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The Raven Ring
The Raven Ring
The Raven Ring
Ebook408 pages6 hours

The Raven Ring

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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In this book from Wrede’s acclaimed Lyra fantasy series, a young woman must fight for her life while on a quest to claim a magical family heirloomThree weeks after Eleret’s mother is killed, the messenger arrives with the tragic news. She died far from home, succumbing to wounds sustained in battle, and Eleret must travel to reclaim her belongings. The overland journey to the city of Ciaron is treacherous, but Eleret has no fear. She straps a dagger to her leg and sets off to recover one of her mother’s prized possessions: a ring etched with a raven. Though she makes it to Ciaron safely, getting home is another story. Eleret doesn’t know what’s special about her mother’s ring, but someone wanted it badly enough to kill for it. To make it home in one piece, she must unlock the mysteries of the ring her mother died to protect.
Release dateDec 13, 2011
The Raven Ring

Patricia C. Wrede

PATRICIA C. WREDE has written many novels, including Sorcery and Cecelia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot and The Grand Tour coauthored with Caroline Stevermer, as well as the four books in her own series, the Enchanted Forest Chronicles. She lives near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A super fun book with interesting characters and a stand alone plot. Good stuff!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A competent fantasy that manages to take place pretty much entirely in the city of Ciaron - but really doesn't give much of a feel for it or the people that live in it. For no presented reason the young Cilhar, Eleret Salven goes to Ciaron to collect her dead mother's kit - and it turns out that it contains, unknown to her, the family heirloom Raven Ring. Which seems to be the desired object of ha;f of the initial contacts she encounters in Ciaron. Fast paced, smooth, with a clever enough resolution, it didn't resonate much with me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A messenger comes and tells Eleret that her mother has died from battle wounds far from home. Eleret, the oldest, feels she must go personally to the dangerous city of Ciaron to get her mother's belongings. Leaving without fear, she finds that her journey is far more dangerous coming home than she had anticipated. Someone wants her mother's treasured Raven Ring. Fast-paced, good romp....with enough humor and action to keep one interested.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was certainly the best of the Lyra books: Eleret is a very well drawn character, and so is Tamm, her dead mother. The love interests are less defined: Damer is mainly “well-bred noble” with some hidden traits; Karvonen is a fairly standard Charming Thief. In the end, it’s Eleret who makes the book, Eleret and her clear love for her mother, which makes the sacrifice of the ring absolutely beautiful.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Eleret heads off to the city to retrieve her soldier mother's things and backpay after she dies in a border skirmish. From the moment, she sets foot in the city however, thieves are after her in search of her mother's black raven ring, a heirloom that's been in the family for hundreds of years. Eleret has to figure out who is after the ring and why, since the ring is not especially valuable, before the thieves strike again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I do love The Raven Ring. Eleret is wonderful, and I love watching her deal with Ciaron and Ciaronese - and them (trying to) deal with her. One reason I like this the best of the Lyra books, oddly enough, is that it's lower-level than the rest. There's a real threat - if he'd gotten the ring, it would have been nasty - but he never really had a chance at it once Eleret entered the story. So the major story centers around Eleret and culture clash, rather than a desperate battle to save/prevent/protect... It's much more enjoyable, and lets the characters shine through. I love Karvonen, and Daner's pretty good - good swordsman, way too custom-bound, though. I think it's pretty obvious how things will end from the start (though part of that may be that this is something like my fifth reading). And I like that Daner sees his own faults (eventually) - perception is the first step. Maybe he'll handle himself better the next time he deals with a Cilhar - I'd like to see that. Oh yes, and having just read Caught in Crystal, this time I noticed the wizard's name - the one who made the ring. I guess we do get to see a little more of Dara...
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The next book on my list is The Raven Ring by Patricia C. Wrede. It is one of her Lyra novels, all of which I consider YA fantasy. Lyra is a land dominated by humans that is also home to three magical peoples: Shee (elf types), Neira (vaguely reptilian water types), and Wyrd (furry catlike woodsy types). There's also the Shadow-born--malevolent creatures without bodies (demons, in effect)--that were defeated in the ancient Wars of Binding. I'm pretty sure that Caught in Crystal is the first in chronological order (though published later), occurring much earlier than all of the others, because the Isle of Varna is still above water and the Wyrds and other magical races are still coexisting with humans. The prelude of that story (an excerpt from a later history book) references the heroine in Shadow Magic. And The Harp of Imach Thyssel takes place after Shadow Magic. I'm not sure where Daughter of Witches and The Raven Ring fit into the general chronology because those stories do not allude to the other novels that I recall.Anyway, every story involves some threat involving the Shadow-born, I think, and every story involves at least one Cilhar character. The Cilhar are famous warriors, an entire culture built around weapons skills, who often leave their home territory of the Mountains of Morravik to find work as bodyguards and other similar positions. They're always the good guys and they have quite the strong honor code: the epitome of hero. And unlike many of the other cultures portrayed in Wrede's novels, they are quite egalitarian. Because they have endured centuries of raids and warfare with Syaskor, they are essentially a militarized society where everyone, man, woman, and child is expected to help with home defense. So there aren't any specific gender roles as such.This story is about Eleret, a Cilhar girl, who travels to the capital city to retrieve her mother's personal effects after her mother dies during a military campaign abroad. But there's something mysterious about her mother's death, and apparently someone is very interested in her mother's personal effects. So while she tries to figure out what is going on and who she can trust, she is also coping with the cultural differences and her own grief.Of course, all of the characters are white and straight. However, this story does take a look at social expectations, gender roles, assumptions and privilege, and how these differ according to culture. It's also a bit of a romance, which of course plays on exactly these misunderstandings. It's a charming, sweet little story that explores the Cilhar, who have played pivotal roles in the other Lyra stories. So Patricia Wrede certainly does a better job of representation and thinking about social context for her story here than, say, her latest novel The Thirteenth Child, which has generated some discussion and possibly even controversy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    One of the first fantasy authors I read, so my opinions are colored by youthful impressionability and sentiment; I enjoyed it, but it's probably a slighter book than I remember thinking it was.

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The Raven Ring - Patricia C. Wrede


A Lyra Novel

Patricia C. Wrede


Introduction to the Lyra Series































A Biography of Patricia C. Wrede

Introduction to the Lyra Series

THE LYRA SERIES IS DEAR TO MY HEART, partly because it was the first imaginary world I created for my novels and partly because it includes the first two novels I ever wrote, Shadow Magic and Daughter of Witches. I learned an enormous amount from writing those books.

I also learned a great deal from running Daughter of Witches through my very first critique group, the Scribblies. I was several chapters into the first draft when we started the group in 1980, so it was the first thing I submitted for comment, a chapter or two at a time. Shadow Magic had already been under submission to publishers for nearly two years. When it finally sold, I did run some of the revisions through the group, but I didn’t make any of the more drastic changes people suggested. I worried that I might turn the book into something the editor wouldn’t like; after all, she’d bought its original version. So I concentrated on the parts where the editor herself had requested changes (there were plenty) and left everything else pretty much alone.

Daughter of Witches was my first attempt at writing a single-character, tight third-person viewpoint, and I cussed my way through large portions of it as I tried to figure out how to get crucial information across to the reader when the viewpoint character wasn’t around for those scenes. By the time I finished it, I was more or less comfortable writing a tight viewpoint, and from then on it became very nearly my default.

I also chose to make Daughter of Witches an indirect sequel to Shadow Magic—that is, rather than continuing the adventures of the same set of characters, or even using a different set of people in the same region, I picked people who lived several thousand miles away, for whom the events that took place in Shadow Magic were, at most, distant and relatively unimportant or unrelated problems. I did this for three reasons. As a writer, I wanted to remind people that a world is an enormous place, especially when there aren’t phones or radios or TVs to quickly spread news and information. I also wanted to explore some themes and background events that just didn’t fit in the book I’d already written. A third, practical reason was that I’d started writing Daughter of Witches a good six months before Shadow Magic sold, and I had no guarantee that my first book would ever sell. I figured that nobody starts by buying Book #2 of a series, if Book #2 depends heavily on Book #1. But if I made my second book a related stand-alone, something that shared the background and world-building, but that didn’t actually need the first book to make sense, then even if Shadow Magic never sold, I could still market Daughter of Witches on its own.

Fortunately, Ace Books bought both titles, and was interested in more. The Harp of Imach Thyssel was my fifth book, and again, it was an indirect sequel, which set the pattern for the series. It was also the book that finally pushed me into quitting my day job to write fulltime. It was my first (and rather timid) experiment in writing multiple viewpoints—timid, because I didn’t quite have the nerve to do the kind of large, complex, braided storylines that really need a multiple-viewpoint structure. I ended up doing something more like a central storyline with sidebars, which worked well for the book, I think, but didn’t quite stretch me as a writer as I’d intended.

Next came Caught in Crystal, in which I tried to dig deeper into my main character and use flashback scenes for the first time. After the book was published, many readers asked if I’d actually written two novels and then cannibalized the first one for the flashback story in the second, so I guess the flashbacks were pretty convincing! The answer is no. I wrote Caught in Crystal as its own narrative; I hadn’t even used an earlier short story. The flashback sequences were written in order, as they came up during the present-day story. (Present day for this book was set roughly a thousand years prior to that of the first three Lyra titles, continuing the pattern of an indirect sequel.)

The last of the Lyra books (so far) is The Raven Ring, written over fifteen years ago. It fills in a little of the history between Caught in Crystal and the three other titles. I was trying to work from a careful outline, but I failed miserably; the story went off the rails in Chapter 7, when the main characters were attacked and one of them refused to just leave before the city guard got there. By the time they finished dealing with the cops, my heroine wasn’t about to leave town until she knew who was after her and why, which completely wrecked my plans for a chase-and-battles sequence as she and her friends made their way back to her mountain home. Instead, I ended up with a sort of medieval-urban fantasy.

I did work out the whole deck of Lyran fortune-telling picture cards at one point—all four suits, a set of Major Trumps and a set of Minor Trumps. (I really enjoyed making Taxes, one of the Minor Trumps.) Most of the cards never made it into the story, but I had a lot of fun figuring them all out.

About the same time as I was writing The Raven Ring, my publisher decided to reissue the first three Lyra books, and asked if I wanted to make any changes or edits. Daughter of Witches and The Harp of Imach Thyssel were in pretty good shape; I fixed a few awkward sentences, but that was about all. Shadow Magic was another story. The full manuscript had never been run through my critique group, and it showed. Furthermore, I felt that I’d finally learned enough craft to make it worth the time and effort to do a complete rewrite of my first novel. So I did, and I was much happier with the result.

Fast-forward a few years, to a mailing list in which a number of folks were discussing writing, editing, revising, and so on. One thing led to another, and I ended up sending the group a before-and-after version of the first chapter of Shadow Magic, so they could see what I meant when I talked about an extensive revision. A few years after that, I turned the before-and-after sample into a series of blog posts, showing the original text, my revisions, and my comments on what I’d revised and why.

When Open Road acquired the ebook rights, they asked me to edit the posts into an introduction to the Lyra series. Below is the latest version.

This is the first chapter of my first novel, Shadow Magic, which was first published in 1982 and then revised roughly ten years later for an omnibus edition. The strikeouts show words, phrases, and sentences that appeared in the original version but that I deleted on revision. The bold text indicates new phrases, and plain text shows what remained the same in both editions. My explanations of the changes appear in italics.

The caravan wound slowly through the woods along the riverbank and broke at last into the fields surrounding the city. Except for a few wooden shelters near the gates, the city itself was invisible behind massive walls. Not even the roof of a tower showed above the smooth grey stone.

Though they were now within sight of their goal, the dust-covered guards continued to ride restlessly up and down the long chain of wagons, watching field and forest narrowly for any sign of unusual activity. Travel here, at the western border of Alkyra, was relatively safe, but the Traders generally preferred not to take chances.

When the last of the wagons had entered the city, the guards relaxed at last. Their far-flung riding pattern contracted into small eddies of motion between the lumbering wagons. The iron-rimmed wagon-wheels were noisy, and conversation was minimal. The horses seemed to find the stone pavement, rough as it was, an improvement over the deeply rutted dirt road outside the city, and it was not long before the caravan had reached the wide courtyard of the inn.

As the last wagon in the caravan rumbled into the courtyard of the Blue Heron Inn, Maurin Atuval allowed himself to relax. Theoretically, the safety of the trade goods had been the responsibility of the cargo masters since the wagons passed through the city gates of Brenn, and the other caravan guards had long since abandoned any pretense of patrol. Unlike his fellow guards, however, Maurin was himself a Trader, and could expect to share in the caravan’s profits—and losses. So he had continued to watch the wagons even after his duties were officially over.

As it stands, there’s nothing terribly wrong with the original opening—it’s a zoom-in, starting with a long view, slowly focusing down until we get to characters. But for an action-adventure that moves fast enough to have a kidnapping by the third chapter, it’s too slow. Also, in the original, we don’t get to an actual character until the end of the fifth paragraph, and the whole thing is in a sloppy omniscient viewpoint. So the original five paragraphs went, replaced by two that are a lot more specific and that have a specific viewpoint, that of Journeyman Trader Maurin Atuval.

The hypnotic rumble of the wagons gave way to a cheerful bustle of securing goods and stabling horses. Everyone took part, from the most exalted of the Master Traders to the lowliest apprentices. As each finished his appointed task, he went in search of friends or pleasure, depending on his inclination, and soon the courtyard began to empty.

Among those remaining was a tall, black-haired man in the utilitarian leather of a caravan guard, his skin tanned by the sun and wind of the trails to a deep bronze under its coating of grime. The uniform suited him well, and he carried himself with an easy confidence that proclaimed him a veteran despite his relative youth. He was checking the ropes securing one of the wagons when another man hailed him. Maurin!

The hired guards lined up near Master Goldar to receive their pay, while the Traders began the cheerful ritual of unloading and securing their goods. Maurin was hauling a bundle of white fox pelts to the storage room when someone tapped him on the shoulder from behind.

The dark-haired man at the wagon rope looked up. Greetings, Har. Har made a rude noise and looked at his friend with disfavor. Maurin turned his head to see who had accosted him. The two were of a height, but Har’s slight build, accentuated by It was a slender young man in the leather uniform of the caravan guards, made him appear smaller and younger than he was. An whose unruly shock of sandy brown hair made him look younger than Maurin knew him to be. added to the effect, and made the straight black brows and slightly tilted grey-green eyes more startling. Har, what are you still doing here? Maurin said. "I thought you would be away home by now."

I’ve been hunting all over for you, Har said when Maurin made no response. I invited you to visit when we got to Brenn; did you think I would forget? Haven’t you finished with that yet?

The original description of Har is, again, not awful… but it stops the story dead in its tracks (and it hadn’t even really gotten going yet). I deleted most of it here, and stuck in references to the straight black eyebrows and green eyes later.

I would have been, if I hadn’t had to stop and look for you, Har said. Here, give that to someone else. You’re done for the day. He plucked the bundle of fox pelts from Maurin’s arms and set it on a nearby barrel.

I’m just checking the knots, Maurin replied. Last stop we nearly lost three white fox pelts when the wind blew the canvas off, remember?

Two things were wrong with this paragraph. First, the remember? was an obvious bit of maid-and-butler, as-you-know-Bob dialogue, something that the characters only say so that the readers can overhear and get clued in. And the event wasn’t particularly relevant to the plot, so why bother mentioning it? Second, checking the knots was the writer not thinking things through. Younger-writer-me had no clear idea what Maurin might be doing, and was impatient to get on with things, so she wrote down the first generic thing she imagined. Since the characters are unloading the wagons, though, checking the knots to make sure things don’t blow away doesn’t make much sense. If they’re unloading, Maurin should be, well, unloading stuff. So I changed the activity.

You forget, I’m a Trader. I’m not done until Master Goldar says I am.

Har grinned unrepentantly. This is Brenn, remember? he mimicked. That can’t happen in town, and anyway the light stuff has all been unpacked. So won’t you come on?

I didn’t forget. Har looked smug. I’ve already checked with him, and you’re officially released. Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind about accepting my family’s hospitality while you’re in Brenn.

A journeyman can’t leave the caravan without the permission of one of the Master Traders. You know that, Maurin answered.

Maurin looked at his friend in consternation. I never said… I mean, uh—

So let’s get it! They won’t deny it; there’s nothing more to do here. As Maurin still hesitated, Har frowned. I’m beginning to think you don’t want to come. I tell you, Maurin, you work too hard. Take the whole week and stay with us and relax for a change. Har raised his straight black eyebrows. "What’s the matter? Isn’t the Noble House of Brenn up to your standards?"

I don’t want Master Goldar to think I’m trying to curry favor, Maurin admitted. "And what will your family think? You’re not thinking, Maurin said, letting his breath out in exasperation. "Look, it’s all right for nobles and journeymen to brush cloaks on a caravan trip, but your family isn’t going to appreciate you bringing home a mere journeyman. Even the Master Traders don’t visit stay with lords in town unless they’re invited."

"Well, I invited you, didn’t I? That’s because they don’t get invited," Har said. "They’d come fast enough if they were. And you don’t have to worry about my family; Mother won’t mind, and if she doesn’t, no one else will, either."

I’ll mind, Maurin muttered, too low for Har to hear.

The original conversation was awkward and full of more maid-and-butler dialogue (a.k.a. As you know, Bob—people telling each other stuff they already know, for no good reason except to let the reader in on it). The revised version contains the critical bits (the invitation, the need for Goldar’s permission, Maurin’s reluctance) in other ways. The only remnant of maid-and-butler is the You forget, I’m a Trader… line, which is both in character and salvaged by the following line, I didn‘t forget… And in general it reads a lot more smoothly.

There’s still Master Goldar.

Fear not, my friend, Har said, striking a theatrical pose. We shall yet win for you the freedom of the city, overcoming all objections of… His speech was abruptly stifled by a heavy wool horse-blanket, thrown accurately over his head by the friend he was addressing. Har emerged a moment later, grinning broadly.

At least there’s one good thing about being heir to a Noble House, Har said as the two set off in search of the Master Trader. I know more about protocol and persuasion than just about anybody. We won’t have any trouble with Master Goldar; you’ll see.

Whether because of Har’s vaunted diplomatic talents or for some reason of his own, the caravan master not only released the journeyman for the week, but went so far as to give him the freedom of the town for the entire month of the caravan’s stay in Brenn. The two guards set off, with Har making much of his own skill in achieving such a desirable result. Maurin pointedly ignored him until he changed the subject. By that time, the two had reached the wide avenue that led straight from the western gate of Brenn to the large stone building in the center of town. They turned away from the gates, and Har darted a sharp look at his friend.

Now what are you shaking your head about? he asked.

That, Maurin said, waving toward the building in front of them. Even from this distance, Styr Tel loomed above the jumble of homes and shops and inns. It bore little resemblance to the ornate palaces and castles of Alkyran nobles in other cities.

What’s wrong with it? Har demanded. Hurry up; I don’t want them to find out the caravan’s in before I get there. Har started toward Styr Tel. Finding no adequate reply, Maurin followed.

The entire business above really didn’t move things forward. It made sense that Maurin needed permission from the caravan master, but it wasn’t necessary to spend this many words on it. In the revised version, it was all covered by Har’s comment that he’s already arranged everything. Half a line instead of seven paragraphs.

It was obvious that the young nobleman meant to have his way, however uncomfortable it might make everyone else. And he was right about one thing: Master Goldar would never forgive Maurin if he turned down the opportunity to make a good connection with even a minor Noble House. Maurin resigned himself to a few days of awkward formality, and allowed Har to lead him away.

The above paragraph is part of changing the viewpoint from sloppy omniscient to tight third-person, which is why it’s entirely new. Maurin’s reactions were, in the original, supposed to be implied by the dialogue, but this is a whole lot clearer and gives the scene a consistent personal viewpoint.

The street was full of the cheerfully miscellaneous crowd of a trade city. At this hour, the streets were full. Peasants, guildsmen, merchants, and Traders jostled visitors and townsfolk alike. A man from Rathane in gaudy robes walked past the deadly, black-clad figure of an assassin from beyond the Mountains of Morravik. Three dark-skinned desert people bargained in loud voices with a man who spoke with the accent of Ciaron whose accent was Ciaronese. And everywhere there were men in soldiers’ dress. Some, like Har and Maurin, wore the leather of caravan guards, but many were dressed in the colors of the city. Several times Har and Maurin had to stop and wait while a band of soldiers marched by.

During the third such incident, Maurin looked at Har and said, I have never understood why Brenn has so many more soldiers than the other trade towns. It isn’t that much more dangerous to be right on the border.

Har laughed. As well ask why a fortress has so many caravans passing through!

Maurin frowned in puzzlement. Har looked at him. You really don’t know?

If I did, I wouldn’t ask.

Unless you had some other reason, Har grinned. But I’ll tell you anyway. Brenn is both fortress and trade town, but it is a fortress first. My great-grandfather, Doramon, founded it about two hundred and fifty years ago, right after the Lithmern invasion was stopped at Eirith. The idea was to prevent the Lithmern from ever overrunning Alkyra again; Brenn sits right in the gap between the Kathkari Mountains, he waved to the north, and the Snake Mountains. Har waved toward the south. Nobody can get into Alkyra from the west without passing Brenn, so of course it became a trade town too. But it is still the first line of defense for northern and western Alkyra.

The above conversation is backstory, none of which is needed here. It also makes Maurin seem stupid—he’s a Trader, so he ought to be very aware of both the politics and the dangers of the countries the caravan goes through, even if he’s still a journeyman. The bit about Brenn being on the border is the only really critical bit, and it’s covered in half a line in the next paragraph. The rest got moved in bits and pieces to wherever the information became necessary for the reader to know… sometimes many chapters later.

And over the cheerfully miscellaneous crowd, above the jumble of homes and shops and inns, loomed Styr Tel. The castle of the Noble House of Brenn looked every inch the border fortress that it was, but the high stone walls that were a reassuring presence to a Trader caravan concerned with raiders and bandits gave an entirely different impression to a mildly unwilling visitor. Maurin could not shake the feeling that he was heading for a prison.

Note that I moved the phrase cheerfully miscellaneous crowd to this point from the initial description several paragraphs back. I thought it works better as a summing-up of the (now) previous paragraph of description, rather than an introduction to the crowded streets. I also added more of Maurin’s personal reaction at the end of the description.

They had nearly reached Styr Tel, and Maurin found it easy to believe the place had once been a fortress. It was surrounded by a high stone wall, The castle had been set back from the houses of Brenn as if to prevent an attack from the upper stories of the homes and shops. Above the wall, two tall black towers rose to command a view of the entire city; from this angle, they were all of the Styr that could be seen. Time and custom had made a marketplace of the open area between the low buildings of the town and the walls of Styr Tel. Maurin and Har wove through the merchants and townspeople to the gates, ignoring the persuasive calls of the dealers. The guards recognized Har at once, and let him and Maurin through the gate without challenge. As they entered the courtyard, Maurin blinked in surprise. got his first close view of Styr Tel.

Black stone, polished smooth, filled his eyes. Styr Tel was made of it. The place was enormous; Maurin’s head bent back as he tried to see it all. He could easily imagine a company of troops vanishing inside without disrupting any of the gentler pursuits of the nobles who lived there. The lines of the building were clean and practical, but the dark stone gave it a dignity lacking in the airy palaces Maurin had seen in other cities. This was a strong place, an armored place, a home for a soldier. Maurin found himself admiring the man who had built it.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noticed that I’ve been cutting out a lot more than I’ve been adding. The revised chapter is 1,024 words shorter than the original… and most of the folks who read it don’t even notice. Really. I’ve asked.

Cutting out so much description and unnecessary backstory right at the start did two things: it tightened things up so that everything moves along faster, which is better for the opening of this particular action-adventure novel, and it refocused the start of the story on the two young men and their friendship, which is crucial to the rest of the story. If I’d written a story about the caravan or the Traders, I’d have left in a lot more of this and tightened things up elsewhere… but I didn’t.

A long whistle from Har brought Maurin’s eyes down, and he As they entered the courtyard, Maurin blinked in surprise. The Styr courtyard was full of activity a maze of benches, chairs, trunks, and other furnishings. Servants were bustling about with buckets, rods, wound among the furniture, carrying buckets and stacks of cloth, brooms and articles of furniture. Everywhere people were cleaning, polishing and scrubbing; the atmosphere fairly air reeked of soap and the strong scent of Mindaran wood-wax was everywhere. Maurin’s foolish mental visions of dungeons and imprisonment fled, to be replaced by the alarmed thought that at any minute someone would demand help with the cleaning.

Here I was just tightening things up, making them more specific, and again adding in more tight third-person viewpoint. Oh, and the paragraph break shifted between the old version and the new.

Looks like we’ve arrived in time for spring cleaning, Maurin observed as they threaded their way through the crowd.

A shout from the doorway ahead spared Har from responding to this obvious comment. A Har! someone shouted, and then a tall girl with pale gold braids hanging down nearly to her knees ran forward to throw her arms around the young noble. Har, you’re back! she exclaimed.

Just barely, laughed Har, swinging her off her feet in a wide circle. We came straight here as soon as the caravan got in. He set her gently back on her feet and turned. Maurin, this is my sister, Alethia.

I am charmed, Maurin said, bending low over Alethia’s hand. Privately he thought that The introduction was nearly unnecessary; there was no mistaking those tilted green eyes and straight black eyebrows. Alethia was clearly Har’s sister.

Alethia returned his courtesy absently, then and linked arms with her brother as they started again toward the house. I’m so glad you got back in time for my party, she said as they mounted the stairs. "But you could have sent some kind of warning, couldn’t you?"

Party? Har said blankly with studied blankness.

Alethia laughed. "You don’t even remember! I’m twenty tomorrow; it today is my birth eve."

Well, I didn’t forget entirely, Har said. I got something at our last stop in Karlen Gale. I’ll give it to you tonight, after I’ve unpacked.

Maurin smothered a grin. When the caravan had stopped in Karlen Gale, Har had spent two precious hours of his free afternoon hunting for exactly the right gift for his sister’s birth eve party, and he had fretted ever since for fear they wouldn’t arrive in time.

Thank you in advance—I think! Alethia replied.

The conversation about the birthday present is… flat. The revised version has a lot more characterization for Har, adds characterization for Maurin, and by giving Maurin’s reaction, makes it a third-person viewpoint.

Then, turning Alethia turned to Maurin she and added, "You will You’ll come to the party join us too, won’t you?"

Caught by surprise, Maurin hesitated. He hadn’t anticipated being asked to any formal feasts…

It won’t be more than dinner and songs, really; the Lords Armin and Gahlon are coming at the end of the week to talk to Father, and it would be hard to have two large feasts so close together., Alethia said, almost as if she could read his mind. But if you’d rather not—"

Of course he’ll come, Har said. He’s staying for a week, at least.

Once again, I added Maurin’s reactions; I also trimmed Alethia’s dialogue to make it sound more natural (You’ll instead of You will, for instance). I then took out the long and rather clumsy lead-in to the awkward and unnecessary conversation I deleted below.

So that is why there is so much cleaning going on! Har exclaimed. What do Armin and Gahlon want to talk to Father for?

His sister smiled mischievously. I’m not supposed to know, so you’d better ask him. Something about the Lithmern raids, I think, she added innocently.

But the raids have practically stopped! Har said.

I know, said Alethia, and grinned again. You must tell me all about it after he explains to you.

What makes you think he will? Har countered.

Well, aside from being his son and heir, you’ve just come back from three months with the caravans, haven’t you? And your last stop was Karlen Gale, which is the only Free City anywhere near Lithra. So if Father wants to know about the Lithmern, who else would he talk to?

Staying for a week? Alethia frowned. Then one of you will have to sleep in the south tower; Father will want the north one for the Lords Armin and Gahlon, and—

Lord Armin and First Lord Gahlon are coming here? Together?

At the end of the week, Alethia said, nodding. And I’m not supposed to know why Father asked them to come, so don’t bother quizzing me until after Father explains it to you.

Father asked them? Har repeated. Allie, you’re making that up!

The original version of the conversation is a little stiff and moves the focus to the raids a little too fast; it also has more as you know, Bob dialogue. The revised version sounds more like a conversation; nobody’s saying things anyone else knows, and it flows much better into the next bit.

"Who indeed?" Unfortunately, she is not, said a deep voice behind them, and Alethia jumped. The three turned to find a tall, dark-haired man of about forty-five of middle years standing in a doorway and smiling at them looking at them with a smile. Father! said Alethia and Har together.

The man’s smile deepened. Welcome home, he said to his son, and there was no mistaking the deep affection in his

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