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Vulcan's Workshop
Vulcan's Workshop
Vulcan's Workshop
Ebook55 pages44 minutes

Vulcan's Workshop

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Release dateNov 15, 2013
Vulcan's Workshop

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    Vulcan's Workshop - Harl Vincent

    The Project Gutenberg EBook of Vulcan's Workshop, by Harl Vincent

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    Title: Vulcan's Workshop

    Author: Harl Vincent

    Release Date: July 5, 2009 [EBook #29321]

    Language: English


    Produced by Greg Weeks and the Online Distributed

    Proofreading Team at

    Vulcan's Workshop

    By Harl Vincent

    Transcriber's Note: This e-text was produced from Astounding Stories, June, 1932. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.

    Savagely cursing, Luke Fenton reeled backward from the porthole, his great hairy paws clapped over his eyes. No one had warned him, and he did not know that total blindness might result from gazing too earnestly into the sun's unscreened flaming orb, especially with that body not more than twenty million miles distant in space.

    He did not know, in fact, that the ethership was that close: Luke had

    Mighty Luke Fenton swaggers defiantly in Vulcan's Workshop, most frightful of Martian prisons.

    not the faintest notion of the vast distances of the universe or of the absence of air in space which permitted the full intensity of the dazzling rays to strike into his optics unfiltered save by the thick but clear glass which covered the port. He knew only that the sun, evidently very near, was many times its usual size and of infinitely greater brilliance. And he was painfully aware of the fact that the fantastically enlarged and blazing body had seared his eyeballs and caused the floating black spots which now completely obscured his vision.

    Stumbling in his blindness, he fell across the hard cot that was the sole article of furniture in the cell he had occupied for more than two weeks. Lying there half dazed and with splitting head, he cursed the guard who had opened the inner cover of the port; cursed anew the fish-eyed Martian judge who had sentenced him to a term in Vulcan's Workshop.

    Several of Luke's thirty-eight years had been spent in jails and sundry other penal institutions devised by Earthman and Martian for the punishment of offenders against the laws of organized society. And yet they had failed to break his defiant spirit or to convince him of the infallibility of his creed that might makes right. Nor had they taken from him the gorillalike strength that was in his broad squat body, the magnificent brute lustihood that made him a terror to police and citizen alike. Instead, the many periods of incarceration had only served to increase his hatred of mankind and his contempt of the forces of law and order. Especially was he contemptuous of the book-learning that gave the authorities their power.

    As the pain back of his eyes abated, Luke could see dimly the shaft of light that slanted down from the porthole to the bare steel floor. His sight was returning, yet he lay there still, growling in his throat, his mind occupied with thoughts of his checkered past.

    Steel-worker, mechanic, roustabout, he had worked in most of the populous cities of Earth and had managed to get into serious trouble wherever he went. It was his boast that he had never killed a man except in fair fight. And yet, at thirty, finding himself wanted by the police of a half dozen cities of Earth, he had signed up in the black gang of a tramp ethership bound for Mars, knowing he would never return and caring

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