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A Partner's Promise
A Partner's Promise
A Partner's Promise
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A Partner's Promise

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Recommended Read Award. EPPIE nomination for excellence in young peoples' literature. 1880's. Caught stealing! Eleven-year-old Axel O'Grady faces a choice--go to jail or leave New York on the orphan train bound for Iowa. Axel chooses Iowa, but he promises his best friend Nate he will return. Keeping his word won't be easy, but A PARTNER'S PROMISE can never be broken.

PublisherFran Shaff
Release dateSep 2, 2010
A Partner's Promise

Fran Shaff

Just about all of us want to get away from the demands of everyday life from time to time. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the luxury of being able to take off to some new, exciting place whenever we feel the urge--unless we like to read. A book can take us anywhere we'd like to go. For readers who enjoy living vicariously in pastimes or in modern times Fran Shaff provides a great escape in the more than twenty novels she's published over the years. Fran's fictional books have won awards from readers, reviewers and fellow authors, and her non-fiction has been acknowledged in this way too. Love is the main focus of all of Fran's books, whether they're contemporary or historical, serious or humorous, written for adults or teens. Love between men and women and among friends and families is featured in her books because there is nothing most of us want more than to love and be loved. Happy endings abound, but the journey to reaching that joyful final moment is always a rocky struggle, just the way we want our fiction (even though we could do without the drama in our real lives). Look for new, full-length historical romance novels from Fran Shaff in the ten-book "Tender Mysteries Series," available now and debuting throughout 2013 and 2014. The first novel in the series "Resurrected" is available as a free download at most Internet bookstores. The series is available in single e-book and two-pack paperback formats. Reviewers say: "Ms. Shaff is a gifted writer that always delivers in her stories." (The Romance Studio) "I have discovered a great new author in Fran Shaff. She writes with depth and understanding and digs deep into the emotional lives of her characters bringing the reader with her all the way." (A Romance Review) "Fran Shaff is a wonderful writer whose prose speak with passion from her heart." (Fallen Angel Reviews) "Ms. Shaff writes about characters that warm your heart and give you a good chuckle as well." (Coffee Time Romance)

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    Book preview

    A Partner's Promise - Fran Shaff


    By Fran Shaff

    A Fran Shaff Family Novel

    Award-Winning Historical Fiction

    A Partner’s Promise by Fran Shaff

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2010 by Fran Shaff

    Characters, names and incidents used in this book are products of the imagination of the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

    Discover Fran Shaff Books and short stories available in e-format, paperback and hardcover by visiting her website at:

    E-mail Fran Shaff at: [email protected]

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    A Partner’s Promise has received the following honors:

    RECOMMENDED READ AWARD from Fallen Angel Reviews

    EPPIE AWARD nomination for Excellence in Young Peoples’ Literature.


    5 CUPS. Astounding! Extraordinarily written…heartwarmingly beautiful…an absolute must read. Coffee Time Reviews

    5 ANGELS. A PARTNER’S PROMISE…truly special in every way, a true masterpiece.

    5 ORPHAN TRAINS. A PARTNER’S PROMISE is a masterpiece, not only for young adults, but for everyone…I can’t praise Ms. Shaff’s work highly enough. A PARTNER’S PROMISE is a gem. Read it! Gotta Write network


    For Middle School and High School students all across the USA


    Thousands of homeless and abandoned or orphaned children lived on the streets of New York City in the late eighteen-hundreds and early nineteen-hundreds. Living conditions for these poor children were horrible. Homeless children were hungry, cold and sick. Some were able to earn money to care for themselves; others stole what they needed.

    Charles Loring Brace observed the plight of New York’s suffering children and did something about it. He began the Children’s Aid Society of New York to help the homeless. The Society provided places for the children to receive shelter and food. These orphanages also provided education and training for jobs. Since some of the children had jobs, classes were often held at night when their day’s work was finished.

    The homes were quickly filled, yet the streets still held many homeless children. It was then that Brace decided to try a program called placing out. Placing out meant that children would be taken from the streets and orphanages in New York and placed with families in rural America. This would give the hopeless of the city a fresh start in their lives. Some of these placements were quite successful. Others were terrible failures.

    From the eighteen-fifties to 1929 it is estimated that one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand or more children were sent on these orphan trains by the Children’s Aid Society and other organizations. This is a chapter of American history written just about children.

    A Partner’s Promise is a story about a boy unwillingly caught up in the orphan train placements.


    Read all about it! Man with two heads! Get your paper here! Axel O’Grady knew how to sell newspapers on New York street corners better than just about any other newsie in the city. Man with two heads, Axel repeated as he took coins from a man in a dark suit and handed him a paper.

    Indeed, the man said in a disapproving tone. This is the eighteen-eighties, boy. Don’t you think it’s time you newsies showed respect for the modern reader of newspapers? He tucked his paper under his arm. Two heads, indeed.

    Axel grinned and pushed back the worn brown cap resting on top of his carrot-colored curls. He watched his customer take a few steps away. The man leaned into the corner of one of New York’s tall buildings and opened his paper.

    A moment later the scowling fellow glanced back at Axel and jerked his chin.

    Axel’s grin broadened. He knew in an instant his customer must have looked for the story of the man with two heads and found the headline: Joseph Mann Appoints Two Presidents to Head Up Company. Axel shrugged his shoulders at the man and turned back to bark out the headline which had earned him a good day’s wages. Read all about it! Man with two heads!

    The bustle of activity along the streets of the large city made the warm, sunny day seem even more alive with the hope of a fresh spring season. The coins jingling in Axel’s pockets made the April afternoon brighter than any he’d known in a long time.

    Once he’d sold all his papers, he shifted his gaze from passing potential customers to his partner, Nate Greenleaf. The lanky friend, whom Axel considered more brother than anything else, had a stack of unsold newspapers sitting next to him.

    Axel walked over to his dark-haired partner. Why don’t I take a dozen of those papes back to my side of our corner? I got lucky and sold all of mine. He stuck his hands inside his pockets and jingled his coins.

    Nate scratched his light brown cheek, narrowed his dark eyes, and grinned at Axel. Got lucky? He cocked an eyebrow. I can tell from those twinkling sky-blue eyes, O’Grady, that you lied your way through your sales again. Which headline did you modify to suit your purposes today? The mayor’s party? The governor’s taxes? Or maybe you dug into the obituaries and took advantage of some poor soul.

    A sly smile slid over Axel’s freckle-covered face. He shrugged his shoulders and jostled the coins in his pockets again. What’s the difference? We’ve got enough money from our sales to keep us fed for days.

    Nate playfully knocked Axel’s wool cap off of his head. Why bother to sell anymore papers then? Let’s go eat.

    Now you’re talking! Axel bent to pick up his cap. As he placed it on his head, he said, You know, since I turned eleven last week, I think I’ve been hungrier than I was before. Now I know why you’ve been eating like a starved dog these last two months. It’s the age, right, Nate?

    Nate tried again to knock Axel’s cap off his head, but Axel ducked. Quit thinking so much. Pick up those papers so we can get some of the food you were talking about before we both turn twelve.

    Axel smoothed his cap over his head. He bent to grasp the stack of unsold papers. When he stood up again, he looked straight into the eyes of Johnny Miller.

    The nasty fourteen-year-old boy towered over him.

    Axel firmed his jaw and slammed Johnny with a deadly stare. Get off our corner, Miller.

    Johnny, who was two heads taller than Axel, one taller than Nate, lifted a side of his mouth as he shoved long fingers through his tousled, thick waves of brown hair. I told you before, I want this corner. He grabbed Axel by the collar, causing him to drop his papers, and dragged him next to the building. This corner is mine from now on, he said through gritted teeth.

    Nate quickly picked up the papers Axel had dropped and rushed to his partner’s side. Miller, let go of him.

    Johnny glanced at Nate. He jerked hard on Axel’s collar and lifted him off the ground. He pointed at Axel with his other hand, keeping his eyes on Nate. This? he said. You want me to let go of this?

    Nate dropped the papers he was holding. He stiffened his spine and folded his arms. I told you to put him down. Axel told you to get off our corner. He took two steps closer to Miller. You’d better start doing what you’re told, or you’ll regret it.

    Why, you little… Johnny quickly dropped Axel. He pulled back his arm and rammed his fist into Nate’s face.

    Axel fell on his backside when Miller released him, crunching his bones. Stunned from his fall, he could only watch as Johnny hit Nate in the eye, then the midsection, and again in the eye.

    When he was finally able to move, he attacked Johnny from behind. He planted himself on Miller’s back and tightened his arms around the big boy’s throat.

    Johnny yanked Axel’s arms away and threw him to the ground.

    Pain crashed through Axel’s body as the bully’s fists pummeled him. The taste of blood mingled with his dazed senses, and Axel struggled to stay alert. He tried to throw his arms against Johnny, who hovered above him, but he couldn’t move.

    Johnny’s blurred image sneered down at him. Words echoed through a tunnel. Now whose corner is it?

    Axel tried again to move, but he couldn’t. He could barely see Johnny, but he knew what the big bully was doing.

    Large hands found their way into Axel’s pockets. Johnny quickly removed every coin Axel had.

    When he’d robbed Axel, Miller went to Nate’s unmoving body and stole his money too.

    The thief stood over his victims and spat on each of them. He jingled the coins in his pockets. Get off of my corner, boys, and stay off it, or you’ll get more of the same.

    Fire burned inside Axel’s belly. He tried with all of his might to move, but he could do no more than lift his head. He drew in a painful breath and looked at his partner.

    Nate’s eye was bleeding badly, and he wasn’t moving at all.

    Nate. Axel tried to shout, but his word was barely a whisper. Panic set in. He had to move. He had to get to Nate. He closed his eyes and prayed for strength.

    He managed to sit up and drag himself to Nate. He rubbed his hand over the boy’s bloody hair. Nate, wake up.

    He still didn’t move.

    Axel looked around. Dozens of people were on the street, but no one stopped to help. He looked at Nate once more.

    Why would anyone help? Axel thought scornfully. He and Nate were just a couple of homeless kids. The city was full of them, and no one cared about them.

    It didn’t matter. He didn’t need anyone. He and Nate had been on their own for years. He’d always taken care of his partner,

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