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My First Ninety Years
My First Ninety Years
My First Ninety Years
Ebook28 pages12 minutes

My First Ninety Years

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The author gives us an opportunity to experience some of the more memorable moments in her long, rich life. First, as a child growing up in a small town in Kansas during the Depression, later as one of the fortunate young women who went to college during that time, and then as the wife of a very successful Presbyterian minister for 50 years.

Release dateAug 22, 2010
My First Ninety Years

Mary Jane Baird

I just celebrated my 90th birthday, and I am attempting to provide some details of my family's history for our grandchildren, great grandchildren, and future generations.

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    My First Ninety Years - Mary Jane Baird

    My First Ninety Years

    Mary Jane Baird

    Published by Murder Creek Publishing at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010 Mary Jane Baird

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment.

    It may be shared with other people because the author is interested in providing this thought-provoking book to the widest audience possible. However, please ask them to download a copy of their own to help the author keep track of the number of interested readers.

    Since writing a short review of Grandpa Keesecker's life (publisher's note From Kansas Farm Boy to Moderator), because few of the grandchildren knew him, I thought you should know something about my part. Other than Kristen Land, I really never saw any of my other grandchildren more than once or twice a year. So there is really no reason for them to have known either one of us well.

    My life has not been out of the ordinary, but considering my beginnings, it has been truly blessed.

    I was born in

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