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The Distant Echo
The Distant Echo
The Distant Echo
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The Distant Echo

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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This "cunningly plotted" (New York Times) thriller is now on Britbox as Karen Pirie!

Bestselling, award-winning author Val McDermid delivers her most stunning story yet in The Distant Echo--an intricate, thought-provoking tale of murder and revenge.

Four in the morning, mid-December, and snow blankets St. Andrews School. Student Alex Gilbery and his three best friends are staggering home from a party when they stumble upon the body of a young woman. Rosie Duff has been raped, stabbed and left for dead in the ancient Pictish cemetery. The only suspects are the four young students stained with her blood.

Twenty-five years later, police mount a cold case review. Among the unsolved murders they're examining is that of Rosie Duff. But someone else has his own idea of justice. One of the original quartet dies in a suspicious house fire and soon after, a second is killed. Alex fears the worst. Someone is taking revenge for Rosie Duff. And it might just save his life if he can uncover who really killed Rosie all those years ago.

Release dateApr 1, 2007
The Distant Echo

Val McDermid

Val McDermid is a No.1 bestseller whose novels have been translated into more than thirty languages, and have sold more than sixteen million copies. She has won many awards internationally, including the CWA Gold Dagger for best crime novel of the year. She was inducted into the ITV3 Crime Thriller Awards Hall of Fame in 2009, was the recipient of the CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger in 2010. Val writes full time and lives in Edinburgh and the East Neuk of Fife.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I've given one of Val McDermid's books another try , but once more it didn't happen for me. I think I'm off Val McDermid for good...

    Predictable from beginning to end. Without giving away any spoilers, I think it's safe to say that the culprit is quite obvious...

    What I really don't like about McDermid's is her inability to draw us in. I just feel I'm reading an exercise on how to deceive the reader. She deliberately ommits vital peaces of information in order to lead us on. I say this in the worst possible sense ... I love (good) crime fiction (for instance, R. J. Ellory, Michael Connelly, etc) and everytime I try one of her books, I just feel plain cheated. I really don't care for whodunits, and when they're quite as unsatisfying as this one, by the end of the book, I feel I've wasted my time.

    Compare this book with the latest Ellory's book "A Dark and Broken Heart" (see my review) and you'll see what I mean.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another solid thriller from McDermid.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Spannend und düster.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not her best. Mountains in North Georgia are Blue Ridge, not Blue. Ms McDermot s own bias shows - Church of Scotland / Church of England minister would have to separate self from dicisescian support to have TV show, even in 2003, especially if that person not LGBTQ sensitive/ accepting. Live in metro Atlanta. Have friends at the 2 LHBTQ Episcopal & Methodist churches in Atlanta
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book is totally deserving. I loved them, and I think they are must read. If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to [email protected] or [email protected]
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My first encounter with a McDermid novel; after reading this one, I rushed out and bought three others (including A Place of Execution, the TV miniseries of which I much enjoyed a few years ago). In 1978 four male St Andrews University students, best pals, the self-styled "Laddies fi Kirkcaldy", take a short cut on their drunken way home through the snow from a Christmas party and stumble across the still just alive body of a local barmaid; despite their best efforts, by the time help arrives the raped woman is dead. In succeeding months the four lads suffer persecution, sometime brutally violent, from the police and the locals, including the victim's thuggish brothers and their equally brainless friends. After all, since the students were the only ones known to have been on the scene as she died, they must be the killers, no?

    Now (2003) the inquiry is being reopened as part of a cold cases drive headed -- coincidentally -- by the officer who, as a young cop back in 1978, was the first to be informed by the students of the crime, and who played a part in that initial, fatally unsuccessful investigation; the fact that he knows the case, and the four students (all now successfully established in their different careers), seems helpful. But the reopening of the case has clearly triggered the original killer, keen the case should remain unsolved, or perhaps some vigilante seeking to avenge that long-ago death.

    I was absolutely spellbound throughout this longish book -- spellbound by the sheer storytelling and character depiction as well as by the convolutions of the plot. It's going to be difficult making myself pace the other McDermid novels I now own rather than read them all in a single gluttonous splurge.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    McDermid does a good job here creating interesting characters, and setting up an interesting situation for them to negotiate. But the cliche bits--the serial killer, the too-dramatic deaths toward the end--really violate the integrity of that situation. Unfortunate. Still well worth reading for what McDermid does well.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    (This review also appears on is the third McDermid book I have read, and the second one I have actually enjoyed (I gave up on the dire `Trick or Treat!') and I am pleased to see it based in the authors native Scotland which really springs from the pages and adds a great sense of place to the story.The novel unfolds in the late 1970's as four students at St Andrews University stumble across the body of a young woman in a churchyard after a night out. Rosie Duff is clearly in a bad way, but when she later dies, suspicion immediately alights on the four young men who found her. There's no proof that they had any involvement in what happened, but no other suspects either- and for the next couple of decades that shadow of doubt is cast over the four friends. It is on the twenty fifth anniversary of the murder however when things take another turn for the worst- two of the men die in suspicious circumstances and the remaining men realise that someone is seeking revenge and that they must be next, unless they can find Rosie Duff's real killer...This was a very readable book that held my attention from beginning to end. I must agree with other reviewers that the characterisation is credible and the friendship between the main characters and their initial bond at the start of the novel is very well drawn. As events unfold, you can almost feel the closeness between the protagonists beginning to fray as suspicion alights on them and they almost start to turn on one another- and this was very well portrayed. I also enjoyed the different time periods depicted- Scotland in the 1970's had very different police procedures and attitudes to the 21st Century and this was interesting to read about, particularly in conjunction with Ziggy, who I think was an excellent character.My main criticism for this novel is that even though this is fiction and they were clearly devices needed for the plot, I really couldn't believe a) how unsympathetic the police were to the students' predicament and their willingness to tar them as suspects from the start and b) how incompetent the police actually were! Losing evidence? Come on!!! I must confess that the cliché aspect of that bit of plot irritated me a bit. Also, I felt that all the way through the book the sense of tension was invariably heightened, but then once the ending and resolution actually arrived it was all a bit of an anti-climax. Still, I didn't see the actual dénouement coming or whodunit- it was very neatly delivered, so top marks for that.Criticism aside, this was still a well paced thriller and admittedly a bit of a page turner that held my attention well enough. McDermid isn't the best thriller writer I've ever read, but this book was enjoyable enough and I am looking forward to trying more by her in future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An excellent storyline bringing together a brutal murder from 1978 St Andrews to a 2003 "echo". Four students discover a dying girl on their way home from a party and fall under a suspicion which blights the rest of the lives as no-one is tried for the crime and the trail goes dead. Twenty-five years later a cold case review re-awakens the accusations made against the students and two suddenly die in suspicious circumstances. Several red herrings throughout but well plotted enough to fool me about the killer's identity. Recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think McDermid achieves more with her one-off characters in this book than some writers of crime fiction manage over the course of a detective’s serialised career. Other than the ‘Wire in the Blood’ series, this is my first Val McDermid book; not having had any of her stand-alone novels individually recommended to me, they just never made it onto my radar (seriously, I’m having that radar decommissioned) but even the appeal of Tony Hill and Carol Jordan as crime-fighters didn’t prepare me for the ease with which the author could get me to care for four disparate yet strongly-bonded friends who stumble onto a murder scene on a cold, snowy night in Fife. The fifth major character in this novel is suspicion – suspicion which links, bonds, causes rifts, upends lives and haunts them, until 25 years later the same four lads are still in the frame when the investigation re-emerges as a cold case. Only this time, they aren’t just being looked at. They’re being killed.I suppose I’ve read other crime fiction where innocent people fall under suspicion to the point of being imperilled, as the police follow leads, particularly where the detectives doggedly pursue the wrong person for most of the book, but the atmosphere of panic and depression is so artfully drawn out that it’s impossible not to emphasise with Alex, Mondo, Weird and Ziggy, even while the reader wonders which of them might have done it.The dénouement isn’t quite as unique. I don’t know if it was more of a shock in 2003 when it was published (I can’t remember when this particular trend in crime fiction began), but it’s satisfying enough in 2011, anyway.The Distant Echo might still be a puzzler for some, although even if you consider yourself a fair fictional villain-spotter, there’s a lot worth reading about this story beyond the answer, if you’re a fan of the genre, and it’s still definitely a page-turner (I must remember to review the next book I dislike as having ‘stuck together pages’).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Scottish - slow start but turns out to be a good story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    McDermid has written an absorbing book about 4 college students in England who stumble across a dead bar maid in a local cemetary in 1978. With no other suspects, they are high on the suspect list. However, no evidence is available to pin the murder on them. Twenty five years later, the cold case division reopens the case. In the interim, the barmaid illegitimate son, put into foster care, appears on the scene, prodding the police to find enough evidence to convict the 4 students.The book deftly switches between 1978 nad 2003 and describes both the events of the period as well as discussing the impact of suspicion on the students lives. The writing is done well. The suspense is there. Emotions run high.A good mystery. Makes me want to read more of Val McDermid.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    1978 four friends leave a college party-heading back to the dorms via the quickest route possible and stumble onto the body of a dying girl. The friends quickly become the prime suspects in the crime, but protest their innocence. How do you prove that you haven't done something for which you are accused? The police believe they did the deed, the family of the dead girl agree, and the townspeople and college classmates concur. No solid evidence is found to prove the presumption, so they are never charged with the crime. Everyone thinks they've gotten away with murder. Flash forward to 2003 and with the advent of DNA the cold case is re-opened, but someone isn't waiting for the police to botch the investigation he/she has decided to punish the guilty. Never read Val McDermid, but now I'm hooked. This is a well written page turner.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Entertaining, complex murder mystery set in Scotland. Better than average who-done-it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This murder mystery has a Scottish accent. Four university men are caught up in the homicide of a bar maid. Some twists and turns are predictable and some are not - none are annoying or insulting.The story is well told and not disjointed. I was able to read the story in bits and pieces over several days without getting lost.My only criticism is when the author becomes confused regarding the sleep patterns of a character. One specific night he is "feeling as if he had been asleep for minutes instead of hours" (p. 253) and then when describing a period of time taht was included the earlier description the character has "slept more deeply than he had since childhood" (p. 268.) Silly.Well, I guessed "who done it" . . . before the end, but that's okay.I will add author Val McDermid to my reading list.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Protagonist: Alex GilbeySetting: St. Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland in 1978 and the present dayStandaloneFirst Line: "He always liked the cemetery at dawn."In 1978, young Rosie Duff's body was found in a remote corner of a cemetery in St. Andrews, Scotland by four drunken college students. Although the police were convinced that one of those students had to be Rosie's killer, no concrete evidence was ever found and no one was charged. In 2003 with the advances in DNA technology, the newly formed cold case unit reopens the Rosie Duff case, and those four former students begin to die one by one.Val McDermid is now one of my favorite authors, and she did it to me again in this book. The only quibble with The Distant Echo is that I knew who the killer was way too soon, which caused me to verbally castigate some of the characters! I have several other McDermid novels on the TBR shelves, and it's going to be difficult for me to stay away from them. She knows how to spin a yarn!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Very disappointing after having read an excellent A Place of Execution. The Distant Echo's first half holds promise but devolves into stereotyped characters and a contrived ending.

Book preview

The Distant Echo - Val McDermid


November 2003; St. Andrews, Scotland

He always liked the cemetery at dawn. Not because daybreak offered any promise of a fresh beginning, but because it was too early for there to be anyone else around. Even in the dead of winter, when the pale light was so late in coming, he could guarantee solitude. No prying eyes to wonder who he was and why he was there, head bowed before that one particular grave. No nosy parkers to question his right to be there.

It had been a long and troublesome journey to reach this destination. But he was very good at uncovering information. Obsessive, some might say. He preferred persistent. He’d learned how to trawl official and unofficial sources, and eventually, after months of searching, he’d found the answers he’d been looking for. Unsatisfactory as they’d been, they had at least provided him with this marker. For some people, a grave represented an ending. Not for him. He saw it as a beginning. Of sorts.

He’d always known it wouldn’t be sufficient in itself. So he’d waited, hoping for a sign to show him the way forward. And it had finally come. As the sky changed its color from the outside to the inside of a mussel shell, he reached into his pocket and unfolded the clipping he’d taken from the local paper.


Unsolved murders in Fife going back as far as thirty years are to be re-examined in a full-scale cold case review, police announced this week.

Chief Constable Sam Haig said that new forensic breakthroughs meant that cases which had lain dormant for many years could now be reopened with some hope of success. Old evidence which has lain in police property stores for decades will be the subject of such methods as DNA analysis to see whether fresh progress can be made.

Assistant Chief Constable (Crime) James Lawson will head the review. He told the Courier, "Murder files are never closed. We owe it to the victims and their families to keep working the cases.

"In some instances, we had a strong suspect at the time, though we didn’t have enough evidence to tie them to the crime. But with modern forensic techniques, a single hair, a bloodstain or a trace of semen could give us all we need to obtain a conviction. There have been several recent instances in England of cases being successfully prosecuted after twenty years or more.

A team of senior detectives will now make these cases their number one priority.

ACC Lawson was unwilling to reveal which specific cases will be top of the list for his detectives.

But among them must surely be the tragic murder of local teenager Rosie Duff.

The 19-year-old from Strathkinness was raped, stabbed and left for dead on Hallow Hill almost 25 years ago. No one was ever arrested in connection with her brutal murder.

Her brother Brian, 46, who still lives in the family home, Caberfeidh Cottage, and works at the paper mill in Guardbridge, said last night, "We have never given up hope that Rosie’s killer would one day face justice. There were suspects at the time, but the police were never able to find enough evidence to nail them.

Sadly, my parents went to their grave not knowing who did this terrible thing to Rosie. But perhaps now we’ll get the answer they deserved.

He could recite the article by heart, but he still liked to look at it. It was a talisman, reminding him that his life was no longer aimless. For so long, he’d wanted someone to blame. He’d hardly dared hope for revenge. But now, at long last, vengeance might possibly be his.



1978; St. Andrews, Scotland

Four in the morning, the dead of December. Four bleary outlines wavered in the snow flurries that drifted at the beck and call of the snell northeasterly wind whipping across the North Sea from the Urals. The eight stumbling feet of the self-styled Laddies fi’ Kirkcaldy traced the familiar path of their shortcut over Hallow Hill to Fife Park, the most modern of the halls of residence attached to St. Andrews University, where their perpetually unmade beds yawned a welcome, lolling tongues of sheets and blankets trailing to the floors.

The conversation staggered along lines as habitual as their route. I’m telling you, Bowie is the king, Sigmund Malkiewicz slurred loudly, his normally impassive face loosened with drink. A few steps behind him, Alex Gilbey yanked the hood of his parka closer to his face and giggled inwardly as he silently mouthed the reply he knew would come.

Bollocks, said Davey Kerr. "Bowie’s just a big jessie. Pink Floyd can run rings round Bowie any day of the week. Dark Side of the Moon, that’s an epic. Bowie’s done nothing to touch that." His long dark curls were loosening under the weight of melted snowflakes and he pushed them back impatiently from his waiflike face.

And they were off. Like wizards casting combative spells at each other, Sigmund and Davey threw song titles, lyrics and guitar riffs back and forth in the ritual dance of an argument they’d been having for the past six or seven years. It didn’t matter that, these days, the music rattling the windows of their student rooms was more likely to come from the Clash, the Jam or the Skids. Even their nicknames spoke of their early passions. From the very first afternoon they’d congregated in Alex’s bedroom after school to listen to his purchase of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, it had been inevitable that the charismatic Sigmund would be Ziggy, the leper messiah, for eternity. And the others would have to settle for being the Spiders. Alex had become Gilly, in spite of his protestations that it was a jessie nickname for someone who aspired to the burly build of a rugby player. But there was no arguing with the accident of his surname. And none of them had a moment’s doubt about the appropriateness of christening the fourth member of their quartet Weird. Because Tom Mackie was weird, make no mistake about it. The tallest in their year, his long gangling limbs even looked like a mutation, matching a personality that delighted in being perverse.

That left Davey, loyal to the cause of the Floyd, steadfastly refusing to accept any nickname from the Bowie canon. For a while, he’d been known halfheartedly as Pink, but from the first time they’d all heard Shine on, You Crazy Diamond there had been no further debate; Davey was a crazy diamond, right enough, flashing fire in unpredictable directions, edgy and uncomfortable out of the right setting. Diamond soon became Mondo, and Mondo Davey Kerr had remained through the remaining year of high school and on to university.

Alex shook his head in quiet amazement. Even through the blur of far too much beer, he wondered at the glue that had held the four of them fast all those years. The very thought provoked a warm glow that kept the vicious cold at bay as he tripped over a raised root smothered under the soft blanket of snow. Bugger, he grumbled, cannoning into Weird, who gave him a friendly shove that sent Alex sprawling. Flailing to keep his balance, he let his momentum carry him forward and stumbled up the short slope, suddenly exhilarated with the feel of the snow against his flushed skin. As he reached the summit, he hit an unexpected dip that pulled the feet from under him. Alex found himself crashing head over heels to the ground.

His fall was broken by something soft. Alex struggled to sit up, pushing against whatever it was he had landed on. Spluttering snow, he wiped his eyes with his tingling fingers, breathing hard through his nose in a bid to clear it of the freezing melt. He glanced around to see what had cushioned his landing just as the heads of his three companions appeared on the hillside to gloat over his farcical calamity.

Even in the eerie dimness of snow light, he could see that the bulwark against his fall was no botanical feature. The outline of a human form was unmistakable. The heavy white flakes began to melt as soon as they landed, allowing Alex to see it was a woman, the wet tendrils of her dark hair spread against the snow in Medusa locks. Her skirt was pushed up to her waist, her knee-length black boots looking all the more incongruous against her pale legs. Strange dark patches stained her flesh and the pale blouse that clung to her chest. Alex stared uncomprehendingly for a long moment, then he looked at his hands and saw the same darkness contaminating his own skin.

Blood. The realization dawned at the same instant that the snow in his ears melted and allowed him to hear the faint but stertorous wheeze of her breath.

Jesus Christ, Alex stuttered, trying to scramble away from the horror that he had stumbled into. But he kept banging into what felt like little stone walls as he squirmed backward. Jesus Christ. He looked up desperately, as if the sight of his companions would break this spell and make it all go away. He glanced back at the nightmare vision in the snow. It was no drunken hallucination. It was the real thing. He turned again to his friends. There’s a lassie up here, he shouted.

Weird Mackie’s voice floated back eerily. Lucky bastard.

No, stop messing, she’s bleeding.

Weird’s laughter split the night. No’ so lucky after all, Gilly.

Alex felt sudden rage well up in him. I’m not fucking joking. Get up here. Ziggy, come on, man.

Now they could hear the urgency in Alex’s voice. Ziggy in the lead as always, they wallowed through the snow to the crest of the hill. Ziggy took the slope at a jerky run, Weird plunged headlong toward Alex, and Mondo brought up the rear, cautiously planting one foot in front of the other.

Weird ended up diving head over heels, landing on top of Alex and driving them both on top of the woman’s body. They thrashed around, trying to free themselves, Weird giggling inanely. Hey, Gilly, this must be the closest you’ve ever got to a woman.

You’ve had too much fucking dope, Ziggy said angrily, pulling him away and crouching down beside the woman, feeling for a pulse in her neck. It was there, but it was terrifyingly weak. Apprehension turned him instantly sober as he took in what he was seeing in the dim light. He was only a final-year medical student, but he knew life-threatening injury when he saw it.

Weird leaned back on his haunches and frowned. Hey, man, you know where this is? Nobody was paying him any attention, but he continued anyway. It’s the Pictish cemetery. These humps in the snow, like wee walls? That’s the stones they used like coffins. Fuck, Alex found a body in the cemetery. And he began to giggle, an uncanny sound in the snow-muffled air.

Shut the fuck up, Weird. Ziggy continued to run his hands over her torso, feeling the unnerving give of a deep wound under his searching fingers. He cocked his head to one side, trying to examine her more clearly. Mondo, got your lighter?

Mondo moved forward reluctantly and produced his Zippo. He flicked the wheel and moved the feeble light at arm’s length over the woman’s body and up toward her face. His free hand covered his mouth, ineffectually stifling a groan. His blue eyes widened in horror and the flame trembled in his grasp.

Ziggy inhaled sharply, the planes of his face eerie in the shivering light. Shit, he gasped. It’s Rosie from the Lammas Bar.

Alex didn’t think it was possible to feel worse. But Ziggy’s words were like a punch to his heart. With a soft moan, he turned away and vomited a mess of beer, crisps and garlic bread into the snow.

We’ve got to get help, Ziggy said firmly. She’s still alive, but she won’t be for long in this state. Weird, Mondo—get your coats off. As he spoke, he was stripping off his own sheepskin jacket and wrapping it gently round Rosie’s shoulders. Gilly, you’re the fastest. Go and get help. Get a phone. Get somebody out of their bed if you have to. Just get them here, right? Alex?

Dazed, Alex forced himself to his feet. He scrambled back down the slope, churning the snow beneath his boots as he fought for purchase. He emerged from the straggle of trees into the streetlights that marked the newest cul-de-sac in the new housing estate that had sprung up over the past half-dozen years. Back the way they’d come, that was the quickest route.

Alex tucked his head down and set off at a slithering run up the middle of the road, trying to lose the image of what he’d just witnessed. It was as impossible as maintaining a steady pace on the powdery snow. How could that grievous thing among the Pictish graves be Rosie from the Lammas Bar? They’d been in there drinking that very evening, cheery and boisterous in the warm yellow glow of the public bar, knocking back pints of Tennent’s, making the most of the last of their university freedom before they had to return to the stifling constraints of family Christmases thirty miles down the road.

He’d been speaking to Rosie himself, flirting with her in the clumsy way of twenty-one-year-olds uncertain whether they’re still daft boys or mature men of the world. Not for the first time, he’d asked her what time she was due to finish.

He’d even told her whose party they were going on to. He’d scribbled the address down on the back of a beer mat and pushed it across the damp wooden bar toward her. She’d given him a pitying smile and picked it up. He suspected it had probably gone straight in the bucket. What would a woman like Rosie want with a callow lad like him, after all? With her looks and her figure, she could take her pick, go for somebody who could show her a good time, not some penniless student trying to eke his grant out till his holiday job stacking supermarket shelves.

So how could that be Rosie lying bleeding in the snow on Hallow Hill? Ziggy must have got it wrong, Alex insisted to himself as he veered left, heading for the main road. Anybody could get confused in the flickering glow of Mondo’s Zippo. And it wasn’t as if Ziggy had ever paid much attention to the dark-haired barmaid. He’d left that to Alex himself and Mondo. It must just be some poor lassie that looked like Rosie. That would be it, he reassured himself. A mistake, that’s what it was.

Alex hesitated for a moment, catching his breath and wondering where to run. There were plenty of houses nearby, but none of them was showing a light. Even if he could rouse someone, Alex doubted whether anyone would be inclined to open their door to a sweaty youth smelling of drink in the middle of a blizzard.

Then he remembered. This time of night, there was regularly a police car parked up by the main entrance to the Botanic Gardens a mere quarter of a mile away. They’d seen it often enough when they’d been staggering home in the small hours of the morning, aware of the car’s single occupant giving them the once-over as they attempted to act sober for his benefit. It was a sight that always set Weird off on one of his rants about how corrupt and idle the police were. Should be out catching the real villains, nailing the gray men in suits that rip the rest of us off, not sitting there all night with a flask of tea and a bag of scones, hoping to score some drunk peeing in a hedge or some eejit driving home too fast. Idle bastards. Well, maybe tonight Weird would get part of his wish. Because it looked like tonight the idle bastard in the car would get more than he bargained for.

Alex turned toward the Canongate and began to run again, the fresh snow creaking beneath his boots. He wished he’d kept up his rugby training as a stitch seized his side, turning his rhythm into a lopsided hop and skip as he fought to pull enough air into his lungs. Only a few dozen more yards, he told himself. He couldn’t stop now, when Rosie’s life might depend on his speed. He peered ahead, but the snow was falling more heavily and he could barely see farther than a couple of yards.

He was almost upon the police car before he saw it. Even as relief flooded his perspiring body, apprehension clawed at his heart. Sobered by shock and exertion, Alex realized he bore no resemblance to the sort of respectable citizen who normally reported a crime. He was disheveled and sweaty, bloodstained and staggering like a half-shut knife. Somehow, he had to convince the policeman who was already halfway out of his panda car that he was neither imagining things nor playing some kind of prank. He slowed to a halt a couple of feet from the car, trying not to look like a threat, waiting for the driver to emerge.

The policeman set his cap straight on his short dark hair. His head was cocked to one side as he eyed Alex warily. Even masked by the heavy uniform anorak, Alex could see the tension in his body. What’s going on, son? he asked. In spite of the diminutive form of address, he didn’t look much older than Alex himself, and he possessed an air of unease that sat ill with his uniform.

Alex tried to control his breathing, but failed. There’s a lassie on Hallow Hill, he blurted out. She’s been attacked. She’s bleeding really badly. She needs help.

The policeman narrowed his eyes against the snow, frowning. She’s been attacked, you say. How do you know that?

She’s got blood all over her. And… Alex paused for thought. She’s not dressed for the weather. She’s not got a coat on. Look, can you get an ambulance or a doctor or something? She’s really hurt, man.

And you just happened to find her in the middle of a blizzard, eh? Have you been drinking, son? The words were patronizing, but the voice betrayed anxiety.

Alex didn’t imagine this was the kind of thing that happened often in the middle of the night in douce, suburban St. Andrews. Somehow he had to convince this plod that he was serious. Of course I’ve been drinking, he said, his frustration spilling over. Why else would I be out at this time in the morning? Look, me and my pals, we were taking a shortcut back to halls and we were messing about and I ran up the top of the hill and tripped and landed right on top of her. His voice rose in a plea. Please. You’ve got to help. She could die out there.

The policeman studied him for what felt like minutes, then leaned into his car and launched into an unintelligible conversation over the radio. He stuck his head out of the door. Get in. We’ll drive up to Trinity Place. You better not be playing the goat, son, he said grimly.

The car fishtailed up the street, tires inadequate for the conditions. The few cars that had traveled the road earlier had left tracks that were now only faint depressions in the smooth white surface, testament to the heaviness of the snowfall. The policeman swore under his breath as he avoided skidding into a lamppost at the turning. At the end of Trinity Place, he turned to Alex. Come on then, show me where she is.

Alex set off at a trot, following his own rapidly disappearing tracks in the snow. He kept glancing back to check if the policeman was still in his wake. He nearly went headlong at one point, his eyes taking a few moments to adjust to the greater darkness where the streetlights were cut off by the tree trunks. The snow seemed to cast its own strange light over the landscape, exaggerating the bulk of bushes and turning the path into a narrower ribbon than it normally appeared. It’s this way, Alex said, swerving off to the left. A quick look over his shoulder reassured him that his companion was right behind him.

The policeman hung back. Are you sure you’re no’ on drugs, son? he said suspiciously.

Come on, Alex shouted urgently as he caught sight of the dark shapes above him. Without waiting to see if the policeman was following, Alex hurried up the slope. He was almost there when the young officer overtook him, brushing past and stopping abruptly a few feet short of the small group.

Ziggy was still hunkered down beside the woman’s body, his shirt plastered to his slim torso with a mixture of snow and sweat. Weird and Mondo stood behind him, arms folded across their chests, hands tucked in their armpits, heads thrust down between their raised shoulders. They were only trying to stay warm in the absence of coats, but they presented an unfortunate image of arrogance.

What’s going on here, then, lads? the policeman asked, his voice an aggressive attempt to stamp authority in spite of the greater weight of numbers arrayed against him.

Ziggy pushed himself wearily to his feet and shoved his wet hair out of his eyes. You’re too late. She’s dead.


Nothing in Alex’s twenty-one years had prepared him for a police interrogation in the middle of the night. TV cop shows and movies always made it look so regimented. But the very disorganization of the process was somehow more nerve-wracking than military precision would have been. The four of them had arrived at the police station in a flurry of chaos. They’d been hustled off the hill, bathed in the strobing blue lights of panda cars and ambulances, and nobody seemed to have any clear idea of what to do with them.

They’d stood under a streetlamp for what felt like a very long time, shivering under the frowning gaze of the constable Alex had summoned to the scene and one of his colleagues, a grizzled man in uniform with a scowl and a stoop. Neither officer spoke to the four young men, though their eyes never strayed from them.

Eventually, a harassed-looking man huddled into an overcoat that looked two sizes too big for him slithered over to them, his thin-soled shoes no match for the terrain. Lawson, Mackenzie, take these boys down to the station, keep them apart when you get there. We’ll be down in a wee while to talk to them. Then he turned and stumbled back in the direction of their terrible discovery, now hidden behind canvas screens through which an eerie green light emanated, staining the snow.

The younger policeman gave his colleague a worried look. How are we going to get them back?

He shrugged. You’ll have to squeeze them in your panda. I came up in the Sherpa van.

Can we not take them back down in that? Then you could keep an eye on them while I’m driving.

The older man shook his head, pursing his lips. If you say so, Lawson. He gestured to the Laddies fi’ Kirkcaldy. Come on, youse. Into the van. And no messing about, right? He herded them toward a police van, calling over his shoulder to Lawson, You better get the keys off Tam Watt.

Lawson set off up the slope, leaving them with Mackenzie. I wouldnae like to be in your shoes when the CID get off that hill, he said conversationally as he climbed in behind them. Alex shivered, though not from the cold. It was slowly dawning on him that the police were regarding him and his companions as potential suspects rather than witnesses. They’d been given no opportunity to confer, to get their ducks in a row. The four of them exchanged uneasy looks. Even Weird had straightened out enough to realize this wasn’t some daft game.

When Mackenzie hustled them into the van, there had been a few seconds when they’d been left alone. Just sufficient time for Ziggy to mutter loud enough for their ears, For fuck’s sake, don’t mention the Land Rover. Instant comprehension had filled their eyes.

Christ, aye, Weird said, head jerking back in terrified realization. Mondo chewed the skin round his thumbnail, saying nothing. Alex merely nodded.

The police station hadn’t felt anymore composed than the crime scene. The desk sergeant complained bitterly when the two uniformed officers arrived with four bodies who were supposed to be prevented from communicating with each other. It turned out there were insufficient interview rooms to keep them separate. Weird and Mondo were taken to wait in unlocked cells, while Alex and Ziggy were left to their own devices in the station’s two interview rooms.

The room Alex found himself in was claustrophobically small. It was barely three paces square, as he established within minutes of being shut in to kick his heels. There were no windows, and the low ceiling with its graying polystyrene tiles made it all the more oppressive. It contained a chipped wooden table and four unmatching wooden chairs that looked exactly as uncomfortable as they felt. Alex tried them all in turn, finally settling for one that didn’t dig into his thighs as much as the others.

He wondered if he was allowed to smoke. Judging by the smell of the stale air, he wouldn’t have been the first. But he was a well-brought-up lad, and the absence of an ashtray gave him pause. He searched his pockets and found the screwed-up silver paper from a packet of Polo mints. Carefully, he spread it out, folding the edges up to form a rough tray. Then he took out his packet of Bensons and flipped the top open. Nine left. That should see him through, he thought.

Alex lit his cigarette and allowed himself to think about his position for the first time since they’d arrived at the police station. It was obvious, now he thought about it. They’d found a body. They had to be suspects. Everybody knew that the prime candidates for arrest in a murder investigation were either the ones who last saw the victim alive or the ones who found the body. Well, that was them on both counts.

He shook his head. The body. He was starting to think like them. This wasn’t just a body, it was Rosie. Somebody he knew, however slightly. He supposed that made it all the more suspicious. But he didn’t want to consider that now. He wanted that horror far from his mind. Whenever he closed his eyes, flashbacks to the hill played like a movie before his eyes. Beautiful, sexy Rosie broken and bleeding on the snow. Think about something else, he said aloud.

He wondered how the others would react to questioning. Weird was off his head, that was for sure. He’d had more than drink tonight. Alex had seen him with a joint in his hand earlier, but with Weird, there was no telling what else he might have indulged in. There had been tabs of acid floating around. Alex had refused it himself a couple of times. He didn’t mind dope but he preferred not to fry his brains. But Weird was definitely in the market for anything that would allegedly expand his consciousness. Alex fervently hoped that whatever he’d swallowed, inhaled or snorted, it would have worn off before it was his turn to be interviewed. Otherwise, Weird was likely to piss the cops off very badly indeed. And any fool knew that was a bad idea in the middle of a murder investigation.

Mondo would be a different kettle of fish. This would freak him out in a totally different way. Mondo was, when you got right down to it, too sensitive for his own good. He’d always been the one picked on at school, called a jessie partly because of the way he looked and partly because he never fought back. His hair hung in tight ringlets round his pixie face, his big sapphire eyes always wide like a mouse keeking out from a divot. The lassies liked it, that was for sure. Alex had once overheard a pair of them giggling that Davey Kerr looked just like Marc Bolan. But in a school like Kirkcaldy High, what won you favor with the lassies could equally earn you a kicking in the cloakroom. If Mondo hadn’t had the other three to back him up, he’d have had a pretty thin time of it. To his credit, he knew that, and he repaid their services with interest. Alex knew he’d never have got through Higher French without Mondo’s help.

But Mondo would be on his own with the police. Nobody to hide behind. Alex could picture him now, head hung low, tossing the odd glance out from under his brows, picking at the skin round his thumbnail or flicking the lid of his Zippo open and shut. They’d get frustrated with him, think he had something to hide. The thing they’d never suss, not in a million years, was that the big secret with Mondo was that ninety-nine times out of a hundred, there was no secret. There was no mystery wrapped in an enigma. There was just a guy who liked Pink Floyd, fish suppers with lashings of vinegar, Tennent’s lager and getting laid. And who, bizarrely, spoke French like he’d learned it at his mother’s knee.

Except of course tonight there was a secret. And if anybody was going to blow it, it would be Mondo. Please God, let him not give up the Land Rover, Alex thought. At the very least, they’d all be landed with the charge of taking and driving away without the owner’s consent. At the very worst, the cops would realize one or all of them had the perfect means to transport a dying girl’s body to a quiet hillside.

Weird wouldn’t tell; he had most to lose. He’d been the one who’d turned up at the Lammas grinning from ear to ear, dangling Henry Cavendish’s key-ring from his finger like the winner at a wife-swapping party.

Alex wouldn’t tell, he knew that. Keeping secrets was one of the things he did best. If the price of avoiding suspicion was to keep his mouth shut, he had no doubts he could manage it.

Ziggy wouldn’t tell either. It was always safety first with Ziggy. After all, he was the one who had sneaked away from the party to move the Land Rover once he’d realized how off his head Weird was getting. He’d taken Alex to one side and said, I’ve taken the keys out of Weird’s coat pocket. I’m going to shift the Land Rover, put it out of temptation’s way. He’s already been taking people for a spin round the block, it’s time to put a stop to it before he kills himself or somebody else. Alex had no idea how long he’d been gone, but when he’d returned, Ziggy had told him the Land Rover was safely stowed up behind one of the industrial units off the Largo Road. We can go and pick it up in the morning, he’d said.

Alex had grinned. Or we could just leave it there. A nice wee puzzle for Hooray Henry when he comes back next term.

I don’t think so. As soon as he realized his precious wheels weren’t parked where he left them, he’d go to the police and drop us right in it. And our fingerprints are all over it.

He’d been right, Alex thought. There was no love lost between the Laddies fi’ Kirkcaldy and the two Englishmen who shared their sixroom campus house. There was no way Henry would see the funny side of Weird helping himself to the Land Rover. Henry didn’t see the funny side of much that his housemates did. So, Ziggy wouldn’t tell. That was for sure.

But Mondo just might. Alex hoped Ziggy’s warning had penetrated Mondo’s self-absorption enough for him to think through the consequences. Telling the cops about Weird helping himself to someone else’s car wouldn’t get Mondo off the hook. It would only put all four of them firmly on it. Besides, he’d been driving it himself, taking that lassie home to Guardbridge. For once in your life, think it through, Mondo.

Now, if it was a thinker you wanted, Ziggy was your man. Behind the apparent openness, the easy charm and the quick intellect, there was a lot more going on than anyone knew. Alex had been pals with Ziggy for nine and a half years, and he felt as though he’d only scratched the surface. Ziggy was the one who would surprise you with an insight, knock you off balance with a question, make you look at something through fresh eyes because he’d twisted the world like a Rubik’s Cube and seen it differently. Alex knew one or two things about Ziggy that he felt pretty sure were still hidden from Mondo and Weird. That was because Ziggy had wanted him to know, and because Ziggy knew his secrets would always be safe with Alex.

He imagined how Ziggy would be with his interrogators. He’d seem relaxed, calm, at ease with himself. If anyone could persuade the cops that their involvement with the body on Hallow Hill was entirely innocent, it was Ziggy.

Detective Inspector Barney Maclennan threw his damp coat over the nearest chair in CID office. It was about the size of a primary school classroom, bigger than they normally needed. St. Andrews wasn’t high on Fife Constabulary’s list of crime hotspots, and that was reflected in their staffing levels. Maclennan was head of CID out at the edge of the empire not because he lacked ambition but because he was a fully paid-up member of the awkward squad, the sort of bolshie copper senior officers liked best at a distance. Normally, he chafed at the lack of anything interesting to keep him occupied, but that didn’t mean he welcomed the murder of a young lassie on his patch.

They’d got an ID right away. The pub Rosie Duff worked in was an occasional drop-in for some of the uniformed boys, and PC Jimmy Lawson, the first man at the locus, had recognized her immediately. Like most of the men at the scene, he’d looked shell-shocked and nauseous. Maclennan couldn’t remember the last time they’d had a murder on his patch that hadn’t been a straightforward domestic; these lads hadn’t seen enough to harden them to the sight they’d come upon on the snowy hilltop. Come to that, he’d only seen a couple of murder victims himself, and never anything quite as pathetic as the abused body of Rosie Duff.

According to the police surgeon, it looked as if she’d been raped and stabbed in the lower abdomen. A single, vicious blow carving its lethal track upward through her gut. And it had probably taken her quite a while to die. Just thinking about it made Maclennan want to lay hands on the man responsible and beat the crap out of him. At times like this, the law felt more like a hindrance than a help when it came to achieving

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