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Heku: Book 1 of the Heku Series
Heku: Book 1 of the Heku Series
Heku: Book 1 of the Heku Series
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Heku: Book 1 of the Heku Series

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Chevalier has never been told no. For thousands of years he’s sat on the Equites Council, ruling body of his heku faction, and for thousands of years his every order has been followed immediately and without question.

One of the most important rules of the heku, is that no one is to feed from unwilling donors. Following a tip that a young mortal woman is being brutally attacked by his own kind, he seeks her out and immediately begins to experience unnatural feelings for the woman.

Emily, a beautiful rancher from Montana, has spent her entire life being violently attacked by beings she assumed were vampires. It isn’t until she meets Chevalier that she learns of her startling family history, a history that immediately throws her into the volatile world of the heku.

In a bid to protect her, Chevalier moves Emily into his isolated coven, which marks her as a prime target for the Valle and the Encala, enemy factions of the heku. Emily fights to fit into the militaristic world of the heku as her head-strong personality and independent ways turn their perfectly balanced world on end. She immediately befriends Kyle, a heku from Chevalier’s coven, and together they find Emily a niche among the immortal.

Emily’s violent past interferes with Chevalier’s plans, and he must first undo what her abusive ex-husband did before he can convince her how much he cares about her, and how much she’s worth to his faction. Chevalier’s growing feelings for Emily are unnatural to his kind, and must be hidden from the rest of the Equites Faction if he’s to remain a formidable part of their Council.

His jealous tendencies rage as Emily gets closer to Kyle, and both heku struggle to make her realize how important she is to the faction and how endangered she now is.

PublisherT.M. Nielsen
Release dateAug 28, 2010
Heku: Book 1 of the Heku Series

T.M. Nielsen

T.M. Nielsen doesn't necessarily consider herself an author. She's an every-day woman who had a story to tell. Never intending to let anyone else read it, she decided to put it all down on paper. What she ended up with is a fascinating tale filling books full of drama, adventure, action, romance, and excitement. When asked why she decided to publish, she stated, "I want for others to be able to forget about problems in life and to lose themselves in my world... the world of the heku. While I write, I laugh, cry, grin, gasp, and my heart races. I want others to experience that too." T.M. Nielsen is a computer tech by trade and lives with her husband and two beautiful daughters. She's the author of's bestselling series The Heku Series and the Dimensions Saga, along with a Heku Series spin-off book called Return of the Encala. She's been listed numerous times on Apple's Breakout Books and on's top 20 in Fantasy. **** From TM **** I updated my books all the time! Check back often for new, cleaner versions. I can't afford an editor, but any time I hear of an error, I fix it immediately.

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Reviews for Heku

Rating: 3.642857121428572 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I'd give this less than one star if i could.
    I found this book in iTunes and decided to give it a listen. I'm not sure how I missed that this was a vampire tale, but I didn't realize it until I was several minutes in. Had I known I wouldn't have listened to it at all. For those who keep correcting that this is not a vampire tale, STOP IT! Call it what you will, but if there are blood suckers and they aren't bats, then they are vampires. Done deal.
    To begin with the writing is poor. Bad verbiage abounds and it lacks a unique voice. But this isn't the worst of it.
    The story, while I know for many, being a vampire tale, is intriguing, is juvenile and a great example of weird psycho father/daughter fantasy crap.
    I won't give away any major spoilers (as if there could be any considering how incredibly predictable this story is) but:
    Emily, a whiny, bratty, absolutely asinine, annoying, pouty young woman is often referred to as "child" by her vampire betrothed, who happens to be at least a thousand years old. She is seemingly without fault, described as being incredibly beautiful (in the most European way possible) and every male in the book practically falls all over himself to get near her. Allow me to mention here that this book features only ONE FEMALE. Every other person in this book of consequence is a MALE. They all want her. The only other females feature ever so briefly and are usually servants. This book couldn't pass the Bechdel Test if the pages were rearranged out of order.
    Emily comes from a sad background in which she has been routinely beaten by the man she has been with for nearly 10 years. She never left him and never stood up for herself. Suddenly, after being whisked away by the chiseled over protective Chevalier, to his castle on a private island with a stable and servants (are you vomiting yet?) she gets the nerve to stand up and fight. Every time her kind adoring protective vampire betrothed makes her angry she's ready to stand up for herself, fight, pack her bags and go. This character is not only annoying and childish, but she's so idiotic and inconsistent as to be unsympathetic. Knowing full well that she is danger, she willfully and defiantly and consistently finds some way to get herself into more trouble. I often found myself wishing that Chevalier would just let her go and die.
    Let me add AGAIN that Chevalier lives on an island, with a ferry and a helicopter a Hummer in a CASTLE!!!!!!???????? Can we say Lala Land? Do vampires ever live in apartments and work at McDonald's or as a flight attendant od a cashier at the local grocery store? Something normal?
    The dumbest part is when she gets pregnant. Her familiar makes the statement that she, like many of her female ancestors, will likely die giving birth. The reason? Because she is so small and delicate (ERK! ERK! ERK!) and her vampire betrothed is so big, therefore the baby will be too large for her to give birth to. Whaaaaa!
    This isn't the middle ages! It better not be because Chevalier has a Hummer and a helicopter. Haven't these folks heard of a c-section? Or perhaps they're afraid that by performing a c-section they might mess up her perfectly toned tiny waist. (Hold on a sec while I vomit into my hand.)
    Other general annoyances:
    Emily is always "mad". (I thought only dogs got mad.) The word "madder" was even used once.
    Someone is always lifting/carrying/picking Emily up and carrying her. Like her feet are broken or something.
    These words are used in overabundance: softly, quickly, gently,
    This book doesn't contain a single person of color. Not one! And only one woman of consequence, who happens to be the antithesis of a sane, rational, intelligent female, and I wish she'd just get ashed.

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Heku - T.M. Nielsen


Book 1 of the Heku Series

By T.M. Nielsen

Published by T.M. Nielsen at Smashwords

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Copyright © 2010 by T.M. Nielsen

Digital Edition, License Notes

This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Chapter 1

The two men got out of their truck and walked up toward the quaint ranch in the lush farm lands of Montana. The Russo ranch was surrounded by acres of fields full of cattle and horses. Dogs were playing in the nearby corral while horses picked at the grass. They both looked at each other when a strange scent caught them. They were certain one of their own kind was near. The shorter of the two knocked on the ranch house’s door, and it opened slowly.

Ms. Russo? he asked, looking down at the woman in the house. He had spoken to her by phone but hadn’t met her yet.

Emily looked up, trying not to gasp when she saw that the men stood almost two feet taller than her and had broad shoulders that threatened to bulge out of the dark green western-style shirt. Jerry, was it?

Yes, ma’am.

Please, call me Emily. You’re a little early, so why don’t you wait in the barn, and I’ll be out in a bit, she told him, and shut the door when he and his friend headed toward the rustic barn. She slid the curtain aside and watched the two men walk out toward the barn while her heart calmed down. Just the sight of them made her panic.

Emily quickly ran a brush through her hair and pulled on her riding gloves before heading out. She glanced once around the house for Sam, the overseer, but he was still out plowing. Her attackers were all tall and muscular, and she couldn’t help but wonder if these two were also going to assault her. She took a deep breath and headed out to the barn. They needed this sale if they were going to buy feed that would last through the winter.

Sorry about that, she said, and skirted around the two men when she went to the horse’s stalls. Can you ride a horse?

Both of them nervously glanced at her. Her scent blew by them with the breeze, and they fought to control their natural instincts as the mere smell made their throats burn with thirst. They knew better than to let themselves go to impulses, so they took a second to calm themselves before addressing her.

Yes, ma’am, I can, Jerry said, watching her closely. The man standing next to him was scanning the barn with an odd look on his face, and his hands slowly curled into tight fists, accentuating his powerful arms.

Great, then you and I will head out, Emily said, and started putting a saddle on a beautiful, chestnut Arabian mare. They both wanted to help her. They were surprised that a woman that small could lift a saddle and put it into a tall horse, but she didn’t seem to need any help.

Jerry looked at her carefully. His keen senses focused on her while his guard studied the barn, trying to determine why the lingering scent of his own kind would be there. Emily’s long red hair and fierce green eyes gave away her Irish heritage. She was a small woman, petite, but exquisitely beautiful. His eyes picked up the fading trace of a bruise on her cheek, something that would already be invisible to the human eye.

Emily led the horse out to him. Will your friend be okay here in the barn for a while? The cattle you want are farther out.

Jerry forced a smile. Yes, he’ll be fine.

Emily swiftly hoisted herself, bareback, onto a painted mare. He noticed how natural and graceful she was on the horse, something that only came when you’ve been raised on one. He mounted the Arabian and turned the horse toward her.

Let’s go, then, Emily said hesitantly, and frowned slightly at his friend, who was glancing around the barn as if looking for something.

Jerry kicked his horse softly and followed Emily out of the barn toward the pasture. A Border collie and a Blue Heeler fell in behind her and began to nip playfully at each other. After only half an hour of riding, he saw the large herd of Angus cattle they were heading toward. Emily was a few yards ahead of him, so he studied her again. In the heat, she briefly pulled her hair back off her neck. He caught a glimpse that made him frown, and his heart pounded in his chest.

Her voice brought him out of his intense concentration. You’re not from around here. I’m guessing Texas?

Jerry nodded. You’re correct. We’re from Texas.

What brings you up to Montana for cows then?

I come for the best, he said, and smiled when she blushed slightly. Might I ask you a personal question?

Emily glanced back at him as they neared the cattle. That depends on what the question is.

Are you a donor? he asked, unsure if he should even ask. Her appealing scent lingered on his tongue even out where the breeze took her smell away from him. It was stronger and more desirable than anything he had caught in his thousands of years of existence.

Emily frowned slightly. Do you mean an organ donor?

Never mind, he said. Her question answered his. His body tensed as she nervously put her hand against her neck, and he noticed her breath catch. He decided it would be best to get back to business, just to help her calm down again. These are exactly as specified. We’ll take 50 of them.

We can gather them later tonight. You said you only wanted one bull? Emily asked, glancing back at him. He noticed her eyes were no longer warm and inviting but had become guarded and unsure.

Yes. He has papers?

She nodded and turned back for the barn. We’ll have them ready tomorrow if you can come and get them.

Will Saturday be okay? he asked. He needed to buy some time to address his concerns about this young woman. His instincts were telling him that something was wrong. The scent of his own kind on the ranch and the guarded way this young woman was around him, made him fear for her safety.

Saturday’s fine. My husband’s gone for a few days, but he’ll be back by then.

They rode the rest of the way in tense silence. He watched her closely while they rode back toward the ranch house. As they drew closer, Jerry saw his guard standing outside of the barn beside a smaller, Hispanic man, who had an angry look on his face.

Sam, what’s wrong? Emily asked when they approached him.

Is you okay, Ms. Em? he asked her, glaring at Jerry.

I’m fine. Jerry is going to buy 50 head of cattle, she told him, and slid off the mare.

Sam nodded. I hep dem. You git inside outta da heat.

Emily nodded and glanced nervously at Jerry before handing the reins over to Sam. She turned and ran into the house, and Jerry heard the door lock. He got down from the horse and tied it to a hitching post outside of the barn before turning to the older man.

We’ll be back on Saturday to get the cattle, Jerry said, eyeing Sam suspiciously. His guard stood perfectly still, giving no indication that there was a problem.

Your kind isn’t welcome here, Sam said scathingly. Jerry was well aware that Sam was no longer speaking with the uneducated drawl he’d used around Emily. You come get the cattle, and then you leave. Don’t let me catch you back on this ranch, and don’t bring any others with you.

My kind? Jerry asked, and took a step toward Sam.

Sam stood his ground. Yes, your kind. Go away, and on Saturday, deal with Keith only. Stay away from Emily.

Not sure what to make of this entire visit, Jerry nodded and climbed into the pickup’s driver seat, while his guard glanced again at the barn and then crawled into the passenger’s seat. They were soon driving away from the small Montana ranch while Sam watched them with his arms crossed.

I suspect we need to talk to the Council, Jerry said, pulling a cell phone from his pocket.

Yes, we do, the guard agreed, and watched the ranch disappear in the mirror.


Jerry and his guard were ushered into the room by an equally tall and muscular man who wore a stark white shirt, black pants, and a flowing green cape. The round room was large and had dirt floors. At the far end stood a platform where thirteen others looked down at them. It was hard to distinguish who the thirteen were, because they had thick green robes with hoods that covered their faces. Jerry walked up and bowed to the three in the center.

What brings you to the Council? the woman asked, pulling the hood of her green robe down away from her face. She was equally tall and muscular, like the men she was surrounded by.

Jerry stepped forward. Elder, we have some concerns about a mortal woman we met yesterday, and we feel she may need your help.

What kind of concerns would make you think that the Council needs to intervene on behalf of a mortal?

Our first impression is that she may be a descendant of the Winchesters.

The woman frowned. What makes you say that?

Her scent. It’s sweeter and more enticing than anything I’ve ever come across.

Is that all? a man asked. He was seated beside the woman and lowered his hood when he spoke, also.

At first, my guard and I found the scent of many heku in her barn. She and I headed out on horseback, and I noticed scars along her neck; brutal, vicious scars, and a lot of them, Jerry said, frowning. I asked if she was a donor, and she became guarded, and her hand covered her neck. She didn’t know what I meant by donor.

As if she has been attacked by a heku? one of the men asked. He was the largest member of the Council, and he lowered his hood, revealing pitch-black hair and dark ominous eyes.

As if attacked by many.

Did you discover the source of the heku scent in the barn?

The guard stepped forward. Yes, Chief Enforcer. While they were away, I found a place in the loft that a heku has been sleeping. From the smell of it, for quite some time. I also found a coal shed full of ashes that all smell of the heku.

Ashes? the woman asked, shocked.

The guard nodded. Yes, ashes.

I don’t believe this woman to be a Winchester, the largest man said. However, if she is plagued with attacks, then I may need to get involved.

That’s all we ask, Chief Enforcer. We know the overseer of the property, Sam, is aware of the heku. He warned us that our kind was not welcome, and when we return, we are only to deal with the woman’s husband, Jerry explained.

Did he say he knew you were heku?

Not in those words, no.

Then I’m sure he was mistaken. Did he seem afraid of you?

No, sir.

When are you set to return?

This Saturday.

Very well, I will see what I can find, he said, and leaned back in his chair.

Jerry and his guard bowed and walked out of the council chambers.


The Chief Enforcer arrived in the small town of Cascade, Montana late that night and quickly found the ranch outside of town. The entire rach was far away from it’s closest neighbors, giving it a seclusion that he found both appealing and dangerous.

He parked on the road and ran up to the house, scanning the area for any signs of a threat. He was sure this would turn out to be nothing, but it was his job to stop his kind, the heku, from feeding off unwilling mortals.

He found the front door unlocked, so he stepped inside uninvited. His senses were suddenly assaulted with a scent that broke through thousands of years of carefully controlled thirst, and he crouched slightly. A hiss escaped his ancient lips.

It was only seconds before he regained full control and chastised himself for the brief lack of restraint. It was his job to protect mortals from uncontrolled heku, yet he, himself, just came close to breaking the most fundamental rule of his kind, to only feed from willing donors.

He inhaled deeply, acclimating himself to the delectable scent that filled the entire house. He could smell the water and feel the mugginess, so he knew that she was in the bath tub. Her scent would be stronger as the water heated her body, and he couldn’t risk even a momentary lapse. A quick search of the house proved that she was currently alone.

Again inhaling deeply, his mind whirled at the aroma, and he stood in the doorway of the bathroom. He glanced inside and saw Emily lying in the tub, entirely engrossed in a book. She didn’t notice the strange man standing there. He marveled at her beauty.

Her long red hair was tucked into a clip on her head, and her delicate shoulders were barely visible above the bubbles from the bath. She had an extremely beautiful face, and he moved back into the room as his breath caught in his chest. He suddenly felt something he’d never felt before. He felt the need to protect her.

Scanning the bedroom, he looked at the scattered items; a laptop opened to an Internet sale of a Arabian stallion, an iPod, a book, and a small bag. He glanced through her things and noticed no ring, no jewelry, and no makeup.

He smiled broadly when he saw a Beretta 9mm tucked away in her bag. He saw no cause for alarm, and no reason for the strong protective feeling to be valid. The feeling was unnatural. Heku normally felt nothing for a mortal. Mortals were nourishment, nothing more. Mortals possessed a natural aversion to heku as a means of self-preservation, and the two species rarely mixed. He calmed his mind and stepped back around to the door.

Hello, he said softly.

Emily jumped at his voice, unceremoniously dropping her book into the frothy water. She grabbed a towel and scrambled to her feet, managing not to show too much skin on her way up. She then looked at him with wide eyes. Her mind was telling her to scream, but her mouth was too dry, and no noise came out.

He raised an eyebrow when he sensed her fear, and he realized it was oddly satisfying. He could clearly hear her heart pounding in her chest.

It’s okay, child. I’m not here to hurt you, he told her, and put his hands toward her, palms out.

Get out! she managed to whisper.

He locked her eyes with his and concentrated. It was easy for him to control mortals with a glance. It was something that often proved to be useful. He was shocked when her green eyes broke his gaze, and she moved into the corner of the bathroom to get farther away from him.

Curious, he said, watching her.

Not again, please, she begged as her hand clutched tightly to the towel.

Again? he asked. Frowning slightly, he turned and walked into her room.

Emily saw him leave, so she quickly slammed the door shut, locking it behind him. The simple human gesture made him smile. No lock could keep him out if he wanted to enter. Her words enraged him, and he felt his temper rising. He fought to regain control and was soon standing calmly, waiting for her.

She emerged a short time later in a long, yellow bathrobe. She peered around the door first, and then walked into the empty bedroom. The room was small and decorated with ugly bold flowers in greens and grays. She checked the closet, under the bed, and under the desk, but no one was there.

Emily quickly picked up her phone and shifted nervously as she dialed and waited for an answer.

Keith! There’s one here! she said, nervously looking around the room.

The Chief Enforcer listened to her from inside the bathroom, glad that he was able to move faster than her slow mortal mind could comprehend.

No, here in the house, just now. She frowned. No, not this time. I think he may be gone.

Chevalier could hear the man speaking on the phone to Emily, and he sounded angry.

Yes, I know. She nodded. Okay, I will.

No, I’m still alone, Keith. You need to trust me. I don’t… Her eyes fell to the floor.

Sure, okay. She hung up the phone and tears filled her eyes.

Emily looked around the room again and dressed quickly. He watched her change, and his eyes followed the length of her toned body. He noticed her frailty, though. Heku women were strong and built more solidly than mortal women.

I’m sorry I startled you, he said, lowering his voice. He was hoping to lessen the impact when he appeared by her door.

Emily screamed and grabbed the gun out of her bag, and then pointed it at him with shaking hands.

He took a step toward her. Don’t be alarmed, and you can’t kill me with a gun.

Her hands shook worse as she leveled the gun at his head.

He locked her gaze again. Emily, lower the gun.

She hesitated, her knuckles turning pink again as she released her grip ever so slightly. Her inner voice yelled at her to shoot and not to let go of the only weapon she had. She blinked suddenly, and her grip tightened again. He growled in frustration. No one had ever so easily been able to break away from his eyes.

Emily, lower it before you get hurt, he demanded angrily, and took a step toward her.

She hesitated and then dropped her hand but kept the gun close, just in case.

There, now we can be civilized. Come, sit by me, he said, and sat on the bed, patting the spot beside him.

Emily stayed where she was, frozen.

He smiled at her, careful not to show his teeth. Okay then, I’ll begin. My name is Chevalier, and of course, I already know your name.

She watched him carefully.

"You said something earlier on the phone. ‘Keith, there’s one here.’ Does that mean you’ve met my kind before?" He watched as her body tensed.

She nodded slightly.

Does that mean you are a donor? He saw a brief look of confusion in her eyes before she moved toward the door a step.

Are you leaving? he asked her, slightly amused.

She froze.

I’ll take that as a no on the donor, then. Perhaps you’ll tell me when you’ve seen my kind before, that it has become somewhat commonplace.

Chevalier waited for an answer, but it didn’t come.

Emily, breathe, he reminded her.

She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until he said something.

You aren’t making it very easy to talk. Please, sit down. His voice was stern, and he locked her gaze again.

Emily felt her willpower fading as she looked into his black eyes. His face was striking, yet kind, and she wanted to trust him. She felt that she could. Her mind flashed through images of others of his kind, though, and her encounters with them had all been terrifying and brutally violent. Against what her mind was saying, she suddenly found herself seated beside him.

Chevalier smiled. There, much better, child.

Are you here to drink my blood? she asked timidly, and scooted a few inches farther away from him.

Not unless you want me to. He watched her reaction, and she frowned slightly. I take it you’ve never been asked before?

Emily shook her head. This news displeased him immensely. It was against the rules of the heku to take without permission, and this woman was terrified by who knows how many attacks on her. He understood the attacks. Her blood smelled sweeter than any other, but he still couldn’t imagine taking without her consent.

You are interesting to me, Emily. He watched as she tensed, and before she could see him move, he had the gun out of her hand and placed it on the bedside table.

Me? She was surprised that anyone could find her interesting.

Yes, you. I’m intrigued by you.

He narrowed his eyes as he watched her. Again, he was struck by the need to protect her. He wanted to reach out and take her into his arms. He wanted to disappear with her to somewhere no one could find. The image flashed like a movie before his eyes, and when it cleared, she was watching him.

I should go, she said, standing up.

Oh? Where will you go? he whispered as his insides turned at how frail she was, how delicate her build. She couldn’t protect herself, and he felt as if it was his job to do so.

Emily slipped her cowboy boots on and headed for the door.

You’re going to leave, child? he asked, trying to distract her.

She turned and looked over at him. I’m not a child.

I am sorry. No offense intended.

Emily sighed. Listen, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I’m leaving. I’ve dealt with enough of your kind to know that I’d rather spend the night at a cockroach infested motel than here with you.

Ouch. His voice was joking, but her words caused his heart to ache. When have you met more of my kind?

When haven’t I? I’ve been tormented by you my entire life. She pulled on a leather jacket, and he watched as she pulled her long red hair out and buckled the front.

I do wish you would stay. I promise to behave. Though his voice didn’t show it, he was beginning to panic. He envisioned all of the things that could hurt her, and he fought to conceal a growl that erupted from deep within him. The world was full of both mortals and immortals that he knew would be out to hurt someone like Emily.

Sure, why don’t I wait around while you sweet talk me up and then attack me anyway? She headed out the door after grabbing her gun.

Chevalier appeared in the barn as the Dodge pickup spun out and pulled away from the ranch quickly. He instantly picked up the smell of numerous heku. Jerry was right. The smell was disturbing and out of the ordinary. He soon found the mentioned coal shed and reached down to touch the ashes, then brought some to his nose and smelled them before dropping them back onto the pile.

He returned to the barn and looked up toward the loft. He climbed the ladder quickly, and his eyes narrowed when he caught the fresh scent of a wild heku, one of his own kind that had turned themselves over completely to their instincts, leaving all signs of humanity behind them.

He ran back to his car and called the Council to fill them in on what he’d seen so far. They instructed him to try to get more information, so he sat back to wait for morning. Emily’s husband returned early in the morning, but Chevalier continued to wait for her. Chevalier could hear Keith in the house. He was throwing things around and cursing Emily for not being there.

Chevalier watched Emily’s truck return to the ranch shortly after dawn, and he got out of his car, almost immediately appearing in the barn’s loft. He sat on a cot and watched out the small window that overlooked the house.

Emily pulled the truck up in front of the ranch house and jumped out, smiling widely as she ran to the front steps. Seated there was an elderly man with an archaic Stetson perched crookedly on his head. He was slumped over slightly in a wheelchair.

Emily knelt down. I’m back, Dad.

His eyes stared far off, empty, and unfocused. He didn’t move as she pulled a blanket from beside him and wrapped it around his shoulders. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and then stood to greet another man who was walking toward her.

Good morning, Sam.

Ms. Em, good to have ya back. Sam stopped just short of the steps and smiled up at her. The man looked to be almost the same age as Emily’s dad. He was short and stout with overalls and a dusty hat that made him blend into the scene. He took his hat off and fidgeted with it.

Sam, what’s wrong?

Der’s a spook up on the lower twenty. I tell Mr. Keith, but he say it jus’ a coyote, but, ma’am, I ain’t never seen a coyote that done hid like dis did. Almos’ cause a stampede.

I’ll go check it out. Get Patra ready, she told him, crouching back down by her dad.

Duty calls, she said, and kissed his cheek again lightly. She laid her head against his arm, and Chevalier thought she looked sad and alone.

Sam almost ran toward the barn, seemingly afraid to turn around and face the house.

Emily turned to the house, squared her shoulders, and walked in, shutting the door behind her softly.

Keith hit with no warning. He grabbed her left wrist and twisted her arm behind her back, then shoved her hard against the door, sending the door handle painfully into her ribs.

I called you last night. You didn’t answer, Keith whispered, his face just inches from her. Who were you with?

Through the pain, she managed to groan, Stop it.

Keith twisted her wrist harder and slammed his body into hers again, smiling when she screamed out in pain. Tell me.

I couldn’t sleep. I went to do some work at the office. I swear, she said, unable to move. The pain made her breathing shallow and strained.



He thought about it for a moment and then released her, a grin spreading across his face. Well, why didn’t you say so? It’s good to see you, Emi!

She took a step away from him as he reached out and pushed her hard to the floor. When she pulled herself back up, he sat at the table and began to eat.

Leaning against the door, she caught her breath and then turned and went into the bedroom. She threw on a warm flannel shirt, grabbed her leather gloves and cowboy hat, and tried to make a break for the front door, rubbing her wrist absentmindedly.

Where you going? Keith asked, pouring clear liquid from a flask into his Coke. He was older than Emily, and his face showed the hardened skin of someone who worked outdoors. He was of average height, but he was well built and sported a dark farmer’s tan. His lower lip bulged with the hunk of chew he had there.

I’m taking Patra out, she said, and reached for the door handle, hoping that was the last of it.

Keith laughed ostentatiously. I’ve been alone for four days… mostly. His grin got wider. I don’t see you staying to take care of me.

She didn’t reply as she left and made her way to the barn. Waiting for her was the beautiful painted mare, who shook her head swiftly when she saw Emily approach. Emily grabbed

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