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Ashley Alert
Ashley Alert
Ashley Alert
Ebook28 pages22 minutes

Ashley Alert

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From "Matters Familiar." A small girl, suffocating in the growing culture of fear around her, struggles to take the high ground.

Release dateOct 2, 2010
Ashley Alert

E. G. Fabricant

E. G. Fabricant is a writer living in San Jose, California, who’s interested in producing short fiction that’s contemporary, topical, and speaks to the human condition.His dormant interest in this pursuit was rekindled when he was selected as one of 10 finalists in the International Category of the Mark Twain Writing Competition: “A Murder, a Mystery, and a Marriage,” sponsored by the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library.E. G.'s determined to become the oldest, new best short fiction writer. He’s also interested in hearing from others with similar interests who want to become better at it.

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    Ashley Alert - E. G. Fabricant


    E. G. Fabricant

    Published by E. G. Fabricant at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010-2012 by E. G. Fabricant

    Discover other stories by E. G. Fabricant at

    Ashley Alert is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition—License Notes

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    She pushed her ginger curls away from her ear and laid it carefully against the door and listened. All right! She clapped her hands and squealed, thought better of it and almost as quickly shushed herself. She sailed into the room and onto her trundle bed, one knee aboard and a straight leg trailing. She glimpsed the lacy blouse, pinafore, and Mary Janes on her image in the mirror and frowned. I hate me! Why do I have to be so girly all the time? Out came the tongue. Oh, well… Pushing her round, black eyeglass frames up her nose brought a hint of a smile. Very Harry Potter. Daddy’d won that one, liking them over those wiry things Mommy picked out.

    She reached behind all the educational stuff on her bookshelf and brought out her latest guilty pleasure. She gladdened as she traced the image of the wild-haired

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