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G. H. Ephron's gripping crime novels deal with fascinating psychological symptoms at work in the minds of murderers and their targets. In Obsessed, forensic neuropsychologist and expert defense witness Peter Zak is trying to help a coworker, Dr. Emily Ryan, who is being tormented by a stalker. She doesn't have any idea who it could be, and his acts have been escalating, to the point where he's breaking into her car and leaving sick messages.

Peter is increasingly worried about where the violence will end. And there is no lack of suspects, as the naive Emily seems to attract admirers blindly; from her colleagues at the Neuropsychiatric Unit where she is studying the brain and its disorders to the other doctors at the Pearce Psychiatric Institute, even Peter notices himself responding to her blond good looks and puppy dog eyes. Or, as suggested by Peter's friend P.I. Annie Squires, is Emily more aware of her appeal than she lets on?

When one of the potential suspects turns up dead, what started as a nuisance is suddenly much more complicated, and dangerous. Once again, G. H. Ephron delivers a complex, absorbing case that turns upon Peter's expert knowledge of human nature.

Release dateApr 1, 2007

G. H. Ephron

G.H. Ephron is a pseudonym for two writers, Hallie Ephron, a journalist, and Donald A. Davidoff, Ph.D., a practicing forensic psychologist. They are the authors of the Peter Zak mysteries, including Amnesia and Addiction. Both live in Massachusetts.

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    Obsessed - G. H. Ephron


    NAKED BULBS every twenty feet or so did a feeble job lighting the gloomy underground passageway that connects the two dozen buildings of the Pearce Psychiatric Institute. My footsteps echoed on the concrete floor. Even well into spring, the powdery cement walls held winter’s cold in their bones, and icy water dripped from the ceiling.

    I opened a door and emerged into deepening twilight. For once I wasn’t taking work home. I was meeting Annie Squires at eight at the Casablanca in Harvard Square. Mediterranean spices beckoned, plus a beautiful companion whose day hadn’t been spent dealing with hospital bureaucracy and five new admissions. It wasn’t a record for the Neuropsychiatric Unit—we’d once had nine in a single memorable day, nearly a fifty percent turnover. But five was enough to frazzle Gloria Alspag, the nurse in charge, which meant the rest of us got thoroughly frazzled as well.

    Dinner with Annie was just the antidote I needed. We’d share a good bottle of red wine, maybe a Ridge Zin. She’d tell me about her day—I knew she’d been planning to spend it tracking down and interviewing the associates of some millionaire businessman whom attorney Chip Ferguson was defending against charges of fraud. Maybe we’d split a bread pudding for dessert. Linger over some espresso. Come back to my house for a glass of port with its rich, almost chocolatey taste. Nice, but not nearly as nice as the taste of Annie. I felt the tingle of anticipation.

    I walked along the side of Rose Hall. The decommissioned—our euphemism for derelict—building had a red-brick façade and a handsome white-columned portico. Even though most of the buildings that graced the Olmsted-designed grounds had been built at the same time, each was unique. Rose Hall was Greek Revival, the building that housed the neuropsych unit was Victorian gingerbread with a mansard roof, the administration building resembled an Italian villa. Perhaps the founders of the Institute craved architectural diversity—or maybe it had been a board that couldn’t agree on anything. I’d been on more than a few of those myself.

    Patients and staff had long since moved out of Rose Hall as clinical units closed while cinderblock-and-glass research facilities opened. Now the first-floor windows were boarded. One of the sheets of plywood was painted white with a big black X across it, marking it for demolition.

    A side door was slightly ajar. When I got closer I could see a lock dangling from a hasp that had been pried loose. As a kid, I’d have found an open door to an abandoned building irresistible. I’d have rounded up Danny Ellentuck and we’d have set out to explore what we fervently hoped would turn out to be a haunted house.

    I’m not a kid anymore. I pulled the door open and peered inside. I tried not to inhale the mildew and rot. There was a rustling inside, as if something were scuttling about. Probably rodents.

    The door squealed as I pushed it shut, and I made a mental note to call Security and let them know the building needed to be secured. Again. Vandalism was a constant problem at the Pearce. For years we’d talked about setting up a checkpoint at the entrance gate, but that would have been like spitting in the ocean. Anyone could walk onto the grounds just about anywhere along the ten-plus-mile perimeter.

    I started down steps that were nothing more than timbers set into the side of the hill. That morning, I’d snagged one of the last spots near the lower end of the two-tiered parking lot. Now more spots were empty than taken and the place felt like a deserted stage set. Shadows from the surrounding trees stretched across the asphalt.

    I heard a high-pitched screech, pee-yah, and thought I saw something swoop across the parking lot. Now a breeze rattled the trees and undergrowth. The Pearce had a staff of twenty whose job it was to keep the encroaching woodland in its place. I put on my jacket and turned up the collar. Spring in New England didn’t mean warmth.

    I walked toward my car, a brand new silver Subaru WRX, which I was growing to hate. I passed Emily Ryan’s Miata. Emily was a post-doc I was supervising. She’d been working part-time with us for the last few months on a fellowship. Neat car, I thought as I took a detour to admire it. The red looked nearly black in the twilight. Not as sexy as a Corvette, or as classy as my deceased ’67 Beemer. I felt a pang just thinking about that car. No point in bellyaching. It had been totaled and no amount of sweat, wishing, or money was going to get it back.

    Yes indeedy, that Miata was pretty cool. I wondered if it had the leg room I needed. What the hell was I doing with a Subaru anyway? Contrary to what the nobs at the car magazines were saying, the WRX was not the hottest ride of the new century. For my money, it felt like plastic and drove like a windup toy. Only consolation was that finding replacement parts was a cinch.

    As I ran my hand over the Miata’s sleek front fender, something felt odd. It wasn’t smooth like I’d expected. I crouched to get a closer look. The entire length of the passenger side had been keyed. To some people, I suppose, a brand-new, shiny red car is as irresistible as an unbitten candy apple.

    Uneasiness seeped into my chest. The damage was recent—little curls of paint still adhered to the groove.

    I hung there, crouched. When it was your car, this was the kind of thing that made you sick to your stomach, then angry as hell. Then it frightened you as you wondered if it was random, the luck of the draw—or personal, and you were handpicked. I checked out the rest of the body, the headlights. One of the rear tires was nearly flat. Damn.

    I started across the parking lot and back up the steps, already refiguring my timeframe. Emily was probably still in her office. I’d find her, we’d call AAA, then I’d wait until the tire got fixed and she got off safely. I should still make it to the Casablanca in time to meet Annie.

    I hurried back through the tunnel and let myself into the building. I took the stairs two at a time up three flights and knocked on the door of the oversized closet where we parked post-docs. Office space was a scarce commodity. No answer.

    Emily, I called, knocking harder. I tried the knob. The door was locked.

    Maybe she was on the main floor. I took the elevator down. Gloria looked up from the nurse’s station—the broad counter surrounded by chart racks, file cabinets, and an assortment of mismatched chairs that serve as our hub and nerve center. Gloria’s day should have ended at five, but being her superconscientious self, she was still there slogging through unfinished paperwork and orienting the night shift to our new patients.

    You seen Emily Ryan? I asked.

    What’s wrong? Gloria stands small but mighty at about five-three, with close-cropped light brown hair and glasses. Very little gets past her.

    When I went out to get in my car I noticed she’s got a flat tire.

    "Her new car?"

    Like I said, very little gets past Gloria.

    Yeah. And someone keyed it all along one side.

    Gloria looked outraged. That’s awful. Security—she said the word with a snort of contempt—bet they were off somewhere busily handing out parking tickets. It was a sore spot with Gloria that five perfectly good parking spots alongside our building were marked NO PARKING. Emily left about forty-five minutes ago. She was wearing her running clothes. Carrying her briefcase and her work clothes.

    Forty-five minutes. She’d probably dropped her things in her car, stretched, and then gone for a run on one of the trails that snaked through the woods and across the lawns of the Pearce. She could be getting back to her car right now. She could easily miss the flat tire and start home, then end up broken down on the side of the road, might even ruin the wheel.

    I thanked Gloria and raced downstairs and out through the tunnel. I’d just reached the top of the stairs when I heard what sounded like a single clap, then a woman’s scream cut through the twilight, sending chills down my back.

    Goddamn you, you miserable sonofabitch, Emily screamed, backing away from her car. She stumbled over her own feet.

    The parking lot was now deep in shadow. I couldn’t make out another figure. Who was she talking to?

    You bastard. Oh, God, get away from me.

    Emily! I yelled, starting down the stairs.

    Stay away, she shrieked. She ran across the parking lot, heading for a stand of birch at the far end.

    Emily, it’s me, Peter, I shouted, flapping my arms.

    She froze for a moment. Then she ran straight at me and hurled herself into my arms, nearly knocking me over.

    Oh my God, he’s out there, she said, sobbing and shaking. Someone’s— She gave a startled leap. There, did you hear that? Over there. In the bushes?

    She held on to me tighter. I smelled sweat, and something else, like the inside of a tin can—fear.

    Whoever you are, I thundered in that general direction, the party’s over. Go away. Stop bothering her.

    Emily clung to me tenaciously. Tendrils of dark hair had come loose from her ponytail and were now stuck to the perspiration at the back of her neck. Though she was small and slight, Emily was anything but weak. She could move fast, and shoulder and back muscles rippled through her thin Lycra top as she pressed against me.

    I managed to pull out my cell phone and called Security. They picked up on the second ring. I asked them to send someone over right away.

    With my arm around her, I walked Emily back to her car. She put out a trembling hand and rested it on the open door on the passenger side. Her face had gone pale as chalk.

    The door was open when I came back, she said. She leaned into the car and felt around on the floor, on the seat. He took—oh, God, I don’t even know what he took. Some underwear. And I thought I left an earring on the seat.

    A helpless fury was building in my chest. The underbrush surrounding the parking lots was now in deep shadow. Was he waiting for her there? Lurking in Rose Hall? Or had he been there earlier, watching me, too?

    Oh no, Emily said groaning, touching the place where a key had been scraped along the car’s body.

    Your right rear tire’s flat, too, I said.

    She moaned.

    One of the white Pearce security vans pulled into the lot. An officer climbed out, keys jingling from a ring attached to his pants. He hooked his fingers over his belt and did a 360 after Emily told him what had happened. Then he got out a flashlight and walked the perimeter of the parking lot, shining the light into the trees and bushes.

    I think he was over there, I said, indicating where Emily said she’d heard a noise.

    The officer waded into the underbrush. He crashed around, strafing the area with his flashlight beam. Anyone or anything hiding out there would have had plenty of warning and time to relocate by now.

    When the guard reemerged, he took off his cap and scratched his head. I don’t see anyone now. We’ve had a couple of coyote sightings the last few weeks.

    Sounded more like the Wild West than suburban Boston. Coyotes don’t key cars and let the air out of tires, I said. I told him he ought to check Rose Hall. The side door had been jimmied open.

    He got out a notebook and wrote. Then he unhooked his walkie-talkie from his belt. I think we’d better have the police check this out.

    Please don’t, Emily said. She’d gone a shade paler as she touched her fingers to her throat.

    The guard and I looked at her in disbelief.

    It’s probably just kids, she said. Really, I don’t want to bother the police. They’ll make such a to-do about it.

    But— the guard started to protest.

    She put her hand on his sleeve. You do understand, don’t you?

    He looked at her uncertainly.

    Emily, are you sure you know what you’re doing? I asked. Why was she suddenly minimizing her obvious terror?

    I’ll be more careful, she assured us both. Get an alarm installed. Change the locks.

    The guard put his walkie-talkie back on his belt.

    You’ll file a report internally at least? I asked him.

    He nodded. As for you, little lady, I’d suggest you do your running when it’s still light. And you might get yourself a whistle.

    Little lady? Emily grumbled as we watched him drive off. What a jerk. She pulled a zippered sweatshirt off the floor of her car and put it on. She overlapped the front and crossed her arms. Why is this happening to me?

    I called AAA and asked them to send someone over to change the flat.

    Why didn’t you want to call the police? I asked while we waited.

    I just didn’t want to make a fuss. Stir things up.

    Stir what things up? I was about to ask when my cell phone beeped. I had a message waiting. Uh-oh, I thought with a jolt. I’d completely lost track of time. Annie had already been waiting for me at the restaurant for twenty minutes. I had no good explanation for why I hadn’t remembered to call her. I hadn’t been thinking.

    I dialed voice mail. The message was from Annie all right—but not what I’d expected to hear.

    Peter, sorry I’m late. I got tied up and lost track of time, Annie said. You should go ahead and eat. I’m not going to be able to make it. I’ll call you later at home.

    At first I was relieved. At least she hadn’t been sitting in the restaurant wondering where the hell I was. Then I felt irritation—though I knew I had no right. When I got past that, worry set in. It wasn’t like Annie to be late, never mind stand me up.

    I called her back. I tried her at home, at the office, and on her cell phone. In three places I left the same message: Don’t worry about it. Call me.

    You want me to follow you home? I asked Emily after the tire had been changed.

    No. Really, I’ll be okay. She rose on tiptoe and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. Thanks.

    Don’t mention it, I said.

    When I opened the driver-side door, I noticed an odd, almondy-sweet odor. A bottle of hand lotion was lying open next to the gas pedal and a puddle of white oozed onto the mat. I crouched and felt around for the top. I started to tell Emily what I’d found but the words died in my throat. Across the dash in white streaky letters someone had scrawled BITCH.


    I GOT to work late the next morning. I still hadn’t been able to reach Annie. I sprinted from my car, up the steps to the tunnel, barely registering the gorgeous spring day—air that smelled like cool, fresh water, trees just leafing out in that amazing lime-green color that lasts only until the first heat wave.

    I hoped Emily had managed to get some sleep. I wondered if she’d be up to working with patients. Thinking someone is out to get you, true or not, can have insidious consequences. I knew that from firsthand experience.

    A blast of warm, humid air greeted me when I unlocked the door to the unit. The pinkish basement walls seemed to shimmer like overheated flesh. It wasn’t that the a/c was on the fritz. The heating system never knew when to quit. I took the stairs up to the first floor and let myself out onto the unit.

    I ducked into the little room behind the nurses’ station, poured myself a cup of coffee. The mail hadn’t yet arrived. Gloria’s philodendron plant, nearly hacked to death a few months ago, was now thriving. Affectionately known as Audrey, its vines snaked from the pot, up and over the window and around a mirror. Between the heart-shaped leaves, my own dark eyes looked worried as they stared back at me from beneath a tumult of black eyebrow hair flecked white. I straightened my tie and cleaned my glasses.

    I walked down the corridor with its nine-foot-high ceilings, past the common room where sun streamed in through floor-to-ceiling windows behind the once-grand piano. It was a room that deserved a red velvet Victorian settee, gents’ and ladies’ chairs. Instead it had vinyl sofas and molded plastic chairs, a fiberboard bookcase, and a large-screen TV. There was mesh screening over the windows—today’s psychiatric hospital’s stand-in for bars.

    If it isn’t the hero of the hour, my colleague and resident fashion consultant Dr. Kwan Liu announced when I arrived at the conference room. He was looking his usual spiffy self in a custom-made charcoal suit and red tie, his dark hair gleaming. Heard you rescued a damsel in distress last night.

    Never mind him, said Gloria. Security sent out a bulletin for everyone to be on the alert for an intruder. What happened?

    I told Kwan and Gloria how I’d found Emily in the parking lot. How her car had been vandalized and she’d been terrified, convinced that someone was taunting her from the shadows.

    A stalker. Gloria breathed out the word.

    You think so? Kwan asked.

    It looks that way, I said. Someone got into her car. Wrote ‘bitch’ on the dash and took some stuff—underwear and an earring.

    Creepy, Gloria said, fingering one of the tiny gold hoops in her own ears. Gloria rarely wore jewelry. She might even have been wearing a touch of lipstick. Is she okay?

    She’s fine, came a voice from the doorway. It was Emily Ryan, leaning her head wearily on the doorjamb. She had on a navy blue suit, the jacket buttoned. The clothes were a somber contrast to the dark hair tied back in a ponytail. Between her Miata, the preppy outfits, and her all-American good looks, you’d have thought Emily came from somewhere like Connecticut and money. But she didn’t. The scar on her cheek and more on her arms were the only visible traces of a hardscrabble childhood in central California. Her father, a trucker, had been mostly absent while her mother struggled to keep them all fed. Somehow Emily had managed to lift herself out and put herself through school.

    She gave a half-smile, not wide enough to turn on the dimples at either side of her mouth. Her complexion seemed even more pale today, and she had smudges under her eyes. She walked over and settled into a spot at the table.

    You get any sleep? I asked.

    Can I get you some coffee? Kwan offered.

    You sure you’re okay? Gloria asked.

    Listen, you guys are great, Emily said, looking at each of us and turning up the smile, and I appreciate your concern. But I can take care of myself.

    No one’s saying you can’t, Gloria said. We’re a team here. If one of us is hurting, we’re all in trouble.

    You can’t do this kind of work if you’re afraid, Kwan added.

    Emily’s smile vanished. I’ve been managing so far.

    This wasn’t the first time? Gloria asked.

    Emily looked down at the table. She shook her head.

    Gloria moved into the chair and put her arm around Emily. How long?

    A few weeks. Maybe a couple of months.

    A couple of months? I wondered why she hadn’t mentioned that to me or to the security guard last night.

    Phone calls late at night. I think someone’s been following me to my car in the garage at the MRI lab. I’ve been asking one of the guys over there to walk me out.

    That was disturbing. Emily had a half-time clinical fellowship with us and a half-time research fellowship at a magnetic resonance imaging lab near Central Square. Whoever the stalker was, he was following her there, too.

    Emily got up, went to the window, and stared out. "It’s so infuriating. I hate that it’s made me change my life. I used to run at Fresh Pond, but halfway around it’s pretty isolated. I realized if he was there, I’d be a goner. He’d drag me off and— Emily shivered. That’s why I started running here at the Pearce. I figure there’s more people, there’s Security. Hell, they tow your car in about thirty seconds if you park where you’re not supposed to. She bit her thumbnail. I felt safe."

    Emily didn’t look as if she felt safe now. For the moment she looked small and vulnerable, a little girl in dress-up clothes.

    Kwan was massaging his chin as he listened. Gloria reached out and squeezed Emily’s hand.

    Any idea who it might be? Gloria asked. Your ex?

    Kyle wouldn’t, no way.

    Someone you broke up with? I asked.

    A couple of months ago.

    Isn’t that when you said this all started? Gloria said.

    Yeah, but Kyle? I just don’t think he’s the type.

    What type of person got his jollies from following a woman? Vandalizing her car? Taking her belongings? I knew what the literature said. Most often a stalker was an ex-partner who couldn’t accept the end of a relationship. Or a suitor whose overtures had been spurned. Celebrities got stalked by adoring fans. And like the rest of us working in mental health, Emily’s occupation put her at a higher-than-average risk of crossing paths with an individual capable of forming an obsessive attachment.

    I’d never been stalked by a patient, but I had been stalked by a man I helped defend. Ralston Bridges had been on trial for murdering a woman he’d met in a bar. He’d blown up at me when I suggested an insanity plea, banged his fist on the table and bellowed, I’m not insane. No one calls me that and gets away with it. Then he’d turned off the emotion like a faucet. And besides, he’d said with the supreme confidence of a man who’d gotten away with murder before and expected to do so again, he didn’t need anyone to convince the jury that he was

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