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The Lock Artist: A Novel
The Lock Artist: A Novel
The Lock Artist: A Novel
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The Lock Artist: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Steve Hamilton steps away from his Edgar Award-winning Alex McKnight series to introduce a unique new character, unlike anyone you've ever seen in the world of crime fiction.

"I was the Miracle Boy, once upon a time. Later on, the Milford Mute. The Golden Boy. The Young Ghost. The Kid. The Boxman. The Lock Artist. That was all me.

But you can call me Mike."

Marked by tragedy, traumatized at the age of eight, Michael, now eighteen, is no ordinary young man. Besides not uttering a single word in ten years, he discovers the one thing he can somehow do better than anyone else. Whether it's a locked door without a key, a padlock with no combination, or even an eight-hundred pound safe ... he can open them all.

It's an unforgivable talent. A talent that will make young Michael a hot commodity with the wrong people and, whether he likes it or not, push him ever close to a life of crime. Until he finally sees his chance to escape, and with one desperate gamble risks everything to come back home to the only person he ever loved, and to unlock the secret that has kept him silent for so long.

The Lock Artist is the winner of the 2011 Edgar Award for Best Novel and a 2011 Alex Award winner.

Release dateJan 5, 2010
The Lock Artist: A Novel

Steve Hamilton

Steve Hamilton was born and raised in Detroit, and graduated from the University of Michigan where he won the prestigious Hopwood Award for fiction. In 2006, he won the Michigan Author Award for his outstanding body of work. His novels have won numerous awards and media acclaim beginning with the very first in the Alex McKnight series, A Cold Day in Paradise, which won the Private Eye Writers of America/St. Martin's Press Award for Best First Mystery by an Unpublished Writer. Once published, it went on to win the MWA Edgar and the PWA Shamus Awards for Best First Novel, and was short-listed for the Anthony and Barry Awards. His book The Lock Artist is the winner of the 2011 Edgar Award for Best Novel. Hamilton currently works for IBM in upstate New York where he lives with his wife Julia and their two children.

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Reviews for The Lock Artist

Rating: 3.9371859708542716 out of 5 stars

398 ratings46 reviews

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Readers find this title to have a slow start but become captivating as the story progresses. The adventure, heart, and well-told original story make it a true page-turner. The book maintains a good pace with elements of mystery, hurt, love, and redemption. It never gets boring, even during detailed safecracking scenes.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very good book. I'm not normally a mystery/thriller reader but this one was recommended by author Maggie Stiefvater. It's about a young boy who through a traumatic experience early on in life has lost the ability to speak. He finds he is talented at opening locks which inadvertently leads him unwillingly into a life of crime.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Book Description"I was the Miracle Boy, once upon a time. Later on, the Milford Mute. The Golden Boy. The Young Ghost. The Kid. The Boxman. The Lock Artist. That was all me.But you can call me Mike."Marked by tragedy, traumatized at the age of eight, Michael, now eighteen, is no ordinary young man. Besides not uttering a single word in ten years, he discovers the one thing he can somehow do better than anyone else. Whether it's a locked door without a key, a padlock with no combination, or even an eight-hundred pound safe ... he can open them all.It's an unforgivable talent. A talent that will make young Michael a hot commodity with the wrong people and, whether he likes it or not, push him ever close to a life of crime. Until he finally sees his chance to escape, and with one desperate gamble risks everything to come back home to the only person he ever loved, and to unlock the secret that has kept him silent for so long.My ReviewThis standalone crime fiction was a fascinating story which switched between different time periods. I listened to the audio and it held my interest all the way through to the end. The narrator, MacLeod Andrews, did an excellent job reading the book aloud. I never read Steve Hamilton before but I found this book to be well-written. I look forward to reading more of his books in the near future. I especially enjoyed the relationship between Michael and Amelia and how they communicated without Michael speaking. I would highly recommend this book to those who love crime fiction with a hint of romance.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    While I enjoy Mr. Hamilton's series, this novel impressed me even more. Great main character, fascinating story, and I was convinced he was telling me how to pick locks (he wasn't, as he explains in a note.)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Highly original story well told. What else can I say
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Adventure, heart, and a nicely designed story. A true page-turner in every way.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book very much, it had a good pace, mystery, hurt, love, and redemption. And it never got boring, not even on the pages dedicated to safecracking step by step.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book started out very slow for me. Hard time allowing the words to paint the pictures in my mind. Reading small amounts and setting it aside. Then, roughly a third of the way in, something sparked and I read the rest in two sittings. Very glad I powered through as it was a very good back half to the story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton is one of those stories that pulls you along gently and then delivers a total kick to the gut, leaving you gasping for breath and wondering how you never saw it coming. Our protagonist, Michael, has a most unusual talent: he can pick any lock, open any safe, unlock anything locked. It is a talent which, at 18, draws Michael inevitably into the criminal world.

    However, lock picking is not the only unusual thing about Michael. He hasn’t spoken a word in 10 years, traumatized by some horrific event that Hamilton dangles just out of the reader’s reach throughout the story. We follow Michael from his uncle’s garage, through a meeting with the one girl who just might save his life, through a botched robbery that leaves him imprisoned, until we finally arrive at that gut-kicking moment, when Hamilton reveals what caused Michael to go silent and influenced his peculiar talent.

    Tightly plotted and beautifully written, The Lock Artist deservedly won the Edgar Award for 2010 and truly is one of the best of the year. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Well, looks like I read this in 2011 - no recollection of that!This is the story of a young boy who is rendered mute after a horrific instance in his life when he was quite young. We don't find out the actual event until very late in the book. Michael is a talented artist as well as someone who is very adept at picking locks. This lock-picking talent gets him involved with a seedy crowd. Along the way, he meets Amelia, who is also an artist. Through pictures they tell their story to each other. It is told mainly in flashbacks, and you get a bit more of Michael's story through each chapter.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Really enjoyed this - a bit of skipping back & forth in time but it was not annoying. Shades of Shawshank Redemption by S. King with a touch of the main character from Darkly Dreaming Dexter (in self-awareness, not hobby).
    I recommend!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Author Steve Hamilton has created a unique character in “The Lock Artist.” Michael is only 17, but is a gifted artist and can open just about any lock or safe he confronts. In addition, due to a tragic event in his past, he hasn’t spoken a single word in 10 years.The story is told in the first person and jumps between time periods and events. Michael’s backstory unfolds slowly throughout the book until one finally learns about his tragic past, the reason he doesn’t speak, and why he is fascinated with locks. Because he doesn’t speak, he is an outsider in high school. Due to a lack of proper upbringing, he is also naive. He is easily manipulated by boys in the in-crowd who use Michael's skills to break into a house. Michael is the only one who is caught but refuses to tell the names of the others involved, not just because he can’t speak, because he could have written their names, but because he chooses not to rat on them. As a result he is assigned by his probation officer to work for the victim of his crime who ends up plunging the boy into even deeper trouble. However, Michael will do anything to protect the girl he loves. As a result, Michael is immersed in dangerous situations. This book was a page-turner. Hamilton did a great job of portraying a character who was unable to speak. I found the character strange, but also intriguing —an unusual protagonist. Even when Michael was committing crimes, I was rooting for him. So far, I have read 3 Steve Hamilton novels, each with different characters. The other two were good reads which they took place in recent years, yet they were reminiscent of the era of hard-boiled detective novels. “The Lock Artist” seemed more contemporary to me. The plot and main characters were so unusual and gripping, that I was riveted to the pages.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hamilton structures a quirky and innovative thriller around a young safecracker- or boxman- who has not spoken a word since a traumatic incident in his childhood. Raised in a rundown part of Michigan, Michael, named by the press "The Miracle Boy", finds amusement in opening locks he buys in a neighborhood antique shop. Indulging his love of drawing or spinning the chambers of the locks, Michael develops a unique skill that will prove invaluable to men who seek to exploit his talent. As Michael tells his story in chapters that alternate between the conflicts of the present and his past, from the days with comic books, drawing pads and Uncle Lido to a stint on probation, circumstances conspire to send the youth on a troubled road. Michael doesn't confide the exact nature of the tragedy that caused him to stop speaking, a fact that contributes to the mystery of his character, a young man who walks a solitary path, making the few choices available to him. And when fate delivers Amelia into his life, Michael senses his one chance at intimacy with another, a vague but promising future.

    Shifting between the traumatic events of the past and the challenges of the present, Hamilton reveals the effects of trauma and poverty on an innocent child, a child who is not only a survivor but a young man of exceptional courage. There are no happy endings in this tale, but an example of the human spirit in the face of adversity and the healing power of love, even in the most extreme circumstances. Shocking, poignant and provocative, this unusual story is a blend of reality and hope in an indifferent world

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Lock Artist has been on my radar ever since I heard Steve Hamilton talk about it at a local author event. Now... if only my reaction to the book hadn't been so mixed. Michael is a fantastic character, make no bones about it. Showing how those around him deal with someone who doesn't speak illuminates both Michael's character and theirs. Unfortunately, most of them seem to think he's some sort of freak, and once they learn what his talent is, all they can think of is how to exploit his skill at opening any sort of lock he's faced with. Michael is the sort of young man you root for. You want him to get away from the bad guys. You want him to find the peace and happiness he deserves. Because he is a good person trapped in the aftermath of the horrendous things that happened when he was eight years old. Michael behaves as though he has some sort of survivor's guilt, that he deserves whatever happens to him. That trauma seems to have stolen his will, and that's one thing that drove me nuts about The Lock Artist.The other thing is the glacial unfolding of the story. It seemed to take forever for the story to finally arrive at the point where we learn what happened to Michael all those years ago, and once we find out what happened, a lot of Michael's behavior makes sense. Unfortunately, I'd begun to lose patience with the young man long before the reveal, which undoubtedly says more about me than it does the book. How many times does it take for a person to grow a spine and learn how to refuse to do something he knows is wrong? I know teenagers yearn for acceptance from their peers, but when those peers are repeatedly shown to be entitled jerks who don't care about anyone but themselves, how long does it take for the light bulb to go off over a person's head? In Michael's case, a long, long time.Between the extremely slow pace and my exasperation with Michael, my enjoyment of The Lock Artist was blunted. However, your mileage may definitely vary-- especially if you have more patience than I do. Steve Hamilton has created a fantastic main character whom I shall remember for a long time, no matter how much he exasperated me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Audible. Interesting premise. Kid with traumatic childhood. He is an artist (comics and picking locks). Back and forth story to put the pieces together. Not great. But a fun read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a really good book and not the kind of thing I usually listen to. Mostly because I haven't known how to find it, I think. This is a straight up, modern fiction.

    I found this one because I like the narrator. He has read a series I liked and I was hoping that what he likes to read is stuff that I like to listen to. I wasn't disappointed.

    I became fond of the characters. I like Mike and would invite him to dinner. I'm still wondering what's going on with his uncle, Lido. By the time I found out what caused him to lose his voice, I was too wrapped up in the story to "look away" from the bad stuff. But there was another part where I had to pause and catch my breath before I could finish.

    I will be looking for more by Steve Hamilton.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was an interesting read. It was really well written. The premise of the plot was a great idea. The execution of that premise missed the mark by a fair amount. I listened to the audio version and the reader was also amazing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My first Steve Hamilton, and it won’t be my last.

    While reading this novel, I started thinking about literary devices, namely telling a story backwards: telling me who the culprit was but not who was killed and why, jumping back and forth, and then slowly explaining the details.

    What draw me in in the first place was not the protagonist, but the novel’s structure. Hamilton divided the narrative into chunks apparently without taking notice of events, but with an eye to narrative tension and dramatic effect. Off the top of my head I can't think of many other crime novels organized in this way. Nevertheless various narrative threads in this novel are pitch perfect, as well as being able to deepen the connection between structure, protagonist and subject matter (hopping between three timelines: present day, where Michael is reaching the end of his jail time, the series of events that led him to learn how to unlock a safe and his brief history as a professional safe cracker).

    You can read the rest of this review on my blog.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    While the main character is locked up inside of himself and unable to speak due to a traumatic event in his early years, he eventually learns how to crack open doors, safes, and anything else designed to stay secure. It's an interesting mix of psychology and mystery along with a complicated love story that kept me interested in learning more about how everyone got to the point at which they had arrived in life and wondering where they'd go.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I didn't find that this was one of my favorite reads, however, it wasn't the worst that I've ever read either. I felt like the story was a little long and drawn out and believe that a lot of it could have been omitted and still not take anything away from the story. Had that been the case, I may have enjoyed it a little more.

    I usually don't mind the story jumping back and forth through time, but for some reason, I found it slightly difficult to follow with The Lock Artist. For as much story that was there, I still felt like I didn't know enough. I did enjoy the story coming from Michael's perspective, but didn't care for the drastic jumps in time. Sometimes it was difficult to tell what part of Michael's life he was talking about and for it to make sense with everything else that has happened.

    There were not many likable characters, if any in this story. I find it hard to even want to follow the characters if you have difficulty enjoying reading about them, which ended up being the case with most of this book's characters. I don't feel like we weren't educated enough on Michael to feel like you could have a relationship with his character. I felt like there were many things left to the imagination. I do feel like Michael was a unique character, but I found myself easily getting aggravated with him!

    I just feel like the story never really truly connected with Michael, the main character and I just could not feel like I was invested with the story or characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The author managed to keep a mute bloke interesting during a novel. Is that true? It partially is. To others, it will be doubly so. But I will say it only once, a mute traumatized outlaw isn't fun. There's a lack of any way shape or form of humor in this book. Some might say there's dark humor, but I don't agree because there's never a set up for a joke. It's one full treatment, a mild thriller caked in dreary attempts at cohesion.The childhood of Mike is like a footnote. The brief glimpse in his trauma clumsily shoves his artistic roots in our way. There are some apparently easy analogy to draw from. The fact that Mike is still in his safe, and the chink in the door allows him to concentrate and be deaf to any sound other than the clunk in the grooves of his real life safes.Where the hell did Lucy go? She's dead? Or not? Is she?One other weird glitch in the author's exploration of his main two persons is the prudish lack of even suggestions of sexual acts. I have no problem with that, in fact is a breath of fresh air. However, the story suffers in a certain lack of details, notably with the father figures of Lito and Ghost. There's a misbegotten sense of fatalism with the career choice of the hero. He got owned by one of the mob. Then when the mute Mike and his gang hit 4 million, he is free... where to draw the line here? When is it safe to buy one's freedom in this universe the writer has spun for us?I forget how many times has Mike neglected the orders of Ghost. Some readers could take that Mike cannot know how to respond to a father figure. He is not stupid. He is good with numbers and art and he's the best boxman. The author wants us to side with Mike. He starves literally in the service of his craft. The world of Mike is clearly pseudo realistic at times but other times it's too fake. Like how so many people lie about how Mike's muteness is cool. Anyway I guess they lie. In truth they could be feeling nothing or sorry for him.Maybe it was cruel and fateful to make a criminal of Mike. He inexplicably can navigate through the length and breath of the country, but loses sight of his best friend. The obstacles and limitation in the path of the main protagonist should make sense. Otherwise the lecture of the story does not become as immersive as it could have. Though I'm still wondering about the Lucy character, I still agree with the treatment of Nadine. Almost all of the people in this book have a strong entry and definite exit. Lito, Banks, Nadine, Zeke. All of them. The hero remains alone.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not on our lists but I thought of it when I read Rat Life. Not meant to be a YA book but ALA recognition in that area. A very good author if you have not found him.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    At the very beginning of this story we learn that Michael, its first-person narrator, had something terrible happen to him as an eight-year old and he subsequently became known in his native Michigan as ‘Miracle Boy’. Although he has physically healed following this event he has not uttered a word since the day of the event. In the same opening sequence we find out Michael has been in prison for more than nine years; since he was 18 years old. What unfolds following this, in a complicated non-linear fashion, is Michael’s journey from one point to the other.

    Michael is re-telling his story from his vantage point in prison but he can’t, at first, go right back to the ‘awful event’. Instead he has three fairly distinct narratives that unfold a little bit at a time in intervening, short segments. The first of these strands covers the period immediately following ‘the event’ when he is taken in by his uncle Leo, begins the slow recovery process and undergoes the seemingly endless round of counselling and testing that would inevitably follow such a thing. Then there is a strand dealing with his move from being a junior to a senior in high school and his previously hidden talent, as someone who can pick locks, becomes more widely known. This is also when he meets Amelia, his true love, and begins an unorthodox, speechless ‘conversation’ with her that lasts, on and off, for the rest of the book. The final strand covers the period when he prematurely finishes school and becomes the box man (safe cracker and lock picker) for a loosely connected network of criminals.

    Although complicated, I managed to follow this structure easily enough once I got into its rhythm and it did allow the story to build up suspense. I do wonder though if it was part of the reason the book felt unnecessarily long, as there were some things that were repeated in each distinct narrative thread that really only needed to be told once. For example, I reached my limit of interest in the mechanics of lock picking and safe opening well before the end of the book.

    The only character depicted with any depth at all in this book is Michael so as a reader you have to find him pretty compelling to be fully engaged with the novel. For me this happened most successfully when he met Amelia and demonstrated the lengths he would go to for her protection. As he described the creative communication method they developed because Michael couldn’t speak I got a real sense of him, his thoughts and feelings. For the rest of the novel though I found him a very passive character, describing things that were done to him or events beyond his control and not really acknowledging his own role in events. While at times this was realistic at other times it felt a bit like a cop out and lessened my engagement with him as a character.

    I found The Lock Artist entertaining, even if I am not as overwhelmed by it as some of its reviewers. I liked the structure and the ‘coming of age’ element of Michael’s story but was less captivated by those parts of the story that dealt with his unique talent and the trouble it caused him. The forced coincidences of these events and Michael’s passive involvement lessened my overall enjoyment of the book just a little. MacLeod Andrews did a great job narrating the book, managing to make his voice ‘age’ subtly for the different narrative threads. Still this is probably not an audiobook I would recommend to listening novices as these kinds of non-linear plots can take a little getting used to in audio format.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I. Loved. This. Book. It won the Edgar Award for best novel in 2011 and that was well deserved.The title character is a young man who does not speak. Not a word. Not to anyone. But the one thing he does with ease is open any lock. Safe, padlock, deadbolt? He can open them all. And when word of his talent gets to the wrong people, he becomes a hot commodity. Tense, eerie and compelling. Very good book!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It's sort of like a detective novel in reverse: you know who did it, but you keep reading to figure out what it was he did. In this case, there are two mysteries: what Michael did to land in jail and what traumatized him when he was a boy?5 stars:-Michael is the type of character who draws you in and makes you want to keep reading. Even though he's mute, his narrative voice is compelling with just the right amount of sarcasm to keep you engaged. The supporting characters and Amelia, Michael's love interest, are interesting and well-developed, too.-Intriguing subject matter. A prodigy safecracker/artist who's mute and has a mysterious past...who could ask for more?-The writing is top-notch. I really enjoyed the author's writing style (strong narrator, tight phrasing, great dialogue, quickly moving plot). I also appreciated the fact that he explained the technical aspects of safecracking clearly. He didn't resort to diagrams but I was still able to visualize what he was talking about. However, while these passages were well-written, there were a few too many of them/they got a bit redundant.-Hamilton executes the multiple timeline thing well. It works with the story instead of coming across as an annoying literary device of an author who is trying too hard.This book reminded me of the parts I liked about Beat the Reaper without all the extraneous violence. Overall, I'm really glad I happened to stumble across this book. I finished it in a weekend and was sad to do so.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    If this had been an audio book, I would have looked to see if I had accidently set the CD player to “shuffle.” Bouncing back and forth from the present to the past, characters are alive and then dead, and then alive again. But maybe they weren’t really dead, after all. After a traumatic incident that leaves Michael mute at the age of eight, he becomes “The Miracle Boy.” We finally do find out what happened to him, what destroyed his life and would shape his future, but by that time, it almost becomes secondary in importance. The author’s style of writing, in the first person of Michael, is quite staccato in nature, which may fit the juvenile Mike but is just annoying in his 10-year-older self. Perhaps if the characters had been more likable, or if the novel had had a definite conclusion, it would have been a more enjoyable read. It had potential to be gripping, but somehow never achieved that status.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I think this book would be very appealing to teens. A pretty good story with some interesting characters, but not what I was expecting from reading the reviews.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I think this is one of those things where an author who does a successful mystery series decides to tackle a stand-alone that is more, well, I don't want to say literary because I don't think series mysteries have to be un-literary by definition, but that's what I'm talking about.The basic plot is there's this teenage kid who has an amazing aptitude for picking locks and cracking safes, who finds himself quite the commodity in unsavory circles, and he has a Mysterious Past which is slowly revealed over the course of the book. The plot didn't quite hang together for me. It seemed like there were some important loose ends, and the motivation was all over the place -- sometimes things happened for reasons and sometimes at random, which sounds like real life, only they weren't consistent within the internal world of the story, they often felt too forced and there for the purpose of moving the plot and that's intrusive if you notice it too much while you're in the middle of reading it.But what I really liked was the voice, the main character was someone you enjoyed spending time with, and wanted to cheer for. Grade: B, but a very enjoyable BRecommended: This would be a good read for a time when you want something that will hook you while you're actually reading, if you're prepared not to mull too hard over it later.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic book. About a boy who experiences extreme trauma as a child and as a result is mute. Finds he has a facility with picking locks and results in a path of crime. Great book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "The Lock Artist" is a stand-alone novel by Steve Hamilton. I like SH; I have read at least four of his Michigan PI novels. LA has been nominated for a number of awards, and I thought it was good, but I don't share the enthusiasm of the book nominators. Briefly, it's about a young boy, who loses his parents in a tragic accident, although the details are not totally clear. The accident leaves him mute. He is raised by an uncle. Along the way, he learns to open locks and eventually goes from the challenge of opening gym locks to becoming a safe-cracker. And he meets some unsavory characters along the way, and one particularly savory one, Amelia. What happens to him becomes known to the reader in the very first few pages - a "big" decision by the author that didn't work for me. Halfway through, I felt the story was really lagging - the novelty of the kid's situation had worn off for me, and I was put off by all the time jumps in the story. Now most of these flashbacks in other novels leap about 30 years; in this book, the leap for the most part was six months or so on each side of Y2K. Remember that? It became unnecessarily confusing because time and place and people didn't change much in these jumps. And I didn't care that much for the characters, there were none I really cared about, nor became interested in. I found the protagonist a bit dull. There were some good action scenes but they were not good enough to warrant the attention this book has received. And SH, just as he has often done in his PI series, again concludes with a True Love conquers all wrap up.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I can see why this won an Alex Award - it's got a lot of teen appeal and I'd try it on teens who like crime fiction or mysteries like John Green's Paper Towns. Macleod Andrews does a fine job of narrating, but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

Book preview

The Lock Artist - Steve Hamilton


Locked Up Tight for Another Day

You may remember me. Think back. The summer of 1990. I know that’s a while ago, but the wire services picked up the story and I was in every newspaper in the country. Even if you didn’t read the story, you probably heard about me. From one of your neighbors, somebody you worked with, or if you’re younger, from somebody at school. They called me the Miracle Boy. A few other names, too, names thought up by copy editors or newscasters trying to outdo one another. I saw Boy Wonder in one of the old clippings. Terror Tyke, that was another one, even though I was eight years old at the time. But it was the Miracle Boy that stuck.

I stayed in the news for two or three days, but even when the cameras and the reporters moved on to something else, mine was the kind of story that stuck with you. You felt bad for me. How could you not? If you had young kids of your own back then, you held them a little tighter. If you were a kid yourself, you didn’t sleep right for a week.

In the end, all you could do was wish me well. You hoped that I had found a new life somewhere. You hoped that because I was so young, somehow this would have protected me, made it not so horrible. That I’d be able to get over it, maybe even put the whole thing behind me. Children being so adaptable and flexible and durable, in ways that adults could never be. That whole business. It’s what you hoped, anyway, if you even took the time to think about me the real person and not just the young face in the news story.

People sent me cards and letters back then. A few of them had drawings made by children. Wishing me well. Wishing me a happy future. Some people even tried to visit me at my new home. Apparently, they’d come looking for me in Milford, Michigan, thinking they could just stop anybody on the street and ask where to find me. For what reason, exactly? I guess they thought I must have some kind of special powers to have lived through that day in June. What those powers might be, or what these people thought I could do for them, I couldn’t even imagine.

In the years since then, what happened? I grew up. I came to believe in love at first sight. I tried my hand at a few things, and if I was any good at it, that meant it had to be either totally useless or else totally against the law. That goes a long way toward explaining why I’m wearing this stylish orange jumpsuit right now, and why I’ve been wearing it every single day for the past nine years.

I don’t think it’s doing me any good to be here. Me or anybody else. It’s kind of ironic, though, that the worst thing I ever did, on paper at least, was the one thing I don’t regret. Not at all.

In the meantime, as long as I’m here, I figure what the hell, I’ll take a look back at everything. I’ll write it all down. Which, if I’m going to do it, is really the only way I can tell the story. I have no other choice, because as you may or may not know, in all the things I’ve done in the past years, there’s one particular thing I haven’t done. I haven’t spoken one single word out loud.

That’s a whole story in itself, of course. This thing that has kept me silent for all of these years. Locked up here inside me, ever since that day. I cannot let go of it. So I cannot speak. I cannot make a sound.

Here, though, on the page . . . it can be like we’re sitting together at a bar somewhere, just you and me, having a long talk. Yeah, I like that. You and me sitting at a bar, just talking. Or rather me talking and you listening. What a switch that would be. I mean, you’d really be listening. Because I’ve noticed how most people don’t know how to listen. Believe me. Most of the time they’re just waiting for the other person to shut up so they can start talking again. But you . . . hell, you’re just as good a listener as I am. You’re sitting there, hanging on every word I say. When I get to the bad parts, you hang in there with me and you let me get it out. You don’t judge me right off the bat. I’m not saying you’re going to forgive everything. I sure as hell don’t forgive it all myself. But at least you’ll be willing to hear me out, and in the end to try to understand me. That’s all I can ask, right?

Problem is, where do I begin? If I go right to the sob story, it’ll feel like I’m already trying to excuse everything I did. If I go to the hardcore stuff first, you’ll think I’m some sort of born criminal. You’ll write me off before I get the chance to make my case.

So maybe I’ll kind of skip around, if you don’t mind. How the first real jobs I was involved with went down. How it felt to be growing up as the Miracle Boy. How it all came together that one summer. How I met Amelia. How I found my unforgivable talent. How I got myself heading down the wrong road. Maybe you’ll look at that and decide that I didn’t have much choice. Maybe you’ll decide that you would have done exactly the same thing.

The one thing I can’t do is start off on that day in June of 1990. I can’t go there yet. No matter how hard other people have tried to convince me, and believe me, there were a lot of them and they tried pretty damned hard . . . I can’t start there because I already feel claustrophobic enough in here. Some days it’s all I can do to keep breathing. But maybe one of these days as I’m writing, I’ll get to it and I’ll think to myself, okay, today’s the day. Today you can face it. No warm-up needed. Just go back to that day and let it fly. You’re eight years old. You hear the sound outside the door. And—

Damn, this is even harder than I thought.

I had to take a little break, get up and walk around a little bit, which around here isn’t very far. I left the cell and walked down through the common area, used the main bathroom and brushed my teeth. There was a new guy in there, someone who doesn’t know anything about me yet. When he said hey to me, I knew I had to be careful. Not answering people might be considered rude on the outside. In here, it could be taken as disrespect. If I were in a really bad place, I’d probably be dead by now. Even in here, in this place, it’s a constant challenge for me.

I did what I usually do. Two fingers of my right hand pointing to my throat, then a slashing motion. No words coming out of here, pal. No disrespect intended. I obviously made it back alive because I’m still writing.

So hang on, because this is my story if you’re ready for it. I was the Miracle Boy, once upon a time. Later on, the Milford Mute. The Golden Boy. The Young Ghost. The Kid. The Boxman. The Lock Artist. That was all me.

But you can call me Mike.


Outside Philadelphia

September 1999

So there I was, on my way to my first real job. I’d been on the road for two days straight, ever since leaving home. That old motorcycle had broken down just as I crossed the Pennsylvania state line. I hated to leave it there on the side of the road, after all it had given me. The freedom. The feeling that I could jump on the thing and outrun anything at a moment’s notice. But what the hell else choice did I have?

I took the bags off the back and stuck my thumb out. You try hitchhiking when you can’t speak. Go ahead, try it sometime. The first three people who stopped for me just couldn’t deal with it. It didn’t matter how nice my face was or how used up I might have looked after all those lonely miles. You’d think I’d stop being surprised by how freaked out people get when they meet a man who is always silent.

So it took a while to get there. Two days since the call and a lot of trouble and hardship. Then I finally show up, tired and hungry and filthy. Talk about making a good first impression.

This was the Blue Crew. These were the guys the Ghost called steady and reliable. Not quite as top of the heap, but professional. Even if they were a little rough around the edges sometimes. Like most New York guys. That’s all I’d been told about them. I was about to find out the rest for myself.

They were holed up in a little one-story motor court just outside of Malvern, Pennsylvania. It wasn’t the worst place I’d ever seen, but I guess if you were stuck there for an extra day or two, it would start to get to you. Especially if you were trying to keep a low profile, ordering pizzas instead of going out, passing a bottle back and forth instead of seeing what the local bars had to offer. Whatever the reason, they weren’t all that happy when I finally showed up.

There were only two of them. I didn’t think I’d find such a small crew, but there they were, both staying in the same room. Which I’m sure didn’t help their mood any. The man who answered the door was the man who seemed to be the leader. He was bald and maybe twenty pounds overweight, but he looked strong enough to put me right through the window. He spoke with a pronounced New Yorker accent.

Who are you? He stared me down for five seconds, then it hit him. "Wait a minute, are you the guy we’ve been waiting for? Get in here!"

He pulled me inside and shut the door.

You’re kidding me, right? This is a joke?

The other man was sitting at the table, in the middle of a hand of gin rummy. What’s with the kid?

This is the boxman we’ve been waiting for. Can’t you tell?

What is he, like twelve years old?

How old are you, kid?

I put up ten fingers, then eight more. I wouldn’t turn eighteen for another four months, but I figured what the hell. Close enough.

They said you don’t talk much. I guess they were telling the truth.

The fuck took you so long, the man at the table said. His accent was a lot thicker than the first guy’s. So thick it sounded like he was standing on a Brooklyn street corner. I nicknamed him Brooklyn in my mind. I knew I’d never get real names.

I put my right thumb up, moving it slowly from side to side.

You had to hitchhike? Are you kidding me?

I put my hands up. No choice, guys.

You look like shit, the first man said. Do you need to take a shower or something?

That sounded like a great idea to me. So I took a shower and rummaged through my bag for some clean clothes. I felt almost human again when I was done. When I stepped back into the room, I could tell that they had been talking about me.

Tonight’s our last chance, Manhattan said. That was the nickname I’d already settled on for the leader. If they had brought three more guys with them, we could have covered all five boroughs. Are you sure you’re up for this?

Our man comes back home tomorrow morning, Brooklyn said. If we don’t hit him now, this whole trip’s a fucking waste.

I nodded. I understand, guys. What else do you want from me?

You really don’t talk, Manhattan said. I mean, they weren’t pulling my chain. You really don’t say one freaking word.

I shook my head.

Can you open the man’s safe?

I nodded.

That’s all we need to know.

Brooklyn didn’t look quite as convinced, but for now he didn’t have much choice. They had been waiting for their boxman. And their boxman was me.

About three hours later, after the sun had gone, I was sitting in the back of a panel van marked ELITE RENOVATIONS. Manhattan was driving. Brooklyn was riding shotgun, turning every few minutes or so to look at me. It was something I knew I’d have to get accustomed to. It was like the Ghost had said, these guys had already done all of the legwork, had scouted out their target, had watched their man’s every move, had planned the whole operation from beginning to end. Me, I was just the specialist, brought in at the last minute to do my part. It didn’t help that I looked like I hadn’t even started shaving yet, and that beyond that I was some kind of mutant freak who couldn’t even say one word out loud.

So yeah. I didn’t blame them for being a little skeptical.

From what I could see out the front windows, it looked like we were heading into some prime real estate. This must have been the Main Line I’d heard about. The old-money suburbs west of Philadelphia. We passed private schools with great stone archways guarding the entrances. We passed Villanova University, sitting high on a hill. I found myself wondering if they had a good art school. We passed a long sloping lawn with strings of lights and white furniture set out for some sort of party. All of it in a world I’d never get to see in any legal, legitimate way.

We kept going until we hit Bryn Mawr, past another college I didn’t catch the name of, until we finally took a right off of the main road. The houses started to get bigger and bigger, yet still there was nobody to stop us. No uniformed men with tin badges and clipboards to check our credentials. That was the thing about these old-money houses. They were built years before anyone ever dreamed of gated communities.

Manhattan pulled the van into the long driveway, drove it all the way back, past the loop that would have taken us to the front door, instead going around to the back of the house, where there was a large paved area and what looked to be a five-car garage. The two men put on their surgical gloves. I took the pair they gave me and put them in my pocket. I had never tried doing any of this with gloves on, and I wasn’t about to experiment now. Manhattan seemed to make a mental note of my bare hands but didn’t say anything about it.

We got out of the van and made our way across a large veranda to the back door. There was a thick line of pine trees surrounding the backyard. A motion sensor light snapped on as soon as we got close to the house, but nobody flinched. The light did nothing but welcome us, anyway. Right this way, sirs. Let me show you fine gentlemen exactly where you’re going.

The two men paused at the door, obviously waiting for me to perform the first of my specialties. I took the leather case out of my back pocket and got to work. I chose a tension bar and slipped that into the bottom of the keyhole. Then I took out a thin diamond pick and started in on the pins. Feeling my way through those pins, back to front, pushing each pin up just enough for it to catch against the shear line. I knew that on a house like this, the lock would have to have mushroom pins at the very least. Maybe even serrated pins. When I had all the false sets done, I worked my way through them again, bumping each pin up another tiny fraction of an inch, keeping the tension exactly right. Shutting out every other thing in my mind. The men standing around me. The simple fact of what I was doing here. The night itself. It was just me and those five little pieces of metal.

One pin set. Two pins set. Three. Four. Five.

I felt the whole cylinder give now. I pressed harder on the tension bar and the whole thing turned. Whatever doubts these men may have had about me, I had just passed the first test.

Manhattan pushed in past me, going right for the alarm station. This was the part they needed to have worked out already on their own. There were so many elements that could be compromised in an electronic alarm system. Bypassing the magnetic sensors on a door or window. Disabling the entire system itself or just disconnecting it from its dedicated phone line. Hell, even getting to the person who was sitting in the alarm company’s control room. As soon as you have a real live human in the loop, things get easier, especially if that real live human being is earning $6.50 an hour.

Somehow these guys knew the pass code already, which is the simplest way of all. They might have had a connection inside the house. Either a housekeeper or a service man. Or else they had just watched the owner closely enough, with enough magnification to see the buttons as he pressed them. However they did it, they had the number, and it took Manhattan all of five seconds to turn the whole system off.

He gave us the thumbs-up, and Brooklyn split off to keep watch or whatever else he was supposed to be doing. This was obviously routine for them. Something they felt totally comfortable with. Me? I was in my own little zone now. That warm little buzz, the way my heart rate would speed up until it was finally in sync with that constant bass drum inside my head. The fear I lived with every second of every day finally draining away from me. Everything peaceful and normal and in perfect tune, for just those few precious minutes.

Manhattan gave me a little wave to follow him. We walked through the house, as perfect a house as I had ever seen. It was decorated more for comfort than for show. A huge television with chairs you could disappear into. A fully stocked bar with glasses hanging from a rack, a mirror, bar stools, the works. We went up the stairs, down the hallway, and into the master bedroom. Manhattan seemed to know exactly where to go. We ended up in one of the two big walk-in closets, rows of expensive dark suits on one side, expensive casual clothes on the other side. Shoes arranged neatly on their slanted platform. Belts and ties hanging on some kind of electric contraption. Press the button and they would all start rotating into view.

Of course, we weren’t here for the belts and ties. Manhattan carefully slid some of the suits aside. I could see the faint rectangular outline in the back wall. Manhattan pushed on it and it popped open. Inside that door was the safe.

He stood aside for me. Once again, my turn.

This is where they really needed me. They could have gotten through that back door if they had really wanted to. It might have taken them a little longer, but these were smart, resourceful men, and they would have found a way. The safe? This was a different matter. It was one thing to find out the security code for the whole house, but the combination to the safe hidden in the master bedroom closet? No, that would live only inside the owner’s head. Maybe in the wife’s head. Maybe in one other person’s head, a trusted confidant or the family lawyer, in case of emergency. Beyond that . . . well, you could go ahead and find the owner, tape him to a chair and stick a gun in his mouth, but then you’d have a whole different kind of operation. If you wanted to do this clean, then you needed a boxman to get you into that safe. A bad boxman would probably end up cutting through the wall and dragging the safe right out. A better boxman would leave it in the wall and use a drill. A great boxman . . . well, that’s exactly what I was hoping to demonstrate.

The problem was—and I was glad Manhattan didn’t know this—up until that point in my young life, I had never once opened a wall safe. I mean, I knew it was the same idea. It’s just a regular safe built into a wall, right? But I had learned on freestanding safes, where I could really get my body up next to them and feel what I was doing. As the Ghost had said so many times, when he was teaching me how to do this . . . It’s like seducing a woman. Touching her in just the right way. Knowing what was going on inside of her. How do you do that if every part of the woman except her face is hidden behind a wall?

I shook out my hands and stepped up to the dial. I tried the handle first, made sure the damned thing was actually locked. It was.

I could see the Chicago brand plate, so I dialed the two tryout combinations, the preset combinations that the safes are shipped with. You’d be amazed how many people never change them.

No luck on either of those. This was a conscientious safe owner who set his own combination. So now it was time to go to work.

I pressed myself against the wall, putting my cheek against the safe’s front door. I was already assuming three wheels, but it was my first time, after all, so I wanted to make sure. I found the contact area, that area on the dial where the nose of the lever was coming into contact with the notch on the drive cam. Once I had that, I parked all the wheels on the opposite side of the dial, then spun back the opposite way, counting all of the pickups.

One. Two. Three. Then I was clear. Three wheels.

I spun back, parked all the wheels at 0. Then I went back to the contact area.

This was the hard part. This was the almost impossible, should-be-impossible part. Because of the fact that no wheel can be exactly, exactly round and no two wheels can be exactly, exactly the same size as each other, you’re going to have some imperfect contact when you pass over the open notches on each wheel. It’s just unavoidable, no matter how well the safe is built. So when you’re sitting over a notch and you go back to the contact area, it’s going to feel a little different. A little shorter as that nose dips down a little farther on the drive cam.

On a cheap safe? You can feel it like a pothole on a smooth road. On a good safe? A good, expensive safe like the man who owned this house would have built into his closet?

The difference would be so small. So tinier than tiny.

I parked at 3. Then at 6. Then at 9. Going by threes to start out with, testing each time. Waiting for that different feel to come to me. That slightest shortening in the contact area. Such a fine difference that no normal human being could ever perceive it. Absolutely never ever in a thousand years.

12. Yes. I was close.

Okay, keep going. 15, 18, 21.

I worked my way around the dial, spinning quickly when I could, slowing down when I needed to feel every millionth of an inch. I heard Manhattan shifting his weight around behind me. I put up one hand, and he was still again.

24. 27. Yes. There.

How do I know?

I just know. When it’s shorter, it’s shorter. I just feel it.

Or something beyond feeling it, really. That little piece of hard metal touches the notch a hair width’s sooner than the last time around, and I can feel it, hear it, see it in my mind.

When I had finished the dial, I had three rough numbers in my head. I went back and narrowed those down until they were exact, moving by ones this time instead of threes. When I was done with that, I had the three numbers in the combination, 13, 26, 72.

The last step is a little bit of grunt work. There’s no other way to do it but to grind right through them. So start with 13-26-72, then switch the first two, then the second and last, and so on, until you’ve worked your way through all six possibilities. Six being a lot better than a million, which is how many combinations you’d have to go through if you couldn’t find out those numbers.

Today’s combination ended up being 26-72-13. Total time to open the safe? About twenty-five minutes.

I turned the handle and pulled the door open. I made sure I was watching Manhattan’s face as I did that.

Fuck me, he said. You can just fuck me with a stick right now.

I stepped aside and let him do what he needed to do. I had no idea what he was hoping to find in there. Jewels? Hard cash? I saw him pull out about a dozen envelopes, those brown paper envelopes that are just a little bit bigger than business size.

We got ’em. We’re ready to roll.

I closed up the safe and spun the dial. Manhattan was right behind me with a white rag, wiping everything down. Then he swung the outer door shut and slid the suits back in place.

He turned the light off. We retraced our steps down the stairs. Brooklyn was in the living room, looking out the front window.

Don’t tell me, he said.

Right here, Manhattan said, holding up the envelopes.

Are you shitting me? He looked over at me with an odd little smile. Is our boy here like a genius or something?

Or something. Let’s roll.

Manhattan keyed in the security code to rearm the alarm system. Then he closed the back door behind us and wiped off the knob.

This is why they called me. This is why they waited around for a kid they’d never met before to ride halfway across the country. Because with me on the job, they leave absolutely no trace behind them. The owner of this house would come back the next day, open the door, and find everything exactly as he had left it. He would go upstairs, take some clothes out of his closet, turn the light back off. Only when it was time to go into that safe would he dial his combination and open that door and see . . .


Even then, he wouldn’t comprehend what had happened. Not right away. He’d fumble around for a while, thinking that he must be mistaken. That he must be losing his mind. He’d accuse his wife next. You’re the only person in the world who knows the combination! Or else he’d call the family lawyer, put him on the spot. We were gone for a week, eh? You decided to make a little visit to our house?

Finally, it would dawn on him. Somebody else had been here. By that time, Manhattan and Brooklyn would be safely back home, and I’d be . . .

I’d be wherever it was that I went next.

I never did find out what was in those envelopes. I didn’t care, not in the least. I knew going in that it was a flat fee job. When we were back at the motor court, Manhattan gave me the cash and told me it had been a real pleasure seeing me work.

I had some more money now, at least. Enough to eat for a while, to think about finding a place to stay. But how long would that money last?

He peeled off the magnetic ELITE RENOVATIONS sign from each side of the van and put those in the back. He took a screwdriver and undid the Pennsylvania license plates and replaced them with New York plates. He was about to get behind the wheel when I stopped him.

What is it, kid?

I took out an imaginary wallet from my back pocket, made like I was opening it.

What, you lost your wallet? Go buy a new one. You’re flush now.

I shook my head, pretended to take a card out of that same imaginary wallet.

You lost your ID? Just go back to where you came from. They’ll give you a new one.

I shook my head again. I pointed to that invisible card in my hand.

You need . . .

Finally, the lightbulb went off.

"You need a new ID. As in, a whole new fucking identity."

I nodded my head.

Oh, shit. That’s a whole different deal right there.

I leaned in close, put one hand on his shoulder. Come on, friend. You gotta help me out here.

Look, he said. We know who you work for. I mean, we’re gonna send him his cut, right? That’s how this deal works. We’re not gonna stiff him, believe me. So if you got a problem like that, why don’t you go back home and get it straightened out there?

How could I explain this to him? Even if I could speak? This strange sort of limbo I was in now. I was a dog who couldn’t go home, who didn’t have a place on his master’s floor. Or even in his backyard. I had to stay on the run, scrounging for scraps in the garbage cans.

Until he finally called me. When the master stuck his head out the door and called my name, you better believe I had to go running back to him.

Look, I know a guy, he said. I mean, if you’re really in a jam.

He took out his own wallet, pulled out a business card and then a pen. He turned the card over and started writing on it.

You call this guy and he’ll—

He stopped writing and looked up at me.

Oh yeah. That might be tough. I guess you should probably just go see him in person, eh?

I took out the money he had just given me and started peeling off bills.

Wait, wait. Stop.

He turned around and looked at Brooklyn. They exchanged a couple of shrugs.

I’d ask you to promise not to tell my boss, he said, but somehow I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem.

I got in the back of their van. That’s how I ended up in New York.




Back up a little bit. Not all the way back. Just to when I was nine years old. Right after it happened. By that time, I was pronounced more or less physically recovered, except for that one little oddity they couldn’t quite figure out. The not talking business. After being shuffled around to a few different beds, I was finally allowed to go live with my uncle Lito. The man who had such a studly Italian lover’s name, even though he was anything but. He did have black hair, but it always looked like he was one month overdue for a trim. He had long sideburns, too. They were turning gray, and from the amount of time he spent fussing with them in the mirror, he must have thought they were his best asset. Looking back, those sideburns, the clothes he wore . . . hell, the whole combination would have been impossible if he had ever gotten married. Any woman in the world would have blown him right up and started from scratch.

Uncle Lito was my father’s older brother. He didn’t look anything at all like my father. Not even close. I never asked him if either or both of them had been adopted. I think the question would have made him uncomfortable. Especially now that he was the only brother left. He lived in a little town called Milford, up in Oakland County, northwest of Detroit. I’d never spent much time with him when I was little, and even when I did see him, I don’t remember him ever taking much interest in me. But after everything happened, hell, it had obviously changed him somewhat, even though he wasn’t directly involved. It was his brother, for God’s sake. His brother and his sister-in-law. And here I was, his nephew . . . eight years old then and officially homeless. The State of Michigan would have taken me away otherwise, put me God knows where with God knows whom. It’s hard to even imagine how my life would have worked out if that had happened. Maybe I’d be a model citizen right now. Or maybe I’d be dead. Who knows? The way it worked out, it was Uncle Lito who took me to his house in Milford, about fifty miles away from that little brick house on Victoria Street. Fifty miles away from that place where my young life should have ended. After a few months giving it a try, they let him sign the papers and he became my legal guardian.

I know he didn’t have to do it. He didn’t have to do anything for me. If you ever hear me complain about the man, don’t lose sight of that bottom line, okay? Here’s the first problem, though. If you want to start your life over, you need to move more than fifty miles away. Fifty miles is not far enough to get away from your old life, or to avoid having everyone you meet still know you as the person you were.

It’s not nearly far enough if you’ve already become famous for something you want to forget forever.

And the town of Milford itself . . . well, I know it’s a yuppie little exurb now, but back then it was still just a working-class little hick town with a Main Street that ran cockeyed under a railroad bridge. No matter how many flashing lights and big yellow signs they put up, they probably averaged two or three accidents every month. Just from the drunken idiots who couldn’t negotiate that sudden little jog in the road that took you within inches of the concrete embankments. Hell, just my uncle’s customers alone . . . because his liquor store was right next to the bridge. Lito’s Liquors. On the other side was a restaurant called the Flame. If you’ve ever eaten at a Denny’s, just imagine that same dining experience except with food that’s about half as good. You’d think I wouldn’t have ever eaten there more than once, like most people, but because the Flame was so close to the liquor store, and because there was this one waitress my uncle had a thing for. Anyway, it sounds like an old joke, but if there was anything that would have ever gotten me to finally speak up, it would have been the food at the

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