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Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small
and Other Hymns of To-Day
Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small
and Other Hymns of To-Day
Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small
and Other Hymns of To-Day
Ebook44 pages17 minutes

Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small and Other Hymns of To-Day

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Release dateNov 26, 2013
Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small
and Other Hymns of To-Day

Henry Van Dyke

Henry Van Dyke (1928–2011) was born in Allegan, Michigan, and grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, where his parents were professors at Alabama State College. He served in the Army in occupied Germany, playing flute in the 427th Marching Band. There he abandoned his early ambition to become a concert pianist and began to write. In 1958, after attending the University of Michigan on the G.I. Bill and living in Ann Arbor, he moved to New York, where he spent the rest of his life. Henry taught creative writing part-time at Kent State University from 1969 until his retirement in 1993, and was the author of four novels, including Blood of Strawberries, a sequel to Ladies of the Rachmaninoff Eyes.

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    Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small and Other Hymns of To-Day - Henry Van Dyke

    Project Gutenberg's Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small, by Henry Van Dyke

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    Title: Thy Sea is Great, Our Boats are Small

           and Other Hymns of To-Day

    Author: Henry Van Dyke

    Release Date: July 5, 2013 [EBook #43094]

    Language: English


    Produced by Stephen Hutcheson

    Thy Sea is Great

    Our Boats are Small


    Other Hymns

    of To-Day



    New York Chicago

    Fleming H. Revell Company

    London and Edinburgh

    Copyright, 1922, by


    Printed in United States of America

    New York: 158 Fifth Avenue

    Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave.

    London: 21 Paternoster Square

    Edinburgh: 75 Princes Street


    These verses are simple expressions of common Christian feelings and desires in this present time,—hymns of today that may be sung together by people who know the thought of the age, and are not afraid that any truth of science will destroy religion, or any revolution on earth overthrow the kingdom of heaven. Therefore these are hymns of trust and joy and hope.

    In the writing, each of them has followed

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