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The Pirates and The Trolls
The Pirates and The Trolls
The Pirates and The Trolls
Ebook12 pages10 minutes

The Pirates and The Trolls

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Living with gold-hungry trolls wasn't easy. Then the pirates showed up. The boy's once peaceful village became a war zone. What will become of the boy and his village?

Release dateAug 30, 2009
The Pirates and The Trolls

Dory Lee Maske

I've always been a reader--loved fairy tales when I was young. I started writing when I had children of my own. My husband, Bob Maske, does all the art work for my stories. He did all the book covers and the animations that accompany each story.I try to keep at least half of my stories and books free and would love to receive feedback from my readers. You can contact me at [email protected] or at [email protected] Thanks to all you readers out there for your support.

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    Book preview

    The Pirates and The Trolls - Dory Lee Maske

    The Pirates


    The Trolls

    By Dory Lee Maske

    Copyright © 2009 by Dory Lee Maske

    All rights reserved

    Illustration: Copyright © 2009 by Robert Maske

    All rights reserved

    Cover design by Robert Maske

    Smashwords edition 2009

    Discover other titles by Dory Lee Maske at

    The Pirates


    The Trolls

    Once upon a time, long ago, there lived a boy in a village by the sea. His was a happy village even though it was not wealthy. Some of the villagers were fishermen, some were carpenters, some were toymakers and many were musicians. The villagers had only one problem and that was their neighbors, the trolls.

    The boy hated the trolls. They would come every night after all were sleeping and rattle through the

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