worth the read but it really was. I guess I have never really thought about what it is like to be married to several people at one time. I am not a fan of the reality tv shows that depict this and so the book was a quick way to get a glimpse of this.What struck me was the way people can be convinced about God and other things. For Brigham Young to have captured so many "saints" with his preachings blew my mind.All in all, glad I read the book and I am sure there are many others who might enjoy it as I did.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Where I got the book: LibraryThing Early Reviewers program.As this was a review copy I was not familiar with the series, but it was easy enough to pick up the threads of the story. I read inspirational (Christian) fiction and was intrigued by the idea of an inspy author tackling the Mormons.I enjoyed the story; the strength of the female characters contrasted nicely with a world where the men were all getting their own way and then some. Noble definitely comes down on the side of single marriage, but navigates the moral questions well without becoming preachy: showing, not telling, as good writers do. I got a good sense of the background of the new American West, without the place and the history taking over the story. So on the whole, an enjoyable read from an author who obviously knows how to keep a story moving.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In signing up for this book, I did not realize it was Christian fiction. I thought it would be along the lines of 19th Wife. In general, I find Christian fiction to be preachy, elementary in message and the dialogue to be cheesy (not all, just in general). To give the author a fair shake, I probably would not have requested it. However, gotta say... so glad I didn't know. I loved this book! Diane Noble did an amazing job with the plot, the dialogue... everything. I cannot remember the last time I read a book that I literally did not want to put down.The character development in this book is fantastic. I felt as though I have known these people all my life; that I have gone through their trials with them and shared their joys. As a woman, I know what I would have hoped I would have had the courage to do, given their situation. And through these strong women, I was able to experience it. There were a handful of times I thought, "Uh oh, we're going down that preachy road..." only to quickly reach a 90 degree turn in the road and off we went to the next place. I'm so impressed with this work and excited to read more by Diane Noble!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    There were two things I hadn't realized when I requested this book: first, that it's the second in a series, and second, that it's considered Christian fiction, which is not part of my regular reading lineup.So, after beginning the book with some trepidation, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself quite caught up in the story. Yes, there were a few scenes that slipped into the realm of cheesy romance novel, but the deeper themes in the novel made it worth it. The history of the spread of the Mormon religion out west in the late 1800s was interesting and provided a fascinating backdrop to the story. As the laws of the church grew more constraining, the suspense in the novel mounted. The novel is well-written, and it's easy to be in the story with the characters, which made it difficult to put down.While there were times I wished I'd read the first novel in the series, since there were allusions to past events that weren't clear to me, the novel does fine as a stand-alone and the plot makes sense even without having read the first book. I did feel that things wrapped up a little too quickly and neatly at the end, but overall this was an enjoyable read set in an interesting period of history.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Like other reviewers, I didn't realize this was Christian fiction, but the author strikes a pretty deft balance with the theme of religion. I also didn't realize it was the second in a series and having read the first book before tackling this one, I do think "The Betrayal" stands alone well enough, but there's just enough reference to events of the previous book, "The Sister Wife" that I think the do depend on each other to the point where it's advisable to read in order. The end was perhaps a bit too pat, but all in all, the historical narrative was well done and the characters nicely drawn and sympathetic in a way that the reader cares about them. I'd definitely check out more by Diane Noble after having read this.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Gabe has taken Bronwyn as his second wife. She and Gabe promised Mary Rose that they would not share a marriage bed unless she approved. Bronwyn swore she could never fall in love with Gabe because she would always love Griffin. Mary Rose finally gives them permission to consummate their marriage and Bronwyn finds it more and more difficult not to fall in love.Soon another woman that Gabe loved in the past arrives to live with the Saints and Gabe decides to take her as his third wife. Bronwyn arrives at the church to stop the marriage, not of Gabe and Enid, but a young girl who is to marry a man that could be her great-grandfather. Holding a gun, Bronwyn tells the young girl to come with her and they make their escape, at least temporarily.As the Saints travel to Utah, Bronwyn and Mary Rose plan their escape. They are accused of apostasy and what they do next could cause the death of their loved ones.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Betrayal is written by a Christian author, and gives readers a glimpse of the beginnings of the Mormon church in the mid-1800's. The story has a religious theme, and may not appeal to all readers. This book, however, offers so much more. The story is about love and relationships, and the female characters are strong and realistic. It is not necessary to read the first book, but there were moments when I felt that I was 'missing something'. I enjoyed the book, and found it interesting.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the second in a series about the beginnings of the Mormon church and the settlements in Utah. It can be read alone, but there were times when I felt I was missing a little of the story by not having read the first book. And, it definitely feels like you need a third book to finish the story. The series is by a Christian author and the story is about a religious movement. There is some discussion about whether all the edicts coming from the Mormon leaders are actually from God and the main characters are trying to escape from some of the more extreme church members. While I don't think that makes the book "overly religious", other readers may not be as comfortable with the story.The characters are well-drawn. It's refreshing to see strong female characters in historical fiction.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is book two in the 'Brides of Gabriel" series and although it can be read as a stand alone story, I encourage you to read book one ('The Sister Wife') first, as it really helps you understand much of the background of this story. Once again, I was very upset and bothered by the way these people follow the Brigham Young belief system (Mormonism in the 1840's) and swallow hook, line and sinker, the glory that will be theirs through the practice of polygamy. It made me angry, but was well written and kept me turning the pages to see if these ladies would finally find freedom.Recently widowed Bronwyn has become the second wife to Gabriel MacKay, and because she is/was best friends with her new sister wife, Mary Rose, she promises her that their marriage will remain strictly platonic. But that doesn't happen and Bronwyn struggles with her feelings for her new husband and the betrayal of a promise to her best friend. When Gabriel takes on a third wife, Bronwyn begins to really question the rightness of this religion.Bronwyn and Mary Rose begin to plot their escape after some very horrible decisions are made among the leadership and the marrying off of young 13 and 14 year old girls to the old men. There is also a dead body discovered which is alarming to the two sister wives. Now they must decide how and when to leave, but it is a very dangerous thing to do. Who they will find to help them near the end of the book was a good twist to the story. Well done series that showed the author did her research and turned history into an interesting work of fiction.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love SCRIBD great app love the variety off books theirs always a good reed love it xxx
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    love this book

Book preview

Betrayal - Gillian Shields


My name is Evie Johnson. I am sixteen and a scholarship student at Wyldcliffe Abbey School for Young Ladies. Yes, the famous school hidden away on the bleak moors, where the wind sighs over the hills and the heather blooms under the wide, restless sky. Everyone’s heard of Wyldcliffe. Everyone says how lucky I am.

What else do you want to know? Favorite subjects—history and English. Best sport—swimming. I adore Italian food, and hot chocolate, and the sound of the waves on the shore. All perfectly ordinary. Except that my boyfriend, Sebastian, is dead.

Sebastian James Fairfax. Nineteen years old, dark hair, blue eyes, a smile like an angel; poet; philosopher; my first, my only love…beautiful, beautiful Sebastian.

When I say dead, I don’t mean because of a tragic car accident or some cruel illness. I mean something so different, so off-the-scale different that you can’t imagine it. Sebastian is dead, and yet Sebastian is alive. Sebastian loves me, yet Sebastian is my enemy. I am alone, but I have my friends—my sisters.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that everything that happened to me last term was true, and that my story isn’t over yet. I have to keep on, right to the end, whatever that might be. I have to believe that Sebastian won’t betray me.

There are many kinds of betrayals. There are the small ones: the unkind word, the laughter behind someone’s back, the petty lies. And there are the betrayals that break hearts, destroy worlds, and turn the strong, sweet light of day into bitter dust.


The holidays were over. Outside the window of the cottage, the winter dawn was cold and gray. The bare tips of the straggling rosebushes in Frankie’s garden were nipped by frost. Tomorrow I wouldn’t wake up in this familiar room, to the cry of seagulls wheeling out over the bay. Tomorrow everything would be different. I was going back to school. I was going back to Wyldcliffe.

My suitcase was stuffed with presents that Dad had awkwardly, tenderly forced on me. I hadn’t wanted anything, but he had insisted. And so, apart from my school uniform and my textbooks and gym clothes, my luggage also contained a new camera and a whole lot of expensive gear for the riding lessons he had persuaded me to take when I got back to school.

It was as though he had been trying to make up for the pain of the first Christmas without Frankie. The only mother I had ever known, Frankie had been my darling grandmother, who had looked after me since I was a baby. Now she was gone, and Dad was trying to buy me some comfort to cushion the loss. Only a year ago, Frankie’s death would have been overwhelming. But Wyldcliffe had changed me. I was stronger now, not simply a schoolkid anymore. Wyldcliffe had taught me about fear and danger and death.

It had taught me about love.

Frankie’s funeral had been a few days before Christmas, in the church on the headland, with the sound of the sea sighing below the cliffs. I didn’t cry. I just felt quieter than I ever had before, cut off in a circle of silence, as though the little gathering of well-wishers and neighbors, and the vicar and the hymns and the flowers, were nothing to do with me or Frankie. She had gone, like a bird flying into the dawn, and all the rest was a soothing ritual for the people left behind. But Dad was really upset. Afterward, when everyone had drifted away murmuring clichés and condolences, he blew his nose and wiped his red eyes like the gruff soldier he pretended to be, and said, Sorry, Evie, it brought back everything about Clara…your mom…sorry…

He was remembering my mother’s funeral, fifteen years ago. I had no memory of it, of course. I was only a baby when she died. Sorry, Dad said, so sorry, and loaded me up with presents that I didn’t really want. Then the days had slipped past, tender with grief, until it was time for me to return to school and leave the gulls and the cliffs and the sea behind me once again.

Now my bags were packed and ready, and the holidays were over. I was going back.

I glanced at my little clock near the bed. The day was only just beginning, but I could already hear that Dad was up, getting ready to start the long journey to London. It was time for me to get up too, though there was someone I had to talk to before I did anything else. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater and crept out of the cottage, heading down the rocky path to the beach.

As I hurried along, the pale sun rose from behind the clouds, spilling a wash of light on the waves. I took a deep breath. Those powerful waters gave me strength. Well, she’s always loved the sea, poor girl, the kind neighbors had said when they saw me hanging about the beach every morning, but they couldn’t guess the truth. I actually needed to be near the water, like I needed to breathe. Waking or sleeping, I heard its voice calling me, I felt it quicken my body, and I felt its restless pull. Water for Evie, Helen had said. I thought it would be like that.

I went down to the edge of the sea and closed my eyes, giving my mind to my mystical, beautiful element. I reached out for its power, asking for what I wanted most in the whole world. The waves beating on the shore echoed in my heart and pulsed through my veins. And then he was there.

Sebastian walked over the pebbles and came up behind me, dropping a kiss onto the back of my neck.

Poor Evie, he said. You’re sad today, my girl from the sea.

Not when I’m with you. I sighed and leaned back against his chest and nestled in his arms. Just to be close to Sebastian was happiness itself, enough to wipe out every other sorrow. Don’t move, I said. I want to watch the sun on the waves.

We stood and watched together as the light grew stronger and the gulls swooped low.

I shall always think of you at sunrise after this, Sebastian said. You’re my sunrise, Evie, my new beginning. My life was nothing before I found you. And it would be worth nothing if I ever lost you.

You’ll never lose me, Sebastian, I replied, and for some reason I shivered. Don’t even say it. We’ll always be together.

Always, he said quietly. Forever.

I wanted to stay like that, not moving, overwhelmed by the miracle of finding each other in all the million chances of the world. But Sebastian’s mood changed in an instant and he laughed teasingly. Aren’t you going to swim? he asked. I’ve heard that mermaids swim in all weather.

Only if you’ll swim with me. I laughed in reply, knowing that the water was freezing and all we could do on a cold January morning was skim stones and scramble over the rocks and hold each other for warmth, clinging together like the roses clung to the old walls of the cottage.

We’ll come back here in the summer to swim, Evie. And we’ll feel the sun on our faces all day long, then stay up late and make a campfire on the beach, and watch the stars wheel across the sky.

It sounds perfect.

Everything’s going to be perfect for us. You can tell me stories about when you were a child, and I’ll make up bad poems in praise of your beauty, and we’ll talk and wonder and laugh and put the whole world right. We’ll have this summer together, and the next, and the next…a thousand golden days, just you and me. He held me close, and the sound of the sea seemed to hypnotize me. I no longer felt cold.

A gull cried harshly in the white winter sky. Come on. Let’s walk to the headland, Sebastian said. I want to tell you something. Something important. He pulled my hand gently to follow him, but as I started to walk by his side, he was gone. I was alone.

Had it been a dream, a fantasy, or a vision? I didn’t know. I only knew the pain when the dream ended, and I had to face the truth. Sebastian wasn’t there. Oh, he came to me in snatches like this, but it wasn’t enough. Before I could stop myself, I cried out, Come back…where are you…where are you? But there was no reply.

I was alone, and the wind was icy, like tears falling on snow. Sebastian was far away and I didn’t know whether I would ever see him again.


Dad and I traveled together as far as London, where we had decided to say our good-byes on the platform of King’s Cross station.

Take these to share with your friends, Dad said, handing over an expensive box of chocolates. I was going to make the journey north to Wyldcliffe on my own, and Dad was returning to his duties in the army. He was still young and fit—well, not so young now, but definitely attractive—and as we waited together in those limbo moments, I wondered why he had never married again. The answer flashed into my head: Because of you, Evie, because of you…. I felt a quick pain in my heart when I thought of everything he had done for me, and I hugged him tight.

Have a good term. He smiled. And write to me.

Of course. Every week.

Evie… Dad hesitated. Promise me you’ll look after yourself. I worry about you. You’re growing up so quickly.

I’m fine, Dad. Honestly. I climbed aboard and the train began to pull away. I leaned out of the window and waved as the platform was left behind and Dad got smaller, looking somehow diminished and gray in the distance. I’m fine, I whispered, then dropped onto a seat, stuffing the chocolates into my bag. At least this time I had friends to share them with: two solitary friends out of the massed ranks of snobby, unwelcoming Wyldcliffe students. When I had taken this train back in September I had been a new girl going into the unknown, but now Sarah and Helen would be waiting for me when I arrived at school.

I was longing to see them both. They were more than my friends; they were my family—my sisters. The three of us were bound by mysterious ties that still astonished me. We had been drawn into a world of beauty and danger, and each of us had a powerful elemental connection. Water for Evie, earth for Sarah, air for Helen… There was nothing we couldn’t do, I told myself, if we stayed true to one another and to our secret sister, Lady Agnes Templeton. She was my distant ancestor, the fourth member of our Circle and the servant of the sacred fire. As the train gathered speed through the dreary suburbs, everything that had happened last term churned around my head like an endless mantra: Agnes, Sebastian…Fire, water, earth, air…Agnes…Sebastian…Sebastian…

Sebastian. My first, my only love.

I’m coming back, I tried to tell him. I’m coming back to Wyldcliffe. And I seemed to hear an echo in my head: Come back, come back, come back….

I touched the silver necklace that was hanging on a slender new chain under my shirt. The necklace had been a gift from Frankie before she died, a pretty trinket with a sparkling crystal at its center. It had always been in our family, but if anyone had told me a few months ago that it was known as the Talisman, and that it was an heirloom of the Mystic Way, sealed with elemental forces, I would have laughed. Great joke. I didn’t do weird stuff, paranormal, Wicca, magic—whatever you wanted to call it. I had been the last person on earth who fancied the idea of chanting around a bonfire under the moon.

I wasn’t laughing now, though. Everything that had happened in my first term at Wyldcliffe had changed me forever. I had a new reality, however incredible it seemed.

Sebastian James Fairfax, it said on his gravestone. Born in 1865. It is thought he departed this Life in 1884, by his own hand. God rest his soul. Sebastian hadn’t died, though. Young, impetuous, and restless, he had been loved by Agnes all those years ago. When they had stumbled across the ancient teachings of the Mystic Way, Sebastian had ignored her warnings and searched too far and too deep, corrupting its sacred powers in a doomed quest for immortality. He had learned to prolong his existence, but ultimately he had only half fulfilled his tormented search for everlasting life. Now he was bound by the terrible masters he had served, the Unconquered, who had cheated death and lived forever in the shadows. They would ensure that Sebastian would pay the price for his failure to join their ranks.

The ugly buildings and sparse trees that flashed past the train looked so real and solid and normal. But my world was not like that anymore. I had left normal behind when I had first met Sebastian in the September twilight. Now I lived in a world of unseen powers and impossibilities.

My dreadful, unimaginable reality was that Sebastian was doomed to fade, to wither in body and spirit until he was a demon, a slave of the Unconquered, not their equal. His only hope—the one desperate option left to him—was to take the Talisman and use its mystical powers to become one of the Unconquered himself. And the only way he could possess the Talisman was to kill me.

Sometimes, reality was too painful to bear.

I shifted in my seat and rested my aching head on the cool glass of the window. A memory forced itself into my mind; I saw an underground crypt lit by flickering torches and a crowd of hooded women, the coven of Dark Sisters who had once served Sebastian. They were chanting in a wild frenzy, desperate for Sebastian to claim the Talisman and lead them to eternal life. Sarah and Helen and I had been trapped there, and yet—and yet—when it seemed that we were beaten and that Sebastian would tear the Talisman from me, he had refused to hurt me. I love you…I love you, girl from the sea. His love had given me the courage to reach out to my elemental powers, and I had raised a storm that had swept the coven away. But when it was all over, Sebastian had disappeared. His black horse had been found wandering over the moors, and all trace of its rider had vanished.

I had to see him again, though. Dreams weren’t enough. Memories weren’t enough. I was going back to Wyldcliffe to find Sebastian, but I didn’t know what would be waiting for me. All I could do was ask myself the same unanswerable questions for the hundredth time. What was Sebastian’s reality—his love for me or his need for the Talisman? Would he stay true to his brief words of love? Or would he, in the end, betray me in order to save himself?

Come on, come on, hurry up, I muttered under my breath to the train. I had to get to Wyldcliffe. I had to know the truth.



It’s because I love you that I had to tell you the truth.

You know everything now, Evie. You know that these were my failings: greed, ambition, selfishness, madness, destruction.

I did not mean to do wrong. I wanted to stride across the world like a great explorer, flying near the sun, soaring in thought and time and space.

I wanted to live forever.

Now my grave lies empty and I shall never find rest there. That is the inescapable fact, the dreadful truth. That is my reality.

But there is another truth, even here in the darkness. This memory is true. I must hold on to it and not let go.

This is what happened. I was in the crypt under the ruins at Wyldcliffe. You were there too—I saw your bright hair and your pale face—and there were women baying for your blood, screaming with fear and hatred. The coven. The Dark Sisters. They were trying to hurt you, trying to turn me against you. You were afraid. And then, beyond my own fear and my own need, I remembered something. I remembered that I loved you.

I called to you, my girl from the sea. I called out my love for you. I remember it so clearly.

You were transformed, like an angel. You summoned your powers against the High Mistress and her women: I saw the waters rise; I saw a vision of Agnes. I remember that you were close to me, and I wanted you so much, and then you were gone. Then there was only darkness and pain, and I forced myself to crawl to this hiding place.

Here, in this secret corner, I am surrounded by the tattered remnants of my former studies. I have no need of food or companionship, or light or warmth. I have pen and ink and my memories of you. I scratch out these words in order to try to reach you.

It is because I love you that I have to tell you the truth.

I am leaving this world, Evie.

Soon I will close my eyes and awake not in your arms but into everlasting night. And then there will be no waking from that deepest, darkest dream.


I woke suddenly from a deep dream. Someone was talking to me.

Um, excuse me—are you going to Wyldcliffe?

A girl, about eleven or twelve years old, was hovering nervously near my seat on the train. She was dressed in the dark gray and red Wyldcliffe uniform, all new and stiff and slightly too big for her. I was still in jeans and casual clothes.

I hope I didn’t wake you up, she said apologetically.

No—um, of course not, it’s okay. I shook myself from sleep. I’d just drifted off. Silly of me.

So you are going to Wyldcliffe? The girl pointed at my luggage on the rack over my head. My suitcase had an address label tied on the handle, printed in Dad’s firm handwriting: Wyldcliffe Abbey School.

I guess that gives me away. I smiled up at her, trying to be friendly. Yes, I am.

Can I sit with you? She had a nasal kind of voice, as though she had a permanent head cold. I’ve been wandering up and down the train, trying to find another Wyldcliffe girl.

Sure. Of course you can. I moved some magazines from where I had chucked them on the opposite seat and she sat down. Is this your first term?

I was supposed to start in September, but I was ill, the girl said with a kind of suppressed excitement—or was it fear? She was dark and thin, with a sickly complexion and dull black eyes that seemed to fix themselves onto my face. Do you like Wyldcliffe?

I hesitated. I wasn’t going to tell her what I really felt about Wyldcliffe, or what I really knew about the place. It’s an amazing building, I began brightly. Like a castle in the middle of the moors. The teachers are, well, a bit old-fashioned, but they know their stuff. There’s a choir and orchestra, if you like music. And most girls ride on the weekend. Even I’m going to learn.

It sounded like something I was parroting from the school’s prospectus:

Wyldcliffe is England’s premier traditional boarding school for girls. Located in the stunningly beautiful Wylde Valley, we pride ourselves on the highest academic and social standards….

What the prospectus didn’t say was that Celia Hartle, the High Mistress of Wyldcliffe, had disappeared in strange circumstances at the end of last term. It didn’t say that she was High Mistress not only of the school, but of the deadly coven of Dark Sisters. The authorities had been baffled by Mrs. Hartle’s disappearance, but Sarah, Helen, and I knew that she had vanished after the battle in the crypt. Part of me hoped that she was dead, and yet part of me was sickened by the idea. Either way, whatever had happened to Celia Hartle, the coven would be waiting for me and my Talisman when I got back.

But horses are unpredictable, aren’t they? It must be really frightening.

Oh…um… I hadn’t really been listening, lost in my own thoughts. Sorry?

Horses, the girl repeated, looking more scared than ever. You can get hurt. You know, thrown off and all that. It’s dangerous.

I laughed shortly. After everything I had faced at

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