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Depraved: A True Story of Sadistic Murder in the Heartland
Depraved: A True Story of Sadistic Murder in the Heartland
Depraved: A True Story of Sadistic Murder in the Heartland
Ebook263 pages4 hours

Depraved: A True Story of Sadistic Murder in the Heartland

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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John Edward Robinson was a 56-year-old grandfather from rural Kansas. An entrepreneur and Eagle Scout, he was even honored as "Man of the Year" at a Kansas City charity. To some of the women he met on the Internet, he was known as Slavemaster--a sexual deviate with a taste for sadomasochistic rituals of extreme domination and torture ... even killing.

Masquerading as a philanthropist, he promised women money and adventure. For fifteen years, he trawled the Web, snaring unsuspecting women. They were never seen again. But in the summer of 2000, the decomposed remains of two women were discovered in barrels on Robinson's farm, and three other bodies were found in storage units. Yet the depths of Robinson's bloodlust didn't end there. For authorities, the unspeakable criminal trail of Slavemaster was just beginning...

Depraved is a true story of sadistic murder in the Heartland, told by true crime master John Glatt.

Release dateApr 1, 2007

John Glatt

English-born JOHN GLATT is the Edgar-award nominated author of more than thirty books including The Lost Girls and My Sweet Angel, and has over thirty years of experience as an investigative journalist in England and America. He has appeared on television and radio programs all over the world, including Dateline NBC, Fox News, ABC’s 20/20, BBC World News, and A&E Biography.

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Rating: 2.6666666666666665 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Well researched, hard to put down.
    First time reading Mr. Glatt's work, and
    can't wait to read more. Adding him to my True
    Crime list.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    After finding this book in a book donation drive for my Kiwanis club, it looked interesting enough to 'borrow' and then return to the club. However, it wasn't what I expected it to be.

    After reading True Crime novels by literary masters like Capote, this book left a lot to be desired. Although the events in the book are tragic and horrible (and sadly completely true), the telling of this tale was so poor it was difficult to get through only 240 page book.

    I'm still deciding it if it was how the facts were laid out, or just the writing style of the author I found so disagreeable, but when it comes down to it, I don't care to give this book any more thought than I already have.

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Depraved - John Glatt


SUMMER had come early to Kansas. By 9:00 a.m. on Memorial Day, 2000, temperatures were already in the eighties and would peak at ninety-two degrees. It was the prelude to an unrelenting heat wave, which would claim many lives in one of the hottest Kansas summers on record.

There were few people out in the hazy early morning sunshine in Olathe, the prim, proper Johnson County seat of government, situated twenty miles south of Kansas City off I-35, which slices through Kansas and Missouri like a knife. And there was hardly any traffic as the full-sized Dodge pick-up careered around the off-ramp from I-35 to turn right onto Sante Fe, Olathe’s main commercial artery of shabby strip malls and fast-food restaurants.

Although most people were looking forward to a quiet, leisurely Memorial Day with their families, John Edward Robinson Sr. had more weighty matters on his mind. The bespectacled 56-year-old grandfather had to keep up appearances. As usual he would attend his own annual barbecue, a tradition on the Santa Barbara Estates, which was managed by his wife, Nancy Jo. But he would merely be going through the motions, making small talk and being gregarious.

For John Robinson was under siege. An elite squad of detectives and FBI agents believed him to be one of the most prolific serial murderers at large in America. And they were closing in for the kill. Indeed some primitive animal instinct told Robinson that his days of freedom were numbered. But why should it spoil his traditional Memorial Day celebrations? It would be a challenge to show the detectives that he had the upper hand. They were playing out of their league and he would outsmart them, as he always had in the past.

Robinson favored a Western macho look, wearing denim jeans and cowboy hats or, when it suited his purpose, preppy golf attire. His warm, winning smile had fooled many people over the years. At first it appeared charming, but on closer inspection it revealed a deep streak of arrogant superiority, just beneath the surface.

Robinson’s many lives were assiduously compartmentalized, like the perfect filing systems he had once designed during his days running his own businesses. He had turned dissembling into an art form, constructing a crazed patchwork quilt of personas. But recently things had not gone according to plan.

Over the last few weeks he had sensed them getting closer and closer. Ironic, he would think, this new feeling of pursuit.

To family, friends and neighbors he was a mild-mannered, one-time entrepreneur, at present down on his luck, who could always be counted on for a helping hand. Once active in the local scouts and various sporting associations, he was proud of his civic accomplishments and loved to boast about them at any opportunity.

But in the underground world of bondage, domination and sadomasochism (BDSM), police say he was The Slavemaster, a supreme master’s master of the black arts of torture and whipping. No depths of depravity would satisfy him.

He had spent a long night on his computer and felt weary, as he drew up outside the Price Chopper supermarket on Sante Fe, to buy hot dogs, hamburgers and charcoal briquettes. But his thoughts were apparently on less mundane matters, because, as several women would later testify, he was finalizing plans to bring more playmates to Kansas City over the summer. Like all the others, they would happily fly across the country to satisfy their craving for bondage at his experienced hands.

The immaculately laid-out Santa Barbara Estates models itself on a Southern California–style resort, boasting street names like Palo Alto, Pasadena, Palm Springs and Monterrey Lane—where the Robinsons lived at #36. Nancy Robinson had been managing the upscale trailer park for five years, soon establishing a stern reputation, alienating some of the residents with her aggressive behavior.

Her husband John kept a far lower profile, mostly staying inside their smart double-trailer or doing odd jobs around the estate. If he wasn’t out working on his garden, he would spend his days in his trailer office on the computer, the shades always drawn. When anyone asked what he was doing, he would explain that he was setting up a new Website for the mobile home community.

But exactly what he did for a living remained a mystery. The Robinsons lived well, with a farm in the country, several cars and a truck, even the occasional foreign vacation. Every Christmas and Halloween Robinson spent hours festively decorating his prized garden and the outside of his trailer. One year he had even dressed up as Santa Claus for the Santa Barbara kids.

But there was an undercurrent of gossip about him on the estate. It was said that he had propositioned several female neighbors, and one thirteen-year-old girl would later claim that the balding Robinson had made creepy remarks of a sexual nature to her.

By early afternoon John was hard at work setting up the barbecue at the side of the swimming pool next to his wife’s office. The pool was the social hub of the estate, with its reclining beach chairs and umbrellas that gave it the look of a luxury hotel.

John Robinson seemed in a particularly jovial mood, wearing a golf shirt over his growing paunch, and tight swimming trunks. Some would later remember him as the life and soul of the barbecue, cracking jokes as he prepared an endless stream of chicken wings, hot dogs and hamburgers.

Even the detectives, watching his every move through long-range cameras, were secretly impressed by his coolness. They wondered whether he’d be quite so happy when they soon moved in to arrest him.

But as the sun beat down through the gathering clouds, Robinson didn’t appear to have a care in the world, outside of burning the hamburgers.



JOHN Edward Robinson was born on December 27, 1943, in the Chicago suburb of Cicero, Illinois, the third of five children. His father, Henry Robinson Sr., worked as a machinist for Western Electric and his mother Alberta was a homemaker, bringing up John, his elder brother Henry Jr., younger brother Donald and sisters Jo Ann and Mary Ellen. The Robinsons were a typical family in Cicero, a largely blue-collar neighborhood on the western border of Chicago.

Cicero has a long and distinguished tradition of crime, dating back to the Civil War. Bribery and corruption had always been rife among police officials and politicians, who aligned themselves with criminals and prospered from rum-selling, robbery and prostitution.

The human scum of a hundred cities swarmed [in] from all over the country, noted local historian, Herb Asbury.

Cicero became world-famous as the headquarters of legendary gangster Al Capone, who ran his criminal empire from the old Hawthorne Arms Hotel on 22nd Street, just a few blocks away from where John Robinson was born.

Brooklyn-bred Scarface Capone was first drafted into Chicago in 1919 by underworld boss Johnny Torrio, to help run the rackets. A year later came Prohibition and, operating out of Cicero, Capone turned illegal alcohol into a multi-million-dollar business. It took Capone just five years to transform Chicago into the crime capital of America, with a chain of speakeasies, supplying willing patrons around the clock with prostitutes, gambling, illegal whiskey and beer.

In 1924, when Henry Robinson Sr. was eight years old, police chased Al Capone down Cicero Avenue, killing his brother Frank in a hail of bullets. A year later Capone hit back when the body of Assistant State’s Attorney General William H. McSwiggin was found dumped on a Cicero street.

Capone’s infamous Hawthorne Inn fortress had steel-shuttered windows, electronically operated doors and squads of fully-armed sentries. It would become the blueprint for all mob hideouts in the newly popular gangster movies that John Robinson loved as a young boy.

Al Capone’s reign finally ended when he was found guilty of tax evasion and sent to Alcatraz. On his release in November 1939 he moved to a secluded Florida estate, where he died a broken man seven years later of paresis, a brain-destroying disease caused by syphilis.

As John Robinson grew up, his parents would capture his vivid imagination with their own thrilling recollections of Capone and the Chicago gang. The Mafia and corruption were still part of everyday life in Cicero, and as a small boy John set his sights on becoming a gangster if the priesthood didn’t pan out.

Most hard-working Cicero residents liked the Mafia, which was seen as reassuring insurance against street crime by outsiders. The general feeling was that the gangsters were good to the kids and only hurt their own kind.

It was a staunchly working-class town with corner bars and elm tree–lined streets, where men carried lunch pails to work and returned home at 5:00 p.m. after a hard day to find their dinner on the table. Years later John Robinson would tell a Kansas Department of Corrections psychiatrist that his father was a binge-drinker who left it to Alberta to discipline the children.

At the heart of Cicero was the Sportsman Park Racetrack, which drew gamblers and drinkers from all over Chicago. The monotonous strains of the track announcer on the public address system could be heard blocks away, and became part of Cicero folklore.

Growing up in the post-war years, John Robinson knew the streets of Cicero well, often walking past Capone’s now-faded Hawthorne Hotel. His father worked nearby at the Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne Works, its huge towering smokestacks belching thick black smoke into the sky, often obscuring the sun.

It was a bleak, depressing place to grow up in and there were few opportunities for an ambitious boy like John Robinson to break out into the world outside.

One escape was the Boy Scouts and his father, who was active in the Chicago scouting scene, encouraged the twelve-year-old to join Pack 259, which was sponsored by the Holy Name Society of Mary Queen of Heaven Roman Catholic Church.

There wasn’t much to do in Cicero, said James Krcmarik, who belonged to the same scout group. Scouts were the way out for us to get swimming, canoeing and the outdoors.

Krcmarik remembers John Robinson as a weedy little guy who was quiet and nondescript. He was a loner with few friends but already felt superior to everyone else and was not afraid to tell them so.

In the fall of 1957, the cherubic-faced Robinson seemed to live up to his boasts when he was accepted at the prestigious Quigley Preparatory Seminary. The Chicago Tribune even reported the story, citing his scholastic ability, scouting experience and poise. This was quite an achievement for a working-class Cicero boy and the Robinson family was very proud.

The Quigley Seminary was in the very center of downtown Chicago and resembled an imposing gothic cathedral. Just a stone’s throw away from the landmark Water Tower, it was founded in 1905 by Archbishop James E. Quigley with a mission to educate the city’s future priests. It would later become one of the top schools of its kind in America.

In the beginning there were just fifty-two high school freshmen, but by the mid-fifties when Robinson enrolled, the student body had grown to over 1300. Plans were already underway to enlarge it even further with a new high school, which was finally completed in 1961.

The seminary provided a five-year course for young Catholic boys looking for a good education before joining the priesthood. Robinson often spoke of having a true vocation, saying that one day he wanted to serve the Vatican. Even as a boy John Robinson had a silver tongue and could argue convincingly about anything.

On November 3, 1957, Robinson, who was senior patrol leader of his troop, was named an Eagle Scout along with James Krcmarik—the only two Cicero scouts to attain this ultimate scouting achievement. To make Eagle, both boys had had to pass a total of twenty merit badges, including mandatory ones in nature, first aid, swimming, lifesaving, canoeing and rowing.

There was a big ceremony for the new Eagle Scouts at the J. Sterling Morton High School in Cicero, which was attended by John Robinson’s proud parents. Making the presentation, Leland D. Cornell, scout executive of the Chicago Boy Scout Council, told the 126 new Eagle Scouts, from all over the Chicago area, that they were elite future leaders.

The kind of a city that Chicago will be is in your hands, he declared. It can be beautiful or ugly, clean or filthy, honest or corrupt.

After the ceremony John Robinson proudly showed off his Eagle Scout badge to everybody and even upset some by his immodesty.

He was bragging to everyone that he was the youngest guy ever made Eagle Scout, remembers Krcmarik. "I said, ‘That’s fine, buddy. I don’t really care.’

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