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The Outlaw Demon Wails
The Outlaw Demon Wails
The Outlaw Demon Wails
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The Outlaw Demon Wails

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Vampire and bounty hunter extraordinaire Rachel Morgan must play a dangerous game in which the the prize is her immortal soul in this riveting new tale in the bestselling Hollows series

To save the lives of her friends, Rachel Morgan, witch and runner, did the unthinkable: she willingly trafficked in forbidden demon magic. Now she’s about to pay for that sin . . . .

But there was one person her wits and wiles couldn’t save. Searching for the truth behind her love’s murder, Rachel treads a dangerous path, filled with deadly menace and shocking suprises— including a powerful demon determined to claim her and a family secret that throws her entire life into question. If she is ever to live free, she must walk willingly into the demonic ever-after in search of long-lost knowledge.

But when a woman dances with demons, she lays her soul on the line . . . and Rachel may never return.

Release dateOct 13, 2009

Kim Harrison

Kim Harrison is best known as the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Hollows series, but she has written more than urban fantasy and has published more than two dozen books, spanning the gamut from young adult, accelerated-science thriller, and several anthologies and has scripted two original graphic novels set in the Hollows universe. She has also published traditional fantasy under the name Dawn Cook. Kim is currently working on a new Hollows book between other, nonrelated, urban fantasy projects.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book had a lot of things going on. Somehow Al is back, Ceri is pregnant, Rachel's mom is around (and kicking ass!), and Trent wants Rachel to go into the Ever-After to get something for him. Typical of Rachel, she'll do a lot for her friends, including practicing demon magic and making that very dangerous trip to get elven DNA.

    I always like Rachel's interactions with Trent. But, then, I like Trent because I understand him and what he's doing. He's trying to preserve an entire species and if he hurts others to do so he considers that an acceptable loss. Rachel is intolerant of him, and I understand her ethics are not his, but she should also look a little closer to home, I think, and wonder why she hates him so and yet excuses others. It's all tied up with his father and her father and when she finds out a tremendous secret in this book about her childhood "treatments" and the origin of witches it gets even worse.

    I'm so over this Ivy-Rachel-blood thing I could scream. Both of them need to suck it up and deal. Come to some sort of resolution before you hurt each other irreparably. They try, again, as usual, but I'm left unsatisifed with it. Nonetheless, this book was great fun and set up many things for the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This installment takes the story of Rachel Morgan to new heights. Harrison does a fantastic job of showing character growth and development. Like the previous books, the plot moves rapidly with many twists and turns. The unpredictable nature of the story keeps the reader hooked to see what will happen next. Each book in the Hollows series is better than the last. A real pleasure in a crowded genre.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Awesomeness like always. Nuf' said. I love these characters and the twists and the storytelling. These aren't grand masterpieces, but they've struck a deep cord in me and I am soooo invested Morgan and her friends now, I couldn't stop reading these books if I wanted to. On to more goodness.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Where Demons Dare (The Outlaw Demons Wails)
    4 Stars

    As many know from reading my reviews of the series, The Hollows has been more of a miss than a hit. However, this book is a definite move in the right direction.

    The ongoing angst between Ivy and Rachel has always been the most significant problem with the books and might have been a deal breaker if GR friends hadn't told me that it is resolved sooner rather than later. Well, that moment arrives here, and Rachel finally makes the mature and sensible decision that she should have made at the outset. It looks like she is growing up at long last.

    In terms of the plot, someone is helping Rachel's demon nemesis, Algaliarept, escape from his imprisonment in the Ever After, and he has his heart set on throttling her. Trent is forced to swallow is pride and ask Rachel for help in obtaining a crucial ingredient for the cure to the elves genetic issues, and Rachel learns a troubling secret about her parents. All of these seemingly unrelated threads ultimately coalesce into a unified storyline with some exciting actions scenes and an intriguing revelation or two.

    On a final note, for some unknown reason, the narrator for this installment is Gigi Bermingham instead of Marguerite Gavin. While there is nothing drastically wrong with the narration (other than the occasional discordant pronunciation), she does not have Gavin's range of voices and Jenks, in particular, is not as well done. For me, Gavin is the voice of this series, but I would be willing to listen to other books read by Bermingham.

    All in all, Harrison has certainly hit her stride with this book. The ongoing character development, the quirky humor and the captivating world building are all finally coming together, and I'm glad that I've stuck with it despite the ups and downs.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It has been a while since I read a book in the Hollows series and I found it a bit slow to get into. However, once the action picked up, I thought this story was a great one. The world building was very interesting and as always, the characters are fun and developed. I think it could go with a few less pages about the emotional drama of the characters, but my guess is that the target audience for these types of books like those parts the best. I will certainly be continuing the series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This installment takes the story of Rachel Morgan to new heights. Harrison does a fantastic job of showing character growth and development. Like the previous books, the plot moves rapidly with many twists and turns. The unpredictable nature of the story keeps the reader hooked to see what will happen next. Each book in the Hollows series is better than the last. A real pleasure in a crowded genre.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Unlike another genre author I won't mention, Kim Harrison's books keep getting better. Kudos to her for never being a lazy writer!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Warning: This review contains major spoilers for this book and For A Few Demons MoreAccording to Kim Harrison, this was originally going to be the conclusion of the series and in some respects that really shows. Save for one or two things, the ending of the book could have been the sort of satisfying conclusion of the series. Kist's killer still hasn't been found, but considering that she didn't realize until she was writing book 7 that he needed to die in book 5 she did a remarkable job of working in everyone's grief. In fact, if I hadn't herd her say that she had to go back and work all that in I'd never have known that wasn't part of the plan. And Jenks mortality is still an issue, though frankly Matalina seems much closer to not surviving the winter.I think part of what makes it feel like a conclusion is that Rachel really has grown up. She's thinking before reacting more often now. She's not just saying she should grow up, she's doing it. And she's clearly starting a new phase in her life.I'm a little sad about where things ended up with Ivy. I suppose I should be happy that she clearly does like Ivy for Ivy and not just the vamp pheromones, something which Ivy finally knows, too. But my hope for anything but a close friendship has died. I can't argue that it doesn't make sense. Clearly it's safer for everyone this way and I've always been really turned off by the idea of a vampire literally owning and controlling another person, even if love is involved. Plus, I've never been a fan of selective bisexuality. Ivy is clearly bi and that's great, but the only woman Rachel's ever been sexually attracted to is Ivy and so on some level it's hard for me to believe it's anything more than vamp pheromones. We'll see. Right now my money's on Rachel ending up with Trent.As for the story itself, I enjoyed it. It was interesting to see the Ever After. I'd like it if the gargoyle became a reoccurring character. I am worried about Matlalina though. Even if Jenks can be saved I'm not sure he'd particularly want to be if she were gone. I'm ready to be done with Marshall. The white knight thing gets old very quickly where the woman in question is more than capable of taking care of herself better than the knight could even dream of doing. And it was fun seeing more of Rachel's mom. It goes a long way toward explaining why Rachel is the way she is.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This selection from Kim Harrison's Hollow series is truly excellent. However, read it. Do not listen to it. The reader on the Audible download is not Ms. Gavin. For this omission, I took back one star.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is my favourite in the entire Hollows series. The writing is so polished and the pacing is exhilarating. Harrison knows when to put her foot on the gas and when to let up. Delightful.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A note at the beginning of the book says that this was originally supposed to be where the series ended, so it's not surprising that a lot of old hanging threads are dealt with and tied off (some more neatly than others). However, doing that while starting enough new threads to carry the series forward is pretty impressive.

    Rachel is finally growing up, which is great. My favorite moment in the series was a few books ago when her friends sat her down and basically gave Rachel the talking to that I was repeating in my head. I'm a little irritated that most of this newfound maturity only applies to her relationship with Ivy, who I like, rather than the random males Rachel comes into contact with, but given both Rachel's and Ivy's pasts, it does make sense. I just like Ivy.

    I think that what makes this series work is how well-drawn these secondary characters are. I love Ivy and Jenks and Matalina and the kids and Cerie. When the inevitable happens, I'm gonna be wrecked. We've learned enough backstory on these characters to make the story a true ensemble.

    I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great series! Rachel is snarky and a kick a$$ chick! Jinx is hysterical and Ivy is a real bada$$! I may be crushing on Al, I know he is a demon but he is just so funny!

    Terrific concept and truly entertaining tale!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another good book from Kim Harrison. This is the 6th book in the series. In this instalment we get closer to finding out who murdered Kisten and what Trent's father really did when he cured Rachel as a child. We get to meet Rachel's mother who has been keeping a secret all of Rachel's life which has been affecting her mental health but once it's out in the open she seems a lot better. Rachel seems to think that her mother is harmless would be mortified if she knew anything about Rachel's life but in fact she's fiesty and surprisingly understanding.

    There are a couple of threads to this book, one where Ceri falls pregnant and to ensure the child is born healthy they need a pure sample of elf DNA which can only be found in the ever-after. And the other is about Al being summoned out of his prison cell in the ever-after and set free to reek havoc every night. He comes straight for Rachel and attempts to kill her. She has to find away to keep him from hurting her and her family and friends.

    I really enjoyed this one especially when we get see Trent so helpless despite all of his money.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I love the whole hollows series. Rachel, Ivy and Jenks pull it off time and time again. Magic, mystery and danger follow them where ever they go.Harrison just keepings getting better. Fantastic series for people who like urban fantasy but find the sexual overload necessary. I look forward to each and every book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of my all-time favorite series. And Marguerite Gavin is spectacular in bringing all the other books in the series to life. As you will see if you look at my reviews, you will see I own a LOT of books, and many, many on audio.

    However, I can't STAND this narrator! She is, in a word, horrible. Whomever made the decision to have her do this book should be fired immediately, and the book should be redone by Marguerite. I will buy it in audio in that case. However, with this narrator, I am forced to fall back on my Nook and just read it. A shame. This is SUCH a good series, and a bad reader can turn buyers against a series just on the fact that some people should never, ever be narrators.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Where do I start, this is by far my favorite book in The Hollows Series so far. It's an Urban Fantasy and nothing like anything I've read in the genre before. I always look forward to reading this series because I love reading about the characters and seeing where they'll go next.

    Rachel Morgan is at it again in this one. Working with Ivy and Jenks, while trying to live with them (which is always interesting when the pixies move into the church during the cold.. haha). Trent, Al, Marshall and Rachel's Mom all have rather big parts in The Outlaw Demon Wails also. Al is trying to kill Rachel which isn't a huge surprise he has never really liked her. Trent seems to think it is Rachel's job to save the Elf species and wants her to into the Ever-After to help him. With all this going on it results in a fast-pasted story that just keeps you coming back for more. I can honestly say with this series I didn't just have one favorite character. It was like being pulled in multiple directions.. I enjoyed learning more about them all.

    There were a couple scenes that seemed to have a really big impact. Rachel and Ivy came to a turning point in their relationship and I was actually happy when it happened because I never really cared for that part of the story anyways. Also Rachel found out something about her parents that helped her understand why she could do what she was can. I'm loving where this series is going. All of the twists thrown into this book were interesting. I look forward to reading where it leads the characters.

    Kim Harrison's writing style is really smooth and seems to have a natural flow to it. There isn't anything about her style that I don't like. I was a little shocked while reading with all the twists and such, but it's a good shocked. i will for sure continue with The Hollows. Rachel is a very interesting character and I can't wait to see what happens next. I would recommend The Outlaw Demon Wails to anyone that loves a well built world chalk full of supernatural elements.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I can tell if a book is good if I almost miss my metro stops on the way to and from work. I really like this series but this one has me confused. Parts of it I really liked and parts I kept getting distracted by things going on around me while commuting to and from work.

    I loved the blood drinking scene between Ivy and Rachel. Seriously, will they ever hook up?? Seriously need a good lesbian vampire story. I didn't like all the crap with Al the demon as it seems so rehashed from previous books in the series. But I suppose there always has to be characters you don't like. Fortunately, the parts with Al are limited and when it goes to the back burner, the story line gets better.

    Another thing I liked was more filling in of Rachel's history including information on her father. I also liked the hopefully new character Bis, who is a Gargoyle. Lots of potential there. I'm going to give this book 4 stars despite the issue with Al that I have because the series is really good. But I'd prefer to give it 3 1/2 stars as I kept getting distracted while reading it.

    Quotes from the book that I like:

    "You little will-o'-wisp of a ghost fart."
    "Damn, that's more freaky than a fairy's third birthday party"
    "No one in the movies ever looks up until the saliva starts dripping down."
    "Tink's Dildo, I'm leaking enough dust to be a lighting rod"
    "Tink's Tampons"
    "Oh for the sweet humpin love of Tink"
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Rachael, Rachael, Rachael! Kim Harrison finally gives us a LOT more information regarding Rachael's history/past. What happened to her father, what was done to her as a child, who she really is... I can't say anymore without giving away too much. Jenks is wonderful, again. He truly stands by Rachael's side and helps to protect her no matter what. One thing that has been bugging me though (since book 1) is WHY does Jenks feel such a need to protect Rachael? When book 1 opened, they were just partners thrown together because no one else would go with her on the run - not like they had any kind of real connection or history. If it were in response to Rachael's attitude toward Jenks (that he's a real person and he counts), I would understand more of Jenks' attitude, but Jenks has been like this since before that. Anyway, I do like Jenks and all of his little sayings. He risks so much for everyone he cares about. I feel so sorry for him though because of Matalina and her failing health. Ivy didn't seem to do as much in this book as she has in the others. Well, in the second half of the book. In the first half we learn what Ivy has been up to while she's away with the new Vampire Master. But, during the second half of the book, she's sort of just there. One other character (okay there are two others) that I'm glad we got a chance to meet or learn more about is Rachael's mom and Marshal. Rachael's mom certainly has some significant issues, but she is definitely a wonderful woman. She has put everyone ahead of herself and her talents/gifts with regard to charm making and her potential ability. Her character finally has some depth to it - giving us more understanding of her. And Marshal... He's nice - almost too nice? I don't know yet - I'm afraid to take him at face value and accept that he's a genuinely good guy. Is Kim Harrison going to turn him evil? Hope not, he's good for Rachael. Okay, enough rambling - this really wasn't a review as much as just a bunch of jumbled thoughts about this edition of The Hollows. Can't wait to read the next one
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of my all-time favorite series. And Marguerite Gavin is spectacular in bringing all the other books in the series to life. As you will see if you look at my reviews, you will see I own a LOT of books, and many, many on audio.

    However, I can't STAND this narrator! She is, in a word, horrible. Whomever made the decision to have her do this book should be fired immediately, and the book should be redone by Marguerite. I will buy it in audio in that case. However, with this narrator, I am forced to fall back on my Nook and just read it. A shame. This is SUCH a good series, and a bad reader can turn buyers against a series just on the fact that some people should never, ever be narrators.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This series is steadily improving. Less "oh, woe is me!" and more "it's about time I grew up and stopped being an idiot". The main character finally starts taking some responsibility for her actions. Not completely, but getting there.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    6 books in, and we've probably just gotten the best entry in this series. KH ties up many of the dangling threads from previous entries...and almost none of them in the obvious or expected way. in fact, it's solid enough that you would feel almost ok with the series ending on this book. while still being all about the character interactions, this one is non-stop action: when i went to bed at 3am the first night i spent with this book, it was only because of a chapter break, not because a good stopping point had appeared. the whole series is highly recommended.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Despite my complaints about the last book, Outlaw Demon was actually fairly tight. The stakes are getting pretty high, the reveals about Rachel's family were interesting and tied a lot of the seemingly extraneous plotlines together, and the heretofore-tedious demons have become much more interesting. (Note that none of this excuses the fact that the previous plotlines read as random, boring, or both.) I do not and will not ever love the resolution on the Ivy plotline - it really felt like Harrison had written herself into a corner and needed to find an out that didn't involve Rachel liking girls That Way - but I still like Ivy as a character and am glad she has remained central.

    The series has some momentum at this point, despite the average-at-best writing and the inherent unlikeability of the main character. It's kind of a lot to read to get to something that feels satisfying, but at least it gets there.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not disappointing in the least! Well written, there's action, there's adrenaline, there's emotion, there's humor. It's pretty impressive to me that a bad-ass demon-fighting main character can give this reader misty eyes on occasion. I'm almost sorry that I read the hardcover - it seems like it will be forever now that I'll have to wait for the next book! And for the record: If I were needing to find a name for a young'un of my own, I'd definitely consider Quen!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this novel as Harrison is finally pushing us toward understanding the roots of the animosity between Rachel and Trent. I did, predictably, object to the conclusion of the Ivy issue. Really, Harrison? You have exploited the relationship between Ivy and Rachel for five novels and now Rachel suddenly gets smart? More likely, the intention was never to create anything valuable between the two characters, as that would be uncomfortable, and the lust and titillation of the uncertain situation has run out. The exploitation of lesbian desire remains my objection to this series. (I also find it interesting that Ivy, when sexually denied, is somehow more comfortable with Rachel. This seems unrealistic.) I find Rachel's sudden decision to behave "smartly" even more shocking, especially as her character has never been particularly logical. Moreover, Rachel keeps making rash decisions; the only difference is that she tells herself (and us) that they make sense. Honestly, Harrison needs to endow her characters with a little more consistency. Rachel's ridiculous shifts in personality (and sexuality) are giving me whiplash.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I wasn't sure that to think of this story at first, but it's really a lot of insight into Al. It's also an intriguing look at Ceri. I had no love for her, but now I understand her better.Merged review:Another one of Rachel's adventures. This time, we get to see a softer side of Trent in the process. I'm enjoying this series far more than I thought I would. The dynamics, the characters, the plotlines, all draw me in and make me want to keep reading.I had to force myself to read something else, honestly, because my books are piling up.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This selection from Kim Harrison's Hollow series is truly excellent. However, read it. Do not listen to it. The reader on the Audible download is not Ms. Gavin. For this omission, I took back one star.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another fabulous installment in the series, even though it has been six months since I read 1-5 (library has been slow getting them in) I was right back in the story from the first few pages. Rachel continues to struggle with doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. She is missing Kisten, still searching for that elusive balance with Ivy and now Al has broken his word and want's her and all she loves, dead. As is her way, Rachel puts herself at risk to protect them all. Though there is plenty of kickass action, it's really the characters who drive this series and is why I enjoy it so much. Rachel shows some real growth in this story, particularly when she learns the truth her mother has hidden and the information that explains her skills. I admit to be being a bit over Ivy and her tortured thing, she really doesn't contribute a whole lot to the story though it could be argued that she is a catalyst for Rachels change here. I love Jenks, his fierce loyalty and his ability to provide light relief - even uniintentionally. Bis is an interesting addition to the cast - I was expecting him to have a larger role when he appeared but perhaps next book.A terrific, entertaining read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ms. Harrison returns us to the world of the Hollows and Rachel Morgan in the 6th book of her series. Never one to slow down, Rachel comes out of this book in a rush, an attempted blood balance with Ivy, Marshal moves to Cincinatti, and someone is pregnant! Not too bad so far right? Never fear, its gets worse. Someone is summoning Al, and then turning him loose on this side of the ever after to hunt and torment Rachel before he is returned to the ever-after at sunrise. Now stuck on holy ground other than when the sun is up, Rachel gets cabin fever and figures the only thing she can do if find who is summoning Al, and put a stop to it. But trent has a proposition for her, and offer she cannot refuse, and Rachel heads inot the ever-after to save not only her life - and that of a friend. But will she escape with her own? And will her past be too much for her to handle?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In my opinion, this is KH's best book yet. When You-know-who died (if you don't know, I won't spoil it ;) I was tempted to toss all my Hollows books in a closet and forget them. But just reading a sample of this one got me straight to the store to buy the Hardcover-I couldn't wait for the paperback, and I rarely do that.Rachel's matured alot over the series, but she's still fun and lovable, and I love all the characters around her, they're so real. Harrison has built a fantastic world and kept things moving even while she gives us all those fabulous details that drop us right in the middle of her reality.If you love Kim Harrison, you won't be disapointed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    So happy to have another book from The Hollows series to jump right into. I think For a Few Demons More is still the strongest in the series, but this one was no less entertaining. Still mourning the death of someone very close to her, Rachel Morgan learns something shocking about herself, and her mom and dad. And then there’s the “usual” list of demon wrangling, a trip into the Ever-After with Jenks to save Trent’s sorry butt. And a potential new love. These books are entertaining as hell and I’m always sorry to finish one.What I enjoy most about them is that not only are Rachel and Ivy strong independent women who have to solve the problems their flawed existences put them into, but Harrison has created a world we can all identify with. A world that is rich with all the tensions we humans deal with while trying to do more than just live, but to thrive. That Rachel calls down more problems on herself while trying to do the right thing, all the while doubting herself, is one of the big reasons I am drawn to these books. These books aren’t only about the universal themes of “Good vs. Evil” and love and friendship, they’re also about the choices we have to make to protect ourselves and the people we love, and how those choices often look like the wrong one to others. Rachel isn’t the most graceful of heroines but she’s got to be the one with the biggest heart.