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International Law
International Law
International Law
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International Law

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International Law

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    International Law - George Fox Tucker

    The Project Gutenberg eBook, International Law, by George Grafton Wilson and George Fox Tucker

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    Title: International Law

    Author: George Grafton Wilson and George Fox Tucker

    Release Date: January 2, 2013 [eBook #41759]

    Language: English

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    Copyright, 1901,



    The authors have aimed to prepare a brief introduction to the subject of International Law. They have freely used the substantive material as found in cases, codes, etc., which involve the principles of International Law. Owing to the increasing importance of international negotiation, relatively more attention than usual has been given to matters connected with diplomacy. The appendices contain material which the authors have found advantageous to have easily accessible to each student. The study of this book should in all cases be supplemented by reference to a considerable number of the books mentioned in the bibliography.

    G. G. W.

    G. F. T.

    September, 1901.



    This list contains the titles of books most frequently cited in the following pages:—

    Bluntschli, J. C. Le droit international. (Lardy), 1886.

    Bonfils. Droit International Public. (Fauchille), 1898.

    Calvo, Ch. Droit International. 5eéd.

    6 vols. 1896.

    Cobbett, Pitt. Leading Cases and Opinions on International Law. 2d ed, 1892.

    Dahlgren, J. A. Maritime International Law. 1877.

    Davis, G. B. The Elements of International Law. 1901.

    Despagnet. Droit International Public. 2d ed. 1899.

    Field, D. D. Outline of an International Code. 1876.

    Glass, H. Marine International Law. 1884.

    Glenn, E. F. Hand Book of International Law. 1895.

    Grotius, H. De Jure Belli ac Pacis. 3 vols. Whewell. 1853.

    Hall, W. E. International Law. 4th ed. 1895.

    Halleck, H. W. Elements of International Law. 3d ed. Baker. 1893.

    Heffter, A. G. Droit International. 4th ed. Geffeken. 1883.

    Hertslet, E. Map of Europe by Treaty, 1815-1891. 4 vols. 1875-1891.

    Holls, F. W. The Peace Conference at the Hague. 1900.

    Hosack, J. Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations. 1882.

    Kent, J. Commentaries on American Law. 14th ed.

    Lawrence, T. J. Principles of International Law. 2d ed. 1901.

    Lehr, E. Manuel des Agents Diplomatiques et Consulaires. 1888.

    Maine, H. International Law. 1888.

    Moore, J. B. Extradition and Interstate Rendition. 2 vols. 1891.

    —— International Arbitrations. 6 vols. 1898.

    Ortolan, T. Diplomatie de la Mer. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1864.

    Perels, F. Manuel de Droit Maritime International par Arendt. 1884.

    Phillimore, R. International Law. 3d ed.

    Pomeroy, J. N. International Law in Times of Peace. 1886.

    Pradier-Fodéré, P. Trait de Droit International Public Européen et Americain. 7 vols. 1885-1897.

    Rivier, A. Principes du Droit des Gens. 2 vols. 1896.

    Snow, F. Cases and Opinions on International Law. 1893.

    —— American Diplomacy. 1894.

    —— International Law. Naval War College. Prepared by Stockton. 2d ed. 1898.

    Takahashi, S. Cases on International Law, Chino-Japanese. 1896.

    Treaties and Conventions between the United States and Other Powers, 1776-1887. 1887.

    Treaties in Force, Compilation of United States. 1899.

    Vattel, E. Law of Nations. Trans. Ingraham. 1876.

    Walker, T. A. Science of International Law. 1893.

    —— Manual of Public International Law. 1895.

    —— History of the Law of Nations, vol. 1. 1899.

    Westlake, J. Chapters on Principles of International Law. 1894.

    Wharton, F. Digest of International Law. 3 vols. 2d ed. 1887.

    Wheaton, H. Elements of International Law. 1836.

    —— Edited by Lawrence, W. B. 1863.

    —— Edited by Dana, R. H. 1865.

    —— Edited by Boyd, A. C. 2d ed.

    Woolsey, T. D. International Law. 6th ed. 1891.


    The following are the important abbreviations of citations:—


    Alabama, The, 297, 435.

    Alcinous v. Nigreu, 238, 432.

    Alexandra, The, 436.

    Anna, The, 102.

    Anne, The, 287.

    Atalanta, The, 308, 443.

    Bermuda, The, 322, 444.

    Bolton v. Gladstone, 31, 430.

    Brown v. United States, 241, 432.

    Caroline, The, 71, 289, 434.

    Chesapeake, The, 145.

    Commercen, The, 305, 441.

    Constitution, The, 138.

    Exchange v. M'Faddon, 138.

    Florida, The, 436.

    Foster v. Neilson, 46.

    Friendship, The, 442.

    Gen. Armstrong, Case of the, 287.

    Georgia, The, 436.

    Grotius, The, 258, 433.

    Harcourt v. Gaillard, 42, 430.

    Huascar, The, 57.

    In the Matter of Metzger, 142, 431.

    Jones v. United States, 46, 431.

    Jonge Tobias, The, 306, 441.

    Juffrow Maria Schroeder, 320, 443.

    Koszta, The Case of, 128, 129.

    Kow-Shing, 310, 442.

    La Manche, The, 327, 444.

    Magnus, The, 441.

    Maria, The, 310, 321, 444.

    Marianna Flora, The, 310.

    M'Ilvaine v. Coxe's Lessee, 42.

    Montezuma, The, 57.

    Nassau, The, 326.

    Orozembo, The, 309, 442.

    Pampero, The, 436.

    People v. McLeod, 434.

    Peterhoff, The, 303, 440.

    Prize Cases, 231, 323.

    Regina v. Keyn, 112.

    Rothschild v. Queen of Portugal, 136.

    Santa Cruz, The, 30, 433.

    Santissima Trinidad, The, 69.

    Sea Lion, The, 267, 433.

    Shenandoah, The, 436.

    Sir William Peel, The, 327.

    Sophie, The, 273, 434.

    Springbok, The, 327.

    Staadt Embden, The, 306.

    State of Mississippi v. Johnson, 46, 431.

    Stephen Hart, The, 322, 443.

    Swineherd, Case of the, 273.

    Twee Gebroeders, The, 288, 435.

    Two Friends, The, 261, 433.

    United States v. Ambrose Light, 57.

    United States v. Baker, 254, 432.

    United States v. Rauscher, 31, 430.

    Vavasseur v. Krupp, 135.

    Venus, The, 266, 433.

    Virginius, The, 71.

    Wildenhus's Case, 120, 431.

    Williams v. Suffolk Insurance Company, 46, 431.

    William, The, 321.

    PART I





    1. Definition.

    (a) Philosophical: what ought to be.

    (b) Scientific: what is.

    2. Divisions.

    (a) Public.

    (b) Private.

    3. Scope.

    § 1. Definition

    International law may be considered from two points of view, viz.:—

    (a) From the philosophical point of view, as setting forth the rules and principles which ought to be observed in interstate relations.

    (b) From the scientific point of view, as setting forth the rules and principles which are generally observed in interstate relations.

    Wheaton, D., 23: International law, as understood among civilized nations, may be defined as consisting of those rules of conduct which reason deduces, as consonant to justice, from the nature of the society existing among independent nations; with such definitions and modifications as may be established by general consent. See also I. Pradier-Fodéré, pp. 8, 41.

    Early writers treated especially of those principles which ought to be observed in interstate action, and the wealth of quotation and testimony introduced to establish the validity of principles now considered almost axiomatic, is overwhelming. In the days of Ayala, Brunus, Gentilis, Grotius, and Pufendorf, all the argument possible was needed to bring states to submit to these principles. The conditions and relations of states have so changed that at the present time a body of fairly established rules and principles are observed in interstate action, and form the subject-matter of international law.[1]

    § 2. Divisions

    International law is usually divided into:—

    (a) Public international law, which treats of the rules and principles which are generally observed in interstate action, and

    (b) Private international law, which treats of the rules and principles which are observed in cases of conflict of jurisdiction in regard to private rights. These cases are not properly international, and a better term for this branch of knowledge is that given by Judge Story, The Conflict of Laws.[2]

    International law, in the true sense, deals only with state affairs.

    § 3. Scope

    International law is generally observed by civilized states; even some of those states not fully open to western civilization profess to observe its rules. [3] The expansion of commerce and trade, the introduction of new and rapid means of communication, the diffusion of knowledge through books and travel, the establishment of permanent embassies, the making of many treaties containing the same general provisions, and the whole movement of modern civilization toward unifying the interests of states, has rapidly enlarged the range of international action and the scope of international law. Civilized states, so far as possible, observe the rules of international law in their dealings with uncivilized communities which have not yet attained to statehood. International law covers all the relations into which civilized states may come, both peaceful and hostile. In general, it should not extend its scope so as to interfere with domestic affairs or to limit domestic jurisdiction, though it does often limit the economic and commercial action of a given state, and determine to some extent its policy.



    4. Early Terminology.

    (a) Jus naturale.

    (b) Jus gentium.

    (c) Other terms.

    5. Historical Bases.

    6. Ethical Bases.

    7. Jural Bases.

    (a) Roman law.

    (b) Canon law.

    (c) Common law.

    (d) Equity.

    (e) Admiralty law.

    8. International Law and Statute Law.

    9. How far is International Law entitled to be called Law?

    § 4. Early Terminology

    The conception of those rules and principles of which international law treats has varied greatly with periods, with conditions, and with writers.

    The early terminology indicates the vagueness of the conceptions of the principles governing conduct of man toward his fellows.

    (a) Jus naturale is defined broadly by Ulpian[4] as the law which nature has taught all living creatures, so as to be common to men and beasts. Grotius also uses this term, defining it as the dictate of right reason, indicating that any act from its agreement or disagreement with rational nature has in it moral turpitude or moral necessity, and consequently such act is either forbidden or enjoined by God, the author of nature.[5] Lieber says, The law of nature, or natural law ... is the law, the body of rights, which we deduce from the essential nature of man.[6] The discussion of jus naturale has been carried on from an early period,[7] covering many portions of the field of modern international law, and making possible the broadening and strengthening of its foundation.

    (b) Jus gentium, according to Justinian, is that which natural reason has established among all men, that which all peoples uniformly regard.[8] "Jus gentium is common to the whole human kind."[9] This idea of a body of law common to all men assumed a different meaning when states multiplied and writer after writer redefined and qualified its meaning. Jus gentium became the subject of many controversies.[10] Among the qualifying terms were internal, necessary, natural, positive.

    (c) Other terms were used to name the field or portions of the field of modern international law. Jus fetiale applied particularly to the declaration of war and sanction of treaties.[11] Jus inter gentes was used by Zouch in 1650 to name the real field of international law. Law of nations was the term commonly used in England till the days of Bentham; since that time the term international law, which he adopted, has steadily grown in favor, till almost universal in the English language.[12]

    The change in terminology shows in a measure the growth in demarking the field of international law.

    § 5. Historical Bases

    International law in its beginning may have been largely determined by abstract reasoning upon what ought to be the principles and rules governing interstate relations; but in its later development, as it has become more and more recognized as a safe guide for the conduct of states in their relations with other states, not abstract reasoning as to what ought to be, but direct investigation of what is, has determined the character of the rules and principles. What is state practice in a given case can only be determined by reference to history. From the history of cases and practice, the general rule and principle is derived, and modern international law thus comes to rest largely upon historical bases.

    § 6. Ethical Bases

    While international law now looks to history as one of its most important bases, it must nevertheless accord somewhat closely with the ethical standards of the time, and will tend to approximate to them. The growth of the body of law upon slavery has rested on both ethical and historical bases. International law is principally an output of civilized nations having certain ethical standards. Such ancient practices as the giving of hostages for the fulfillment of treaty stipulations have disappeared, and ethical bases are generally recognized in determining practice.[13] While these ethical bases should be recognized, international law cannot be deduced from the subtle reasoning upon the abstract ideas of what it ought to be. Modern international law treats mainly of what is, but what is in international relations is always conditioned by a recognition of what ought to be.

    § 7. Jural Bases

    The nature of modern international law is in part due to the jural bases upon which it rests.

    (a) The Roman law was the most potent influence in determining the early development, particularly in respect to dominion and acquisition of territory. International law gained a certain dignity and weight from its relation to the Roman law, the most potent legal institution in history.

    (b) The canon law, as the law of the ecclesiastics who were supposed to recognize the broadest principles of human unity, gave an ethical element to early international law. Gregory IX. (1227-1241), the Justinian of the Church, reduced canon law to a code. The abstract reasoning upon its principles among the clergy and counsellors of kings, made it a part of the mental stock of the early text writers, while it strongly influenced state practice. The canon law gave a quasi-religious sanction to its observance, and in so far as international law embodied its principles, gave the same sanction to the observance of international equity. This may be seen in the religious formula in treaties, even to a late date.

    (c) The common law, itself international as derived from three systems, according to tradition, by Edward the Confessor, and subsequently modified by custom, furnished a practical element in determining the nature of international law.

    (d) Equity promoted the development of the recognition of principles in international law. In the early days of England cases arose which were not within the cognizance of the common law judges. The petitioner having applied to the king in Parliament or in council for justice, his petition was referred to the chancellor, the keeper of the king's conscience, who, after a hearing, required that what was equitable should be done. Thus the simpler matters came before the common law court, the more difficult before the equity court. Even now a jury largely deals with questions relating to the recovery of money, and their decision is a verdict, which is followed by a judgment. In an equity court, the more difficult problems of business and commerce are considered; and the decision of the judge is a decree.

    (e) Admiralty law may be defined as in one sense the law of the sea. Anterior to and during the Middle Ages, the maritime relations of states gave rise to sea laws, many of which are to-day well-recognized principles of international law.

    § 8. International and Statute Law

    Statute law proceeds from legislative enactment, and is enforced by the power of the enacting state within its jurisdiction.

    International law, on the other hand, is not formally enacted, and has no tribunal for its enforcement. Resort may be had to war in case of infraction of its rules, but the issue may rather depend upon the relative powers of the two states and not upon the justice of the cause.

    § 9. How far is International Law entitled to be called Law?

    If law is defined, as by Austin, A rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being by an intelligent being having power over him,[14] it would not be possible to include under it international law without undue liberality in the interpretation of the language.

    In form, however, law is a body of rules and principles in accord with which phenomena take place. If these rules are not followed as enunciated by the state in case of statute law, certain penalties are inflicted. The nature of the penalty must to a great extent depend on the source. International law is the body of rules and principles, in accord with which, interstate phenomena take place. Violations of international law do not meet the same penalties as those of statute law, as they do not have the same source nor an established tribunal for their enforcement. International law is, however, in form law and in practice so regarded.[15]



    10. Early Period.

    (a) Greece.

    (b) Rome.

    11. Middle Period.

    (a) Roman Empire.

    (b) The Church.

    (c) Feudalism.

    (d) Crusades.

    (e) Chivalry.

    (f) Commerce and Sea Laws.

    (g) Consulates.

    (h) Discovery of America.

    (i) Conclusion.

    12. Modern Period from 1648.

    (a) 1648-1713.

    (b) 1713-1815.

    (c)1815-    .

    13. Writers.

    § 10. Early Period

    The history of the development of those rules and principles now considered in international law naturally falls into three periods, early, middle and modern.[16]

    The early period dates from the time of the development of early European civilization, and extends to the beginning of the Christian Era. During this period the germs of the present system appear.[17]

    (a) Greece. The dispersion of the Greeks in many colonies which became practically independent communities gave rise to systems of intercourse involving the recognition of general obligations.[18] The maritime law of Rhodes is an instance of the general acceptance of common principles. The main body of this law has not survived, yet the fragment appearing in the Digest, De Lege Rhodia de Jactu,[19] is, after more than two thousand years, the basis of the present doctrine of jettison. It is reasonable to suppose that though the words of other portions of the Rhodian law are lost, the principles may have entered into formation of later compilations. The recognition by Greece of the existence of other independent states, and the relations into which the states entered, developed crude forms of international comity, as in the sending and receiving of ambassadors[20] and the formation of alliances.[21]

    (b) Rome. Rome made many contributions to the principles of international law in the way of the extension of her own laws to wider spheres, and in the attempt to adapt Roman laws to conditions in remote territories. In this early period Rome may be said to have contributed to the field of what is now considered private international law rather than to that of public international law. This is evident in the laws in regard to marriage, contract, property, etc. The dominance of Rome impressed her laws on others, and extended the influence of those principles which, from general practice, or conformity to accepted standards, gained the name Jus Gentium.[22]

    § 11. Middle Period

    The varied struggles of the middle period—from the beginning of the Christian Era to the middle of the seventeenth century—had a decided influence upon the body and form of international law.

    (a) Roman Empire. The growth of the Roman Empire, as the single world power and sole source of political authority, left small need of international standards. The appeal in case of disagreement was not to such standards, but to Cæsar. The idea of one common supremacy was deep-rooted. Political assimilation followed the expansion of political privileges.

    (b) The Church. A similar unifying influence was found in the growth of the Christian Church which knew no distinction—bond or free, Jew or Gentile. Christianity, called to be the state religion early in the fourth century, modeled its organization on that of the Roman Empire; and from the sixth century, with the decay of the Empire, the Church became the great power. The belief in the eternity and universality of Roman dominion was strengthened by the Church, although materially changed in its nature.[23] Whatever the inconsistencies in Church and State during the first ten centuries of our era, there had grown up the idea, of great importance for international law, that there could be a ground upon which all might meet, a belief which all might accept, both in regard to political and religious organization. For five hundred years before the days of Boniface VIII. (1294-1303), the holder of the papal office had from time to time acted as an international judge.

    The canon law, codified by Gregory IX. (1227-1241), was planned to rival the Corpus Juris Civilis. The Popes, with varying degrees of success, tried to render such international justice as the discordant elements introduced by the growth of cities and rise of nationalities demanded.[24] From the Council of Constance (1414-1418), which was a recognition of the fact of nationality, and at which the emperor for the last time appeared as the great international head, the decline of both the Church and the Empire as direct international factors was rapid.

    (c) Feudalism. By the eleventh century feudalism had enmeshed both the temporal and spiritual authorities. This system, closely related to the possession of land and gradation of classes, discouraged the development of the ideas of equality of state powers necessary for the development of international law, though it did emphasize the doctrine of sovereignty as based on land in distinction from the personal sovereignty of earlier days.

    (d) The Crusades (1096-1270), uniting Christendom against the Saracen for foreign intervention, awakening Europe to a new civilization, expanding the study and practice of the Roman law which feudal courts had checked, weakening many feudal overlords, enfranchising towns, freeing the third estate, spreading the use of the Latin language, enlarging and diversifying commerce, teaching the possible unity of national interests, led to the apprehension of a broader basis in comity which made the growth of interstate relations more rapid.[25]

    (e) Chivalry. The code of chivalry and the respect for honor which it enjoined introduced a basis of equable dealing which on account of the international character of the orders of chivalry reacted upon state practice throughout Christian Europe.

    (f) Commerce and Sea Laws. The expansion of commerce, especially maritime, emphasized the duties and rights of nations. The old Rhodian laws of commerce, which had in part been incorporated in and expanded by the Roman code during the days before the overthrow of the Empire, formed a basis for maritime intercourse. From the fall of the Empire to the Crusades commerce was attended with great dangers from pirates on the sea and from exactions in the port. The so-called Amalfitan Tables seem to have been the sea law of the latter part of the eleventh century. The much more detailed Consolato del Mare of doubtful origin between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries derived some of its principles from the eleventh-century code. The Consolato was recognized by maritime powers as generally binding, and made possible wide commercial intercourse. Many of its principles have stood to the present day, though touching such questions as the mutual rights of neutrals and belligerents on the sea in time of war.[26] As the Consolato formed the code of Southern Europe, the Laws of Oleron formed the maritime code for Western Europe, and were compiled the latter part of the twelfth century, whether by Richard I. or by his mother Queen Eleanor is a disputed question. These laws are based in large measure on the other existing systems. The Laws of Wisby, dating from about 1288, supplemented the Laws of Oleron, and formed the fundamental law of maritime courts of the Baltic nations.[27] The Hanseatic League in 1591[28] compiled a system of marine law, Jus Hanseaticum Maritimum, based on the codes of Western and Northern Europe. The maritime law of Europe was practically unchanged for nearly a hundred years, when systematized in 1673 under Louis XIV. Similar to the maritime codes are the Customs of Amsterdam, the Laws of Antwerp, and the Guidon de la Mar.[29]

    (g) Consulates. Closely connected with the development of maritime law during the latter part of the middle period was the establishment of the office of consul. The consuls, under the title of consules marinariorum et mercatorum, resident in foreign countries, assisted by advice and information the merchants of their own countries, and endeavored to secure to their countrymen such rights and privileges as possible. These seem to have been sent by Pisa early in the eleventh century, and were for some time mainly sent by the Mediterranean countries to the East.

    (h) The discovery of America marked a new epoch in territorial and mercantile expansion, and introduced new problems among those handed down from an age of political chaos.

    (i) Conclusion. The middle period, with all its inconsistencies in theory and practice, had nevertheless taught men some lessons. The world-empire of Rome showed a common political sovereignty by which the acts of remote territories might be regulated; the world-religion of the Church of the middle period added the idea of a common bond of humanity. Both of these conceptions imbued men's minds with the possibility of a unity, but a unity in which all other powers should be subordinate to a single power, and not a unity of several sovereign powers acting on established principles. The feudal system emphasized the territorial basis of sovereignty. The Crusades gave to the Christian peoples of Europe a knowledge and tolerance of each other which the honor of the code of chivalry made more beneficent, while the growth of

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