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More Than a Bucket List: Making Your Dreams, Passions, and Faith a Reality
More Than a Bucket List: Making Your Dreams, Passions, and Faith a Reality
More Than a Bucket List: Making Your Dreams, Passions, and Faith a Reality
Ebook222 pages1 hour

More Than a Bucket List: Making Your Dreams, Passions, and Faith a Reality

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About this ebook

Fun ideas of things to do, places to see, and ways to make a difference!

Everyone dreams about places to see, people to meet, and things to do in their lifetime. But too often we lose sight of those dreams and get buried in everyday busyness and demands. More Than a Bucket List will inspire you to seize and act on a range of dreams—anything from visiting the Holy Land, donating your time at a soup kitchen, learning to climb a tree, or helping a child learn to read. The book also includes ideas to make lasting memories as you marvel at a new sight, laugh like crazy with an old friend, or change a life.

The compilation of bucket list items is divided thematically and blended with Scripture and personal stories. Pages at the back allow you to write your own bucket list items. Are you ready to finish this life well and start checking off items from your bucket list?

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateNov 5, 2012
More Than a Bucket List: Making Your Dreams, Passions, and Faith a Reality

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    More Than a Bucket List - Thomas Nelson







    More Than a

    Bucket List

    Making Your Dreams, Passions, and Faith a Reality

    Toni Birdsong


    More Than a Bucket List

    © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Thomas Nelson, Inc., titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fundraising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

    Italics in Scripture indicate the author’s emphasis.

    Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Other Scripture quotations are from the following sources:

    THE ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV). © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. The King James Version (KJV). The Message (MSG) by Eugene H. Peterson. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. All rights reserved. NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® (NASB). © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission. THE NEW KING JAMES VERSION (NKJV). © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-4003-2079-0

    Printed in China

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    Pursue laughter.

    Live your dreams.

    Honor the strength of others.

    Fight for love.

    Be a Good Samaritan.

    Become a more positive person.

    Trust God in business.

    Tap into the martyr’s heart.

    Maintain a balanced digital diet.

    Live with compassion.

    Take time to grieve.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Champion gratitude.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Rediscover what’s important.

    When it’s okay to quit . . .

    Trace the steps of Francis of Assisi.

    The Prayer of Francis of Assisi.

    Live an adventure.

    Forgo the organ recital.

    Kiss the sky in Montana.

    Perfect your elevator speech.

    Be a better boss.

    Be a true contender.

    Go for that dream job.

    Live with strength.

    Watch less TV.

    Reframe failure.

    Aspire to be iridescent.

    Live faithfully.

    Make peace with persecution.

    Love on your library.

    Renew your mind each day.

    Get great at everyday romance.

    Live your dreams.

    Bless their every step.

    Sleep in more.

    Make love a verb.

    Listen and learn from Grandpa.

    Fall in love with Germany.

    Live with compassion.

    Ask What if? for one day.

    Live debt-free.

    Accept God’s forgiveness.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Go to the edge.

    Visit Bisbee, Arizona.

    Seek out the bizarre.

    Experience the real Ireland.

    Live an adventure.

    Run your race.

    Go beyond the ’burbs.

    Don’t wonder any longer.

    Get obsessed.

    Live with strength.

    Try every bonbon on the planet.

    Honor your season.

    Keep church simple.

    Live faithfully.

    Live 100 percent complaint-free.

    Find your passion.

    Love your community.

    Don’t zoom past the riches.

    Live your dreams.

    Celebrate more.

    Focus on the promises, not the problem.

    Live within your harvest.

    Don’t spend your life online.

    Feeling extreme? What are you waiting for?

    Live with compassion.

    Zip it and listen.

    Track down that teacher.

    Memorize the Serenity Prayer (at least the first part).

    Preach heaven’s message first.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Praise others—because you can.

    Ignore your critics.

    Bicycle through Provence.

    Remember the miracles.

    Invite wisdom to dinner.

    Live an adventure.

    Master a short course in human relations.

    Reduce your carbon footprint.

    Bust out of your rut.

    Go on a word fast. Record what you hear.

    Wash the feet of another.

    Earn the right to wear red.

    Live with strength.

    Live. Greater.

    Be okay with a nothing day.

    Visit the Holy Land.

    Refresh yourself on the Big Ten.

    Refuse to grow up—completely.

    Live faithfully.

    Do something radical.

    Be a better parent.

    Adopt SMART goals.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Get centered.

    Celebrate the ache.

    Start a blog.

    Don’t let age be an excuse.

    Live your dreams.

    Nosh on the exotic.

    Don’t be a slave to emotions.

    Take a road trip through US history.

    Explore the tropics of Panama.

    Live with compassion.

    Tell them.

    Ask yourself the tough questions.

    Bring back the word repent.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Think big picture.

    Find the mute button on life.

    Stop comparing yourself to others.

    Go tech: connect!

    Live an adventure.

    Plant something to celebrate.

    Admit that you blew it.

    Ask God first.

    Let God fight for you.

    Live faithfully.

    Write your dad an IOU.

    Live in the light.

    Inject some spontaneity.

    Create a family cookbook.

    Kiss without guilt.

    Sail Antarctica.

    Live an adventure.

    Try unconditional love.

    Avoid crowds.

    Visit the locations of some of your favorite movies.

    Give your opinion . . . less.

    Create a one-word epitaph.

    Live your dreams.

    Laugh at perfection.

    Understand the value of time.

    Get to know God.

    Exude enthusiasm.

    Dream deeply.

    Live with compassion.

    Replace old messages.

    Break the rules once in a while.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Watch the big ten on the big screen.

    Make amends.

    Use heart metrics.

    Go on a news fast.

    Choose peace.

    Work hard, and grow your grit.

    Live an adventure.

    Go on a safari.

    Read the good stuff.

    Read the good stuff.

    Live with strength.

    Create a morning ritual.

    Give honest answers.

    Hike the Inca Trail.

    Ride horseback through Mongolia.

    Learn to want what you already have.

    Visit these ten places in the US.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Attitude before altitude.

    Live a life that sings.

    Grab a hammer.

    Get better, not bitter.

    Live an adventure.

    Embrace grace.

    Thirty people in thirty days.

    Be a hero.

    Create a reverse bucket list.

    Go on a tour of strangely named cities.

    Live your dreams.

    Figure Out One Thing.

    Obliterate fear.

    Live a life of love and laughter.

    Climb every mountain.

    Make adventure an attitude.

    Build something that will outlast you.


    You’d have a hard time proving this, but most of us agree that the older we get, the faster time seems to speed by. As our time on earth gets shorter, the list of promises we make to ourselves tends to get longer. That’s where More Than a Bucket List comes in. But this isn’t some standard check-it-off bucket list. It’s much more.

    More Than a Bucket List will challenge you to go for that hole-in-one at Pebble Beach, to become an amateur chef, to scale K2. But it will also encourage you to view these accomplishments from God’s point of view and to make your bucket list matter eternally along the way. With each page, the dream inside you will be drawn out—the higher dream of what God has purposed for you.

    So have fun! You can read this book a few different ways. Take in just a few pages a day, or read in blocks and dog-ear what speaks to you as you compile your personal bucket list on the pages provided in the back. For the renegades in the group, close your eyes, crack open the book, and let your finger fall squarely on your next big adventure! Discover hundreds of ideas to jump-start your heart. Be inspired. Be intentional. And be contagious in your quest to live a life that is more than a bucket list.

    Pursue laughter.

    Chor•tle n: A joyful laugh or chuckle. Word coined by writer Lewis Carroll by combining the words chuckle and snort.

    Laughter reminds us that we are fully alive and that God the Creator is both generous and genius. A buoyant spirit is an invitation to the world

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