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A Touch of Danger
A Touch of Danger
A Touch of Danger
Ebook508 pages9 hours

A Touch of Danger

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A vacation in the Greek islands becomes complicated when a private eye is drawn into the murky waters of international hashish smuggling
His name is Frank Davies, but friends and clients call him Lobo. A private eye with a law degree, Lobo doesn’t like to get rough but he’ll do it for a friend. When a rich friend sends him to Paris to retrieve some stolen money, he earns himself a trip to Greece as a reward. It’s supposed to be a vacation, but as soon as he arrives he’s working again.   First his landlady, an English woman married to a Greek, asks his help bringing her cheating husband to heel. Though he doesn’t like her, he finds himself morbidly fascinated by her train wreck of a marriage. Then he meets a countess with a blackmail problem, and offers her a little pro-bono work. As he digs beneath the island’s sunny surface, Lobo learns that no matter how beautiful the scenery, secrets are always ugly.   This ebook features an illustrated biography of James Jones including rare photos from the author’s estate.
Release dateMay 10, 2011
A Touch of Danger

James Jones

James Jones (1921–1977) was one of the most accomplished American authors of the World War II generation. He served in the U.S. Army from 1939 to 1944, and was present at the attack on Pearl Harbor as well as the battle for Guadalcanal, where he was decorated with a purple heart and bronze star. Jones’s experiences informed his epic novels From Here to Eternity and The Thin Red Line. His other works include Some Came Running, The Pistol, Go to the Widow-Maker, The Ice-Cream Headache and Other Stories, The Merry Month of May, A Touch of Danger, Whistle, and To the End of the War—a book of previously unpublished fiction.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    There's possibly a tighter, better 200 page story hidden away in here, but it's mostly unintentionally hilarious grumpiness about cardboard cutout hippies and a litany of all liquor consumed.

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A Touch of Danger - James Jones

Chapter 1

THE TAXI TAKING ME from the Athens Hilton to the Piraeus ferry dock roared around the last cloverleaf of new road and slid in against the high curb like a scared baserunner with his cleats bared. My neck was jerked. The already dented hubcaps grated and clashed against the badly poured Greek concrete. Before it was stopped, the paunchy mustachioed driver was out of it waving his arms and running for the ferry where a cluster of ship’s officers stood together in white uniforms being important.

I had made the mistake of telling him to step on it, that I was running a little late. Now—to buy himself a big tip—he was going to pretend he had personally held the ship’s sailing in order to get me aboard.

After a moment to straighten my neck, I gathered my old trenchcoat and hat and briefcase and got out and went over to what had to be the ticket booth. When I said, Tsatsos, the old man in the hotbox made out a pink ticket form and counted on his fingers for me how much I owed him in drachmas.

Around us heat shimmered on the Athens plain. Back from the cleared area for the new road, the buildings seemed to gasp in it. At my feet a square of feverish ill-looking lawn set in the concrete was dusted with it. Athens itself, the Athens of Socrates and Aristophanes and Jackie Kennedy, was not visible from here.

The cab driver came back. All A-okay, he grinned. All fine, boss. All fixed up now.

My suitcase is still in your trunk, I said.

His eyes widened. He had forgotten it. He came back with it striding importantly, and handed it grandiloquently to a tottery ancient in a long blue smock and cap who was supposed to fool people like me that he was a porter.

I paid the driver. I gave him his big tip. I have never known how to deal with phonies who pretend they’ve done more for you than they actually have. You’d think a hard-nosed private detective with fire in his eye would learn how to handle that, but I never have. One of the minor reasons I remained so broke, probably.

I followed the ancient with my suitcase to the ship, hoping he would not collapse with it. The ship was moored stern-on to the quay and connected by a rickety gangplank made of old boards that bowed with every step of every passenger. The ship’s officers were herding across it a small mob of Greek citizens carrying paper sacks and cardboard cartons tied with rope. One officer took my ticket and looked at it and passed it to another one. The second one looked at it, tore off the perforated end, which he handed to a slave behind him, and gave it to a third one. The third looked at it as if inspecting it for signs of contraband and handed it back to me with a hard stare. Thus they created work for three men out of a job one guy would have found it hard to spend all his time at. I stared just as hard back at them. They weren’t used to that.

I followed the ancient across the swaying plank, matching my steps to the motion and taking the swing with my knees. I was worried about him. I had lived on the edge of collapse myself, in too many different places and too long. But he was good. He was shaky, but he conserved his meager energy. He deposited my suitcase by the rail in a gangway already crowded with the belongings of other people. Paper sacks oozing the juice of squashed fruit; boxes dripping melted sugar at the low corner in the heat. I gave him a big tip, too. I’ve always been a sucker for overtipping. The theory is they will remember you if you ever pass that way again. I have never found that it ever got me any extra service or smiles.

The tiny dining room, when I finally found it amongst all the bellowing adults, screaming kids and barking animals, was nice. But it had been taken over by a bunch of English boys in wild clothes who looked like fag set designers. I found myself a rusting folding chair up forward on the main deck under the tarpaulin and put my feet up on the rail. After a while the ship’s horn hooted twice and we departed. Astern, the port and the plain got misty and dim in the heat haze.

So was beginning my month’s free, paid vacation. I was already feeling it was a bad mistake, even before I got on board. It was a six hours’ trip, to the island of Tsatsos.

You’ll love it down there, Freddy Tarkoff had told me on the phone, at the end of my New York call. Freddy Tarkoff was my client. My rich client. My only rich client. Freddy was pleased with the job I had done for him in Europe.

Just sit in the tavernas, and swim a little, and toast yourself on the beach. Nothing to do but loaf and scratch. You’re a spearfisherman, aren’t you?

I used to be, I said.

It’s my present to you. I appreciate what you’ve done, Lobo. It’s all laid on. There’s a lady friend of mine down there who’s setting everything up, and will look after you personally while you’re there. Her name is the Countess Chantal von Anders. Got the name?

Something in his tone of voice stated delicately that he knew her a good bit better than as just a friend.

I’ve instructed her to apply herself to your every wish. She’s renting a house for you. And a boat with an expert spearfisherman.

Okay, I’ll go. I choked on it a little, and it came out too flat, because it was hard for me to say it. I’m inclined to be overproud.

You’ll love it down there, he said again.

So here I was. There was a gang of hippie kids under the big tarpaulin, most of them American, a few English. As soon as we were at sea they got out their guitars and about fifty bottles of cheap red wine, and sang folk songs and got drunk and effectively elbowed away from them all of the people who were nearby. They made me feel very old. I heard one of them say they were going to Tsatsos, too. I looked ahead bleakly to six hours of their scintillating company.

Six hours’ trip to Tsatsos. Well, I had plenty to think about. There was my job for Freddy. There was my life. There was my recent divorce. I didn’t want to think about any of them.

I wasn’t half as pleased with my job for Tarkoff as he was; for different reasons. My life I wasn’t pleased with either, but I didn’t know what to do about it. As for my divorce I didn’t know whether I was pleased with that or not.

Tarkoff was a good friend. Tarkoff knew a lot about my personal life. That was probably why he organized this junket. I didn’t like anybody knowing that much about my personal life.

I gave myself up to the sea. There was a grubby juice and booze bar at the back of the main lounge, run by two short-tempered Greeks who resembled Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. I got the biggest Scotch they could pour into the biggest smeared glass they had, and brought it back with me and put my feet back up. Like most men from the great middle part of the American continent I had an unreasonable passion for the sea. I took my feet back down and allowed myself to be rudely elbowed further forward by the expanding rim of the hippie circle without saying anything, then put my feet back up.

The overweight sun beyond the tarpaulin glinted off the wavelets and hammered the sea’s face into hundreds of silver collages. Moisture rose from the surface so heavily it gave an opal haze to the air and pinkened the passing ships and islands. The ship’s engines rumbled pleasantly in the sea quiet. I sipped my Scotch. There was plenty of time to think about the unpleasant things later. Things like my life. I listened to the rumbling ship’s engines carrying me along, and relaxed. I shouldn’t have. I should have grabbed a buoy and jumped overboard; and flagged down a passing tramp to carry me straight back to the Athens Hilton and the airport.

Chapter 2

IN THE SIX HOURS we passed about twenty islands, and stopped at seven of them. All around us tall blue headlands stood up out of the sea. If you didn’t know the chart, you could not tell which were islands and which were hills on the mainland. I went back twice for refills of my big smeary Scotch glass. I figured the whisky would antisepticize the glass.

Finally, the ship headed in for a black humpback whale of a headland straight in front of us, and the hippie kids behind me began putting their guitars away and throwing their sandwich wrappers and empty wine bottles over the side. I watched them. I had just been listening to them talk about pollution.

The distinctive thing about Tsatsos was that it was green. The rest of the land we passed was as dry as a Boy Scout’s fire kit. I was assured by every Greek I met that it was not the Greeks who cut off all the timber in Greece, but the Turks. Whoever it was, they certainly did a superior job of it. But somehow they missed Tsatsos.

As it floated closer to us, its single town showed white-white along the sea edge. The green rising behind it accentuated the white. A crusty old Colonel Blimp of an Englishman told me the white dots spotted here and there on the hills were Greek Orthodox chapels. Each one was built on the site of an ancient pagan temple.

A pretty little lighthouse made a white and black checkered spindle at one end of the town. At the other, west end was another landmark not so prepossessing. On a large headland somebody with the taste of an ape had started a big construction of modern apartment units and never finished it. Abandoned in mid-job—in mid-trowel stroke it seemed. Straight-line construction units of four and six apartments, on spindly pre-poured concrete stilts, covered most of the headland and loomed over the town below. Most of them were still uncovered red construction brick, without even door or window frames. It made a real eyesore.

Below it beside the sea in the gathering dusk was what looked like a modern luxury tourist hotel, complete with lush gardens and clients.

Next to me two of the American hippie girls were pointing at the construction site and giggling. Apparently that was where they were going. That’s the Construction, one of them whispered to the other.

Behind us the ship’s horn high up on the mast gave one long hoot and the engines started churning in reverse, preparing to land us at the big concrete jetty which also served as breakwater for the tiny port.

Nobody met me at the ferry. If the Countess Chantal von Anders was supposed to be looking after me, she wasn’t doing her job. The Countess had flunked out on the very first stage. I began to feel depressed again. I picked up my suitcase and went to look for a taxi.

No private cars were allowed on the island, it turned out, and the taxis were two-wheeled horsecabs, of the type that in the nineteenth century were called cabriolets. In fact, that is where the word cab originally comes from. There was a gang of them in a little square not far from the jetty.

The center of town was as lit up as a night rocket launching, and had a carnival air about it. Like all resorts in season. Tourists, and a great number of hippies, strolled up and down. Up a little rise from the jetty and the small boat moorings of the Port itself, there was a high wall on the land side with a tree-shaded terrace of cafes on its top. Strings of colored lights swayed just under the tree branches.

Fortunately for me, I knew the name of my new landlady. I found a cabman who spoke a little English. When I said, The Mrs. Georgina Taylor house, he nodded, then laughed a malicious laugh, but he did not explain why. I did not like the laugh.

The town darkened quickly, outside the Port area. We headed east, toward the pretty little lighthouse. We clop-clopped along the seawall road where more hippie groups were strolling. Most of the houses here were built up, at the top of two stories of slanting wall designed to baffle big winter seas. We came around a point and had in front of us suddenly the little lighthouse, the yacht harbor, and the lights of a taverna.

The lighthouse was built out at the end of a long curving arm of land. Directly across from it on the land side were the taverna lights. In between, and reaching almost to our point, small boats and five sailing yachts rocked tranquilly in the lap and chop, protected from the sea’s swell outside. The driver stopped at the very last house before the taverna. Between them was a sloping vacant lot. The house was built up the slope and had a wall around it. In the wall was a faded blue-painted door.

Georgina Taylor Haus, the driver said.

I held out my palm and let him take what change he wanted, thinking putting him on his honor would make him honest. I found out later he cheated and overcharged me anyway.

When I opened the garden door, it was darker inside, because of two or three scraggly trees. A stone walk led up the slope to the house, and to another blue garden door on the upper street with a brass ship’s bell above it. The house had no fight in it. But a sort of basement apartment under it built out from the slope of the hill had lights on, and a kerosene lantern burned smokily in the yard. Four figures, two men and two women, sat in its poor light on some outdoor furniture. One of them, a man, got up. He came over to me across the gravel.

He was Con Taylor, he told me, the house’s owner and Georgina’s husband. They had been waiting on me. Since they heard the ferry come in. They had begun to think I wasn’t on it. I said something about having to find myself a cab, and he smiled.

Chantal didn’t meet you? Oh, well. She’s inclined to be absent-minded.

He was a medical scientist, he told me, in a big Athens physics research lab, and had to take the same ferry back tonight. He spoke almost perfect English. The name Taylor sounded English or American, but this guy was pure Greek. I found out later the name came from some romantic ancestor who came to Greece to fight with Byron, and married into an all-Greek family.

He introduced me to the others. Georgina Taylor, clearly English, was a tall woman with her long hair skinned back and tied at the neck. She had enormous eyes, and two small wens on her face. She looked like the salt air and gravity together were slowly drying her up and shrinking her. I couldn’t see anything about her that would make the cabman laugh like that.

The other couple were called Sonny and Jane Duval. Americans. Sonny Duval was a big shaggy man, with long hair and an Elliot Gould mustache. He looked forty-four or -five, too old to be the hippie he was dressed as. Jane Duval was more than twenty years his junior, but other than that I couldn’t get any fix on her. She was just sullen. She seemed negligent of the three-year-old daughter it turned out that they had with them. I hadn’t seen the tiny girl in the bad light.

It was clear that the Taylors were obviously fighting, but trying to hide it in front of me. Tension stretched the air. I had dropped right into the middle of a domestic crisis. The Duvals were apparently witnesses. There seemed to be an odd disquiet between the two couples, covered up in front of me, as if they had all stopped arguing when I opened the garden door.

In my trade, you learned early on how to assess situations of this sort very quickly. Well, it wasn’t any of my business. But what a hell of a way to start off my free month.

This is Mr. Frank Davies, Con Taylor said, who will be taking the house. I understand they also call you Lobo. That’s a timber wolf, isn’t it, in the United States?

It means that, I said. It also means loner, out in the West where I come from. A solitary.

Delightful. Do you mind if we call you that? Lobo? Con Taylor asked. I like that.

Not if it makes you feel good, I said.

Sonny here is going to be your boatman, Georgina Taylor cried, too brightly, and emitted a kind of high despairing giggle. So in a way we’re all your employees. I hope you don’t mind our keeping the basement apartment for ourselves.

No. I don’t mind, I said. I looked again at the big overage hippie.

As if aware he was being inspected, the big man got to his feet, and seemed to keep unfolding more and more of himself as he stood up. He was at least six-two because he was at least three inches taller than me. He smiled cheerfully behind his mustache. But his mind seemed a million miles away. A huge peace medallion dangled from his neck. His wife simply sat, sullenly. Yeah, I’m going to be working for you. He put out a meaty hand. Chantal von Anders hired me and my boat for the month you’ll be here. Be available to you from nine in the morning till six at night. He sat back down, and seemed to lapse into a kind of tongueless gloom.

Come on, Con Taylor said. I’ll take you up and show you the house and how everything works. He smiled in a smug way.

I followed him up the walk. It was nice to get out of that tension.

The house was very nice, though much too big for a lone man. Inside the front door three steps on the right led up to a long living room with a fireplace, French windows and tile floor. One huge long beam supported the ceiling of the room. At the other end a fine porch showed the harbor beyond thick stone arches that gave it a pleasant cave-like feeling. Everything was made of wood and chintz and materials that would stand up against mold in the wet sea air. The bedrooms were on a second floor. It was the kind of place where you expected James Mason and the Flying Dutchman might walk in and pour themselves a brandy at any moment.

Taylor showed me where the electric fuses and the circuit breaker were, and how to turn on and off the French-style hot water heater for the bathtub. There was no shower. I also inherited from the Taylors a Greek woman who sniffed at my one bag as if it had dead rats in it, as she took it upstairs to unpack it.

I’m sorry I have to leave tonight, Con Taylor said before he left. But I’ll be back in two weeks. And then I’ll be here two weeks for my summer vacation.

I said that was just wonderful. We shook hands.

A little later, after I had looked at the bedrooms and was standing on my new porch with a drink in my hand, I heard the Taylors arguing in the basement apartment below, as Con packed a bag. It was about a woman, naturally.

So here I was. And my landlords were fighting. And they were keeping their basement apartment. And I was supposed to say Fine. I raised my glass of Scotch to toast the waxing moon. Below, Con Taylor came out slamming the door to rush down the walk and take a horsecab to the ferry. The moonlight was beautiful on the susurrating waters of the little harbor.

Chapter 3

I PLEASED MY GREEK housekeeper enormously by telling her she didn’t have to cook dinner for me. I ate a plate of lamb-stew guk at the lighted taverna across the vacant lot. I was again standing on my cavey porch with a glass of Scotch in my hand looking at the moonlit harbor, when Georgina Taylor called up to me from below.

Are you up there all alone?

Politely I invited her up for a drink. It was a definite mistake and I knew it. Inviting people in for a nightcap is one of the slower forms of suicide.

She was already a little drunk. And once she was there, inside, she began to put away the Scotch like an NFL linebacker on the night after a losing season. It was Scotch they had thoughtfully provided for me, along with the bill. She got quite drunk on it, quite soon.

It was as if she could hardly wait till the amenities were over before plunging in and pouring out her story.

It’s a shame you should be here all alone like this on your first night here.

I don’t mind it, I said.

How are you finding the house?

It’s a little big for one man.

I told them that. You must have done something quite remarkable for Freddy Tarkoff.

We’re old friends.

On the second large whisky she dispensed with the subterfuge of soda altogether, but did accept ice.

Are you really a private detective?

I gestured.

I ought to hire you to get the goods on Con for me.

I don’t take divorce cases. They get too messy.

No? Doesn’t matter. I’ve got the goods on him myself, anyway. He’s never bothered to try and hide them.

What you need is a lawyer, then.

Oh, she said inconclusively. Then, I suppose I shall never do anything about it. It really is a lovely night, out.


You don’t talk a great hell of a lot, do you?

I didn’t answer that.

She thrust out her glass. She accepted a third large one, with ice, before launching herself.

Con is having an affair with Sonny Duval’s ‘wife,’ she said. She twisted the word Wife savagely, to make sure I understood Jane Duval wasn’t one.

And I’m supposed to say I’m sorry about that, is that it? I said. I made it blunt.

She ignored it completely. "They aren’t really married, ‘the Duvals,’ Georgina Taylor said. They don’t believe in getting married." She looked at me, evidently for some comment. I didn’t make any. At this point it wasn’t going to make any difference whether I did or not.

This is not the first affair Jane Duval has had on the island. But this time she seems to have flipped. I suppose that’s my Con. He could honey-talk the devil himself. Anyway, she claims Con promised to take her away. Away from ‘all this.’ Con, who has no intention of doing any such thing, has had to flee to Athens. And now Jane is threatening to follow him. And, as usual, it’s being left to me to get him out of it.

She looked at me again. I didn’t say anything. Her voice took on a plaintive wail.

I think this is all very un-chic of Sonny and Jane, who are millionaires incidentally. American millionaires. And who claim to believe in free love and free sex all over the place.

This time she didn’t hold out her glass but reached for the bottle herself, on the little tray. Don’t bother with the cubes, she said hoarsely.

I got up, hoping she would get up too. She did. But then she took a step toward me, still holding tight to her glass, and leaned against me.

Where I come from women don’t lean against you indiscriminately. If they do, they live to think about it, if they don’t regret it.

Her unbound breasts in her faded shirt jiggled against my lower chest. I guess you must know there’s not anything at all I can do about it, I said, and pushed her gently away from me.

She was wiping her eyes with one hand, and sipping Scotch with the other. I’m sorry. I apologize. I really do. I shouldn’t come up here and lay all this on your back. Please believe it won’t happen again.

I do. I believe it. After all, all I did was to come here and rent your house, I said.

She laughed.

I’ll be going.

But it took a while to get her out. She was required now by something or other to maintain a pretense that she came up only to see how I was making out and not to confess her current misery and she would not stop talking.

I learned several things. I learned that Con was short for Constantine, and not for Conrad. I learned that Georgina Taylor was indeed English and had met Constantine Taylor in Alexandria during the war, where he was a naval officer. I learned they had a 22-year-old son, now living in London.

When she finally went out the door, she staggered a little as she handed me the slim remains of her fifth large whisky.

I shut the door. I thought I could see now why the cabman made his malicious laugh.

I turned off all the lights and took the whisky bottle upstairs with me and went down the bare hall hung with bad paintings to my bedroom. I was sleeping in the bedroom over the living room, overlooking the harbor. I did not turn the lights on and stood looking out over the still-moonlit harbor and tried to calm my ears. I was wide awake. I poured myself a stiff drink, while listening to my insides complain to me that I had poured too much whisky in them already today.

From down below, I could hear music playing on Georgina’s record player. Then a bottle clinking. I stepped out on the flat porch roof with my drink and stood a long time, brooding. The yacht harbor was still beautiful in the moonlight.

Some vacation. I could boot Freddy Tarkoff right in the butt. All the unpleasant things were clamoring in my head again. My life. My job for Tarkoff. My divorce. All jostling each other to be the first one out.

I still wasn’t ready to think about any of it yet.

Among the yachts and boats in the harbor was one big one, a beauty. A ketch. It was all dark, and looked all locked up. It must have had a 90-foot mast, and had the long lines of an ocean sailer. You could go anywhere on that. As it rocked, its huge mast made an enormous arc across the bright star-marked sky.

I tried to imagine what it must be like to have enough money to own a boat like that, and failed. Enough money to live on it, and go where you wanted, and leave when you felt like it. I couldn’t imagine it. I couldn’t imagine having that much money.

After a while I went back inside and got into the rather lumpy bed.

All I did was toss among the lumps. So I made myself think about the yacht again. It was either that, or the other stuff. I went over every line of her, and every cable, and every stay. I went over every furled sail on her, and over all their lashings.

Then I went over every extra sail that must be in her sail locker. I went over every cabin in detail. I had never seen the cabins. It didn’t matter. I made them up as I would have had them and went over them.

It was a trick I had learned during the war. My war. When you did not want to think about something, think about something you wanted. But it had to be something you wanted badly. Back then it had been a cabin I had once seen up in the Wind River Range. I had never seen the inside of that, either. But I had made it up a thousand times. And it had worked back then.

Now I did the same thing with the yacht. It worked again.

It took a long time. But my head stopped, and I got to sleep.

Chapter 4

THE NEXT MORNING I felt a lot better. With the beautiful yacht harbor before the house, and the boats, and people working on them, and the sea far off, it was hard not to.

The sun woke me early and I sat on my porch with strong Greek coffee prepared by my housekeeper and watched the activity of the harbor below me.

Jane Duval sat with her head down looking sullen and mistreated on the seawall a hundred feet away toward the taverna. The baby played in the dirt at her feet, ignored.

As I watched, Sonny collected his wife and kid and marched away. At the taverna’s dock he bustled them into his skiff and rowed them out to his fat, 60-foot, unkempt-looking Greek caique which was springlined to the seawall twenty yards offshore in front of the house. Georgina had already told me this was where they lived. A small but good-looking speedboat was tied up to it.

I watched him put Jane and the kid on board and row back to the taverna. He tied up the skiff and clambered on board a 32-foot fisherman’s caique tied up at the dock and began putting it in shape. This was my boat evidently, and he was getting it ready for me.

Behind me, the doorbell rang, and the Greek housekeeper let somebody in. I came back in, half blinded by the supercharged sun. The figure of a woman was coming toward me. It took my eyes a minute to adjust. That’s another thing that age does for you. Your eyes don’t adjust as fast.

When I could see, I saw the housekeeper had come up the three steps from the hall and into the room, and that she was all blushy and flustered. She made a big thing out of the name.

The Countess fon Hannders, she intoned. Her English had a distinct German accent. The same was true of all the older, poorer Greeks on the islands that had been occupied.

The woman, now that I could see her, was wearing a light but expensive summer print. A few carefully selected pieces of jewelry flashed. Her hair was neither short nor long, and fluffed out cutely. A handsome aristocratic woman in her late 40s, slim, elegant. Elegance wafted from her, as they say. For her age she was still all hung together, at least the parts I could see. Under the elegant exterior there appeared to be a sexy, still attractive female. Just the right age for a broken-down private eye turning 50.

She makes a big thing out of the name, I said.

They all do that, von Anders said, with titles. They love to name them. We prefer not to use them.

I gave her a grin. I never use them myself.

She didn’t know whether she liked that or not. Anyway, I don’t have any right to it, being divorced.

So this was the woman Tarkoff had said would take care of me, be my guide and entrepreneur on the island, rent everything for me. This was also the woman who had not met the ferry.

I’m sorry about not meeting the ferry, she said as if reading my mind. Actually, I got the date wrong.

Oh, that’s all right, I said. I didn’t mind sleeping on the jetty.

Good heavens, did you really? Oh, I’m so sorry. Did you really have to?

No, not really, I said. I had Georgina Taylor’s name.

She looked relieved. But it was hard to tell if she was out-acting me. How do you like the house? Is it adequate?

More than. For a lone man.

Is the housekeeper all right?

She’s fine with me. I don’t know if I’m so fine with her.

Why not?

Well, I only brought one suitcase.

She smiled all the way this time, a perky smile. She’s a dreadful snob. They get that way after they work a while.

We all do, I said.

She gave me a quizzical grin. You’re very fast with the wisecracks. Freddy Tarkoff warned me about that.

There was a fast and easy answer to that: Did Freddy also warn her about other sides of me? I didn’t make it. But she didn’t seem to be expecting it. She moved around me, to the nearest window. She pointed down at the taverna dock.

That’s the boat I’ve rented for you. One really needs one here. The man’s American. He doesn’t really need the money. But he’s good enough with a boat, and he has the added advantage of speaking English.

Is he a good fisherman? Spearfisherman? Freddy told me he was an expert fisherman.

I don’t really know that. Shall we go down and meet him, and ask him?

I’ve already met him. And his wife.

Ah. You’ve met Jane.

Yes, I’ve met her, I said. I said it in a voice that expressed no opinion.

The Countess smiled. It was a pure and pristine bitch’s smile. It seemed to light up her whole face with delight, and seemed to show all her tiny little teeth. It seemed to stay on there after it had disappeared. It was the smile of the high-placed lady who loved a good cat fight, and would roll up her sleeves for it.

Charming thing, isn’t she? she said.

It was my own fault. I had mentioned Sonny’s woman. She hadn’t. But it was a formidable response just the same.

This was also the woman, I remembered, who Freddy’s tone of voice had intimated he knew better than a friend. Was Tarkoff thinking of her along the same lines for me? I didn’t like it. I didn’t mind the idea. But I didn’t like Freddy’s presumption. If it was presumption.

Chantal, I said. That’s French, isn’t it? Somehow I had the idea you were English.

She laughed. I am English. But my mother was French. And I spent most of my childhood in France. But don’t ever think the English can’t be as bitchy as the French.

So I’ve heard, I said. I liked her.

She went on talking about the house, its advantages and disadvantages, its housekeeping problems. She talked about the housekeeping part as if she was an expert housekeeper herself. I was sure she was. But underneath all the housekeeping talk she seemed very jittery, nervous. And seemed to get more so. Then she asked me to lunch.

It won’t be exciting, she added hastily. It’s only a bunch of old biddies that I call my Greek Chorus, and one old gent. But the food is good. And I want to talk to you about something.

Why don’t we talk about it here? I said. That doesn’t sound much like my kind of lunch.

I don’t want to talk about it here, von Anders said.

I was beginning to recognize symptoms. Being a private dick is a lot like being a doctor. Whenever a doctor shows up at a party, the people all start telling him all their newest symptoms. When a private dick shows up, they start telling him all their secret worries. It gets to be an awful drag. I put up my hands.

Look, I’m down here on vacation, I said. I’m not down here looking for business.

Is blackmail bad enough? von Anders said.

That was certainly straightforward enough. All right, I’ll come to your luncheon, I said. But I won’t promise any more than that. Okay? Now you should go home. And I want to go to town in my new boat with my new boatman.

She held out her hand, in a sudden shy way. It was warm and dry and lean. An expensive bracelet winked at me. She was certainly an attractive woman. At least to older men like me. Or Freddy. As she walked away, I found myself wondering if her bottom was as firm as it seemed in the dress. There was only one way to find out and clothes, even a thin summer print, were not part of it. Cut it out, I growled at myself; go and get dressed for the boat.

I was not down here to play games with countesses. I didn’t know what I was down here for but it wasn’t that. Engage in hit-and-run short-term love affairs that squirted emotion all over the place. All that was just ego-tripping, as the kids said. Not for me. Not for a hard-nosed old romantic. I would be laughable.

On my way out through the walled yard, Georgina gave me a deep-circled, haunted look when I said hello.

Chapter 5

AT THE BOAT, which was called the Daisy Mae, Sonny Duval was ready and waiting for me. He hauled the boat in to the dock by its painter, and held out his hand to me. I ignored it and long-stepped aboard quite handily by myself.

I figured we better get this point about my knowledge of small boats out of the way right at the start.

Thanks, I said.

He just looked at me. Then shrugged. He went aft and backed the boat and threaded his way out through the boats and anchored yachts, and started to run down along the shore lined with the high-walled white houses that I had passed along in the horsecab the night before.

You know boats, hunh? he said after a while, amiably enough.

I used to do a fair amount of small-boat running. I grinned. The truth was I was happy as hell to be out in one again.

Sonny studied me. A lot of people say that. Under his bushy brows, which echoed that Elliot Gould mustache, his small eyes looked away from me. You like to try her?

I wasn’t expecting that. Sure. Why not? I said. If you wouldn’t mind.

I moved aft and he passed me the helm and I settled down to get the feel of her. It was not a wheel helm but an old-fashioned bar helm: a two-by-five adzed

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