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The Dark Hand of Magic
The Dark Hand of Magic
The Dark Hand of Magic
Ebook429 pages6 hours

The Dark Hand of Magic

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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A novel of sword and sorcery from the “fabulously talented” New York Times–bestselling author of The Witches of Wenshar (Charlaine Harris).
  For years, Sun Wolf and his gang of cutthroats were the most feared mercenaries in the land. When Sun Wolf learned he could work magic, he and his lieutenant—the fearsome Amazon Starhawk—left the gang behind so that he could learn to harness his new powers, and his men went their own way.   A year later, the old crew reaches out to Sun Wolf for his help. A string of rotten luck has befallen their latest campaign, and they have begun to suspect a curse. Their arrows break; their food rots; their tunnels cave in. They have heard rumors of Sun Wolf’s magical abilities, and beg for his help. But when he goes after whatever is targeting his men, he finds himself up against the deadliest force he has ever encountered.   This ebook features an illustrated biography of Barbara Hambly, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author’s personal collection.
Release dateMar 29, 2011
The Dark Hand of Magic

Barbara Hambly

Barbara Hambly (b. 1951) is a New York Times bestselling author of fantasy and science fiction, as well as historical novels set in the nineteenth century. After receiving a master’s degree in medieval history, she published The Time of the Dark, the first novel in the Darwath saga, in 1982, establishing herself as an author of serious speculative fiction. Since then she has created several series, including the Windrose Chronicles, Sun Wolf and Starhawk series, and Sun-Cross series, in addition to writing for the Star Wars and Star Trek universes. Besides fantasy, Hambly has won acclaim for the James Asher vampire series, which won the Locus Award for best horror novel in 1989, and the Benjamin January mystery series, featuring a brilliant African-American surgeon in antebellum New Orleans. She lives in Los Angeles.

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Rating: 3.658653692307692 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Tough start for mr copperfield
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was an interesting book, though starting a series at the third book doesn't bode well with this author. Perhaps if I read the first two my rating will rise.Too much of this seemed to have the main character as reacting. Rarely did he push and act first. Rarely did he put the enemy on its heels. I was disappointed in that. He seemed lost and confused. I felt no sympathy, and in fact expected him to lose his sight entirely. Plot could definitely use some work. Grammar and functional structure seemed good, no issues there.Difficult to get into the story when I didn't read the first two books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A barbarian/mercenary turned wizard must continue to try and keep his mercenary band alive through shifting alliances and determined enemies. A lot of the action in this one takes place without Sun Wolf, as he is off, separate from the rest of the group. A bit of a departure for Hambly, as this features almost as much emphasis on warriors as wizards, though as usual the theme is still about wizards. Quite good, like almost all of her books.

Book preview

The Dark Hand of Magic - Barbara Hambly


The Dark Hand of Magic

Barbara Hambly

For Sensei


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

A Biography of Barbra Hambly


It should be noted here that not all of the opinions expressed in this book are those of the author.

Chapter 1

SUN WOLF’S CAPTURE, as Sun Wolf himself reflected at his execution, was sheer, stupid ill luck, which Dogbreath of Mallincore would have told him was only to be expected under the circumstances.

The arrow that brought him down took him high in the back from the shelter of a pile of stones he’d have bet his last silver bit—which happened to be in his pocket at the time—couldn’t have hidden an emaciated coyote. He hit the sand of the dry arroyo bed in a second’s whirling disorientation and sickening pain and the next moment got a gritty faceful of gravel, kicked up as his horse bolted. His first thought was, So much for the King of Wenshar’s guarding our backs.

His second thought, through a descending curtain of gray weakness, was that, if he blacked out, he was a dead man.

Hooves throbbed in the sand under his unshaven cheek. He made his good eye open and, with odd, tunneled clarity, saw his partner, Starhawk, spur after his escaping horse. It was like her, he thought detachedly, watching her lean from her saddle to grab at the trailing rein, to go after the horse before ascertaining that he still lived. They had been lovers for nearly a year, but she’d been a mercenary soldier for eight, and knew precisely how long a ride it was over the black granite mountains of the Dragon’s Backbone to safety.

He knew who’d ambushed them, of course, and why.

Lying in the deep sand of the wash with an arrow in his back, he wondered why he’d been under the impression that this wasn’t the sort of thing that people had to put up with after they became wizards.

Shirdar warriors, the fast-moving cavalry of the deep desert, were already coming down the canyon wall, their horses springing down trails for which goats would have demanded hazard pay. By this time of the afternoon, the foothill canyons were drowned in dove-colored shadow, though the rim of sky above was amber-hot. In the burnished light, the warriors’ white robes billowed with dreamy slowness. The Wolf knew he was going into shock and fought to stay conscious and to keep his breathing slow and deep. He had to fight, too, not to spring up and make a run for it. Besides making a target of him—provided he managed to get on his feet at all—with the Hawk as far off as she still was, it would only waste his strength. Long experience of being wounded in the battles that he’d spent most of his forty years fighting for other men’s pay told him now that he had none to spare.

Healing spells, he thought belatedly. I’m supposed to be a wizard, dammit.

His mind fumbled at the words to call forth power and to slow the blood welling stickily between the thick muscles of his back and the scuffed sheepskin of his jerkin, but the pain of the wound itself clouded his mind and made it difficult to concentrate. It was a very different thing from healing others, totally leaving aside the fact that, when he’d worked healing-magic on others, he hadn’t had half a dozen irate warriors getting set to play cat’s cradle with his entrails.

Starhawk was riding back already, the captured horse on a rein, weaving and ducking the arrows that flashed around her—a tallish, rangy woman in her late twenties whom most men were blind and stupid enough to call plain. She still wore the metal-studded green leather doublet of the King of Wenshar’s guards, in which she’d lately been employed; short-cropped hair the color of old ivory whipped in strings across a face that was thin, cool, and marked with an old scar down one cheek and a blackly recent bruise the width of a sword blade. Their stay in Wenshar, southernmost of the Middle Kingdoms, had been brief but wildly eventful.

Her distance to him shortened. So did the shirdar’s. This was going to be close. There was just time, he thought, if he could mount fast and unaided. With two horses they should be able to hold that slim lead over the lizard-dry mountains to the more settled lands of Dalwirin to the north, where the shirdar dared not hunt.

Gathering his limbs under him, he reflected, with grim detachment, on what a hell of a word if was.

It wasn’t his wizardry, but thirty years of soldiering that got him on his feet, breathless with pain as the arrow grated in the wound—a massive, tawny, craggy-faced man with a broken nose that jutted like a granite cliff above an unkempt gold mustache and a buckskin patch covering the empty socket of his left eye. His right, under a long brow the same dusty hue as his thinning, shoulder-length hair, was cold and yellow, a wolf’s eye, gauging the equidistant approach of rescue and death. He was perfectly well aware that the pain of the arrow in his back was a mosquito bite compared to what the shirdar would do to him if they took him alive.

The horses were still fifty feet away when Starhawk’s mount went down. Sudden though it was, Sun Wolf thought the beast hadn’t been shot—had only tripped in some unseen pocket of the deep sand. But the result was the same. Starhawk was flung clear as the horse somersaulted, dust and sand flying everywhere in a yellow curtain. The lead horse skidded, balked, head up and eyes white, then veered away like a startled gazelle. The Wolf made two steps of a staggering run to catch Starhawk’s fallen mount before it scrambled to its feet and followed, then nearly fell himself. Around him the yells of the shirdar bounced shrilly from the rocks as they drew near. Though he stood in the open, they weren’t shooting at him—a very bad sign. They knew he was theirs.

He glimpsed Starhawk’s body lying like a broken marionette, twenty feet away, unmoving in the sand.

Vision darkening and legs turning watery, he tried to remember some spell that would get him out of this and failed. Magic was a newfound art to him, an unknown and scarcely comprehended power that had blossomed, late and agonizingly, barely a year ago. For most of his forty years, he had made his living by his sword. As the mounted shirdar closed around him, he groped blindly for his weapon, knowing what they’d do to him and determined, if possible, to get himself killed in the ensuing fray.

But he didn’t have any luck with that, either.

She’s coming around...

The voice was directly above her, Starhawk thought. Eyelids shut, she kept her breathing slow, the deep breath of unconsciousness. The speaker was kneeling beside her, at a guess. She could tell she lay on sand, likely still in the arroyo. Dreams of pain and urgency—of the smothering heat of the King of Wenshar’s dungeons and the scorch of cherry-red iron inches from her flesh, of splattered blood crawling thickly down the walls of a stone room—all flicked away with the split-second wakefulness of a warrior’s training, and Starhawk struck straight up and silent at the man leaning over her, thumbs going for his eyes, knowing this would be her only chance.

There was a yell, an oath, and strong hands grabbed her arms from behind. She was dropping her weight and twisting like a cat at this new assailant—she’d already known by the first man’s speaking that there were more than one—when her vision cleared.

She relaxed, then jerked disgustedly free of the suddenly slacked grip.

If I knew you’d be in hell when I got here, Dogbreath, I’d have tried to be a better person. She scratched the sand out of her hair, and took the waterskin he offered her. The tepid fluid was ambrosia to her dry mouth.

The man who’d first grabbed her, accepting back the vessel and slinging it around his shoulder again, responded gravely, I always told you you should have given more money to the Church. Then he grinned, bright black, beady eyes sparkling in a tanned face between long, inky hair braided with ribbons, and they embraced, Dogbreath of Mallincore thumping her happily on the back while the others—dim shapes against a luminous channel of twilight sky—grouped in around them.

Believe me, I’ll try it, you damn heretic. He’d been her sergeant in Sun Wolf’s mercenary troop when she’d been a squad-leader, later promoted to squad-leader himself. Hugging the sinewy hardness of his rib cage was like hugging a tree.

The fair-haired blond youth whose eyes she’d tried to gouge out upon awakening held out one hand like a beggar. You can give money to me, he volunteered hopefully. I was a choirboy in the Church back home.

If those are your credentials, she’s the wrong sex to be interested in you, retorted a stocky little woman named Firecat, getting a general laugh, even from the members of the group who nominally worshiped the Triple God, and a stone flung at her by the youth.

That’s okay, Choirboy, you can sing at my dinners anytime, Starhawk promised, grinning, and the youth drew himself up and made a dignified retreat. She turned back to Dogbreath, still kneeling in the sand beside her, and her gray eyes hardened as she took in the lapis depth of the sky behind his head. They’ve got the Chief, she said simply, and in one swift movement was on her feet and heading for the horses. She barely noticed how sore she was from her impact with the ground; in any case it didn’t matter. With the shirdar you had to work fast. Shirdar warriors, six of them...

We saw the blood. Dogbreath strode at her side, the other two behind. By the tracks they took him out of here on foot on a lead-line...

Starhawk cursed dispassionately.

It means they can’t be going far, Firecat pointed out.

Of course they’re not going far, they’re going to kill him the minute they find an anthill big enough to stake him out on. Starhawk looked around as another man came up—the Little Thurg, stocky and tough, with a round, open face and blue eyes, dragging a couple of saddlebags.

I found these. By the tracks they took the horses.

Stuff the horses, Starhawk responded. It’s the books in those bags that the Chief wants.

Books? Thurg looked disgusted and dismayed as Starhawk continued to fire orders, tightening cinches all the while.

Thurg, Choirboy, you stay here...

The name is Miris, thank you, retorted the youth with mock dignity. She didn’t recognize him—he must have joined the troop after she and the Wolf had left it, almost exactly a year ago. Had it really been that long? With them around her, it was as if that year had never been.

They’ve got a couple hours’ start on us, she went on, gauging the four warriors with a practiced glance, deciding which could best be spared from the upcoming fight. We have to catch up with them before sunrise...

You’re going to need more than two swords, Choirboy pointed out. You’ll have to steal back the horses anyway, so why take an empty saddle when you can take a fighter?

Because I don’t want one of my men left here alone, afoot. The words my men came easily to her—hers to command and to answer for. There’s still bands of shirdar around, sonny—you won’t like what happens when they show up. Past the horses, she could see the dark patches of blood-soaked sand where Sun Wolf had been cornered and she hoped to the Mother that blood wasn’t all his. Scuffed tracks led away down the wash toward the desert—hoofprints, stumbling footprints, a dark dribble of gore.

He’s right, Hawk, the Little Thurg said. I’ll manage.

She stood for a moment, reins gathered in her hand, sizing up the pair of them. She knew the Little Thurg well—tough, short, in his early thirties, with ten years of campaigning gouged into his hard little face, and obviously the better man in a fight than the yearling boy. But that cut both ways. If a roving band of vengeful shirdar did show up, Thurg could, as he’d said, manage. Choirboy—obviously to everyone but Choirboy—couldn’t.

Right. With a curt nod she stepped up into the saddle. Watch your back, Thurg.

What do the shirdar want with the Chief, anyway? Dogbreath demanded as they reined away down the canyon. You don’t get them coming in this close to the Middle Kingdoms on the warpath.

Long story. I’ll tell you that after you tell me what in the name of the Seven Torments you gruts are doing down here. The coarse, vivid slang of the mercenary armies slipped easily back to her tongue, like the ache in her muscles—in her soldiering days she’d seldom been without a bruise or two—and the habit of thinking in terms of many instead of one. Yet in another way these dusty, grimy figures in their iron-plated leather jerkins, their bits of spike and chain glinting coldly in the light of the lemon-colored moon, seemed specters of a dream, called forth from her thoughts by the most casually spoken of words. I thought the troop would be on the road back to Wrynde by this time of year.

That, Dogbreath said, is also a hell of a long story. We been to Pardle Sho on the sniff for you and found the King’s Citadel twittering like a cageful of finches—you ever kicked a cageful of finches? Hours of fun. Some pook there said you’d gone to some lost city out in the desert, but halfway there we met the King and he allowed as how you’d lit out north with half the shirdar in the desert on your tails...

The Chief is supposed to have croaked a shirdar lord. Starhawk bent from her saddle to squint at the ground as they came clear of the canyon’s shadows into the heartbreaking, liquid brilliance of the desert moon. The tracks were harder to follow now as the deep sand gave way to coarse gray pebbles that crunched under the hooves. He’s supposed to have summoned demons. They made pemmican of the poor bastard.

Leaning down, scanning the shapeless earth for the scuffy trail of unshod hooves and the occasional dark blood spoor, she still felt the look that passed between them over her head.

He—he really did turn into a hoodoo, then? The word Firecat used was merc slang, with all its lower-class connotations of dowsery and love drops and murder in the night. Not that he offed that grut, she hastened to add. But I mean—they seem to think he could have.

Yeah. Starhawk straightened in the saddle, and something within her cringed from speaking of it to these friends who wouldn’t understand. Yeah, he’s a wizard.

The silence was awkward, as if she’d admitted he’d suddenly developed a romantic attachment to boys, something they would at least have encountered elsewhere. They’d heard it last spring, when she and the Wolf had returned from Mandrigyn and the horrors of the citadel of the Wizard-King Altiokis, but she knew they hadn’t really believed it then. And why should they? For as long as any of them had been alive, no wizard had dared risk murder by the Wizard-King by revealing himself; for at least three generations, fewer and fewer of the mageborn had lived long enough to pass their teachings on.

They knew he had changed. He’d been in their winter camp in Wrynde for a week or so before Ari, the troop’s new commander, had led that band of killers south to the newest war, and he’d been very quiet then, still dealing with the fact that he would not, after all, be their commander, their Chief, anymore. Even the most disbelieving of the troop would admit that more had befallen him than the loss of his left eye and the breaking of his voice, of which now little more was left than a scraped, metallic rasp. In his remaining eye, cold amber under the long tufts of brow, was the haunted look of one who has leaned drunk over a ditch to vomit and found himself looking straight down to the bottommost depths of hell.

But knowing that he had changed, and believing what he said he had changed into, were different things.

It was clear to Starhawk from the reactions of her friends in the troop that they did not realize that she, too, had changed. But that, she reflected, was probably just as well.

Choirboy’s puzzled voice broke into her thoughts. If he’s a hookum, he asked, why can’t he just make the shirdar all disappear?

The same thought had crossed Sun Wolf’s mind.

How long he’d been walking he didn’t know; the moon had set, but through the feverish blur of pain and semiconsciousness he kept a wizard’s ability to see in darkness, though some of the things he was beginning to see he knew weren’t real. Poison on the arrow, he thought groggily; toadwort or poppy, something that would cloud the mind but not kill.

That, too, was a bad sign.

Other shirdar had joined the men who’d captured him; now and then he seemed to emerge from a black tunnel of hazy agony to find the night freezing on his face, the air burning the wound in his back, and all around him those white-robed riders who never spoke. He’d fainted once, and the shirdar had whipped their horses to a gallop and dragged him a dozen yards before stopping to kick and flog him to his feet; he was fighting hard not to faint again.

Think! he ordered himself blurrily. Yirth of Mandrigyn taught you rope-breaking spells, dammit... But the words of them couldn’t rise through the pain and the dull buzzing in his ears; only Yirth’s face, dark and ugly, with hook nose and brown birthmark and the glow of those jade-green eyes as she’d taught him spell after spell on the single night he’d spent in her teaching, patterns of power sketched in the air or on the floor; words whose sounds bridged the gap between Nothing and Something; healing, illusion, scrying, weatherspinning...

And how far do you think you’d run if you could remember one? he demanded grimly. At the moment he was perfectly well aware that the rawhide rope that dragged so excruciatingly at his wrists was the only thing holding him up.

He tried to think like the wizard he now was instead of the warrior he had been for the whole of his life. Summon fire... confusion... steal a horse... And the warrior in him asked cynically, And which one of these gruts are you going to talk into helping you mount?

Yirth’s image melted, blended in his delirium with that of Kaletha of Wenshar, the only other teacher he’d been able to locate in a year of seeking, coldly beautiful in the dappled shade of the public gardens where he’d seen her first. Then that image, too, darkened, changed before his eyes to blood splattered on a mosaic floor, to screams in darkness, and to the chittering of the demons of Wenshar...

He must have fallen. In the drugged black deeps of exhausted unconsciousness, he became aware that he wasn’t walking anymore, but lay on his back, stripped to the waist, flesh cold with the bitter chill of the desert night and crying out with a hundred abrasions, as if he’d been beaten with hammers of flint.

In his dreams he could feel the horror in the ground.

He had always dreamed vividly—his father, he remembered, had beaten him when he’d caught him in daytime reverie, trying to recapture the colors of the previous night. Since the ordeal of the Great Trial whereby the magic born into his flesh, the magic he had all his life denied, had blossomed in a rose of fire, his dreams had been clearer still.

He lay on the ground, cold sand gritty beneath his lacerated back and arms, the blood of the arrow wound still seeping thickly into the earth. His arms and legs were spread out, and he couldn’t move, though whether this was because he was still unconscious or because he was tied that way he didn’t know. By the utter silence, he knew it was the hushed hour preceding dawn, before the hum of insects wakes the desert. The smell of dust and blood filled his nostrils, and another smell that sent his mind screaming at him to wake up, wake up! as if his bound flesh could feel through the earth on which it lay what was beneath it.

They, too, were waking.

In dreams he saw them, blackish-red clots like dark raspberries in the winding night of their tunnels, huddled together and stupid with cold. As big as a man’s thumb, they were like armored horses with their malignant eyes and dangling mandibles—tunnels, chambers, the caverns where bloated queens sat dully squeezing out eggs. The distant sun was already beginning to warm them. He smelled the acid of their bodies, as he knew they smelled his flesh.

With desperate effort, he wrenched his mind free of sleep. The blurry haze of the poison had lessened, which meant the pain was sharper, and with it the nauseated weakness of shock. Above him the sky was black opal, save when he turned his head to see where the blue turned to violet, the violet to pink, and then amber where it touched the cool citrine of distant sand. Moving his head again, he saw his own right arm, stretched from his shoulder to the rawhide strips that bound his wrist to a stake in the ground. A foot beyond his fingertips was an anthill four feet across, its top nearly the height of a man’s knee.

He nearly threw up with horror. There were two others visible beyond it; raising his head, a movement which sent renewed shoots of agony down every screaming muscle of his body, he could see another between his spread-eagled feet and others beyond that. It must be the same around on his blind left side.

For an instant shrieking panic swelled in him; then the calm that had gotten him out of a hundred traps and ambushes in his years as a mercenary commander forced the horror away. Calmly he closed his eye, and began sorting in his mind everything Yirth of Mandrigyn had told him, as if he had all the day before him, item by item...

And the spell was there. A spell of slipping, of loosening, of the fibers of the uncured leather growing damp, gathering moisture from the air, stretching gradually...

The breathless air warmed where it touched his naked belly and chest. He opened his eye to see that the sky had lightened. As he felt the rawhide that cut the flesh of his right wrist loosen a little, his glance went beyond it to the crown of the hideous hillock, and he saw the gritty sand glow suddenly gold. Each pebble, each grain, of the filigreed pit edge of its top was feathered with the long black crescent of a tiny shadow where the first sunlight hit it. The pebbles moved and shifted. Stiffly, an ant crawled forth.

Sun Wolf’s concentration failed in a second of horror, and he felt the rope bite again into the bleeding flesh. Like the clenching of a fist, he clamped his mind shut, forcing himself to think only of the spells of undoing, of the dry air turning moist on the leather, of oily knots sliding apart... It’ll never work in time...

Other ants were moving about on the mounds now, big soldier ants, bulbous bodies an inch and a half in length, mandibles dangling from heads like shining coffee beans. Sun Wolf fancied he could feel the spiked tickle of their feet on his bare flesh, twisted at his bonds in panic, and felt the rawhide tighten again as the spell’s slow working slacked... Not now, pox rot it...!

His mind groped, slid. It would take too long; they’d scent his flesh in moments...

But what would it smell like?

It wouldn’t work for long—he was too weak, the pain of his wounds too insistent, and if he blacked out again he was dead—but in a split second of clear thought he called to his flesh the searing illusion of heat, poison, fire, burning oil, anything, and threw it around him like a cloak at those tiny, vicious, mindless minds. Dust, smoke... that’s what they’d smell... the crackle of flames where he lay twisting frantically at the ropes that held him pinned over their tunnels...

He saw the ants—and there were quite a lot of them—hesitate and draw back.

He knew he couldn’t keep it up, couldn’t maintain the illusion and work spells on the ropes at the same time. A wave of sick weakness clouded his thoughts, and he fought to keep them clear, fought both the pain and the panic he could sense tearing at the edges of his concentration. Either would kill him; if the ants actually started on him he’d never keep his thoughts clear...

Blood, he thought; the juices of sweat and terror; meat sugary-sweet for the tasting... He had never tried a double illusion like this, but it was that or wait for the single spell to outlast his physical ability to remain conscious. Like a smell he twined this new illusion around the ropes that held his outspread hands and feet, and shut his teeth hard on a scream as the ants swarmed greedily forward. They would eat the rawhide, he told himself, they would not touch his flesh—they thought his flesh was fire—his flesh WAS fire—it was the rawhide that was his flesh...

He closed his fists and turned up his hands as much as he could, though the mere effort of that made his arms shake with weakness. Ants clotted the rawhide ropes on the stakes in threshing, glittering blobs. They kept a few inches from the backs of his knuckles, and from his heels, as if his flesh were in fact the fire he projected. If he could keep it up...

There was a shrill cry of rage, and the muffled thunder of hooves in the ground. The shirdar, he thought, in some floating corner of his awareness. Of course they’d stayed to watch from a safe distance. He moved his head, slowly, holding his concentration on the double spell, his whole body drenched now with sweat in the dawn cold. The riders whirling toward him seemed to come in a slow-motion bellying of white cloaks, shouting with fury, lances raised. He thought detachedly that he probably wouldn’t be able to maintain his concentration on either spell with three spears in his belly; death would take almost as long with them as without. But he held to the spells anyway, weirdly fascinated with the mere technique of it, as if these weren’t going to be the last few seconds of his life, too taken up with his concentration as the nearest warrior raised his spear...

The rider’s head snapped back, his body contorting as an arrow appeared suddenly in the middle of his breast, red blossoming over the white of his robe. Sun Wolf thought, The Hawk must not have been killed. He couldn’t care, couldn’t let himself feel joy or fear or anything else which would distract him from a mental exercise he only barely understood. Dizziness swept him. Ants swarmed all around him now, racing back and forth over the pale earth or crawling in heaving swarms on the ropes and stakes, centimeters from the backs of his hands. Other hooves shook the ground under his back, but he dared not break the tunnel of his vision, the wordless images of the spells...

Hurry it up, damn you, Hawk!

Someone screamed, a death cry of agony, at the same moment the ropes parted. Sun Wolf rolled over, shaking, aware again of the scores of open cuts, the raw flesh of his wrists and the shredded wounds on his knees beneath his torn breeches, aware of the cracked rib he’d gotten in Wenshar, the swollen, dust-clotted hole where the arrow had been pulled out, and the half-healed demon bites—another souvenir of Wenshar—on his hands. He tried to stand and fell immediately, his mind plunging toward unconsciousness. The ants swarmed forward.

Fire, he thought blindly, fire all around my body... Just a few seconds more, damn it!

Starhawk saw the flames roar up in a wall around the Wolf’s fallen body and thought, Illusion. She hoped to the Mother it was an illusion, anyway. She drove in her spurs and yelled to Choirboy, It isn’t real...!

It looked damn real.

Beside her in the din—the shirdar she’d shot was still partially alive, buried under a shroud of insects and screaming like a mechanical noisemaker—she heard Choirboy yell, and from the tail of her eye saw the panic in his face at the sight of the flames.

It’s not real, dammit!

But panicky uncertainty had claimed him. The youth hauled on the reins, dragging his horse to a skidding halt among the ants. Starhawk felt her own mount veer at the sight and heat of the blaze and lashed it brutally with the quirt, driving it straight toward the shimmering wall. Choirboy’s horse reared and twisted as the ants, fully aroused now and covering the sandy knoll in a seething blackish-red carpet, poured up over its hooves and began tearing the flesh of its fetlocks. Choirboy screamed again as the frenzied animal flung him; then the Hawk saw no more, her own mount plunging through the pale circle of flame.

She hauled rein with the Wolf nearly under the hooves. The heat beat upon her as if she’d ridden into a furnace, and she didn’t dare dismount. The flame seemed to pour straight up out of the ground, as if the dirt itself were burning. She screamed, Get on your feet, you stinking oaf! You waiting for a goddamned mounting block or something?!

Reeling like a drunken man, Sun Wolf half rose. She grabbed a flailing arm, nails digging hard enough to bring blood from the bare and filthy flesh—she could only spare one hand from the dithering horse’s rein. She pitched her voice as she’d pitch a battle yell over the greedy roar of the flames, the screaming and yells of the shirdar up among the rocks. Get your arse in the goddam saddle or I’ll goddam drag it out of here! Through the bloody curtain of his ragged hair she could see that his one good eye was closed, his face white as a dying man’s beneath a layer of grime. Somehow he got a bare foot in the stirrup and heaved; she hooked her arm under his shoulder and hauled with all her strength, dumping him over the saddlebow like a killed pig. Then she drove in the spurs and plunged for the hills, the circle of surrounding fire sweeping after them like the head of a comet trailing flame, leaving no burn upon the ground.

Fifty feet farther on, the fire flicked suddenly out of existence, and she knew Sun Wolf had fainted.

In the rocks Dogbreath and Firecat joined them, leading four shirdar horses in a string. The Hawk glanced back swiftly at the teeming knoll and Dogbreath shook his head and gestured with the bow on the back of his saddle. She shivered, but knew he was right. He and the Cat had been busy in the rocks dealing with the rest of the shirdar. By the time they’d been able to get to Choirboy—running, rolling, tearing frenziedly at the gnawing carpet of ants that had already eaten out his eyes and ears and brain—shooting him was all they could have done.

So the ants, she supposed, if no one else, had done well out of the day. A philosopher might take that as proof that the Mother did look out for the humblest of Her creatures, and that it was an ill wind indeed that blew nobody good.

That was one reason she’d become a mercenary instead of a philosopher—the other, of course, being that the pay was better.

This isn’t right, Sun Wolf thought, pulling himself stickily from the darkness of fevered sleep. He’d left the troop with Ari, left them for good... He was a mage now. He had to find a teacher, had to find his destiny... find what he should have gone looking for twenty years ago... Hadn’t he?

But they seemed so real—Dogbreath cross-legged by a fist-sized fire built in the shelter of black granite boulders, sharpening a dagger, and Starhawk’s silhouette crouched against the blazing desert stars. Somewhere close by a horse whickered, and distant, liquid, unbearably hurtful, coyotes cried in lonely chorus at the moon.

Had he left them? Or was he, in fact, still their commander? Was this that hellish desert summer they’d fought the armies of Shilmarne of Dalwirin back and forth through the passes of the Dragon’s Backbone? Had he just been wounded and dreamed it all—the horrors of Altiokis’ Citadel, the scorching birth agonies of magic within him... Starhawk saying she loved him?

Maybe none of it had ever happened, he thought, sinking again into the fever’s shroud of many-colored pain. Maybe he was still commander of these people, fighting small wars for pay and for whatever loot they could steal. Maybe he had never really felt that power kindle deep fire in his flesh.

Starhawk’s cool voice said something about it being time to ride on, if they wanted to get

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