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The Final Storm
The Final Storm
The Final Storm
Ebook469 pages8 hours

The Final Storm

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Only ace pilot Hawk Hunter can bring a Russian-backed traitor to justice. From “the best high-action thriller writer out there today, bar none” (Jon Land, USA Today–bestselling author).
  The Soviet Union had nearly been defeated when the vice president of the United States revealed himself as a traitor. He deactivated the defense grid just long enough for the Russians to strike, reducing America to a battle-scarred wasteland. The United States would have remained in shambles, were it not for Hawk Hunter, the greatest fighter pilot the world has ever known. He rebuilt the country one dogfight at a time, with one goal firmly fixed in his mind: to bring America’s greatest traitor to justice. Backed by a team of commandos, Hunter storms the vice president’s compound in Bermuda, and returns with the traitor in chains. To convict him for his crimes, the war’s story must be told in full for the first time. And there is no one better to begin the telling than Hawk Hunter. He has risked his life on every front, and it’s his courage that will ensure America rises again.  The Final Storm is the sixth book of the Wingman series, which also includes Wingman and The Circle War.
Release dateJun 18, 2013

Mack Maloney

Mack Maloney is the author of numerous fiction series, including Wingman, ChopperOps, Starhawk, and Pirate Hunters, as well as UFOs in Wartime – What They Didn’t Want You to Know. A native Bostonian, Maloney received a bachelor of science degree in journalism at Suffolk University and a master of arts degree in film at Emerson College. He is the host of a national radio show, Mack Maloney’s Military X-Files.     

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    After this you will know the whole story of hunter and the war

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The Final Storm - Mack Maloney








The Final Storm

Mack Maloney


Part I The Raid

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Part II The First Book of Testimony

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Part III The Final Storm

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

Preview: Freedom Express

A Biography of Mack Maloney

Part I

The Raid

Chapter 1

THE STRANGE-LOOKING AIRCRAFT skimmed over the steel-blue surface of the Atlantic Ocean, intently hurtling toward its destination.

The craft was a curious hybrid—part helicopter and part fixed-wing cargo plane. Its stubby fuselage hung under a wing section that, though thin, supported two huge turbine engines. Like a conventional airplane, these engines drove massive propellers that sped the craft through the air at a respectable speed.

But this airplane had a hidden talent….

Its engines, encased in bulbous nacelles on each wingtip, could be rotated a full ninety degrees. Once done, this action would almost magically transform the oversize propellers into overhead rotors. Thus, the airplane was able to take off and land vertically like a helicopter.

It was officially known as the MV-22 Osprey. The amazing tilt-rotor aircraft had been designed to be the close air support mainstay for US Marine Corps amphibious assault operations. Like the seagoing bird of prey it was named after, the Osprey was built to skim the waves and strike swiftly, delivering Marines and material to the battle. At one time, before World War II, hundreds of them had seen service around the globe.

Now there was only one….

Major Hawk Hunter, the man behind the airplane’s controls, was concentrating on keeping the green-and-gray camouflaged plane as close as possible to the tops of the ocean swells. Adjusting the control surfaces with the barest flick of a wrist or the slightest pressure on a rudder pedal, he found himself continually compensating for unseen turbulence in the heavy, pre-dawn salt air. Every few seconds his eyes darted about the airplane’s cockpit console, quickly monitoring its gauges. Then he would look up and, by adjusting his helmet’s infra-red sighting goggles, scan the thin line of the horizon, searching for the point of land in the distance that was his destination.

Hunter had flown hundreds of combat missions in every type of aircraft, in every corner of the globe—his virtually undisputed reputation as the best fighter pilot who had ever lived led to his being known as The Wingman.

But this mission was like no other….

In the Osprey’s squat fuselage behind Hunter there were twenty-four commandos, all of them tensely gripping their weapons as they sat facing each other in the cramped cargo cabin. Rocking with the aircraft’s motion, the soldiers—members of the elite Football City Special Forces Rangers—stared down at the floor, or up at the overhead compartments, or simply sat with their eyes closed. For them, the time before combat was always reserved for private thoughts. It would be no different on this day.

For Hunter, too, it was a time for reflection. Even as he was manipulating the controls and reviewing the mission plan, another part of him was reliving a bad-dream memory that was still as painful as if it had happened the day before.

Actually it might as well have been a lifetime ago….

The nightmare started with the outbreak of World War III. Lulled by several years of glasnost-era peace, the world exploded in war after a massive Soviet attack—launched in complete surprise on Christmas Eve—killed millions of West Europeans, not by nuclear holocaust, but by nerve gas. A massive Soviet invasion of Western Europe followed. Eventually, China was nuked and suddenly, any country who had a dispute with its neighbor decided to have it out.

The Free World struck back. After much suffering and misery, the US and NATO forces had cleverly won the final battle of the war, soundly defeating an overwhelming Soviet war machine—and all without using nuclear weapons. Moscow pleaded for an armistice. Magnanimously, the West agreed. But then, just as it seemed that peace was at hand, the Soviets launched another devastating attack—this one a nuclear strike at the heart of the American continent. All of the country’s ICBMs were destroyed in their silos, and its remaining nuclear arsenal rendered useless. Now the nation’s heartland was a desolate wasteland—an ugly, festering scar that stretched from the Dakotas down to the northern border of Texas.

Now, the once-fertile fields of America’s breadbasket were a nightmarish radioactive moonscape called the Badlands.

Only later was it learned that the Soviets had been aided by a traitorous mole in the US Government. Someone, who, as part of a sinister plot, arranged to have the US President, his family and his cabinet assassinated just after the armistice was declared.

Suddenly shattered and leaderless, the US had little choice but to accept the harsh terms of the Soviet victors, a mockery of justice known as the New Order. Under this decree, the United States of America ceased to exist. Instead, the nation was carved up into a patchwork of territories, free states, and independent republics, most led by criminal puppets of the Soviets. No sooner had the New Order been declared when these mini-countries began fighting each other, further increasing the instability of the American continent.

But the darkness of these times had not totally consumed Hunter. In the handful of years that followed, and through several full-scale wars and dozens of major battles, he and his allies—known collectively as the United American Army—had fought back to reclaim their country and secure its borders.

Months before, these democratic forces had soundly defeated the Soviet-sponsored Circle Army in a battle for control of lands east of the Mississippi. More recently, another major engagement had wrested control of the Panama Canal from a group of fanatical, nuclear-armed neo-Nazis.

Yet despite these successes, Hunter knew the battle was far from over. In fact, he believed the most difficult tasks lay ahead.

But the United Americans had gained the momentum. At the present time they controlled most of the continent’s major cities, and for the first time since the Big War, its borders were relatively well-guarded.

And as such, they knew now was the time to go after the traitor.

There it is, Hawk, dead ahead….

The words from his co-pilot—and close friend—JT Toomey shook him out of his trance.

Toomey was pointing directly to a small speck of green up ahead that was just barely visible in the pre-dawn darkness. Hunter’s infra-red enhanced eyes darted to the island on the horizon, then to the instrument console and then to his watch.

They were still on schedule.

He flicked the intercom switch on his cockpit control panel.

Bermuda now in sight, he called back to the assault team in the cabin. Time to put the rosaries away….

The island—their target—had served as headquarters for the notoriously corrupt New Order gang since the end of World War III.

Nominally headed by the traitor himself, the group of international criminals had used the lush resort as a stronghold from which to enforce the harsh tenets of the New Order. At the time of its imposition, these rules restricted virtually all forms of open communications and personal freedoms. They also forbade the display of any symbol of US patriotism—such as the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance—and even outlawed the mention of the term United States of America.

And for anyone foolhardy enough to display the red, white and blue banner that had been the nation’s flag, the penalty was death.

Hunter had made up his mind very soon after learning of the New Order’s rules that he would never submit to them. Instead he vowed that he would fight back whenever and wherever he could, until he had defeated the tyranny or it defeated him. He had kept that vow throughout the darkest days of the terrible struggle, in dozens of battles on a hundred shores.

Never was the dream of America far from his thoughts.

And now he was on the verge of striking at the very heart of the beast that had terrorized his nation for so long. He felt gallons of adrenaline pumping through him at the mere thought of it. How sweet is thy nectar, the wine of revenge!

I read ten minutes before we enter their airspace, Hawk, JT said, once again piercing his thoughts.

Roger, ten minutes, Hunter acknowledged. Better start cranking the ECM.

As he heard the reassuring whir of the Osprey’s electronic counter-measures package begin transmitting, his thoughts narrowed to the mission ahead.

Even the Soviets did not evoke the same contempt Hunter had for this ex-American traitor and his thugs. During World War III and since, the Soviets had been the major enemy—he had fought them as a soldier, giving no mercy and expecting none. But the treachery and deceit of the turncoat had summoned a fury in him that had been boiling for years. He knew it would not subside until the betrayer was brought to justice.

And that was the object of this mission.

The real planning had started shortly after they found the Osprey.

When the United American Army reclaimed the southeastern coastal states from the hands of The Circle, they discovered most of the former US military installations in the area had been looted or destroyed. The military hardware was long gone—most of it sold on a thriving New Order American black market. There, anything capable of being fired was quickly snapped up by the members of the many free-lance armies that served the two dozen or so nation-states now residing on the North American continent.

But near the former US Marine base at Cherry Point, North Carolina, the Circle had overlooked a creaking container ship that had been beached on the sandy banks of the Pamlico Sound. Whether it was a supply ship on its way to the European battlefront that never left port, or a luckless privateer washed ashore as he tried to run the Circle blockade was never known. But inside its rusty hold lay the sixty-foot tilt-rotor Osprey aircraft, still packed in its factory grease.

The United Americans quickly assembled the Osprey and Hunter had flight-tested it himself shortly after returning from the campaign against the Canal Nazis down in Panama. For most pilots, it would have taken hundreds of flight hours to learn the secrets of tricky vertical takeoffs and landings, rotating engines, and combined complexities of helicopter and fixed-wing flight.

Hunter had it mastered in an afternoon.

Once their transportation had been secured, the meticulous planning for the raid on Bermuda began in earnest. Primary and secondary means of ingress and egress were evaluated. Maps were drawn up. Intangibles like weather and tides were checked. Most important, several teams of United American undercover agents were dropped on the island, spies specially trained to mix in with the Bermudan population.

Training for the strike team itself had been done quickly and secretly. The Special Forces Rangers—being the protective force for the continent’s gambling mecca, Football City, formerly known as St. Louis—were everyone’s first choice to carry out the strike. And there was never any question that Hunter would be the mission commander.

There were many long days and sleepless nights leading up to the mission. As D-Day approached, Hunter and the other members of the United American top echelon found themselves immersed in a myriad of last-minute details. Air cover. Refueling. SAM suppression. Landing sites. MedEvac. The inevitable unexpected contingencies.

Despite the avalanche of concerns, they were ready to go in less than three weeks….

At 3AM on the morning of D-Day, the team had taken off from the short field at Cherry Point. Hidden in the darkness, at first they flew southeast, away from the primary target of Bermuda.

The odd flight plan was necessary because, first and foremost, the Osprey needed a disguise. This is where the American intelligence operatives came in. The spies had discovered that the Cuban Air Force routinely flew a supply mission to deliver food, fuel, and ammunition from Havana to the New Order ministers. Using a battered Soviet AN-12 Cub turboprop cargo plane, the weekly flight had been requested of the Cubans years before by the very mysterious military clique that had run the Kremlin since the war.

Far from an inconvenience, the weekly milk run to Bermuda was considered a plum assignment by the Cuban pilots who flew it—neither the United Americans nor the renegade Yankee air pirates had ever bothered these flights before.

On this day, however, the Cubans discovered that there was a first time for everything.

They had been 250 miles from their destination when the Cuban pilots first spotted the Osprey.

It was as if it had appeared out of nowhere, popping up from the hazy sea with its twin rotors tilted up, positioning itself just a quarter mile off the cargo plane’s port side. Before the Cubans could react, a Stinger anti-aircraft missile—fired by one of the commandos stationed on the Osprey’s side gunner’s station—flashed in on them.

At that range, the sophisticated weapon couldn’t miss. The Cuban pilot was too stunned to even key his radio before the American missile’s guidance system drove its warhead home, smashing deep into the hot exhaust of the cargo plane’s portside outer engine. Within seconds, a mushroom of orange flame engulfed the plane. Then there was a powerful explosion …

There was no need to confirm the kill—aside from a scattering of wreckage and an oil slick bobbing on the ocean surface, nothing remained of the Cuban aircraft.

The lightning-quick action had been needed to provide their disguise—the Osprey’s radar signature resembled that of the Cuban cargo plane, and if all went well, it would be interpreted as such by enemy radar operators.

That had been an hour ago. Now as they closed in on the island, JT leaned over and yelled to Hunter.

We’re in their SAM envelope, he reported. About five minutes to landfall.

Taking the Toomey’s cue, Hunter quickly scanned two screens in front of him, hoping he would not see the tell-tale blips indicating that hostile radars were locking in on them. At the moment, there was nothing.

So far, the disguise was working.

Hunter was glad to see the weather was cooperating—at that moment, the weather around the usually pleasant island was miserable. Low-hanging clouds, fairly high winds, and a moderate rain had been the forecast and the United American meteorologists had been correct again.

Using a thick cloud layer to hide themselves, they were skirting the island’s southernmost tip a few minutes later.

There was still no sign of alarm on the ground, at least none observable from the air. Using the NightScope goggles, Hunter could see that there was a large cluster of military vehicles at a tiny airport about six miles to their west. He could also make out an assortment of cargo and combat aircraft bearing Cuban, Soviet, and commercial insignia. Although heat images indicating ground personnel were evident around the base, none of the airport’s intercept airplanes appeared to be on alert.

And, best of all, not a single one of the anti-aircraft batteries was manned.

Hunter took another deep gulp of oxygen from his mask, a small celebration of relief. Their intelligence proved correct once again: It appeared as if complacency had become the norm on the New Order’s island headquarters, at least in the early morning hours.

Once they were beyond the radar sweep emanating from the airbase, Hunter knew that if they continued to be lucky, few of those awake on the ground would give the lone plane flying above the heavy layer of clouds a second thought. Upon hearing the high whine of the Osprey’s engines, those in the know would just assume it was the routine crack o’dawn supply flight coming in from Cuba and heading for the island’s only other aircraft facility, a small grass strip on the northeastern shoulder of the island.

Skirting the island to the far eastern side, Hunter decreased the Osprey’s speed to a near-hovering crawl. His electronically assisted vision scanned the hilly contours that curved down to meet the ocean on this, the island’s rocky side. He was looking for one patch of ground in particular—its form was emblazoned in his memory via a high altitude recon photo taken of the island just a week before. The place was ideal for their mission—it was isolated, fairly well-hidden and provided a flat place to set the Osprey down.

He checked his watch again—it was just 0600. The sun was coming up and eventually, it would burn off the inclement weather. He knew that quick action was crucial now. Although they had successfully pierced the enemy’s airspace, there would be trouble if just one of the island’s radar operators suddenly became alert while the strike force was still airborne.

There it is … Hunter called over to JT.

The co-pilot adjusted his own NightScope glasses then he too saw it. Off to their left, a small, flat-top mountain that broke off into a cliff. At its summit was a tall white skyscraper.

This building was their objective.

Once an ultra-luxurious resort hotel, the 25-story structure was surrounded by high walls and fronted on the seaside by a large concrete bunker. A long curving road ran from the entrance to this bunker down the sloping oceanfront hillside to the beach below, a distance of about a mile.

Halfway down, the road flattened out slightly right next to a dense grove of palm trees. This was the predesignated landing zone. In seconds, Hunter had turned the Osprey toward it.

Hang on, gang, he called to the troops in back as he approached the LZ. Then, pulling back on the Osprey’s controls and rotating the big nacelles fully skyward, he quickly put the aircraft into its hover mode. The effect was like slamming on the car’s brakes at 70 mph. There was an audible screech as the airplane suddenly went true vertical and started to drop, its huge rotors scattering sand and loose brush in the downwash as it drew closer to the palm grove.

They landed with a thump! Hunter instantly idled the twin engines and once again called back to the Rangers.

Welcome to Bermuda, boys.

Swiftly and silently, the Rangers lowered the Osprey’s rear ramp and scattered into the palm grove. In less than a half minute, they had secured the deserted landing zone. Thirty seconds later, the airplane was camouflaged with special netting.

At that point, Hunter keyed his microphone and set the Osprey’s transmitter to Long Range—Send.

OK, partner, Hunter said to JT. Let’s see if we can get a clear radio shot.

Using his best hey-mon accent, Hunter called into the microphone: Hello, Cousin. Hello Cousin. Fishing is fine … I say, fishing is fine …

Five agonizing seconds went by.

He repeated the message.

"Hello, hello, Cousin. I say, fishing is fine … very fine …"

Both he and JT stared at the aircraft’s radio speaker, as if looking at it would produce the needed reply.

They might be out of range, JT offered, his tone slightly worried.

Not if they’re on time, they’re not, Hunter said before repeating the message a third time.

Suddenly the speaker burst to life. "’Alio, ’alio! Cousin! a strange, obviously mimicked voice on the speaker called back to them. If fishing is fine, then we come to fish …"

Both Hunter and Toomey breathed a sigh of relief. The low, focused radio message had come back loud and clear, so much so it caused both Hunter and JT to shake their heads at someone else’s bad imitation of a Bermudan accent.

See you soon, Cousin, Hunter replied. Over and out.

The all-important diversion was in motion. Now it was time for the strike team to get to work.

Hunter and JT climbed out of the Osprey and quickly took a look at the lay of the land. They were just 20 feet from the dirt road that led up to the cliff that jutted out above them about a mile away. It had stopped raining and was getting lighter. The sun was just above the horizon now, its intense gold light already burning off some of the clouds.

Once again, Hunter checked his watch. It was 0607. They had less than twenty minutes to get in position before the diversion started. But one important element was still missing. He gathered the assault team in the thicket of palms to review the plan and wait.

Barely a minute later, the low rumble of a large diesel engine caught his ear. Someone—or something—was advancing up the coast road.

In a split-second the strike force dove for cover among the palms, pointing their M-16s down the open road at the advancing sound. Soon a vehicle, completely enveloped in a cloud of smoke, came into view. It was a battered, double-deck tour bus, its trail of dirty engine exhaust punctuated by staccato bursts of backfiring.

The clustered Rangers hunkered down even farther as the ancient vehicle came grinding up to the clearing. The driver, intent on jamming his balky gearshift into what seemed like every other gear, didn’t see the commandos until he was literally on top of them.

Suddenly he was facing 25 M-16s …

The bus driver, a tall, rugged black man, slammed on the brakes, and seeing he was surrounded, nervously stepped out of the creaking bus. Two Rangers stepped up to frisk him and found nothing. By this time, Hunter and JT had moved up.

Immediately, Hunter and the driver engaged in a hearty handshake and a quick orgy of back-slapping.

Hunter, my old friend! the sunny black man said in an excited whisper dripping with the Queen’s English. It is good to see you well.

Humdingo, it seems like I am always asking you for a favor, Hunter told the man. But it is good to see you also, sir.

Though he looked and talked the part, the man, Humdingo, was not a native Bermudan at all. In fact, he was an African, and a chief of a tribe of Congolese warriors to boot. Educated in England before the Big War, Humdingo had close ties to the British Free Forces who now held some semblance of order in near-anarchic Western Europe. Hunter had met the chief a year before when the pilot helped some Brits tow a disabled nuclear aircraft carrier across the Mediterranean in an effort to stop the ruthless terrorist known as Viktor from relighting World War III. Humdingo and his men had guarded Hunter’s precious F-16 at a crucial time during that mission.

Now, the mighty chief was working with the United Americans. He was the leader of one of the UA spy teams that had been inserted on the island. He had learned much. But most important, via a pocketful of bribes, he had bought a job driving non-essential New Order personnel and visitors from the center of town to the skyscraper and back.

We have so little time to talk, my friend, Hunter told him. Is everything going according to plan?

Yes, Humdingo answered quickly. Everything is set. I suggest you have your lads hop into the motorcoach. Their clothes are bundled up in the back.

A signal from Hunter and 20 of the Rangers scrambled aboard the ancient vehicle. They immediately hid between the seats, retrieving packages of clothing they found there. As planned, JT and the rest of the commandos would stay with the Osprey.

Good luck, Hawk, JT called out to Hunter.

You, too, Hunter replied as he hopped into the rickety open cab of the bus. And when you hear us holler, come a-runnin’.

Then, with a series of loud backfires and grinding of the gears, the double-decker behemoth started up the steep incline, heading to the entrance of the bunker.

Hunter looked at the time again, and peered over the cracked dashboard to see the dusty road ahead.

Only twelve minutes to showtime, he thought.

Chapter 2

FIFTY MILES OFF THE western coast of Bermuda, the two brightly painted F-4 Phantoms were hugging the surface of the softly swelling Atlantic. On the flight leader’s count, they turned at a predescribed point and streaked toward the island at more than 800 miles per hour.

The bold lettering on their nose sections labeled them The Ace Wrecking Crew, the well-known free-lance air combat team that flew for Hunter and the United American Army. Their slogan, emblazoned in similar circus-style lettering on the shining fuselages, read: No Job’s Too Small, We Bomb Them All.

The owner/operator, Captain Crunch O’Malley, had always believed that it paid to advertise. Because these days if you had two supersonic fighters and crews who knew their business, you had a very marketable commodity in the New Order world.

But Crunch and his team weren’t flying for pay now—this mission they were doing gratis.

The fishing is fine signal they had received from Hunter told them that they still had the critical advantage of surprise—no alert had been sounded at the time Hunter had called in the strike. That was fine with Crunch—his Phantoms were kick-ass jets, but any day he could avoid tangling with MiGs and the like was fine with him.

With a wing signal to his partner in the Number 2 Phantom, a captain known to all as Elvis Q, Crunch relayed the order to arm their ordnance. Each plane was carrying about ten thousand pounds of napalm bombs on hard points under the wings and fuselages of the souped-up fighter-bombers.

In the rear seat of his F-4, Crunch’s navigator/bombardier snapped off the red covers over the bomb arming switches and clicked all of them up to prepare the deadly munitions. Five tons of jellied gasoline hanging from the wings made both men momentarily religious—one stray tracer round from an enemy gun and their speeding fighter would turn into a supersonic ball of fire.

Crunch turned to make the final approach, hugging the rolling wavetops as he kept his two-ship flight under radar until the last possible second. The wave-licking wouldn’t last long though—they would need some altitude when they let the napalm go, or they’d be caught by the flames of the explosions.

On O’Malley’s order, the Phantoms broke up off the deck together. They were now a scant five miles away from their main target: Bermuda’s tiny military airport. Using his APG-65 advanced imaging radar set, Crunch was able to see a scattering of aircraft on the airport’s runways and taxiways. The largest was a Soviet-built airborne tanker that he guessed was of Libyan origin.

All the better, Crunch thought.

His rear-seater targeted the big tanker, parked near the airport’s main fuel depot. Although O’Malley knew the Soviets and their satellites were drilled in proper defensive deployment and dispersal of aircraft, that knowledge was not evident at the New Order base.

In other words, the big tanker was a sitting duck.

The two F-4s flashed over the beach, at the same instant popping up to 750 feet. Both pilots then immediately kicked in their afterburners, increasing their speed to an awesome 1,000 mph.

Six seconds later, they were over the target.

To the shocked gun and missile crews, many just sitting down to morning chow, it appeared as if the circus-colored F-4s had materialized out of nowhere. Before they could race to their battle stations, the first sticks of napalm bombs had been loosed from the wings of the streaking Phantoms, smashing into the clustered machines on the crowded runways.

Crunch’s bombs found their mark with a direct hit on the tanker, which, as he correctly guessed, was covered with Libyan markings. The gelatinous mixture exploded in an ugly, oily mushroom of orange-white flame as it engulfed the big plane, touching off an even bigger explosion as the contents of the tanker—several thousand gallons of jet fuel—erupted into the murky gray sky.

In Phantom 2, Elvis’s bombardier had laid his deadly napalm eggs among the scattered fighter planes and helicopters along the opposite end of the runway. These, too, erupted in searing geysers of fire that grew larger with every airplane and fuel tank that was added to the angry tempest.

The two sets of fires grew in size and ferocity until they met near the center of the main runway, devouring several Cuban-marked Hind helicopters and igniting an underground ammunition bunker.

Bingo! Elvis cried out as he saw the tell-tale greenish-white flame of tons of rifle ammo going off.

Within seconds, the secondary explosions started successive chain reactions among the nearby fuel storage tanks, bursting one after another until the entire fuel depot was one sprawling sheet of flame.

Less than a minute after the jets had departed the area, the entire airport was engulfed in a wind-whipped firestorm, one which generated temperatures so hot, the asphalt on its runways literally melted.

Arcing his swift Phantom around to survey the scene, Crunch realized the extent of the destruction at the airport. So intense was the inferno that the fires were beginning to spread beyond the airport’s perimeter and on to other parts of the island. Their mission was complete; the target was destroyed. There would be no need for a second pass.

Crunch felt a brief pang of remorse. He had visited Bermuda many years ago—on his honeymoon yet—and had always remembered it as a peaceful island paradise, noted especially for its calm and cooling ocean breezes.

Now it looked like a little piece of Hell itself.

Picking up his partner on the back side of his turn, Crunch took one last look at the towering column of flame and black smoke over the airport. Then he kicked in his afterburner and roared away to the west, leading the Phantoms of the Ace Wrecking Crew back to Cherry Point.

As it had many mornings before, the beat-up shuttle bus labored up the winding road to the skyscraper’s hilltop entrance and approached a small guard station.

Everyone stay cool, Hunter calmly called back to the Rangers. Here comes our first potential problem.

No longer crouching in the aisle, the Rangers, now wearing long white sheets and hoods, were sitting two by two in the seats on the lower deck of the bus. The strange disguise was a key to the mission. Humdingo had found out several weeks before that a number of criminal gangs from the American mainland—neo-Nazis, Mafioso, air pirates—regularly visited Bermuda at the invitation of the New Order ministers. Provided guns, drugs and prostitutes, these gangs would eventually return to America and whip up trouble.

Now, the United Americans’ plan called for the strike team to play the part of one of the more notorious racist gangs Humdingo knew were actually elsewhere on the island.

Humdingo slowed the bus as it reached the guardhouse. Inside the small building was a Vietnamese lieutenant. The chief gave the man a routine wave and handed him an envelope. The guard, who recognized the old bus, quickly read the note which authorized the Knights of the Burning Cross to proceed to the skyscraper. Hardly looking up from the dog-eared nudie magazine he was reading, the Vietnamese officer waved the bus through.

Thank you, Ho Chi Minh, Hunter whispered as Humdingo gunned the bus past the guardhouse and into the small parking lot next to the skyscraper. They came to a stop in front of a combination blockhouse and bus stop shelter, which was right next to the entrance to the building’s little-used underground parking garage.

Nearby a large closed-circuit video camera rotated monotonously back and forth across the approachway, its cold unblinking eye passing over the bus several times.

To the rear of the bus was a spectacular view of the Atlantic Ocean. On cue, the Rangers turned and let out a chorus of ooos and aahs. Then several who were carrying cameras began clicking away. Meanwhile, Hunter stood and addressed the group in mostly incomprehensible pidgin English.

To the half-dozen New Order guards—mercenaries all—sprawled around the bus stop structure, nothing about the odd scene looked unusual.

Just another busload of free-loading American terrorists, wearing their crazy costumes and taking tourist-type pictures. Absorbed in eating a pick-up breakfast in the warm, early-morning, Bermuda sunshine, none of the guards gave the busload of sheeted people a second look.

But then, suddenly, the guards felt the ground starting to shake …

"Now! Go! Go!" Hunter screamed at the Rangers.

The robed Rangers burst out of the creaking bus, the first six men firing away with their silencer-equipped M-16s. In a matter of seconds, the startled guards were quickly—and quietly—mowed down and the strike force’s sharpshooter

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