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Beyond Molasses Creek
Beyond Molasses Creek
Beyond Molasses Creek
Ebook310 pages22 hours

Beyond Molasses Creek

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Three lives are bound by a single book . . . and the cleansing waters of Molasses Creek.

Having traveled to the ends of the earth as a flight attendant, Ally Green has finally returned to the Lowcountry to bury her father as well as the past. But Vesey Washington is still living across the creek, and theirs is a complicated relationship—he was once her best friend . . . and also part of the reason she’s stayed away so long. When Ally discovers a message her father left behind asking her to quit running, it seems her past isn’t through with her yet.

As Ally’s wandering spirit wrestles with a deep longing to flee again, a young woman on the other side of the world escapes her life of slavery in the rock quarries of Nepal. A mysterious sketchbook leads Sunila Kunari to believe there’s more to her story than she’s ever been told, and she’s determined to follow the truth wherever it leads her.

A deep current intertwines the lives of these three souls, and a destiny of freedom, faith, and friendship awaits them all on the banks of Molasses Creek.

“…Seitz has written good stories in the past butBeyond Molasses Creek exceeds all of them.”—Jackie K. Cooper, The Huffington Post

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateJan 30, 2012
Beyond Molasses Creek

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I had a hard time finishing this book. When I requested for it, I was optimistic about it but my optimism waned as I read the book. The story was meaningful and good life lessons can be learned from it, but being the thrill-seeker that I am, I found it difficult to read as the story got slower 2/3 of the way through the book. It just wasn't exciting enough for me.Ally and Vesey's story is heartwarming and sad at the same time. Two souls, love, and sorrow. To be honest, I found the ending to their story depressing. Even the beginning of their story was depressing! While it can't be blamed on their relationship, I like to think that Ally's actions as a young adult was indirectly linked to their relationship that couldn't happened. The whole situation is just such a sad problem - a relationship broken down because of racial issues.Beyond Molasses Creek is the perfect book for you if you enjoy cozy mystery with a dash of romance in it. While it did not really suit my tastes, I grew to appreciate the way issues are presented in such a manner that they cause us to think deeper about them and make us want to explore them even further.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Having read Saving Cicadas by this fabulous author, I was excited to jump into a new novel by her. Beyond Molasses Creek is both a dramatically complex read AND a light, refreshing read. It's not often you find a book that can be BOTH of those things in such way that the reader never looses interest. This book is wonderfully written in a style that will win your heart, your mind, your soul. Filled wonderful messages between the lines, you'll loose your heart to Molasses Creek!Ally's character is one that you would love to meet in real life. She's come back to the South Carolina town she grew up with to handle the loss of her father. Once there, she learns of her father's dying wish. For her to STAY in South Carolina again. But, there's one thing that Ally must deal with if she does. Across her Molasses Creek lives a wonderful, God-fearing man. Vesey,the man she calls her closest, best friend. Ally's loved him from afar since she was little, but she can never have him. Why? It's nearly unheard of for a white woman and a black man to have a relationship in the 50s.Ally is coming to terms with the consequences of her actions in her younger years. Vesey is sent away, she leaves and travels the country, becomes pregnant, loses her daughter to a kidnapping and comes full circle with herself and her home, when her father dies. The complexity of Ally's character is beyond stunning. She grabs your heart and squeezes it til you become a part of her, til the reader FEELS each emotion from happiness to sadness, from hurt to anger.Sunila's character is wonderfully portrayed as a 30 year old woman living as a slave. Each emotion she felt overflows to the reader, helping the reader to see through the eyes of the young woman learning about her true identity.Vesey's character is one that I would love to know in real life. He's a wonderful man who trusts so wholly in God and his tenderness with Ally shines bright.This is most definitely a highly recommended 5 Book worthy novel from an author who can take the complexity of life's issues, the intensity of kidnapping, loss, survival, forbidden love, and infuse it with wonderful Southern charm to turn out a story that will leave the reader often in tears, and with a smile of awe on their face. By the last page, you don't want to leave Molasses Creek. The reader will want to sit down with Ally, Vesey, Sunila and all the other characters, take trips back into the past, and live out the future right along side them. I am pleased to say that I am adding this to my all time favorite Christian novels, and I look forward to reading more of Ms. Seitz' wonderful work in the future!This review originated at Reviews By Molly in part with a blog tour.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm a huge fan of the exotic twist in a novel. I'm intrigued by books about women who do the unexpected/perhaps "wrong" thing in life by other's perceptions, reinvent themselves or survive a crisis and come out of it perhaps less "whole," but more wise and capable of real empathy. I also like a story that hints at travel to interesting places, along with an eventual coming home theme. Nicole Seitz offers all of that and more in "Beyond Molasses Creek." She is no novice to writing, and having come out of the very prestigious UNC Chapel Hill School of Journalism, you can believe that she understands how to convey her deepest thoughts. All of the above, plus amazing characterization makes her book top shelf. Let me state right up front that this is a book you'll be interested in reading; actually, it's a book worth savouring. I could not stop reading "Beyond Molasses Creek" from the Prologue to the end.One of the most difficult things a Southern girl from a small town could ever face in the 1960's was interracial relationships. While Alley and Vesey shared the common bond of growing up together and finding their deep connection, this could never compensate for the overwhelmingly negative odds they faced in their community of a small town. Religion and "brotherly love" notwithstanding, their desire to be special friends could only bring disaster for them, and the only possible reaction for Alley of being an outcast in Molasses Creek. When a forced separation is imposed on their friendship, what follows is her escaping into travel to foreign countries, her eventual pregnancy out of wedlock, and the kidnapping of her beloved daughter. It was heartbreaking to read about Alley's stolen daughter, Sunila's, harsh life in Nepal. Ms Seitz's grasp of the isolation of both mother and daughter and the emotional loss they felt was palpable. She provides us a good grasp of who Sunila is, her insecurities, and how she came to discover something more about her past.Without spending time telling you the story of this book, let me say only that you who love a Southern woman's book will enjoy "Beyond Molasses Creek" very much. It is both a woman's story of love and independence, and a redemptive tale, and it's a story that will give you more than a small glimpse into the caring heart of a parent...especially a heavenly Parent. With roots in a Southern culture that harbors the strongest of human qualities for good and for bad, you will come to experience a universal sense of hope, I think, in relationships both natural and spiritual.One of the things that spoke most sweetly to me was the symbolism of her father's dying and "calling her home" and his wanting to provide a resting place for her so she could stop "running." This part of the novel is so poignant and so beautifully rendered. And this is only one of the more touching parts of Ms Seitz's references to love, loyalty, forgiveness and redemption in this engaging book. I recommend this book to those who enjoy an author of intelligence and fine storytelling. And to those who enjoy a woman's with a strong woman character or two who is capable of overcoming adversity and loss to find her way "home." Like I did, you may come to love the waters of Molasses Creek, and you may find a word of inspiration there.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beyond Molasses Creek takes place over a 50 year span from the 50's to present day. Ally is the sheltered daughter of a small town doctor who knows she shouldn't be friends with the little black boy across the river and he knows that his parents and her parents wouldn't want them sneaking off to fish or talk. The relationship between these two is innocent and friendly and even though Ally would like it to it never goes further. Ally eventually initiates a kiss between them and Vesey's mother who had followed them catches them and separates them by sending him to his Uncles farm where he ends up learning to farm, gives up his schooling and dream to be a doctor. The difference between both families is vivid and almost startling. This is the story of Ally, Vesey and Sunila. The story of racism and prejudice travel around the world to Nepal where the story of Ally becomes the story of Sunila - Ally's greatest loss.I will say that even though this book is said to be about faith I wouldn't say it is a Christian book. Ally's parents and Vesey seem to have faith - but Ally doesn't. There are several comments about her having statues of various idols from around the world (Greek, Buddha, and others) and she talks to them. She also says that she prays - but she doesn't know to whom and isn't even sure there is a god. There is no scripture and nothing that shares salvation or a Christian faith. There is some comment of Ally sleeping with someone and getting pregnant and she refuses to have an abortion. I will say - there is no language, drinking, drugs in the book. There are also questions in the back for group discussion.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The dedication in this book reads: To those who long to be free.This story is told from the individual voices of its three most prominent characters, Ally, Vesey, and Sunila. It begins when Ally and Vesey are children – when white children are not to be friends with black children – so theirs is a secret friendship until they are found out and Vesey pays the penalty in a volatile climate of racism. Later, Ally travelled the world over when her heart’s desire could not be attained, and now at sixty years of age she comes home to South Carolina because her father died.The tragedies and disappointments that affected Ally’s life led to her searching for peace from “the gods”, even though she was brought up to know the true God of peace. Vesey, who lives across the river – Molasses Creek – suffered poverty and racism, but he knows Jesus Christ as his source of peace. Then there is Sunila, twenty years younger but also searching for freedom and peace in her life of hard labour in India and the racism of caste in that country. Because of an unfortunate event connected with Ally (which in real life probably would not occur – but this is fiction), her life is not what it should have been.The author has written an intriguing tale. It took me awhile to get into the story because of how it is broken up – into short chapters that jump from one person to another – but once I caught on to this it was easier to keep track. The story gradually picks up momentum, and layer upon layer the questions that are raised are answered.One thing that bothered me was the hinting about the Lord but the outright repetitiveness about the idols and gods of man-made religions, with not much of a decision made when it was obvious the Lord answered Ally’s heart’s cries. She thanked God but it did not seem to be much more than saying, oh, He IS real. Perhaps the reader is supposed to understand that through all of Ally’s searching God was waiting for her all along.Another thing that bothered me – and I’m being careful to not write spoilers into this review – is that Ally told a whopper of a lie near the end of the story, which I felt was very dishonouring to her friend who was an honest man. It just seemed shockingly wrong and could only lead to more pain. It simply made no sense to not tell the truth.If you are looking for a Christian book, Beyond Molasses Creek is not near the top of my list. But if you are looking for a different kind of fiction, this could satisfy that hunger. I will say that I was moved to tears in a few places, so it definitely was not a total letdown. The reader can get pulled into the story, and I found that once past the halfway point I wanted to skip ahead to find out some things because of what was unfolding a little too slowly for my liking. (I resisted and stayed the course, though.)Nicole Seitz has written an emotionally charged novel that I actually enjoyed, despite the points I mentioned above. I wouldn’t mind reading more of her books.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beyond Molasses Creek is first and foremost a wonderful story. Beautifully written, its setting and characters immediately pull you in. It is a novel of things lost and found that will keep you thinking long after the covers have been closed.Ally Green is a 60 year old former flight attendant that has finally come home to South Carolina following the death of her father. She has been searching for something beyond herself since she was a little girl, always thinking it could be at the end of the next flight. Her childhood friend, Vesey Washington, has always been rooted to Molasses Creek. Now they are rekindling a friendship once thought lost. And although Ally has experienced just about everything one could in her worldwide travels, it is Vesey that has the most to teach. Another story unfolds across the world in a stone quarry near Kathmandu. Sunila is also looking for something that seems just out of reach. An outsider even among the outcast Dalits of Nepal, she knows her home is somewhere else.Beyond Molasses Creek is a book rich in contrasts — the two lives and worlds that are separated by the creek itself, the statue garden in Ally’s backyard and the stone quarry prison of Sunila’s life, and the carved gods in Ally’s garden and the simple clothesline cross behind Vesey’s house. And although Ally is 60 years old and Sunila is 38, it feels like a coming of age story. Maybe we are never too old to really grow up!I feel that I have failed to convey just how special this book is. So I will just say, get it and read it! It is great!Highly Recommended.(I received an ARC of Beyond Molasses Creek from LitFuse in return for an honest review. The opinions expressed are mine alone.)

Book preview

Beyond Molasses Creek - Nicole Seitz

Acclaim for Nicole Seitz

"I look forward to a new book by Nicole Seitz because I know I’ll be treated to a well-written, thought-provoking read. Beyond Molasses Creek does not disappoint. Nicole is a writer I can count on to consistently tell a story containing deep characters and original plots."

— Marybeth Whalen, author of She Makes

It Look Easy and The Mailbox

"[The Inheritance of Beauty] gives us pause as we consider the road ahead, and it also makes us thankful for the world we have today. Any story that causes that much reflection is one to be appreciated."

The Huffington Post

Seitz grabs the reader by the heart at the beginning of the book and doesn’t let go until the end.,

regarding The Inheritance of Beauty

"[The Inheritance of Beauty is a] tender tale of childhood secrets and lifelong ties, from a skilled writer who understands the beauty of enduring love. George and Maggie will make you want to learn your own family stories!"

— Lisa Wingate, national best-selling author of

Larkspur Cove and The Summer Kitchen

"In The Inheritance of Beauty, Seitz has skillfully brought life, depth, and beauty to an often forgotten part of society, reminding readers of the power in strong bonds of love and friendship, the weight of memory and childhood, and the significance of reckoning with the past. Through the voices of an intimate group of individuals brought together in an elderly center, a haunting story unfolds with striking fluidity and the underlying presence of spirituality. Seitz has weaved into the lines of this moving page-turner a mysterious tale of healing, wrought with a sweet touch of southern warmness that truly speaks to the soul."

— Noni Carter, author of Good Fortune

"Nicole Seitz joins a long line of distinguished novelists who celebrate the rich culture of the Lowcountry of South Carolina . . . She joins Josephine Humphries, Anne Rivers Siddons, Sue Monk Kidd, and Dorothea Benton Frank in her fascination with the Gullah culture. Her character, Essie Mae Laveau Jenkins, is worth the price of admission to The Spirit of Sweetgrass."

— Pat Conroy, best-selling author of The

Prince of Tides and South of Broad

This beautifully written, imaginative story of love and redemption is the must-read book of the year. The ending is so surprising and powerful that it will linger long after the last page is turned.

— Cassandra King, best-selling author of The Same Sweet

Girls, regarding A Hundred Years of Happiness

An unforgettable novel about sisterhood, salvation, and miracles.

— Karin Gillespie, author of Dollar Daze, regarding Trouble the Water

Seitz has a gift for creating wonderful characters . . . marvelously memorable.

Publishers Weekly review of Saving Cicadas

Nicole Seitz takes the loose threads of her characters’ lives and ties them together in a vibrant pattern of love, forgiveness and truth. In words that resonate with emotion, Seitz writes of things that are only understood with the heart.

— Patti Callahan Henry, best-selling author of Driftwood Summer

. . . A surprisingly creative tale that will leave readers guessing until the end.

— River Jordan, author of Saints in Limbo, regarding Saving Cicadas

Her words are magic. Pure magic.

— Tim Callahan, author of Kentucky Summers:

The Cave, the Cabin, and the Tattoo Man

Beyond Molasses Creek

Books by Nicole Seitz

The Spirit of Sweetgrass

Trouble the Water

A Hundred Years of Happiness

Saving Cicadas

The Inheritance of Beauty


Beyond Molasses Creek

a novel

Nicole Seitz


© 2012 by Nicole Seitz

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Interior sketches created by Nicole Seitz.

Thomas Nelson, Inc., titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Seitz, Nicole A.

  Beyond Molasses Creek : a novel / Nicole Seitz.

    p. cm.

  ISBN 978-1-59554-505-3 (trade paper)

1. Fathers and daughters—Fiction. 2. Self-realization in women—Fiction. 3. Kidnapping—Fiction. 4. Female friendship—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3619.E426B49 2012b



Printed in the United States of America

12 13 14 15 16 17 QG 6 5 4 3 2 1

To those who long to be free.

I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.




Part One

One: The Stone Garden

Two: Destiny

Three: The Elephant and the Great White Bird

Four: Monsoon Season

Five: Make Yourself at Home

Six: Faith and Postcards

Seven: Sunshine All the Time

Eight: Uncertainty

Nine: Letters from Heaven

Ten: At First Sight

Eleven: Pot Roast Says I’m Sorry

Twelve: The Book of the Gods

Thirteen: The Sketchbook

Part Two

Fourteen: Pinky Promises

Fifteen: Delivering the News

Sixteen: Poodle Skirts and Aprons

Seventeen: Co-Cola Bottle in the Sun

Eighteen: The Radio

Nineteen: Supper with Old Friends

Twenty: You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me

Twenty-One: On Education and Freedom

Part Three

Twenty-Two: Maharajgunj Road

Twenty-Three: Gods in the Garden

Twenty-Four: Thieves

Twenty-Five: Escape

Twenty-Six: How It Will End

Twenty-Seven: Jasper Farms

Twenty-Eight: Fate and Strangers

Twenty-Nine: Tears and Molten Wax

Thirty Drawing: Clues

Thirty-One: Homesick

Thirty-Two: Evolution of a Co-ed

Thirty-Three: Daddy’s Girl

Thirty-Four: Up in the Air

Thirty-Five: Shangri-La

Thirty-Six: The Invitation

Thirty-Seven: Rude Awakening

Thirty-Eight: Dusty Files

Thirty-Nine: Steak au Poivre in Paris

Forty: The In-between

Forty-One: Falling in Love

Forty-Two: Collecting Evidence

Part Four

Forty-Three: Can’t Take It with You

Forty-Four: Elusive Hope

Forty-Five: Where Did All the Time Go?

Forty-Six: Enlightenment

Forty-Seven: Getting Ready

Forty-Eight: The Bridge

Forty-Nine: Oh, Won’t You Stay

Fifty: Dear Ms. Green

Fifty-One: Newspaper Man

Fifty-Two: Shout to the Sky

Fifty-Three: The Call

Fifty-Four: Awakening

Fifty-Five: Great White Bird

Fifty-Six: Crossing Over



Reading Group Guide

About the Author



WHEN I WAS A GIRL, I WOULD LIE ON THE BANKS OF Molasses Creek with soft green grass beneath my back and look up into the sky, dreaming of being there. In my upside-down world, the clouds were pieces of land that I would hop to and the vast blue sky was the river, the ocean that would beckon to transport me far, far away. That vast blue sky has taken me to all sorts of foreign lands since then. Sometimes the most foreign place is home.

I’ll be flying in just a few minutes, cloud-hopping back to a city I never thought I’d see again.

I close my eyes and imagine myself feeling weightless again, my body traveling at five hundred miles an hour yet perfectly still. Someone clears a throat. I open my eyes and see a woman before me in uniform, standing at a podium. She’s holding out her hand. Oh yes, I say. I reach in my bag and pull out my wallet. Through the airport window, a jet leaves the wet runway and rises into thick gray rain.

I hand the uniformed woman my driver’s license, and she looks at me to see if there’s a match. My hair’s a little different now, I explain. And . . . I’m a little older. So much about me is different now. I wonder if she can read it in my face—the years, the tragedy, the love, the moments of hope. I smile at her, but she doesn’t return it. They’ve gotten a lot stricter with flying these days, and that’s not such a bad thing. I don’t mind waiting a few minutes longer to take my shoes off and have them search my belongings. There’s a poor old lady up ahead of me, hunched over. They have her to the side and are patting her down. Really? Her? Never in a million years. After flying as many times as I have, you get an eye for these things.

The woman hands me my license back and the young lady behind me reaches to hand her a passport. Charleston is very nice place, she says in a foreign accent. You can tell she’s worked hard on her English. That warms my heart. I take a deep breath and move to the conveyor belt. I set my shoes in a gray bin along with a lightweight jacket and carry-on bag. The top of the bag is open and when I set it on its side, a large, tattered book peeks out. My heart flutters and my mind spills over with images, sketches of my life, as if I’m having one of those near-death experiences and life is flashing before my eyes.

I blink and move forward. Did I remember my pencils? Yes, I did.

I shuffle along with everyone else, barefooted, until I pass through the metal detector. Oh, the things I’ve seen people get caught with over the years—guns, drug paraphernalia, tiny switchblades in unusual parts of the body. Some people are flat-out crazy and criminal.

Criminal. Crime. Why would anyone ever return to the scene of the crime? For closure? To find that part of them that was lost there? To make things right? I’m going back for all of these reasons. I can’t believe it. I never thought I’d see the day.

The airport is fairly empty this time of the morning, but our wait isn’t long. A cup of coffee and a People magazine later, we’ve entered the plane. It’s a Boeing 737. I look into the cockpit to see who’s flying us. I’m looking to see if a certain old lover is there, but that would be too much of a coincidence, even for me. I nod at the pilot, a fiftyish gentleman I have never seen before, and carefully eye the flight attendant. She’s about thirty-five, a little heavy in the hips, blond hair, nice looking. Back in my day she never would have gotten a job here. Back then, getting and keeping a stewardess job was as hard as making the cut on American Idol. But not today. Times have changed. Part of me wants to relieve this lady and do her job for her. I could take care of this entire plane, all these passengers, all their needs, without blinking an eye. I’m not too old, no matter what they suggested. So what, my back went out and I dropped a cup of coffee on a passenger. It happens. My heart just wasn’t in it anymore, and when your passion leaves you, well, it might just be time to move on to something else.

To be honest, flying turned painful emotionally as the years went on. I was always torn between wanting to fly to the other side of the world and keep searching—or going back to see him. A woman is lucky in life if she finds true love. Twice as lucky if she holds on to it. Three times the luck if she loses it and it comes back to her even stronger than before.

I’ve got to go back. I can’t believe I’m going back. I left in the first place because of him, and now, I can feel this strong pull within me—he’s pulling me. He’s leading me, telling me I must return to the scene of the crime, where my whole life changed in an instant. It’s now or never. No more wasted time.

I close my eyes as the plane rumbles to takeoff. I’ve never been much of a praying woman, but this time, I hear the faint mumbling of the young lady beside me. I turn to look at her, a pretty girl, obviously nervous about flying today too. Her eyes are closed and fists clenched. We all have our fears, don’t we? Our own stories. And our reasons to go back to the place that changed us. She catches my eye. I take a deep breath and give a reassuring look. I squeeze her hand like I’ve done a thousand times with passengers, then turn to the window as the plane lifts off the runway. My heart lifts along with my stomach, and I say a little prayer to the clouds for the both of us. Great white bird, take us over the river. Make us brave and remove our fears.

I think of his rugged face, those dark eyes, those sweet lips smiling for me. I know what I promised you, but you know me, Vesey. You always have.

Sometimes stepping back in time is the only way for a girl to move forward.

Part One

In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time.




The Stone Garden

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina


THERE’S A BEND IN THE CREEK WHERE MARSH GRASS waves, calling egrets and ospreys from their high places. It’s as familiar to me as the bend in my elbow, yet now, years later, it almost seems exotic. Standing here, I can’t look at the creek and not see them all—the Ganges, the Seine, the Baghmati—all the beautiful rivers that have carved valleys into my soul.

I’m home now, Huck on the Mississippi, winding my way, finding my way home.

Why did someone have to die for me to come back? I wonder. Isn’t it just as glorious and miraculous a waterway as any other?

I am sitting Indian-style in my stone garden, at least it will be after I’m done with it. Right now, it’s just a patch of grass in Daddy’s yard. It’s overgrown, wild and empty at the same time. Much like my heart. I close my eyes. I can see them all around me, the statues I’ve collected over the years. I’ll put them all over this yard and create my own Garden of Dreams. It was the last place I was truly happy. A faraway garden. Stone statues. True love. Daddy would understand. If I’m going to stay here for any time at all, I’ll have to do things my way, and right now, I feel destitute. I need someone to carve a god of peace for me, something I can touch and hold, something to take away this awful, gnawing grief.

I am too old to be sitting on the ground in the middle of the yard. The neighbors will think I’ve gone batty. I push to standing and wipe off my ample rear. I head to the dock and breathe in the salty marsh air. I see a rope hanging off the edge and disappearing into the water. Daddy’s crab trap. I breathe in deep and exhale. Tears spring to my eyes and I fight them off.

Crabs. I’m hungry. Is it possible I’m hungry after eating a whole rotisserie chicken with coleslaw on the side? I look down at my ripply thighs. The sunlight this time of day does a number on me, pulls out every little bulge and pocket, every wrinkle. I will miss my father, I will, but I do not miss shorts weather in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Some people are not made to wear shorts. I struggled through it in Bali and on the shores of Hawaii, but only because I did not know a soul there. Here? Here, there’s a slew of people who’ve never even left this place and know the old me from long ago. Can you imagine? Can you even imagine never wanting to see the world, to partake in it all? To find your place in it?

I pull up the trap to see if anything is in there. Of course, there’s not.

Give it time.

A voice like butter rolls down my back.

I drop the trap with a splash and nearly fall into the water. Clutching the pole, I turn around and realize the sun is beaming off my flabby arms. And there he is. There he is. Just look at him. Is it possible black people don’t age the way we do?

Dad-gum, Vesey. Scared me half to death!

Sorry, Miss Ally. Here, lemme help you up.

He reaches for me, a long, strong, sinewy arm with forearm muscles rippling. I feel faint. This is Vesey, Ally Green. The boy you played with when you were little, the one who was off limits because you are white and he is not. Vesey Washington. This is the South and always will be. Remember that.

Thank you, I’m . . . I’m fine, I say. Just been a long day. What with the . . . well, coming home and all.

His face breaks out into a grin, not a sly one, but a genuine, heartfelt smile with teeth so white, I’m feeling dizzy again. Reminds me of the white sands in Fiji, so pure.

You are a sight for sore eyes, Mr. Washington. You still climbing trees or something?

Or somethin’. Look here, just come over to see if there was anythin’ you needed from me. I been checkin’ on him, Doc Green, every day for a good while. Hard to break the habit. He looks down at the cracks in the pier, then off into the sunset behind me. I’m real sorry . . . a good man, he was. Good man.

Thank you. Yes, he was. I turn around and face the sunset too. In a minute it will be gone, just a memory, like Daddy. The red meets the greens of the trees, and the yellows and oranges fan out to pinks and purples, and yes, this is one of the most spectacular sunsets in the world. In fact, wherever the sun sets is where I want to be. So tonight I want to be right here, on this dock, with Daddy’s house behind me and Vesey just feet away. We watch the sky silently for about thirty seconds, and then the sun dips behind the trees and it’s gone for another day.

I am suddenly aware of the hideousness of the backs of my legs and turn around quickly. Is it possible he’s standing closer? I swear I can feel his heat. He’s close to sixty now, my age, and I’m hoping that means his eyes aren’t as good as they used to be. Perhaps he can’t see me well, and all my ripples and wrinkles smooth out nicely. Yes, I’m sure that’s it.

You look tired, Miss Ally. You feelin’ all right?

Vesey Washington, never, ever tell a woman she looks tired. You hear me?

I didn’t mean no—

I am tired. Very tired. My daddy just died. I just came halfway across the world for his funeral and to clean out his old house on the creek, and at the moment, yes, I am exhausted. There’s much to do. Did you see the inside of that place? It’s like a museum. Looks like he’s never moved a thing in the twenty years Mama’s been gone.

Vesey looks in my eyes and I can tell I’ve frightened him from saying anything at all.

I smile and move closer to him. I lean up on my tiptoes and put my hands on his firm shoulders. I press myself to his stiff chest and breathe in the smell. How long has it been? This man could be Molasses Creek itself, the salt, the pluff mud, the snails on tall grass, the fish jumping in hot sun. With my eyes closed, my mind erases the years and takes me to a cool evening on this very creek. I can hear music playing and see moonlight dancing on his face. I imagine his tender lips on mine . . . then I pull myself together and away from him. I smooth my hair. It’s good to see you, Vesey. Thank you for being here . . . for Daddy.

Vesey grabs his hat and backs away. I’ll be just over there, ’cross the water, if you need me. All you got to do is holler.

All I have to do is holler.

I nod and he walks away from me, a slow, limber pace that’s carried him surely for six decades. He doesn’t wear shorts. Never has. I do not know how he handles this Lowcountry heat in long pants. There are some things so different about us. The color of our skin. The desires of our souls. I could never have stayed in the same place my whole life and been content with it, yet he is. Or so he seems to be.

I watch as he steps gingerly into his fishing boat. It creaks and rolls with his weight, but he steadies it. Always steady, that’s Vesey. He nods my way and I wave a tiny, pathetic wave as the water parts for him to cross over like Moses, back to his side of the creek. He looks so natural in that old boat. I feel like a fish out of water here. There are so many walls and layers of difference between us, like honey-drenched Greek baklava. We may have known each other as children, but now, what do we really know of one another? We’re as opposite as night and day.

But maybe now we’ll have the time to learn each other all over again. I push the thought away and shake my head. Ally Green, what to do with you? You’re not here for Vesey. You’re here because your daddy is dead.

I walk back into Daddy’s musty house and throw open all the windows as fast as I can. I’ve got to air this place out. I’ve got to let Daddy’s spirit free, let the memories of me when I was a child loose to run around in this place. I am such a different person from who I once was. I think it’s good. No, I can’t think about it at all. I’m tired. Tomorrow will be a new day and I’ll be able to clean this place out and start to make it mine. Daddy wanted me to have this lazy spot on the river . . . why? He knows I don’t like to stay put. Knew it, anyway. But I’ll honor him. I loved him. I still do. I’ll pretend I’ve inherited some exotic place on the Nile and I’ve got to make my way, learn to eat the native food, learn to talk like them, to fit in. Deep down, I know in three months I’ll be done with Charleston, itching to leave again, but for now, I will do this for him. For Daddy.

The rain comes on with thunder and lightning, and a storm suits me fine right now. I think about Daddy, how he lay on this very bed. I can smell him here in this house, on these sheets. I turn out the lights. Strangely, it’s not my father I’m thinking of, but Vesey on the other side of the water, how much distance there is between us. I think of the lines in his face, how I’d love to draw them again. But I can’t. How I wish someone would bring chisel to stone and carve him for my garden so I could look at him and touch him anytime I want. I close my

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