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For Love of Maggie
For Love of Maggie
For Love of Maggie
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For Love of Maggie

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When Roth Simons ruins “love at first sight” with the beautiful Kayla Franklin he tries to win back her affections in this well-crafted Triple Award-Winning Novel about sacrificial love and forgiveness.


Setup: Roth and Kayla meet for the first time.

Roth parked his truck and walked thirty feet to Kayla Franklin's front porch. He stopped at the bottom of the steps and watched as a woman struggled to move a heavy set of old wooden shelves.

She had short, light-brown, curly hair, and perfect pink skin. She groaned as she struggled with her heavy burden. Roth smiled at her determination and admired the curve of her jeans when the wind blew her light blue shirt off her hips.

She groaned again, and Roth decided it was time to give her a hand. He bounded up the steps and strode toward her. He stood directly behind her, raised a hand over her head and pressed against the shelving unit, forcing them to move instantly.

“Whew,” she uttered. She spun around and looked up at him. “Thanks,” she said, panting and wiping her brow with her fingers.

The second her gaze connected with his, Roth felt his chest tighten. His eyes widened and his throat began to constrict. “You're welcome.”

She fidgeted from one foot to the other.

He blinked and steadied himself with the hand which was still pressing against the shelving unit. “I'm Roth Simons. We had an appointment,” he said, managing to regain the breath she'd stolen from him.

She extended her hand. “Kayla Franklin.”

He grasped her hand with the one he’d had against the shelves. “Glad to meet you.” A thousand sparks ignited the nerves in his arm, and current traveled from her hand directly into his heart.

She didn't pull her hand back right away. Instead she stared up at him with an odd look on her face, one he couldn't specifically identify, but it looked an awful lot like the way he felt in his gut at that particular moment.

He reluctantly let go of her and placed his meaty palm high on the shelving unit where it had been before. “We had an appointment.”

“Yes, I know,” she said, blinking blueberry eyes at him.

“You talked to my partner J.T. Baskin a couple of days ago about a remodel project.” Roth reminded himself he was there to renege on J.T.'s agreement. He was just too darn busy to take on the Franklin job.

A warm April breeze blew a bronze curl off Kayla's forehead. “I can't tell you how pleased I am you've agreed to do this project for me. I've been trying for two months to find a carpenter who would take on this job. It's hard to get someone to do remodel projects. It seems most carpenters are looking for larger, more lucrative jobs.”

Roth swallowed hard. She was right. They are, and so was he. “About your project,” he began, working up the courage to cancel the job this lovely lady had expected him to do for her. “I'm not sure--”

She fidgeted again within the small space he'd allowed her between himself and the shelving unit behind her. “I am,” she said, smiling up at him. “I'm sure you will do a wonderful job. I can feel it.”

He pulled his hand from the shelves and straightened up. “What I'm trying to say, Ms. Franklin--”

“Call me Kayla,” she said, blinking at him again. “Would you like to sit down and discuss the project?”

You don't have time for this! Roth's common sense shouted. “Of course,” his overruling fascination with her forced from his lips.

As he followed her to the opposite end of her porch he ordered himself to get on with refusing her job before he did something really stupid--like promising her anything she asked of him or taking her in his arms and satisfying his curiosity about the taste of her flawless, full lips.

PublisherFran Shaff
Release dateAug 29, 2010
For Love of Maggie

Fran Shaff

Just about all of us want to get away from the demands of everyday life from time to time. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the luxury of being able to take off to some new, exciting place whenever we feel the urge--unless we like to read. A book can take us anywhere we'd like to go. For readers who enjoy living vicariously in pastimes or in modern times Fran Shaff provides a great escape in the more than twenty novels she's published over the years. Fran's fictional books have won awards from readers, reviewers and fellow authors, and her non-fiction has been acknowledged in this way too. Love is the main focus of all of Fran's books, whether they're contemporary or historical, serious or humorous, written for adults or teens. Love between men and women and among friends and families is featured in her books because there is nothing most of us want more than to love and be loved. Happy endings abound, but the journey to reaching that joyful final moment is always a rocky struggle, just the way we want our fiction (even though we could do without the drama in our real lives). Look for new, full-length historical romance novels from Fran Shaff in the ten-book "Tender Mysteries Series," available now and debuting throughout 2013 and 2014. The first novel in the series "Resurrected" is available as a free download at most Internet bookstores. The series is available in single e-book and two-pack paperback formats. Reviewers say: "Ms. Shaff is a gifted writer that always delivers in her stories." (The Romance Studio) "I have discovered a great new author in Fran Shaff. She writes with depth and understanding and digs deep into the emotional lives of her characters bringing the reader with her all the way." (A Romance Review) "Fran Shaff is a wonderful writer whose prose speak with passion from her heart." (Fallen Angel Reviews) "Ms. Shaff writes about characters that warm your heart and give you a good chuckle as well." (Coffee Time Romance)

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    For Love of Maggie - Fran Shaff


    By Fran Shaff

    A Fran Shaff Family Novel

    Contemporary Romance for Everyone Who Loves a Love Story

    For Love of Maggie by Fran Shaff

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2010 by Fran Shaff

    Characters, names and incidents used in this book are products of the imagination of the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

    Discover Fran Shaff Books and short stories available in e-format, paperback and hardcover by visiting her website at:

    E-mail Fran Shaff at: [email protected]

    This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For Love of Maggie has received the following awards:

    Write Touch Readers’ Award

    More than Magic Award

    CataRomance Reviewers’ Choice Award


    For my sister Elizabeth who never let Down Syndrome slow her down, and, as always, for JC.


    Roth parked his truck under an elm tree in the farm yard and walked thirty feet to Kayla Franklin's front porch. He stopped at the bottom of the steps and watched as a woman on the far end of the porch struggled to move a heavy set of old wooden shelves.

    She had short, light-brown, curly hair, and perfect pink skin. She groaned as she struggled with her heavy burden. Roth smiled at her determination and admired the curve of her jeans when the wind blew her light blue shirt off her hips.

    She groaned again, and Roth decided it was time to give her a hand. He bounded up the steps and strode toward her. He stood directly behind her and pressed a hand against the shelving unit over her head. The shelves moved instantly.

    Whew, she uttered. She spun around and looked up at him. Thanks, she said, panting and wiping her brow with her fingers.

    The second her gaze connected with his, Roth felt his chest tighten. His eyes widened and his throat began to constrict. You're welcome.

    She fidgeted from one foot to the other. Her eyes darted away from him before they returned to his bold stare.

    He blinked and steadied himself with the hand which was still pressing against the shelving unit. I'm Roth Simons. We had an appointment, he said, managing to regain the breath she'd stolen from him.

    She extended her hand. Kayla Franklin.

    He grasped her hand with the one he’d had against the shelves. Glad to meet you. A thousand sparks ignited the nerves in his arm, and current traveled from her hand directly into his heart.

    She didn't pull her hand back right away. Instead she stared up at him with an odd look on her face, one he couldn't specifically identify, but it looked an awful lot like the way he felt in his gut at that particular moment.

    He reluctantly let go of her and placed his meaty palm high on the shelving unit where it had been before. We had an appointment.

    Yes, I know, she said, blinking blueberry eyes at him.

    You talked to my partner J.T. Baskin a couple of days ago about a remodel project. Roth reminded himself he was there to renege on J.T.'s agreement. He was just too darn busy to take on the Franklin job.

    A warm April breeze blew a bronze curl off Kayla's forehead. I can't tell you how pleased I am you've agreed to do this project for me. I've been trying for two months to find a carpenter who would take on this job. It's hard to get someone to do remodel projects. It seems most carpenters are looking for larger, more lucrative jobs.

    Roth swallowed hard. She was right. They are, and so was he. About your project, he began, working up the courage to cancel the job this lovely lady had expected him to do for her. I'm not sure--

    She fidgeted again within the small space he'd allowed her between himself and the shelving unit behind her. I am, she said, smiling up at him. I'm sure you will do a wonderful job. I can feel it.

    He pulled his hand from the shelves and straightened up. What I'm trying to say, Ms. Franklin--

    Call me Kayla. May I call you Roth?

    His gaze fell to her lips when she said his name. I beg your pardon? He wanted her to say his name again. He continued to observe her lips when she spoke.

    I said may I call you Roth?

    He lifted his gaze back to the blueberries setting in perfect symmetry above her exquisite nose. Of course.

    She folded her arms. Would you like to sit down and discuss the project?

    You don't have time for this! Roth's common sense shouted. Of course, his overruling fascination with her forced from his lips.

    As he followed her to the opposite end of her porch and sat in one of her cushioned chairs, he admonished himself for the weakness she'd caused inside him. He ordered himself to get on with refusing her work and getting off her property before he did something really stupid--like taking on her project or promising her anything she asked of him or taking her in his arms and satisfying his curiosity about the taste of her flawless, full lips.

    Kayla glanced over her shoulder toward the barn after she seated herself in her chair. I'm not sure where I should start, she said, focusing on him. She laced her fingers and placed her hands in her lap.

    Roth summoned a deep breath and lifted a hand. I know exactly where to begin, he said confidently. I'm afraid I can't handle your project. There. He’d said it. He’d made a clean break. It was all over.

    She smiled and unlaced her fingers. She floated her delicate hands toward him and covered the forearm he’d laid on the armrest of his chair. Don't be silly. I have complete confidence in you. If I didn't think you could handle the project, I never would have asked you or your partner to work for me.

    Roth looked down at her hands. Shock waves were traveling from her touch to his heart again. He pulled his arm away and lifted his gaze to meet hers. That isn't what I meant. Of course, I'm capable of doing your project. I've been doing carpentry for thirty years, since I was ten years old. What I meant was… He noticed disappointment touching the edges of her enchanting eyes.

    Kayla Franklin was the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen, and she was weakening his resolve to renege on J.T.’s promise. If he didn't distance himself immediately, he'd be agreeing to rebuild her entire farm free of charge. It'd be worth it just to be near her.

    Roth left his chair and walked to the porch railing. He leaned against a post and folded his arms. You see, Kayla, when J.T. told you we could take on your project, he made a mistake.


    Roth's gaze shifted to the front door as a woman came out of the house. She was a commanding woman, rotund, mid fifties, flicking fingers through a thick mop of short, black and gray hair. Her skin was the color of deep, rich cocoa, and her eyes matched the navy color of the sweats she was wearing.

    She glanced at Roth. I thought I heard a man's voice out here.

    Kayla stood, stepped next to Roth and introduced the two people on her porch. Alma Mendoza, Roth Simons.

    Alma shook Roth's hand. Glad to know you, Mr. Simons.

    Likewise, Roth said, wishing Ms. Mendoza's timing had been a little better. She’d stopped him from making it clear to Kayla he wasn't going to do her project.

    Alma continued to pump Roth's hand enthusiastically. I can't tell you how much your agreeing to work for her means to Kayla. She's been trying for months to get a carpenter out here, but they don't want to take on remodel jobs. I guess they don't pay as well as constructing big apartment complexes or building one of those mansions they build in the suburbs of Milwaukee. She let go of his hand and widened her smile. It's wonderful to meet a man who isn't in business only for the big payoff, who keeps the little people in mind.

    Roth shifted from foot to foot as Alma sang praises of him which simply were not true.

    She looked at Kayla. Honey, I wanted to let you know it took Maggie a while to fall asleep, but she's resting now. I'm not sure how long it will last, so you might want to keep it down when you go inside to discuss business.

    Maggie? Roth inquired.

    Kayla looked at him. She's my little girl.

    Aha! If she had a little girl, maybe she had a husband who could do her remodeling project for her. Roth wouldn’t feel so bad about reneging on J.T.’s agreement if there was someone else who could do her job. So you have a family? Roth said. Is Mr. Franklin home? I’d like to meet him.

    There is no Mr. Franklin, Roth. I'm a single mother. Kayla turned to Alma. Thanks, Alma. We'll be quiet.

    Fine, Alma said, reaching for the screen door with a big letter F in the middle of the metal gingerbread. I'm going inside to read. I'll be in my room if you need me. She glanced at Roth before she fixed her gaze on Kayla. I've got a feeling I'm leaving you in real good hands, she said suggestively.

    When Alma went inside, Roth glanced at Kayla. Crimson colored her beautiful face. Alma had made her blush. Truthfully, her comment had made him feel a little warm himself.

    Would you like to go inside and discuss the remodeling, Roth? she asked, sending an irresistible gaze his way.

    She was standing far too close once more, and Roth had no resistance to her. She could ask him to remodel the capitol building in Madison for two cents, and he'd sign the contract immediately. What was this odd effect she had on him?

    He stepped away from her and glanced over his shoulder. I left my notebook in the truck. I'd better get it so I can make notes, take down measurements, do sketches. What did he say?

    Sure, go ahead. I’ll see you inside.

    Roth nodded toward her and went down the porch steps.

    The second he was out of her air space, Kayla released a deep breath. Whew! she said quietly. For a moment, she thought he was going to tell her he wouldn't do the job. When he said his partner had made a mistake...

    Thank God for Alma. Her timing had been perfect.

    Instead of ending a job he hadn’t yet started, Roth had agreed to work for her. Only one problem remained, she noted as she watched him walk to his truck. How did she keep the outrageous feelings he’d stirred inside her in check?

    The second she’d turned round to look up at him, she felt her heart begin to hammer. He had a grin, which by comparison, could reduce the temperature of the sun to that of Antarctica. The workman's jumpsuit he wore looked like it was painted over his muscular physique, and his scent--fresh air and pine--intriguing, intoxicating, utterly alluring.

    It had been ages since Kayla had been around a man who'd interested her at all, let alone one who captivated her as completely as Roth Simons did.

    While he searched his truck for his notebook, Kayla hastened inside. She stood in front of the mirror next to the door and examined herself.

    Her hair was wind blown, her nose was red from the sun and her shirt was full of wallpaper paste. She was a mess.

    She flicked her fingers through her curls and tried to improve upon the way she looked, but nothing she could do in a few seconds would help much.

    She peeked out the door and saw Roth coming up the steps. A small notebook was tucked in his breast pocket. She opened the door and let him in. We'll go to the kitchen, she whispered. I've got some work I’ll need you to do there.

    Roth entered and followed her through the living room which, on this rare occasion, wasn't full of Maggie's toys. They proceeded through the dining room into the kitchen.

    Would you like a glass of water or a soda?

    No, thanks, he said. I think we should get right to business.

    Kayla nodded and motioned for him to sit at her ancient Formica-covered table. I hope you don't mind a slight delay, she said, but it's after two, and I haven't had lunch. Alma left a tuna sandwich in the fridge for me. All right if I eat?

    Please do.

    She went to the refrigerator and took out a plate. She smiled and sighed. Alma did it again. She looked at Roth. She made me two sandwiches. She's always trying to fatten me up. Would you do me a huge favor and eat one of the sandwiches?

    She had gone to the table and put down a napkin in front of Roth while she was speaking. She set a sandwich in front of him before he could refuse.

    He gave her one of his heart-melting smiles. Sure.

    She set her sandwich on the table in the space next to Roth. She added two glasses of water to their meals.

    I hope you don't mind, Kayla said as she seated herself, but I always pray before I eat. She bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders. It's important to me to be grateful for what I have.

    Roth jerked back slightly and widened his eyes. Mind? No, of course not. He fidgeted a bit. Should I leave?

    Don’t be silly. You’re fine right where you are, Kayla said, suppressing the grin his uneasiness coaxed from her. It'll only take me a minute. Kayla closed her eyes and gave thanks. When she opened them again, she found Roth staring at her.

    She lifted her sandwich to her lips without saying a word and took a bite.

    He followed her lead. Their conversation during the meal was relaxed and casual. Kayla found it thrilling to be so at ease with this handsome stranger. She wished they’d had ten courses to enjoy so her friendly, non-business moments with Roth could have lasted longer.

    When they’d finished eating, Kayla set aside the dishes and began to explain to Roth what she wanted him to do for her. As you learned a few minutes ago, I have a little girl. Kayla sat forward and smiled. She is wonderful. She shifted in her chair and drew a foot up underneath her. But she's also a handful. She's five-years-old and very inquisitive. I don't want to stifle her curiosity, but I do have to protect her.

    Of course.

    Maggie loves animals, and I plan to stock the farm with a menagerie for her. I moved to Green Valley from Milwaukee so I’d able to do that. When I was a little girl I lived on a farm until I was seven years old. I had a special kind of love for our sheep and cattle and horses, so I understand Maggie's affection for animals. I love Maggie very much, and I want to give her as full a life as I can. Alma is going to stay with me for a few months to help with Maggie while I fix up this place, but I'm afraid that, even with Alma's help, I can't get the farm in the kind of condition I want all by myself. She reached for Roth's arm and squeezed it gently before she took back her hand. I need your help.

    He cleared his throat and looked at her warmly. You must be a wonderful mother.


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