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The People Circus
The People Circus
The People Circus
Ebook32 pages32 minutes

The People Circus

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An imaginative short story featuring Ralik Teral, a young hero in the making from The Darkwater Adventurers Guild Series. The People Circus chronicles how Ralik and Doran unravel the shocking secret surrounding the gypsy circus that visits their small town.

PublisherK.L. Coones
Release dateJun 7, 2011
The People Circus

K.L. Coones

"Horror used to terrify me. Some of that Asian stuff still does. I'll never watch The Ring again…" Ever the non conformist…his first book, Absolom Rex, he decided to publish as an e-book and see if he could market it himself. So on top of being a writer, he is also an entrepreneur and marketing professional. It makes for a confusing description when people ask him what he does. In addition to his horror novels, K.L. also writes the Darkwater Adventures Guild series for young readers. Some of his favorite authors from growing up are John Bellairs, Mark Twain, Washington Irving and R.A. Salvatore. "The first book I ever read cover to cover was Spell of the Sorcerers Skull by John Bellairs in JR High." From a small Texas town, K.L. spent some time living in Los Angeles. His welcome, a white knuckle 19 hour ride through deserted deserts and twisting mountain roads ending in a 4 am slash and burn through traffic on the 10 with cars everywhere. While in L.A. he braved the Devil's Punchbowl with stalwarts mates, drove out to the middle of nowhere to watch the stars fall from the sky, relearned to drive stick (yeah, in the middle of L.A., so now you know he is insane…) and resumed training in the martial arts. A surfer, he has felt the zen that comes from hanging ten all day and he has played the part of the pesky reporter when he wrote for a local Halloween haunt blog called, He currently contributes short stories for's #Fridayfrights and's #fridayflash. "I really missed the old gothic story telling and I want to bring it back. I would describe my writing style as a cross between Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe…" He has since moved back to Texas with his dog Sid (at least for the time being). He's an 80's movie and music lover and the thing that he likes most about a woman is her voice… When not banging away on a keyboard he's scheming of ways to get himself to a new campsite for the weekend, hiking with friends and his dog, contributing to,or getting thrown around in a dojo by people in black suits. Oh, and a large telescope just arrived in the mail, bigger is better...

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    The People Circus - K.L. Coones

    The People Circus


    K.L. Coones


    * * * *

    Published By

    K.L. Coones on Smashwords

    The People Circus

    Copyright© 2011 by K.L. Coones

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    The People Circus

    From a rooftop Ralik and Doran watched in wide eyed amazement as the caravan trundled by below them. All manner of colorful wagons from The Purple Pipers Circus and Menagerie rattled through their field of vision. Jugglers on stilts that seemed to soar into the sky ambled passed, and mysterious women dressed in revealing silken raiment drifted gracefully by many stunned adult onlookers.

    Let me see! I want to see, too! howled Gareth. The little boy struggled to wedge himself between the two larger boys, but Doran pushed his little brother back. Stop it, Doran. I want to see! Tell me what’s happening! Ralik smirked at the antics of the two brothers.

    Wow, look at the size of that thing with the two humps on its back! teased Doran. Gareth renewed his struggle to gain a purchase at the peak of the roof.

    What! It has two humps? cried Gareth. Doran laughed at his little brother’s distress.

    He’s only teasing, Gareth, soothed Ralik. Let’s all go down and get a better look. The three boys scampered down off the roof and joined the growing band of townspeople following the caravan through town, which took a sharp left turn at the town well and headed to the outskirts of Evertree. The wagons rolled to

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