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I Stand at the Door and Knock: Meditations by the Author of The Hiding Place
I Stand at the Door and Knock: Meditations by the Author of The Hiding Place
I Stand at the Door and Knock: Meditations by the Author of The Hiding Place
Ebook155 pages2 hours

I Stand at the Door and Knock: Meditations by the Author of The Hiding Place

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Contains Forty New, Never-Before-Published DevotionsAt the height of Nazi power, amid the horrors of a concentration camp, the seeds of faith and forgiveness grew to fruition in the heart of a young Dutch woman named Corrie ten Boom. Outlasting Ravensbrück and Hitler’s regime, Corrie went on to accomplish what brute power never could: conquering hearts across the world with healing words of hope, forgiveness, and trust in God.This is Corrie ten Boom at her best and most inspiring. These forty timeless devotionals remind you of the treasures of faith in Christ, the mysteries of God’s kingdom, and joy of a surrender that leads you out of fear into the freedom of love and forgiveness.I Stand at the Door and Knock offers timeless messages of faith, hope, and forgiveness from a veteran saint.
Release dateSep 23, 2008

Corrie ten Boom

The late Corrie ten Boom is the author of Reflections of God’s Glory, Letters from Prison, and In My Father’s House. She also wrote the beloved international bestseller, The Hiding Place. Made into a movie by the same name, The Hiding Place portrays her family’s efforts to hide Jews during the German occupations of The Netherlands during World War II, and of how God sustained Corrie through the atrocities of a concentration camp after she and her family were captured by the Nazis. Upon her release and until her death in1983, Corrie traveled the world, preaching the gospel to the lost and encouraging the church with her message of love, faith, and forgiveness.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Corrie is beyond inspiring. She ignites your faith with her point of view.

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I Stand at the Door and Knock - Corrie ten Boom


Reflections of God's Glory by Corrie ten Boom

Messages of God's Abundance by Corrie ten Boom

The Five Silent Years of Corrie ten Boom

by Pamela Rosewell Moore

I Stand at the Door and Knock

ePub Format

Copyright © 2008 by Stichting Trans World Radio Voor Nederland en Belgie

This title is also available in a Zondervan downloadable

audio edition. Visit

This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.


Requests for information should be addressed to:

Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

ISBN 0-310-30903-4

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Interior design by Michelle Espinoza


Title Page

Copyright Page


1. I Stand at the Door and Knock

2. Jesus Loves Sinners

3. What Can I Do about My Sins?

4. Blameless and Spotless

5. How Often Should I Forgive?

6. Some Thoughts about Holiness

7. Breaking the Vicious Circle

8. A Pure and Holy Life

9. Complete Surrender

10. Is Surrender Necessary?

11. Are You Afraid of Surrender?

12. The Lord Helps Us Surrender

13. Surrendering to the Father

14. Who Is Responsible for Our Surrender?

15. Rely on the Lord

16. God's Foolishness

17. God's Mysteries

18. God's Treasures

19. Ask Anything

20. Angels: Ministering Spirits

21. Angels: What Kind of Beings?

22. Angels: Their Work

23. Angels: Messengers

24. Intercession

25. Pray for Each Other

26. Praying for Conversion

27. Witness!

28. The Least of These: Prisoners

29. Evangelists in Prison

30. Looking Jesus in the Eyes

31. How to Take Stock

32. Be Always on the Watch

33. Not Fear, but Love

34. When the Mountains Fall into the Sea

35. Raised in Paradise

36. Signing Up for the Army of God

37. Marching Orders

38. Equipped for the Battle

39. Victory in Battle

40. Citizens of Heaven



Pretend for a moment that you are sitting beside your radio in your quaint home in the Netherlands in 1966. It has now been more than two decades since the German occupation of your homeland in World War II. Yet the scars of those dark days are still evident all around you. Many mothers and fathers lost their sons in battle. Many Jews—grandparents, parents, and even children—who played a prominent part in the life of the country were literally exterminated en masse during the Holocaust occurring under Adolf Hitler's reign. And many Jewish sympathizers—those who believed in standing against wrong no matter what the cost—were interred in concentration camps and lost their lives as they stood and chose to suffer alongside their Jewish friends and neighbors.

Such was the plight of the Ten Boom family of Haarlem, the Netherlands. A devoutly Christian family, they harbored, fed, and cared for Jews in their home who would have otherwise been destined for the concentration camps. Their story is chronicled in one of the bestselling Christian books of our time, The Hiding Place—referring to the secret place where the Ten Booms hid Jews, a story that went on to become a major motion picture.

On February 28, 1944, the lives of the Ten Boom family changed forever. On that day, Corrie, her watchmaker father, her older sister, Betsie, and thirty-five other people were arrested for not disclosing the whereabouts of six Jews hidden in a secret room attached to her bedroom. Corrie's father died within ten days of his arrest, while Corrie and Betsie were imprisoned and subjected to the atrocities of the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany. Corrie survived the experience, her release from Ravensbrück later determined to be due to a clerical error shortly before all women her age were to be executed. Betsie, however, died at Ravensbrück.

Perhaps the greatest scars resulting from the Holocaust were the scars of bitterness and unforgiveness that destroyed many more lives. Corrie struggled with these same feelings herself. Yet through God's amazing work in her life, she became a worldwide symbol of reconciliation, forgiveness, and the ultimate hope found in Christ as she wrote nine books, spoke in more than sixty countries, and produced five films as part of her ministry to lost and hurting people—a ministry that didn't begin until she was in her fifties. When lists have been compiled of the greatest Christians of the twentieth century, Corrie's name is commonly included and often near the top.

That's her voice now, you say to yourself as you turn on your radio and hear Corrie's unmistakable voice speaking in her native Dutch. You're now hearing some of the first devotional messages by Corrie that were commonly aired to the Netherlands from 1966 through the early 1970s by Trans World Radio (, the world's most far-reaching international Christian radio broadcasting ministry.

In fact, the book you are now holding will most likely be the final chapter in the four decades that Corrie's ministry and that of TWR have been inextricably interwoven. It represents the third and final book in a series of Corrie's lost devotional messages that she broadcast over TWR, following Reflections of God's Glory (1999) and Messages of God's Abundance (2002), both books also published by Zondervan. How this book came about is a story in itself.

In 1996, on my way back from meetings in eastern Europe, I made my first stopover at TWR's office in the Netherlands, then located in Voorthuizen. One of the reasons for my visit was curiosity over some written scripts of Corrie ten Boom's radio messages that one of my colleagues had told me about. As I inquired about these Dutch scripts, I was astounded to discover that no one in the office thought they had ever been translated into English before and published, although some of them had been published in Dutch. This began a six-year odyssey of translating various radio messages and then doing extensive research to determine if they had been published elsewhere—resulting in the publishing of the first two books featuring twenty-four and twenty-six messages, respectively.

We thought we were through—but God had another plan! I was contacted late last year by Zondervan expressing interest in publishing a new compendium version of the two books and inquiring as to whether we had any more materials that had not been included earlier that could be added to the new volume.

I was quite sure that we had no more new materials, as all of the written scripts were the result of an exhaustive search over a decade ago. I decided, however, to inquire of our staff in the Netherlands, especially TWR missionary Claire Rothrock, without whose faithful and tireless work these three books would not have been possible. A few days later, I received an excited phone call from Claire. It appeared she had found some new materials—not just a few, but many! While all along we had assumed that our audio archives were a duplication of the written scripts, Claire discovered that there were in fact forty new messages for which no written scripts existed.

As I was doing a final edit on these messages, what impressed me once again is what I would call the profound simplicity of Corrie's words. It is a job truly to be approached as if walking on holy ground—so anointed was the ministry that God gave to Corrie. Now you too can put yourself into the shoes of that post–World War II radio listener in the Netherlands. We have transcribed and translated these materials just as Corrie wrote them—which is why you will read occasional references to radio or to the listener within these pages.

Concidentally, the timing of the publication of this book also marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of Corrie's death. (Corrie died on April 15, 1983, the day of her ninety-first birthday.) Yet I think you will find, as I did in editing this book, that while much history has been written in the last forty years, Corrie's spiritual insights and vivid illustrations remain timelessly refreshing and astoundingly relevant for our times and for how they address the spiritual condition of man. The words that God gave this amazing woman continue to speak powerfully and piercingly into our lives, and TWR and Zondervan are pleased to once again bring alive these words to a new generation.

Thomas M. Watkins

U.S. Director, Strategic Initiatives

& Partnerships, Trans World Radio

Cary, North Carolina

April 2008




Let's talk about how you and I can be used for a revival, and how to be the light of the world in these times.

I am always touched by the story of a woodpecker who tapped its beak against a tree trunk, and the moment it did so a flash of lightning struck the tree and totally demolished it. The woodpecker flew away and said to the other birds, I didn't know there was such incredible power in my beak.

You see, if you and I want to be used, we needn't rely on ourselves, because it is the Holy Spirit who does it. And that is why we can be at peace in our day-to-day lives. The fact that we wish to be used is a gift from the Holy Spirit in itself. It is necessary that the world knows that death is the wage of sin. But the grace given by God is eternal life in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Do you understand? I understood very little, until I reached a difficult period in the school of life. You learn a lot during difficult times. It was when I was a prisoner in a German concentration camp named Ravensbrück, and I was interrogated by a judge, who would decide my fate. It was during World War II. And the Lord gave me an opportunity to talk about the Lord. The man became a friend instead of an enemy. Then he showed me terribly dangerous letters, which could be my death sentence, and also hurt my family and friends. He knew how dangerous they were. Suddenly he threw them into the fire. And when I saw those flames consume the incredibly dangerous papers, for the first time I understood what was written in Colossians 2:14, that the record of our sin was taken away by Jesus and nailed to the cross.

You see, that's when I began to understand that eternal life is given by God, by the Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe some will say, I don't understand. What do I need to do to receive it? Jesus said, No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again (John 3:3). And He also said, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

In Laodicea were Christians who would say to each other, I am rich, and I lack nothing, but

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