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GRANDPA HATES THE BIRD: Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure
GRANDPA HATES THE BIRD: Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure
GRANDPA HATES THE BIRD: Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure
Ebook64 pages52 minutes

GRANDPA HATES THE BIRD: Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

"Alas, it is true. Grandpa hates me. He has always hated me, even before I used his ear as a swing toy (his lobes are so long and flappy!). I can't imagine why. I assume Grandpa hates me simply because I am the bird—and he is not."

Everybody loves Bird. Joseph and Maya, Mother and Father, Humphrey the dog, Slick the snake. Everyone except Grandpa, who will stop at nothing to set Bird free. Forever.

How does the battle begin when Bird and Grandpa are alone together for a whole week?

See classroom chaos in Bring Your Pet to School Day!

Exactly what are they hunting at the Aw Shoot archery range?

Fasten your feathers and warm up your wings—here are six collected short stories in the Grandpa Hates the Bird series!

PublisherEve Yohalem
Release dateSep 13, 2011
GRANDPA HATES THE BIRD: Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure

Eve Yohalem

I write books for kids. My first novel is called Escape Under the Forever Sky. It's about the 13-year old daughter of the American ambassador to Ethiopia who gets kidnapped and has to find her way to freedom. I've also written a series of dark comic short stories for younger readers, inspired my dark comic dad, called Grandpa Hates the Bird. The book I'm working on now is called Cast Off: The Strange Adventures of Petra de Winter and Braam Broen.

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Rating: 4.37931025862069 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a fun read were we learn about the expriences of the family pet named "Bird" and how he and Grandpa do not like each other. The stories are from the point of view of the Bird and how he sees us humans and how he always seems to get the upper hand when dealing with grandpa. These were fun to read and well written. I would give these to my nine year old daughter for her to enjoy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    As a bird owner myself, I was interested in reading this book. How well would the author capture the birds' point of view? Would I find it humorous at all, or vaguely amusing?Happily, Ms. Yohalem has written a rich and wonderful set of stories about a Conure named "Bird" and the family lives with. Seen from Birds' perspective, humans are an awfully strange bunch, and his antics I found to be hilarious and spot-on with bird behavior. I can see these thoughts running through my own Nanday Conure's mind as I read the stories.I would highly recommend this for bird lovers as well as someone looking for a good chuckle. I received this book through a giveaway at in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a fun and funny book of short stories told from the perspective of the family's pet parrot. Definitely a good read for a rainy afternoon when you need a chuckle.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Book Title: Grandpa hates the birdAuthor: Eve YohalemPublished By: Amazon digital servicesGenre: Young Adult / SupernaturalRecommended Age: +13Reviewed By: Emily Tuley / AngelsCryHavocBlog Reviewed For: Great Minds Think Aloud Literary CommunityRating: 5 RavensOften times we look for a book that will just give you a good tickle to that funny bone and make you laugh. Something that will break into what may be a boring typical day or just when you need a good laugh. This book definitely did that for me. The author took the time to not only get the perfect little imperfections down with the pet but, also with Grandpa. It’s a collection of short stories told from the family pet’s point of view. The pet being known and called only the Bird which he explains how he got that name as well. It’s funny and down right hilarious at times to hear the antics of the bird and grandpa’s escapades. You get glimpses of every special moment in life that he’s shared with his kids and their grandparents. To the present day moment. It left me wanting more and to read more about this adorable seeming co existence between the grandparent and the grand kids pet. You even get to see what grandpa really prefers as a pet. I couldn’t seem to shake my giggles and maybe you will enjoy them as much as I did too. It certainly brightened my day.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved how this story was written from Bird's point of view. As a petowner, I wish that I could know what was running through their brains at various intervals of the day. Poor Bird cannot understand why Grandpa hates him, but it is obvious to me that Bird just doesn't understand the ways of the human world. However, I did find myself laughing almost entirely throughout the book from reading all of Bird's little antics. I couldn't have asked for a more adorable book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A very adorable book. It was interesting to have the book written from the bird's perspective and the different outlook they have on life was beautifully done. The speech of the book was simple along with the tales and yet were an immense pleasure to read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Eve Yohalem has written a wonderful, warm children's book. It's fairly short -- perhaps too long for a single reading to younger kids, but could be spread out over a couple of days. Adults will also enjoy reading it, as the word-pictures relate easily to that favorite Uncle or other relative with a similar personality. A good read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hilarious from start to finish! This cute book will be enjoyed by the whole family. I especially recommend it for families of children with pet birds. Bird would like very much to get along with Grandpa, but things don’t always go as planned. It’s not that he means to get into trouble…it sort of just happens. The humans, including poor Grandpa, are likeable. Humphrey the Mastiff and Sniff the Snake will get a laugh out of adults as well as children. Eve Yohalem has done a wonderful job!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely hilarious! Bird will surely make you laugh, as for Grandpa, I can't help but feel sorry for him. Bird should really try to be nicer to Grandpa, since if it wasn't for Grandpa (and Grandma), he wouldn't have the family that he loves so much. The last short little story is my favorite. A quick enough read that will bring a smile to your face and more than a few laughs.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amusing short stories that young and old alike can read, especially anyone who has a grumpy Grandpa! Bird owners too will find a gem in these short stories! Easy to read, perfect for reading aloud to elementary school age kids or younger. Yohalem's description of the human characters make them easily likable and more then once, I uttered the phrase "Oh no! Hahaha" with a chuckle, due to the hijinks that run rampant through this series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very cute and humorous collection of short stories told from the point of view of Bird, the beloved (and hated) pet. This would make a fantastic read-aloud book, the stories vary in length, but would be really well suited to being read over several days. The characters are loveable, and there is just the right amount of tension in the stories to make the reader/listener worry about Bird, but he always ends up triumphing in the end over adversity (or over Grandpa!).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a wonderful book for a child. It has something ever child needs...LAUGHTER. This is a great book to read to your child or allow the child to read it their-self. The author has this book written at a child's level but it is a great book for any age if you need some laughter in your life.

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Special Smashwords Edition

Grandpa Hates the Bird

Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure

Eve Yohalem


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Grandpa Hates the Bird: Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure

Special Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2011 by Eve Yohalem. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this eBook, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this eBook via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

Cover designed by Haan Lee

Cover art

Copyright © Haan Lee

Published by Telemachus Press, LLC at Smashwords

Visit the author website

ISBN 978-1-937387-02-0 (eBook)

Version 2012.01.10

For Dad, who resembles Grandpa in only the nicest ways

Table of Contents

The Battle Begins

The Bird is The Word


Bring Your Pet To School Day

Esposito’s Ice Cream Emporium

What’s in a Name?

Big Mistake

Why Grandpa Hates the Bird

Aw Shoot

Grandpa’s Side of the Story

Grandpa Hates the Bird

Six Short Stories of Exciting, Hilarious and Possibly Deadly Adventure

The Battle Begins

Every February, my family takes a one-week holiday someplace warm. Mother and Father, Joseph and Maya pack their bathing suits, sunglasses, and good books and head south. I do not join them because I am the bird.

Instead I go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house where they have an extra cage for me, one with a particularly jaunty bell I like very much and some braided string and beads I don’t like at all.

It’s not too bad at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, actually. Grandma lets me sit on the arm of her glasses and chew the shiny gold chain she wears around her neck. I love shiny gold chains, and, if you must know, I like Grandma quite a lot as well, enough so that I never peck at the freckles on her neck—even though I want to.

Comfortable as it is at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, I do miss my family. At home I have a large cage with perches made from tree branches the children find in the park. Mother cleans my cage every week and I trot around her feet, pecking her toes and pretending to listen while she talks to me.

The fun begins when Joseph and Maya come home from school. What times we have! We play Monopoly and I move all the houses to the green properties, because, being green myself, it is my favorite color. The paper money tastes very good.

Sometimes Joseph chases me down the front hall, waving his arms and shouting, You are a BIRRRRRRDIE!!! I don’t like this game at all, and so, afterwards, just as soon as I have the opportunity, I poop on Joseph’s head.

As I said, usually I don’t mind spending a week with Grandma and Grandpa. But this year was different. This year Grandma had a business trip and I was to be left—alone—with Grandpa.

But Mom, cried Joseph when he heard the news, Grandpa HATES the bird!

Alas, it is true. Grandpa hates me. He has always hated me, even before I used his ear as a swing toy (his lobes are so long and flappy!). No, Grandpa has hated me since the day I arrived. I can’t imagine why. I assume Grandpa hates me simply because I am the bird—and he is not.

Oh, Joe, said Mother, "you know Grandpa’s

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