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God's Power to Change Your Life
God's Power to Change Your Life
God's Power to Change Your Life
Ebook171 pages3 hours

God's Power to Change Your Life

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About this ebook

In all of the years that Rick Warren has been a pastor, the number one question he's asked is "Why can't I change?" We want to make changes, but we often feel stuck. Let God's Power to Change Your Life be the first step on your journey to getting out of your rut and back into God's wonderful purposes for your life.

It's no pie-in-the-sky theory. It's what redemption is about, and it's founded on the resurrection power of Jesus himself. Drawing simple but powerful truths from the Bible, this book gives you practical guidance for specific types of change and empowers you to actually make lasting the changes that you're longing for.

Power that cancels your past and sets you free to get on with life. Power to conquer your problems. Power to change. The first two chapters help you lay the foundations for change. Then, taking you inside the Scriptures, Warren gives you a closer look at the fruits of the spirit and the profound impact they can have on your life.

In God's Power to Change Your Life, Warren gives you the tools and the encouragement you need to:

  • Become a more joyful person
  • Cultivate a peaceful life in this uptight world
  • Be a kinder, more gracious individual
  • Replace self-indulgence with self-control
  • Experience what "the good life" is all about


As Warren reminds us, when you apply the truth of God's Word by the power of his Spirit, your life is sure to change.

Release dateSep 9, 2008

Rick Warren

Como pastor fundador de la Iglesia Saddleback, el doctor Rick Warren dirige una congregación de 30,000 miembros en California, con filiales en las principales ciudades de todo el mundo. Como autor, su libro Una vida con propósito, es uno de los libros de no ficción más vendidos en la historia. Como teólogo, ha dictado conferencias en Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, la Universidad del Judaísmo y decenas de universidades y seminarios. Como estratega global, asesora a líderes mundiales y ha hablado para las Naciones Unidas, el Congreso de los EUA, el Foro Económico en Davos, TED, el Instituto Aspen y numerosos parlamentos. Rick también ha fundado el Plan Global P.E.A.C.E., que Planta iglesias de reconciliación, Equipa líderes, Ayuda a los pobres, Cuida de los enfermos y Educa a la próxima generación en 196 países.

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    Book preview

    God's Power to Change Your Life - Rick Warren

    Books by Rick Warren

    The Purpose Driven® Life

    The Purpose Driven® Church

    Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods

    What on Earth Am I Here For?

    Living with Purpose Series

    God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions

    God’s Power to Change Your Life

    L I V I N G   W I T H   P U R P O S E 



    G O D ’ S   P O W E R   T O

    C H A N G E

    Y O U R   L I F E


    God’s Power to Change Your Life

    ePub Format

    Copyright © 1990, 2006 by Rick Warren

    Previously published as The Power to Change Your Life

    Requests for information should be addressed to:

    Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

    ISBN-10: 0-310-29626-9

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other — except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    Interior design: Beth Shagene

    Cover design: Curt Diepenhorst

    Cover photo: Vinconzo Lombardo/Getty Images

    Cover illustration: Jim Dobbs

    To Amy, Joshua, and Matthew.

    I am so proud of each of you.

    My prayer is that your lives will

    demonstrate the message of this book.



    1. The Power to Change Your Life

    2. God’s Part and My Part in Changing Me

    3. Becoming a More Loving Person

    4. The Choice to Rejoice!

    5. Peaceful Living in an Uptight World

    6. Developing Your Patience

    7. Putting on a Little Kindness

    8. Living the Good Life

    9. The One Who Can Be Counted On

    10. A Gentle Approach

    11. Developing Self-Control

    12. A Productive Life

    Bible Translations


    About the Author

    About the Publisher



    What would you like to change about your-self? Would you like to be more confident or more relaxed? Perhaps you would like to be more outgoing, less anxious, or less fearful. Most of us are more than a little interested in changing because we realize there is always room for improvement.

    We have probably even read some self-help books and tried to change, only to find ourselves slipping back to the way we don’t want to be. So what are we to do?

    This book is mainly about two things: where the power to change comes from, and what we want to be like after we change.

    The bottom line is that Jesus Christ offers us the power we need to become what he wants us to be. This book unveils both of these truths as expressed in the Bible — specifically in the book of Galatians. There we read that the outgrowth of Christ’s power is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22 – 23). This is a challenging list. We probably have some of these qualities by nature; the rest — well, that’s why we want to change.

    The change doesn’t come all at once. It may take time. But when we rely on God’s power, we can change. My prayer is that in reading this book and thinking through these qualities, you will embrace the power Christ offers, shed those traits you really don’t want, and become the person he — and you — desires you to be.





    In the years I have been a pastor, the number one question I have been asked is, Rick, why can’t I change? I want to change — I really do. But I don’t know how. Or sometimes a questioner will add instead, But I don’t have the power.

    We go to seminars and conferences looking for a painless cure by which our lives can be zapped and changed by instant self-discipline. We go on diets. (I once went on a diet for an entire afternoon.) We join health clubs, and our enthusiasm runs strong for about two weeks. Then we fall back into the same old rut. We don’t change. We read self-help books, yet the problem with self-help books is that they tell us what to do but can’t give us the power to do it. They say things like, Get rid of all your bad habits. Be positive; don’t be negative. But how? Where do we get the power to change? How do we get our lives out of neutral? How do we break out of the mold we’re in? The good news is, Christianity offers the power we need.


    The word power occurs fifty-seven times in the New Testament. It is used to describe the most powerful event that ever happened, an event that separated AD from BC — the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. And that resurrection power is available to change your life!

    The most important thing in life is knowing Christ and experiencing the power of his resurrection. Paul writes, I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection (Phil. 3:10). In another letter he tells his readers, I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe him. It is that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in heaven (Eph. 1:19 – 20 LB).

    Paul uses the Greek word for power, dunamis, which is the root of our word dynamite. So Paul is saying, God wants to give you dynamite power that can change your life. Yes, the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead two thousand years ago is available to us right now to transform the weaknesses in our lives into strengths. The Bible describes resurrection power as the power to cancel our past, the power to conquer our problems, and the power to change our personality.

    God’s Power Will Cancel Our Past

    First, resurrection power is the power to cancel our past — our failures, mistakes, sins, and regrets. When I say cancel, I’m not talking about denying the past as if it never happened. Cancel means to eliminate, to neutralize, to offset something.

    Have you ever gotten halfway through a project and wished you could start over? Suppose you are painting the living room, and you step back and look at the color that seemed perfect on the sample chart. On the wall, however, it doesn’t look so perfect. You wish you could start over.

    A lot of people feel that way about life: I’ve made so many mistakes. I wish I could just wipe them out and start over. Failures, problems, bad decisions — we have all suffered from them. But some people just can’t seem to let go of the past, and as a result, they let their past limit their present opportunities. They live in a constant state of regret, continually lamenting, If only I hadn’t done that or If only I had made these changes. They repeatedly second-guess themselves. And they are tormented by painful memories. I blew it, and I’m going to be paying for it the rest of my life.

    God says that it is unnecessary for us to go around with a heavy load of guilt, old hurts, and memories of mistakes. In Colossians 2:13 – 14 he says he has forgiven all our sins and canceled every record of the debt we had to pay. He did it by allowing Christ to be nailed to the cross.

    Jesus Christ knows the things we have done wrong, but he did not come to rub them in. He came to rub them out. He did not come to condemn us; he came to change us. A clean slate is possible! Think in terms of my son’s Etch A Sketch. If he makes a mess of a design or picture, all he has to do is flip it over to wipe the slate clean; then he can start all over again. The Bible says this is what God does with the mistakes we have made. When we come to him, he wipes the slate clean.

    In Jeremiah 31:34 God says to the Israelites that he will remember their sins no more. This has to be one of the most amazing statements in the Bible — that the God who made the world forgets. When we come to him, admit our sins, and ask him to forgive us, he cancels our past. God chooses to forget our wrongs, our mistakes, our failures. That’s good news! Even if we were to die tonight and stand before God in heaven, we could ask him about some sin we committed yesterday, and he would say, What sin? He has canceled our past and set us free to get on with the present.

    Why God Can Cancel Your Past

    What is the basis of this forgiveness?

    When Jesus died, one of his last statements from the cross was, It is finished (John 19:30). That phrase consists of just one word in Greek, tetelestai, literally meaning paid in full, canceled. It was the word merchants wrote on bills when they were paid in full, and it was the word stamped on a document declaring that a prison sentence had been commuted. Jesus says this is what he did on the cross. He paid the price in full for every sin we have ever committed. Romans 8:1 tells us, Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Jesus was crucified on the cross so that we could stop crucifying ourselves. He was hung up for our hang-ups. That’s good news!

    The question is, if God forgets a sin the moment we confess it, don’t you think we ought to forget it too? How long do you remember a bill you have paid? I forget my bills as soon as I have paid them. I don’t worry about last month’s electric bill. Likewise, since Christ has paid our bill in full, we don’t need to think about it anymore.

    Someone has said that when we give God all our mistakes and failures, he throws them into the deepest part of the sea. Then he puts up a sign that says No Fishing. He doesn’t want us to keep dredging up our sins.

    Paul says, Forgetting what is behind … I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13 – 14). However, we can short-circuit God’s power in our lives by not believing that God has truly forgiven us or by choosing not to forgive ourselves. God’s power is the power to cancel our past.

    God’s Power Will Conquer Our Problems

    God’s power is also the power to conquer our problems. Everyone has problems. They come with living in a fallen world. If you don’t think you have any problems, check your pulse. The only people who don’t have problems are in cemeteries.

    The real problem is what we do with our problems. Inevitably, we try to solve them with our own power. How do we know when we are trying to solve all our problems with our own strength? We are tired all the time! A man who was frustrated with his lack of power to conquer his problems summed it up when he said, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. We get this way when we try to solve our problems on our own. God wants us to stop trying and start trusting him with our problems.

    I have met hundreds of people who feel as if their lives are out of control. They tell me, My life is out of control; I’m a victim of my circumstances. What can I do? I’m powerless. Just about the time I make ends meet, somebody moves the ends. When I ask them, How are you doing? they respond, "I’m doing okay, under the circumstances." Well, what are they doing under them? Someone has said that circumstances are like a mattress: if you’re on top, you rest easy, but if you get underneath, you suffocate! A lot of us are under our circumstances. Although we cannot always control them, we can control how we respond to them.

    You might be saying, But, Rick, you don’t know all the problems I’m going through. I’m having a tough time. If so, I encourage you to take your focus off your problems and focus instead on God’s promises.

    Paul asks in Romans 8:35, Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? He answers his question in verse 37: No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Do you know what a conqueror is? A conqueror is one who overcomes by gaining control. And Paul says that we are more than conquerors. The Greek word declares that we are superconquerors and that we can have overwhelming victory. If we put our lives in God’s hands and rely on the power of Christ’s resurrection, nothing can devastate us. Nothing can swallow us up or destroy us. That’s the message of the resurrection and the heart of the Good News.

    No matter how dark a situation may be, God can turn it around. No matter how hopeless life seems, God brings hope. The same power that enabled Jesus Christ to rise from the dead allows us to rise above our problems.

    Acts 4 records the first serious opposition to the apostles’ preaching of the gospel in Jerusalem. When the authorities threatened them, the apostles banded together and

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