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What If the Earth Had Two Moons?: And Nine Other Thought-Provoking Speculations on the Solar System
What If the Earth Had Two Moons?: And Nine Other Thought-Provoking Speculations on the Solar System
What If the Earth Had Two Moons?: And Nine Other Thought-Provoking Speculations on the Solar System
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What If the Earth Had Two Moons?: And Nine Other Thought-Provoking Speculations on the Solar System

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"What if?" questions stimulate people to think in new ways, to refresh old ideas, and to make new discoveries. In What If the Earth Had Two Moons, Neil Comins leads us on a fascinating ten-world journey as we explore what our planet would be like under alternative astronomical conditions. In each case, the Earth would be different, often in surprising ways.

The title chapter, for example, gives us a second moon orbiting closer to Earth than the one we have now. The night sky is a lot brighter, but that won't last forever. Eventually the moons collide, with one extra-massive moon emerging after a period during which Earth sports a Saturn-like ring.

This and nine and other speculative essays provide us with insights into the Earth as it exists today, while shedding new light on the burgeoning search for life on planets orbiting other stars.

Appealing to adult and young adult alike, this book is a fascinating journey through physics and astronomy, and follows on the author's previous bestseller, What if the Moon Didn't Exist?, with completely new scenarios backed by the latest astronomical research.

Release dateMar 30, 2010
What If the Earth Had Two Moons?: And Nine Other Thought-Provoking Speculations on the Solar System

Neil F. Comins

Neil F. Comins is a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Maine and author of popular scientific books, articles, and textbooks. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell and a Ph.D. in astrophysics from University College, Cardiff, Wales. He is the author of What If the Earth Had Two Moons?

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    What If Earth Had Two MoonsAnd Nine Other Thought Provoking Speculations on the Solar SystemAuthor: Neil F. CominsPublisher: St. Martin’s PressPublishing Date: 2010Pgs: 288Dewey: 525 COMDisposition: Irving Public Library - South Campus - Irving, TX_________________________________________________REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERSSummary:“What if?” Science. The title questions and nine other scenarios about what Earth could be and what life, the past and the future would be like “If”.Ten speculative essays with insights into Earth as she exists today and as she could exist tomorrow and the wheres, whys, and hows of other Earths that could exist and may exist out there around other stars. _________________________________________________Genre:ScienceSpaceAstonomyAstrophysicsWhy this book:Always fascinated by space and what ifs._________________________________________________Favorite Concept:This has a little bit of everything in it; how planetesimals react in a ring system, why galaxies further away seem younger, though they're not, the evolution of stars and spiral galaxies, etc etc. All kinds of lay astronomy and galactic cosmology.So, Mizar and Alcor are both double stars. And Mizar, itself, is a pair of double stars. So, it is a six star system. One more star and that would be Isaac Asimov's Nightfall planet.Hmm Moments:Makes sense that the capture of the second moon almost destroys Dimaan, Earth in this context.The idea of Earth as a moon of a gas giant was fascinating.WTF Moments:Horror of being Galileo was not what I expected to find in the opening pages of this book.Meh / PFFT Moments:Since all of these What-Ifs center on Earth, calling all of the planets in question by different names is a bit silly.Wisdom:Looking at all these scenarios and the potentialities, we’re probably really lucky that we only have one moon.The question is easy to answer. The reason why we haven't had an interstellar visitor upset the solar system, the sun, or the planets, in the 4 and 1/2 billion years, is because space is big and there is a lot of empty space in it.Juxtaposition:In Nocturnal Hunter intelligent evolution, instead of an Arboreal Progenitor intelligence, on a two-moon planet, the dominant species would probably be feline or chiropteras instead of primates...or whatever the alien physiology version would beSo, the two moon system could become one after collisions and amalgamation leaving one large Moon. Possible. Equally, and I would say more likely, actually, space is big and empty. The two moons could miss each other for eons and epochs and possibly never, ever, collide. I submit that that's more likely.The Unexpected:Wasn't expecting the fictional accounts incorporated into this book.So a moon orbiting retrograde is in a death spiral, interesting. Does that apply to all the retrograde moons orbiting the gas and ice giants in the outer solar system. All these, various, what-if scenarios involving the Earth-Moon system are teaching me orbital mechanics without the math, excellent.Missed Opportunity:The Earth as the moon of a gas giant gives me a real Pitch Black feel. Doesn’t touch on what would happen to the planet and the life on it when the long term conjunctional eclipse happens as it no doubt would. Because, even if the moon-earth is tidally locked to always show the same face to the planet below, the gas giant would not suffer under the same limitation. Eventually, the moon-earth would fall into the long deep shadow and if that eclipse were longer than a day or two, things would get hairy for life on the surface of the moon-earth. _________________________________________________Last Page Sound:Interesting questions, interesting answers. I'm glad the author used science to answer these thought experiments. _________________________________________________
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a collection of ten what-if scenarios for alternate earths in various solar systems. It includes the title scenario of Earth having two moons, how we would have gotten them, their effects on the Earth over time, and ultimately what’s going to happen to them. Other scenarios include the Earth as a moon, the Moon in a retrograde orbit, other planets in Earth’s orbit, Earth’s elsewhere in time, Earth’s elsewhere in the galaxy, and even what will happen to the Earth when the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies eventually collide.The nice thing about this for me is that he explores the science behind a variety of fantastical other Earths. In other words, he’s done much of the homework for exotic SF locales. Most of the science is well-written and aimed at the educated layman. A few bits got boring for me, but by and large it was good stuff.However, this was not a particularly good Kindle edition. The text and diagrams themselves were decent, but the final 15% was taken up by a useless index (i.e. it had no links back into the text) and a collection of footnote/endnotes with no context back to the earlier text. Some of this may be simple limitations of the format, but I would have liked to have seen them handle it differently. If the index was going to be that useless, it should have been removed, and if there was no way to handle the footnotes more elegantly, they should have been inlined parenthetically in the text.So, I enjoyed the book immensely, but I wish I had bought the dead-tree edition instead.

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What If the Earth Had Two Moons? - Neil F. Comins


Have you ever heard a child ask a question beginning, What if…? Fortunately for me, my older son James seemed to do that every few minutes when he was young. During that epoch my colleague, Dave Batuski, observed to me that we astronomers are always looking at the cosmos from the same old perspectives. Well, I thought, how does one look at it differently after decades of running the same scripts? James’s questions provided the answer. Ask What if questions and explore the consequences. The first such question that popped into my mind was: What if the Moon didn’t exist? Within minutes I realized that the consequences of such a change for the Earth and life on it are staggering. I began to research and write about this and other What if? questions.

In 1991, Astronomy magazine published my article entitled What If…Earth Had No Moon?, and followed this with several other What if? scenarios, each exploring a new version of Earth and showing how it differs from our world. These and other scenarios were published in the 1993 book, What If the Moon Didn’t Exist?, which was described as a new genre of science writing by Washington Post writer Curt Suplee. What If the Moon Didn’t Exist? has since been used in radio and television shows; it has been made into planetarium shows; it has been taught as college courses; it was chosen as the theme of Mitsubishi’s pavilion at the 2005 World Expo in Japan (seen by three million people); and it was made into a permanent show at a resort in southern Japan.

The What if? concept has now morphed into makeovers. Many people find it fascinating to see how a place or person can be transformed with a little help from their friends. What would this house look like if it were made over by professional designers? What would this person look like if his or her weight were changed or wardrobe redone? Indeed, What if? questions have the power to change lives and move worlds. In fact, most of us ask these questions in our everyday lives: What if I take that job? and use them to explore the consequences: Then I will be able to pay the mortgage. What if I take the cruise? Then maybe I will meet Miss Right. What if I hadn’t tried that climb? Then I wouldn’t have broken my ankle. Asking and answering such questions often gives us valuable insights into our decision-making processes and the wisdom or folly thereof.

The power of What if? questions doesn’t stop there. Historians ask them in order to explore how society might have evolved under different circumstances. What if the South had won the U.S. Civil War? What if Napoleon had been victorious at Waterloo? What if Al Gore had won the White House in 2000? The complexities of personal, interpersonal, and societal behaviors prevent us from being absolutely sure of the conclusions we draw from such personal or historical What if? questions. Indeed, in the TV makeover world, altered contestants have seldom undergone permanent changes.

Scientists often fare better in understanding and exploring alternative situations. We ask questions for which experiments, calculations, and observations let us judge their consequences. What if I add three percent more potassium to this solution? Then the reaction rate increases by fifteen percent. What if the Sun had started evolving with ten percent more matter than it actually did? Then it would be brighter by forty percent. What if I alter this segment of DNA? Then the organism would be blind. Exploring these alternative scenarios often provides immediate insights, as well as ideas for alternative experiments and calculations.

Interest in alternative versions of Earth leads into the intriguing realm of whether there are other life-supporting planets in our Milky Way Galaxy. This search begins right in our backyard, as astronomers have virtually incontrovertible evidence that liquid water, essential for life as we know it, existed in great quantities on Mars. Could there still be liquid water not far under its surface today? Although the answer is still uncertain, it does appear to be possible. Given the incredible variety of places on Earth where life exists in the presence of liquid water, such as miles underwater at the bottom of the oceans, in hot springs, and in liquid water under the Antarctic ice sheet, it is natural to anticipate that life may have existed on Mars and perhaps still does exist inside it.

Of course, the speculation doesn’t stop there. Strong evidence suggests that the interior of Jupiter’s moon Europa, among others, is filled with liquid water. Does life exist there, too? Moving outward, the presently open question arises of whether there are worlds with liquid water orbiting other stars. Driven in part by such mysteries, the search for planets of any kind orbiting other stars has blossomed over the past several decades. The discovery of extrasolar planets actually began in 1992 and the number is rising through the hundreds (e.g., by the end of November 2009, 405 were known). Most of these are giants, like our planets Jupiter and Saturn, which are unsuitable as habitats for life.

Some of the scenarios in this book are based on the numbers and locations of extrasolar planets. One of the most intriguing related astronomical discoveries is the existence of Jupiterlike planets orbiting more closely to their stars than Mercury is to the Sun. We use this discovery in justifying one of our alternative Earths. Prior to these observations, astronomers did not believe it possible for giant planets to be even as close as Mars is to the Sun.

Planets are so small compared to the stars they orbit that until very recently all discoveries of extrasolar planets were made by detecting their gravitational effects on their stars (e.g., they make stars wobble as seen from Earth), rather than by observing the planets themselves. Planets have so little mass compared to the stars they orbit that only the most massive planets, much more massive than the Earth, have been detected. This is all changing. Technology has improved to the point where astronomers are beginning to discover Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars. While the holy grail of this realm of science is to find extraterrestrial life, Earthlike planets orbiting where water can be liquid on their surfaces are at least the grail holders.

The alternative scenarios that you are about to explore exist on the narrow boundary between science and science fiction. In this realm of writing, as in science itself, even the smallest change to the natural world leads to unexpected and often bizarre consequences. Furthermore, while exploring these alternative versions of Earth I came to really appreciate how making one change leads to myriad others. For example, changing the Sun’s mass changes its temperature, which changes the distance from the Sun that a habitable world would have to be, which changes the length of the year, which changes the length of the seasons, which changes the challenges that life would face in such seasons, which changes the way species evolve, which changes…At the same time, that change in the Sun’s mass also changes the intensities of the different kinds of radiation it emits, which changes the kind of protection life would need from, for example, ultraviolet radiation compared to what we need on Earth, which changes the concept of skin, which changes the way creatures move, which changes…. You get the idea.

I have made every effort to respect all the laws of nature in this process. As a result of the complexity intrinsic to this work, I cannot possibly explore every facet that is different from Earth on all the worlds in this book. I am sure that many of you will find other implications. I invite you to share them with other readers by posting them on the book’s Web site, which can be reached through:

Although I refer to scientific content introduced in other chapters, the scenarios in each chapter are independent of the ones in every other chapter. In other words, in each chapter I vary from scratch the environment in which the Earth was formed, rather than building on the alternative worlds created in the previous chapters. Some repetition between chapters occurs as I try to balance referring to the material that has been introduced earlier with the usefulness of presenting concepts in the context in which they are being used in various chapters. Also, all the units, such as day and year, refer to times as measured on Earth except when I explicitly specify where that time interval occurs, such as a Martian year or a Venusian day.

To help you distinguish among the worlds in the different chapters, I have given most of the bodies in most chapters different names. Each chapter is preceded by a short fictional vignette in which I envision how the changes made affect the lives of a few people living there. (Bear in mind that although I call them people and give them the same features we have to simplify the stories, the reality is that advanced alien life is extremely unlikely to look like us.) We begin by exploring the consequences of the Earth with two moons.

1      What If the Earth Had Two Moons?

Dimaan, Lluna, And Kuu

They came in the dead of night. One moment the bedroom was filled with the sounds of forest animals behind the village, the next with the deep shouts of men, rattling of heavily armored horses, and the ominous creaking of a carriage. A whip snapped; dogs began yelping; the leader of the group issued orders. They stopped right in front of his cottage. Lying in bed he heard his neighbors shuttering their windows and barring their doors. He knew that such actions would not protect them. The intruders would get in anywhere they wanted. As he finished this thought, his front door flew off its hinges, landing on the floor with a brittle crash.

He was up now, but as he moved to get out of bed, his mistress grabbed his arm. She was trembling, her eyes wide with the same terror he felt, but which he hid so she would not fear the worst. Why? she asked, hoarsely, softly.

I don’t know. Maybe, he smiled wanly, I forgot to pay our taxes.

They wouldn’t be here for that.

It was a joke, he said, lightly. She gave him the not now look, but he missed it as the stairs were filled with the clattering of hobnailed boots. Doors opened and slammed shut. The children began crying. Then their bedroom door opened and an officer, followed by four soldiers, strode in.

Galileo Galilei? the officer demanded.

Galileo nodded. Without taking his eyes off Galileo, the man issued an order. Take him.

You will leave her and the children? Galileo inquired, meekly.

We only have orders to arrest you, the officer said, adding, in the name of the Holy Inquisition.

If there is any justice in the world it occurred then, as a cluster of meteorites burst through the roof. A pair of them plunged into two of the soldiers, who fell dead.

Galileo laughed. The officer cursed and said, Damned nuisance. Then he turned to the remaining soldiers and ordered them to take Galileo. Marina screamed as they dragged him out of bed. Galileo watched her, and their arms reached out to each other and then separated in slow motion.

The prison carriage, merely a cage on wheels drawn by a sickly horse, clattered and clanged as it carried the nightshirt-clad Galileo through the town and up to the castle. His body glowed red in the light of the moon Lluna shining and spurting molten rock overhead. He saw the eyes of hundreds of people watching him through slits in their shuttered windows. For perhaps the first time in his unruly life he wondered what they were thinking.

Over the next two weeks Marina, disguised as a scullery maid, brought Galileo his food, passing it through a small opening in the locked door, talking to him in whispers. She told him about the children and how the inquisitors had taken all his papers. He asked if they had asked her about anything in particular that he was working on. She shook her head.

For six weeks, Galileo sat in his prison room on a bed of straw and rough burlap, wearing the same nightshirt, which literally rotted on his body. During the first week, his arrogance kept him aloof, as he waited for inquisitors to question him. They never came. During the second week, his reserve turned to anger. The people taking turns monitoring him through a series of hidden mirrors saw him circling around the room, rubbing against the wall opposite his bed, then against the wall with the door, then against his bed, and finally against the outer wall, with the commode and window. As he circled, he rubbed the walls with his hand until it was raw. After the second week, Marina stopped coming. She could not stand the smells.

During the third week, as his anger dissipated, he found solace in continuing his studies. The day before his imprisonment, he had received a letter full of technical details of the observations made by Martinelli on the island of San Salvador in the New World. He had spent that day memorizing the results in it. Now he compared those observations, meticulously recorded by his friend, with the ones he had made at the same time and the ones that they both had made twenty years before. Sifting through all this data chiseled in stone in his eidetic memory, and scribbling calculations in the dust on the floor, he completed the work that had obsessed him for years. And he was right! The angles between the telescopes observing the same place on the moon Lluna had changed over the decades. Lluna was moving away from his world, Dimaan. Despite the squalor, the arrogance returned.

During the fourth week he started pounding on the door, demanding to be released. No one came to tell him to stop, and the door never opened. During the fifth week, confusion surrounding his arrest, imprisonment, and this interminable isolation broke through his defenses. The original question returned. Why had they arrested him? It must be something to do with his observations of the heavens, he reasoned, but what? His renowned ability to focus and concentrate evaporated.

During the sixth week, he started thinking about errors he had made: errors of commission and errors of omission. Maybe, just maybe, he should have married Marina. Perhaps he shouldn’t have fired Sestilia. Vincenzo really deserved the raise he had requested all those years ago. And what about his girls….

The day after the tears appeared, an orderly opened the door, gagged, and vomited. Then he ordered Galileo out. Nearly naked, Galileo stumbled into the hallway. The gaggle of guards all backed away. With spears, they prodded him down the corridor and into a room through the middle of which ran a stream of water. He was tossed a piece of soap, a towel, and a robe, and ordered to bathe, which he did with as much zest as he could muster.

The courtroom was a study in contrasts. On the side where the three judges sat, the walls were covered with dark wood panels and an immense tapestry. Glasses and pitchers filled with crystal-clear water sat in front of each of them, along with baskets of fruits and nuts. On the other side, Galileo stood on a bare wooden platform in an alcove surrounded by gray, rough-hewn walls.

How do you plead and do you agree to recant what you have said? the central judge, tall, with a goatee beard, demanded.

Are you out of your tiny mind? Galileo demanded. That is, if you have one at all. I have done nothing wrong. Nothing, he hissed at them.

The three judges and the guards against the side walls all gaped.

The judge on Galileo’s right regained his composure first. Scribbling something on the sheet in front of him, he half turned his head toward the astronomer. Do you really believe that? Do you think you would be here if we didn’t have proof positive of your transgression?

Galileo glared at him. The silence filling the room became so thick that several guards shook their heads to clear their minds.

Do you deny…

I have done nothing wrong and made no mistakes, Galileo interrupted, through clenched teeth.

The third judge sat back, smiled briefly, and began speaking, putting his index finger to his lips as Galileo opened his mouth.

We think that you misunderstand us. He motioned for the guards to leave. When they were gone, he rounded on Galileo. We know that our planet, Dimaan, and the heavens have been here forever. They are immutable. Unchanging in Essential Essence.

Earthquakes, volcanoes, sunspots, Galileo interjected, unsure where this was going.

Mere challenges to humans, the judge said, smiling. Our Creator does not want us to think we live in paradise here. You, however, claim that you can prove that there are irreversible changes in the universe. These, in turn, lead to the conclusion that our planet, and by extension, the universe, has not been here, fundamentally unchanged, forever.

I…I don’t follow, Galileo murmured, the bravado draining.

Then I will explain…if you have a brain to understand, the judge sneered. Dimaan has two moons, Lluna and Kuu. Lluna is nine-sixteenths the distance of Kuu, a relationship of perfect squares that the Church finds consistent with its teachings. You, he stabbed a finger at Galileo, have secretly proposed that Lluna is moving away from Dimaan, toward Kuu. You have a co-conspirator, Luigi Martinelli, in San Salvador. He is there to provide you with data that will allegedly prove your hypothesis. And he has sent you that information.

The judge waved papers at Galileo, who squinted, unable to make out what was on them. The judge rose regally and, walking around the desk, handed them to Galileo. They were a copy of the letter he had received before his arrest.

I don’t unders—, he began, but suddenly he did. This data, with my own, proves that Lluna is moving away. Hence it was closer yesterday and closer still each previous day. Once upon a time it must have been captured or it was part of Dimaan, flung off, he did a quick calculation in his head, nearly a billion years ago.

So if what you propose is true, Dimaan and Lluna were not the same in Essential Essence a billion years ago as they are today.

Doesn’t it give you a headache to think that everything has been as it is forever? What happened before forever?

Your caustic blasphemy will gain you nothing, the central judge said, his voice icy.

If I can prove Lluna’s recession, then science can rethink the evolution of our world. Otherwise, we are stuck with a universe that has lasted forever, a Lord who has also existed forever, and life that has only recently been put here. But why now? Why were we not created a trillion years ago? Or a billion years from now? It makes no sense to me.

Silence hung in the air like molten lead. Our Lord works in mysterious ways. She has given us Her teachings and we are here to make sure that no one…I mean no one…goes astray. You, sir, are going astray and you are beginning to take others with you. This is absolutely unacceptable. You will…you must recant these heretical beliefs here and now and vow to never mention them again, except as errors.

And if I refuse?

The past six weeks of confinement will only be the beginning. We will tortu…teach…you using every tool at our disposal. They are many tools, each more—instructive—than the previous one. Halfway through your instruction, you will plead for death—but it will be denied. Eventually we will rip your arms…

And what if…what if I am right and you are wrong? What if I can prove what I claim is true?

The three judges looked at each other and the one on Galileo’s right nodded slowly. I think it would be a mistake to start with your ‘education.’ We will begin by educating your mistress and children.

Earth is unique in the solar system* for many reasons. Some distinctive properties are entirely obvious (complex surface life comes to mind), whereas others are more subtle, such as Earth having one Moon. In comparison, Mars has two moons, Jupiter has at least sixty-three, and the other planets have numbers between these two. (Venus and Mercury have none.) Furthermore, our Moon† has ¹/81 the mass of the Earth, whereas all the other moons in the solar system have masses less than ³/10,000 the masses of their planets.

The Moon’s existence, combined with its large mass compared to the Earth and the fact that it is the only natural body orbiting our planet, has led to many changes from what the Earth would have been like without it. Because of the Moon’s existence life formed relatively rapidly; the day is twenty-four hours long rather than being roughly eight hours long; tides are three times higher than they would be otherwise; many species of animals that are active at night could not exist without moonlight to aid their hunting, navigating, and mating activities; our planet’s rotation axis does not randomly change direction as it would otherwise do; and we have an essentially constant cycle of seasons, which we wouldn’t otherwise have, among many other things. Each of these results of our having a Moon, in turn, has affected myriad other aspects of the Earth and life on it. Any modification to the Earth or its astronomical environment leads to fascinating changes in our world, as well as providing new perspectives and insights into our planet as it is now. In this first of ten alternate worlds we explore what Earth would be like if we had two massive moons today instead of just one.

The Earthlike planet in this chapter, called Dimaan, begins its life identical to the early Earth in size, composition, and distance from the Sun. Based on geological and fossil evidence, the Earth was initially spinning much faster than it is today. Although that rate is not yet known, I give Dimaan a plausible eight-hour day when it first formed. Neither Earth nor Dimaan had a moon at first. Ours came into existence within about 200 million years of the Earth’s forming.

Moons can form in four ways: from impacts, in which the planet is struck and thereby ejects debris that becomes one or more moons; simultaneously with a planet, in which the moons and planet condense together (Appendix); by fission, wherein the moons are literally thrown off a rapidly rotating planet (Appendix); and by capture of the moons after the planet has formed.

Most astronomers believe that our Moon formed as the result of a collision between Earth and a Mars-sized body. The intruder hit Earth at an angle that ejected debris into orbit in the same general direction in which our planet was spinning. This rubble formed a short-lived ring that was much smaller but, interestingly, much more massive than all of Saturn’s rings combined. As this material orbited, it began colliding with itself and bunching together under the influence of its own gravitational attraction until it coalesced into the Moon. This is how I posit Dimaan’s first moon, Kuu, formed.

Although it is entirely possible for an impact of a small planet onto a larger one to splash enough debris into orbit to form two moons similar to ours, such moons would drift together and collide billions of years before advanced life evolved on Dimaan (Appendix). Because I want that second moon around for people to enjoy, I posit that Dimaan captures its second moon long after the first one formed.

Capture Of The Second Moon

The process of forming a star and its host of orbiting objects is a very, very messy affair involving countless collisions. The star system begins as a slowly swirling eddy of gas and dust in a giant interstellar cloud that begins to contract under the influence of its own gravitational attraction. In the case of our solar system or that of Dimaan, the central region of this eddy condenses to become the Sun. The material in its outer reaches becomes a disk of gas and dust, parts of which condense to form the planets, moons, and smaller orbiting pieces of debris such as asteroids and comets.

Most moons are potato-shaped bodies typically a few miles across that were originally not bound to planets. As these small bodies drifted past them, the planets captured them with relative ease. In our solar system, the tiny moons include Phobos and Deimos orbiting Mars, and at least 150 moons orbiting the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. For each piece of space debris that was captured, millions of similar objects struck planets or sped past too rapidly to go into orbit.

Even though our solar system and the one destined to become Dimaan’s home began identically, it is entirely plausible that Dimaan acquired a second massive moon. This happened because the orbits of the debris from which all the bodies in the solar system formed were chaotic, a concept that transcends the intuitive definition of the word.

The mathematical and physical concept of chaos reveals that exceedingly tiny changes (such as a butterfly flapping its wings in Africa) can have monumental consequences (such as a hurricane in Louisiana) that would not have occurred without the tiny initiating event. In the formation of the solar system, tiny gravitational tugs from small pieces of debris led to huge unpredictable changes in the orbits of all the objects that formed in it, compared to what the orbits would have been had the small pieces not been there. For example, imagine two mountain-sized chunks of rock that gently collided in the young solar system, thereby creating a slightly larger object. This bigger body then collected other matter, eventually growing into the Earth. Now suppose that the initial collision was ever-so-slightly faster so that the impact pulverized the two bodies, rather than forming a larger, more massive one. In that case, the Earth would not have formed as it did. Another collision of different debris, perhaps at a different distance from the Sun, would have led to the formation of an Earthlike planet, but with a different orbit and different physical properties than the Earth has today.

Chaos also justifies the assertion that if another system very similar to the solar system had formed with Dimaan in the same orbit as Earth, there could easily be a few extra Moon-sized bodies in it that never existed in our solar system. One of these is destined to be captured and become Lluna, Dimaan’s closer moon in this chapter.

Let’s now set the stage for Lluna’s capture by considering how Kuu evolved into its present orbit. Once we have gotten it out there, we can capture Lluna. Because Kuu and our Moon formed identically, I simplify the discussion by referring here to how our Moon got out to its present orbit.

If the impact that splashed the debris that became our Moon into orbit had been powerful enough to put the Moon directly into its present orbit, the Earth would have been destroyed in the process. Keeping the Earth intact required that the debris splash into orbit much closer to the planet. We don’t yet know how near to the Earth the Moon was originally, but it could plausibly have been ten times closer.

Tides are the key to understanding how the Moon got out to where it is today, along with why the day is twenty-four hours long. Indeed, the tides play roles in so many of the scenarios in this book, I believe it is essential that we briefly explore them here.


For the first twenty years that I taught astronomy, I explained the tides incorrectly. The explanation in the existing astronomy texts back in those days, even the advanced ones, from which I had learned about the tides, was wrong. It went like this. The force of gravity decreases with distance (which is true). The part of the Earth closest to the Moon feels the greatest gravitational attraction to it, and the central region of the Earth feels less attraction. Because the ocean water closest to the Moon is pulled hardest, that water creates a high tide. The oceans on the far side of the Earth feel the least gravitational attraction, so they are left behind, meaning that they create a high tide on the side of the Earth farthest away from the

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